#Vincent Durazzo-Rath
helenadurazzo · 1 year
Helena’s Kids
Let’s explore some of the characters in the HPMA generation, starting with the children of my HPHM MC, Helena Durazzo, and Erika Rath. Here is some basic info for them.
These two are open for friendships
Vincent Durazzo-Rath
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Born on August 23rd 1998
Sorted into Hufflepuff and roommates with Teddy Lupin
Has a wand made of Rowan wood (symbolizing Rowan Khanna)
Led his team to victory in his seventh year as quidditch captain
Chaser for the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team and later a chaser for the Tutshill Tornadoes
Initially considered being a beater like his mum, Erika, but decided against it feeling he would do better in a role like seeker or chaser
Always happy to help his mum, Helena, in the greenhouses and gardens outside of their home
A skilled dueler and has been in and out of the dueling club
Zara Durazzo-Rath
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Born in March 15th 2000
Sorted into Slytherin and later made a Slytherin prefect
Gifted Rowan Khanna’s sweater as a first year which belonged to Helena after Rowan’s death
A lover of books and spends a lot of time studying in the library
Very stoic and seems emotionless similar to her mum, Erika
Quickly developed a fear of heights after nearly falling off a broom as a young child
Multilingual and goes on to work as an ambassador for the ministry
Can hold fluent discussions in Italian with her grandfather
Very close to her cousin, Sandy, a Ravenclaw a few years old than her and a prefect
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Helena’s Fifiteth
For those who don’t know, Helena’s canonical birthday was on February 23rd 1973, making today her fiftieth irl. In honor of this, I decided to demonstrate what Helena’s life is like in the present
Also I am still debating a name for Vincent’s wife who appears in this story, I am open to suggestions and will edit the story once a name is decided
Erika -> 51-52
Helena -> 49-50
Vincent -> 24-25
Zara -> 22-23
Cato and Brian belong to @catohphm
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As spring would be approaching in the next month, Helena knew her number of clients would once again, quickly increase as it did every other year. She had a couple of plants that either bloomed year round or bloomed solely in the winter, but for the most part, the coldest season tended to be the slowest for Helena and her motivation as well.
“You’ve been out here longer than usual for a winter’s day.” A familiar voice commented with a chuckle, “Happy Birthday, love.”
Helena turned around and smiled at her wife and welcomed her with an embrace and a gentle, yet loving, kiss. “I didn’t think you’d be back this quick, Eri.” Helena mentioned in a surprised but delighted tone. “You acted like that emergency at work was going to take you all day to handle.”
“It was just an exaggeration, I figured you would have guessed that by now.” Erika admitted. “I was a member of the Harpies before I became their manager, I’ve learned how to solve most problems pretty easily overtime. Plus leaving at the break of dawn certainly helped.”
She supposed Erika had a point since it was nearly noon now. “Well, your team is certainly having an excellent season.”
“Glad to know you are still rooting for us.”
“Your team still has many quidditch teams to beat before you can confidently claim victory.” Helena reminded her, “Including the Tornadoes.”
Helena watched as Erika only laughed at this, “The Tornadoes are only doing good this year because they are using Vincent to their advantage, after all, he certainly learned from the best.”
Helena chuckled “Whatever you say love.”
“That reminds me, I ran into Penny when I arrived.” Erika revealed. “She was saying something about how she was head to pick up an order of some ingredient she needed for her potions, can’t remember what it was on the top of my head so I figured I would ask you before I gave her the wrong thing.”
“I completely forgot!” She exclaimed as she pulled her wand out of her pocket and summoned a jar, “Luckily it’s a pretty easy fix.” She informed confidently Erika as she kneeled down in front of some icy blue flowers, gently using a spell to remove the petals and place them within the jar.
“What did she want?” Erika asked curiously, seemingly struggling to identify the flower petals her wife was gathering.
“These are permafrostine petals.” Helena explained, not taking her eyes off of her diligent work. “They are used in many advanced potions however they must be picked carefully. If even one of these petals would happen to touch a human’s skin, it would cause a severe case of frostbite.”
“How delightful.” Erika sarcastically commented. “Are you sure these petals are used in potions and not deadly poisons instead?”
