#Visit MODA's showroom
modahomesolutions · 2 years
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What is bespoke?
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Bespoke Tailoring
Good tailoring changes how you feel. A classic bespoke suit, made especially for you and your body, will always give you that fantastic fit and look that a high-street suit could never deliver. But what does 'bespoke' mean? TAfter your first fitting, your suit will be crafted by New Moda Custom's master tailors. Within ten days, you will be invited to try on your unfinished suit so we can see how it fits and make the necessary alterations. If we are happy, and if you are happy too, the suit will be completed and ready to be picked up within just two weeks. This isn't 'fast fashion,' but it is quality, it is care and it is craftsmanship, courtesy of New Moda Custom.
First Fitting
After your first fitting, your suit will be crafted by Giri's master tailors. Within few days, you will be invited to try on your unfinished suit so we can see how it fits and make the necessary alterations. If we are happy, and if you are happy too, the suit will be completed and ready to be picked up within just two weeks. This isn't 'fast fashion,' but it is quality, it is care and it is craftsmanship, courtesy of Giri Custom Tailors
Our Bespoke Process
Before taking any measurements, we will work with you to decide on the right fabric and cut for the suit you need, based on the occasion, your body and your personal preferences. We often recommend that clients start with a classic black, blue or grey suit. Get to know the fabrics and know what fits and feels right. Once that's established, we can start to explore and be more creative with our fabric and style choices.
Giri Custom Tailor's in-house tailors have decades of dedicated experience in making the process as smooth and as simple as possible. We take over 30 measurements during each fitting. We pride ourselves on paying the utmost attention to detail while completing the measuring process swiftly and without fuss.
To learn more, schedule a consultation online or at one of our Bangkok showrooms.
or email us at: [email protected]  or 
visit website: http://giricustomtailor.com/
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Tailor Made Suiting
At New Moda Custom Tailor we appreciate that modern-day business attire is changing. However, we believe a well-tailored suit is still an essential part of your wardrobe. Whether it’s for your wedding, a black tie event or that all-important first meeting with a client.
We strive to create something that is as comfortable as it is stylish, so our suits are clean-cut and tailored to fit. We will always take into account your preferences, and with numerous design options, we are confident in creating something that fits your body as much as it fits your personality!
Over 5000 cloths from the finest fabrics from  all around the world
Full canvas suits start from $299
Numerous options to design the suit to your taste and style
Making time is 4-10 days
Our expert tailors will guide you through every step of the process
Book a consultation online or at one of our Chiang Mai showrooms to find out more
New Moda Custom Tailors
or email us at: [email protected]  or visit website: https://newmodacustomtailors.com/
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dormicentro · 2 months
Mejore su experiencia de sueño con ropa de cama Pierre Cardin: un viaje de ensueño al Dormicentro Soñemos
¿Estás listo para transformar tu rutina nocturna en una experiencia lujosa y rejuvenecedora? Sumérgete en un mundo de comodidad y estilo con Sabanas Pierre Cardin, donde la elegancia se une a la funcionalidad para crear la colección de ropa de cama definitiva. Únase a nosotros en un viaje al Dormicentro Soñemos, donde los sueños no sólo se duermen sino que se hacen realidad.
En Sabanas Pierre Cardin entendemos que el sueño es fundamental para tu bienestar. Es por eso que hemos seleccionado una gama de soluciones de ropa de cama de primera calidad diseñadas para elevar su experiencia de sueño a nuevas alturas. Desde sábanas suaves como la seda hasta edredones lujosos y todo lo demás, cada pieza de nuestra colección está meticulosamente elaborada para garantizar una comodidad y calidad inigualables.
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Disfrute de la sofisticación atemporal de los diseños de Pierre Cardin. Reconocido por su enfoque innovador de la moda, Pierre Cardin lleva su estilo característico al ámbito de la ropa de cama, combinando la estética contemporánea con la elegancia clásica. Ya sea que prefiera la elegancia minimalista o la extravagancia opulenta, nuestra colección tiene algo para todos los gustos y preferencias.
