hcccng · 3 years
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We are still 🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏼‍♂️in ❤ Hello fam. Trust you are doing great and walking in love? It's been an interesting conversation all month about walking in love. You can catch up on previous conversations on our Youtube channel via the link in bio. Join us again tomorrow Sunday as we go deeper in this love walk. Can't wait to have you around. Topic: Walking in Love 5 Date: 31st October 2021 Time: 9am Venue: 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu off Toyin street, Ikeja Lagos. Show love and come along with a friend. #Hcccng #Christ #Sundayservice #love #walkinginlove #weekendvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CVpWkYZNQhf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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platformchurch · 4 years
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Day 5 (Grand Finale) - PREPARING & POSITIONING. Thank you for spending this 5 days with all our guest, you are AMAZING. What a time we've spent together, and we know your life will never remain the same in your single journey in the name of Jesus Christ. Today, we will be having THE OMEIZAS sharing with us about SOUL TIES & PAST HURTS. Many are still stuck with this reality and thereby affected them in moving forward towards Gods plan for their life. This has also created fear, shame and disbelief in so many lives and thereby settle for less of what God has in store for them. Tonight, we will be putting the secret on how to grow to pass this limitation, what systems are available in navigating through these stages of hurts and soul ties. The OMEIZAS will also be sharing the following... 1. How they meet and hurdles they overcome 2. How did they overcome soul ties and past hurts? 3. What measures were put in place in navigating their journey from their past. 4. Understanding cross country/cultural relationships, it's challenges, fears and blessings 5. Gods way of dealing with soul ties and hurts and prayers will be made. The Zoom Link or meeting ID details. Topic: Discovering Purpose In God For Your Life And Marriage. Time: 7 pm prompt (South Africa Time 🇿🇦) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74328995237?pwd=Szh0bjNqbUM3dmN5dGErOWhuRldKdz09 Meeting ID: 743 2899 5237 Passcode: @lovealive Marriage is a beautiful thing that is created and given to man by God. You can't afford to miss it. There is always a way out in God. 1 Corinthians 10:13. See you later. Remain blessed. #lovelife #preparing #positioning #single #datingadvice #loveyourself #lovealive #preparingandpositioning #platformchurch #letstalkmarriage #awakening #walkinginlove (at Platform Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvlBobjYcq/?igshid=1fn0n0yjsu177
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emekrus · 4 years
Walking in Love
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“Be you therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also has  loved us and has given himself for us an offering and  a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling fragrance”-Ephesians 5:1-2 From the above scripture, the Lord instructs us to walk in love as Christ also has loved us. Hence, when we talk of love here, we are talking about God’s love (Agape)… This divine order of love can only be experienced and expressed in our lives by the help of the Holy Ghost in us. This kind of love is different from other kinds of natural affection mankind are used to. It is different from the love between spouses. It is different from the love between brothers and sisters. It is also far different from the love between best of friends. Apart from the God’s kind of love we are considering here, every other kind of affection is at best self-centered… God’s love can be best understood from what the word of God says in Romans 5:5-8; “And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. Yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commends his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. The above scripture reveals God’s love to us in very clear terms. It clearly contrasts the love of God with the self-centered, natural human love we have on earth. The scripture tells us that in due time Christ died for the ungodly, not the godly. It went further to say that hardly can someone even die for a just man—no matter how much affection we claim for the person along natural lines. But on the other hand, concerning God’s love; God demonstrated his perfect and impeccable love towards us… In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Christ died for us even while we were still living in offence to him and his father. You definitely won’t find this kind of love in any human relationship. Along natural lines people love only those who please them and hate those who offend them. But the Lord commands that we love our neighbors in exactly the same manner he has loved us. The word of God from our opening scripture says we should walk in love as Christ also loved us. In other words, the Lord demands we walk exactly in his order or kind of love. Hence, in this article we want to scripturally see what constitutes walking in love. How to Walk In Love We have seen from our opening text that the Lord commands that we walk in love. But the question is what constitutes walking in love according to God’s standard? And how do we actually walk in love? The list below constitutes what is meant to be walking in love; and how to walk in love scripturally: Forgiveness and Forbearance: “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do you”—Colossians 3:13. The greatest love God showed and still shows to mankind is forgiveness and forbearance of sin. As a matter of fact, forgiveness of sins is a major tenet of God’s new covenant (Hebrews 8:12). Hence, the Lord seriously demands that we forbear and forgive one another even as he forgave (and still) forgives us in love. As a matter of fact, the Lord says if we do not forgive others their trespasses against us, he won’t also forgive us our trespasses against him ( Matthew 6:14-15). Thus, to be walking in forgiveness and forbearance with people, is a major way to walk in love. 2 Obedience to God’s Commandments: “He that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me. And he that loves me shall be loved of my father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him”- John 14:21. From the above scripture, the Lord clearly defines love for him to mean having his commandments or word and doing or practicing them. The love of God is not just hearing and speaking the word of God; but rather, it is hearing and doing. The Lord says anyone who does not keep or practice his sayings does not love him (John14:24). So to be practicing the word of God in our daily lives is to be walking in love as the Lord commands. 