#WITHOUT BEING BORING OR ANNOYING OR JUDGMENTAL like it’s chill people I can actually relate to
boag · 4 months
I’m so glad we moved where we did omg…. We lived in this neighborhood before when we first moved to Philly but like on the other side which is technically a ~better~ area but we got in touch with these landlords through one of my mom’s best friends Shawn who lives across the street and knows the owners and was like “yo they are cool as hell and are planning on moving out you guys should rent from them” . And we’ve been going over Shawn’s house and hanging out with him and his friends for over a year now bc they’re all just great, genuine, fun ass people so we’ve gotten to know a lot of them. And now we live on their block and it’s the best vibes ever and we always know we’re surrounded by a whole group of SUPER cool/trustworthy people and we’re so often just outside at night hanging out on each other’s front stoops having some drinks and smoking some and having the best conversations and I just love it sm . I’m so done with the messy toxic drugged up bullshit of my past so it’s really awesome to have people around who are just kind and honest and have their shit together but can still have fun like it’s just an amazing group of people to be a part of
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dasaene-archive · 7 years
This isn’t a new concept and idk if anyone is really interested, but I wanted to talk about my friends’, teachers’, or acquaintances’ types since I thought it might be fun to share my impressions of all of them. I’ve moved around a lot since my mom is in the military but have only learned about MBTI for two or three years, so even if I have met every type irl I can only really talk about the ones I remember.
ISTJ (my mom, 1 acquaintance)
h i l a r i o u s (without even trying to be)
Actually?? Gets things done??? Without saying anything??????
Tired. Tired all the dang time.
Ready to kill at any moment
Dog people
Always has to be doing something. If they’re not doing something, they’re bored.
Would die for their families
INFJ (my dad, I don’t think I’ve met any INFJs irl besides him and myself)
Done with life
Bad social anxiety
N E R D  N E R D  N E R D
Literally has a master’s degree in social work so like if you want a counselor he’s got the qualifications besides just being an INFJ
Thinks gender roles are stupid (he’s an emotional stay-at-home dad with long hair)
Took the test in college and got INTJ (lol relatable)
ISTP (my sister, 1 acquaintance)
Bored every day of their lives
Loves food
RBF. Like, never-ending soul-crushing RBF.
Acquaintance will not stop fixing up his dang truck (how many more mods can you do, man?? Need more lights????? MORE PAINT??????)
Everyone in freshman year had a crush on this truck-lovin fool
Has an excellent taste in fashion
Messy bedrooms
Arguing with family 24/7
Secretly hopeless romantics
INTP (friend)
Awkward but likes to observe people
Will talk about the weirdest crap with you w/o judgment
Went to two STEM camps and one band camp this summer
Likes languages and instruments but never has the motivation to learn them (wow same)
Will speak up if something’s off
High-key space nerd
Everyone wants to be her or be with her like seriously how does she do it while still being so awkward
INFP (3 friends)
Cringe city but generally fun to be around anyway
Loves to take care of their friends
Dog people (animal people in general)
Anime nerds. All of them.
Super creative procrastinators (one writes and one draws)
Will fite you if you disagree with (a.k.a. insult) their beliefs (I hate arguing w them tbh)
Internal screaming
All three of them give off pretty different vibes (idk if it’s the Fi?? enneagram differences????)
ISFP (friend)
So?? Chill??????
Sinnamon roll
Everybody has a crush on her and everyone is heartbroken bc she lets them down so gently
Always hanging out with people and going outside
Has huge collections of stuff (teapots, duck plushies, figurines, onesies, it never ends)
Has a more eclectic taste in pets (snakes, hermit crabs, fish)
Phone is  a l w a y s  dead, like girl pls find a charger and an outlet
Sometimes we won’t text in like half a year but when we talk again it’s like nothing’s changed
ISFJ (2 friends)
One is a theatre nerd
Has arbitrary obsessions
One random event when they were 3 yrs old must have really changed them
Loves their phones
S m o l, like really really small
Secret meme queens
High-key hopeless romantics who love deeply but rarely
Hard workers and volunteers
ENTP (1 teacher, 1 friend[?])
