#We gonna ignore how the second one lowkey looks purple
houseofpendragons · 2 years
if this ain't ain't I'm getting with Tessarion I don't want it
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x10 - High Society
Finally I’ve reach a double digit episode, and what an episode, I feel this is where I really start questioning characters decisions, but I also love drama so, withouth more preamble, here’s the recap. Again it got insanely long.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
I love “comin home baby”, so right there this show is making me so happy.
I’ve actually paused the episode to see the date of the debutante ball a.k.a Cotillion 
I love Blair’s red tigh outfit, also where did that guy Prince Theodore came from?
Chuck’s proud face when Nate mentions how happier Blair seems lately, and also, dude really you don’t miss your girlfriend haha
Honestly I feel this scene with all these parallel conversations about Cotillion is great, right up my alley.
All the subtle drama in that rehearsal, the secret glances, Chuck and Nate keeping their eyes on Blair all the time, this is the kind of content I’m here for. 
I would  like to know why everyone is in their preppy uniforms and then there’s Kati and Is who look like they’re part of Flashdance
Lilly rolling her eyes the moment she sees CeCe, and then really enjoying Cece’s mortification when she realizes Dan is a Humphrey. I love Lilly.
And from Cece’s horrified face we go to hottest PG-13 make out ever. For real though I love this scene, they both look so good and so into it, and they’re so deliciously flirty and their chemistry is out of the charts. Great choice in music too.
I don’t know who is more frustrating by Nate interrupting Chuck or myself.
Chuck’s little smile when Blair says to Nate they should  move on, only to be whipped out in the next minute
Two things about the heart pin: that was an incredibly smart move on Nate’s part, and if you had any doubt Blair Waldorf is such a hopeless romantic.
Cece such a manipulator, it’s unbelievable. Imagine if Serena was more like her family...
Nate’s tux fitting deserves an honorable mention just for the fact that Blair’s actually wearing jeans. Also he kind of deserves she’s lowkey ignoring him
I mean, Dan is so annoying, like yeah I get his point Cotillion is such an elitist unnecessary event, but the way he goes about it gets on my nerves.
Hello Carter. I actually don’t mind him this episode. 
Out of all the seasons I feel like Season 1 is the one where it’s weirder for the final reveal of who gossip girl is, right now it makes the guy really look like a sociopath, with all the stuff he pretends not to know.
Oh Nate! This scene is so fun, like Chuck is so done with the conversation and then “you guys are still pretty close aren’t you?” Dude you have no idea. And the Cherry on the cake “Could you find out who she’s seeing? - Me” he told you Nate, he told you.
Cece’s words to Dan are cruel, but it is the crux of their relationship,, right until the very end and he deals with it in the worst way possible, and why in his mind, every issue in their relationship is always Serena’s fault. Ugh.
Between Dan and Carter, yeah she should have ended with Carter, too bad Cece’s word weren’t profetic.
I wish we had a clearer view of Blair’s outfit in that scene she’s talking with that New York Times guy, because I think it’s purple, and I wish we had seen her using that color a bit more.
Chuck is so jealous and Blair’s like yeah whatever as if. But a jealous Chuck is scheming Chuck. 
I love Rufus, you go Dan (just for this one time)
I’ve always felt Serena’s look for Cotillion was a lot of gold, not in a good way, but right now? I’m kind of feeling it. And she looks gorgeous. 
I mean I think there was probably a better way to say that Grandma Cece is evil, but still I’m not sure it would have matter Serena didn’t want to listen, she never does actually now that I think of it, the end of S3 comes to mind.
Blair has the funniest lines “I’m gonna go Naomi Campbell on you” Is so sad though that we got to see so little of that Erickson Beamon necklace, it’s lovely.
“Hey Beatiful” oh the things one notices when one no longer hates Carter and VanderBaizen is your second Serena ship.
Lily and Cece’s faces at Serena’s presentation stament are to die for.
The pretty little liars song! But since I haven’t watch that show, this one is going to remain a Gossip Girl song for me.
Seeing Cece and Lily at Cotillion makes me think that Blair’s parents are the worst, it’s their daughter debut and none of them could be bothered to attend the event
It didn’t remember this was the first time they mentioned the Santorini incident, less of all in the way Carter tells it, I thought this was first mentioned in S2, 
Not exactly a fan of Lily’s scene with Dan, because yes I agree at this point for the most part Dan is a good influence, but she almost makes it look like Serenas change is thanks to Dan, and that’s not the case. She had decided to change even before she met him.
Also this is feeding Dan’s ego and his belief that he’s the best thing to happen to his girlfriends. 
Oh Chuck finding out than when it comes to Blair scheming is not an easy feat,  and to think this in only the first time this is going to happen.
Poor Chuck, that hurt. Nate’s wink adding salt to his wounds ouch.
That phone between Ruflus and Lily, yes you shouldn’t have let her go!!!
Oh how I used to like that last scene between Dan and Serena.
Seeing that scene of Cece taking her pills made me think of S5, and that’s probably the episode I hate the most in the whole show.
Blair and Nate finally get to it, but seriously Blair doing it with Nate while wearing the necklace Chuck gave you, is tasteless. Also compared to a certain scene at the start of the episode, this looks a bit dull..
Chuck running away, also him looking at the news paper where Blair is happily smiling with some guy, reminded me again of S5. 
Ending this episode with “Apologize” was so 2007, remember how popular this song was?
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This was a really packed episode. It introduces us to Cece, and gaves a bit more insight into Rufus and Lily’s history. We have Jenny picking the UES over her family, she’s changing. A dash of Van der Baizen, and our first glimpse to their shared past. Dan and Serena having another clash of worlds, that ends with Lily finally acepting Dan for real; and finally the end of Chuck and Blair 1.0 and the star of Nate and Blair 2.0.
While interesting Jenny’s and Rufly bits this episode, they’re a small part of the episode, Jenny’s in particular feels like a setting up of events to come and as such I feel I have not much to say about it right now. So this episode Dan and Serena had to deal with quite an opponent: Grandma Cece.
Cece while manipulative did raised some interesting points, mainly how out of place Dan feels in the UES, all those things she mentioned are things that Dan resents about the UES, and he may be brushing it up aside for now, but that doesn’t mean it won’t linger and fester in his mind. And then we have Serena who for some reason (which i can’t help but feel is related to Dan) has decided to ditch Cotillion, the even that according to Lily she wanted to attend since she was much younger, and sure people change, Serena is proof of that but in this case I feel her not going is in part to annoyed her mother but also to prove Dan she’s the girl he thhinks she is, i know I may be projecting my dislike of Dan and Derena on this, but it just feels like that to me, and it’s a troubling aspect of their relationship. Also when Dan mentioned to Serena about Cece’s ploy, she doesn’t believe him, doesn’t want to hear it at first, and I just feel for her because sadly is not the first time she’s going to have to accept that her family is not who she think they were.
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Last but not least there’s Chuck and Blair. So their secret fling lasted only a month, since the beginning it took Chuck much less effort to embrace the situation, for all his playboys ways the morning after their first time... he wanted them to get breakfast, and it took him Nate messing up again for him to convince Blair of giving them another chance. So when Nate shows interest in Blair, this is Chuck’s worst nightmare come to life, Blair had her whole life with Nate planned out since she was a little girl, she only gave up on that dream when it was clear Nate wanted no part of it, and sure Chuck knows the potential they have, he lowkey always knew, and that’s why he falls so fast, because subconciously he was halfway there since foreve, but it’s very hard to compete with years of Nate, Nate Nate, in Blairs head. So he panics, he gets jealous... and he plots. And it backfires horribly. And for the first time in his life he gets his heart broken.
I don’t judge Blair on this one though because well she knows Chuck, he has an agenda always, and him being Chuck Bass it never occurs to her that he may be realy into her beyond just sex, to her all they being doing is fooling around, she tells Chuck that he needs to learned to behave for them to move to something more, and Chuck behaving is an eufemism of so many things: trust,knowing that she matters to him enough, that he cares. And that’s a big step and it’s a conversation that needed to happen.. and then it doesn’t. Thanks Nate. But really having Nate finally wanting her, and then Chuck seemingly only caring for himself and his own amusement is not suprise she picks Nate. 
I do feel for Chuck because when he gets desperate he doesn’t think properly at all,  he knows Blair, how smart she is and that she’s a good at him at plotting and manipulation,and yet he fails to take that into account, like this episode, he wants Nate to cause a scene to shatter Blair’s image of Nate, because she tells him he would never, so it’s not hard for Blair to see that Nate only caused one because Chuck manipulated into it, it’s transparent. And this is a lesson that sadly he’s not going to learn anytime soon. 
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Random bits I would like to mention: ( a bit surprised I got so many for this episode)
So Blair’s birthday is the 15th of november, this means Chuck and Blair version 1.0 lasted a month. Common knowledge I suppose, but I’ve read fanfics where the timeline is much shorter. 
A bit of personal trivia: I love the song “you’re a wolf” (the one playing when Chuck and Blair are making out) and last year was kind of weird for me and I had like a thousand mood changes so anyway, so there was one week I started listening to this song, and I just couldn’t stop re playing it, just so out of nowhere, I played it so much, it ended up being my most played song last year according to Spotify. 
