#Vintage Tennessee Shirt
mensuited · 2 years
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losfacedevil · 2 months
Tennessee Dream // JTK
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a/n~ just a super fluffy little me cute meeting idea I haven’t been able to get out of my head all day!
The live music could be heard from down the block as you scurried towards the entrance, hoping to catch the local band you had heard so much about before they called it quits for the night. A soft sigh escaped you as you closed in on the bar and slowed your scurrying walk down to a saunter, reaching up to adjust the strap of your shirt that had slipped down off of your shoulder. 
“You have been an incredible crowd, probably one of the best we’ve played for! I wanna thank these incredible guys behind me!” 
A soft smile spread across your face as you listened to the voice of the singer, one you had become familiar with over the last few months; delving head first into their extensive discography of singles after hearing one at a party once. Your eyes wandered as you slipped into the bar and began to mingle amongst the crowd of people watching the band, but they settled on the man who stood front and center; a mic stand directly in front of him and what looked to be a vintage guitar in his hands. 
“To my left on keys we’ve got our resident film school drop out, Josh Kiszka!” Your eyes wandered to the man who sat behind the portable keyboard, his wildly curly hair catching your attention first.  
“To my right we’ve got our resident space nerd who would probably rather be up on a space ship right now, Sam Kiszka on the bass everybody!” The younger looking boy stepped forward, turning his nose to the ceiling as he plucked out a deep tune. You couldn’t help but giggle as he strut his stuff back to his position with a huge smile on his face. 
“And lastly, hiding behind me we have the curly headed one on drums, give it up for Danny Wagner!” The man who stood front and center turned and nodded towards Danny, giving him the floor to show off. 
“We are Tom Sails! Thank you all for hanging out and rocking out with us tonight!” 
A smile spread across your face and you shrugged your shoulders as you made your way out of the crowd, and perched gently against a bar stool. Flagging down the bar tender you ordered your usual drink and pulled out your phone, curious to if you would be able to find where Tom Sails would be playing next so you could actually catch a full set. 
“Next week at the Lounge.” The voice of the singer - whose name you hadn’t yet caught - startled you and your phone slipped from your hand, falling to the floor with a loud clatter. He chuckled softly and bent at the waist, picking up your phone and slid it gently back into your hand. 
“We play the Lounge next Friday night if you’re trying to catch a set. Seems you slipped in a little too late for that tonight. But it’s a real show with actual purchased tickets so… you can’t sneak in last minute.” He joked and turned his attention to the bar tender as he placed a glass of whiskey on the rocks down in front of the man. You rolled your eyes gently and reached for your drink, taking a sip as to not spit out the bad taste retaliation remark tickling the tip of your tongue. 
“Yeah well… not everyone plays the guitar and jumps around on stage for a living, now do we?” You asked, cocking your head to the side. His eyes widened a bit and he raised his brows at your remark. Reaching up he placed a hand to his chest and feigned shock. 
“I do more than just play the guitar and jump around on stage, I sing as well.” He chuckled and downed his glass of whiskey, tapping the empty glass against the counter to garner the bartenders attention once more. He nodded at the man behind the bar and then in your direction in a silent request. 
“Do you sing though? Because all I saw was someone jumping around like a crazy person while playing a Les Paul.” You shrugged and tucked your phone back into your pocket, giving the man sitting in front of you your full and undivided attention. 
“I guess that’s for me to know and for you to find out, now isn’t it? Here.” He shrugged his shoulders and slid a shot glass in front of you. You raised your brows and looked at the glass, unsure of what was in it. 
“Tequila, let loose a little bit.” He joked, continuing to sip on his whiskey as he gauged your reaction, wondering if you’d be brave enough to take the shot with him. 
“I don’t even know your name and you’re trying to get me tequila drunk? At least take me out to dinner first, damn.” You giggled and turned your head as you felt your cheeks being to heat with blush, unsure of where that comment had come from. 
“The names Jake, and anyone who turns down a free tequila shot is crazy.” He laughed and reached out, placing a reassuring hand on your bare knee. Your body stiffened slightly but relaxed quickly as his eyes found yours. The kindness that lit up his dark irises causing a calming sensation to wash over you. 
