deepjuillet · 5 months
End of Boris Johnson: Is It Too Soon to Rejoice?
Surely, the Partygate would spell an end to his colourful and controversial political career? Yet, something is amiss, and it makes me think we have not seen the end of him yet. Where is he hiding and what is going to be his next move? 
I n 2019, when Boris Johnson was elected for the role of Conservative Party leader, programmes were broadcast highlighting his rise from the infamous Bullingdon Club period through the Mayor of London era, leading up to the Brexit chaos where the hard-Brexiters’ lobbied behind him for the Tory supremo role as the moderate Thatcherite voices waned off. It was euphoric times for the Brexit camp,…
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tuttadil · 2 years
On 24th October, Rishi Sunak was declared as PM of UK. We should pay attention to the word 'declared'. In 2019, general elections were held in the UK. There are 2 parties in the UK Conservative party, Labour party. Conservative party won with the majority of 365 seats. Boris Johnson became UK's next PM.
Now why did Boris resign? There are several reasons leading to the resignation but the most important is Boris lost the confidence in the public as well as his party's MP. There were controversies leading to the resignation of Boris.
Partygate scandal- Political scandal in the United Kingdom about parties and other gatherings of government and Conservative Party staff held during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, when public health restrictions prohibited most gatherings. While several lockdowns in the country were in place, gatherings took place at 10 Downing Street, its garden, and other government buildings. The police issued 126 FPNs to 83 individuals whom the police found had committed offences, including Carrie Johnson and Rishi Sunak the then Chancellor of Exchequer.
On 7th December 2021, a video clip emerged in the media, in which, Allegra Stratton the Press Secretary of PMO is mocking both the parties in the video. This leaked video pressured Allegra Stratton to resign from her position.
Boris Johnson had to give explaination from his end where he says," I believed implicitly that this was a work event. And I should have recognised it even if it could be said technically to fall within the guidance, there would be millions and millions of people who simply would not see it that way and to them, and to this house, I offer my heartfelt apologies".
Wallpapergate scandal: The conservative party has been fined nearly 18,000 pounds by the election commission of the UK for improperly declaring donations towards the refurb of Number 11. When Boris Johnson renovated Number 11, Downing street he did not declare the donations he had received. Prime minister get an annual grant of 30,000 pounds but he spent around 200,000 pounds.
The new Deputy Chief appointed by Boris, Chris Pincher, was revealed to have sexually assaulted two people. On June 31st he resigned. Boris says he didn't know about these allegations on Chris pincher. Leading to this, the then Finance Minister, Rishi Sunak resigns, Health Secretary, Sajid javid resigns. Over the 24 hours, 36 MPs resign from their roles in the government. On 7th July 2022, Boris resigns.
After this Liz truss and Rishi Sunak had to prove that they have support of 100 MPs where Rishi failed to show his support and Liz Truss was elected as the leader of Conservative party and declared as PM of the UK. Liz Truss had many responsibilities as the country was in economic crisis. She implimented a new plan infront of people of UK promising to revive UK's economy. She released a huge package with tax cuts. The idea behind this was "trickle down economics" that by giving tax cuts to the rich, the benefits eventually trickle down and reach the commoners. This idea came out as a flop idea, Pound value after this implimentation reached its all-time low. IMF told the government to think of the plan, now what Liz Truss does is just a bad sign of being a leader. She blames Kwasi Kwarteng, the then Chancellor of Exchequer saying whatever was done till date was done by him and me, then Kwasi Kwarteng resigns from his post. Now new Chancellor gets elected Jeremy hunt who was then Foreign Secretary in Boris government. As soon as he became the Chancellor he rolls back all the promises made by Liz Truss. After this UK's people see a conflict between Jeremy and Liz saying Jeremy was the one running the country. After this only 10% approved the Leadership of Liz Truss. Now Liz Truss resigns from the post of the UK PM.
Conservatives know that if general elections will be called now then the chances of their party winning the elections is next to impossible. So now Rishi Sunak crossed the mark of 100 MPs first so he was elected as PM of the UK. As an Indian I'm happy about the fact that first Hindu-origin PM, Rishi Sunak is elected as PM but right now Rishi should give justice to his responsibilities towards the UK. Not thinking of anything else but just growth in economy would be sufficient to prove himself. Proud thing for an Indian giving India a hope to work in the UK.