I remember when the type of purse Jenny has was on fashion, and it was cool because it got to the point that street markets they were sold really cheap because they made them out or recycled materials
Chuck tells to Nate that “like the book says she’s just not that into you” and it made think that this was so long ago that there was only the book, the movie wasn’t out yet, wow.. 
I wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t fight with Dan, because then Carter wouldn’t have been at Cotillion, and then the drama between Chuc, Blair and Nate could have ended up in a completely different way.
The Palace does likes like a good place to have the Cotillion, not sure that would have been the case in real life, but here it fits nicely.
Irrelevant but apparently Kati and Is do everything together at such an extent they were scorted by two guys that I guess were brothers because they had the same last name.
You won’t believe but The Pierces have a 2020 version of Secret, it came out on my new releases list on Spotify last week.
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54fangirl · 6 years
What a Time
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Requested: [Y]/N - “Another plus size sweet pea one pleaseeeeee”
Summary: Sweet Pea and the reader look back on their time together differently but they always end up in the same place.
Pairings: Sweet Pea x Plus-Size!Reader
Words: 2008
Warnings: Swearing, fat shaming, angst
A/N: Alright, already starting off with a shit summary...Hope this is okay, I can’t write endings for the life of me but if you want a part 2, let me know!
Also, lowkey inspired by the song What a time (Feat. Niall Horan) by Julia Michaels
Also I’m writing another request! Send in more you guys! 
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale (CW) or any of it’s characters
Music blasted around her, the air was smokey and reeked of weed and alcohol. It was like every other party in the Southside. Which of course meant Serpents milling around.
Y/N slammed her shot down as the small crowd around her cheered, she looked around the room and recognized kids from school, but couldn’t see any of her friends.
Not that she had any. She’s been on her own for the better part of two months now.
Walking around she notices how her heart starts racing and she feels a bit nauseous, she ignores the feeling. Assumes it’s the shot contest catching up with her. Then her throat goes dry as she spots him.
His tall figure strolls in, immediately commanding the room.
She recognizes that she feels like this every time he’s near, but she doesn’t want him to have any effect on her. It’s not fair. She’ll never have that kind of effect on him.
Not anymore anyway.
“What do you mean you don’t like pancakes?! That’s insane!”
“They’re just not my thing, Princess.” Sweet Pea smirked at her across the table at Pop’s.
“Well, I think this date has ended,” She deadpanned sarcastically and started to stand up making him laugh at her.
“You’re gonna leave me over pancakes? That’s what does it?”
“We’ll just tell people it was a difference of opinion.”
They both tried to keep straight faces, but no such luck.
No, there was Y/N and Sweet Pea, laughing their asses off in the back of Pop’s without a single worry.
Sweet Pea looked out the window to see the sun setting before looking back at his girlfriend with a smile, “You wanna see something?”
The same grin spread across her face, “Sure.”
“Can you at least try to look like you want to be here?” Toni pleaded with him.
“No, because I don’t.”
“C’mon man, let’s get you a drink, maybe that’ll change your mind,” Fangs pushed him towards the kitchen.
Not likely.
As he walks through the doorway he catches her eyes just in time to watch her duck away.
His entire body tenses.
He hasn’t seen Y/N since they broke up and he really didn’t expect to see her at a party.
There’s been a lingering feeling with him since then, he can’t put his finger on it, there’s just something about their break up that never felt right to him.
It’s not how it was supposed to go...
He’s not really sure how it was supposed to go, but definitely not the way it did.
His arm was draped around her shoulders, pulling her into him as they walked through the park.
“I’ve been to Pickens Park before, Sweets, sorry to be a buzzkill.”
He didn’t say anything, just squeezed her shoulder and pulled her over to the swings.
They sat next to each other facing the forest, the plastic seat digging into her hips.
“Fang’s older sister used to drag us around with her everywhere when we were kids,” he started. “Well- that’s how Fang’s put it, but I’m pretty sure he just tagged along to keep an eye on her. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do, I could only go to the mall so many times before I lost my mind. But she used to bring us here every once in a while and we’d all just sit on the swings for like half an hour before we left. I didn’t really get it because Fangs and I always sat like this and actually used the swings, but she’d just sit at the end and stare off into nothing. I thought she was crazy honestly.”
Y/N chuckled and imagined an annoyed little Sweet Pea trailing after a small and worried Fangs.
“So I decided I’d just ask her- because I was a kid so I thought it was fine to just ask a teenage girl if she was crazy.” He paused, causing her to look at him. He was smiling to himself, enjoying the memory. “And as soon as I got off that swing and walked over to her, I knew she wasn’t crazy.”
“Yeah, she was just living in the moment. Enjoying the small bit of peace we get here on the southside.”
He looked behind them, Y/N following his gaze when she stopped.
The most colorful and vibrant sunset she had ever seen sat behind her. Pink and orange danced across the sky, the light blue fading into purples.
She turned around to stare at it.
“Holy shit, Pea- the sky...it’s so beautiful,” Her eyes darted around the sky, trying to capture it all before it faded away.
Sweet Pea, on the other, stared right at her, “Absolutely stunning.”
Y/N ducked out of the house as fast as she could once he was in the kitchen.
When they were dating, Y/N was not a party girl.
“Fuck trying to socialize with people, I’d rather stay at the Wrym. Drunk people aren’t fun to be around if you aren’t drunk and don’t know anybody.” She’d say when Sweet Pea invited her to the occasional party.
She supposes that changed after they broke up because now she wanted to be drunk. Drunk, high, asleep- anything to block out the numb feeling that’s been creeping in since they split.
She got to the party late and honestly, she’s not sure how long she’s been there, so she’s not surprised when she steps out into the darkness. She is a little shocked at how cold it is, but now that September has rolled in so have the gusts of wind.
The high waisted jeans cover most of her stomach but the thin material of her shirt and the deep neckline allow a shiver to pass through her body. 
She’s dreading the walk home, but she can’t stay at the party. Not now.
Sometimes, when she’s having a good day, she can think back on their time together and be glad that at least she got that part of him.
But most of the time seeing him and thinking about him just make her sad.
Because she remembers that while she had that part of him, she no longer does.
“Did you know Y/N was gonna be here?” Sweet Pea asks his friends, not even looking at them as he searches the room for her again.
“Y/N is here? I haven’t seen her in ages!” Toni looked excited.
“I mean she probably left,” Jughead spoke from where he was leaning against the wall.
“Why would she leave?”
“If none of you have seen her since her and Sweet Pea broke up there’s probably a reason for that,” he shrugs.
“So you’re saying she’s actively avoiding us?” Fangs asked.
“It’s just a theory. I mean it’s obvious why she wouldn’t want to see him. But you guys were and still are Sweet Pea’s friends. She became your friend by circumstance. She probably figures that since you weren’t friends before they dated, why would you be friends with her now that they’ve broken up.”
Neither of them had anything to say. If they had to pick someone in the breakup, they obviously would’ve picked Sweet Pea, the choice was just made for them.
Sweet Pea was listening to their conversation but not really paying attention as he saw a flash of Y/H/C dart out the front door.
“He’s right she just left,” he told them. It only took a second before he was going after her.
The pair began dating right as the school year was ending and going into the second month of summer, they were still going strong.
The two were inseparable, practically clinging to each other.
But like with everything else in Rivedale, everyone had an opinion on it.
“I just don’t understand why they’re together.”
“She can do so much better than being a serpent’s slut.”
“He’s hot, why is he with that cow?”
“I get that big girl’s need love too, but did he really need to be the one to give it to her?”
“I guess if those are his standards anyone has a chance.”
And it’s easy to say that none of it affected them or their relationship, but you can only hear that your relationship doesn’t make sense so many times before you start to question it for yourself.
Which is what led them to fight in his trailer.
“I don’t know what you want from me!”
“I want someone who doesn’t look at every girl besides me!”
“You know that isn’t true...”
“Look, Pea...” Y/N paused, “maybe it’s time we accept that this isn’t working...”
“What?! No! Y/N, you can’t-”
“We don’t make sense, Sweet Pea!” She yelled.
He sat there, too stunned to reply let alone reassure her that they did make sense and they could work out whatever needed to be worked out.
She took that as her cue to grab her stuff and leave.
He took to being Josie’s booty call soon after that and it was set in Y/N’s mind.
All of their relationship, all the sweet words, and promises of forever...it was all a lie.
Y/N made it to the end of the street before she heard footsteps coming up behind her. She was a bit too lost in her memories to hear them before.
“Y/N...” The voice made her spine go rigid, but she couldn’t freeze.
Just keep walking, pretend you didn’t hear him and maybe he’ll go back to the party...
She tried to tell herself, but it only took that small amount of time for him to catch up with her instead.
“Y/N, c’mon, at least talk to me.”
“Nothing to talk about, Sweet Pea.”
“Are you avoiding Fangs and Toni?”
Well- that wasn’t what she expected. “Kind of hard to avoid people who don’t talk to you.”