Pero Sabanas Pierre Cardin es más que una simple marca: es un estilo de vida. Creemos que su dormitorio debe ser un santuario, un lugar donde pueda escapar del estrés de la vida diaria y relajarse con una comodidad de lujo. Es por eso que nos hemos asociado con Dormicentro Soñemos, el destino líder en ropa de cama y soluciones para dormir de primera calidad.
Dormicentro Soñemos is more than just a store – it's an experience. Step into our showroom and immerse yourself in a world of luxury and tranquility. Our knowledgeable staff are on hand to help you find the perfect pieces to create your dream bedroom, whether you're revamping your entire space or simply looking for that perfect finishing touch.
But don't just take our word for it – experience the difference for yourself. Visit Dormicentro Soñemos today and discover why Sabanas Pierre Cardin is the ultimate choice for discerning sleepers everywhere. With our unbeatable combination of quality, style, and comfort, you'll wonder how you ever slept without us.
Ready to take your sleep to the next level? Shop Sabanas Pierre Cardin at Dormicentro Soñemos and make every night a luxurious experience. From sumptuously soft sheets to indulgently plush pillows, we have everything you need to create your own personal oasis of comfort and style. Sweet dreams await – let's make them a reality together.
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londranotizie24 · 9 months
Decorex 2023: eccellenze italiane alla rassegna del design di interni
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Di Roberta Leotti @ItalyinLDN @ICCIUK @ItalyinUk @inigoinLND Aziende italiane di eccellenza in prima fila al prossimo Decorex, uno dei più importanti eventi di interior design che si terrà all’Olympia di Londra dal 8 al 11 ottobre. La prossima domenica prende il via la 45° edizione di Decorex , dal 1978 uno degli eventi di interior design più importanti di Europa. Un’occasione unica di networking commerciale con oltre 200 espositori tra storiche conferme e talenti emergenti. Tra questi anche alcune eccellenze del Made in Italy come Officine Gullo di Firenze, hanno uno showroom in South Kensigton e sono specialisti in cucine di metallo di lusso. Altro artista nel metallo, è Villi Zanini di Cornuda di Treviso anche se nel suo caso sono vere e proprie opere d’arte di ferro battuto. Ditte spesso nate grazie alle abilità artigianali individuali, hanno avuto le capacità i di adeguarsi ai tempi sia in termine di management aziendale, sia mantenendo un equilibrio tra tecnologia e tradizioni artigianali. E’ il caso de Il Bronzetto Srl specialista dell’illuminazione o della Glass Design Srl entrambe di Firenze, ma specialista in lavabi di lusso, mobili ed accessori per il bagno. La Erre Erre Diffusion srl , molto apprezzata dalle case d’alta moda, sarà presente alla Decorex con i suoi tessuti e tendaggi dallo stile classico e raffinato. Un altro espositore italiano che vanta un portfolio di clienti prestigiosi è l’Emiliana Parati leader nella produzione di rivestimenti murali. Per citarne alcuni: Dolce & Gabbana, Roberto Cavalli, Blumarine. Qui potete trovare  lista completa degli espositori: https://www.decorex.com/en/exhibitors.html#/exhibitors/ Ci sono diverse tipologie di biglietto a seconda delle vostre esigenze, (https://www.decorex.com/en/visit/your-ticket.html), scontato se losi acquista prima dell’8 di ottobre. Il biglietto dà inoltre la possibilità di assistere alle Design Talks con esperti di settore (interior designers, stilisti, giornalisti); ogni giorno ha diversi incontri in programma, qui potete trovare il calendario giornaliero: Design Talks Agenda | Decorex . Per gli orari di apertura il London Olympia segue il seguente orario: da domenica 8 a martedì 10 ottobre dalle 10.00 alle 18.00 e mercoledì 11 ottobre dalle 10.00 alle 17.00. Causa lavori di ristrutturazione non ci sarà possibilità di parcheggio e si consiglia pertanto l’uso dei mezzi pubblici. ... Continua a leggere su www.