The English teacher everybody hates (super annoying and disorganized)
...has a good sense of humor tho
Supervises the speech and debate team (and I’m sure if my friend[?] went to a school that had one of those she’d wreck everybody)
Very proud of their ancestry (one is Celtic, one is the descendant of Charlemagne)
Flirty and always lookin for love
ESTJ (1 teacher, 1 acquaintance)
The English teacher everybody hates (super meticulous and organized)
Rule is law, and unfortunately for you I really do like making my own rules
Loves to read
Silly. Like, for someone so serious, they are jokesters.
Pretends not to take things personally but has deep emotional capabilities
Too nosy for their own good
Love-hate relationship I have with them. Mutual respect.
ENFJ (friend)
Genuinely nice and motivated to help people
Tries to get everyone to focus on group projects
Twin is the ISTP acquaintance who won’t stop working on his truck. They ride ATVs together.
Also twins with flipped complementary function stacks? Nice
Seems airheaded, is really not
She has long curly hair. Idk this seemed notable to mention
Competitive but will be really warm to you while trying to crush you
Looks introverted at first glance, but is just kinda chill when not in study mode
ESFJ (1 friend, 1 acquaintance)
One is pretty stereotypical, the other is a nerdy goofball
Actually both hate popularity and being fake so I guess they both hopped onto the individuality train in terms of who they hang out with
Acquaintance is a Southern Belle™ and is dating truck-lovin’ ISTP (dang this dude is e v e r y w h e r e, you’d think he is an ESTP but no)
Nerdy goofball is addicted to collecting pins and drinking cherry slushies
Have that “XD” kinda Ne humor
Don’t like to talk about themselves a lot but love people
Do really appreciate a good selfie tho
ENFP (friend)
Flirt. Like, dangerously flirty considering she’s dating someone
Uses :3c ironically so much that it’s become unironic
Distinctive fashion that goes from girly to androgynous in 2 seconds flat, but is always presentable
Reads bad fanfiction for fun
Makes fun of my dad’s knobbly knees
Determined to achieve her dreams
Makes a good first impression on adults, really is just a depressed memer
INTJ (acquaintance)
Quiet, but will laugh boisterously at dark humor
Left a note in my yearbook at the end of the year saying that when I first started at that school he thought I was a horrible pretentious jerk but then he realized I was a quirky but intelligent weirdo and he wished me well wherever I was moving
Like no joke that was the best thing I’ve ever read written about me I was laughing no one was that honest with me in that dang school and I didn’t even know the guy very well
WILL call you out if you do or say something wrong
A ~mystery~
Probably had a silent existential crisis every day at lunch
ESFP (acquaintance)
so,, emotional??
Popular as crap. Like, really popular
Because he’s popular drama follows him wherever he goes
Voted Best Dancer in the yearbook superlatives every year bc boi this dude will not stop dancing
Used to have that Sokka haircut. You know the one
Bites his tongue a lot bc he has so many opinions but isn’t ready to stop the nice vibes ya know
Protective of his mom and younger siblings
I probably met an ESTP and ENTJ at some point in my life buuut no one notable comes to mind so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Just some thoughts
Sometimes I feel like I was born to be a loner. I know I have my family and what not, but when it comes to making friends, I have a hard time. They either turn out to be fake, or we don't really have much in common at all aside from us both having kids or something. Like most women love to shop and wear makeup, etc. Where as I don't really ever wear makeup except maybe once in a blue moon, and I hate shopping, it is actually really hard for me to spend money unless I have to or it is on my kid. Shopping for myself is really hard, although I have met some other Moms that are like that as well. I just don't feel I can relate to most people. Maybe I am cynical, or too judgmental about things, I don't know. What I do know is most things that people talk about being into I don't really have an interest in. Or my views on politics or some other things are very different. Maybe I am just not meeting the right people, I mean I see stuff online and on YouTube that show a lot of people do think like me, it's just actually meeting someone in person who does seems to be difficult for some reason. Some of my view and beliefs are hard for some to swallow, although I don't judge how others believe, nor would I shove my views down their throat; I just wish I could meet more people like me. A lot of the people I have met can be really nice people, great hearts, all around good people; I just have a hard time relating to them on some things. Maybe by posting this someone will read it and say hey we think a lot a like and I can meet someone of like mind. here are my views: Against abortion..... ( But I don't judge those who have had to make that decision provided