thewriteflame · 2 days
Find the Word
@starbuds-and-rosedust thank you for the tag!
Words: high, might, site and/or sight, and bind
No pressure tagging: @violets-in-her-arms-writes @blue-kyber @romances-not-tragedies @megarywrites and, as usual, open tag Words: rush, rule, rage, reflect
Doing them a little out of order to keep things simple.
Take from And They Were Roommates:
“I didn’t know how they would take the news.” He turned to Takashti who was half hidden in the shadows created by his golden crown night light. “Oh,” Takashti’s flat voice barely reached Jayme’s ears. A beat then, “How do you think they would take it?” Jayme played with his lip and nose as he thought. The one he was most worried about was Nim, as usual. She would tear down buildings and start wars for him. She lost sleep and weight because of him. A year of high school. The prom she had dreamt of since they were eight. The Valentine’s Day she didn’t know was planned. He wouldn’t let her lose any of the college experiences they had excitedly looked forward to.
Shooting a glare at Jayme, Takashti silently entered the classroom. He gave Mrs. N a small wave as he glanced around. There. An empty seat next to an elf with a head of unruly auburn hair. He nodded to Jayme’s brother as he gathered the abandoned bag, fidget bracelet, and binder. Then he was out and shoving the items into Jayme’s outstretched arms. “Okay, see ya,” Takashti said as he started for the nearest exit. With Jayme in tow. “What are you doing?” Takashti asked, turning around. Jayme, struggling to slide the binder into his bag, smiled at him. “Aren’t you going to the dorm too?” “No,” Takashti said. He turned and sighed at the sound of shoes hurrying to catch up.
Taken from The Revenged:
“Hold still.” His quiet voice still holding a demanding edge. “I can do it myself,” She said, ducking away from the rag. Saavin’s jaw clenched and for a moment she thought he might hit her but instead he sighed. “Please, I’m the only one here who can see your beautiful face,” he finally replied. His finger grazed Shuntala’s cheek before she jerked further away from him. Wordlessly they stared each other down. Saavin broke away first with a chuckle. “Fearlessness is both a desirable and dangerous trait to have on the seas.” He wet the rag again before passing it to Shuntala.
It was more of an incessant feeling than memories or thoughts that spurned Shuntala to push her way to consciousness. Slowly the world around her swam in and out of clarity as she fought to hold onto it. A thought. A memory. A sense of rocking. She was but a being floating, existing. Nahuel. The pirates. Blood. Sucking in a breath she forced her eyes open, willed her vision to focus on the sight above her. She gritted her teeth as she desperately tried to move and the planks of the ship solidified.
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thinking about other people's aus...
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propheciesanddreams · 2 years
hey friend! so I somehow (???) missed the part where you are an incredible writer?? idk I think honestly I followed you in between chapters being posted or something but yeah I just caught up in atwr in like two days and !!!! anyway just wanted to tell you it's lovely and I don't know how I missed out on it before.
Ahhhh stooooop!!!! But also continue because flattery will get you everywhere 😁
I never know how to respond when someone reads my work. I’m newly back into fic writing and I don’t ever expect anyone to read my fic cause texting fics may not be your thing (for atws), or you’ve got too many WIPs you’re reading, or you just might not like it. Which are all valid and doesn’t preclude friendship. So thanks for taking time out of your day to read it and send a lovely message 💜💜💜
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thewriteflame · 8 days
Picrew Kiss Tag
Thank you @starbuds-and-rosedust for tagging me!
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @romances-not-tragedies @violets-in-her-arms-writes @memento-morri-writes and open tag
Rules: Show off your oc ships with this picrew
I'll post four of the five I made
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Left: Jayme and Nim (Nayme) I love how they turned out even if they're both disappointed by the clothing selection (fashionistas honestly). It's my thing to put some kind of crown on them when I do picrews just because I can. I sort of based this off of the messy confession scene I'm planning which is why Nim has tears in her eyes.