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bunyaddesigns · 1 year
Modern Show Room design, for more details visit our website http://bunyaddesigns.com/
#showroom #design #interiordesign #fashion #moda #style #interior #furniture #luxury #home #homedecor #architecture #o #dise #madeinitaly #shopping #love #look #argentina #pfw #dress #art #designer #brand #outfit #vintage #shop #sale #boutique #instagood
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La durabilità nel design
Giovedì 10 novembre, alle ore 18.30 Triennale Milano presenta l’incontro La durabilità nel design, terzo appuntamento della serie di conversazioni in collaborazione con Smeg dedicate a tre temi del design contemporaneo: popolarità, durabilità e tecnologia. Questi argomenti sono stati affrontati attraverso figure ed esperienze legate al mondo dell'impresa, a quello delle professioni e dell'industria culturale. Questo appuntamento si interroga sulla durabilità – o durevolezza – su quella dimensione di solidità manifatturiera che porta un oggetto a durare nel tempo. Questi temi non sono solo legati ai materiali della tecnologia, ma abbracciano il concetto di classicità e combattono un’idea di stagionalità, di qualcosa che tramonta e non esprime più la qualità estetica e formale e il suo dovere di funzione, ma l’idea che un oggetto possa accompagnare la vita di chi lo ha acquistato. Una durabilità che si estende al concetto di sostenibilità, nella misura in cui una cosa che non si usura e consuma facilmente non presenta la necessità di uno smaltimento ma è un oggetto che può essere tenuto, trattenuto e tramandato. Intervengono: Francesco Faccin, designer, e Leonardo Caffo, filosofo. L’incontro è moderato da Marco Sammicheli, Direttore del Museo del Design Italiano di Triennale, che coinvolgerà nella discussione anche i designer Raffaella Mangiarotti e Matteo Bazzicalupo, fondatori dello studio deepdesign® e autori della collezione dei piccoli elettrodomestici di Smeg. Leonardo Caffo Leonardo Caffo è professore di Estetica della Moda, dei Media e del Design alla NABA di Milano, insegna inoltre Ecologia dell’Arte alla IULM sempre a Milano. In precedenza, ha insegnato Filosofia Teoretica al Politecnico di Torino. Scrive per il “Corriere della Sera”; ha lavorato come Curatore per Triennale Milano, è stato Filosofo in Residenza per il Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea ed è Membro del Comitato di Indirizzo del Museo MAXXI di Roma. Tra i suoi ultimi libri: Il cane e il filosofo (Mondadori 2020) e Quattro capanne. O della semplicità (nottetempo 2020). Per Einaudi ha pubblicato La vita di ogni giorno (2016), Fragile umanità (2017) e Vegan (2018). Francesco Faccin Francesco Faccin, designer, dopo 2 anni di collaborazione con Enzo Mari, inizia nel 2004 a lavorare con Francesco Rivolta, modellista e liutaio, apprendendo tecniche di alta ebanisteria. Nel 2007 apre il suo studio a Milano. Contemporaneamente, dal 2009 al 2015, lavora come consulente di Michele De Lucchi. Nel 2010 vince il Design Report Award e nel 2015 una menzione d'onore al Compasso D'oro con il progetto Traverso. Dal 2014 al 2016 è direttore artistico della storica Fonderia Artistica Battaglia di Milano. Nel 2015 presenta Honey Factory una micro architettura per l’apicoltura urbana, per Expo2015. Docente universitario presso la Libera università di Bolzano, Made Program a Siracusa, e la Universidad de Navarra a Pamplona, Faccin collabora inoltre come visiting professor con altre università italiane e internazionali. Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti si laureano con lode in Architettura al Politecnico di Milano. Si conoscono alla redazione di “Modo”, la rivista fondata da Alessandro Mendini, e nel 1995 creano deepdesign®. Con deepdesign® sviluppano progetti e scenari evolutivi per le più importanti imprese in ambito internazionale nei settori più diversi, dal packaging alimentare all’elettronica di consumo, dall’arredo alla cosmesi, dal cookware agli elettrodomestici tra i quali l’iconica collezione di piccoli elettrodomestici per Smeg. Come architetti disegnano allestimenti, mostre e showroom. Li contraddistingue una forte capacità inventiva e innovativa che li porta ad essere titolari di numerosi brevetti di invenzione ed utilità ma anche una forte connotazione verso un uso umanista della tecnologia. Hanno ricevuto più di 35 premi dall'IF award, all’IDA al red dot.  