they didn't just do it to do it and was careless when they knw better.) I think you should work for what you want in life and not expect handouts Modern day feminism is not for me, it no longer holds the truth behind feminism and what it use to be about now it seems to be a man hating fest. I think you should punish your kids bad behavior, and reward their good so they learn right from wrong from an early age. (Not beating your  kid that is just wrong) I feel if one person is working and the other is staying home the one staying home should keep the house clean, I work my husband stays home with little one and he cleans, and if you both work you should share the house work equally. Meth is bad,drinking and driving is bad, but pot is not dangerous and more lives would be better off smoking weed then drinking honestly. marijuana has a lot of benefits to health, it calms anxiety, it helps people have an appetite, when they are going through  chemo, and again is much safer then a lot of the shit out there that is legal like alcohol for instance. I don't smoke personally cause I hate the smell but I know people who do and they are good people and it helps them. never put off tomorrow what you can get done today, something I need to work on sometimes but strongly believe in. I don't hate trump, not a Hilary fan, and i don't understand why people can't just accept that he is in office and move on. I don't think it's right we deny 18 year old military hero's the right to have a beer, if they are old enough to fight for our country they are old enough to drink a beer. Now not all 18 year olds should be aloud to drink some are way to immature to handle the responsibility that com with drinking, and I know you can't have one 18 year old be aloud to go in a bar and not the other but on base where the solider lives and works it should be aloud; either that or raise the military joining age to 21. I do not believe anyone should be abusive to anyone, but I do believe if you throw the first punch, (like a really good one) then you should be prepared to get punched or hit back, weather you are a man or woman. we see cases of women being beat by their partners all the time and yet we fail to realize that it does happen to men as well, they are just less likely to come forward cause they feel no one will believe them or its a pride issue. We need to take a stand against all domestic abuse not just on the kind towards women but towards men too, because you may not hear about it but it does happen. I don't think the color shirt you wear defines your gender, a color is just a color. I don't think you should be able to get a sex change just because you feel you are not what you were born as. It has been proven that not feeling you are the gender you in-fact are is a mental health condition called gender dysphoria. I get not liking who you are or feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, but to go to the extremes as plastic surgery without at least getting some kind of help from a professional to help you better accept yourself is not a good idea. Not to mention all the health issues you could have later on because of such a surgery. We all have things that we would like to change, but if we learn to love ourselves and accept the things about us we shouldn't be able to change or can't change, we would all be a lot happier for it. This fat girl pride stuff I think is annoying, and I am a fat girl saying this. Loving yourself is great, knowing your beautiful no matter your size also great, but refusing to loose weight or try to get healthy isn't good. so many risk to our health come along with being a bigger person. Back pain, shortness of breath, not being able to have as much energy or stamina as we would like because we are out of shape, heart problems or blood sugar issues and blood pressure. there is a lot of risk in being over weight. Losing weight is hard believe me I know been trying for awhile now, but not trying to loose it at all is not a good idea. giving up on getting healthier is like giving up on your life. Now I don't think anyone should bully you over your weight, bullying alone shouldn't even exist in my opinion, but don't get hurt or mad when someone who genuinely cares about you or if your doctor suggest you try to get to a healthier weight. They are just looking out for you I promise. My weight is a sensitive subject for me as well so I get it, and sometimes I just want to say fuck it, but in the end I know I will feel a lot better once i become healthier. I think all these you tube challenges are getting ridiculous and stupid. I love general hospital, I watch it religiously lol. i use to love once upon a time but it has gotten boring on the new season for me I am kind of a home body and prefer to chill out to Netflix with my daughter and husband then go out and party. Well that is all if I think of more I will add more thanks for bearing with me and reading hopefully someone who reads this feels the same on some of these so we can become friends :)
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