“How do I know you didn’t tell the man to spike it? Hmm?” Jake rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his lips and turned his attention to the crowd. His eyes locked with another person and he waved them over, grabbing the shot off of the counter and held it out to them.
“She’s a party pooper, take a shot with me.” He joked and handed the shot to Josh who quickly downed the clear liquid and tapped the shot glass against the counter before turning on his heel and mingling back out into the crowd. Jake turned his attention back to you, sliding the shot glasses blindly across the counter. 
“So about that dinner proposition. Next Friday, five pm. Gives us enough time to get to know each other before the show. Don’t worry your ticket will be me.” He chuckled. Your eyes grew wide and you reached out, wrapping your hand around the now dampened glass and brought it to your lips, tipping your head back and downing the rest of the liquid in one go. 
“Is that so? I have to wait until next Friday to learn more about the mysterious singer of Tom Sails? Why not now? The night is still young!” Jake rolled his eyes and reached out, slipping your phone out of your pocket and quickly dialed his own number. You watched intently as his phone screen lit up and he declined the call, slipping your phone back into your pocket. 
“I can’t ditch my brothers. I’ll be in touch, sweetheart.” He mumbled and pushed himself to stand before slowly making his way back out into the crowd.
An odd sensation ran through your body as your phone screen lit up, clocking the time at well past midnight. Pushing up onto your elbows you reached over and scooped the device up off of your nightstand, tapping the screen to bring it to life once more. A number you didn’t recognize was connected to the text message displayed. 
‘So I was thinking, a coffee date would be more appropriate to start.. meet me at that little mom and pop shop downtown, tomorrow, 9am and don’t be late, sweetheart.’ 
You couldn’t help the way in which you had rolled your eyes, knowing exactly who the message had come from. Pulling a deep breath in through your nose you fiddled with your thumbs and mulled over if you should answer him or not when another message came through. 
‘On second thought, 10am, wouldn’t want you to think I’m standing you up if I’m late.’
Tilting your head from side to side, you shrugged your shoulders and nodded as if he could see your reaction through the phone screen. You quickly typed a response of confirmation and tossed your phone back onto the nightstand before laying back down and getting comfortable for the night. 
The bright morning sun stung your eyes and you lowered the sunglasses you had resting on your head to block out the harsh light. Turning your wrist you glanced as the time on your watch and rolled your eyes. You should have known he was going to be fashionably late when he changed the meeting time the night prior and we’re glad you had brought your kindle along, getting in some much needed light reading as you waited for him to show. 
Jake was a whirlwind as he approached the cafe table you had occupied, sitting out under an umbrella enjoying the warm morning air. His hair was frizzed, as if he had pulled a brush through it as he was driving, his eyes displaying just how tired the late night he had made him feel. Pulling a deep breath in through his nose, letting it out in a sigh and placed two coffee cups down onto the table. Your eyes found his face and a soft smile caressed your lips as he took a few deep, calming breaths and turned his attention to you. 
“I’m so sorry, Josh turned off my alarm, Sams dog made quite the mess overnight because she got out of his room unattended, and this morning has been a mess. How are you?” He sighed once more and reached out, wrapping his hand around his coffee cup to bring it to his lips. You gave him a minute to self regulate, taking a smidge longer to put away your kindle and pull your drink over in front of you. 
“You live with your brothers I take it? Sounds like it makes for chaotic mornings.” You mused, reaching for the individual servings of creamer he had set down with your cup. 
“Chaotic isn’t even the word. I’m still unsure how we work so well together as a band. But how are you? How’s your morning been?” You nodded slowly, envisioning just how chaotic a morning would be with a band of brothers and a dog who can’t be left unattended. 
“Well let’s see, my morning started by being woken up at almost 1am to a text from some weird guy I met at the bar last night but, I slept well after that and this morning hasn’t been that bad. I think I’m okay today.” Jake rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips at your comment. 
“Damn bar creeps keeping you up at night, don’t they know you need your sleep.” He scoffed. You shrugged your shoulders and straightened out your back, sitting up straighter. 
