ruakichan · 3 years
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LOL.  My squad was the one campaigning for this.  The original squad leader withdrew from the squad a few times due to accidentally hitting that button instead of the donation buttons.  I know I’ve hit it a few times too but stopped before the final confirmation instead of staying in auto. Still, pretty amusing that they managed to get this change in; discord chat was full of celebration w.
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whyyyy NO ONE LIKES QUANTUM RAID whyyyyyyyyyyyyy did you add MORE MODES including RTA please don’t have rewards locked behind this
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1) ffs there goes my dreams of having a better gold FC for rachel (or even improving his artwork sigh he looks so outdated); also if this includes orange FCs, there goes more dreams of getting better looking skins for my faves. look, the problem isn’t that the same charas get FCs, it’s that the same charas are meta due to the mechanics of the game (so they get the FCs cause that’s who ppl use) and that they haven’t released new legendaries for any of the new nations. literally you are screaming at the wrong problem here omfggggg. also generals not getting new FCs means it’ll be harder to get more dupes for them so thanks a lot.
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2) ROFL the anxiety of dorka getting genderbent into a guy really did scare the dudebros roflmaoooooo guys they are not going to genderbend the game’s #1 waifu, but RIP getting any more genderbends (though it’s been lolis for the most part anyway, but FC Neomi was such a nice treat)
Caveat: I know the main complaints are cause the Loli genderbends got a whole new set of FCs based on the same concept but just new costumes, but were slapped into a new category that really didn’t have much to do with the story (ie: why was Uloom slapped into Brunn when their core story is being with Rera and even their new animation still includes Rera, who has nothing to do with Brunn; Garff, who is the LEAD GENERAL OF SAINT WEST is now a general of Brunn what?.. etc. etc.)
FCs are meant to be AU versions of characters for the most part, but I think this was too much a departure for people to accept and the fact that these charas already had loli genderbends when other charas don’t have any FCs etc rubbed people the wrong way.  Like, Neomi was the only new character in The Great Brunn category, and the next preview looks like Mahar and Valar? are getting FCs when they already have some. (Though in both cases, very mediocre FCs  no one uses lol and Mahar’s is straight up Door of Creation fodder since he has no Core Memory. Mahar being Lenombe, I wouldn’t mind him getting a decent FC??? Lenombe has no defensive options so it’d be nice if this turned out to be it and he’d be useable.  Also wdf he was handsome when he was young, why does North von Frosty’s royal family have such nice genes except alexei’s chin??????)
I personally rather they release improved FCs for charas that have shitty ones (like Mahar) than constantly releasing new characters cause this game is impossible to raise characters effectively in a timely fashion. You basically just stick to a core few.
If they release new characters, I rather they be released into already set nations. I think they said they had one more core nation to release (Marinos) but with the introduction of this allied nation thing, they can just infinitely release those instead of buffing or filling out core nations.
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And finally. Main reason I’m even still here. Looks like it’ll be a bit more involved (main quest + side quests) but we’ll see how execution actually goes. I’ve really tempered my expectations involving this game and its plot LOL. Can’t wait to see all my headcanons get destroyed, though! w Main reason I stopped writing R/R, cause I didn’t want to get involved in some story and this thing comes out and is like ‘well, akshually...’
(I’ve already been thinking about deleting Bluebirds from AO3 cause of this.)
if rachel only shows up at the end i’m gonna flip a desk yes i’m still salty about season 3 “EYESORE” asldgjk al;gkj al;ghjk
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I can’t get over the little Sia though. =w= I can’t wait to see how she is animated. I know a lot people don’t like chibis in their mobages, but EH’s paper dolls are really cute. especially when they’re screaming if the dragon catches them on the world map
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/squint They did reveal an Orange FC for Ramge (and Rudley and Rera) based on the S4 Anniversary pinup:
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Could those be it? /thonking (Rud looks so good, I’d 100% use that skin and I wouldn’t mind Rud getting his own MS storyline since it seems like he’s led a really interesting life—he even knows Garff!)
Though releasing these as separate Orange FCs I wouldn’t mind either, since the odds of Rachel getting one goes up, and while I find his suit extremely uninspired, at least this gives me more dress up options for him since I’m sitting on all these dye tix I’ll never use...
Anyway tl;dr, I just want this game to give me some Rachel food cause I’m so very tired and hungry.
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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Welcome back for week three of our review of Antares Fairchild. This set was a hot one, certainly the steamiest one so far. Let's get started!
#1 - Favorite line in set
aliboo: Sometimes, you hit a point in your life where you realize the only explanation for your choices is "it seemed like a good idea at the time." - Relatable, MC.
aqua: "I was planning on seducing you, actually." - I don't think anyone was expecting *that*!
violet: "If you value your life, be somewhere else."