3 Sacrifice: Our opening text tells us to walk in love as Christ also has loved us and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God. Hence, God’s love is a sacrificial love. Christ loved us so much, he had to sacrifice himself for us. The Lord also tells us, greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends (John15:13). And the most remarkable thing about Christ’s sacrificial love is that, he did not just sacrifice his life for only his friends and godly… But much more, for the ungodly and his offenders. Thus, to walk in love as Christ did, we also have to follow this sacrificial example. To walk in Christ’s order of love, we must sacrifice for God and our neighbors. We must bear the burden of God’s work, especially soul winning. We must also bear our fellow believers burden. Then to be perfect in love, we must also bear the burden of the ungodly as well. We must sacrificially pray for the ungodly, including those that offend and despise us. We must cunningly use our words and attitude to draw them from their damnation. Hence, sacrificial lifestyle is a major way to walk in divine order of love. 4 Zealousness: Christ’s love, that the Lord instructs us to walk in, is a zealous love. In John 2, we see the Lord’s love for the father, expressed in his indignation towards those that bought and sold in the temple of God… In verse seventeen of that book of John chapter 2, the word of God says; “And his disciples remembered that it was written, the zeal of your house has consumed me”. Just as the Lord’s love is a zealous one, the same way we are also to be zealous or heated up in our love for God. To walk in divine love, is to be zealous for God and the things of God. The Lord does not want a lukewarm attitude towards him and his work. Instead, he requires a fervid or passionate love from us. We are to be consumed by the zeal of his house and everything concerning him. We are to be zealous in godliness. We are to be zealous in soul winning. We are to be zealous in our exercise of faith. Passivity is not acceptable in God’s order of love. Hence, to the lukewarm, the lord says; “Be zealous therefore, and repent”—Revelations 3:19. 5 Chastisement: In Revelation 3:19 the Lord says; “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…” God’s love is a rebuking and chastening love. And to walk in his love, we must also rebuke and chasten people in love. If someone is in error or offence towards you or others or God, it is your responsibility to rebuke him. And as the scriptures says, as you rebuke the person and he repents you should forgive him (Luke 17:3). But if you rebuke someone and he is recalcitrant, if you can find a subtle way to discipline the person in love, do so. Then if the person remains unrepentant in spite of your rebukes and disciplinary measures, still forgive the person for your own good. So the above list is the major ways to walk in divine love as the Lord commands us. Read the full article
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dailystill · 8 years
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WALKING IN LOVE Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD. Psalm 89:15 Where God is, there you will find the Light of love. I finally finished my in-depth study of Ist Corinthians 13 and God has really been speaking, changing the way I receive and give love. To walk in the Light of the Lord's Presence is to walk in the way of His Love. Love is always the pathway into His Presence, a pathway I want to be on. Walking in love day by day, being rooted in Love, is the way we acclaim God's Name and bring Him honor and glory. And in order to do that, we must fully embrace the truth of how much we are truly loved by God - unconditionally. DAILY PRAYER: And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:16–19 #Loveneverfails #Love #Loveis #thedailystill #devotional #walkinginlove #
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dhomawoo-blog · 6 years
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Saturday would not have happened without the consistent, unwavering love, dealing with *all* my attitude as God gradually changed (and continues to change) me. I have so much respect for this man of God. He was the very first man I came across who reflected Jesus so much I wanted Jesus too. With a great example like this as my Spiritual Father, there is no room for failure. Christ will use us to transform generations to come. No doubt. The love is real. @enewtonmensah_ Thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🙏🏾💕💕💕💕 __________________ #Godlyrelationships #reflectingJesus #walkinginlove #inspire #encourage #empower #enewtonmensah #mondaymotivation #eveningmotivation #TLHL #TLHL2018 #signup #TLHL2020 #TheLadyandHerLord #appreciationpost https://www.instagram.com/dhomawoo/p/BqYR3AUH4AP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j3hk2vs2qrrs
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azanysworld · 6 years
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Love ... are you walking in love? #love #walkinginlove #patient #kind #happycoupleclub
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faithheels-blog · 7 years
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On the importance of forming good routines - meal preps, preset clothes, alarms, planners, etc. . . For those days you lack excitement to engage in activities pursuant to your goals, rely on solid routines established to maintain a flow. . . With experts discussing mindfulness& being present, many forget the stillness aspect of humanity. Those moments when you want to pull the cover and lay in bed. Preparation helps with that. . . I have an allergic reaction to the D word (discipline - you can pray for me with that one) However, I don't mind getting prepared and setting nets around to help me from tripping such as cooking ahead of time or planning my posts weeks/days ahead. . . Become good at setting yourself up for positive reinforcement so when those draining days come around, you will be okay in taking a time out👠👠👠 . . #myfaithheals #faithpowered #faithology #faith #shebrews #being #still #solestories #walkinginlove #myfaithheels 📸: @monicabrown
