fic-dumpster · 3 years
Deer in headlights | Part 4: Meeting The Haitani Brothers
Bonten X Reader | Canon Divergent | 2k+ words
Warnings: mentions of the word sex (nothing rlly), pms, guns, intrusive thoughts, domestic stuff, it’s full of interactions, no beta we die like men, grammar mistakes, thisisbullshitomgimsorry.
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Today is your first day in a long time without anyone from Bonten. You woke up strangely sad, thinking about not seeing Mikey or Sanzu or that idiot of Kokonoi. Okay, maybe not the last one. But still, your life became so alive since they stepped foot in it.
Looking back at your life before then, you felt lonely. Just remembering your old daily routine made you feel like you were suffocating. You didn't want to go back to that lonely feeling. Ever.
Looking at your calendar, you noticed the date. Your period began tomorrow.
After a long search through your cabinets, you realized that you hadn't restocked your place in a while. So that was your plan for the day, grocery shopping.
As you exit the store, you almost crash onto a man. “I’m so sor-” you started to say, but he seemed to be in a hurry since he paid no mind to your half-apology. A strange pull in your guts forced you to take a better look; maybe he needed help.
Some predators never lose sight of their prey and their eyes have that wild look. Well, you saw that look in this man's eyes. He was following someone. And you couldn't help but go after him.
Have you lost your mind? Maybe hanging out with criminals was a bad influence. Those two thoughts crossed your mind.
Barely a store or two later, you also got a good view of his prey. Your blood froze.
You would recognize those tattoos anywhere; what called your attention is where those two had their tattoos located, on their goddamn throats. They were part of Bonten, you concluded. You stood for a second, contemplating the option of calling Manjiro or Sanzu, but life doesn't wait for anyone.
The man was already pointing his gun towards the short-haired one, and you did the first thing that came to your mind. You bashed your bag of pads at the man’s face. Thus making the man stumble and drop the gun, and the pads inside your bag fly all over the sidewalk. That made people turn around and look, so you made another bold choice.
“Help! Thief!!!” As people and some officers surrounded the perpetrator, you dashed towards those two who stood watching the scene you caused. You saw a little shake come from their shoulders. Were they laughing?
“Hi?” You stood there, trying to recover your breath, in front of the snickering pair. But up close, they looked a whole lot more intimidating. Okay... You didn't think this far ahead.
“You know, ordinary people run when they see a gun,” sarcastically commented the one with a bluish-purple mullet. You were about to respond when the other man with short hair took your hand in his.
“The name’s Ran, little lady.” he kissed your hand.
With a red face, you snatched your hand back and held it in your chest. “Good, okay. Hmmm...” great, just great. You forgot what you were going to say.
As you looked at the ground, lost in your thoughts, the brothers saw the man you decked in the face break free from the crowd and ran towards them. Although they could easily overpower the man, they decided not to. They just met you and didn't want to scare a little thing like you off.
“This is what you do when a man with a gun comes after you,” said the purple-nette as he circled your middle section with one arm and fastly picked you up. “By the way, I’m Rindo,” he looked down at his side, where he carried you like a puppy.
And so they ran. Pretty fast, considering one had your dead weight on. “Could you kindly put me down?” but the pair didn't register your words.
“Ran, where did you park the car?” Asked your carrier.
“There,” pointed Ran with his head. The man wasn't after them anymore.
You were put on the ground by Rindo as Ran opened the door for you. “Get in,” both brothers said at the same time. There must be something seriously wrong with you because you obeyed without any hesitation. And the Haitani brothers detected that.
Meanwhile, at Bonten’s office building.
“Boss, I think you should watch the news.” entered one of their footmen.
“We are busy. Why is it so important?” asked an irritated Mochizuki. Mikey was busy making paper planes with Kokonoi’s reports. Of course, Mikey read them already. He just wanted to annoy the latter.
“It’s the Haitanis and the girl you told us to keep an eye on.” That last part made everyone freeze.
“Show me,” ordered Mikey as Sanzu and Kokonoi left their seats and stood ready to leave the place and look for you.
A screen showed the news about a robbery attempt and a picture. It showed you being carried like a sack by Rindo and both brothers running. Why were his executives running in the middle of the day and especially with you!?!
A smacking sound woke everyone up from their trance. Sanzu just slapped the back of Kokonoi as he laughed hysterically. “Why are you standing up? Didn't you say she annoyed you?”
Kokonoi didn't get to defend himself as Mikey spoke first. “Call Ran and ask what happened and to bring Y/N here. Fast.”
Suddenly, Ran’s phone rang. He didn't pick up. Then Rindo’s, but he didn't pick up either. You were about to comment on that when yours rang. Startled by the ringtone, you nervously picked up without looking at the ID.
“Hello?” you said. Ran, who sat at the driver's seat, looked at you through the rearview mirror. Meanwhile, Rindo sat beside you, both on the back.
“Y/N, pass me the phone to any of those two.” Oh, it was Manjiro. You nodded your head, even though they couldn't see you. “For you,” you passed the phone to the man next to you.
He made a confused face but received the phone. “Yes?” whatever thing Mikey said on the phone made him tense. And so he passed the phone to Ran. His older brother, now with the phone in his ear, apologized to Manjiro on the phone.
The Haitani Brothers were shocked to find you knew their boss.