Right: Laith and Cris (Craith) They're so cute; very satisfied with hair, clothes, etc.
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Left: Nahuel and Shuntala (Natala) Just once I'd like a picrew that has a hairstyle exactly like Nahuel's but this one at least attempts the right texture. Pretty sure I forgot to take the pink filter off but oh well.
Right: Liam and Sadie (Ladie love their ship name) The sad reality of me being excited to see braids that match how Liam usually wears his hair when not running late somewhere.
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thewriteflame · 4 months
Find the Word
@romances-not-tragedies thank you so much for the tag!
My words: delicious, dress, heart, jam
Tagging @oh-no-another-idea @charlesjosephwrites @isherwoodj @theunboundwriter and open tag
For the words: top, treat, trouble, tilt
Delicious (from And They Were Roommates)
“It must be difficult to find candy and such that he likes," Jayme said, taking a bite from the pastry. He managed to kick his feet a little without hitting anything as he savored the yummy, delicious blueberries wrapped in flaky dough. With his pastry in one hand, Jayme popped open his pill container with the other and accepted the water bottle Nim handed him. His grimace at swallowing his daily vitamins and ADHD meds quickly turned back to humming as he returned to eating his pastry.
Dress (next two are from Home)
Asa, still shivering, was now dressed finely. Even with her hair wild like flames from a forest fire, her silk sage dress spoke of her high birth. “Th-the elf,” She whispered as Ka’il came in. “Please, let me examine her alone,” He said quietly to Saavin, whose eyes narrowed suspiciously at him. Ka’il swallowed. For Klement, he reminded himself before taking a breath in. “Ladies are often… embarrassed by these things. It will help if she’s more relaxed.” Saavin’s eyes somehow narrowed further. He towered over Ka’il as he bent closer to his ear. “Remember, elf, she’s mine.” He smirked as he drew a finger across his throat. “Klement might want more members in his crew.”
Head pounding, heart hammering, a void from the night before… he took in his surroundings, the nightmarish reality making his drunken abyss a welcoming thought. “I shouldn’t be here,” He said. Asa, with nothing but an already thinned blanket to cover her from the world, cowered in the furthest corner of the bed. New bruises darkened her fair complexion and blood marking the blanket and her face churned Ka’il’s stomach more than the rocking of the ship.
Jam (from ATWR)
A heaviness weighed Takashti down. His still half asleep mind thought for just a second- blissfully, rather- of Saira. He scowled at the ceiling as he came fully awake. The weight taking on an annoying shape of floral scented bones and silky pajamas. Of course, he thought. Of course the mome didn’t know the definition of personal boundaries. Jayme let out a small sound of contentment before moving almost impossibly closer to him. His knee dug into Takashti’s leg as his head nestled onto his shoulder. “Alright, that’s enough of this,” Takashti said as he pulled himself away from his roommate.
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thewriteflame · 28 days
Out of Context Tag Game
Thank you so much @megarywrites for the tag!
Tagging: @ryns-ramblings @romances-not-tragedies @oh-no-another-idea @blue-kyber @starbuds-and-rosedust and, as usual, open tag
Debated what to post but I think I'll go with some one brain-cell Takashti x Jayme interaction (of course that one brain-cell belongs solely to Takashti):
“Ohhhh,” Jayme examined the picture. The tiles were, indeed, a collage of all the ugly colors in the man’s scarf. “What about your closet?” He asked. “It’s just a closet?” Takashti replied, an eyebrow raised. Jayme pouted and Takashti sighed. “Fine, you can go through that door and out the main one if you insist on seeing another man’s closet.” Takashti gestured to a small pocket door on the other side of the bathroom, nestled between the shower and wall.
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thewriteflame · 28 days
Find the Word
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag!
