bird-lore · 11 days
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I really liked that part of the Star preview when Frostpaw takes care of Mothwing
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catmad57 · 2 years
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I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again
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captaincoalcamelcase · 10 months
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My Jayfeather design and ref, i did this some time ago, but never liked enough to post ;3; I'm thinking about posting my furry art too
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fan-clan-fun · 9 months
First thing. I noticed you mentioned you had a story about a med cat getting kidnapped by a Clan who lost theirs, and I think I've heard that somewhere before. Do you have anything like Wattpad or another site, and if so, what's your account? Anyways. Could you by any chance link all the parts to your "So you want to build a Clan?" in order since I can't really find all the parts....
I did at one point have a story with that premise, however what I wrote for it I wrote nearly a decade ago. I did enjoy it, but I think I didnt have a good idea of an arc and an ending, so I set it aside, and now it is lost. It was on my fanfiction.net account, so I can likely recover it, but it wouldn't be easy. And sorry, I wont be giving it out, that was a very old account, and whatever is on it is both unfinished and poor quality. Maybe Ill visit it again.
But for now, the second part of your ask, all the build-a-clan parts:
Clan Form (can help you think things through as you fill it out)
Build a Clan Part 1 : Setting
Build a Clan Part 2: Naming
Build a Clan Part 3: Formations
Build a Clan Part 4: History
Build a Clan Part 5: Mythos
Build a Clan Part 6.1: The Code
Build a Clan Part 6.2: Ceremonies
Build a Clan Part 6.3: Holidays
Build a Clan Part 7: Religion
And that's all I have at the moment. I had been planning to revisit the build a clan series with Part 8 being on Ranks, but then I got bogged down trying to decide if each rank needed its own post, or if I should just make one giant post, and my life got busy. So for now, that's all she wrote.... until I have it in me to write more. Hope this helps!
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yumequeenbr · 1 year
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people said was cool add a mullet hair,wasn't the intention but thanks lol
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nilkaart · 1 year
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flu1fy · 5 months
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bluefury5 · 1 year
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LeapingClan Part 1!
small shipping, new cats, and a few injuries ^^
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birds-and-dots · 9 months
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Fire Heart!!🔥
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ivyx-art · 8 months
🌾Hollyleaf in the field🌾
I forgot to post this art. I'm too dependent on Hollyleaf 🤲
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blusilurus · 9 months
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- My Warrior Cats Era Collage (Aprox. 2012 - 2019) I JUST REALIZED I HAD THIS WHEN POSTING THE OTHERS I'll maybe upload some more separate's over time but here! This era was a wild time but I still look back on it fondly time to time! :'3c
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catmad57 · 2 years
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siblings siblings siblings siblings
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captaincoalcamelcase · 10 months
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Just a little sketch :3
I'm thinking about posting again in this account, i love posting fanart so much but i can't be consistent enough ;3; And i'm gonna change my art style too, got tired of this one
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fan-clan-fun · 5 months
So you want to Build a clan? Chapter 8- Ranks : Leadership
Alternative titles: Monarch, King/Queen, Matriarch/Patriarch, Chief, Commander, Ruler, Chieftain, Captain, Boss, etc
The Canon explanation of the leadership of the clans is fairly simple and easily explainable. You have a leader, and a deputy, and when the leader dies the deputy becomes leader. The only requirements when it comes to choosing a deputy (which are often not even kept to anyway) are that a deputy must be chosen by moonhigh if the clan has need of a new one, and the one chosen to be deputy must have mentored at least one apprentice. The thing is, this approach to leadership is honestly a bit shallow. Even the books on occasion will mention what might happen if the rules are broken or twisted or confused (like when Tallstar gives Onestar leadership rather than Mudclaw) or when different deputies are appointed despite not having mentored any apprentices, but there are barely any lasting consequences.
So now the question is, what can we do in our own clans to give the leadership system more depth and solidity? You can stick with the Canon approach and just add more detail, or consider other approaches when it comes to the type of leadership, how it is implemented, and how long it lasts. Let's take a look at some of the options.
Leadership Duties
First, it's wise to consider what your leaders do. Are they just there to order cats around, or do they have their own tasks, expectations and responsibilities? 
In canon, it seems that leaders are the top of the piramid, making general decisions for the entire clan, and running some things such as patrols, training for apprentices, choosing mentors, etc. Some leaders seem more involved in day to day than others, going on patrols or staying back at camp. Of those who do remain at camp, some are more invested in their clanmates lives directly, either by interfacing with various different members of the ranks, or assisting with tasks within and without camp.
So when you are building your clan, consider what purpose the leader serves, what their day to day looks like, what the clan would expect of them and what work they do. That will help guide you when you consider what type of leadership you want.