“They were at the party. Toni wanted to see you before you ran out-”
“Sweet Pea,” he stopped next to her as she stopped walking, “you know why I left. So why the hell are you following me?”
He paused before looking her over, “You look good. I miss you.”
They let the three words hang in the air before Y/N scoffed and started walking again.
“What? I can’t miss you?” He spoke, following her again.
“Not if you’re gonna lie about it.”
“Who’s lying?!”
“You!” She flipped around and shoved a finger into his chest. “You were always lying!”
“Name one thing I lied about!”
“Loving me!”
They were both quiet.
“I never lied about that...” He whispered.
“Well, you moved on pretty quick for someone supposedly in love.”
“I was trying to get over you!” They were back to yelling at each other as they walked through the southside residential streets.
Soon enough they made it to her house.
“I’m going inside, Sweet Pea.”
“Wait- just let me say one thing and then you can go back avoiding me.” When she didn’t make a move to go inside he decided to keep pushing through, “Talk to Toni and Fangs again,” that made her eyebrow go up, ”they miss you too. I get it- I was a shitty boyfriend. I’m not denying it, the more I think about it there were definitely times I should’ve stepped up and I didn’t. Not that I’m completely to blame- but I’m not trying to start another argument. I love you, Y/N. I wasn’t lying. Just don’t punish them for something they didn’t do.”
He turned to walk away when she called out to him.
“You said love...”
“You said ‘I love you’, present tense, not ‘I loved you’, past tense.”
“Trying to move on doesn’t always work.” He gave a soft smile.
“So you’re not madly in love with Josie?”
He shrugged, “She was using me for a good lay, I was trying to find someone who could make me feel anything like I do with you.”
“Nothing could ever compare to you.”
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The Worm Reads: The Assassin’s Blade, Ch 1-2
Book: The Assassin’s Blade
Author: Sarah J. Mass
I chose to do this book because I’ve barely seen anyone critical of T0G talk about this book. I remember relatively liking it when I first read it, but I also liked Q0S on my first reading, so well. You all know how well that turned out. So let’s dive back into hell!
First, I wanna point out the cover of this novel uses the exact same model as T0G for Celery but throws a shitty purple cloak over her.
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That’s totally not lazy at all! And it totally doesn’t add to my suspicion that The Ass’s Blade was rushed out to make a quick buck, nope nope! Also I only wish I could have a thigh gape that big, holy smokes Celery, eat some carbs.
This prequel book is made up of several short novellas before the events of the first book. The first one is Celery and the Pirate Lord.
Seated in the council room of the Assassins’ Keep, Celaena Sardothien leaned back in her chair. “It’s past four in the morning,” she said, adjusting the folds of her crimson silk dressing gown and crossing her bare legs beneath the wooden table. “This had better be important.”
Oh god, we’re back when Alien was Celery.... Well, tbh, they’re one in the same, Alien just splooges about herself more often. Who knows, maybe this book will change that.
“Perhaps if you hadn’t been reading all night, you wouldn’t be so exhausted,” snapped the young man seated across from her.
Love how Celery is a supposed badass uhmayzing assassin, but she stays up all night reading as opposed to... training? Getting some rest for missions? Anything that might not hinder you in your job?
[Celaena] ignored him and studied the four other people assembled in the underground chamber. All male, all far older than she, and all refusing to meet her stare.
Jesus Christ, it begins already. Of course they’re all older than her. Normally this wouldn’t bother me all that much but it’s SJM, so I’m immediately suspicious. Also Sam is in the room and he’s just barely a year older than her, how is that “far older than her”???
When Arobynn summoned you, you didn’t keep him waiting. Thankfully, her sleepwear was as exquisite as her daytime wardrobe—and cost nearly as much. Still, being sixteen in a room with men made her keep an eye on the neckline of her robe. Her beauty was a weapon—one she kept honed—but it could also be a vulnerability.
Just... this entire paragraph. I wish SJM would stop playing into the notion all men are dangerous rabid beasts who can’t control themselves and just wanna rape every woman they lay eyes on. It doesn’t even make sense here, Celery knows all of them and aside from creeper Arobynn, none of them have ever sexually harassed her so why is she suspicious? And gotta that lowkey sexism implying that all beautiful women are delicate flowers who can’t look after themselves.
“Gregori’s been caught,” Arobynn finally said. Well, that would explain one person missing from this meeting. “His mission was a trap. He’s now being held in the royal dungeons.” Celaena sighed through her nose. This was why she’d been awakened? She tapped a slippered foot on the marble floor. “Then kill him,” she said.
Man, Celery is... actually acting like an assassin? I mean, when you’re an assassin, the mission takes top priority. I wonder how long that’ll last, though.
She’d never liked Gregori, anyway. When she was ten, she’d fed his horse a bag of candy and he’d thrown a dagger at her head for it.
I mean yeah, that’s really sadistic. She’s a literal child and he tried to murder her? Granted SJM destroys what little sympathy I have by then explaining Celery caught the dagger and threw it back, giving him a scar on his cheek. Even when she was a literal child, she was the best assassin evah. Gag me.
“Kill Gregori?” demanded Sam, the young man seated at Arobynn’s left—a place that usually went to Ben, Arobynn’s second-in-command. Celaena knew very well what Sam Cortland thought of her.
Sam is the only other young character in the room so yeah, obviously he’s gonna be her love interest for this book. Henceforth, they do nothing but bicker for the first 70% of the novel.
The location of the Assassins’ Keep was a well-guarded secret, one she’d been trained to keep until her last breath. But even if she didn’t, no one was likely to believe that an elegant manor house on a very respectable street in Rifthold was home to some of the greatest assassins in the world. What better place to hide than in the middle of the capital city?
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So you’re saying literally no one questions who owns this huge fancy elegant place? That the king never goes, “Huh, someone who has wealth to rival mine has a huge ass manor right in the middle of the Capital” and he never checks it out? Nobody questions it? Okay.... if you say so......
The firelight cast the smooth, elegant panes of Sam’s face into light and shadow—a face, she’d been told, that could have earned him a fortune if he’d followed in his mother ’s footsteps.
Considering that his mother is a courtesan...... gross. Stop sexualising your characters so much, please.
Turns out, Ben was also killed. Oh no, not the guy we literally never met before! Celery is pissy that they didn’t retrieve his body.
“If we’d grabbed his body,” Sam said, refusing to back down from her glare, “it would have led them right to the Keep.” “You’re assassins,” she growled at him. “You’re supposed to be able to retrieve a body without being seen.”
I mean, you should be able to retrieve a body given that you’re assassins, but eh, who am I kidding, I care little for the conflict of Retrieving Ben’s Body.
Since Arobynn is apparently the only mature guy in the room, he tells them to stop acting like children.
Sam kept his gaze on the floor as he strode to the far side of the council room. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the stone wall. She could still reach him - one flick of her wrist, and his throat would spout blood.
Holy shit, Celery, that’s murder!!! Like Sam just disagreed with you, that doesn’t warrant you imagining yourself slitting his throat!!! How the fuck are they gonna end up in love I have no idea.
Celery throws a pity party for herself and stomps off to retrieve Ben’s body. Sadly, she does not perish while doing so, and Chapter 2 begins.
Two months, three days, and about eight hours later, the clock on the mantel chimed noon. Captain Rolfe, Lord of the Pirates, was late.
Given that the actual Pirate Lord story begins here, the first chapter was, you guessed it, utterly pointless and could’ve been cut altogether.
Celaena, concealed behind a far-too-stuffy black cloak, tunic, and ebony mask, rose from her seat before the Pirate Lord’s desk. How dare he make her wait!
How dare the entire world not bend over backwards to accommodate Celery and her agenda! Fuck you.
“With every minute he makes us wait,” Celaena said to Sam, the mask making her words low and soft, “I’m adding an extra ten gold pieces to his debt.” Sam, who didn’t wear a mask over his handsome features, crossed his arms and scowled.
???? So why is she wearing a mask??? Does she have a pimple she’s embarrassed of??? Why???
Neither of them had been particularly happy when Arobynn announced that Sam would be sent to the Dead Islands with Celaena. Especially when Ben’s body—which Celaena had retrieved—had barely been in the ground for two months.
So how did she, a skinny sixteen year old, possibly carry a thirty year old man’s body and do it discreetly enough when the place was supposedly swarming with royal guards? How convenient that the first chapter ended so SJM didn’t have to explain this.
She raised her brows, but realized he couldn’t see. The mask and clothes were a necessary precaution, one that made it far easier to protect her identity. In fact, all of Arobynn’s assassins had been sworn to secrecy about who she was—under the threat of endless torture and eventual death.
Wait a minute, what the fuck? What the fuck... why...
Okay, I’m gonna do lay down for a bit, scream out my frustrations, the like. I’ll be back in a bit.
What the fuck?? So you’re telling me she’s a famous assassin who uses her real name?? That her face is so recognizable she has to wear a mask??
THAT’S NOT HOW ASSASSINS WORK!!! The whole point of being an assassin is that nobody knows your real identity, you’re supposed to hide your name so you don’t get caught!!!! If you’re a famous assassin, you’re probably known by like, a cool nickname that isn’t your fucking name!! This makes no goddamn sense!! My assassin rebel leader from my dinosaur WIP is facepalming at what a dumbass Celery is.
