I think I would die immediately if my s/o ever found my blog.
Wanted to join in on flustering Warden. (✿◦’ᴗ˘◦)♡ I like your blog very much!
(long explanation incoming)
Funnily enough, he's the reason I'm on here.
So I skipped BWB2W2 because I listened to the people who had said they were terrible games.
(There are people like that for every generation i later realized)
So when I played PLA and Ingo showed up, I had no clue who he was but it was, honest to Arceus, love at first sight.
From there I got back into the Pokémon fandom. I'd poke around at various sources of fanart. One site, I honestly cannot remember, I WANT to say it was the Pokémon TTRPG fan site. But someone put forth the idea of disabled people in the Pokémon universe and how it was kind of a bummer there wasn't proper representation.
People HATED the idea of disabled characters/trainers and insisted that it wouldn't be a thing since Pokémon was supposedly in the future and medical advancements were so far ahead there were no disabled people.
(This thought is wrong on so many levels that I will not address it here for threat of making this post longer than it needs to be)
Me being the "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" kind of person that I am, came up with a story that revolved around two Pokémon researchers trying to make it easier for disabled individuals to become Pokémon trainers.
I had started work on it, and had 9 pages done of the comic when S/o started showing off my work on discord and it received some positive feedback, in both looks and story premise. It was suggested i find a place to post this comic so others could enjoy it.
TA-DA I found Tumblr.
While I had intended to stay solely for that comic, I met some amazing people and started this blog instead. The rest is history.
The comic is on here. It's on a hidden blog until I feel comfortable with revealing it. After Sweet Beginnings is done, I hope to do about 10 more pages of it before moving on to the next project.
I do genuinely worry about offending people with the content so I'm trying my hardest to be mindful of what the story entails. That's why it is hidden and only open to a select few people who make sure I'm not doing something stupid.
OH! And I'm very glad you like my blog! My little idiot blog. Totally not worthy of THE.
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lulu-the-warden · 2 years
*look at Lulu and Geode* Wardens! I read about you guys! *nervously* w-wait...are you guys..nice to Illagers?.. I'm too small to be a threat or anything. qwq
Lulu: *her antennas twitched at the sound of a newcomer*
Lulu did her best to remember surface speak.
Nn...not hurt you. Not like to fight.
Geode: "Only will hurt...if illagers attack."
Even if he wanted to, Geode wouldn't be able to do much in his old age. He sniffed the air, identifying the new scent of the young illager.
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splithianallies · 2 years
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Dr Tesser hastily swallowed a bite of the macronut bar she was eating and answered.
The numbness should wear off in a few hours.  It will be sore for awhile…I could give you something for the pain, but it will make you sleepy.  
Oh the warmth!  That's called uh…
What would an eletzytynn's healing ability be in wardenspeak?  It was called the "regenerapulse" in her language.
Well…there isn't really a word for it in wardenspeak, but it would be called something like "soft lightning".  We use very precise currents of our energy to speed the healing your body naturally does, or we can restore connections and correct bad connections in nerves.  For example, I don't know how bad it is, but in your sev. …
Dr Tesser became quiet when the giant warden sat up.  He was even bigger than she originally thought!  Now, she could see a branded insignia of some sort; maybe belonging to a faction or pillager group?  Also, he had a worn out teddy bear in his mane.  It wasn't uncommon for wardens to carry a comfort item when they were stressed.  She wanted to ask about the branding, but was worried it might be too nosy.  Usually, branded wardens were once kept as guard animals or coliseum entertainment…it was a rough life that left a warden poorly socialized.
Oh, if you're still feeling nauseous, we can try food later.  You were able to sit up, so your body must be absorbing the potion just fine.  I won't leave until you're at least able to make it to the nearest cave to rest.
Dr Tesser reviewed a small map she had.  There was a small, shallow cave to the southwest of them.  It wasn't much, but it would allow the big warden to sleep off his illness out of the elements.