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hcccng · 3 years
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We are still on this all important matter of walking in ❤ Hello fam. Trust you are doing great and walking in love. It's been an exciting 3 weeks, discussing the topic; Walking in Love. It's been quite an interesting journey thus far. You can check out the previous conversations on our Youtube channel via the link in bio. Join us again tomorrow Sunday as we go deeper in this discussion. Can't wait to have you around. Topic: Walking in Love" Date: 24th October 2021 Time: 9am Venue: 7 Olufunmilola Okikiolu off Toyin street, Ikeja Lagos. Come along with a friend. #Hcccng #Christ #Sundayservice #love #walkinginlove #weekendvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CVXlADCjZ-E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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emekrus · 4 years
Walking in Love
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“Be you therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also has  loved us and has given himself for us an offering and  a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling fragrance”-Ephesians 5:1-2 From the above scripture, the Lord instructs us to walk in love as Christ also has loved us. Hence, when we talk of love here, we are talking about God’s love (Agape)… This divine order of love can only be experienced and expressed in our lives by the help of the Holy Ghost in us. This kind of love is different from other kinds of natural affection mankind are used to. It is different from the love between spouses. It is different from the love between brothers and sisters. It is also far different from the love between best of friends. Apart from the God’s kind of love we are considering here, every other kind of affection is at best self-centered… God’s love can be best understood from what the word of God says in Romans 5:5-8; “And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die. Yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commends his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. The above scripture reveals God’s love to us in very clear terms. It clearly contrasts the love of God with the self-centered, natural human love we have on earth. The scripture tells us that in due time Christ died for the ungodly, not the godly. It went further to say that hardly can someone even die for a just man—no matter how much affection we claim for the person along natural lines. But on the other hand, concerning God’s love; God demonstrated his perfect and impeccable love towards us… In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Christ died for us even while we were still living in offence to him and his father. You definitely won’t find this kind of love in any human relationship. Along natural lines people love only those who please them and hate those who offend them. But the Lord commands that we love our neighbors in exactly the same manner he has loved us. The word of God from our opening scripture says we should walk in love as Christ also loved us. In other words, the Lord demands we walk exactly in his order or kind of love. Hence, in this article we want to scripturally see what constitutes walking in love. How to Walk In Love We have seen from our opening text that the Lord commands that we walk in love. But the question is what constitutes walking in love according to God’s standard? And how do we actually walk in love? The list below constitutes what is meant to be walking in love; and how to walk in love scripturally: Forgiveness and Forbearance: “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do you”—Colossians 3:13. The greatest love God showed and still shows to mankind is forgiveness and forbearance of sin. As a matter of fact, forgiveness of sins is a major tenet of God’s new covenant (Hebrews 8:12). Hence, the Lord seriously demands that we forbear and forgive one another even as he forgave (and still) forgives us in love. As a matter of fact, the Lord says if we do not forgive others their trespasses against us, he won’t also forgive us our trespasses against him ( Matthew 6:14-15). Thus, to be walking in forgiveness and forbearance with people, is a major way to walk in love. 2 Obedience to God’s Commandments: “He that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me. And he that loves me shall be loved of my father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him”- John 14:21. From the above scripture, the Lord clearly defines love for him to mean having his commandments or word and doing or practicing them. The love of God is not just hearing and speaking the word of God; but rather, it is hearing and doing. The Lord says anyone who does not keep or practice his sayings does not love him (John14:24). So to be practicing the word of God in our daily lives is to be walking in love as the Lord commands. 