#Wakuwaku It's Love
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Anyways-! Them! I love a unit and I srsly need to buckle down and get serious! Produce ONE(1) of them! Focus on getting one(1) of their cards! Throwing a pøkeball here MIZUKI I CHOOSE YOU! 😂😂 /j ,, fr tho,, Mizuki time 💝
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modmamono · 1 year
Getting people into Puyo Puyo. A lesson in etiquette.
(Some tips on how to get people into Puyo Puyo and where to get them to start.)
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First and foremost. My Tumblr post here is (perhaps counter-productively) for people who may want to get their friends and newbies into Puyo Puyo and not for said friends and newbies themselves. (Though you’ll no doubt get something out of this too.)
I just wanna instill some etiquette into people. Because way too often in Discord servers I see a group of people shout at a newbie to play their favorite Puyo Puyo game instead of trying to actually considering what the best Puyo game to get started with is for that newbie.
My goal is to try and help you get people into this series you like.
This is by no means a guaranteed method and should not be seen as such.
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What’s Puyo Puyo’s appeal?
Generally speaking these are the one people cite when I ask them:
The characters.
The Artstyle.
A puzzle game with personality. Similar to those of fighting games.
It's funny and charming.
Simple-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay.
Keep these in mind.
Do you know the person?
This is very important.
- If it’s a friend that shows interest in the colorful cast and the wacky words they shout  as the jellies disappear on screen in a pleasing rhythm, then don’t be shy encouraging them to try a Puyo Puyo game out.
Not all friends have everything in common. But if you’re friends and know enough about each other, that alone should do a lot of heavy lifting.
- If it’s a stranger or someone online you barely know then its best to play it safe.
You can ask a few questions what they look for in a game and maybe consult the bottom of this blogpost what game to recommend to them.
- A tip for both: If they show no interest, then just accept it might not be their thing. It’s disheartening, not getting someone into the thing you love, but that’s just life sometimes. Doesn’t mean you have failed, it just means you’ve been pitching to the wrong people.
Dos & Don’ts.
- This is a series where you come for the story/gameplay and stay for the gameplay/story.
You can sell the game on both as well. But if the person is inclined toward one over the other then sell them on story, gameplay, or even the aestatics or the characters and chances are they’ll grow attached to all the other things. No need to rush things.
-  Reign in your passion a little.
I’m not saying to not be passionate. But it’s possible you can turn people off to Puyo Puyo because you never shut up about it and keep trying to sell it to them.
This goes for anything really. Sometimes people just get sick of hearing a thing, and instead of checking it out, they’ll disassociate and distance themselves from it.
- Don’t oversell how tough the gameplay is.
Unless the newbie like to be challenged don’t tell them Puyo is hard. That can be discouraging.
You won’t believe how many people I see trying to get someone into Puyo Puyo and do this. You want them to get them into this series, right?
Most Puyo Puyo games have difficulty settings in the options menu anyway. Tell them there’s no shame to adjust it to their liking and switch it to another setting when ready.
- Be supportive and encouraging.
If they struggle with the game. Be kind and offer them some advice. Teach them some basic stuff to get through if needed.
Beating WakuWaku is already a huge accomplishment, don’t make that victory invalidated by saying it doesn’t count because they didn’t do HaraHara if you know what I mean.
There’s no shame in lowering the difficulty. They’ll get better eventually.
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- Don’t force them advanced tactics right away or funnel them into competitive.
Let. Them. Have. Fun. First.
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Don’t breathe down a newbie’s neck for not using GTR or whatever else stacking method. Let them learn and experience the game however they want to. And if they wanna ask for help, then provide that. Try not to preemptively answer EVERYTHING if they didn’t even ask in the first place.
When they’re ready for GTR, competitive, and the like, then they are ready. But they gotta make that call on their own.
- When you play multi-player with your newbie friend(s) try not to do this:
You wanna invite them into the series, right? Why turn them off like that? You don’t wanna chance and encourage them to try again.  Losing to a player is way more demoralizing then losing to the game’s AI will ever be, they’re just two different things.
But if you do play with your less experienced friends the games have handicaps. If you’re good at the game put your board on Spicy, and let your friend choose whatever they want.
- Soooo, uh, about the lore...
Generally speaking, don’t entice a newbie in with that unless they’re a lore nut (and even then I have my reservations).
I know most Puyo fans love that Puyo Puyo has lore and that’s a big appeal to the series, but hear me out:
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I think that’s a terrible way to entice a newbie. It’s fun lore for sure, and ideally, they get into it eventually. But have you ever thought about how much lore there actually is per game?
Puyo 1, Tsu, and Sun don’t have much of anything.
Puyo~n has Doppel and her intrigue and amazing vibe. But when you peel off the layer there is nothing but fanon.
Box and Minna have nothing much of note.
Fever 1 is a new world but otherwise is just another Puyo 1, Tsu, and Sun.
Fever 2 and 15th Anni are actually the exception to the rule. And I will go into why later.
And the rest while they do provide lore. It’s all contained within a single game for the most part.
Most of the interesting stuff are from Novels, Drama CDs, old dungeon crawling games. Which is cool and all. But, for now, you’re only just pitching the game(s) to the newbie. That’s quite a bit away.
I just don’t think it’s wise to hype up the lore when they’re barely ever gonna see any of it. I’ve been around too. A lot of the lore goes over a lot of people’s heads.
That and I think it’s just more rewarding to let newbies piece things together themselves. It releases a really nice feeling in the brain that SEGA’s run actually has a solid continuity.
I hope I’ve made my case? This is probably my most controversial stance here. But I think it’s for the best. Puyo Puyo is a series with lore, but it’s not a lore focused series. (I feel the same about Kirby.)
Entice newbies with surface level things first. Like the funny characters or the surface level stories. They’ll get to the deeper stuff eventually when they’re hooked. Trust me.
Unless you know they’re the type of person that likes lore for lore’s sake. But in that case do please let them know most games aren’t upfront about it and they have to put in the effort to dig. And digging for the obscure can be fun.