Words: grieve, grace, game, and grin
No pressure tagging: @romances-not-tragedies @theprissythumbelina @charlesjosephwrites @pinespittinink and open tag Words: bathe, lift, shimmer (or shine), kind
Taken from Home:
Grieve Grief
Ka’il glanced at the door then hurriedly pulled a clothe from his bag. He quietly shushed her as he placed it in her hand. “Please, Asa, I know it’s better to get your grief out but we don’t want Saavin coming back in, do we?” With effort, Asa quieted. Ka’il sighed. “It-it’s a-all my fault,” Asa said between silent anguish. Blinking back tears, Ka’il sat by her knees. “No, no it’s not.”
And They Were Roommates:
“Uh, thanks?” Takashti replied. His eyebrow rose as he looked at the lemon pastry. He had no idea why he was suddenly included in Jayme’s close-nit group, especially since Nim acted all too happy if she could treat him like hated furniture. Did you thank others for including you only as an obligation? Why did this tiny high-elf seem to think his existence was a threat to her personally? “So we know in the future, what’s your favorite fruit?” Cris asked, paying no mind to her friend’s obvious desire to leave. “Um… pomegranates,” Takashti said. “But lemon or custard is fine if we’re talking sweets.” A self-satisfied smile graced Cris’s usually neutral expression. “Ha! I was right about that, too.” She bent closer to Nim to gloat over her small victory.
“Dark Samus? Nice choice.” Cris told him over Nim declaring how she’s known Jayme for thirteen years. “She still won’t be a match for Sheik, though.” Takashti smirked. “We’ll see about that.” Cris went easy on him as he got the hang of the controls. Then it turned fierce. For all of one minute before his character disappeared off screen for a final time. What could you expect with someone who had never even seen the game let alone played it until thirty minutes ago?
The Revenged:
It wasn’t long before she entered the park, their park as she secretly called it now. Uncertain if or when Nahuel would come she decided to not leave it to chance and hoped he had already seen the quick letter she left the night before. She stopped, her heart jumping at the sight of the man in front of her. In front of their spot. Shuntala watched Nahuel as he tenderly kissed a note and bent to place it in their secret place. He grinned as he pulled her small note out. She smiled as he treated her hurried note like a delicate sheet of gold.
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thewriteflame · 28 days
Find the Word
@romances-not-tragedies thank you so much for tagging me!
Words: mar, wait, dark, deny
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @violets-in-her-arms-writes and open tag Your words: metal, star, round, ice
Taken from Home:
“The otter festival?” Ka’il nodded. “Otters are keepers of the rivers. They’re needed to have a thriving river. Once a year we show our appreciation for their hard work by having a festival. We make otter pies and many get married during that time.” “You thank the otters by turning them into pies?” Ka’il let out a small chuckle at Aurea's scrunched face. “No. Sorry, I guess humans don’t have otter pies.” He affectionately patted her head. “They’re pies we make for the otters. They’re made with fish, cattail, and other river edibles. We have a version we eat, too, that we make year round.”
And They Were Roommates:
Takashti rolled his eyes. “If we all waited for the right time to share bad news we’d still be waiting for an official statement on The Titanic.” “Well,” Jayme puffed his cheeks. “You tell her the devil’s spawn is here then.” “You barely know the guy,” Takashti once again pointed out. “Whatever,” Jayme went back to being face planted in his comforter. Takashti frowned as he debated saying what he was thinking. “Just so you know if you listened to any of my classmates you’d think I was an ambitious and small-minded man who would sell my closest friends for one corn chip.” Not that I’ve ever had any friends to sell. “My point is that you can’t go by what other people tell you.” Jayme’s bed muffled his scream of frustration.
The Revenged:
“Shuntala,” She said, impulsive and breathless. “My name is Shuntala.” His smile fell for a moment as he blinked at her in shock. “Nahuel,” He said with a small bow. Nahuel’s smile was back as he met her eyes again. “It’s not as fine as a rose like Shuntala but it’s a name I cherish all the same.” Shuntala held a hand up to her mouth as she fought back a giggle. It was clear even by the few sentences said between them why Bekah acted like she did earlier. His eyes, smile, voice… the way his dark skin glowed as he watched her, his demeanor charming yet awkward as he eagerly waited for her to respond.