La lampada Dandelion è parte della Collezione Permanente del MoMA di New York. Alcuni dei loro progetti sono stati oggetto di articoli e libri tra cui “Business Week”, “I-D Magazine”, “Wallpaper”, “L’observatoire de Première Vision”, “The International Design Yearbook”, “The International Design Encyclopedia of MoMA,” “Design Now!” (Taschen). La loro attività è stata documentata attraverso mostre collettive e personali tra cui,  L’anima Sensibile delle Cose curata da Cristina Morozzi in Triennale Milano. I Partner Istituzionali Eni, Lavazza Group e Salone del Mobile.Milano e il Technical Partner ATM sostengono le attività di Triennale Milano. Per Triennale Estate Triennale Milano ringrazia i Main Partner Nhood e Smeg e il Technical Partner Kartell. Read the full article
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Bathroom Renovation Companies Sydney
If you want to renovate your bathroom, there are many companies that provide renovation services. Before choosing one of them, make sure to visit their websites and learn about their background.
Find out how long they've been in business, if they have showrooms, and what services they provide. Also, look at their special offers and package deals. Choose the bathroom renovation companies Sydney that will make the whole process easy for you.
Aesthetic Home Renovations
“Looking for the Best Home Renovation Specialists for your home in Australia? We are here to help you at Aesthetic Home Renovation!”
At Aesthetic home renovations (AHR), we excel in providing a vast range of building solutions. At AHR our primary focal point is remodeling the bathroom & kitchen in conjunction with full home renovations. At AHR we focus on building a strong relationship with our clients, this allows us to understand and adhere to our client’s needs as it’s not just a home but where families are raised and memories created. We strongly believe that our honesty and hard work are what lead to our quality craftsmanship and are evident with our joyful clients. The highly experienced staff at AHR will provide innovative designs alongside practicality, with a primary focus on having a stress-free renovation process.
La Moda Bathrooms
If you want a bathroom renovation that is both innovative and stylish, you need to contact a company such as La Moda Bathrooms. They provide innovative bathroom concepts and designs. They use the latest designs and technology to help you achieve the bathroom of your dreams. Their expert team of designers will also help you choose the best products for your new bathroom.
They specialize in customised luxury bathroom renovations in Sydney. The company started in 1989 as a plumbing and building contractor, and has grown into a team of professionals that includes bathroom craftsmen, plumbers, gas fitters, and interior designers. Their workmanship is backed by a seven-year labour warranty. They also have an online store where you can purchase accessories and other bathroom products.
Crystal Bathrooms
Crystal Bathrooms is a luxury bathroom renovation company in Sydney. They offer design and planning services as well as installation of appliances, plumbing, lighting, and carpentry. They also handle HVAC and drywall work. They are LEED certified and strive to provide sustainable homes. Their design and installation processes are designed to fit the needs of their clients.
If you want to transform your kitchen or bathroom, it is important to get the right contractor. The Crystal bathroom and kitchen renovation company has experience and an eye for aesthetics. It also has the practical approach required by contractors.
MKJ Projects
When renovating a bathroom, it's best to hire the right people to get the job done right. You'll want someone who has experience in the trade and can handle any kind of remodelling project - from simple updates to a complete bathroom makeover. You should also consider whether the space is suitable for a renovation.
MKJ Projects is one of the best Sydney bathroom renovation companies, with an A rating on Google and an exceptional 5.0 rating on Houzz. Their reputation is built on quality work and attention to detail - they have a team of professionals that work to meet your needs and exceed expectations.
