Plotted Thread. @abeautifulmencgerie
He had had them often in the many years since they were separated. Dreams that seemed so real, a longing that had never abated. She was born with him, for him. Then Robert and those bastards had taken her, along with the rest of his family. That Kingslayer and his whore sister had gained a much more significant standing after that, he had heard. Viserys was somewhat drunk this night. Leaning back in the bath tube he had been in with Doreah, whispering deceptive words of Daenerys into his ear while she had been there.
Sleeping, Viserys' head dropped back onto the cushion on the edge of the tub, drifting away into the world inside of his mind. A place he had always been able to find the most peace for himself. As the waking world was full of anger and paranoia. His dreaming world had been full of memories, or at times, made up situations he had wanted to happen in his life. How his life should have been, sinking into the water of his tub, Viserys drifted farther, a tiny voice starting to call out. Him as a child appearing in the darkness.
The boy ran forward, calling out toward his mother, before finally running into a familiar area, one he had not seen since the night he and his mother had fled. Viserys' appearance in his dream had changed, he had been older, as he appeared in the waking world. Walking around inside the garden he had not seen in so many years, he reached out to brush his hand along a bird bath, eying it longingly as he recalled memories of sitting by it in his childhood, playing with toys and chatting with his mother and twins sister "You should have gone with-Why did father- What was he thinking keeping you there." He had tried for so many years to understand it all. Of course, the only place he could see her, was his delirious mind conjuring her up in his dreams.
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Original post here. @lilxmcrtes
Glancing back, Viserys narrowed his eyes a bit trying to find it, whatever it was. Flinching, he stared toward the other again as they shouted, not sure how he could trust the other, but right now, they were both each others best bet.
Surprisingly, he had noticed that despite the injuries, he'd been feeling completely fine, not that he wasn't doing fine entirely, though. But he was feeling his usual self. Maybe, he wondered, it had something to do with what was being done to them.
"We-have to make sure one of us gets out of here." Viserys commented, not wanting to speak about leaving anyone behind. But if he had to pick someone to leave, it wouldn't be him! Viserys narrowed his eyes, trying to see through his paranoid state.
Though the shriek had him covering his ears, pulling away from the other " I can't- I can't…" The thought of being hunted, and actually being hunted, were absolutely terrifying to him. He had always felt like something was watching him, trying to kill him. Now that something actually was, he was feeling his sanity slip even more. Holding his hands to his head, he tried to think.
What he would do as a child, he had to survive this. That's what he knew, whatever it took. He had to get out and get them to safety. He could do this! He had done it all his life! Dropping his hands from his head he focuses, trembling still, his mind becoming sharp like a blade as his eyes shift, looking around the room.
Reaching out his hand he grabbed Oliver's wrist and started dragging the other toward one direction "We have to go this way…" He started running, away from the piercing sounds heading their way. Ducking behind a rock structure, he closed his eyes again, seeing visions in his head about more pathways out of this situation. Turning his head, he glanced toward a tunnel nearby, grabbing Oliver's hand again and sneaking over toward the tunnel.
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Original post here. @lilxmcrtes
Taking in a few deep breaths, then letting them out slowly, as he had been advised to do when the stress got to be too much. It often did, he turns at the other and laughs faintly "Yes…Yes. Alright. Uhm." Viserys paused, his mind going elsewhere for a moment "That is…true…" The Targaryen commented slowly. Of course, he couldn't really remember all that much of his life before, but these visions that came to him, they had offered a great discomfort and disruption, paranoia creeping in with each one.
"You carry it too the table, and you help prepare…" Viserys went on, trying to get his mind to focus on the current moment "I bet even someone like you could do it without complications. Now then." He walked passed the other "I should show you around, where did you come from?"
Thinking…he could remember this, he knew it "The Vale! You're from the Vale, correct? Terrible? Good? I haven't been." He hadn't been that he could remember "Well, let's go this way." It still was eating at him, that something wasn't quite right with this, what he was doing. He felt like he should have been doing something more important "Why did you want to work here? As a server to the royal family, of all the things? Don't you have any other uses?"
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