#Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue
cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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Yes. Lock her up. She’s lived to a ripe old age while her racist lie resulted in the lynching & death of an innocent 14 year old boy, Emmett. Yes pleaseeee and neowwww I'm tired of that old hag being free So unfair she got the chance to live out her life with no consequence while effectively ending Emmett Till’s before he got started…
Her being free and alive is Prime example of white privilege. Everyone knows her false accusation caused a death. Yet she roams free. Cosby was 80 when he was jailed. R kelly was in his late 50s while he's behind bars as of last week. Her age shouldn’t matter.
let it be clear There wouldn't be a peep of discussion about whether to lock an octogenarian up if said octogenarian were Black and conspirator in the murder of a white kid. The handcuffs would be available as quickly as the post is done. heck he/she will be in jail at breakfast, found guilty at lunch under the jail by dinner and become all the bubba girlfriends/boyfriends by dessert and nobody would even care because he/she got what he/she deserved.
She hid behind her privilege all those years ago, she shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind her age now.
She took a life and peacefully lived yours to the fullest.
Now she must answer for her crimes
Evil is all I see when I look at her.
i hope joy never happens in her family
can you imagine being related to that witch?
it’s like your destined for a curse.
lock that old she demon up
As in Today.
as in Right now.
as in At this very moment.
as in This damn second
Germany just sentenced a 101-yo to prison for Nazi crimes. What’s stopping American courts?
She does not deserve to go to a beauty salon and get make up and jewelry at the mall and glasses from expensive opticians. She doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. She belongs in prison.
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