Thanks to everyone who read till here and hoping that Rishi never fails in giving justice to the people of the UK.
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whatevergreen · 2 years
Just misread the word 'routine' as 'guillotine'
Can't imagine why 🙄🤣
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Exclusive: Items ordered by Boris Johnson and wife Carrie from Lulu Lytle include £2,260 worth of ‘gold wallpaper’ and a £500 table cloth
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs ‘Partygate’
*read this in a sing-songy way, please*
Johnson and Sunak got fined!
Johnson and Sunak got fined!
*sing-songy done; thank you*
Now, I hate the term ‘Partygate’. I hate that -gate is tacked onto any scandal, just because Watergate. Watergate was the HOTEL WHERE IT HAPPENED, dipshits; it is not a shorthand for a scandal in and of itself. Gods’ sakes, have some imagination. But no, it’s Gamergate, Wallpapergate, Partygate, etc. And the papers are literally calling it Partygate, so I’m kinda stuck with it.
Anyway, much as I hate the term, an explanation of Partygate, for those who don’t live in this country: as most countries (or at least states / provinces) did, we had some pretty serious rules on gatherings during the various lockdowns. The rule was, most often, “Don’t”. But awhile ago, evidence started emerging that Downing Street was party central during most of lockdown. One of them, the biggest and booziest of them that we know about, happened the day before Prince Philip’s funeral - the day before Queen Elizabeth had to sit on her own at the funeral of her husband of seventy-four years because of lockdown regulations at the time (and whatever you think of QE2 and the monarchy in general, no one deserves that). There are pictures of a Christmas party held immediately after the last-minute lockdown over Christmas 2021 wherein someone’s jacket or a garbage bag - something black, anyway - was draped over a security camera, as if to minimise the evidence (unfortunately for them, some of the cabinet had to attend via Zoom and screenshots came out). There was Johnson’s birthday, wherein sources close to him insist that “he was, in effect, ambushed by cake”, despite the fact that his interior decorator - the one involved in the ‘Wallpapergate’ scandal - was in attendance. They tried to claim that it was only a party when balloons were involved. They tried to claim that those parties were business meetings. They insisted on calling them “gatherings” as if that made it any better.
Investigations took place. Sort of. The police said they weren’t getting involved at first because, apparently, “That all happened in the past”. (Because apparently we’re living in Minority Report-land and our police are only in the Pre-Crime division.) Then Sue Grey, a notoriously even-handed individual, was going to investigate this. All of a sudden, the police were going to investigate this, and thus Sue Grey would have to bury her findings until the police investigation was complete. And the police investigation could take an awfully long time (despite the fact that technically all they’d have to do is pry the truth out of any of the police who were on duty as guards at Downing Street for a fair few of them). They were trying to bury it. The cost of living increase might have been a godsend for them on that basis if they hadn’t been so glaringly determined to stick it to the poor some more. The war in Ukraine might have been even more of a godsend if people weren’t so angry about the cost of living increases on top of the thought of these rich gobshites plunging them into poverty who were having piss-ups so raucous that they destroyed the playground equipment in 10 Downing Street’s back garden while they were forbidden from hugging their dying relatives one last time. Every time they tried to bury it, the rest of the people just exhumed the whole mess.
Eventually, one of our independent organisations raised money to literally sue the police for not doing their fucking jobs. At which point, the fines started going out. The first batch were a piddling £50, given to fairly disposable functionaries. Now, though, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak - two of the primary authors of the country’s current miseries - have been fined an undisclosed amount for their attendance at the “ambushed by cake” birthday party. Apparently, those may not be the only fines given to Johnson or Sunak; more may follow.