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- Don’t push your favorite Puyo Puyo games onto a newbie without a good reason.
Sometimes your favorite game isn’t the best to start with. And while I believe you could give a newbie any game and if it clicks BOOM they’re a Puyo fan now. I do believe some games are better introductions to get someone into the games.
I’ll get into what I believe are the best options later on in this post.
- Don’t overload them on things to keep in mind.
Give them no more then 2 things to keep in mind. Things like “PPT1 will have a nasty difficulty spike, so be careful” and “I wonder what your thoughts are on a certain moment”.
If you give someone too many things to keep in mind they might get distracted from the game to remember everything you’ve told them.
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And I believe that covers it all.
Which games should you recommend to newbies?
I’ll give you a bunch of options. But I’ll let you know which ones I think are the best for a newbie along with my reasoning.
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Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 & 2
No contest. These are just the best ones to start off with. Either one of these will do.
You may disagree for whatever reason, but the fact it’s a crossover with Tetris is its biggest point in its favor. If they don’t like Puyo Puyo they will have Tetris as a safety net. By default that’s the best.
That and it’s been proven that it has been a surprisingly good entry. Over half of the current fanbase started of with PPT1. Like that guy who makes those Puyo Puyo in a Nutshell videos. You know, that guy.
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Also you can buy PPT2 on all current consoles, most other games are only accessible through emulation if you want them in English. That’s important because some people are just against emulation or just plain don’t know how to emulate things.
And if they like either of these games maybe they’re willing to try emulation to play more Puyo Puyo.
Also who knows, if they use the Tetris as a safety net maybe they’ll bounce back and later enjoy Puyo Puyo after all.
Good options:
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Puyo Puyo Tsu/Puyo Puyo 2 (Most versions)
Puyo Puyo Tsu introduced the standard ruleset most other rules are based off. And that’s the ONLY rule it has. Which I think works to its benefit for a newbie.
While the game lacks much in the way character interactions (maybe recommend them the Super Famicom translation patch which does have those) it does have a goal reaching the top of the tower and beating Satan.
I think the tower is an excellent motivator to get good at the game. If they can beat Satan at the top I’d say they’re ready for any Puyo Puyo game to come.
My preferred version is the Super Famicom version called “Super Puyo Puyo Tsu” but I don’t think you can’t really go wrong with any version besides the Neo Geo Pocket Color one.
For the emulator averse they can buy the game on SEGA 3D Classics Collection on 3DS or the SEGA AGES version on Nintendo Switch.
Super Puyo Puyo Tsu is also available on Nintendo Switch Online’s SNES app. So if you have the basic package, you already have that game at your disposal.
All versions except the NGPC one are in Japanese, but I don’t think that’s much of a hindrance with this game specifically. Any version without the cutscenes is sorta alingual. Sure there’s Japanese text in the game, but of all the games, I think you can enjoy this one the most without having to understand it.
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Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary (DS) (Precise Museum patch)
(Note, a Wii patch with a revised script is on its way.)
I think this game is a good introduction to the current day cast and has a ton of modes. So if basic rules don’t do it a newbie may find a mode that slowly eases them into more basic rules.
If you wanna 100% the game you gotta win 200 story mode matches. That’s a lot of Puyo, and that’s plenty of time to learn.
Do refrain from telling newbies that though. 200 is big number. Playing 200 without realizing it is more palatable then telling them you have to do 200 to beat the game. One’s fun, the other sounds like a chore.
Direct their focus on the cast, there’s a lot to chew on this game.
I would recommend, but...:
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Puyo Puyo Fever 2 & Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
These are the actual lore games. These games practically give you lore as a reward at every turn. These two games are the exceptions to my rule that you shouldn’t sell the games with lore to a newbie. And soaking all that lore in is a great motivator to play these games.
But we have no patches yet beside some out-of-date ones from Puyo Nexus. Which is the main problem (for Fever 2 especially).
Also, while these two games are a bit holy grail, their praises are rightfully sung. I’m a bit apprehensive calling them great entry points.
Fever 2 relies on the Fever rule. Which not everyone’s a fan of. I’ve been around and not everyone enjoys that rule (and anecdotally it overstimulates me). The Fever Rule has a ton of rules to it. But a lot of people were introduced to Fever 1 and became life-long fans so I don’t know, take my claim with a grain of salt. I’ve been told it’s an easier game then Fever 1 at least. Fever 1 does not play nice.
And 15th’s story mode relies on a roulette. Which doesn’t have to be a negative, but it is a game with a with a ton of gimmick rules. And while 20th is that too it gives you more freedom in that regard, which I think might be more beneficial to a newbie.
But any of the games above here are good places to start. One dishonorable mention to recommend to a newbie:
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Puyo Puyo Champions
I’ve historically been nice to this game. But I don’t recommend it to a newbie.
It’s just Puyo 2 and Fever Rules at an admittingly cheap price. Not much to it.
You could argue that I gave Puyo Puyo Tsu slack in that regard. But my counter argument would always be: “What is the goal of Champions?”
This game is so competitive focused it hurts. No charming animations, the characters count instead of escalating their spells. Only good single-player content is hidden behind too many boring tutorials, which is watered down from the Nazo Puyo games.
Puyo Puyo Tsu you scale a tower and get an ending. Reaching the top and beating Satan is the goal.
Champions has nothing to offer besides online rankings. And as I’ve said before, don’t funnel a newbie into being competitive. They’ll do it when they’re ready. Let them enjoy the jelly game on their own pace first. Let them enjoy the characters.
And that’s all I wanted to say.
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I hope it has been helpful. I’m not gonna enforce this, but I want people to be better about getting people into Puyo Puyo. So please take this all into consideration.
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nanabansama · 1 year
After-School Hanako-kun Ending Lyrics (Fan-made)
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EDIT: Due to the official lyrics coming out, I've decided to update this post to prevent spreading misinformation! This post still contains my fan translation, though, so please be aware of that.