3 Sacrifice: Our opening text tells us to walk in love as Christ also has loved us and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God. Hence, God’s love is a sacrificial love. Christ loved us so much, he had to sacrifice himself for us. The Lord also tells us, greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends (John15:13). And the most remarkable thing about Christ’s sacrificial love is that, he did not just sacrifice his life for only his friends and godly… But much more, for the ungodly and his offenders. Thus, to walk in love as Christ did, we also have to follow this sacrificial example. To walk in Christ’s order of love, we must sacrifice for God and our neighbors. We must bear the burden of God’s work, especially soul winning. We must also bear our fellow believers burden. Then to be perfect in love, we must also bear the burden of the ungodly as well. We must sacrificially pray for the ungodly, including those that offend and despise us. We must cunningly use our words and attitude to draw them from their damnation. Hence, sacrificial lifestyle is a major way to walk in divine order of love. 4 Zealousness: Christ’s love, that the Lord instructs us to walk in, is a zealous love. In John 2, we see the Lord’s love for the father, expressed in his indignation towards those that bought and sold in the temple of God… In verse seventeen of that book of John chapter 2, the word of God says; “And his disciples remembered that it was written, the zeal of your house has consumed me”. Just as the Lord’s love is a zealous one, the same way we are also to be zealous or heated up in our love for God. To walk in divine love, is to be zealous for God and the things of God. The Lord does not want a lukewarm attitude towards him and his work. Instead, he requires a fervid or passionate love from us. We are to be consumed by the zeal of his house and everything concerning him. We are to be zealous in godliness. We are to be zealous in soul winning. We are to be zealous in our exercise of faith. Passivity is not acceptable in God’s order of love. Hence, to the lukewarm, the lord says; “Be zealous therefore, and repent”—Revelations 3:19. 5 Chastisement: In Revelation 3:19 the Lord says; “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…” God’s love is a rebuking and chastening love. And to walk in his love, we must also rebuke and chasten people in love. If someone is in error or offence towards you or others or God, it is your responsibility to rebuke him. And as the scriptures says, as you rebuke the person and he repents you should forgive him (Luke 17:3). But if you rebuke someone and he is recalcitrant, if you can find a subtle way to discipline the person in love, do so. Then if the person remains unrepentant in spite of your rebukes and disciplinary measures, still forgive the person for your own good. So the above list is the major ways to walk in divine love as the Lord commands us. Read the full article
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purplecreatorpirate · 5 years
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“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19)
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hcccng · 3 years
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Walking in Love part 3 Hello fam, Trust you are doing great? Today we continue our conversation on "Walking in Love" For the full sermon, click the link in bio. In this issue of walking in love, God's love for us, is our reference point. Isaiah 54.10: Rom. 8.37 - 39. God's love for us, is unfailing. It never fails. Do not forget, love is a command from God and should be our highest goal as believers. Love is faith in action, and the source of Faith is God's Word. So what gives substance to our faith is love. Gal. 5.14. Love therefore, is the proof of our identity and salvation. Luke 10.25 - 37, from the story of the good Samaritan, some lessons can be learnt about love. - We need to be mindful of others (deliberately conscious), connecting more deeply with the people in our lives and around us. - We also need to be mindful of what God's priority is. God's priority is what we do for others as His representatives here on the earth. Don't be too busy to connect with people and show love. We have to repent of this and recalibrate what is important to God. The Samaritan in this passage showed us that in Christ, all labels have been removed, no Jews nor Greek, no slave nor free.. Same way we should behave when it comes to showing love to others, there should be no discrimination. - Don't reach out to show love to someone because of the reward you will get in return. - Helping a person who needs help is helping Christ. Mathew 25.34 - 40. - Knowing the Word is not enough, the only thing that matters is what you do with it. Remember, Love is our way of life. Our faith put into action. So, we must daily deliberately put it in our To-do list to be a blessing to someone. Receive grace to make yourself available for God to use. Have a lovely week ahead. #hcccng #love #walkinginlove #faithinaction #proofoffaith #godscommand #sundaysermon #ModelingChristAndTransformingLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CVIavxjDUn8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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platformchurch · 4 years
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Day 4 - PREPARING & POSITIONING. It has been an awesome three days event and we are sure you are getting blessed and thanks to you all for the messages and testimony you are sharing. Today, We will be having THE BAILEYS sharing with us about DISCOVERING PURPOSE. This is vital in a relationship and it is also applicable in your personal life. The following will be shared tonight... 1. Their single life journey of purpose and how they positioned themselves. 2. What preparatory systems did they employ to be where they are? 3. How to discover purpose in life and marriage. 4. What is core in purpose mapping and many more things to be unveiled. Have your note and pen because it is going to be amazing and eye-opening as usual. 🤗 The Zoom Link or meeting ID details. Topic: Discovering Purpose In God For Your Life And Marriage. Time: 7 pm prompt (South Africa Time 🇿🇦) https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74328995237?pwd=Szh0bjNqbUM3dmN5dGErOWhuRldKdz09 Meeting ID: 743 2899 5237 Passcode: @lovealive God wants you to enjoy and have a good relationship here on earth. See you soon and ask a friend to join you tonight. Love you. #lovelife #preparing #positioning #single #datingadvice #loveyourself #lovealive #preparingandpositioning #platformchurch #letstalkmarriage #awakening #walkinginlove❤️ (at Platform Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtBRvAjdnE/?igshid=16w9drjtwr7mi
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ayleenrocha · 9 years
"Now I'm lost in Your freedom In this world I'll overcome!" #God'sNotDead #bestoftheday #tempodiqualità #walkinginlove 😊💐 #ohloverofmysoul 😍 #perfectday #CittàAlta #details #nonimportacomeinizimacomefinisci! #coraggio #maggio 💪😌
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