#WHOO what a whirlwind tho
I finally finished watching and HOLY SMOKES
YES. First of all, I am smort
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When I was putting this together I tried to also add endings or elements that I really didn’t want to see and honestly? Most of the things I really wanted to happen or headcannoned HAPPENED
1. The robot’s having their own language that they’ve been using the whole time - its just too low of a register for us to really hear it (I was shooketh when they gave us an actual subtitled convo with SAR and Robot)
2. The robot’s creators being aliens. (I just didn’t want it to be future humans, or humans at all). And because of them the robots viewing any potential ‘masters’ bad. When Will asks what the hole in Scarecrow’s head is - Robot shows him Gypsy’s bit. Will takes this to mean Scarecrow might die, but what he actually means is that it was how they controlled him. The little through-line of control was something I was happy to see concluded.
3. SAR specifically wanted to know why robot changed, and how Will did it - it was super personal to him. Because Robot (to SAR) just randomly flipped his lid when SAR tried to kill this one specific human - totally betrayed him after Robot had already killed quite a few humans. What made this human different??
[I really did want SAR to help the Robinsons - but the ending we got worked out just as well in my eyes - sometimes there are people who can’t be saved - IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU DON’T TRY, But Will gave SAR multiple chances, and Robot beat SAR at his own game. In the end Smith of all people had the ending that I bingo’ed for SAR, they swapped.]
5. Will having his Big Ol’ Hero moment, then again when he realizes that doing it alone wasn’t what he should do - he needed to trust his family, trust Robot to get him through. And the artificial heart? Character death isn’t the only way to prove a point, and while the plot armor is nice, I like seeing consequences. Plus it’s nice symbolism while also being heavily plot relevant. *chef kiss*
There’s so many other things but I just wanted to make a quick post, my brain is still very full
Overall I’m pretty dang happy with what we got - though I would have liked to see more of Scarecrow and Ben. That’s a backstory I really want to have. Christmas special episode anyone?
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