wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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I saw this post and the movie started playing in my head. I had to draw it.
This is part of some musings that were posted about Waywardstation's Heartswap AU where Akari gets Heartswapped with a Phione and Ingo is being an idiot while trying to find her. Be sure to visit their blog if you want to know more.
She's frustrated lol.
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You grab him by the lapels with one hand and push his fringe aside with the other. Your lips press sweetly against his cheek. As you pull away you see his face blooming in crimson once more. His eyes are filled with the most love struck expression you've ever seen.
“I'd love to join you again.” You say to him as he holds his cheek as if you gave him a divine gift. He nods slowly and tries to walk away. However, Ingo can't seem to will himelf to turn around and look away from you. You watch him walk backwards until he bumps into a passerby and tumbles to the ground.
He lays sprawled on the ground as Zisu walks over to him. She smiles down at him. “Need help, lover boy?”
Zisu bends down and scoops the limp and dopey warden off the ground and slings him over her shoulder. She looks at you and gives you a thumbs up. “I'll take care of him. He'll get back to you about that second date.”
She waves to you and carried him away to the Galaxy building, no doubt to recover in the medical corps room.
The date went well. You sigh happily and retire to your quarters, fantasizing about what your next outing with the dear warden would have in store.
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Commission ordered by @bellafragolina. Clavell was invited out only to be serenaded in the light of the setting sun by Allegra, the music teacher.
Allegra belongs to @bellafragolina
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You pull out your crafting kit and work quickly and deftly. The wood is shaved away and a small sneasel form emerges. You splash on a bit of thin paint and it is complete.
Ingo is instantly distracted from his worries as you present the carving to him. He holds it ever so gently, as if it could be actually alive. His eyes shine and his face is a visage of pure joy.
You triggered something in this man you didn't think was there. His voice squeaks as he coos over the tiny sneasel. He thanks you profusely. You swear he might cry.
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The figurine is tucked into his hat like a baby being put to bed as you return to your picnic. Ingo's mood is drastically improved. He babbles on and on about how amazingly you did in your battle and how well trained your walrein is. The food is finished and conversation is deep. You last few moments were spent laid back on the blanket and staring at the clouds. Blissful silence floats through the air as you just bask in one another's presence.
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The blanket and dishes as packed up and Ingo escorts you back to Jubilife village. He holds your hand gently with a content smile on his face. Gone are his nerves and uncertainty. You feel equally happy to just hold his hand and stroll along at a relaxing pace with him by your side.
It felt far too soon as you reached the village. Ingo walked you to your quarters and places the basket on the ground by his feet.
“I had a wonderful time...” He tells you. “I have not had an outing that nice in quite some time. I do hope you will do me the pleasure of joining me again.”
Ingo's face isn't blushed but his eyes carry a soft look to them. You can tell he is quite happy in this moment. Before you can tell him your answer, you notice some of the villagers gathering and watching your moment with the warden. After the spectacle earlier, they seem curious as to what you'll do this time.
Ingo doesn't seem to notice the whispering and the giggling. He seems lost in a happy daze as he stares at you.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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Ingo's face brightens considerably.
“Really!?” He catches himself and tries to shake off the sudden surge of excitement. He's trying very hard to not sound like his heart almost jumped out of his chest in joy.
“I-I mean. I look forward to it! I will bring everything we need so do not worry about anything! May I schedule a stop here in Jubilife Village tomorrow morning? I would be honored to escort you to our destination.”
You both set a time to meet and he walks away with a pep in his step. You could swear he was almost glowing.
The next day
You rise and perform your morning routine. You ditch your survey uniform for something much more comfortable and nice. Ingo is already entering the village just as you step outside your cabin. He's carrying a basket with a handle and a blanket fastened to the side of it in one hand. He seems lost in thought before he catches sight of you. His dour face shifts to a soft smile.
“Good morning! Are you ready for our trip?”
He approaches you and sets the basket down by his feet. You smell warm food wafting from it. It mixes nicely with his own scent of pine and crisp mountain air.
He reaches into his coat and rummages for a moment. He then produces a necklace. It's made of sturdy string and wooden beads framing three dazzling pearls, two black and one white. It's simple. The beads are a bit roughly carved but the pearls catch the light perfectly.
“I had made this a bit ago...” Ingo began. “I had managed to gather some pearls from fishing. I do not remember why I had decided to make this. I suppose I had thought it a waste to not make use of such a pretty treasure.”
His face grows pink. “I found it and it made me think of you. I think it would look wonderful on you.” He extends his hands and holds the necklace out to you gently. “Would you accept this as a gift?”
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wardenswateringhole · 5 months
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Since Warden is a W name, I figure that she would go well in the Don't starve universe. I don't really have many details on how she got there or what she can do. Maybe I'll flesh that out later.
