vohbe-blog · 9 years
When things come together at the right time, there’s magic :) The same is true in hitting a tennis ball - timing is key. The tennis ball stays on the racket strings for only a split second or two, so if you can get your body weight, legs, arms, racket, etc. in the optimal position within the split second or two, then you will feel the magic of the tennis ball bouncing off the strings and traveling with impressive natural power towards its destination :)
Vo Bennett 022916M
VOHBE® Coach - for tennis
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vohbe-blog · 9 years
Tempo Control
The ability to control the pace of body movements is important in controlling depth of shots. You may also control depth with topspin and net height clearance but don’t underestimate body tempo control in mastery of depth placement.
Vo Bennett 022916M
VOHBE® Coach - for tennis
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