#Vox is my favorite character so interacting w work in this fandom is like digging through a trash bin
bakaramia · 1 month
Actually, no, I don’t like that the accepted fanon is that the fight was Alastor’s fault tbh! And I especially don’t like that the general take is ‘Vox confessed his feelings and Alastor was disgusted and went running scared’ like being ace or aro or both somehow negates the fact that he’s a grown ass man and not a 7 year old on the playground running screaming from cooties! Alastor isn’t a child! He knows what sex and romance are! Even if your personal hc is that he’s repulsed by both, Vox was his best friend, and it’s irritating that so many ppl seem think Alastor would be unable to kindly reject him and still very much want to continue their friendship. Yanno, a thing people do all the time and that Alastor has also likely done before.
IDK fanon is gonna do what it’s gonna do, I can only create my own work, but the absolute refusal to put anything on Vox, as if it’s impossible that he could have been any part of the problem like say, pushing to include Valentino, insulting Alastor’s preference for older tech, Vox pushing Alastor away bc he didn’t want ppl to think he was weak and dependent on him, the potential list goes on! But the fandom will not hop off of ‘Vox confessed and Alastor cruelly rejected him and ran away scared and now Vox is sad bc Alastor hurt him and it’s all Alastor’s fault and Alastor feels nothing about it and is actively disgusted by Vox.’ Just. Ghhgghhh.
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