vaulthunterlands · 7 months
Finished Tales and I love these idiots
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psych0ruinz · 3 months
Please tell me about your twd ocs I need to know everything abt them ♡♡♡
Dr. Constance "Connor" Hayes (She/Her) is a microbiologist in medical research in her late 50s- early 60s when everything first goes down. Because of this she helps work on a version of the "cure" and since they dont have any test subjects she gets it tested on herself. Sadly soon after they loose the lab to the outbreak. So she starts traveling around, trying to find somewhere safe. She ends up becoming a worker at the Sanctuary, mostly working in the gardens and keeping to herself. She goes by Connor and she can't let people know who she is. Especially here. Its when Eugene is sent to the Sanctuary she packs her things, ready to leave any moment. She can tell she shouldn't stay much longer. She finally leaves when Sasha breaks in. From there she focuses on her medical research, trying to stuff herself with as many homemade diy cures as she can. Using herself as her test subject. She knows she's too much of a coward to find out if any of them work. She doesn't want to know and deep inside she knows it wont matter. She could still be torn apart by walkers or killed by another person. But now it feels more sunk cost fallacy to her. So at the "end" point of her story its her being closed off and only moving when she needs to find a place that has at least a little power or gas to fill a generator. She's cold hearted and apathetic, fine with killing but when it comes to her medical research she is self sacrificing and wouldn't want to get anyone hurt from it. (by the time of the dead city time line she is old and still very much kicking) she has long grey hair which she keeps up in a messy bun and has big glasses which cover grey eyes, she kinda dresses like Milo from Atlantis with a tank top and pants tucked into boots. She uses a rifle and hatchet.
Fiona Gurro (She/They) is a teen from a private school where she was class president as well as president to the av club. she hid her bitterness and anger behind false smiles and the apocalypse really let her personality shine. She has become a radio host in the end of the world, mostly talking about whatever and playing music. She keeps track of the days and every so often during the day she will announce the date. She personally doesn't care but she knows other people do and the more people care about her radio station the more sway she has. The more likely people are to believe anything she says, if you cross her you will end up hunted. but she doesn't leave her station much, she only goes out for water and food. food is harder to find and she isnt a great hunter so her office is piled high with books on foraging. she also had to learn to take care of her solar panels, winters are hard for her as she has to keep them clear. She has no fighting experience but is quick and cautious. (blonde buzzed hair and covered in freckles with blue eyes)
Pomline Jones (She/Her) is an ex-catholic from an family who beliefs are more cult-like then actually religious. She is in her late twenties and was married to a abusive man about 15 years older than her. She didn't make these choices her family did, while she still has some religious beliefs they aren't so strict and cruel anymore. She kinda faux punk, half shaven head and all leather and always has a pickaxe on her belt. She's a loner and an angry violent one at that. All her bottled up emotions have made her volatile. She wont hesitate to threaten and kill. Like she did to her perfectly clean catholic husband. A big thing for her is making food taste good so she always has spices in her bag, people leave them behind so she finds that they are easy to get her hands on. (black hair with sharp green eyes and too much eye makeup)
Charlie "Creep" Andrews (He/It) is what some people call a stalker, he is always watching and quick on his feet. He can scale buildings swiftly and its all for his own gain. That gain is making people uncomfortable. He didn't choose to be called Creep it was just a nickname people called him because he wears a respirator and goggles with a hoodie and just watches. he is always just around every corner. waiting. for what, just for fun. If you ask him what he did before the apocalypse he will shrug and give a different vauge answer each time. But be careful because he is surprising quick in melee combat, he isn't strong but quite dexterous. He can put a screwdrivee through your eye the moment you glance away and he uses distractions as a boon while around others. (brown mousy hair with brown eyes, just some short guy who bites)
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neatoad · 5 years
getting to see vaughn and rhys interact with the main cast of the main games is going to k ill me and i am so excited,
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glitchfinch · 5 years
🔥 i tried to send this once so if it shows up twice im sorry gkdbkgs but borderlands?
Unpopular opinion time!
you’re so valid and its okay dsFBVSLDFJ
OH its salty time! I have SO MANY opinions about this series so I’ll break it into hopefully bite sized quips and apologize in advance if i get Mad
The game devs are fucking cowards for not sticking by Zer0 using they/them pronouns. And while I’m glad we have NB characters in the game, I’m real steamed that they are all robots or implied non-humans.
I actually love Ava a lot and most of the fans I’ve seen who don’t like her have 0 good arguments outside of “oh but she was MAD at LILITH like a DUMB KID”. like, shut the fuck up Ava just had to see her big sister/mom/only family she had get mcvaporized in front of her. 
The forced romance plot with Rhys and Fiona/Sasha in Tales made me almost shut off the game. It was bad. It was so fucking bad. I know I’m gay but good fucking god. I Actively tried to avoid it and the game was still oozing with it.
Borderlands 3 was fun but ruined all the female characters and really pissed me off. 
I spent the entire game wishing Jack were the villain instead of the Calypso Twins. As characters? They’re cool. Hell, as villains they even do their job. They make you hate them REALLY WELL and do some fucked up stuff, but I don’t see where people are claiming they are “super charismatic”. I might just be an old man tho
the fact that there was actual platforming in the game made me more angry than happy because i dont know if it’s just Fl4k but i swear to god I couldn’t do any of the mandatory platforming without falling or screaming a little bit. fl4k baby i love you but just grAB THE FUCKING LEDGE. PLEASE. IM BEGGING YOU.
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