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Just to show that I haven't forgotten about it. lol.
Shinx is a brat.
TITLE: Sweet Beginnings
WARNING: This comic will contain images of mild blood and injuries along with themes and suggestions of death.
Sweet and Gateau belong to @cupcakestreets, check them out if you wish to know more about these characters.
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With your Walrein blasting ice beams and Ingo supporting with well timed Aerial Aces with his Gliscor, the battle is over quickly. The Garchomp retreats back into the tree line and well out of sight.
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Your pokemon are praised and patched up where needed. Your walrein isn't too worse for wear and tries to repay you with very smelly kisses. You manage to deny the kisses and give another form of affection before it made you smell like a beached magikarp in hot weather.
You can hear Ingo murmuring to himself as he smears medicine on Gliscor. It looks to be a task as Gliscor seems to be in more of a mood to play than rest. From the few words you overhear, He's concerned about the presence of Garchomp this far down the mountains.
He's distracted and seems quite worried. There's really nothing you can do to assuage his worries right now. You think about how kind he's been and how much he's done. The need to do something nice for him strikes you.
You look around. There's plenty of items to make a gift for him while he's busy muttering to himself. There's plenty of beautiful flowers to make a flower crown.
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Some loose wood catches your eye, you could probably carve something for him.
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It seems the battle knocked a tooth loose from the Alpha Garchomp. That would make a splendid necklace.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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The food is devoured as you talk. You begin to describe something you could remember. A long metal tube that seemed to travel on a set path. Ingo nodded along with your words. It was as he recalled. He perked up as a particular word left your lips.
He quickly swallowed the food in his cheeks, not bothering to even finish chewing it.
His voice echoed through the highlands. He set his food down and began to gesticulate wildly while speaking.
“That's the word I've been trying to remember! Train!” He sighed. “I had described that very thing to Professor Laventon but he said it was called a 'locomotive'. Said it was something being worked on in Unova...”
Ingo quieted suddenly. You could see him drift slowly into thought. “It didn't sound wrong...” He began. “It just didn't sound right...”
He picked up his food and poked at it. “The pictures he showed me didn't fit either... They weren't wrong. They just weren't what I was thinking.”
Ingo took a small bite, chewing thoughtfully and looking off into the distance. “I enjoyed the pictures. Truly. But they were of a machine that was clunky and dark. I seem to remember something more... sleek. I also distinctly remember it being shiny.”
The thousand yard stare turned to a look of sorrow. “I also remember... people. Lots of people. There was always so much noise, one could barely think. A far cry from these mountains... It's peaceful here. The sounds of nature can be soothing.”
He sighed heavily. “But it can get lonely. I remember a time where I would have dreamed of such silence... It's so deafening now...”
He shook his head and scratched at his brow bashfully. “My apologies... I did not mean to bring the mood down. Perhaps we should--”
His sentence cut short. You could see him looking to your side with a look of uncertainty. You follow his gaze and find that you have a visitor.
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A small gible sat looking up at you. It was smaller than one would expect. It stared at you intently, not moving or making any sound. It's eyes keep drifting from your face, to your necklace, and back again.
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To all of you that complained about bald Ingo.
Consider the alternative...
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Not Sorry.
Happy Belated April Fools, everybody.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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Ingo's face turns a shade of red that you wonder is even healthy. His eyes blank out and you swear you could see steam coming from his face and head. Through your glove you can feel the heat rising in his body. He remains silent for a while. You can hear whispers and occasional giggles from the townspeople that had happened to witness the interaction.
Ingo's voice is a quiet croak. His arms flex. His hand doesn't dare leave yours and the basket occupies his other. He seems to be struggling with the fact that he can't hide in his hat.
“I...” He swallows hard. “A-Appreciate th-th-the ges-gesture....”
A few deep breaths and a head shake that almost flings his hat off his head, and Ingo is somewhere near back to normal. His face is still crimson and burning.
“Let us d-depart.”
His voice is still unusually small. Ingo leads you out of the town. The guards snicker behind you as you pass through the gate. Zisu will definitely hear about this and give him a hard time later.
Somewhere on the walk to the Fabled Spring, Ingo regains his composure. He chats with you about this that and the other. The topics meander aimlessly, his timidness still too strong to find a comfortable subject.
Eventually you two reach the Fabled Spring. He insists on setting things up on his own, leaving you to watch as the blanket is spread by the flowers and food containers are brought out of the basket. The smells are stronger and more tantalizing now. You're impressed with the spread. Ingo smiles to you as you settle down on the blanket with him.
“I just threw together some of my favorites...” He said meekly. You can tell that isn't true. A lot of the items you know for a fact take effort to make. Especially the curry rice that he made for each of you. No doubt this man was up bright and early to cook all of this fresh.