Japanese (Kana/Kanji):
まったりまったりまったりまったり 生きてもいいけど 弾けるような恋をして 濃い人生を送れたら もっともっともっともっと良いのにな 本当に本当に不思議ね恋心 七不思議にお見事仲間入り 今日から八不思議!(八不思議?) なんだかとっても言いづらい 魅惑に魅せられワクワクしちゃった 取り憑かれちゃったドキドキ! 二進も三進もどうにもいかない 単純明快脳みそグルグル 来い!来い!濃い恋よ! 狂わせて なんか変だ!変だ!変変変変大変だ! なんだ?これは?ワンツーワンツー 誤魔化せない これは恋だ!恋だ! 濃い濃い濃い濃い濃い恋だ 見事に落ちていくあなたに だけど変だ!変だ! 変態大変変態だ! なんだちょっと待ってよパンチパンチ! 届かない! これが恋か?恋か? 濃い濃い濃い濃い濃い恋か? 見事に墜ちていく、あ・な・た に!
Japanese (Romaji):
mattari mattari mattari mattari ikitemo ii kedo hajikeru you na koi wo shite koi jinsei wo okuretara motto motto motto motto ii no ni na hontou ni hontou ni fushigi ne koigokoro nanafushigi ni omigoto nakamairi kyou kara hachifushigi (hachifushigi?) nandaka tottemo iizurai miwaku ni miserare wakuwaku shichatta toritsukarechatta dokidoki! nicchi mo sacchi mo dou ni mo ikanai tanjun meikai noumiso guru guru koi! koi! koi koi yo! kuruwasete nanka hen da! hen da! hen hen hen hen taihen da! nanda? kore wa? wan tsuu wan tsuu gomakasenai kore wa koi da! koi da! koi koi koi koi koi koi da migoto ni ochiteiku anata ni dakedo hen da! hen da! hentai taihen hentai da! nanda chotto matte yo panchi panchi! todokanai! kore ga koi ka? koi ka? koi koi koi koi koi koi ka? migoto ni ochiteiku, a・na・ta ni!
English Translation:
I'm fine with living a quiet, quiet, quiet life! But it would be so so so much better living a life rich with romance... Love is is truly truly mysterious, isn't it? I joined the Seven Mysteries with panache. From today forward, it's the Eight Mysteries! (Eight Mysteries?) Err, it doesn't roll off the tongue very well.... It's so alluring, I'm captivated. I got all excited! He just possessed me--doki doki! Nothing I do can solve it It's elementary. My head is spinning! Now, come! Come to me! Deep love! Drive me crazy Something's off! Off! It's off off off--uh oh, it's off! What? What is this? One-two, one-two I can't hide it This is love! It's love! A deep deep deep deep deep love! I've fallen spectacularly in love with you! But it's strange! Strange! Stranger danger! It's a pervert! Wait, hold on, punch punch! It didn't connect! Is this love? Love? Is this deep deep deep deep deep love? I've fallen spectacularly--in love with you!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to use these if you want. Now excuse me while I practice for karaoke night... *ehem*... mattarimattarimattarimattari--
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prism-stone-planet · 1 year
So a long time ago I made a list of all the Pripara arcade songs (excluding gold versions) and I decided to post it here along with updating it to add new Idol Land songs and indicating if it’s on the Switch and Idol Land.
I’m not the best at maths lol but from what I’ve counted, the OG arcade game had 102 songs. With the All Idol arcade update release, it had 121 songs.
The Switch Game had 32/102 songs (all idol came after Switch release) which is about 31% of the songs on the arcade game. (Thank You, Sorry, See You Tomorrow is not included in this count because it is not accessible through normal means) Currently, as of August 1 2024, Idol Land has 26/121 songs featured on the arcade which is about 21%.
Anyway, here is the list:
Single Player
Season 1 songs:
Pretty Prism Paradise (Switch, Idol Land)
Marble Make Up ahaha
Gogo! Pripara Life (Switch, Idol Land)
Make it! (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Toy Toy Tail (Switch, Idol Land)
Gyabupuripuri (Switch, Idol Land)
Cool Star (Sophie Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Solar Flare Sherbet
No D&D Code
KiraKira Runway
Miracle Paradise
After School Heartful Dash (Switch, Idol Land Pripara)
Gamusharanhoi (Switch, Idol Land PriPara)
Change My World (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Happy Pa Lucky
Your 100% Life
I just wanna be with you
Love Friend Style
0 Week Old (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Season 2 Songs:
Purely Smiley
Idol Strength Lesson GO
Reversible Ring
Everybodyvil Everydayvil (Switch, Idol Land)
Heart Clenching Love Song
Solar Flare Sherbet (Sakura Version)
Come sing this song Hee Ho
Song that makes the world fall in love (Switch, Idol Land)
Panic Labyrinth
Bright Fantasy
Papipope Police
Pure Amore Ai (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Fun Fun Winter
Virtual Idol
0 Week Old (Garuru Version)
Yes Love Valentine
Season 3:
Triangle Star
Steps (Junon Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Ready Smile (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Steps (Pinon Version)
Steps (Kanon Version)
Charismart Girl Yeah
Absolute Life of a final show girl
Run for Jumping
Plan to enjoy summer vacation (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Brand New Dreamer
0 Week Old (Falulu and Hibiki ver)
Amazing Castle (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Sugarless x Friend (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Girls Fantasy (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Shining Star
Idol Time:
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Otome Puzzle (Coin Shopping)
Just be yourself
Summer Night Evolution (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Shuttlewise Game
Ghost Coaster
Starlight Heartbeat (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Miss Prillionaire
Step Step Step (Coin Shopping)
Sunshine Bell
Believe My Dream (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Shooting Star (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Dear my Future
Starlight Carnival
Wakuwaku O’clock (Switch) (Paid)
Free Dreamin (Coin Shopping)
Tokimeki Days (Coin Shopping)
Gira Galactic Tightrope
All idol:
Get Over Dress Code
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (WiTH ver)
Spicy Hot Cake
Gira Galactic Tightrope (My Dream ver)
Charismart Girl Yeah (Non Sugar)
Make it (Solami Dressing and Falulu ver)
Perfect with a Pri
Star a la carte
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Red Flash Revolution
Pure Heart Calendar
Trial Heart
Dream Theater:
Dream Parade (Switch)
Lucky Surprise Birthday
Bold Summer Adventure (Switch)
Gogo! Pripara (Dream Mix)
OmuOmu Omrice
Rainbow Melody
Hello Hello Friends (Switch)
What a WonderPri World
Around the Pripara Land
Dream Parade Medley
Chou Chou
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 2
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 3
Gogo Pripara Life (Nonsugar Ver)
Pripara Dancing
Mon Chouchou (Switch)
Yeah! Yeah! Idol Party (Switch)
Pripara RaRan
(All Idol):
Neo Dimension Go
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Secret Ratatouille
All Idol Song Precious
Zuttomo (2 Person Live):
Forever Friends (Switch)
Brand New Happiness (Switch)
Twin Mirror Compact
Marble Make Up ahaha
Come Sing This Song La-Hee (Fuwari and Hibiki ver)
Reversible Ring
SuSuSu Smile (Switch, Idol Land)
Clean Mind Clean Hit Clang BUDDY
Girls Fantasy (Jewlie and Janice ver)
Thanks, Sorry, See You Tomorrow (Idol Land)
Yes Love Valentine
Ring Ring GaraFaLand
(All Idol):
Marble Make up ahaha (Non and Lala)
Go Go Gorgeous
Idol Land:
Single Player (3 Person Live):
Chaotic Hurricane
Gogo! Pripara Life (Aroma version)
Gogo! Pripara Life (Sophie version) (Paid)
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nenilein · 1 year
I've started archiving (and translating) the field conversations from Puyo Puyo Fever 2!
