#WATCH THE KAISERIN CONQUER!! | The Digimon Kaiserin Verse
glassesandpassion · 4 months
🌹💝Late Valentine's With Your Majesty, The Digimon Kaiserin💝🌹
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- You're already a worm, and NOBODY loves you.
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glassesandpassion · 4 months
@variouscolors said (in regard to this): :( rude [/joke]
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- You're just offended because it's true!
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glassesandpassion · 3 months
[yall wanna see an old kaiserin icon sketch from 2017 that i found????
of course you do look at her!!!
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she's been doing her worst ojou-sama laugh for almost 7 years now]
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glassesandpassion · 3 months
[cheating and sending another one (???)]
💌 Hey Kaiserin-sama say something good about Lightnimon :3c
Send 💌 to get a compliment from receiver's muse! [it's fine!!! pls send as many as you want ♡]
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- Lightnimon?! But he's just a low-level digimon, he can't even evolve into someone cooler! Honestly, I'd say he's barely good enou--
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"Your Majesty!!"
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- ...fine. Lightnimon cooks for my army and does it well. It's enough to keep them motivated, I guess.
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glassesandpassion · 3 months
🆒 + Kaiserin commenting at Momoe and Daisuke thread, especially about learning her big sis is into his big sis :3c
Send “🆒” and my muse will make a comment about one of your other threads!
- ...is that why Momoe-onee-chan used to make me hang out with Motomiya so much? Because she wants to date his sister? Argh, of course it is, she's so selfish!
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- The only time my family remembers I exist is when they need me for something! I hate this so much!! I hope everything goes wrong between them and Motomiya's sister thinks onee-chan's a creep!
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glassesandpassion · 3 months
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- Motomiya...? I know a Motomiya. Weird name for a digimon, thought.
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
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Ma'am??? This is a Wendy's
@twistedstarlitspirits That time (a few hours ago) LadyDevimon was rude to Kaizer and everyone hated it
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
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- Tch. That stupid, useless vermin keep getting on my nerves. Why in the world does this game let my Blitzmon roam around when I need him the most?
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
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glassesandpassion · 4 months
✎ -[from @indentedheartner]
Send me a symbol for my muse to come clean about:
✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. | @indentedheartner
- Jealous? Of you?! HA! Unbelievable how shutting yourself in for a couple of days like the nerd you are did to your mind, Ichijouji.
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- What is there to be jealous about, of you being a useless little vermin who somehow managed to get everything he wanted just by existing and cheating on a game?! Don't make me laugh!! If there's anyone who's jealous here, it's you of all the achievements I got by sheer talent and dedication alone!! Stop projecting, dumbass!!
As no great leaders were ever free of detractors, the Digimon Kaiserin was bound to have a few of them herself. All meaningless noise, really, nothing worthy of her exalted attention - all other players were leagues beneath her, after all.
Regardless, accusing her of jealousy was a dirty move, even by someone as vile and petty as Ichijouji. His life was perfect: the genius boy with his strinking looks, talented in each and every sport, granted special access to developer tools to the most sophisticated game ever developed. Popular, beloved, a liar, making a mockery of everything Miyako could ever want. She'd have no qualms in putting him in his place, wallowing in misery.
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
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“You’re so sweet, you’d put Hershey’s out of business!”
The smallest gasp leaves the Kaiserin's lips as she brings her crossed hands next to her chin. Nothing like this has ever happened in her short live.
- Oikawa-san really, really patched the AI issue... I can't believe it... After all this time...
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- BLITZMOOOOOOOOOONNNN~!!!!! - she waltzed in this direction - Tell I'm the sweetest! The prettiest! The smartest! That no strong and handsome digimon could ever resist my charm~!
Hawkmon just stood there, staring, wondering how long will they keep on with that façade.
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glassesandpassion · 1 year
“You’re like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts."
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terrible pick up lines  ( sfw )   {Sentence Starters}
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But there's no use discussing with a game's AI, no matter how good it is. Instead, the young Kaiserin sent a report to the game's developers:
You've not only have not kicked Ichijouji out of the game, but now the digimon are getting sassy! I mean, one of my digimon called me nuts!! Make sure he only call me sweet next time. And do your job right, this game is only getting worse and worse.
Inoue Miyako
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glassesandpassion · 5 years
googuruboi replied to your photo: Don’t mess with my                               ...
No you’re right: Miyako is a goddess disguised as a mere mortal and this is why we all should worship or fear her.
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- How about both? Ohohohohoho~
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glassesandpassion · 5 years
googuruboi replied to your post: googuruboi replied to your post: ...
S TEP ON M E?????????????!?!????????
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- ...wHAT?
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glassesandpassion · 5 years
googuruboi replied to your post: googuruboi replied to your photo: ...
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- You better.
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glassesandpassion · 4 years
The Franchise Units (Mobile Ver.)
A New Fire
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Icons: Manga Miyako and concept art Miyako (icons by me and @ichijoujik, edited by me)
Description: Miyako through the duration of the 02 anime and it’s aftermath, from 2002 to 2003. If you want a thread with a 12 y/o Miyako still discovering the Digital World and the responsibilities of a Chosen Child, this is the verse to go!
Watch The Kaiserin Conquer!
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Icons: Kaiserin Miyako (drawn by @beepsiart and me, edited by me)
Description: (AU) Miyako is about to start her last year of elementary school when she’s invited to beta a mysterious virtual reality game called Digital World. Once inside the game, she’s given a “starter” digimon and an objective: gather an army and conquer the world. It’s a game of conquest and strategy, she’s told, and her only obstacle is another beta-tester who proclaims himself the one and only Digimon Kaiser - until some familiar faces from school start appearing inside the game to foil their plans, that is.
Will Miyako take the crown as the No. 1 Kaiserin of the Digital World? Or will she listen to these new players and realize that maybe this is not just a game, after all?
The 02 Idol
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Icons: Anime Miyako (screenshots by @twistedstarlitspirits and me, edited by me)
Description: Post-series Miyako, mainly in her 3rd year of middle school. When not saving the Digital World, studying for high school entrance exams or tampering with computers, lovely Miyako is enjoying the Spring of her Youth while looking for True Love ♥
And also helping with her parent’s convenience store, from time to time.
The mundane events of Tri., like Meiko moving to Odaiba, are canon within this verse. The rest? Well, it’ll be up to the thread.
A Panicking Yamato Nadeshiko
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Icons: LastEvo Kizuna Miyako (icons by @digitaladventurers and me, edited by me)
Description: Miyako is a college student now, and little ol’ Odaiba has become too small for her ambitions. Currently studying as an exchange student at many locations around the globe, she’s became the link that unites the many international Chosen, being the one who others usually reach when facing a major conflict.
Despite her efforts to appear elegant and mature, Miyako is still the same energetic and loud girl at heart, and is still easily smitten whenever someone cute crosses her way.
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