#2 - Favorite scene/moment
aliboo: Let Antares seduce you (first heart scene in the set). How very dare he do THAT! Very Hot scene piling on the sexual tension, and was just.. unexpected. But with his ego, it wasn't out of place either!
aqua: MC telling Antares she was in his room to seduce him, his reaction and everything after - so hot! He doesn't even touch her - I can't wait to see the sparks fly when he finally does touch her.
violet: When she ran back into the building to see if he was ok. Putting all their banter and one-up manship aside, her immediate instinct was to check on him. I loved that as it speaks to so much of what is going on underneath the surface.
#3 - Did you buy hearts? Which scene(s)? Worth it?
aliboo: I got all of them. As always, they were all worth it. I have to say the first heart scene was my fav for obvious reasons, which is that no one is immune to Antares' seduction.
aqua: Of course I bought all of them! The cg is paywalled behind the last heart scene, so if you collect the cgs, that's the one to get. They're all really great though. *whispers* The first one tho....
violet: I got all of them and they were truly worth it, but the first one is a masterclass in how to make a scene sexy without the characters even touching.
#4 - Standout character
aliboo: Antares. Alongside 'the only scene I've talked about so far' ("If I set out to seduce you, Ms. Revati... you would be mine." - swoons), my other fav moments were basically anytime he behaved like a little shit, including (1) His antics when they reach Omia - technically not going back on his word, clever. (2) His annoyance and wounded pride at getting caught up in the blast and then whiplash as he waltzes off with Psyri. (3) "If you value your life, be somewhere else." to the spaceport worker. Brutal.
aqua: Antares, always Antares. He's such a dominant presence throughout these sets - he doesn't even need to touch MC to get certain reactions out of her. And he was so brutal this week for not just restraining MC and keeping her on his ship for "three galactic standard hours", but also later when he ran off with Psyri, leaving MC in the dust. I can just see that cape flapping in the wind during all these antics.
violet: Antares for me. When he listens to what MC has to say about her family and why she does the job she does, the respect he showed her in that moment, small as it may have been. I love seeing the cracks in his "Captain Fairchild" persona. Cracks created by the MC, however unwittingly.
#5 - Thoughts on the CG?
aliboo: I love it! I'm still pissed that I thought it was going to be something else though haha.
aqua: I didn't know what to think when I saw the preview, but was quite pleased with the cg. My only issue is - why only one eye? Why???
violet: It was a different angle of the backed up against the wall position we have seen in other CGs and I liked it. It really made you feel his presence.
#6 - Fave screenshot
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#7 - Secondary character shining moment.
aliboo: MC - "I was planning on seducing you, actually" - amazing! And her absolute boldness throughout (especially if you play the heart scenes!)
aqua: Let's be real - this is not a route filled with tons of secondary characters. It is very Antares x MC heavy. That said, my vote goes for Psyri for continuing to be a complete mystery to everyone. And for creating that special failsafe. it did lead to the great scene later between our two leads, but did ya have to drop an entire building on Antares?
violet: Keda. She's proven time and again what a good friend she is to MC. And holy hell is she tal.
#8 - Thought on the villain.
aliboo: The Union will be the common enemy and we haven't seen too much of them YET. It was no surprise that they cancelled MCs contract though.
aqua: Becoming clear that the Union will be the villain. Really did not like that officer ending MC's contract like that. Tho now she has no reason not to side with Antares.
violet: The UNION. I happen to agree with a certain grumpy pilot when he says the Union sucks.
#9 - Most OMG scene?
aliboo: Just one? I'll choose the moment they reach Omia and Antares follows his agreement with MC to the letter, meaning that as soon as they were no longer working together, he could do what he wanted - ie. detain her. It was another moment I hadn't predicted, but the OMG scenes after that were less of a shock as I was starting to expect his Little Shit behaviours.
aqua: When Psyri activated her failsafe, and dropped an entire building on Antares. His poor cape didn't quite survive that moment. Rip billowing cape.
violet: When MC says "I was trying to seduce you." I think we all went...wait, WHAT? Girl of all the things you could have said. Although it did lead into that heart scene so I'm not mad at all.
#10 - Any predictions for next week?
aliboo: Urgh, I'm terrible at this! Antares to the rescue! He will rescue MC from her current pickle and find out that she is in much debt, has no contract and no credits to send to her parents. And then he will Hire her.. to be his prisoner / assistant / whatever his latest kink is.
aqua: Whatever his latest kink is? 😂 Hmm...I'm kinda terrible at this too, so I'm sure this is all wrong. The Union figured out MC was still tracking Psyri and have come directly for her. So it's their gunshots aiming at MC. Of course, it would be really amazing if it was the Starship Promise crew popping up - or even just Orion. Speaking of Orion....no direct mention of him this season so far.
violet: She and Antares will join forced against the Union and work together to find the downed ship. And I HOPE there will be more banter. And more shirtless Antares. And more mini CGs of other Antares body parts cause Voltage is feeling generous towards us right now.
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