Unlike most other Puyo Puyo games, Fever 2 doesn’t only tell its story through the regular story mode (RunRun, WakuWaku, HaraHara). In between each part of the story mode, the player is given the option to explore Primp Town, talk to the characters in the various locations there, receive gifts from them and even listen in on private conversations between the characters. These “field conversations” can only be viewed once per save file and and are missable, making them a bit of a pain to archive. So, for purposes of posterity, I decided to go through the entire game, record every single field conversation and translate them all.
Here's the doc with the translations for the conversations archived in the video above: LINK
Here are some of my personal highlights:
Rei: (The sign he is holding reads:) Yu is my twin sister. Rei: I wish I could say that we’re always together, but… Rei: …she’s almost never here.
Sig: “... The “Memory of Chuu”, huh…” Akuma:  “Ah, the legendary Memory of Chuu. I see you are hard at your studies, ma.” Sig: “....................” Akuma: “...ma?” Sig: “... zzzzz … zzzzz…” Akuma: “He’s sleeping, ma!?”
Klug: “Don’t make the mistake of underestimating me. The Klug who stands before you is not the Klug of yesterday, oh no! Are you ready for my true potential?” Raffina:  “Oh please, how much could you possibly have improved in one day? It is steady, daily practice that makes perfect. Ms. Accord herself said so.” Klug: “Heh heh, I suppose we should put that claim to the test in a match then! Now, should we use custom handicaps? I will set mine to “Spicy” and yours to “Mild”. That only seems fair.” Raffina:  “If you are trying to prove something to me, then have it your way! You will see where it gets you!”
Yu: “Whoopsie! Sometimes I totally forget you exist, Rei!” Rei: (The sign he is holding reads:) I’m used to it. Yu: “Sorries~!”
Klug: “Eheheheh… You see, this book I carry on my person… I actually borrowed it from the Library department here.” Klug:  “Who would’ve thought that a volume with such grand, dark power was hiding here all along!” Klug: “Of course, it takes true greatness to control its might. I am most likely the only one capable of this feat!” Klug: “Now, please excuse me. I have to go and extend my lease on the tome again…”
Klug: “Professor, I have a question regarding an item.” Accord:  “Which item is it about?” Klug: “The ‘Memory of Chuu’. It has been the talk of the town as of late.” Accord: “Ah, the ‘Memory of Chuu’. It is said that it tempts your opponent with their sweetest memories, causing them to lose the will to battle.” Accord: “There is an old poem that describes the effect in lyric, but I must admit I have never seen this item myself. I must wonder if it even exists.” Klug: “The fact that you, with your tendency to keep secrets from us, say this makes me even more sure that it does exist. …The ‘Memory of Chuu’... I should investigate the matter…” Accord:  “Dear, oh dear… That is not nice, Klug. You should really have a little more faith in your teacher.” Klug: “Excuse me, but you do have a history!”
Klug: “Have you ever seen a ‘Memory of Chuu’ with your own eyes?” Dapper: “Of course I have. I may not look it, but even I was in love once and had a partner.” Klug:  “Do you need a romantic partner to be allowed to carry a Memory of Chuu?” Dapper: “...You’re still a little too young to be talking about this, I’m afraid. Let’s stop this right here.” Klug:  “I… I read the monthly Darkmaque!!”