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regivapor · 2 years
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Day 28: Camping Ampera the regieleki shuddered with more fear than cold, wondering why the lantern faded in and out; as if the darkness were eating it up.  The forest was quiet...not peaceful quiet, but quiet like every bug, small animal, and even the wind itself held its breath.   A pair of foosteps lightly stepped just beyond the treeline.  The footsteps made a circle around the regieleki's tent.Echo hadn't seen anyone for months.  Months of solitude, and suddenly this gorgeous regieleki shows up?  Of course she was interested. However, living on her own for years made Echo very feral.  She barely spoke anything besides her native wardenspeak; a series of whines and growls.  She wanted to just sit by the lantern with the lovely regieleki, but knew doing so would mean getting hit with 1.21 gigawatts of thundercage.  The warden-eletzytynn paced around the campsite, desperately trying to recall any non-warden words. "Who's out there?  I can hear you!" the regieleki called. Ẃ̴̲́̚͜h̷̡̬͓͂͝ȍ̴͜'̸̝͆͜s̸̫͗̂̾ ̴͔̽͠o̶͕̫͕͂u̸̓̈́̕ͅt̸̹̭̗́ ̸̧̩̄ț̴̗̯̐h̵̙̲̽͋e̵̟̫͊͗͠ṟ̸̂ę̴͔̽̽?̷̡̭͛ ̸̦͈̖̉̏I̶̘̞̿̒ͅ ̶̖̤̇͋͝c̵͉͉̅à̵͓̦̕n̴̻̰̄͜ ̶̢̫̿h̵̹̺͂̏ḛ̷̡̛̿a̴̬̽͊͑r̶̢̭̔̂ ̴͈͑͒̀y̷̢̗̙̽̉̌ȏ̶̮̪̼u̵̳͓̓̔̊!̵̬͉̈̀́ͅ Echo...echoed in a distorted voice. NO!  She thought, Stupid stupid stupid...they hate that!  She growled with frustration at herself."I...I'll thunderbolt you!" the regieleki cried. I̶̜̽̆̆'̷̬̇l̷̖̪̮̍̏̓l̶͚̟̿ͅ ̵̘̑̂͊t̶͓̰̐̈́̌h̷̢̤̥̉̍̋u̶̱̜̒̒n̶͚̻̘͋͊̑d̶͕̒̏̔é̸̟ŕ̴̜͖̼b̸͇̤͊õ̸̠̞̦̃̀ĺ̵̘̤̥̅͒ṱ̵̳͒͗̚ ̵͔̺̀͝y̵̹̠̾o̷̢͒̉ṵ̷͎̲́͂̂ Echo smacked herself and shook her head.  She hurried away on all fours.  Maybe if she killed some delicious prey and left it outside her tent, that would be better?
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
Ah it's seems that they refuse to listen. Ahem. My dear audience members. It is not normally within my motis operandi to post call out posts but I think this is a special occasion. heaartzforcupid has decided that since artists are not being nice about asking for their art to be taken down from their blog where they posted the art without permission, it makes it okay to continue posting the art and not remove or credit them. They also believe that once you post something to the internet that it is free for anyone to use how they see fit and they should only give credit if the creator asks for it. When informed about how this is wrong, they deleted the post. They claim to not know how to copy urls and image links. They were informed how to do so. They deleted the post. Yes I do have screen shots, as do several other people who have been trying to get them to see reason but they've decided to double down and be stubborn. As of writing this, there has been no effort to remove or credit the art present on their blog. Oh and they blocked me but I can still see their blog, so I'll know if they've done anything. I am not asking for anyone to do anything untoward. I am just offering this information up as an explanation as to what is going on. I have no control over what is done with this information.
I do suggest that everyone take a good hard look at the blog and make sure nothing of your own has been posted. Thank you for reading.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
cover art courtesy of @bluebellowl
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Stylized pages of everyone's favorite girl, Chandelure, by yours truly I learned a bit with this run. I had gotten a set of notebook coils of varying sizes. The smallest coils are useless as they are too small to even open the notebook. They are perfect for putting new covers on standard single subjects like you get in department stores. I may just use them for refreshing the collection of notebooks I've accrued over the years.
No, making your own notebooks does not get rid of notebook anxiety. I thought it would but it does not. I have other designs waiting to be used so keep your eyes peels for more of these. I have no intention of selling this design or any others I use for prototypes.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
I've been trying to find the artists from the art of the blog that's been causing problems. There are three pieces that I can't seem to track back to anyone. If anyone knows who the original creators of these pieces are, please tell them to contact me. The art is being featured and not credited on this blog
freaklink on Tumblr
Thank you.
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First one has been identifiied as https://twitter.com/Kitty_gidi
The second has been identified as https://twitter.com/Jugletale
The third has been identified as https://twitter.com/SanyDraws
I have made attempts to contact them but more people contacting them would be appreciated as well since I am unsure if my messages will reach them
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wardenswateringhole · 3 months
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@cupcakestreets was kind enough to give me a print as a gift and I used it to build this prototype notebook with stylized paper. This is just a test build and hope nicer designs available for purchase should I ever feel up to designing more.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
Okay, let's go ahead and get this out the way and see how many of you run for hills. I DO NOT SUPPORT ANTI-SHIPPING
Most of it ain't my cup of tea, but I have the sanity to know that just because I don't care for it doesn't make it wrong and that I am responsible for my own media consumption. If I don't like something, I click away and move on. No call out posts. No tantrums. No snide or untoward comments.