Helena chuckled at her wife’s statement, “You’d be surprised by how many ingredients that go into potions can be considered poison if they are just by themselves. However, in combination with the accurate number of other non-poisonous ingredients, the elements of poison will cancel out, I don’t know much about the appropriate ratios.” Helena admitted, “that’s Penny’s expertise.”
Helena had learned from her mother to not advertise products that bloomed in such a limited timeframe. As her mother would say, there would always be one person rushing in with a desperate need for a material that so many other herbologists would have already sold out of. If Helena had waited even a week more to harvest the petals of these last few permafrostine flowers, they would have shriveled up and deemed useless. However, she did make an exception for a few of her clients such as Penny, although the two weren’t close as kids, she certainly always had a friendly relationship with her husband, as the two had known each other since they were young.
“There.” Helena confidently announced, mainly to herself, as she stood back up, securely holding the jar with careful hands. The glass was freezing yet not to a dangerous level and was simply that way due to the material within it. “That should be enough to last her for many months, if not the rest of the year.”
“Let’s head back to the house then.” Erika suggested, “We shouldn’t keep Mrs. Reese waiting forever.”
“You do have a point there.” Helena lightly chuckled as she linked her arm with Erika’s, looking into her eyes, and the two walked back side by side.
Helena smiled at the large, yet comforting cottage that she and Erika moved into a couple of years after Helena herself graduated from Hogwarts and the two decided to move to the next level in their relationship. It was also the home where they raised their two children in, although they had both since left to start lives and careers of their own, they were in their twenties after all. However, Helena made sure to always keep their rooms ready for whenever they decided to visit, although it became more sparse.
Her son was often traveling around from arena to arena ever since he officially became one of the three main chasers for the Tutshill Tornadoes, with his wife, traveling alongside him, eagerly attending all of his matches. Meanwhile, her daughter traveled, representing the ministry of magic to the governments of other countries, gaining recognition as an ambassador. She was immensely proud of both of them, however she did wish for them to be closer to home, even though she knew their traveling was part of the reason why they were successful.
Erika led the way into the house, Helena spotted Penny right away with her unmistakable golden blonde hair in a French braid, however she was pleasantly surprised when she saw her husband with her. “You didn’t tell me Cato was here.” Helena commented to Erika.
She listened as her wife chuckled mischievously, “I figured it was obvious.”
“Me and Penny got you a little something for your birthday.” Cato happily informed as he handed her a small, box that looked like it was carefully wrapped however Helena could tell by the appearance it was simply an illusion, something she enjoyed as she hated seeing wrapping paper all over the floor whenever her kids were young and opening up presents as much as she hated wrapping them.
“You shouldn’t have.” Helena smiled thankfully as she took the lid off and carefully pulled out what the box contained. Inside was a hand painted figurine of a flower, “It’s beautiful.”
“Glad you like it.” Cato replied with a smile before turning to Erika, “How have the Harpies been?”
“Good.” Erika replied with a smile, “the ladies are in a great position to win this season, although so are the Tornadoes who we face soon.”
As if on cue, the sound of travel by floo powder came from the nearby fireplace. Helena turned to see her son, dressed in a casual outfit and a light blue jacket, matching the Tutshill Tornadoes’ signature color. His hair was as curly as it was when he was a kid and his green eyes shone just as brightly. His wife appeared with the help of floo powder not to long after him.
“I thought you were going to be busy with quidditch practice!” Helena exclaimed as she embraced him, “It’s so good to see you!” She added once she took a few steps back following the embrace.
“I could not miss your birthday.” He assured her with a warm smile, before leaning over and whispering in her ear mischievously, “I’d say you were the best mother in the world, but I wouldn’t want to make mum jealous.” A statement which, Helena could not help but chuckle at in response.
“So the Tornadoes and playing the Harpies soon?” Cato asked Vincent as Helena exchanged a few words of greeting with her daughter in law.
“That’s right!” He cheerfully confirmed before turning to Erika, “I will make sure me and my teammates go easy on your ladies.”
“Trust me Vin.” She playfully replied, messing up his hair with her hand as if he was a kid, “I should be telling my ladies to go easy on your team.”