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imasallstars · 10 months
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS U149 ANIMATION MASTER 07 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK album has been released and the album is set to be released on December 20th 2022. This album features various CDs containing the full soundtrack of the U149 anime as well as the full version of Kozue Yusa's and Yukimi Sajo's solo songs from the OVA
Tr.01 U149 Main Theme (M00) Tr.02 Natsuyasumi (M01) Tr.03 Kickoff! (M02) Tr.04 Honkawa (M03) Tr.05 Enjoy Conversation (M04) Tr.06 Ukiuki (M05) Tr.07 Shiawase na Hirusagari (M06A) Tr.08 Ohirune (M06B) Tr.09 Genki Ippai ne (M07A) Tr.10 Waku Waku suru ne! (M07B) Tr.11 Kaerimichi (M08A) Tr.12 Kokoro no Naka (M08B) Tr.13 Choppiri Fuan (M09) Tr.14 Yume no Sekai(M10) Tr.15 Mukamuka (M11) Tr.16 Doki Doki… (M12) Tr.17 Seeno! (M13) Tr.18 Akogaer (M14) Tr.19 Dotabatabata (M15) Tr.20 Doshiyouka (M16) Tr.21 Masui… (M17A) Tr.22 Isoge! (M17B) Tr.23 to you for me-BGM ver.- (M18) Tr.24 Ai no Sanka-BGM ver.- (M19) Tr.25 GEMSTONE - BGM ver. - (M20) Tr.26 ACE - BGM ver. - (M21) Tr.27 I'm A Little Princess ~Ohoshi-sama no Negai~ -BGM ver.- (M22) Tr.28 Romantic Now - BGM ver. - (M23) Tr.29 Akogare Sketch-BGM ver.- (M24) Tr.30 Minna no Kimochii - BGM ver. - (M25) Tr.31 Himawari Mark wo Sagase! -BGM ver.- (M26)
Tr.01 Hontou no Kimochii (M27) Tr.02 Omoiyari (M28) Tr.03 Idol Debut e Omoi (M29) Tr.04 Gamushara ni (M30) Tr.05 Kanashimi no Oto (M31) Tr.06 Surechigai… (M32) Tr.07 Sabishiisa no Sono Saki ni (M33A) Tr.08 Wakuwaku no Sono Saki ni (M33B) Tr.09 Mune no Oku no Fuan, Katto (M34) Tr.10 Hitoribocchi (M35) Tr.11 Mezameyo! (M36) Tr.12 Main Theme -Balled Ver.- (M37) Tr.13 Kira Kira no Tsubu (M38) Tr.14 Takurami (M39) Tr.15 Aseri (M40) Tr.16 Egao de Bye Bye (M41) Tr.17 Shine In The Sky☆ - Piano Ver.- (EX1) Tr.18 Good Day, Good Night - Acoustic Guitar Ver - (EX2) BONUS TRACK Tr.19 Episode 1 Insert Song "Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.20 Episode 2 Insert Song "Kimi ni Ippai☆ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Nina Ichihara, Shiki Ichinose, Fredererica Miyamoto Tr.21 Episode 3 Insert Song "Decoboco Speedstar (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Miria Akagi, Nana Abe, Shin Sato Tr.22 Episode 4 Insert Song "Mujuryoku Shuttle (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Momoka Sakurai Tr.23 Episode 5 Insert Song "BEYOND THE STARLIGHT (GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Risa Matoba Tr.24 Episode 6 Insert Song "Tulip (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.25 Nightwear(GAME VERSION)  Singer(s): Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Shiki Ichinose, Frederica Miyamoto Tr.26 Episode 7 Insert Song "I’m A Little Princess ~Ohoshisama ni Negai wo~ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Koharu Koga Tr.27 Episode 8 Insert Song "Sing the Prologue♪ (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu, Chie Sasaki Tr.28 Episode 8 Insert Song "Atashi ga Rule (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Tsukasa Kiryu Tr.29 Episode 9 Insert Song "SUN♡FLOWER (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana, Kaoru Ryuzaki, Haru Yuuki Tr.30 Episode 10 Insert Song "Zero to one (TV SIZE)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.31 Episode 10 Insert Song "Do-Re-Mi Factory! (GAME VERSION)"  Singer(s): U149 Tr.32 Episode 11 Insert Song "in fact (TV VERSION)"  Singer(s): Arisu Tachibana Tr.33 Episode 12 Insert Song "Kirameki☆ (TV VERSION)  Singer(s): U149 Tr.34 Onegai! Cinderella (VOCAL LESSON VERSION) (off vocal)
Tr.01 Tokutoku...toku...  Lyrics,Music&Arrange: Ren Morimoto  Singer(s): Yukimi Sajo Tr.02 Omezamemeemee  Lyrics: Yuta Yashiro Music: Mayu Miyazaki (SUPA LOVE)  Arrange: Yasuhiro Gasa (SUPA LOVE)  Singer(s): Kozue Yusa Tr.03 Tokutoku...toku... (off vocal) Tr.04 Omezamemeemee (off vocal) Tr.05 Tokutoku...toku... (GAME VERSION) Tr.06 Omezamemeemee (GAME VERSION) BONUS TRACK U149 OPENNING&ENDING THEME Tr.07 Opening Song "Shine In The Sky☆ (TV SIZE)" Tr.08 Episode 1 ED Song "Yorimichi Little Star (TV SIZE)" Tr.09 Episode 2 ED Song "Minna no Kimochii (TV SIZE)" Tr.10 Episode 3 ED Song "Romantic Now (TV SIZE)" Tr.11 Episode 4 ED Song "Ai no Sanka (TV SIZE)" Tr.12 Episode 5 ED Song "GEMSTONE (TV SIZE)" Tr.13 Episode 6 ED Song "ACE (TV SIZE)" Tr.14 Episode 7 ED Song "Onegai! Cinderella (TV SIZE)" Tr.15 Episode 8 ED Song "Akogare Sketch (TV SIZE)" Tr.16 Episode 9 ED Song "Himawari Mark wo Sagase! (TV SIZE)" Tr.17 Episode 10&12 ED Song "Good Day, Good Night (TV SIZE)" Tr.18 Episode 11 ED Song "to you for me (TV SIZE)" Tr.19 Episode 13 ED Song1 "Tokutoku...toku... (TV SIZE)" Tr.20 Episode 13 ED Song2 "Omezamemeemee (TV SIZE)"
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denpazarashi · 4 months
妄想プールデート (Mousou Pool Date) - Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu English Translation