Why is this important? It’s not like Clinton’s ‘Zippergate’ ... but it’s closer than you’d think. Clinton’s mess with Monica Lewinsky was important not because of the act itself, but the fact that he lied about it; that’s what got him impeached, if not removed from office. It’s a little different here, but a lot worse for Johnson. See, he told Parliament, repeatedly, that he never violated lockdown rules, and this proves that he misled Parliament - even if people believe the “he told the truth as he understood it” bullshit they tried to spout awhile ago, he misled Parliament. There’s something in the constitution of this country about Prime Ministers who mislead Parliament; the constitution says they are obliged to step down. And since a Fixed Penalty Notice - a fine, in short - is proof that he did the thing he says he didn’t do, it’s not a question of “as he understood it”. He said he never broke lockdown rules, the law punished him for breaking lockdown rules - therefore he misled Parliament. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
However. There’s still a big grasping fight going on. Not with Johnson or Sunak themselves, no; those two ‘worthies’ are conspicuously absent in all this. But Johnson’s spokespeople in specific are falling all over themselves trying to claim that Johnson’s resignation would “bring instability to the country during a time of war”. Except the Conservative Party has set the precedent for getting rid of a sitting Prime Minister during a time of war, and in my lifetime too - they forced Margaret Thatcher out in favour of John Major during the Gulf War, not long after Hussein invaded Kuwait. And the UK was actually involved in that war at that time, not just providing weapons to the Kuwaiti people the way we are to the Ukranian people now. And honestly, the entire country is so fucking unstable right now that I don’t think losing Johnson would do much but lose a day’s productivity as at least half the fucking country had a massive rager of a party to celebrate.
As for Sunak ... well. He was in line to replace Johnson if Johnson had to step down, but his unhelpful spring ‘mini-budget’ that hurt more people than it helped, his total disconnect with most of the people he serves, this mess with his wife’s tax status (wherein she’s been claiming Non-Domicile Status and thus paying £30k or so to avoid paying tens of millions in UK taxes on her foreign earnings, made worse by the fact that she’s married to a Chancellor who insists that the only way to raise tax money is to mercilessly tax the poor), and the fact that until recently he was serving in government while carrying a US Green Card (which you can only do if you are permanently resident in the US, and you can’t serve in government unless you’re a permanent UK resident, and you can’t do both) ... well, all of that has pretty much buried his chances at the top spot.
Theoretically, there would be a little bit of confusion on the face of it, as they scramble to find someone who can be Prime Minister if Johnson did the decent thing and stepped down (money’s on Liz Truss at the moment; not looking forward to that, but Johnson’s worse). Particularly given the fact that when he was ousted from his position as Foreign Secretary, it took weeks for them to pry him out of the grace and favour flat he’d been given as Foreign Secretary. Still, there is a line of succession, so to speak, for Tory leadership, and it would not be as bad as a lot of the Tory government would like us to think. It’s just that Johnson has said that he won’t go unless an election is forced. (So he basically is like Trump, then). Why is this so bad to the Tories? Because with Johnson in charge, they’ll probably lose, or at least wind up with a minority government instead of the 80-seat majority they enjoy today. Brexit has blown up in their faces, Covid hurt them from both sides (those who don’t think they did enough and those who disliked having their freedoms curbed in any way), the cost of living emergency springing up is a serious catalyst for a fair few people ... and frankly, Johnson doesn’t want an election called until the Elections Bill gets passed. Why? Because the Elections Bill will enforce a Voter ID system and he wants to secure victory via voter suppression. (It’s at the reports stage in Lords at the moment, so it might be awhile yet, depending on what amendments the Lords want to make; they did defang the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill awhile ago so maybe it won’t be so bad...)
Point is that the Tories don’t really like Johnson but they recognise that if it goes to an election, it will probably all blow up in their faces so they put up with it. So the news over the next few days will be senior Tories desperately trying to make excuses for the Prime Minister and the Chancellor in a vain attempt to maintain their own power, and Johnson will use that to every advantage he can. He can’t afford to be sacked from another job because of being a liar; this would be the ... third time? Maybe fourth; I haven’t entirely kept track. The fact that it’s happened more than once is distressing. And yet he got the leadership nod, Because Brexit. But even with senior Tories going to bat for him, fact is that Johnson has been found to have misled Parliament, and the constitution is clear on what happens now. He either follows constitutional rule and resigns, or he refuses to resign and it gets even uglier for him. He’ll still cling to power like a limpet for as long as he’s allowed, but a few more fines - a few more pieces of proof that he misled Parliament, that he frankly lied to everyone and can’t weasel his way out of being called a liar because there’s now indisputible proof that he is one - that might finish him politically. I can hope.
