#WV beekeepers fall conference
journiland · 2 years
(Long post!)
I had a great time, and learned a lot, at the WV Beekeepers fall conference. It was also so great to see my friends from Women Beekeepers of WV. (The *best* group ever.) Since it's a virtual group, I usually only get to see everyone at the annual retreat.
Also had some great conversations with people I hadn't met yet.
I realized that because I was unpopular in high school, I'm always shocked and can't believe when people actually like me. (*I* generally like myself okay, but feel like an alien amongst humans.) A lady there paid me the greatest compliment. She heard I had a grandkid, and said, "I thought you were in your twenties! I was thinking of trying to set you up with my son!" No way I look that young, but I appreciate that she thought that well of me.
Bought myself a Women's Beekeepers of WV mug (made with WV foraged clay, apparently):
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Conference included t-shirt, and got seeds at the seed swap:
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My favorite booklets in our packs:
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My favorite breakout group was Accessible Beekeeping. Gave me a lot of food for thought. I think there are things I can do to make taking care of my bees less difficult for me. I love my bees, but suiting up and standing in the hot sun, moving heavy boxes, wreaks havoc with the Chronic Fatigue. I barely make it through, and then come in and collapse the rest of the day. Way too often, I put it off because I can't face the exhaustion.
If you know someone who would benefit, search YouTube or a podcast player for "Accessible Beekeeping," or go to www.accessiblebeekeeping.org
(or just because it's interesting - did you know that there are blind beekeepers?)
In that light, I went to the Layens hive breakout group next. No heavy boxes to lift, but I wonder if the frames would be hard to repeatedly lift. (I have weak arms and poor stamina.) I'm leaning towards a long (horizontal) Langstroth, but insulated like a Layens.
And my best purchase....
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These are quilt boxes for winter. I've been planning to make some, but they were $45 for the two, and I saved myself so many days of stress: researching, planning, buying materials, procrastinating because I'm too tired, and then feeling guilty about it - besides the actual build. I felt like a weight was off my shoulders and was so happy to have them. They were made by one of the county bee groups who make woodenware and sell at great prices - they're some of the nicest people!
Stayed at a friend's house the night in between - got to pet some adorable!
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I only got about 6 hours of sleep the night before conference, and maybe 4 the night I was there - my friend's house was very comfortable, but my insomnia is bad enough without new surroundings. I was pretty much a zombie on Saturday - someone asked if I was melting, I slid so horizontal in my chair.
The drive home was rainy but uneventful. Was dead exhausted at that point, so took care of animals and was in bed within half an hour, 8pm. Didn't get out of bed until 10am (though with the insomnia I was awake off and on about half the time).
So glad I made it. 💙
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journiland · 5 years
My bee workshop did motivate me to get bees next Spring. I've been watching videos and reading books.
@pirateking42 you should get bees next Spring, too... Then we can be bee buddies 🐝🤣
I still haven't found a mentor... I'm going to try to talk to the head guy next meeting and ask if there are any classes or mentors around here.
Need to find out how to join the WV Beekeepers Association, too, because I want to go to the fall conference, or whatever it's called.
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