(マジ?ヤバイ!) ちょちょちょ待ってよ大事件 (タピオカ) 飲み過ぎ カラダ→パンプキン (ツラスギ) 水着着れない プリーズTell me why? モテる方法 教えて神様 キラキラ 眩しく輝く太陽 華麗に泳ぐ私はマーメイド ストロー2本で キミと愛愛ドリンク そんな 憧れの 妄想プールデート ヤバババ すっかり 大誤算 (なんと!) ぶたちょき割ったら 中ピーマン(゜▽゜i) 遊びいけなーい ちょきん! ちょきん! OH! MY! GOOOOOOD!!!!!! キラキラ 眩しく輝く太陽 とつぜん 雨が降り出した夕立 ハプニングだって 愛しみの1ページね そんな 憧れの 妄想プールデート ボンヤリ素顔が見えない 手を伸ばしたら消えちゃうマボロシ 今どこで何をしてるの? だけど近くに感じる 抱きしめて (Hot!) Tonight! Tonight! きてよ Hands Up! カモンだーりんだーりん サンシャイン 夏は到来到来 Shake It! 恋のフローズンDANCE やけに冷たいシャワー Cooooool!!!!!! もっと Raise Up! 気分バーニングバーニング ムーンライト 朝が来るまで Shake Hips! 踊り明かそう 抱きしめるほど タオルLOVE ぎゅっと アシタノキミとランデブー キラキラ 眩しく輝く太陽 ぷかぷか 浮き輪支えてよジェントルマン 夜は花火で ドキドキ告白タイム そんな 憧れの 妄想プールデート どーしよ! このままずっと 暴想が止まんないっっ デンジャラス! 夏が終わっちゃう だから いかなくっちゃ 現実(リアル)プールデート ドキドキ 妄想プールデート ワクワク 妄想プールデート トキメキ 妄想プールデート ドキドキ! ワクワク! いくぜ Wake Up! 朝だバーニングモーニング サンシャイン 夏は到来到来 Ding Dong! タンデムOK? 加速する恋のスライダー JUMP!!!!!! もっと Change Up! 気分バーニングバーニング サンセット 陽が落ちるまで Shake Hips! 踊り倒そう ほどけたビキニの紐を直して キミを探して歩いた プールサイドのオマージュ 私見つけて欲しいの ヤケドしそうなOh my heart レミヒヤセイ! HOT! HOT! 手と手合わせぃ!HOT! HOT! エビバディセイ!HOT! HOT! 夏の妖精! HOT! HOT! きてよ Hands Up! カモンだーりんだーりん サンシャイン 夏は到来到来 Shake It! 恋のよ・か・ん 背泳ぎで捕まえて もっと Raise Up! 気分バーニングバーニング ムーンライト 朝が来るまで Shake Hips! 踊り明かそ! いくぜ Wake Up! 朝だバーニングモーニング サンシャイン 夏は到来到来 Ding Dong! タンデムOK? 加速する恋のスライダー JUMP!!!!!! もっと Change Up! 気分バーニングバーニング サンセット 陽が落ちるまで Shake Hips! 踊り倒そう 期待しちゃうの サマーLOVE ぎゅっと アシタノキミとランデブー きっと 明日はキミとランデブー
(Maji? Yabai!) Cho cho cho matte yo daijiken (TAPIOKA) Nomisugi karada PANPUKIN (Tsurasugi) Mizugi kirenai, PURĪZU Tell me why? Moteru houhou oshiete kamisama Kirakira mabushiku kagayaku taiyou Karei ni oyogu watashi wa MĀMEIDO SUTORŌ nihon de kimi to ai ai DORINKU Sonna akogare no mousou PŪRU DĒTO Yabababa sukkari daigosan (Nanto!) Butachoki wattara naka piiman (゜▽゜i) Asobiikenaai chokin! Chokin! OH! MY! GOOOOOOD!!!!!! Kirakira mabushiku kagayaku taiyou Totsuzen ame ga furidashita yuudachi HAPUNINGU datte aishimi no ichi PĒJI ne Sonna akogare no mousou PŪRU DĒTO Bonyari sugao ga mienai Te wo nobashitara kiechau maboroshi Ima doko de nani wo shiteru no? Dakedo chikaku ni kanjiru Dakishimete (Hot!) Tonight! Tonight! Kite yo Hands Up! KAMON DĀRIN DĀRIN SANSHAIN natsu wa tourai tourai Shake It! Koi no FURŌZUN DANCE Yake ni tsumetai SHAWĀ Cooooool!!!!!! Motto Raise Up! Kibun BĀNINGU BĀNINGU MŪNRAITO asa ga kuru made Shake Hips! Odoriakasou Dakishimeru hodo TAORU LOVE, gyutto Anata no kimi to RANDEBŪ Kirakira mabushiku kagayaku taiyou Pukapuka ukiwa sasaeteyo JENTORUMAN Yoru wa hanabi de dokidoki kokuhaku TAIMU Sonna akogare no mousou PŪRU DĒTO Dooshiyo! Kono mama zutto Bousou ga tomanai,, DENJARASU! Natsu ga owacchau Dakara Ikanakuccha RIARU PŪRU DĒTO Dokidoki mousou PŪRU DĒTO Wakuwaku mousou PŪRU DĒTO Tokimeki mousou PŪRU DĒTO Dokidoki! Wakuwaku! Ikuze Wake Up! Asa da BĀNINGU MŌNINGU SANSHAIN natsu wa tourai tourai Ding Dong! TANDEMU OK? Kasoku suru koi no SURAIDĀ JUMP!!!!!! Motto Change Up! Kibun BĀNINGU BĀNINGU SANSETTO, hi ga ochiru made Shake Hips! Odoriakasou Hodoketa BIKINI no himo wo naoshite Kimi wo sagashite aruita, PŪRUSAIDO no OMĀJU Watashi mitsukete hoshii no, yakedo shisou na Oh my heart REMIHIYASEI! HOT! HOT! Te to te awasei! HOT! HOT! EBIBADISEI! HOT! HOT! Natsu no yousei! HOT! HOT! Kite yo Hands Up! KAMON DĀRIN DĀRIN SANSHAIN natsu wa tourai tourai Shake It! Koi no yo-ka-n Seoyogi de tsukamaete Motto Raise Up! Kibun BĀNINGU BĀNINGU MŪNRAITO asa ga kuru made Shake Hips! Odoriakaso! Ikuze Wake Up! Asa da BĀNINGU MŌNINGU SANSHAIN natsu wa tourai tourai Ding Dong! TANDEMU OK? Kasoku suru koi no SURAIDĀ JUMP!!!!!! Motto Change Up! Kibun BĀNINGU BĀNINGU SANSETTO, hi ga ochiru made Shake Hips! Odoriakasou Kitai shichau no SAMĀ LOVE, gyutto Anata no kimi to RANDEBŪ Kitto ashita wa kimi to RANDEBŪ
(Tapioca tea) Drank too much of it and my body’s like a pumpkin (So frustrating) I can’t wear a swimsuit, please tell me why? God, tell me how to be popular The sun is bright and sparkling Swimming gorgeously is me, a mermaid Drinking a lovey-dovey drink together with two straws That’s what I’m longing for in our imaginary pool date Dang it, there’s been a huge miscalculation (Oh my!) When I break open my piggy bank, there’s a bell pepper inside (゜▽゜i) I can’t hang out, my savings! My savings! OH! MY! GOOOOOOD!!!!!! The sun is bright and sparkling But all of a sudden, evening rain starts falling down It happens in the pages of love That’s what I’m longing for in our imaginary pool date I can’t see your true face in the fogginess It’s an illusion that will disappear if I reach my hand out Where are you now and what are you doing? But I still feel close to you Hold me (Hot!) Tonight! Tonight! Come here Hands Up! Come on darling, darling Sunshine, summer has arrived Shake It! It’s love’s frozen DANCE It’s a super cold shower, Cooooool!!!!!! Raise Up! My feelings are burning, burning Moonlight, until morning comes Shake Hips! Let’s dance all night long Being embraced by you, towel LOVE It’s a rendezvous with you The sun is bright and sparkling Help me with my tube, gentleman And at night, it’ll be time to have a thrilling confession under the fireworks That’s what I’m longing for in our imaginary pool date What should I do?  