So, yeah. I pushed way too hard the last couple of days and I hurt a great deal and am just grievously fatigued. But Johnson and Sunak got fined for breaking lockdown rules and maybe, just maybe, this stupid fucking ‘Partygate’ thing will be worth something after all.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Lord Geidt has just been appointed as Advisor on Ministerial Interests. Briefly translated this means he has the job of sorting out the possible financial corruption among government ministers, and sort out the Prime Minister's 'Wallpapergate'. He will do a good job!
Thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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listinsemanal · 3 years
Boris Jhonson, ministro británico se casará en junio - Europa - Internacional
Boris Jhonson, ministro británico se casará en junio – Europa – Internacional
El primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, se casará con su prometida Carrie Symonds, con la que tiene un hijo de un año, a finales de julio de 2022, informó el lunes el diario The Sun. (Lea aquí: El ‘wallpapergate’, el escándalo que golpea a Johnson en Reino Unido) El líder conservador será el primer jefe de gobierno británico en activo que se case en casi 200 años. Según el diario, que no…
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hdwallpapers · 3 years
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salam2050 · 3 years
Internal Probe Clears UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Over Wallpapergate
Internal Probe Clears UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Over Wallpapergate
Boris Johnson acted “unwisely” over funding arrangements for lavish makeover of his Downing Street flat London: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted “unwisely” over funding arrangements for a lavish makeover of his Downing Street flat, but was not guilty of any impropriety, his ethics advisor concluded Friday. The finding by Christopher Geidt, the UK government’s newly appointed adviser on…
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whatevergreen · 2 years
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Someone today leaked the invoice for Boris Johnson's recent Downing St apartment renovation and people are seething.
£208,104.00 on redecorating and refurnishing, and they tried to get the state and tory party to pay for it.
Includes £7000 on a rug. £6000 for a lamp and £2500 for the lampshade. £500 for a table cloth. Over £4500 on wallpaper. £3675 for a drinks trolley...
It's a rip off apart from anything else. Rich people will buy any overpriced rubbish.
Would you pay £3550 for two of these? You could find vintage similar c1970s from a junk store or flea market for about £30
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Millions now in poverty thanks to the Conservatives. There were 56 foodbanks in 2010, now there's over 2000.
They take money from most people and then as good as throw it away.
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well-whatever-next · 3 years
Is the Teflon wearing off?
Was ‘wallpapergate’ part of the cause of Johnson failing the U.K. and failing to deal with the pandemic crisis?
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felixvictorino · 3 years
Quién es quién en el “Wallpapergate”, el último escándalo de Boris Johnson
Quién es quién en el “Wallpapergate”, el último escándalo de Boris Johnson
El último revuelo político que sacude al primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, las controvertidas obras realizadas en su domicilio oficial de Downing Street, ha puesto al líder y al Partido Conservador bajo la sospecha de infracciones a las reglas éticas. El escándalo involucra a una pintoresca galería de personajes, desde el primer ministro a una decoradora o un multimillonario lord. Estos…
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wowflashy-com · 5 years
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https://wowflashy.com/jungle-theme-kids-wallpapergive an different and modernable look to your house with wow stickers. fan of animals and its jungle theme, this is flawless for your room. show off your room in distinct style.
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thoughtlessarse · 2 years
Boris Johnson’s controversial refurbishment of his official Downing Street flat cost more than €235,000, a leaked copy of the invoice suggests.
Items ordered by the outgoing Prime Minister and his wife Carrie Johnson for their apartment from interior designer Lulu Lytle's upmarket Soane Britain firm included an €8,275 rug and 10 rolls of wallpaper costing €266 each, the document, obtained by The Independent, indicates.
The bill also listed a €4,345 drinks trolley, two sofas worth more than €17,735, and dining chairs costing €13,242, with the cheapest item - a kitchen table cloth - priced at €590.
The reports are likely to reopen controversy surrounding the lavish flat overhaul and how it was funded.
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This is nearly double the amount he admitted to spending on the flat.
Here's part of the leaked invoice.
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Here's the drinks trolley, a snip at £3675
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