Oxford Bathrooms
If you are considering a renovation for your bathroom, you can trust the professionals at Oxford Bathrooms in northern Sydney. They are a family-owned and operated business with over 15 years of experience. In addition to offering high-quality workmanship, they also offer Home Owners Warranty Insurance from HBCF. Ultimately, you can rely on their work to give you the bathroom of your dreams.
Oxford Bathrooms is a bathroom renovation company that provides complete bathroom renovation packages. Their skilled workers and professional advice are available at every stage of the construction process. They have over 20 years of experience and are renowned for their quality workmanship and beautiful designs. They also offer free design consultations and free installation.
Houseace Bathroom Renovation Companies Sydney is a home improvement platform offering online quoting engines, free consultations and professional bathroom renovations. These tools match homeowners with local home improvement contractors to complete a range of projects, from budget bathroom refreshes to full-blown luxury renovations. The platform's algorithms process thousands of variables to give homeowners a comprehensive, accurate price for any home improvement or renovation project.
When it comes to bathroom renovations, there are many factors that need to be considered. The process is not just about updating existing fixtures, but it also requires the right people. A professional bathroom renovation company in Sydney will have people with the necessary experience and qualifications to handle all kinds of remodelling jobs.
Aesthetic Home Renovations will take care of everything your needs in Home Renovation Services in Australia. Call our team today to book and we excel in providing a vast range of building solutions.
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Your Waistband and Shirt are Exposed Although the ideal length of a jacket has been in constant debate over the years, right now, however, the trend has been edging towards shorter jackets. Still, a jacket that exposes your waistband and shirt are a no! Jacket length hitting just below the hips gives you a clean, modern look. Your dress sense and suit speak a lot about your personality and attitude at a glance. Investing in a well-tailored wardrobe is an investment towards a successful future and helps to create great impressions everywhere you go. If you want to explore the art of bespoke tailoring garments made exclusively for you, visit us at showroom. Providing suit alterations and tailoring services to our clients across world, we pride ourselves in the service and quality of our modern custom-made suits and shirts.
New Moda Custom Tailors
Email us at: [email protected]
Website: https://newmodacustomtailors.com/
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Best Overcoats in chiang maiPart 2
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New Moda Bespoke Tailors is the premier destination for bespoke overcoats in Chiang Mai, Thailand, offering the perfect blend of luxury, craftsmanship, and personalization. Visit us at  our showroom and experience the luxury of bespoke tailoring for yourself. Keep warm and stylish this winter with a bespoke overcoat from New Moda Bespoke Tailors.
But what sets New Moda Bespoke Tailors apart from the rest is the ability to produce any design you desire. Whether you’re looking for a classic trench coat, a modern parka, or a traditional topcoat, our specialized overcoat tailors are the best in Your wardrobe and can create a one-of-a-kind piece that is tailored to your exact specifications. New Moda Bespoke Tailors is the premier destination for bespoke overcoats in Chiang Mai, Thailand, offering the perfect blend of luxury, craftsmanship, and personalization. Visit us at  our showroom and experience the luxury of bespoke tailoring for yourself. Keep warm and stylish this winter with a bespoke overcoat from New Moda Bespoke Tailors.
New Moda Custom Tailors
Email us at: [email protected]
Website: https://newmodacustomtailors.com/
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Part 2 of "Tuxedos in Chiang Mai"
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But what distinguishes New Moda Bespoke Tailor from the competition is their capacity to personalize even the most minute aspects of your wedding tuxedo. The beauty of bespoke clothing is that it is designed specifically for you; the collars and pocket trims of the tuxedo can be made of Duchess satin, silk, grosgrain, or many other fabrics.
The best place in Chiang Mai to find a bespoke wedding tuxedo that combines luxury, workmanship, and individuality is New Moda Bespoke Tailors. Our tuxedos will help you stand out on the important day, whether you're the groom, best man, or a guest. Come see for yourself the elegance of bespoke tailoring by visiting us on showroom in Chiang Mai.
New Moda Custom Tailors
Email us at: [email protected]
Website: https://newmodacustomtailors.com/
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