All that the world knew about Celaena Sardothien, Adarlan’s Assassin, was that she was female. And she wanted to keep it that way. How else would she be able to stroll the broad avenues of Rifthold or infiltrate grand parties by posing as foreign nobility?
So is her face a giveaway or not?? She can’t show Rolfe her face, but she can stroll down the street and go to parties without concealing her face? This is beyond fucking stupid.
Rolfe shows up, and Sam demonstrates that he’s the only character with a brain in this novel.
Sam stood, bowing his head slightly. “Sam Cortland,” he said by way of greeting.
Meanwhile, Celery just fires sarcastic and ‘witty” quips one after another.
Rolfe’s eyes gleamed with the challenge. “You’re in my city, and on my island.” Only a handbreadth separated them. “You’re not in any position to give me orders.”
Slay her Rolfe!!! I stanned Rolfe in E0S, I’m gonna stan him here, because he is as sick of Celery’s bullshit as I am.
With two deft flicks of his wrist, Rolfe sliced open both envelopes with a letter-knife she somehow hadn’t spotted. How had she missed it? A fool’s mistake.
Lmfao, what a noob. Maybe if Celery wasn’t busy stuffing her nose up her own ass, she’d notice important shit like that.
Rolfe reads the letter which details Arobynn asking Rolfe for some slaves, and at least Celery has the decency to be disgusted by that. Strange that she was the capacity to care about someone other than herself, but I’ll at least give her points for that.
[Rolfe] pointed toward the door. “I have two rooms prepared for you.” “We only need one,” she interrupted. Rolfe’s eyebrows rose suggestively.
I mean, gross to sexualise your characters even more, but Celery does realize saying they only need one room does sort of imply she and Sam are a thing, right? Like she gets so pissy that Rolfe interprets it that way, but like, it does lowkey sound like they’re an item therefore she doesn’t mind sharing a bed with him? Whatever, who cares.
Celery wants to punch Rolfe in the dick but doesn’t and the chapter ends. So begins another tidal wave of absolute bullshit.....
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Aww, leaving so soon? Shame, this night was getting rather fun," Yvonne comments, throwing a smile Raphael's way, "Though, I admit, it was nicer before your brothers showed up."
Wings fluttered behind her, just enough so she could reach the terrapins height. Should she be this affectionate when his family was right there, within seeing distance, and would probably bully him into an inch of his life because of what she's about to do? No. Was that actually going to stop her? Also no.
Leaning close, she presses a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red mark thanks to her signature lipstick. Voice a soft purr,
"Drop by sometime Big Red, you know my doors always open for you," With a giggle, she begins to flutter away, figuring she should leave him to deal with the family reaction, "I'll see you around~"
| Muse interaction It had to be hard going from human to mutant like Yvonne did And a few other mutants, guess he and his brothers had the benefit of having been animals before they were mutated themselves, they didn't have a life to lose he guessed. At least she was one of the few who didn't try attacking them. Well yeah, he was gonna ignore that one part, for now, just enjoying sitting up on the rooftop with her. "I know we can never like be seen maybe?" who knows maybe one day they could walk around as freely as they did in the Hidden City. "But this? I have to say is the best view ever" aiming a finger out to all the city lights in the darkness. Jumping around and hiding from sight was the life of a ninja of course but it also meant they got to see the city in a different way than the humans ever could. And it meant Raph could share that same sight with her. As he kept sneaking glances over her way, admiring her in the lights of the city. Bringing a blush to his face he swore he could feel his face heating up as he just admire her, quick to look away the second she looked his way. Harboring feelings for her that he kept to himself, he couldn't help it he liked her so much. He thought of her so often when alone. Shell even when she sat next to him thought about her. Dark purple eyes, both sets. The way her hair waved into curls, that nice deep brown shade. The way her red lips curled up when she laughed and called him a dork. How her eyes seemed to smile even when he tripped over his words around her. In all the movies he and his brothers watched with romance lines the lead guy usually said something romantic to the girl right now. Raph was blanking though anytime he tried to be romantic? it came out not how he intended. Well, she didn't mind it much right? Though he wasn't even sure if she knew he was even trying to be romantic. Seeing how he couldn't keep it together around her she must just him some big babbling oaf.
Just tell her she looks nice that's easy enough? he thought to himself. Tell her that she is bright but not as bright as the city lights! no, wait not like that bone head. Man even in my own head I can't get this right! It's cool she doesn't know you said that. Okay tell her that she takes up all the thoughts in your head...what if she doesn't like me back though? What if we're only friends and she gets put off by my feelings?
Saved from spinning in his own thoughts when the collective voices of his brothers gave him a bit of a startle. A bit he claims as if he didn't hear about jump right out of his shell then and there.
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"Dang it," he grimaced looking back at the three of them they knew fully well they just interrupted his alone time with her. But they reminded him they had plans for the night too. Guess he couldn't sit out here all night they did have a city to look after. Moving to stand up now as he looked down at the butterfly mutant.
"Sorry Yvonne we gotta follow up on some stuff from the other night, foot clan seems up to somethin' and well ya know hero stuff." He lowkey is hoping that impresses her as he downplays it all.
"Aww, leaving so soon? Shame, this night was getting rather fun,"
Raph just smiles back at her, there it is that smile. The one he thought about when she came to mind, throwing a hand up to the back of his neck as he give a soft chuckle "Ah yeah sorry but got a job to do, the city won't protect itself. And between you and me I don' know if these three can handle it without me watching thier backs. Nah I know they can't." he was quick to toss in.
"Though, I admit, it was nicer before your brothers showed up."
He shrugs his shoulders but nods agreeing, well ignoring how his brothers were teasing him enough about needing to hurry up with his goodbyes. Siblings were the worst they all figure out his crush pretty fast and that opened him up to a hell of mockery. Little brothers jeez.
"yeah, they never learned, when to keep thier mouths zipped!" Turning to look at the three of them with his sudden outburst as he fixed them all with a hard stern glare. All unaware of how she gave a flap of her wings to bring herself up to Raph's height now. To busy mentally telling his brothers mentally to behave still. Attention only returned her way when he feels something pressed against his face. Soft but firm a little sticky, but warm. The heat on his face before was far worse now, near burning as he snapped his attention back to her. Slowly realized from where she was she must of, no there's no way she would go and kiss his cheek right? Lifting up his hand though he let the tip of a finger brush over his cheek and lowered his gaze, easily finding the same shade of red she covered her lips with.
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Oh, this wasn't helping his crush at all! If anything it had him thinking about more kisses from her! Raph brain behave!
"Drop by sometime Big Red, you know my doors always open for you,"
She giggles a little before starting to flutter away and he just can't help but smile softly watching her leave as he lifts up a hand and starts to wave goodbye to her. He was nowhere near weight but he felt like he could float in the air right now and follow after her. His heart felt like it was highly softly inside his chest as he had to put all his brain function into moving his hand right now.
"I'll see you around~"
"yeah see ya." he says it dreamily, wondering if there was a wave to pressure a kiss on his cheek because he never wanted to wash the mark off. Until he can hear collective voices starting to snicker behind him, all mocking how she calls him Big Red. All those light fluffy happy thoughts were now squashed as he turned around to look at them. "Shut it only she gets to call me that, now come on we gotta go track those foot guys or somethin' so get a move on already." Because the sooner they did the sooner he could get back to being with her.
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inke-ri · 6 years
So I actually liked vld season 7
Some of it anyway. I still have some beef with it. Normally I don’t really post my thoughts but I wanna get it out of my chest c: gonna stick just to the Good Things on this post since it got out of hand!
Warning: LONG POST and since I’m on mobile idk how to put it under a read more!
*** [Good Things]
So many good things honestly.
• FIRST OF ALL: THE MUSIC! THE ANIMATION! THE BACKGROUNDS! THE CHOREOGRAPHY!! More than any plot these workers deserve so much credit <333
• Everything about episode 1. From learning of the beginning of Keith’s and Shiro’s friendship to the shenanigans with the yelmore. As a med student though, I wish they would explain a bit more about this mysterious disease he had and why is it apparently “gone” now.
• Cosmo. Everything about this space pupper. I love that he’s being included far more than the other pets because it was always pretty clear to me he’s very protective of keith and doesn’t appear to like leaving his owner’s side. ALSO I LOVE HOW BIG HE IS. HE’S BIGGER THAN PIDGE IN SOME SHOTS.
• I’m digging the Generals’ new outfits. Noice.