“Some of them just have to have their ten seconds of fame it seems.” You shrugged. Jake loosed a sigh and leaned back in his chair, reaching up to scrub a hand down the length of his face. A comfortable silence fell over the both of you and you reveled in it, enjoying the company of another human being that wasn’t a family member. 
“What’s your favorite color?” Jake asked, turning his attention away from the cars that zipped by on the street and back to you. You cocked your head to the side, taken back a bit by the randomness of his question. 
“I don’t know… maybe sky blue?” You said, shrugging your shoulders to accompany your answer. A genuine laugh escaped him and he leaned forward, resting his elbows against the table and cupped his chin in his hands. 
“Please forgive me, it’s been a long time since I’ve done the whole getting to know someone thing… I’m just a little rusty.” He chuckled, his eyes sparking and chest warmed at the sound of your laugh. 
“So you ask me what my favorite color is? What are we… five?!” You soft giggles had turned into full laughter as you realized he was overwhelmed and didn’t know how to act. You shook your head and turned your attention back to your coffee, finally sipping on the now warm liquid. 
“I panicked, okay?! How do you even talk to a pretty girl?!” He joked, moving his foot slightly and brushed it up against yours under the table. Your cheeks heated with a blush as realization washed over you. Cupping your hands fully around your cup of coffee you leaned forward, invading his personal bubble slightly. 
“You panicked but are now playing footsies with me? I’m not sure Mr. Charismatic, can work a crowd like it’s nothing, will actually panic when talking to pretty girls. It’s easy you go.. ‘Hi, my names Jake, how are you?’ And then I would go ‘Hi Jake! My name is Emery, I’m good, how are you?’ See how simple that is?!” You reached out and placed your hand gently on Jake’s wrist, your instincts kicking in. He swallowed hard and his gaze fell to your hand caressing his arm. 
“Working a crowd is… vastly different than this.” His voice was barely above a whisper as his nerves kicked into high gear. A soft smile spread across your face and you pulled your hand back, wrapping it safely around your coffee cup once more. 
“Right, you many never see the same face in the crowd more than once but me, you’re gonna be seeing a lot more of me.” You muttered softly, nodding your head gently as his expression lightened. 
“Hopefully a lot more of you.” His voice held the soft tone, unsure of if it would crack if he spoke normally. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, and nodded, now understanding his thoughts. 
“Ah, well. I liked the man I met last night but I think I like the one that’s sat in front of me just a little more. We should do this more often if you have the time.” A gentle nudge in his direction, knowing he was a busy man and you had plenty to get to before it got too late. 
Jake nodded along to what was said, lost somewhere deep in his own mind as he processed everything that was going on. A soft smile spread across your face as the alarm on your phone began to chime, alerting you to get to work. With a nod and a soft sigh you pushed yourself to stand and watched as he followed suit. 
“This was nice, but work calls. I must make that money! I’ll see you around?” You posed the statement as a question, hoping to gain an answer. Jake nodded gently and opened his arms in a silent request. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him. 
“I’ll see you around.” He nodded and turned on his heel, heading back the way he had initially come. 
Jake girl role call: @vanfleeter @writingcold @klarxtr @stardustvanfleet @the-wicked-gnome
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radioactivetoad · 7 months
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Vintage 90s Tennessee Renaissance Festival Single Stitch Graphic Shirt
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murderballadeer · 2 years
15 questions, 15 people
tagged by @norashelley. ty <333
nickname: some of my family members call me lu. most people just call me lucie tho tbh.
sign: pisces
Height: 5'3"/160cm
last thing i googled: a bush schedule lmao
song stuck in my head: keep the customer satisfied by simon & garfunkel
amount of sleep: last night i actually got eight hours! on an average night i'd say around seven and a half
dream job: costume designer for theatre, or folklorist
wearing: grey and white pyjama pants, grey t-shirt, blue sweatshirt (i just washed my hair and i didn't want to get dressed again since i won't be going outside)
movies/books that summarize you: anne of green gables, east of eden and the blue castle for books; holiday 1938, the apartment and singin' in the rain for movies
favorite song: hard to say but let's go with suzanne by leonard cohen since it's my #brand
instrument: i play piano, alto saxophone, ukulele harmonica and banjo!