He pours you each a cup of oran berry juice and grabs an onigiri. You take a moment to enjoy the scenery. It was perfect weather. The babbling of the water was relaxing. Flowers and trees surrounded you in the most idyllic setting.
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Ingo seems more relaxed. Shedding his coat and hat and spreading out on the blanket. He still seems unable to pick a topic of comfortable conversation. How about you try to set up your next chat?
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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Ingo approaches you in his typical stiff fashion. He stands as straight as he can, puffing out his chest slightly. His voice betrays his visage as it seems to croak out his mouth.
You watch has he begins to fidget. Clearing his throat and opening his mouth over and over as if to speak. No words come as his confident visage begins to dissolve. He pulls the hat from his head and holds it gingerly in front of him. A dusting of pink grows on his face.
“M-my apologies, Trainer. I-I was w-wondering...”
The corners of his mouth turn up, giving him a cat like smile that you've never seen on him before. It makes you want to giggle but you hold back you laughter to spare him. He takes a couple of deep breaths.
“Would you like to accompany me? To the fabled springs. There is a v-very pretty spot there with l-lots of f-flowers...”
He runs his hands over his silvery strands. “Perhaps we could... make it a... picnic?”
His eyes shoot wide and his face grows ever so redder. Words flow like a river from his mouth.
“Of course it would be just fine if you do not wish to join me in such an area I do not wish to make you uncomfortable I just wish to spend time with you if you would allow it I apologize if this is too forward please forgive my candidness I think you are very nice and would like to get to know you better outside of our battle training not that I do not enjoy our training together I would just like to--”
You might want to give this poor guy an answer before he runs out of air and passes out.
*never mind the 3 days. Apparently it's either a day or a week. So a week it is. Just so everyone who wants to play can do so.
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Commission for @bellafragolina. Rowlet got a little excited and bit the good Professor's finger. Luckily Ren was there with a first aid kit and a kiss to make it all better.
Ren belongs to @bellafragolina
Like what you see? I could always use more commissions!
Click Here for Information on ordering a commission!
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
You fasten the necklace around your neck and give Ingo a bright smile. He seems very pleased. “It looks lovely on you!”
His words make you a bit bashful. You roll the wooden beads between your fingers. Their clumsy texture makes them fun to touch. The pearls feel perfect and smooth. They don't seem like the kind of pearls one get from a riverbed. A person would have to go through a lot of trouble to get pearls this nice. The cord of the necklace is cut at just the right length. It feels neither too long or too short. Almost as if it had been made specifically for you.
As you contemplate the gift, Ingo has already leaned down to pick up the basket. He extends his hand to you.
“Are you ready to depart? Please hold my hand so that we do not become uncoupled.”
You look at his hand. It's not the longest walk in the world. You've made it alone several times already. Holding his hand seems hardly necessary. At the same time, you have a feeling that if you took his hand, you wouldn't want to let go. Despite their rough callous texture from his day to day warden duties, they look very warm and welcoming.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
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You grabbed the last onigiri and the little Gible readily opened it's mouth much akin to a foot operated trash can. You dropped the riceball into it's mouth and it looked very pleased. It's tongue swiped along it's lips and its paws rubbed at it's tummy happily. You're pretty sure it didn't even chew the treat.
Despite it's cute behavior, Ingo still looked tense. Ingo's head kept swiveling, a piercing glare scanning your surroundings. You watched Ingo so intently, you didn't notice what your little friend was preparing to do.
A small body jumping onto you and sharp little claws scratching at your arms and chest made you shout. The gible had pounced onto you and was trying desperately to claw it's way to your necklace. The onslaught only lasted a few moments before you saw Ingo grabbing the small creature and pulling it off of you.
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It shrieked and cried loudly. Ingo seemed to almost jump out of his skin at this response. He was quick to put the gible down. It ran off into the distance, still crying.
Ingo rushed to his hat and coat. His hat was placed upon his head and his pokeballs retrieved. “Get ready!” He warned as he stood tall and looked around you.
It was at this moment that many pieces of important information came to mind.
1, Mature Gibles don't act like that. While they can be friendly on the rare occasion, they have a propensity to bite first and ask questions later.
2, That means that your little visitor was just a baby. A baby that had wandered away from it's nest.
The third piece of information came to you as the ground vibrated under you. Ingo readied himself for battle.
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3, Momma did not approve.
Bonus after the cut
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His name is Henry.
He's just a wee baby. He just got those teeth and doesn't know what they're for yet.
He's a direct ancestor of Professor Gible.
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wardenswateringhole · 8 months
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Not super happy with it but i think i can see where to go from here.
This is a reimagining of an old Oc.
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