• LANCE DEFENDING PIDGE. Yes yes yes. I love how much he cares for her. I really wish she had become his love interest instead of Allura. Still! They had quite a few sweet moments c:
• Space mice are back to helping the team too heck yes
• “The Feud” is both kinda endearing but also my least favorite episode of the series. Since this part is about the good things: Everything about Lotor. Zarkon calling Lotor names. It was so DOTU I loved it so much
• THE DRUID IS BACK!! I loved that the druid was back. I really really wish they had expanded on WHY the druids are like that and HOW do they get their powers. They appear Galra. Are they a breed Haggar experimented on? They seem to almost idolize her. Gimme more info on the quiznaking Druids season 8 plEASE
• KEITHS WEIRD QUINTESSENCE POWERS VOLTRON PLEASE -PLEASE- EXPLAIN - as a side note I 110% believe the purple quintessence coming from Keith’s hands in when he unlocks Black’s wings in season 6 is that very power of his, not Shiro’s spirit or whatever
• Keith’s and Krolia’s goodbye. It was so emotional. I love that Keith has the maturity to understand that she has to leave- not because of a “mission” but because so many Blades she was shown to CARE FOR were gone. For all the “greater good” the Blades were about, they did seem to care. I love how gentle Krolia was with Kolivan too. I wonder if Kolivan is the Shiro to Krolia’s Keith.
• I originally had mixed feelings about the Floating In Space episode because both Keith and Allura felt OOC at first. But y'know what? I’ve come to like it. Keith had been acting like the Perfect Leader™ since he came back, as if his issues had all faded away when he and Black really became a team. But truth is, they weren’t. Keith was responsible for his team now, and they were floating in space, nearly dying, and the paladins were talking about QUITTING. Keith didn’t do his job well enough. Keith failed, failed them and FAILED as a leader, or so he felt: he let them down JUST LIKE IN SEASON 4 and now they’d all die. He was tired and not thinking properly so OF COURSE his basic instinct flared up: “leave them so they wont kick me out first”. As someone who likes the idea of keith and allura together, I really didn’t get Keith’s sudden outburst against Alfor, but… He might have done it to push Allura’s buttons. He KNOWS her, he KNOWS she’s the one who would argue the most (like in s4), so he instinctively tries to get her off him already- and because he knows her so well he goes for something that he knows is a low blow. Thing is, that made Allura’s own hurt feelings flare up (and the rest of the team’s). Allura might have understood where he was coming from in s4, but she was clearly sad that he still chose the Marmora over them. Even if she GETS it, it still HURTS. The whole team HURT. And now Keith was trying to push them away AGAIN. They were PISSED. They had trusted him 100% even though he abandoned them and now he was leaving again?!
BUT THEN!! DEVELOPMENT!! This time team Voltron WILL NOT let Keith go. Will NOT kick him out no matter how hard Keith tries to make them do it (thanks Hunk!!). And that helps Keith to FINALLY admit how much he cares and allows him to put them right up there with Shiro and Krolia when it comes to people HE wont give up on, people he now KNOWS wont give up on him. He may have called them “friends” but.. Keith isn’t that good with expressing how much he cares. He’s always a little hesitant when it comes to sharing his feelings (you’re LIKE a brother to me vs you’re MY BROTHER). He does mean family. He’s just being Keith :)
• I actually genuinely liked the Earth two-parter. I never thought Sam could carry an episode like that but damn. U go babe. I loved Colleen too. AND VERONICA YEA GIRL
• Kincaid and Griffin OWN MY HEART I SWEAR-
• Bless non-evil-Galra-Prince AJ LoCascio. Even though I got whiplash in some scenes like “wait he sounds like Lotor wtq” most of the times I didn’t even notice. So glad they decided to keep him around! He has a superb voice.
• Katie reuniting with her family!! LANCE reuniting with his family!! “uncle lance” yes pls ;w;
• Hunk’s flashbacks ;-; I feel so bad for the baby I’m so glad his family is safe now. I loved seeing how cooking isn’t really just for food when it comes to Hunk, I love that his mom and aunt (i’m assuming??) actually let us viewers understand that every time hunk cooks he’s more interested in sharing company and spending time together. Just. Yes <3
• Iverson apologizing to Keith + petting Cosmo heck yea. Griffin and Keith ignoring their differences, nice.
• KEITH COMFORTING HUNK. He might not be as comfortable saying emotional words like “love” or “family” to the team as he is around Shiro and Krolia (understandably), but you can see he cares just as much. Also YES let him be hugged more. He clearly loves it.
• All those conformations of paladins!! Keith/Pidge/Allura -> Pidge and Keith. Yes!! Keith and Hunk! Lance and Hunk!! A+ hell yea
• All the shoutouts to previous seasons!! The reflective shields from S6ep1. Keith understanding sign language this time!! Pidge distracting the guards by being silly (but in a very Pidge way) while Keith goes around like in season 1!!!
• Really nice touch of having Allura give up the crystal in her tiara to save Shiro. Their friendship is so precious <3 Also bonus points since this was likely what allowed Shiro to sense Atlas’ quintessence- the new arm still DOES have a connection to his brain so, like, so does the crystal :’D
• Speaking of Atlas, I’m neutral on it? So long as it doesn’t keep showing up as a robot I’m good. I just don’t get why it gets defense upgrade when it turns into a robot? Regardless though, it seems wayyy too big and clumsy. So hopefully it’ll remain just a ship in most eps.
• I did love the smaller earth fighters tho! Blonde + Freckles Whose Name I Can’t Spell Sorry grew on me. Also, ships’ designs are awesome. Honestly so long as Earth Team doesn’t end up in the LIONS I’d be happy. I feel like they might though. Oh well.
• LANCE. JUST HOW MUCH LANCE MATURED. THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT THIS SEASON. He barely joked around this time!! He really showed how he supports the team. I LOVE to see Keith depending on and trusting Lance to be his second in command. THAT’S what I always wanted for the two of them. - Bonus: I loved how Keith fell back for a second on his old habits by going all “don’t miss the shot” or whatever cause really that’s exactly what their rivalry was about. Early Series Lance would get back at him without batting an eye. But he remained focused and alert! Lance’s development is more subtle but this is EXACTLY the same point Keith was when Kuron started calling him worthless. Keith had GROWN, and those things didn’t bother him anymore. Likewise, Lance has GROWN. He’s an adult who takes things seriously now and doesn’t waste time with silly bickering. Just. Yes. While lowkey, this is just as satisfying to me because unlike Keith we actually SAW all the stages of Lance’s growth. (We didn’t see all the conversations Keith and Krolia had on the space whale). Just. Lance. Bless him.
• I still prefer Sendak’s season 1 design. That said, he was a marvelous villain- more than any other he really represented all that was evil in the Galra Empire so I enjoyed him. Zarkon was into the lions for personal reasons, Haggar is more about the Altean thing, Lotor didn’t really care for Voltron since he built Sincline. So yea. I didn’t expect him to be the main villain but I don’t mind.
• Speaking of which, loved the Sendak/Shiro fight! It really felt like all that encompassed the Paladins vs all that encompassed the Galra. And even though I actually didn’t like that Keith was the one to deal the final blow, Keith IS a mix of Galra/Paladin who has good intentions. So… like Lance said early in the season. He’s the future.
• not so sure what to think of the final EP and that weird robot but eh. Assuming it’s from Honerva, I DID like how it showed that Honerva IS different than Haggar… And more dangerous. This was literally a Haggar Robeast but upgraded, because YEA Honerva is much better than her quintessence-cursed counterpart.
• THE FAMILIES!! Shay!! Y'know I’m not usually a multishipper - actually I’ve never done it before - but I love both hunay and hunelle. I’m totally ok with hunelle in an AU and hunay in voltron canon (Hunk clearly cares for her so much that even though I prefer Romelle I can’t go against that precious bean teary smile when Shay showed up.). Besides!! Platonic hunelle is really precious too. ALSO ALSO KOLIVAN AND KROLIA and Krolia is wearing a Leader's version of the BoM suit?? NICE
• Matt is back and looks more handsome than ever! I love the ponytail. I love his design. And his colors. And his new girlfriend?? If I remember correctly from the Naxzela episode the helmeted alien sounded like a girl. ALSO ARE THOSE PUPS BESIDES OLIA HER KIDS?? PRECIOUS PUPPERS
• ROMELLE. we need more of her gdi-
• Lastly, another of my favorite bits: Piloting the Lions through their bond. It just goes so well with my headcanon that the quintessence of the pilot actually MERGES with the quintessence of the pilot, so much that when they’re connected like that even if the body dies the mind still goes on. The difference for me between this season and what Shiro went through is that the paladins still have their bodies to ground them and help them keep control, while Shiro was just… Lost in the astral plane, barely able to separate his consciousness from the Lion’s (so much that this only happened twice when the paladins were purposely trying to connect with his quintessence/spirit in the astral plane). It’s not as “romantic” as the whole ‘black SAVED SHIRO’ but I really think his time in the Black Lion was really unsettling: not being Shiro and not being Black, but some weird mix of the two (his sarcastic confusion towards lance early in the season also supports this: he wasn’t HIMSELF anymore. Thinking like a normal person and not like a robot is WEIRD for him). It’s a headcanon though but it’s mine and I will fight you on this (actually no pls don’t fight me).
*** Overall!! While not my favorite season (that’s 2 and 6), season 7 wasn’t BAD. Maybe I just had lower expectations since I spoiled myself out of anxiety. It wont be like s2 and s6 where I’ll binge watch the eps over and over again, but it’s pretty comfortable with s1 and s3 in “eh it was fine, ok, I like it”.