Types of Leadership
Specifically for the top position of leadership in the clan, deputy/equivalent will come later. 
Canon Leadership
This was discussed above, so I'll be brief. Canon leadership involves one leader, one deputy, the deputy chosen by the leader to succeed them upon death. This system relies on the leader having almost absolute power, as is evidenced by the code which says the leaders word is law. There could be many discussions about the pros and cons of this system, how it encourages nepotism and authoritarianism. While on the flip side it is simple and should, hopefully, not cause any issues with succession (except when a leader changes his mind last minute or both leader and deputy die at the same time). In any case, most people know this way of leadership, so let's look at others.
Inherited Leadership
This type of leadership is different, the premise being that the leadership is inherited through some sort of specific criteria. The most common one would be by blood, similar to a monarchy, where an heir to leadership is chosen among family members as closely to the current leader/monarch as possible. The next leader can inherit through other criteria as well, such as being chosen by a religious sign, or by some criteria of skill or personality. The important part is that these heirs are usually chosen young, and raised to be placed in their role, giving them time to be taught how to lead. At least that's the idea, it doesn't always work in practice. But the point of this is that the heir is not chosen based on skill or experience. In some ways it could be good to choose leaders young, give them the time and training to take on their role, though it would also be a heavy burden to bear. A smart clan would train multiple heirs to be safe, in case one were to not make it to adulthood or the chance to take on leadership.
Elected Leadership
This would be most in line with the way leadership is decided in modern times, though the way it works in a clan would be different. Elected Leadership would be a clan, or part of the clan, casting votes to choose the next leader or deputy, through casting stones, or spoken votes, or another method. This method would hopefully choose a leader which a majority of the clan agreed with. Either through casting votes in some sort of voting system, or gathering in a meeting to agree to the best option. This system would ideally allow for leaders to be replaced if they did not do their job correctly, as the leadership is chosen by the clan itself, and thus beholden to the well being and support of the clan.
Group Leadership
This one goes somewhat hand in hand with the previous one. Group Leadership would be a different set up, in which more than one cat held power. Perhaps the clan has two leaders, or three, or a council with one senior member from each rank. How they are chosen could be from any of the other methods, but it's different in how it's set up, because power is more evenly shared.
Earned Leadership
Earned leadership in this case is a situation in which a leader of a clan has to overcome a set of challenges or hurdles, or fulfill certain criteria. Perhaps the clan warriors all have a battle royale and the winner takes the leadership. Perhaps only cats with a certain age, skills, or renown can become a leader. This type of leadership could encourage a lot of competition, and mean the clan is unstable for a bit until a leader is chosen and establishes themselves. Either way, it's much more individual, and about the cat who becomes leader having enough ambition or at least reason to pursue the leadership, than about the broader clan and it's needs and ideals. It would work best in a more independent clan, than a more community driven one.
Religious Symbolism
Leaders chosen based on the religious symbolism/rites of the clan. This could mean they are directly chosen by Starclan, or through prophecy, or through the word of the religious figure within the clan. It would be the kind of situation with a lot of pomp and ritual and meaning, surrounding their religious beliefs. Perhaps the leader is even considered a religious figure, or the religious authority within the clan. I would give examples, but this one is as varied as the different expressions of religious belief and symbolism. Clans who use this would likely have a more predetermined view of life based on their beliefs, and try to curry favor with whatever religious authority would give them such a privilege. 
Some questions to help you get an idea of the type of leadership that would work best for your clan:
How religious is your clan? Does your religion affect how a leader is chosen? What sort of ritual or ceremony surrounds the naming or choosing of a new leader?
Is it expected that a leader have certain skills? Be a good fighter or something else? Are there specific criteria to be eligible, like mentoring at least one apprentice? Or is it a case by case scenario?
What is the average age that a leader is chosen? Are they chosen young and trained for the role? Or generally older and experienced? How long do leaders remain in their position? A certain period of time? Until retirement? Until death? 
Do they actually get nine lives? If so, how do those function? Where do they come from, how easy is it to lose one? Do they combat old age?
What function does a leader serve? Are they a mere figurehead, or do they have more direct control over day to day life? What aspects of day to day life do they control? Is leadership considered authoritarian, or more egalitarian? Does your leadership follow Canon's guidelines of the leaders word is law? Are leaders generally respected, or disdained in the clan?
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yumequeenbr · 2 months
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Made a small animation of Tigerstar if he wins on darkest hour hope you all enjoy
Tigerstar and Firestar design by Katzunuwu
Bluestar design by Th1stle-Weed (Deviantart)
Scourge design by googaoo on deviantart
Runningnose design by me
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ferventfinch · 7 months
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Sasha, Mothwing
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