#Was thinking it is located in Harmonex
If transformers were real and you could choose to be one on cybertron, what would you be? Starting with your faction. Autobot, deception, or neutral. And what would you want your job to be? archivist, medic, soldier, shopkeeper, teacher, bar tender, etc. And where would you want to live? Iacon (the autobot capital) kaon ( the deception capital) or another specific location on cybertron? And last, what age would you love to live in? The Golden age, pre-war, during war, post war? 👽 🤖
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Oooh! There's so much choice with this.
First, I would be an Autobot.
For my job, I think I'd love to be a mechanic/scientist. I'd like to be able to be one of the ones that built ships that searched the universe, or built items to help better the world. Then in the war I'd use my skills to build weapons.
For where I would live, I'd want to be from Harmonex. Harmonex is known as the Singing City on Cybertron, where it serves as a center for art and learning. It holds within it lithic crystals that sing in perfect harmonic frequency. With the rebirth of Cybertron, it has become a tensely-guarded neutral haven.
And then age. I would want to be Pre-war. I wouldn't be too old, but I'd have lived in a good time and seen Cybertron at its peak before the war.
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