I can’t stop thinking like this,, It’s dangerous and summer will end So I need to go have my real pool date A thrilling imaginary pool date An exciting imaginary pool date An exhilarating imaginary pool date So thrilling! So exciting! Let’s go Wake Up! It’s morning, a burning morning Sunshine, summer has arrived Ding Dong! Is the tandem ready? It’s accelerating, my love slider JUMP!!!!!! More Change Up! My feelings are burning, burning Sunset, until the sun goes down Shake Hips! Let’s dance all night long And help fix my untied bikini strings I went to go find you, a poolside homage But I want you to find me, feels like it’s burning, Oh my heart Let me hear ya say! HOT! HOT! Intertwined hands! HOT! HOT! Everybody say! HOT! HOT! Summer’s fairy! HOT! HOT! Come here Hands Up! Come on darling, darling Sunshine, summer has arrived Shake It! It’s love at-first-sight Hold me while swimming backstroke Raise Up! My feelings are burning, burning Moonlight, until morning comes Shake Hips! Let’s dance all night long! Let’s go Wake Up! It’s morning, a burning morning Sunshine, summer has arrived Ding Dong! Is the tandem ready? It’s accelerating, my love slider JUMP!!!!!! More Change Up! My feelings are burning, burning Sunset, until the sun goes down Shake Hips! Let’s dance all night long I’m expecting a summer love, tightly It’s a rendezvous with you Surely tomorrow will be a rendezvous with you
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cometz-kiss · 6 months
i wanna learn how to make my charging sound completely randomized from a selection. right now its wonderhoy! and in the past the omori health sound
but what if i want a surprise and dont know which is next
list of sounds i want randomized:
sega (all voices)
colorful palette (all voices)
"i love you" from Miracle Paint
"HAAAAAAAGHHHHH" from usseewa
twisted wonderland (all voices)
omori health sound
first note of Duet
Mewo meowww
"Close" from my time
Kohane's "Echoooooo" from echo vbs cover
Fnaf hallway ambiance
in Its Been So Long the 👏👏 before the dudududududududududud
freddy laugh
fnaf power out
fnaf door
fnaf light wont work
the beginning notes of the intense voice of hatsune miku
idia shroud level up voicelines+battle win voicelines
"its dark!" "its dirt" "i go outside..." "i touch the grass..." "i eat the dirt...." "its dark outside..." all from it's dark! by ghost and pals
(to be continued....??)
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conflagrate · 2 years
Gannibal 06
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Kanako’s gonna get lung cancer
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Jin + Sabu + co regretting their life choices
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Of course Jin is in league with the Gotos...but surely Keisuke, you’re the good egg! Right!?!?
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Welp Mashiro’s gone and wandered off AGAIN
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Laughing sickness caused by cannibalism eh. 
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Oh good lord they’re stockpiling kids for every year’s festival to be offered to Ano Hito...and feeding them like livestock. Jaysus.
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Sending the wife and Mashiro away, finally.
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Whoop she’s preggers with Keisuke’s kid. Lovely jubbly
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So who’ll be the traitor this time? 
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Money’s on Keisuke or Yosuke!
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Yay Daigo you going cray cray!
Finale next week! Wakuwaku
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reiisan · 4 months
Dokidoki, wakuwaku (Akita Rian.2024.05.01)
Welcome back to Rian’s blog♪
It was a bit colder today.
Usually my mood drops on raining days but we had a fun photoshoot today. I’m still feeling excited as I’m writing this blog.
We did all sorts of things💭 even though it rained, it was still a lot of fun so look forward to its release!
After the photoshoot, I tried something that I’ve been wanting to try.
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I had the limited time Detective Conan chicken burger! I treated myself to a nice meal right after the photoshoot.
I’m usually not the type to try new things when I go to restaurants, but I thought it would be nice to try something new once in a while 😋.
I might go watch Detective Conan movie again on my day off😌
Lastly, happy birthday Toa!
I love how cute and naive you are!
I wish you a wonderful seventeenth year.💫
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This is me in the new outfit some time ago~🤵‍♀️
Well, that’s all for today. I hope it’ll be sunny tomorrow☀️
Thank you for reading till the end today@
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
For someone's imagination and love loop de Loop want to create Exciting Splash (わくわくざぶーん, Wakuwaku Zabūn, also romanized as Waku Waku Spalsh and Waku Waku Zabun)[Connect to this hint loving of water]
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Aaannnnnddd King Gilgamesh.....Are you still going to take the Lifebuoy? What are you 8 years old?!