“Good to see you again Vincent.” Brian greeted him with a pat on the shoulder, “Good to hear you have been doing well, how is your sister?”
“Busy as always I am sure.” Vincent informed him, “As you can see, I am my mothers favorite as Zara did not make time out of her extensive itinerary to come make even a brief visit.”
“I’d hold my tongue if I were you.” Helena noticed Brian say as he motioned to something going on behind both her and Vincent.
Helena turned and to her surprise, there stood three familiar faces, her daughter was in front and in center while her parents were a few steps behind. Helena assumed they had to have Apparates in, with her mother assisting her father. Zara quickly came to embrace Helena, looking as beautiful as ever with her curly dirty blonde locks and green eyes that matched her brother’s. She then walked over to Vincent.
“Are you still sure you are the favorite now?” She smirked at him.
“H-How?” Vincent stuttered as Brian chuckled at his loss of words.
“Just a little planning on my part with our grandparents helping me out when it came to finding out the time and place of the festivities.” She informed him and playfully threatened, “Do not underestimate me again.”
“Alright alright you win.” Vincent gave in before giving a glance at his wife who gave a nod in response to their seemingly silent conversation, then he turned back to look at his sister, “or, at least that is what you think my dearest sister.”
“Vincent and I just found out we our expecting our first child.” She revealed, as Vincent put a comforting arm around her.
“That’s wonderful news!” Helena exclaimed happily.
“I figured so.” Vincent replied before smirking at his sister, “Especially since Zara is not anywhere near close to even considering starting a family of her own.” He teased
“Whatever, I’ll just be cool aunt Zara.” She informed him with a smile showing that she had not lost their rivalry yet.
“Define Cool.” He asked her.
As Helena watched her two children continue to banter as if they were young and not adults with their own careers, she looked over at Erika, Penny, and Cato, the last of which was the first to speak.
“You both are going to be fantastic grandmothers.” He informed her and Erika.
“I hope so.” Helena informed him
“Well I know so.” Erika assured her, as she put her arm around her. “Now how about that for a birthday present? Quite something isn’t it?”
Helena smiled, “It has certainly been a birthday I do not see forgetting in the foreseeable future.”
“I hope so.” Helena informed him.
“Well I know so.” Erika assured her, as she put her arm around her. “Now how about that for a birthday present? Quite something isn’t it?”
Helena smiled, “It has certainly been a birthday I do not see forgetting in the foreseeable future.”
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helenadurazzo · 1 year
Family Line
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Vincent Durazzo-Rath (1998 - ????)
Helena Durazzo (1973 - ????)
Olivia Hearst Durazzo (1939 - 2045)
Nicolas Hearst (1917 - 2008)
Phineas Hearst (1880 - 1953)
Silenus Hearst (1848 - ????)
Lazarus Hearst (1822 - ????)
Hieronymus Hearst (???? - ????)
Damocles Hearst (???? - ????)
Morpheus Hearst (1750 - ????)
Ludovicus Hearst (1717 - ????)
Drusilla Hearst (1698 - 1736)
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
The Durazzo-Rath Family
Here is the Durazzo-Rath Family and their face claims and other basic information
I also plan on doing this at some point for the kids of Jacob and Angelica because I have decided all of their face claims.