[That said, there WERE quite a few things that pissed me off about this season, but everyone is so negative rn and quite a few people already covered part of those reasons, so I wanted to post about good things!! I’ll probably do another post on the Bad Things of this season.]
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cicinicole-14 · 7 years
let’s just talk for a moment here. 
I’m gonna say it: Lena Luthor loves Kara Danvers. loves her. and there are soooo many reasons why. 
first, let’s just list the reasons off the bat, then I'll explain my reasonings. 
lip bites/glances/looks
the thirst factor
food dates
meeting Alex
her heroics
“I've never stood behind a man” 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that”
“I miss you”
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/ “unquit”
“I trust you”/Catco
heart emoji
ok let’s get started:
first, the doughnuts.
 lena is known for eating healthy. she drinks kombucha. she gets kara to probably eat vegetables. y’know the regular. probably is on a no carb diet. we never see her eating anything bad, because she’s probably been preened all her life to be picture perfect and eat only what’s good for you. but here comes her bff, her gal pal kara danvers, traipsing in with a bag of doughnuts. this happened a couple times, actually. lena indulged in a doughnut for kara. 
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the lip bites, holy fuck. I'm going to tie this in with the glances too. because holy mother of god. 
lena is always checking kara out, biting her lip (most likely surprising moans bc hot damn she’s in love with this woman) and the looks. the looks of. pure. unadulterated. love. 
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I mean you cannot tell me the look on lena’s face is anything but love? come on. even a blind man could tell. 
next, lena’s thirst factor. 
girl, she is always, always, (almost) always seen with a drink when around kara! 
exhibit A: their first meeting, lena has to pause and get herself a damn glass of water
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exhibit B: granted, yes they’re at a restaurant, but lena’s got an almost empty glass, bc hot damnvers kara is something. (lets take in account that kara’s glass is empty)
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exhibit C: in the most recent episode 3.01, lena is yet again, shown pouring herself some water bc girl is thirsty af 
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exhibit D: oh looky here, Lena’s getting a drink. I am pretty sure Kara just makes her speechless and she needs water to talk
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exhibit E: y’all see where I'm going with this, right?
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their brunch/lunch/dinner/kombucha dates
lena always seems to have a food date with kara. always. I mean it’s one thing to have one on occasion but they’re known to have these? and I know damn well that kara isn’t always the one to initiate them. lena is probably the one to invite her because she’s rich and offers to feed kara’s immense appetite. 
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what about the first time lena was introduced to Alex properly?
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this. this is the face of jealousy. she shows up unannounced at kara’s apartment (where’d she even get kara’s address?) and sees this beautiful woman in kara’s apartment and she’s jealous af, and Alex doesn’t let on anything. doesn’t, for a split second, let on that she’s kara’s sister, because I'm pretty sure she knew what Lena’s thoughts were. she knew for a flash of a second, lena was actually jealous, but ew gross, kara is her sister, and that’s when kara finally speaks up, and Lena’s face softens, and she remembers what she actually came over for... 
the gala
she invites, not only kara and supergirl to the gala, but kara’s man friend, mike of the interns, because she doesn’t care. if kara’s friends with this person, she figures she can trust this person too, who tf cares if you met them five seconds ago and could’ve easily told him “It’s an elite party, and I’m inviting kara as my plus one, sorry” but no, she extends an invitation to mike of the interns...
the flowers: plumerias
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these are plumerias, for anyone who hasn’t seen them before. they come in all different colors, ranging from blues, pinks, purples, melon, peach, yellow and white. they are an exotic flower, and a bit hard to come by. they have to be imported, usually from Hawaii. they have a few different meanings, but in Chinese, they symbolize love. they mean “I love you” and “you are special” 
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and kara’s office, just so happens to be overflown with flowers, most likely plumerias because she mentioned they remind her of her mother, and lena would totally import those flowers and fill her office as a thank you to saving her just because she loves kara. and you know damn well she knows what those flowers mean. she’s smart, we’ll touch on this fact later.
lena being a hero
she is.. its a fact. whether it’s supergirl or kara danvers’s hero, national city’s hero, or anyone’s hero, lena is a hero. 
lena chooses kara and being the hero and will always choose kara and being the hero. when it came to saving jack or saving supergirl, she chose kara over her ex-lover. and we can probably assume that because a) lena is young and b) lena is a luthor, jack was probably her only real relationship. she did love him, you could tell with the emotion from the kiss and even the relaxed-ness of her date with him, they were friends. and she did miss is company, though she wouldn’t date him again. yet then it comes to kara, as supergirl, and she has to choose whether to save jack or end his life to save national city’s hero. she chooses to let jack go, therefore ultimately killing him so she can save kara. she also saves kara’s man child boyfriend from the evil daxamite guard. by shooting him with an alien gun. and she and Winn made whatever that thing was under the table at the gala and it stopped those evildoers from attacking supergirl, and the kicker, my favorite, saving the whole population of national city, not once, but fucking twice.
in s2e8 lena, after finding out her mother is the ringleader of CADMUS, and kara ultimately yells at her and accuses her of knowing what her mother did, etc, still saves national city. she undermines her mother, weasels her way onto her mother’s good side, double-crosses her and makes the medusa virus inert, therefore saving national city’s population of aliens when the only friend she had hated her for the moment. she could've easily just given in and killed all the aliens, but she didn’t. she chose to save them because she loves kara and her pro-alien bleeding heart views, even when they sometimes disagree and fight. 
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and then again in s2e22, lena, and with the help of Lillian, build a device to rid the planet of the daxamites invading earth. a device that sends out lead into the atmosphere. and she knows what it’ll do. she knows that it’s going to send Mon-el away, and you know she was lowkey happy about that, but she knows it'll put kara through hell, yet she let’s kara make the ultimate decision to choose whether to go on with it, and kara does. supergirl tells them to use the device. and lena yet again, saves everyone, all because she loves kara and kara is her hero.
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and let’s not forget the best time lena was a hero and shot Corbin, therefore saving none other than Special Agent Alex Danvers with the DEO... hot damn, she’s my hero.
lena’s never stood behind a man
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*eh hem* I'll just leave these here. two examples of lena never standing behind a man, because she’s independent and fierce, but Kara is always protecting her and she lets kara/supergirl. we know damn well lena can hold her own, she is a Luthor after all, but she lets kara take the forefront and she stands behind her with grace and poise and love and admiration. 
“I'm here for you, if you still want that”
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Lena knows the hell kara is going through. she knows that kara lost her man child thing of a boyfriend she liked for five days. and kara is going through hell. and yet, she’s still cautious. I think this is one of the most significant things ever and we’re going to dissect for a second here. in the second image: kara tells lena “I'm right here” letting lena know she can talk to her and she wants her to, she’s almost willing her to. 
yet in the top image, lena adds the “if you still want that”. she is letting kara know a few things here. a) that she feels guilty over the lead being released in the atmosphere b) she doesn't want to use kara, because she’s not a talker herself. her walls are always built up so sturdy until kara breaks them down with her super strength and c) she doesn’t want to lose kara. she’s letting her know she’s there if kara wants her because its kara’s choice. she’s not going to force kara into being her friend just because kara is the only friend she has in national city and she will be ready to help kara any way she needs when the time comes. 
“I miss you” 
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this also follows with the “if you still want that” because she’s telling kara that she’s being ignored, but she’s not pushing. she knows that kara is distancing herself. but she still lets kara know in a subtle way that she’s still here, she still loves her and that she truly misses her best friend. she just misses her. she misses Kara Danvers, the girl she’s falling in love with more and more as each day passes.
“I didn’t see your name on the by line”/”unquit”
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now, first off, kara does anything lena suggests. Lena suggests, she become a reporter and guess who becomes one? Kara. lena tells her in such an unprofessional manner to “unquit” her job. and according to my laptop, unquit isn’t even a word, yet it came out of poised, perfect, prestined Lena Luthor’s mouth. “unquit” 
so kara unquits, and lena sends a heart emoji
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a red heart emoji. man, do I have some words about this. Lena, you little lesbian in love with your bestie, damn. lena could’ve easily replied back with a “okay” or “sounds great” or even a “see you tomorrow!” or if we’re going the emoji route: a smiley face, a thumbs up, or fuck idk, a yellow heart? because lena is very, very, very smart. and we all know she knows the meanings that colors represent. like how yellow means happiness, friendship, sunshine, and energy, yet miss luthor sent kara a red heart. red meaning love, passion, heat. you can't tell me she doesn’t know what they meant. she could've replied with so many different ways, yet she chooses a red heart.
and lets not forget the last points: lena buys fricken catco–– “I trust you”
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lena “I bought your job for you and I have no fucking idea how to run catco” luthor bought a multimillion dollar corporation so a sexist bottle of cheap cologne couldn’t and she has literally no idea how to run the company, yet she’s enlisting and trusting her best friend and the woman she likes to run it with her. she bought kara a company. because kara asked and she 
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lena just dropped everything, and potentially could ruin her career for this woman, and she did it all out of love. 