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Despite that, your younger version(In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Sonic is Gilgamesh's childhood self) is afraid of water?!
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Also Sonic?! Are you still going to take the Lifebuoy? What are you 8 years old?! You're not a kid anymore! Learn to swim, Sonic!
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moodiest-moon-jelly · 10 months
For my lovely followers who watch anime like I do~ you know that site, my anime list? How its barely functional and so it's actually likely not in your mind at all until you look up an anime and bam its right there. Well theres an app thats everything you wish my anime list was, now! It's called WakuWaku! I finally found out it's released the android version as well so I downloaded it myself a couple hours ago and so far it been what ive been hoping for! Perfect place to keep track of all the animes you've watched and plan to watch! You can rate and review shows you've watched too.
I dunno just thought id share!
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dearswolemate · 2 years
✨ 10/12/2022 ✨ part 1
Love the photos we took on this day.
Thank you so much for bringing me to WakuWaku, it was a first experience for me! The food was delicious, but you know you are the tastiest 😉
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So i caved and watched one(1) episode of Spy x Family... an airing anime which only JUST began... and now i remember why i don’t do this... TTT weekly-waiting is tough TT^TTT 
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To be continued~ Yor ;;;;;; <3 
wow they rly went and rewrote the entire first ep??? xD its nice tho, gives more bg... Poor Anya ;; adopted and returned 4 times with 2 other orphanages(a total of 3?) yet shes 4-5 years old? Ouch... 
source; https://animixplay.to/v1/spy-x-family im too broke for cr sub >v>; tho pls do try support their ver if you can https://www.crunchyroll.com/en-gb/spy-x-family 
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nenilein · 2 years
Every single unlockable Character Profile in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (Screenshots and Translations)
I spent way too much time unlocking the character profiles in Fever 2 yesterday, so to make it worth my while, I went on twitter right afterwards and made a huge-ass thread translating every one of them.
Since I am planning to move back to tumblr in the long run anyway, let's compile them all here in a nice post first, 'aight?
The unlock conditions:
*) Lexicon of People (Girls): Play 24 VS matches in Freeplay mode (I think the majority of them need to be wins).
*) Lexicon of People (Boys): Unlock Lexicon of People (Girls), then play 6 more VS matches in Freeplay mode (This is a pun. The internal development name for Fever 2 was "24/6", and marketing reflected that).
*) Lexicon of Creatures: Beat Sig and Raffina's WakuWaku courses.
*) Lexicon of the Undead: Beat all HaraHara courses.
Follow me under the cut for the Boys' Lexicon! (The others will be in separate posts for space reasons)
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Lexicon of People, Vol 1
Profiles of the boys of Primp Town. All contents were approved for public consumption by the subjects of the articles. One must first prove themself as worthy to the subjects of this volume to be allowed to browse it.
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Sig Born June 16th (Gemini)
Blood Type: B Special Skill: sleeping with his eyes open Favorite Thing: bugs Least Favorite Thing: ghosts
A rather sleepy boy who is a classmate of Amitie's. Lately one of his arms has been odd.
(Translator's Notes: Unlike Ringo, Sig doesn't panic when faced with ghosts, but he's often been shown to have a very deep hatred for Yu in particular, especially in the Drama CDs. She's one of the two people he'll tell to the face that he doesn't like them, the other being Lemres. He gets along with Rei, but only because they both collect bugs.
苦手 can mean both "least favorite" or "weakness". Since some profiles use one meaning while others use the other, I will swap back and forth between how I translate it depending on the profile.)
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Tartar Born July 19th(Cancer)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: imitating bird calls Favorite Thing: all living things Least Favorite Thing: spiders
A gentle giant. His only fault is that anyone sitting behind him in class can't see the blackboard.
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Klug Born September 29th(Libra)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: card games Favorite Thing: researching sorcery Least Favorite Thing: self-important people
A troublesome, bespectacled boy who things evil things are cool. He idolizes Lemres.
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Lemres Born August 25th(Virgo)
Blood Type: A Special Skill: candy presents Favorite Thing: parfait Least Favorite Thing: his family home
A student from a magic school one town over. He always secretly carries some sweetstuff, which he loves, on him.
(Translator's Notes: The "least favorite thing" part later got elaborated on in the drama CDs. Turns out he's actually an emancipated minor who escaped from his rich family because they more or less emotionally abused him to parade around his talents...)
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Gogotte Born October 1st(Libra)
Blood Type: AB Special Skill: cooking Favorite Thing: honey Weakness: sunlight
A strange chef who lately showed up in Nahe Forest and now seems to be cooking up potions there. His speech carries the accent of a distant land.
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Prince Salde-Canarl Shellbrick III Born March 5th(Pisces)
Blood Type: 0 Special Skill: finding servants Favorite Thing: traveling incognito Least Favorite Thing: state Business
A freedom-loving prince. Currently M.I.A. His personal attendant is looking for him.
(Translator's Note: Salde's name is a pun. "Salde-Canarl" can be shortened to "SaCana", which is where his nickname in Japanese, "Sakana Ouji" ("Fish Prince") comes from. This is what is consistently translated as "Ocean Prince" in English, even though this means the pun no longer works...)
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Otomo Born April 17th/Aries
Blood Type: B Special Skill: knitting and crocheting Favorite Thing: the prince's photo album Least Favorite Thing: the prince's selfishness
A royal childcare attendant who is currently looking for his missing prince. The thought of how his prince might be faring right now gives him stomachaches.
(Translator's Notes: Firstly "Otomo" literally means "attendant" when written in Kanji(お供) (it's written in Katakana here tho), so it might not even be his real name.
Click here for PART 2 (Girl's Lexicon)!
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shinygoku · 6 years
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Guys? GUYS??
Well, poor ol’ Scott may be stuck for rather a while if certain A4 theories are true, but at least it’s funky and colourful in the Quantum Realm
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