Erika Rath
Born in May 1971
Slytherin Beater
Slytherin Quidditch Captain
Holyhead Harpies Beater
Face Claim: Anouk Hoogendijk
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Helena Durazzo
Born In February 1973
Head Girl
Ravenclaw Chaser
Face Claim: Katya Miro
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Vincent Durazzo-Rath
Born In August 1998
Hufflepuff Chaser
Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain
Face Claim: Lucas Bin
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Zara Durazzo-Rath
Born In March 2000
Face Claim: Dorit Revelis
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
In a similar fashion to my HPHL and HPHM ask games (both of which are still open and I will accept asks from them), let’s try it but with hpma! Send me an ask with one of my HPMA OCs and a canon HPMA character and I’ll tell you what they think of each other
My Characters
Genna Raleigh
Sandy Durazzo
Vincent Durazzo-Rath
Robyn Thistlethwaite
Cassandra Vole
Ivy Warrington
Daniel Page
Colby Frey
Teddy Lupin
Fischer Frey
Kevin Farrel
Lottie Turner
Rubeus Hagrid
Filius Flitwick
Coldagh Dromgoole
Neville Longbottom
Argus Filch
Minerva McGonagall
Jakub Gorski
Horace Slughorn
Rolanda Hooch
Pomona Sprout
Concordia Rowle
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helenadurazzo · 10 months
Send Asks For These Four Characters to Learn More About Them
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Top Left: Phineas Dylan Hearst (1880 - 1953)
Fourth Son and youngest child of Silenus Hearst and Violet (née Avery) Hearst
Younger Brother of Atticus, Cyrus, Gladys, and Julius
Brother in Law to Griselda, Tabitha, Pierre, Leander, Achille, Aaron, and Elphias
Uncle of Clovis, Fidelis, Matthias, Themis, Amaryllis, Gallus, Helios, Violet, Leroux, Phoebe, Olympe, and Victorie
Married to Marie McKay
Son In Law of Cormac McKay and Josephine (née Beaumont) McKay
Father of Zacharias, Thomas, and Nicolas
Father in Law of Gilda and Aurelia
Grandfather of Olivia, Joseph, Cynthia, and Elijah
Great Grandfather of Jacob, Helena, Tobias, Lottie, Louis, Spencer, Sylvester, Heather, Dexter, and Amber
Top Right: Nicolas Eleazar Hearst (1917 - 2008)
Third Son and Youngest Child of Phineas Hearst and Marie (née McKay) Hearst
Younger Brother of Zacharias and Thomas
Brother In Law of Gilda, Polaris, and Borealis
Uncle of Joseph, Elijah, Priscilla, Irvin, Brayden, and Fauna
Married to Aurelia Osborn
Son in Law of Millard Osborn and Lenoir (née Delaney) Osborn
Father of Olivia and Cynthia
Father in Law of Alessandro and Daniel
Grandfather of Jacob and Helena
Great Grandfather of Sandy, Cereus, Dominic, Remy, Vincent, and Zara
Bottom Left: Olivia (née Hearst) Gladys Durazzo (1939 - 2046)
First Daughter and Eldest Child of Nicolas Hearst and Aurelia (née Osborn) Hearst
Older Sister of Cynthia
Sister In Law of Daniel, Donella, and Gregorio
Aunt of Lottie, Louis, Serafina, Leonardo, Luciana, and Lorenzo
Married to Alessandro Durazzo
Daughter in Law of Leonardo Durazzo and Camila (née Lazarini) Durazzo
Mother of Jacob and Helena
Mother in Law of Angelica and Erika
Grandmother of Sandy, Cereus, Dominic, Remy, Vincent, and Zara
Bottom Right: Helena Marie Durazzo (1973 - ????)
Daughter and youngest child of Alessandro Durazzo and Olivia (née Hearst) Durazzo
Younger Sister of Jacob
Sister in Law of Angelica
Aunt of Sandy, Cereus, Dominic, and Remy
Married to Erika Rath
Daughter in Law of Frederic Rath and Irene (née Morosovich) Rath
Adoptive Mother of Vincent and Zara
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Today, March 15th is Zara Durazzo-Rath’s Birthday!
She is the adoptive daughter of Erika Rath and Helena Durazzo and is the younger sister to Vincent Durazzo-Rath, she is a minor character who belongs in the HPMA storyline
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
HPMA Appreciation Week - Day One - Favorite OC
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I have a lot of favorite OCs for HPMA and the HPMA appreciation week by @endlessly-cursed but since I do plan on going a bit into Genna later this appreciation week, I am dedicating this post to Alessandra ‘Sandy’ Durazzo
Here are some quick facts to get to know her and her story:
• She is the daughter of Jacob Durazzo and Angelica Cole, and has three younger brothers named Cereus, Dominic, and Zara. She is also close with her cousins, Vincent and Zara Durazzo-Rath
• Sandy’s birthday is on February 28th 1997, making her zodiac sign Aquarius, she is also the youngest of my three main HPMA characters born in the year 1996-1997
• She is a member of Ravenclaw house like her father, aunt, Cereus, and Remy. Being sorted their for her clever mind, although she is quiet and hesitant to speak her mind when it matters.