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she even admits to not even knowing how to run the place! yet, just because kara asked, she did it. kara says “jump” and lena asks “how high”. the girl will do anything for the woman she loves. 
anyway, so those are my thoughts and reasonings as to why I believe lena is in love with kara. you can agree or disagree, leave your opinions if you like, but if you’re anti-supercorp please do not leave your opinion. 
*please note: gifs and pictures are NOT mine and I will not take credit for them, I simply borrowed them from the internet. also I stg if the gifs don’t load I will cry, I don't know if they actually will, let’s hope.
edit: none of the gifs loaded I hate everything... oh fucking well, you get my point and y’all probably know what each gif is a scene of anyway… fml
edit pt2: I fixed/reuploaded some of the gifs that I could find!
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sweetnestor · 7 years
12 Days | Chapter 5.2
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
After a few slices of pizza, Tom was brought back to LA. The sun was already going down, an indication at how long he was gone, and probably how much trouble he'd get into once he was around friends again. He had been bracing himself as he walked up to Bella’s front door, for she had told him to meet her there. He had to come up with a damn good apology in about ten seconds.
Tom quickly stopped himself from knocking; Just before dropping him off, Ethan had showed him which keys were which. Obviously, the only pink key in the set was the one to Bella’s house. This couple seemed to really be into symbolism and the like. Tom shook his head at the thought as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.
To his surprise, he heard music blaring inside the premises. It was a song he recognized (Kiwi by Harry Styles), but it still threw him off guard. Tom took a slow step inside and closed the door behind him, confused. As he stepped further inside, he saw his lovely girlfriend jumping around the living room, her curled pink hair bouncing everywhere. She was with two other people, who were also jumping and head banging rhythmically. One was a guy with dark green hair and a manly beard and the other was a shorter girl with short, dark brown hair. The three of them turned when Tom walked into the living room, and they all cheered.
“C’mon, let's dance!” Bella said, holding her hands out as she continued doing just that.
“What?” he asked, laughing in disbelief.
“Dancing it out!” replied the guy with green hair. Sean, was it? Or, Jack, as he recalled Ethan telling him.
Tom shrugged and started moving to the beat of the upbeat pop song. He wasn't sure why this was happening, or if it happened regularly. Needless to say, this was not what he was expecting when he walked into this apartment.
After the song ended, proper greetings were in order. Sean came over and gave Tom a hug like he hadn't seen him in a long time. Then, Signe (“see-nuh” - he finally got the right pronunciation!) did the same. He had no idea how long these guys had been friends with Ethan. This whole switch thing was going to be a ‘figure it out as you go’ type of thing, wasn't it?
“I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner,” he began as he sat on the couch. “I had a meeting and a shoot I completely forgot about, and it took ages.”
“Hey, it's fine. Happens to all of us,” Sean told him. “We're spending the night here, anyway, so you can't avoid us forever!”
“You're stuck with us!” Signe jokingly added.
“Lit,” Tom replied with minor hesitation. Was that a thing Ethan would say? It felt like it.
“Anyway,” Bella spoke up, “me and Signe are gonna film a video right now, so…”
“I'll look after little E-tan,” Sean finished for her with a small laugh.
Tom did catch the small moment of tension. Bella was still upset about the previous day, and probably over the fact that her boyfriend basically ignored her all day. Of course she wouldn't want to be in the same room as him.
The two ladies stood and went into a room, probably Bella’s. They were making a video, were they? For YouTube, right? Did they all make videos in their own homes? Did they not have an office space like Mark? Tom had a lot to learn, and he didn't know how long he had.
“And then there were two,” he commented once he was alone with the Irish guy.
He chuckled. “Really, though, how are you? Heard you had a hard time the other day.”
Here we go again. This didn't feel any different to the interviews where Tom was asked the same damn questions over and over. He couldn't help the reluctance in his tone.
“I've had some anxiety lately, I'm fine, I took some time off work. It's nothing.”
“But you're taking time off work,” Sean repeated. “That doesn't seem like you.”
You’ve not the slightest clue, mate.
Tom shrugged, his stomach turning. This guy seemed to be seeing right through him. How long would it be until figured it out? “Yeah, I know. It's just… I think I'm overworking myself. I mean, I did crash and go mental for a bit. Definite sign I should slow down.”
Sean only nodded, watching him. “Yeah, it's always good to do that. You gotta take care of yourself, too. And just know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.”
It was something a lot of people said, but hearing it from this particular guy felt reassuring. It felt genuine, and Tom could only tell because he hadn't heard or felt something like that in a very long time. For the first time since the switch, he actually felt somewhat comfortable, and that's what made him say his next sentence.
“Ever since D23...” he began, and then he paused. How was he going to go about this without sounding insane? “I haven't really felt like myself.”
“How so?” Sean asked.
I literally switched bodies with your friend, but you would think I was mental if I said that.
“I… I don’t know. It’s probably nothing,” he said, waving it off.
“Maybe you’re burning yourself out?” Sean suggested. “I know that after a while of doing this, you get pretty exhausted.”
Was he talking about YouTube? Surely, it couldn’t be that hard. Tom was going to try his hand at it tomorrow, and he wasn’t all that worried. How hard could it possibly be?
“Yeah, it's probably that,” Tom said, now wanting to get away from this subject.
Thankfully, Sean did change topics, but it was still an awkward, uncomfortable one.
“Are things okay with you and Baller?”
Tom wanted to laugh at that nickname, but the mood still felt a little serious. He looked at Sean, who was watching him carefully. Almost like he was waiting for Tom to lash out or snap in some way. Again, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was always like this, or if it was just because of the switch.
“Uh…” he trailed off. “What did she say to you?”
“Nothing, she was just a little off when you showed up,” Sean said. “Maybe I’m reading too far into it. I think I’m quick to worry when it comes to Bella.”
Sounds like an ex-boyfriend. Or someone who had way too many feelings for someone else’s girlfriend. Upon his Wikipedia search, Tom learned that Bella and Sean (she prefers to call him Jack) were very close and there was plenty of speculation regarding their relationship. Maybe that was something he should have asked Ethan about before being dropped off.
“I don’t mean to overstep,” Sean continued, seeing the look on Tom’s face. “You know, you’re my friend and she’s my friend… I just wanna know if you guys are okay.”
Are they close enough to the point where Ethan can talk about something like the knife incident? Best to keep that to himself.
“We’re fine,” Tom finally answered. “Thank you, but everything’s fine with me and my girlfriend.”
Sean took the hint.
“You're dirty, disgusting But I can't get enough of your loving Boy I hate you, really hate you My momma said I shouldn't date you…”
The high, distinct voice was coming from the bathroom in Bella’s room, where the girl was currently showering. It was well after midnight, Sean and Signe had already gone to bed in the spare room, so the remaining couple followed suit. Tom was nervous about this, to say the least. He would have gone back Ethan’s apartment, but he didn't have a ride there, much less directions to get there.
He had been in the middle of typing out a message to Ethan asking for those directions, until he got distracted by Bella’s singing voice. He had never heard anything like it before, it was so captivating and pretty. He looked at the bathroom door, which was open just a crack, and he couldn't help but smile at the singing.
It moved him, he felt a million things at once. Just when he thought this woman couldn't get any better. She was beautiful, she was motivated and passionate. She was kinky as hell, a little weird, absolutely hilarious. She was also a fucking amazing singer. Very different from the quiet, anxious girl that interviewed Tom only a few days ago.
“You sweet talk me again, yo I don't wanna be friends, no Why am I such a fool When it comes to you A, B, C, D, E-E-E, F, U”
Once that song ended, Tom lost focus on what he had been doing before. He looked down at the phone in his hand, skimmed the text, and then deleted it. Maybe instead of just straight out asking for things, Tom would give Ethan something like a daily report. He was supposed to learn things on his own, right?
“Dude your girlfriend is really fucking talented,” he typed out. “And I'm gonna try to apologize to her about yesterday, I'll let you know how that goes.” Sent. “Oh and I don't know how to get back to your apartment.” Sent again. “Sean and Signe are really cool btw. Ok goodnight.”
Tom put the phone down just as he heard the shower turn off. All he could do was hope that Bella wouldn't try anything like she did the day before. He didn't want to have to reject her twice in a row. Besides, she had barely spoken to him since he arrived, and he really needed to fix that.
He looked around her room, taking in whatever he could in the short amount of time he had. Sure, he had to learn just about everything there is to know about Bella Santiago, but he wasn’t observing just because he had to. He took in the keyboard, obviously connecting it to the singing he heard in the bathroom. He saw the alarming amount of makeup brushes on top of the bureau and the piles of clothes on the floor. He actually had to Google what the large pink, purple, and blue flag hanging above her bed meant.
What was most interesting to him though, were the professional lights and the camera stored in the corner of the room. Was that all Bella needed to make her videos? Tom was overwhelmed at the amount of gadgets Ethan had in his own home. Honestly, it made him a bit more nervous to make videos of his own.
