#Violma Seraph of Temperance
fresa-schnee · 2 years
day 26: Could Have Been Anyone.
The Seraphim grunted as she felt her wings hitch and buckle as a technician meddled with them. The two smaller, natural, wings on her wrists fluttering in protest as she remained silent. She had gotten used to the pain, but the random jolts still got her sometimes during maintenance. She grunted as the wings shot out, and stretched.. She gave a sigh of relief as she felt them loosen up.
“There we go, all done!” A voice spoke up, and patted the Seraphim on the back. “That should be enough for another six months, Lady Violma.”
“Thank you.” The Seraphim said dryly as she stood. She stretched her wings, and found relief as she found that they didn’t get caught on anything. Their form was almost natural to that of a normal Angel’s, but anyone with an astute eye could see the wiring and mechanics swirling about just underneath the metallic silver plating.
“Will.. that be all Lady Violma?” The mechanic asked again, staring at the Seraphim a bit nervously.
“Indeed.. Thank you for the help again.” She nodded to the woman, and walked out of the room.. The wings on her wrists and ankles twitching with each step. There was a slight shift in her walk with each step, but she had grown to ignore it over the years. It used to be much worse when.. 
She shook her head, no, no need to think about that sort of thing right now. What happened in the past should stay there.. Even if the consequences are harder to get rid of. Yet she wouldn’t have changed the outcome.
She stopped, a smaller Angel having stepped in front of her. Her eye covered up with a set of bandages, and her raven black hair made her look as if she had feathers instead of hair. Her smile as always was as radiant as ever, and Violma couldn’t help but smile back.
“Greetings Mistress Veigna, glad to see you’re in high spirits.” Violma greeted her, and the angel raised an eyebrow.
“‘Mistress Veigna’? Come now Violma, haven’t we known each other long enough for you to call me Malina?” She teased, and moved to Violma’s side, and elbowed the Seraphim gently.
“It would be rather disrespectful to- oof!” Violma gasped as Malina jabbed at her again. “Lady-!” As she’s bumped again, Violma couldn’t help but make a very silent chuckle. “Alright, alright. Lady Malina.”
Malina huffed and shook her head. “Well it’s a start I suppose.” As she smiled the two made their way outside, now walking through a gorgeous garden. Other angels coming and going past the two. 
“So how are the wings? They seem to be good as new!” Malina spoke, trying to get the conversation rolling.
“Indeed.. They don’t catch on every movement now. I just hope that they’ll stay like this longer than a few months.” Violma stretches her wings as she responds. The ‘feathers’ twitch with the movement to make them seem lifelike. “I have to give credit where credit is due.. Even I forget sometimes these aren’t real.”
“That’s good! Have.. you gotten better at flying with them? I recall last we spoke you said you had trouble with them.”
Violma thought back in that moment.. And her cheeks turned red as she had crashed into a tree in front of the other Seraphims to test her wings. “Erm… It’s lead to mixed results.”
Malina giggled, and Violma’s face turned more red as her wings awkwardly folded behind her back. “So not very good?” She teased, and Violma rolled her eyes.
“Beyond that I have been doing rather well.. I just needed to do a checkup. My wings kept getting locked up. Apparently their mechanisms had corroded..” She sighed and raised a hand to gently grab at one of the wings. “The damage wasn’t severe, but I don’t really know what caused it to degrade so fast.. Damned things..”
“...Right.” Malina’s face fell solemn for a moment. “I’m.. Sorry for-”
“Don’t.” Violma cut her off. “I don’t blame you for what happened. I’d do it again anyhow, just to make sure you stay safe.” 
“I don’t mind that I had to give up my wings to do that. Or that I violated several rules. Just glad you’re okay.” Violma smiled, and Malina just shook her head. 
“Alright alright.. Just stop with the mushy talk. It doesn’t suit you.” Malina teased, and walked past Violma as she stopped.
Breaking out of her stunned state, Violma chased after her. “Hey! What in the world does that mean!?”
As Violma chased after Malina, her mind wandered a bit.. She didn’t mind what happened to her. Her mechanical wings were a burden to handle, but she wouldn’t have put it on Malina. Or anyone else for that matter. She glad it was her that was harmed, and not anyone else.
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