omgeto · 1 year
the link of ur masterlist and rules are same :/
oh dear 🙀 you have been bewitched have you and wanted to see my master lists but instead saw my rules that has a proceed to masterlist link right at the end, I apologise
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For the cynical dudes out here, yes both men and women have struggles. However women have very specific types of struggles that more men need to truly recognize.Most women are smaller than the average guy. Many carry around pepper spray for a reason. Most of them do not walk alone at night. If they do, chances are they have a loved one insisting them to be careful.Most women walk in pairs to the restroom. I doubt that all they do is gossip. They do it for protection. Strength in numbers in case shit goes sideways.From my observations, women tend to feel safer in groups.So here are places that are best NOT to approach a woman, from my own past mistakes:1.) On the bus or subway- These are sketchy places in general, often filled with creeps and weirdos. As a medium height male, I often feel weirded out going on the bus myself. Imagine how a woman who is by herself feels. She's likely figuring out how to get off the damn thing as soon as possible when the trip ends.Please resist the urge to approach a woman on there. You will not come off in a great light. The reason isn't you. This woman has her guards up because there are very real creeps on the bus. She has no reason to assume that you're not one of them.If that makes you angry at her, then chances are you are one of these sorts of creeps and you don't realize it. I say this because if you cant see it from the woman's pov, then that is really problematic.We dudes need to see things from their perspective. Downvote me if you want, please. The truth is the truth.The bus is not the best place to approach a woman.2.) At her job- Please don't approach her at her job. There is no way out for her.Especially if it's a customer service job, she has to be smiling and polite nearly all the time.It is very easy to develop crushes on the cute barista or cashiers. Most of them are young and very attractive. If they seem like they are smiling a lot to you, there is a good chance that it's not personal.It is their job to smile at every customer.Sure, some of them may find you attractive. Fine. But it isn't a really high percentage. Most of them have managers standing over them ordering them to keep a friendly face. It doesnt mean that these women are mean when off the clock. It just means that you shouldnt mistake her friendliness for an invitation to flirt.Be polite, respectful. If you MUST ask them out, hand them a slip of paper with your number. Put underneath "Only if you want." (Have this planned out so you dont waste time). And with Covid-19 affecting stores, I doubt that you'll be doing this soon at all.Do it discreetly and walk away. Dont stalk her afterwards. Please. If she likes you, she'll know what to do.3.) When she is by herself in a secluded area-Very similar to the bus situation...this woman's guard is up. It is not the best place to approach her. ATMs, etc...4.) When she is at the gym.She's there to work out, not to get hit on. If you want to strike up a friendship, ask her for gym advice. Maybe over time, you can gain enough solid foundation to ask her out. Respect her even if she says 'no.' (The bar is very low here, guys. My apologies if this advice sounds condescending)Dont just go up and hit on her. That isn't what she wants. And I doubt that's what you actually need to be focusing on while you're at the gym.5.) Unsolicited DMs- This one is more of a Your Mileage May Vary situation. Women on instagram are used to DMs. So I'll say tread carefully. Dont get mad if they dont respond. This is a needle in a haystack. And I'd resist the urge to do to this on Facebook, where the environment is a lot more conservative. I have no opinions on Snapchat or Twitter since I dont use it, but just use common sense.WHEN to approach a woman1.) When she is with friends- As a former shy dude, this sends chills down my spine, but a woman will most likely feel at her safest when she is with people that she trusts.Introduce yourself to her and acknowledge her friends. Hand her your number. Wish the group a good night. That's all it has to be. She'll know what to do with the number.2.) When she is by herself and there other people around her. - This time, she has more of an opportunity to feel safe. This could be at a Barnes and Noble or coffee shop. She is technically by herself, but at least she has other people in her visual, essentially thinking, "This guy wouldnt go crazy here."(This may be the best option for shy dudes)3.) At a party- the social lubrication is great. Everyone is having a good time. This is great time to flirt with a woman. (This basically ties to #1. When she is with friends). Same with being at a game.4.) At church? I am not religious, but if you are, approaching a woman after a church service does not seem like a bad play. It is full of people left and right, and you can talk about the last sermon.5.) At a bar- I dont personally enjoy bars, but they are the classic environment to picking up both men and women.6.) At the dentist- (Nah, just kidding) Figured y'all could use some laughs.Despite Covid-19 basically rendering most of these scenarios moot, the points still stand.Women like to feel safe. They need to feel safe. So when you are approaching a woman...help them feel safe.Dont pin them against the wall. Give them a way out. Show them that you arent some creep, because they do not have reason to trust you yet.Be polite and resepectful. Read the room. Read body language.Again, this advice may seem condescending. Not my intentions. A lot of this advice is for the younger men on here.Please resist the urge to be sarcastic with this stuff. I know it's part of the territory of r/dating_advice, but it really doesn't help.Finally, take care of yourselves. 👍🏾 via /r/dating_advice
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