Deny Doubt
Her mother’s smile grew. “Yes, Mythel danced with you three times and during our last dinner you two talked a lot. You’ve taken to him, haven’t you? Come now, there is no need to hide it from your mother.” “Uh,” Shuntala looked around the room as if the walls or furniture would offer help. “I guess?” She replied, hoping it wouldn’t create any expectations for anyone. That anyone could like Mythel was a mystery but as long as it kept her mother from prying further. “Oh, I am so glad!” Her mother clasped her hands together and Shuntala knew she had chosen the wrong answer. “We will have to set up some dates and hopefully he’ll propose before too long. Then there will be the wedding to plan,” “N… Oh, mother!” Shuntala put out her hands then quickly reigned herself back. She laughed nervously, “It’s just a little… interest? I doubt he’d even be into a… a tall, headstrong woman like me. There’s no rush on a wedding. We aren’t even courting.” She laughed again and could feel the sweat forming under her dress.
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thewriteflame · 10 months
Out of context line tag
@theprissythumbelina thank you for the tag~!
Taken from And They Were Roommates (where a lot of my favorite out of context lines are/will be):
Takashti’s training involved paint brushes and Bunsen burners, panic attacks were way out of his qualifications.
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @theunboundwriter @oh-no-another-idea @emelkae and open tag
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thewriteflame · 5 months
ROY G BIV tag game
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! <3
Rules: Search your WIP for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt
Soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @emelkae @romances-not-tragedies @theprissythumbelina and OPEN TAG should anyone wish to join in ^^
Will be taking them from 3 of my WIPs: Home, And They Were Roommates (ATWR), and The Revenged (TR).
Red (Home)
“Is he going to survive?” She asked again. She stared at him, her large hazel eyes boring hopefully into his. Ka’il wasn’t an expert on humans but he felt she couldn’t have been much older than Miriel. “If he lives through the night and we can keep infection away, probably.” Determination entered her eyes. The same look Miriel got when she wanted to help, wanted to do tell the world she would do what seemed impossible. “Then he will make it through the night.” Ka’il smiled at her. His first smile since before Laitae broke into his world. “Anyone would with you near, little one.” He couldn’t resist ruffling her wild red-blonde hair. She glared at him and smoothed out her hair. “I’m twelve,” She pointed out. “Oh, practically an adult. No wonder you were a good apprentice.” Ka’il said, half-jokingly. The girl beamed at him.
Orange & Yellow (TR)
“My father had her built just last year after our last ship became too damaged to float. The plan is that after this trip is over, she will be mine.” Nahuel looked at the ship with pride. A pride Shuntala felt was deserved as she took in the frigate in front of them. Natural medium wood shone through a thick coating that protected it from the dangers of the sea, a swirling line of orange and pink painted flowers decorated the top of the hull and curled around bright yellow lettering that gleamed on her aft. The Rising Sun’s rays danced and reached for the flowers circling them.
Green Emerald (TR)
She moved her attention from the fingers lightly touching her wrist to his emerald eyes. She relaxed a little. “Now,” he muttered to himself as he pocketed the salve. Shuntala looked back at her arm as he slowly unwrapped it. Stitches lined her cut. An angry redness partly ringed it. She flinched as he gingerly touched it. “Sorry,” He said. “I’ll have to talk Saavin into coming back.” Shuntala looked back at his eyes as he concentrated on re-wrapping her arm then looked to his ears. What she realized should have been elongated was cut off, thick scars marking the end.