“Boss says to take her now,” Ran commented to his brother. But you intervened.
“Tell Manjiro to wait. I need to get my pads first. I could bleed any minute.” you huffed.
“Bleed? Is she hurt?!” that came from the phone, still on Ran’s hand. But it wasn’t Mikey’s voice.
“No!” The three of you exclaimed. Trying to soothe whoever was the one who screamed. After reassuring Mikey and Sanzu that you were okay, you hang up.
“Little lady, you should have said that you know the boss,” Rindo said as Ran started the car.
“Yeah, but how do you know him?” asked Ran, still looking through the mirror.
“Oh, Manjiro is living with me.” both with wide eyes abruptly turned to see you. “So... To a Konbini?” you asked.
The car ride was mostly them asking you questions and you answering the best you could. They went as far as to ask if you were having sex with Mikey; you said no. With Sanzu and you repeated no. Kokonoi, they both inquired, and once again, you said no. For the first time, the Haitani brothers were lost. Who are you?
As you arrived at the convenience store, you saw both of them unbuckle their seatbelts. You tried to convince them to wait in the car, but both refused.
And that's how you three are now in the store looking at the wall of feminine care products.
“What size are your lady parts?” voiced Rindo. You sensed genuine concern there, so you actually explained.
“It’s not by size like a condom. It's more like... how much you bleed?” you made gestures with your hands, simulating drops.
Both brothers looked at you, intrigued by that fact.
“I thought you had to stick it up.” now was Ran.
“Yes, when it’s a tampon, but I rather use pads.” you didn't stop scanning the brands and names, looking for the one you liked.
“Why?” now it was both of them.
“You two ask too many questions,” you were annoyed now. Besides, some employees were looking at you and your companions every second.
You grabbed a pack of pads once you found the right one and made your way to pay for them with both Ran and Rindo tailing behind you. As you approached the girl at the register, she tensed. You could guess why.
“No. I’m paying.” you’ve been arguing with Ran and Rindo. They won't let you pay.
“Like hell you are.” Rindo almost shoved his card in the poor girl’s face. You were fuming.
“You are scaring her! Go away!” you were practically hanging from Rindo’s arm in an attempt to get his card. Meanwhile, Ran took a couple of bills from his wallet and put them in the trembling girl’s hand.
Now with a receipt in hand, Ran sighed. “Let’s go,” he said as he walked out, waving the piece of paper.
Once you arrived at the building, you walked between the brothers, a fact that you learned in the car, they are brothers.
Suddenly you remembered where you are. This is Bonten, a criminal group, building. You were fidgeting, a ball of nervousness. After all, you’ve never been to their workplace.
You realized that as the Haitani Brothers walked, every person bowed to them, and since you were in the middle, it felt like they bowed to you too. You felt a little better with that, and it made you puff your chest out. An action that didn't pass unnoticed by the brothers. They chuckled in silence.
You saw the brothers walk towards a double door, and Ran walked in first.
“Where are Mochi and Takeomi,” you heard Ran ask after his back disappeared through the door.
“They had other business to attend,” you also heard Kokonoi reply.
“What happens?” you didn't even realize you stopped walking, but Rindo did. He also noticed your shivering hands.
“I- I don't know,” you whispered. Maybe you did know; however, you didn't want to say out loud how scared you were of the people inside that room being mad at you.
“Don’t worry, whatever thing you are picturing in your head isn’t gonna happen,” Rindo poked your forehead and gave you a warm smile as he clasped your hand in his. He dragged you inside.
The space was a mess. Candy wrappers, paper planes, bullets(?) everywhere. As you looked around, you overlooked the intense gaze of the three other males in the room in the direction of where your hand was connected with Rindo’s. You two just met, why are you holding hands? Thoughts like that crossed everyone’s mind.
After hugs and greetings and a light scolding from Kokonoi about the dangers of running after a man with a gun, you sat on a chair near Mikey while they finished their things.
From a day without Bonten. To have more than half of them sitting with you. That sure escalated quickly. And it made you remember your early thoughts of the day and the loneliness. You really didn't want to cry, but the tears began to burst on their own.
“Why are you crying?!?” screamed Kokonoi as he stood up from his seat.
“It’s the hormones!” you whined.
“Are you pregnant?” asked Ran
“Mikey?!? What the hell?” Kokonoi looked at his boss with accusatory eyes.
“Not me.” Sanzu defended himself before anyone could point a finger.
“It’s not that you brutes,” you said, sobbing.
“Sanzu, please take Y/N to the cafeteria on the first floor,” ordered Mikey after you calmed a little. “When my sister had those special days, sweets helped,” he explained.
Once you were out of earshot, Mikey looked at the Haitani brothers expectantly.
“So?” pressed Mikey.
“She won’t do,” Ran responded.
“Hmmm, I think you're wrong.” smiled Rindo, “I think with a little more work, she’ll do just fine. Besides, brother, you would be dead by now if it wasn't for that little lady.”
“What do you mean, Rindo?” questioned Kokonoi.
“We were watching the attackers from the other side of the street; we didn't have info on the one coming from our side,” said the younger Haitani.
“Okay, give her a chance. But I bet Kakucho would agree with me.” Ran said.
“Ran, on the contrary. I think she’ll do just fine.” A man with a scar crossing his left eye stepped in the room.
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