• She inherits her grandmother’s natural gift for Apparation and uses this skill to become an Apparation instructor after graduating from Hogwarts
• She was also made a Ravenclaw prefect in her year as she was studious and responsible, a role that fit her well as she was used to watching over her younger brothers and cousins
• Overall, I love her for the role she plays in Magic Awakened as well as her personality. I don’t have much planned for her yet, but I hope to expand it soon.
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helenadurazzo · 1 year
My Characters As Soldier Poet King!
Cyrus Hearst
Zacharias Hearst
Joseph Hearst
Giuseppe Durazzo
Jacob Durazzo
Genna Raleigh
Leonardo Durazzo II
Lorenzo Durazzo
Gregorio Durazzo
Dominic Durazzo
Marie McKay
Gladys Hearst
Julius Hearst
Aaron McKay
Zsuzsi Schröder
Artemisia Durazzo
Thomas Hearst
Camila Lazzarini
Aurelia Osborn
Gilda Elysian
Daniel Watson
Elijah Hearst
Alessandro Durazzo
Donella Durazzo
Olivia Hearst
Helena Durazzo
Serafina Durazzo
Luciana Durazzo
Louis Watson
Sandy Durazzo
Cereus Durazzo
Remy Durazzo
Phineas Hearst
Atticus Hearst
Nicolas Hearst
Leonardo Durazzo I
Cynthia Hearst
Vincent Durazzo-Rath
Zara Durazzo-Rath
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Ask any of my OCs any questions you have from any era!
To get you started, here are 2-3 of my main OCs from each Gen
HPHL: Phineas Hearst, Marie McKay, & Zsuzsi Schroder
HPHL Kids: Nicolas Hearst, Aurelia Osborn, & Zacharias Hearst
HPHM Parents: Alessandro Durazzo & Olivia Hearst
HPHM: Helena Durazzo and Jacob Durazzo
HPMA: Sandy Durazzo, Genna Raleigh, & Vincent Durazzo-Rath
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helenadurazzo · 2 years
Friendships/OC Masterlist
Here is a brief overview of my OCs for HPHL, HPHM, and HPMA. If you want to work on an MC Friendship, whether it be an old one or a new one, or if you just want to learn more about one of these characters, feel free to reach out at any time.
Characters with an asterisk are in the same year as the MC, the rest are ranked in order by age. As for Jacob’s year, I will put a dot next to people in his year since he honestly has more than my MC lol
Raymond Cole*
Crandall Scurlock
Aaron McKay
Marie McKay*
Zsuzsi Schröder*
Atticus Hearst
Cyrus Hearst
Gladys Hearst
Julius Hearst
Phineas Hearst (MAIN MC)
Elvira Delaney*
Millard Osborn
Hazelle Delaney
Lenoir Delaney
Ember Brathwaite•
Sylvester Evers•
Olsen Haugen•
Phoebe Larkin•
Lin Nguyen•
Jacob Durazzo (My Jacob)
Alicia Green•
Zym Mufaro•
Dorothea Thornrose•
Helena Durazzo (MAIN MC)
Aldric Rath•
Duncan Ashe•
Varina Carrow•
Rufus Dahlberg•
Lottie Watson
Louis Watson
Galaxgnosi (Fan School)
Serafina Silverstri
Leonardo Durazzo II
Lorenzo Durazzo
Luciana Durazzo
Genna Raleigh (Main MC)
Dominic Durazzo
Vincent Durazzo-Rath
Sandy Durazzo*
Cereus Durazzo
Remy Durazzo
Cecile ‘CC’ Rath
Zara Durazzo-Rath
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helenadurazzo · 10 months
I picked two songs from each Taylor Swift album to make album ideas telling the stories of Olivia and Cynthia so which of my OCs is next for this?