Blue (ATWR)
Once again Takashti found himself in the girls’ room. It hadn’t been his prerogative but resisting a fresh changed Jayme— now wearing pastel blue and sequined sandals— was like flying a kite in a hurricane. Not even Nim said anything as she rolled her eyes as he was dragged into their domain. “You’ve been acting strange, Jayme.” Nim suddenly said as they watched Cris yeet some large and rather ugly character off the stage. “Sheik remains undefeated!” Cris cried out as she held her hands up. “Which one of you losers want to try their hand?” “I’m not acting strangely,” Jayme replied. He grinned at Nim. “Jayme is acting like Jayme. It’s Takashti’s turn!”
Indigo Cobalt (TR)
Shuntala sipped on the water and examined the sword. The rich, cobalt blue hilt looked more like it belonged to an aristocrat than a pirate. Then, perhaps, this Wulf had murdered the Lord or Duke who had commissioned it? She sat the half-empty cup down and picked up the sword. She unsheathed it part way and turned it, eyes wide as she watched the blade catch the light. Nahuel had basic sword knowledge, so she hadn’t been taught much but she could tell that it was taken care of. She noticed some letters hidden just below the hilt. She squinted, making them out. HRH AW? She stared at the letters, eyebrows creased. Was that a maker? A title?
Violet (ATWR)
Takashti was nearly ready for sleep by the time Jayme came in and crashed half onto his bed, face buried in his violet comforter. “Rough day?” Takashti asked as he tossed his laundry into the light green basket by the bathroom door. Jayme moaned. “Did you get her highness settled down?” Jayme moaned again. “Did you tell her about your brother?” Jayme turned his head so he could look at Takashti. “It wasn’t the right time.” Takashti rolled his eyes. “If we all waited for the right time to share bad news we’d still be waiting for an official statement on The Titanic.”
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thewriteflame · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale Tag
Jumping on @starbuds-and-rosedust open tag~
Leaving an open tag as well as soft tagging: @megarywrites @blue-kyber @violets-in-her-arms-writes @charlesjosephwrites @ryns-ramblings
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
I'll do the main protagonists for all my current WIPs.
Takashti 0.5/10
Cuddling with him would be like cuddling with a log. He's like a cat who hates being held but warms up to the idea if he likes you enough. Even then he usually just bears with it and would never admit to enjoying it a little. He's also confused by the concept of being touch starved.
Jayme 12/10
He's the very definition of a cuddle bug. In fact, much to Takashti's horror, the only way he can go back to sleep after a trauma related nightmare is if he's cuddling with someone. Would cuddle with a stranger and the type who has to be touching (or at least near) another living person 24/7.
Shuntala 2.5/10
She only feels inclined to cuddle with those she considers to be her family. She develops touch aversion (and a stabbing reflex) after her time on The Scarlett's Song and even after recovering as much as possible she still isn't comfortable with being touched unless she's the one who initiates it. Or when she really needs a hug from someone she trusts. Kids can cuddle with her as much as they want, though.
Ka'il 4/10
With family and kids he's 10/10 but with others he only cuddles if he feels it's what they need. He literally is like "here is your doctor prescribed cuddle."
Sadie 5/10
I only see her cuddling with those she's closest to, like Shuntala and Ka'il. But she'll happily allow someone she only knows a little to cuddle with her under certain circumstance, though.
Liam 9/10
He is a man who loves a good cuddle. It sort of stems from how he was raised when he stayed with his mom during the summers. You're part of a community and sometimes the community wants a cuddle. Plus he looks after a lot of kids from time to time and no cuddle ok kid leaves him cuddled free.
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thewriteflame · 9 months
Heads Up 7 Up
@theprissythumbelina thank you again for the tag!
I have been writing off and on lately but haven't had the time to do tags so yeah...
Anyway here is a good peek into Jayme's melodramatic mind. For context Takashti just told Jayme his favorite color. Reluctantly I might add.
Though, Jayme had to admit, it did fit Takashti. Boring, unassuming, HOA compliant. He had seen the surge of beige flag memes on TikTok and finally understood. Only this was a taupe flag. It felt worse than beige. Beige was at least connected with the colorful retro gadgets and decor of the 90s. Taupe haunted Jayme’s dreams as more houses fell to the ugly sameness of boringsville united. Taupe and slate. He knew it was a little crazy to declare war on two colors but would it kill anyone to have different colored houses? Life was depressing enough without sapping all the brightness from it.