aesthetic: idk i like vintage inspired stuff, floral motifs, whimsical patterns and the colours green and purple.
favorite author: l.m. montgomery, john steinbeck and tennessee williams. been enjoying isabel allende and james baldwin's stuff lately as well.
random fun fact: i don't have earlobes... i mean i do but they don't hang down, they just connect directly to my head. it's a weird genetic quirk in my mom's family.
not gonna tag anyone this time
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Skelliebones join cult do crime shirt At the other outpost also all was finished. During this night we reached the Skelliebones join cult do crime shirt of the Tannu Ola and descended again into a valley covered with dense bushes and twined with a whole network of small rivers and streams. It was the headwaters of the Buret Hei. About one o’clock we stopped and began to feed our horses, as the grass just there was very good. Here we thought ourselves in safety. We saw many calming indications. On the mountains were seen the grazing herds of reindeers and yaks and approaching Soyots confirmed our supposition. Here behind the Tannu Ola the Soyots had not seen the Red soldiers. We presented to these Soyots a brick of tea and saw them depart happy and sure that we were “Tzagan,” a “good people.
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cohenskicksposts · 10 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage 80s Ski Breckenridge Mens Size L T-Shirt Outdoors Inc Single Stitch Blue.
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globalcitytees · 1 month
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🎸✨ Celebrate the Soul of Country Music with Our Latest T-Shirt Design! ✨🎸
Hey, music lovers and style enthusiasts! We’re thrilled to unveil our newest T-shirt design that honors the timeless charm of country music. 🌟
Featuring a beautifully detailed acoustic guitar surrounded by classic country icons—think cowboy hats, boots, and vinyl records—this shirt is a tribute to the heart and soul of Tennessee’s rich musical heritage. The design is brought to life with a vintage-style font and a textured background, accented by scattered musical notes and stars.
With its warm, earthy colors and rustic appeal, this T-shirt captures the true spirit of country music and Southern charm. Whether you're a fan of the genre or just appreciate a touch of nostalgia in your wardrobe, this design is perfect for you.
🌍 Available for shipping worldwide! No matter where you are, you can celebrate the legacy of country music with style. Grab yours today and wear your love for country music with pride! 🎶
Shop now and spread the Southern charm around the globe. 🤠💫
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eddystshirts · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Johnny Cash Nashville Tennessee T Shirt Large L Black Graphic Tee.
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paletalegear · 3 months
Tennessee Baseball 2024 College World Series Champions Vintage Shirt
Tennessee Baseball 2024 College World Series Champions Vintage Shirt
“On behalf of New Yorkers — that’s who Judge Merchan is speaking up for — how big a breach of the Tennessee Baseball 2024 College World Series Champions Vintage Shirt trust was this compared to all the other crimes that he and other judges sentence every day? There is literally no case that has been remotely similar to the criminal prosecution conviction of a former chief executive of the country,” said Justin Levitt, a constitutional law professor at Loyola Law School.
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rememberwincollection · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Tennessee Volunteers T Shirt Single Stitch Orange.
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2022nursejessie · 4 months
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official-merch · 6 months
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Vintage Tennessee Smoky Mountains for Men Tourist Souvenir T-Shirt shirt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNRDH4KB
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dealz-are-sweet · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: VTG Vintage Shirt Memphis Tennessee T-Shirt Size Medium.
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bbcmug · 7 months
Baltimore Ravens I Wanna Be A Ravens When I Grow Up 2024
Brew joyously with Baltimore Ravens I Wanna Be A Ravens When I Grow Up 2024, as a young football fan, I have always dreamed of playing for my favorite team, the Baltimore Ravens. I remember watching them win their second Super Bowl in 2013 and being in awe of their tenacity and strength on the field. From that moment on, I knew that I wanted to be a Raven when I grew up.
Buy now: Baltimore Ravens I Wanna Be A Ravens When I Grow Up 2024
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eddystshirts · 1 month
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