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helenadurazzo · 3 years
Helena Durazzo’s Bio
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The Basics
Full Name: Helena Marie Durazzo
Nickname: Lena
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 11-18 (Hogwarts Mystery), 35-42 (Magic Awakened)
Date of Birth: February 23rd 1973
Sexuality: Biromantic/Bisexual
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half Blood
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: 50% British, 50% Italian
Residence: Wallasey, England
Languages: English and Italian
Titles: Prefect, Head Girl
Alignment: Neutral Good
Good Traits: Calm, Clever, Creative, Curious, Diplomatic, Empathetic, Loyal, Resourceful, Imaginative and Persistent
Neutral Traits: Cautious, Simple, Reserved, Trusting, Weird, Secretive, Quiet, Self-Conscious, Obedient, and Passive
Bad Traits: Defensive, Insecure, Timid, Pessimistic, Dishonest, Oblivious, Aloof, Dependent, Resentful and Stubborn.
Likes: Herbology, Reading
Dislikes: Crowds, Fights
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown (Before Year 3), Dark Blue (After Year 3)
Eyes: Blue
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Height: 5’ 8”
Face Claim: Jenna Coleman
Voice Claim: TBA
Wand Wood: Chestnut
Wand Core: Dragon Heartstring
Wand Length: 11 3/4”
Wand Flexibility: Quite Flexible
Magical Information
Boggart: Getting abandoned by her friends (Years 1-5), Rakepick (Years 5-6), Her Friends and Family Dead (Year 6+)
Riddikulus: TBA
Mirror of Erised: Her with her family, together and happy
Patronus: Raven
Patronus Memory: Hanging out with her brother and cousins during the summer when she was younger
Magical Abilities: Legilimency, Wandless Magic
Favorite Spells: Lumos, Rictumsempra, Herbivicus, Defodio, and Flipendo
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Best Subject: Herbology
Worst Subject: Care of Magical Creatures
Favorite Teacher: Sprout
Least Favorite Teacher: Snape
Charms: Outstanding
Potions: Exceeds Expectations
Transfiguration: Exceeds Expectations
Care of Magical Creatures: Acceptable
Herbology: Outstanding
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Exceeds Expectations
Quidditch Position: Reserve Beater (Year 2), Beater (Year 3), Chaser (Years 4-7)
Friends and Family
Loyalty: The Durazzo Family, the Rath Family, Hogwarts, Ravenclaw, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, the Hippogriff Club, and the Circle of Khanna
Father: Alessandro Durazzo
Born on October 18th 1937
47-54 (HPHM)
71-78 (HPMA)
Mother: Olivia (Hearst) Durazzo
Born on May 8th 1939
45-52 (HPHM)
69-76 (HPMA)
Pear Wood, Unicorn Hair
Brother: Jacob Durazzo
Born on January 10th 1963
Half Blood
Blackthorn Wood, Dragon Heartstring
Girlfriend/Wife: Erika Rath
Aunts: Cynthia (Hearst) Watson, Vanna (Bianchi) Durazzo and Donella (Durazzo) Silverstri
Uncles: Gregorio Durazzo, Daniel Watson and Enzo Silverstri
Cousins: Serafina Silverstri, Leonardo Durazzo II, Lorenzo Durazzo, Luciana Durazzo, Lottie Watson and Louis Watson
Paternal Grandparents: Leonardo and Camila Durazzo
Maternal Grandparents: Nicolas and Aurelia Hearst
(Adoptive) Son: Vincent Durazzo-Rath
Born on August 23rd 1998
Adopted in Late 2000
10-17 (HPMA)
Half Blood
Quidditch Captain
(Adoptive) Daughter: Zara Durazzo-Rath
Born on March 15th 2000
Adopted in Late 2000
8-15 (HPMA)
Half Blood
Roommates: Rowan Khanna, Badeea Ali and Tulip Karasu
Teammates: Skye Parkin, Orion Amari, and Andre Egwu
Other Friends: Ben Copper and Talbott Winger
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Erika Rath (Formerly)
Enemies: Patricia Rakepick, The Wizard in the White Robes, R
MC Friends: TBA
Pets: TBA
History: Born in 1973, Helena was the second child of Alessandro Durazzo and Olivia Hearst. Although her and her brother had a large age gap between them, the two of them were close with Helena always counting down the days until Jacob would return from Hogwarts. While she would much prefer the company of her plants, she sets out on a journey to break the curses of the cursed vaults, find her brother, and put an end to R’s schemes.