Soft tagging: @blue-kyber @oh-no-another-idea @isherwoodj and open tag
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thewriteflame · 1 year
Good Lines Tag Game
Thank you @druidx for the tag!
What’s a line that you’re tremendously proud of writing, and what’s a line that’s just out-of-context ridiculous?
This is perhaps one of the best threats I've written that happens to perfectly sum up Shuntala:
“My bones would crawl up out of the sea to choke the last breath from your body and dance on your grave.” -The Revenged- I feel everyone should know that Shuntala is trapped in a cell on Saavin's ship and hasn't eaten or drank much in the past 48 hours when she says this to him.
My favorite out-of-context line:
“Smell the squirrel,” Jayme said. -And They Were Roommates-
Tagging: @emelkae @pinespittinink @blue-kyber @moonscribbler @jamieanovels @silvertalonwritblr @lucysnotebook
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thewriteflame · 9 months
Find the Word
@oh-no-another-idea thank you for the tag!
My words: those, there, hit, and hurt
Soft tagging: @violets-in-her-arms-writes @druidx @silvertalonwritblr @the-finch-address and open tag for the words halt, furrow, laugh, and order
Managed to get a little from each of my main WIPs!
Those (Home)
“Ka’il?” A small voice came from the path at the edge of the field of plants he and his parents cultivated. “Miriel? What are you doing here?” He asked, voice sharp, as he stood. “It’s too dangerous for you to come alone.” Miriel hugged the nearest tree, shyly pouting. “I want to help,” She said. Ka’il sighed. “How are you feeling? Is it a good day today?” She nodded. “Fine,” Miriel gave a triumphant laugh as she half skipped to Ka’il’s side. Her green eyes sparkled when she looked up at him. Ka’il groaned. He was weak to those eyes. “Listen sprout,” He playfully pulled on her nose and she glared at him. “We’ll collect a few more handfuls and head back. I don’t want to stay away from the main clearing for too long.” He glanced around. The warm, protective trees suddenly felt like would be traitors hiding threats in their shadows.
There (ATWR)
Takashti glanced at the sleeping beauty that was still in his bed as he headed out of the room. A thought came to him as he slid his key into his bag and he let out an exasperated hiss. “My bed’s going to smell like him, isn’t it?” Noticing the line at the school’s bistro, Takashti decided the vending machine would have to do. And from there his day got worse. “Why are you here?” He asked as he stepped out of the classroom and his eyes met those of his roommate. “Oh! Good, I remembered correctly!” Jayme again latched onto Takashti’s shadow. “Lucky me,” Takashti drawled. “Why are you here again? Don’t you have class? Or two intense and somewhat insane women to hang out with?” “My class isn’t until 4 and I thought we could have lunch together! Just the two of us so we can get to know each other better.” Jayme replied brightly.
Hit (The Revenged)
“Shuntala,” Nahuel rasped as he desperately grabbed onto her shoulders. “My Shuntala. Please, you must hide and not come out.” He closed his eyes and took a breath. “I’d rather have you drown than have you live a moment with Saavin. As much as it pains me,” He cradled her cheek. “Death is better than whatever Saavin will do with a beauty like you.” “No,” Shuntala shook her head. She grabbed onto his arms. “No. I’ll die by your side, as we have vowed.” Nahuel’s expression hardened. “No Shuntala, can’t you see? I-“ His voice broke as tears trickled down his face. “I want to save you.” He hugged her to him as if her being in his arms would protect her from the world, protect them from what fate was about to hit them with. “I have to save you.” Anger joined the fear fighting to overtake Shuntala’s mind. Save her? She clenched her hands. “We’ll face him together.” She said sternly.