I move on. If you do not have the maturity to do this, I very much suggest you stop following me immediately. In fact, I would very much prefer you stopped following me. Someone who cannot treat others in a civil manner over something so frivolous is not welcome here.
Thank you for reading.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
I’ve told this story to a couple people already so I figured I’d go ahead and post it here. There is a reason that I’m not leaving the submas fandom any time soon. WARNING: DESCRIPTIONS OF A HEALTH SCARE SITUATION
Story under the cut for those who want to know more.
For those of not in the know, I have a bleeding disorder. As a result, my period can actually become dangerous. Back in 2020, I was rushed to the hospital for nearly bleeding out and ended up needing a blood transfusion. I am currently undergoing treatment in various forms and I’m looking into more permanent solutions. A while back, around the time when I joined the submas fandom and tumblr, I had gone to the doctor to discuss said bleeding and ways to help it. I had not been feeling good the moment I had went into the waiting room. I couldn’t even hear when my name was called and my significant other, Taco, had to tell me I was being called. Once in the room, we were talking and I was feeling very tired. I suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy. I was given a vomit bag and the nurse went to find help. I remember looking at the floor and thinking “If I don’t lay back, I’m going in that floor.” so I laid back.
And my world went dark. I was sitting in a subway train car with Ingo and Emmet standing by what looked like the door to the next car over. They were very insistent that I follow them through that door. Of course I agreed to do so. Ingo went through first, then Emmet. Emmet was saying something to me over his shoulder and hold his hand up. I don’t remember or couldn’t make out what he was saying.
The moment I went through those doors, I woke up. There was another nurse I didn’t recognize dabbing a towel against my head and I was covered in ice packs. I sat up and they helped me clean up and made sure I was okay. I was out for 30 seconds, convulsing and unresponsive.
Questions were asked about if I had epilepsy or whatever, but other than that, they just sent me home. Looking back, they probably should have sent me to a hospital but hindsight is always 20/20.
So yeah. I know it was just my brain trying to lure me out of unconsciousness with something I found comforting. I do still find them comforting. I had never dreamed of any characters I had enjoyed before even when sleeping so it struck me as bizarre when it happened after fainting. And there you have it. These silly train twins have a special place in my heart after that, and I think they’ll stay there for a while.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
Nevermind. Someone decided being nice wasn't to their liking. Nuke going off. Mind your space.
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wardenswateringhole · 2 months
I do not know the different names of bat species very well. But I love those with bigass ears. I remember looking those up when I was assigned to make Noibat art for a project years ago when I was still active on DeviantArt
Bat ears are fascinating. They can get downright alien looking depending on how specialized they are.
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This guy holds the record for the biggest bat ears, at least in the Americas. The spotted bat. These guys are found in the western united states and areas of British Columbia. (photo courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History) More unusual ears include these guys:
The Ozark big eared bat (Photo Courtesy of National Geographic)
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These guys are a species of cave bat. Unfortunately they are endangered due to many causes including habitat loss. The temperature in the caves they once inhabited varied too greatly for them to remain due to human encroachment. And the Allens big eared bat (photo courtesy of the Nevada Department of Wildlife)
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These guys are found in the mountainous regions of the southwestern US and Mexico. They're insectivores that are specialized in swooping in and plucking stationary insects from their perch spots. Not only do their ears help in hearing, they also make them more maneuverable in the air to accomplish this feat.
And this has been your daily dose of bat facts lol.
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wardenswateringhole · 1 month
I want to share this amazing find. I was planning on sitting down and constructing Nimbasa City for one of my projects and it seems someone did it for me.
Provided it's not perfect but it's enough for me to get the general landscape and layout i want. I figured someone else would benefit from this.
Nimbasa City Free 3D Model - .3ds .obj .dae .fbx .mtl .skp - Free3D
The site has other cities from Unova. Overall even if you don't download the models, the pictures themselves are good references.
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wardenswateringhole · 14 days
We have ants. My daughter was being silly and pointing at one of them. "WHO SENT YOU!?"
Being funny, I respond: "The FBI."
All ants in our house are from the FBI now.
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wardenswateringhole · 8 months
Got blind-sided with some news today.
My S/o's place of work announced it's permanent closure starting today.
He and I are already taking steps to keep income flowing in. For me that means doubling my efforts with the ko-fi shop and perhaps asking for commissions once more.
You can find information for drawn and written commissions on the pinned post of this blog.
Ko-fi shop will be open sometime before black Friday with any luck.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
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wardenswateringhole · 1 month
Just applied for a job.
Wish me luck.
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