Other Information:
Alongside Talbott, Helena often volunteers to help Professor Sprout with her plants in the greenhouses
Helena dyed her hair dark blue in her third year as a way to show that she was starting to come out of her shell and embrace herself more
She enjoys collecting chocolate frog cards which led them, along with licorice wands, to be one of her favorite treats to get while visiting Honeydukes in Hogsmeade
Helena is the Great Granddaughter of my HPHL MC: Phineas Hearst
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helenadurazzo · 3 years
Marie McKay’s Bio
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Full Name: Marie Estella (McKay) Hearst
Nickname: Mari
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 11-18 (Hogwarts Legacy)
Date of Birth: July 3rd 1875
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Nationality: Scottish
Ethnicity: 50% Scottish, 50% French
Residence: Northern Scotland
Languages: English, Scottish Gaelic
Titles: TBA
Alignment: Neutral Good
Good Traits: Organized, Intellectucal, Compassionate, Curious, Appreciative, Calm, Elegant, Graceful, Forgiving and Humble
Neutral Traits: Emotional, Dreamy, Formal, Quiet, Obedient, Restrained, Undemanding, Careful, Passive, and Sentimental
Bad Traits: Aloof, Cautious, Delicate, Dependent, Easily Discouraged, Hesitant, Simple, Odd, and Prim
Likes: Reading, History
Dislikes: Flying, Spiders, Heights
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5’ 7”
Face Claim: Ellise Chapell
Voice Claim: TBA
Wand Wood: Beech
Wand Core: Unicorn Hair
Wand Length: 11 3/4”
Flexibility: Reasonably Supple
Magical Information
Boggart: TBA
Riddikulus: TBA
Mirror of Erised: TBA
Patronus: Incorporeal
Patronus Memory: TBA
Magical Abilities: TBA
Favorite Spells: Accio, Lumos
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Best Subject: History of Magic
Worst Subject: Flying
Favorite Teacher: TBA
Least Favorite Teacher: TBA
Charms: Outstanding
Potions: Exceeds Expectations
Transfiguration: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Acceptable
Herbology: Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic: Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Acceptable
Quidditch Position: N/A
Friends and Family
Loyalty: The McKay Family, The Hearst Family, Ravenclaw and Hogwarts
Father: Cormac McKay
Mother: Josephine (Beaumont) McKay
Brother: Aaron McKay
Husband: Phineas Hearst
Father-In-Law: Silenus Hearst
Mother-In-Law: Violet (Avery) Hearst
Brothers-In-Law: Atticus Hearst, Cyrus Hearst, Julius Hearst
Sister-In-Law: Gladys Hearst
Sons: Zacharias Hearst, Thomas Hearst, and Nicolas Hearst
Granddaughters: Olivia (Hearst) Durazzo and Cynthia (Hearst) Watson
Grandsons: Joseph Hearst and Elijah Hearst
Great Grandchildren: Jacob Durazzo, Helena Durazzo, Lottie Watson and Louis Watson
Great Great Grandchildren: Sandy Durazzo, Vincent Durazzo-Rath, Cereus Durazzo, Zara Durazzo-Rath, Dominic Durazzo and Remy Durazzo
Roommates: TBA
Teammates: N/A
Other Friends: TBA
Rivals: TBA
Enemies: TBA
MC Friends: TBA
Pets: TBA
History: Marie McKay is a pureblood witch and the second born child of Cormac and Josephine McKay. She is the younger sister to Aaron McKay by three years. As a child, she and her brother would spend their time reading through the books in their family’s collection at McKay Manor and learn as much as they could about the History of the Wizarding War. Marie would be sorted into Ravenclaw upon arriving at Hogwarts; the stereotypical house for members of the McKay Family.
A stereotypical trait of the McKay family is that they tend to be poor duelers and Marie is no exception to this.
Marie was married to Phineas Hearst (My Main HPHL MC) sometime after graduation, and as such is the great grandmother of Helena Durazzo (My HPHM MC).
She outlived her husband by at least twenty four years as she was still alive when Helena was born in 1973
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