Shuntala squinted at the woman’s features in the moonlight. It was like seeing someone famous, a peek into the past at someone important. Finally the ghost had a face. A pale, striking face framed by coppery-red tresses and accented with eyes so green that even the low light caught them. She was young- likely still in her teens- and easily one of the most beautiful women Shuntala had ever seen. “That painting doesn’t even capture half of Asa’s beauty,” Wulff said after allowing her some time to examine the portrait. He gave her a bitter smile. “She left me the night before the wedding. Just a simple sorry in place of a few missing dresses and an empty promise.” “I can’t imagine how much pain that caused,” Shuntala said as she handed the portrait back. “Well,” Wulff shrugged, pocketing the portrait. “It hurt worse when I discovered Saavin had her.”
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thewriteflame · 1 year
Find the Word
Thank you @kaiusvnoir for the tag! (it seems it won't tag you so I hope you see this)
My words: comfort, idle, close, and solid
And They Were Roommates:
“Mario party?” Cris suggested before popping a rogue green pepper into her mouth. Jayme and Nim glanced at each other then nodded. “Takashti?” Jayme asked. A small, uncomfortable silence closed in on Takashti as something like a sense of déjà vu came. How about we play Pokémon? He cleared his throat and did his best to shake free from the memory. “I’ve never played it.” He replied. I’ve never played anything…
Idle Lazily
Cris lazily watched as Takashti checked a patron out, his business-like smile slightly more entertaining than the bokoblins in her game. Her lips moved up for a second as she watched his smile fall the instant the patron turned away from him, his tongue sticking out partially as he grimaced. She couldn’t hear him, and it was possible he had only mouthed the word, but even she could see the sarcasm that bubbled out. He hadn’t even noticed her being there since he came in. She didn’t mind since she could now observe him. Like a spy. Or maybe an alien observing another species, learning it’s ways before making contact.
The Revenged:
“Here,” Nahuel quickly stood and pulled Shuntala’s chair away from the table. “Thank you,” Shuntala looked at him and they stood for a second, bright brown eyes staring into the nearly black, kind eyes of a sailor. Her heart beat an increasing rhythm as Nahuel stepped a little closer. “I told you I have rooms upstairs for that,” Mrs. Bee again interrupted as she collected their cups. Shuntala and Nahuel stepped further away from each other and looked anywhere but at what had captured their attention seconds before.
It was more of an incessant feeling than memories or thoughts that spurned Shuntala to push her way to consciousness. Slowly the world around her swam in and out of clarity as she fought to hold onto it. A thought. A memory. A sense of rocking. She was but a being floating, existing. Nahuel. The pirates. Blood. Sucking in a breath she forced her eyes open, willed her vision to focus on the sight above her. She gritted her teeth as she desperately tried to move and the planks of the ship solidified.
Open tag and soft tagging: @theunboundwriter @megarywrites @oh-no-another-idea @blue-kyber
For the words: early, froze, grave, hull
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thewriteflame · 1 year
six sentence sunday tag game
I was actually going to do this Sunday but didn't and then it's been a tough week so I couldn't post it Monday either. Anyway....
Thank you @megarywrites for the tag! Soft tagging: @oh-no-another-idea @emelkae @blue-kyber @pinespittinink
Rules: post (approximately) six sentences from something you’re working on. If you aren’t ready to do that, add six sentences to your WIP. 
I wrote this late Saturday night. For context Cris and Laith are sitting in the library playing Legend of Zelda. I did not really plan for their first meeting to be like this but I kind of like it.
They both got comfortable and began playing, showing each other their horses and outfits as they chatted from time to time. Cris at first moved her knee away from Laith’s as it bumped hers but eventually barely noticed the touch as she ran into battle. Died. Ran into battle again. Glanced at Laith’s screen to watch him expertly shoot himself over a cliff’s edge. Forgot her own Switch as she peeked at his face from behind the hair that had fallen over her face. They were pretty much the same height but when she pulled herself up she realized he was actually shorter. Cute.
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