Eventually, the girl opened the door and turned off the bathroom light. Tom was pleasantly surprised to see her wearing a navy blue Midtown High t-shirt and black booty shorts. Her black and pink hair was damp, and she was running a towel through the long locks. But Tom was focused on the shirt. Bella really was a fan, not just an interviewer who pretended to know everything about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“Cool shirt,” he told her as he watched her approach the bed.
“I didn't know you were still here,” she replied, disregarding his words. “Thought you left.”
Here we go. Boyfriend time.
“Babe,” he started, sitting up on the mattress and looking directly at her. “Hey, I'm so sorry about yesterday. I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what happened…”
She didn't say anything at first. She busied herself by throwing the towel back into the bathroom and approaching the bed again. Then she returned the eye contact.
“Was it something I did? Brutal honesty.”
“No, of course not!”
“Ethan, come on!”
“I mean it!” He sat up on his knees, trying to get his point across. “You know I've been having a hard time lately. And I took it out on you at the literal worst time, and I'm so sorry.”
Bella looked down, picking at her fingernails. “What kind of a hard time?”
Tom tilted his head to the side. “I… you know. The panic attack.”
“Those last up to forty five minutes.”
“I'm not working right now, either,” he continued, knowing that work was a big thing for this guy. “I just haven't felt like… I don't feel like myself anymore.”
The pink haired girl now sat on the bed. “Do you wanna talk more about it?”
What else could he say? How could he not sound absolutely crazy?
“Maybe another time,” he said. “I just wanted to properly apologize for yesterday. I was out of line.”
“Okay,” Bella said, her tone changing to something more gentle and affectionate. She placed her hand on Tom’s. “Whenever you wanna talk, you know I'm here. If there's anyone who's going to understand the noise in your brain, it'll be me.”
Tom nodded, though he wasn't sure what she meant by noise. Did it have to do with the anxiety thing Ethan had mentioned?
He didn't really think about it that much because Bella leaned in to kiss him. Of course, he returned the gesture but quickly stopped at as he remembered the next point to bring up.
“By the way, is it okay if we… um…” he trailed off.
“What?” she asked as she sat up against the headboard.
Tom saw her shorts ride up, and for some reason he wasn't expecting to see pinkish scars going across her thighs. His heart nearly dropped at the sight, his mind threatening to go to the darkest place. However, he shook it off and continued his sentence.
“Can we… can we be… abstinent?” His voice went softer with every word, bracing himself for any backlash.
“How come?” Bella asked.
“Oh!” she said in realization. “You're not feeling like yourself, not in the right mind. I get it. It's okay. We'll take as long as you need.”
Tom sighed in relief. That was so much easier than he expected. He smiled when Bella kissed him on the cheek.
“You're a really good girlfriend, you know that?” he told her as he took her hand.
“I just want you to be happy.”
Tom looked down at their intertwined fingers, mildly content. He couldn't help but think that Ethan was pretty lucky to have someone so understanding and empathetic. However, his mind went to the dark place when he saw the more pink scars on Bella’s wrist, eerily similar to the ones on her thighs. Clearly, he had missed a huge detail about this girl. He just wasn't sure if he was supposed to know about it, though.
tag list: @marie-is-in-the-dark @beardedsteveslut
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miseryff · 4 years
21. YOLO
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Wow. I am deadass a slut.
I tried to shake off any feelings of guilt as I pulled up to Derrick’s aunt’s crib. I really fucked with Dre’s head a minute ago. Why was I throwing myself at him like that? When I had a perfectly good nigga waiting for me? “You need to slow yo ho ass down and not fuck this up.” I gave myself a pep talk while looking at my reflection in the rear-view mirror. I shook my head at myself once more before reaching over and picking up the bag filled with Mexican food. It was Tuesday and me and Derrick were feenin’ for tacos.
Tacos and dick? Oh yea, tonight was gonna be lit.
I rang the doorbell and smiled brightly once I was greeted with Sheila, Derrick’s aunt.
“Hi, Auntie Sheila.” I walked into her open arms and kissed her cheek before walking into the home. “How are you, baby? You brought anything for me?” I chuckled as I followed her into the kitchen. Best believe Derrick’s hungry hippo ass was front and center eating what looked to be chicken and rice. “Babe, why would you let me get tacos if you already had food to eat?” I rolled my eyes on the low before turning to Sheila. “I got tacos, Auntie. A whole lot. I guess its just me and you tonight--”
“Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Im still hungry and those tacos are for us. Sorry, auntie.” Derrick quickly jumped up from his seat at the table and rushed over to where Sheila and I stood. We purposely ignored him as we began to tear up the chicken and shrimp tacos. “These shits hittinnnnn!” I dragged as I took big bites from my taco. “Seriously. Gimme two more to take up to my room,” I nodded before separating two tacos for her and sending her on her way. I didn’t want to laugh but Derrick was steaming to the left of me. Serves his greedy ass right.
“That’s so fucked up.”
“What I do?” I faked innocence as I walked over to the fridge. “You like my hair babe? I made them clip the ends a little. It’s giving Selena vibes, aint it?”
“Shit look trash.” I spun around from looking inside the fridge once I heard his flat tone. This boy was not giving me an attitude because of some damn tacos. I refused to believe it.
“Exuuuuuse me? Shit look what?” I cupped my hand behind my ear. Maybe I heard him wrong.
“Shit look trash, mamas. Ima fuck it up tonight though so I don’t even know why you spent bread to get it done.” As if his comments weren’t rude as shit, this nigga then had the audacity to pick up my half eaten taco, and shove that shit in his mouth! “You ain’t fuckin’ shit up, nigga. Fuck outta here.” I grumbled as I walked over to where he stood, with a can of ginger ale in my possession. “Now open this. I don’t wanna break a nail.”
“Open it yaself, big boi.” He went to stuff his hand inside the bag again when I threw the can at his bare chest. The hissing sound he made was music to my ears. “Pick it up and open it, Derrick.”
“Fuck you, Paris.”
The sex was amazing. It was always amazing. Now we were both exiting the shower because tonight was my dad’s showcase for his newly signed artists, Summer Walker and Da Baby. “Wear the black shirt, babe.” I patted his booty as I walked over to the dresser, searching for my deodorant and body lotion.
“Cause you wearing that revealing ass black dress, so you want me to match ya fly?”
“Yessirrrrr!” I dragged as I applied lotion to my arms and breasts. “Ima wear the red bottoms you got me too. Daddy keep his baby fresh.” He paid my words no mind as he watched me massage the lotion onto my tiddies. “You see the purple mark you left? I told you that shit hurt.”
“You pulled my head back when I stopped though. So just say ya freak nasty ass liked it.” I blushed before continuing to lotion my body. He was right.
The showcase was packed the fuck up, and I mean from wall to wall on some CB shit. Luckily Derrick and I were posted up in V.I.P. with my dad and some of his peoples from his label. I knew most of their faces but didn’t care for the Hollywood shit.
My dad had that Summer Walker chick sitting to the left of him, and Da Baby was posted up in the back talking to some chick he came with. They looked very blessed to be here tonight and it made me feel good knowing that my father was really about to change these people’s lives.
“Shawty tryna be ya stepmoms and shit” Derrick spoke into my ear because it was loud as fuck in here. I knew who he was referring to though. Summer kept rubbing my dad’s legs or resting her head on his chest whenever he said something that I doubt was that funny. I knew my dad, and I knew him very well. He was fuckin her on the low but shawty was not good and keeping shit lowkey.
Looking from the outside in, you would think that she and my dad were dating, boo’d up. I had to remember to ask him about that lil situation later on. I didn’t care who my dad fucked or didn’t fuck. As long as it wasn’t no bitch that sneaked dissed and shaded me, I was gucci. “My dad is a lil slut.” I joked back before taking my shot to the head. I was babysitting this lil ass Tequila shot all night.
Derrick was lit off Dusse and pretending that he was aight. His hand stayed around my waist and he kept kissing on my neck ever so often. Baby was lit and wanted to fuck. We was gonn get to that a lil later on though. I actually wanted to vibe out at this lounge and hear some of the unreleased music from both artists.
“You good, babe? You want me get you a water?” I needed to use the bathroom, and get another round of shots for myself so I didn’t mind getting him a bottle of water. He needed it anyways.
“What I need water for? I’m chillinnnnn.” I chuckled before kissing his lips. “I’ll be right back. Sit here and don’t get in no trouble.” He fanned me off before sitting back on the couch and sparking up. Oh he tryna fuck me on some cross faded shit tonight. You love to see it.
There was dead ass a line to use this bathroom. I could not believe it. I was maybe fourth in line to use the bathroom when I spotted two familiar faces by the bar. “Fuck it,” I decided to try this bathroom shit later and made my way over to my big bros. Dre looked the fuck good, as usual, and Fred looked good too. I never looked at Fred that way though so it was whatever.
Dre spotted me first and then elbowed Fred, who sent a small smile my way. “Yo, where Derrick at?” That was the first thing this nigga said to me. “Hi, Fred! How are you? I’m good!” I shouted over the music, and he thought that shit was funny for some reason. He gave me a quick hug and I directed him to the V.I.P section before turning my body to face Dre.
“Hi, baby.”
“Lemme holla at you real quick.” I allowed him to take my hand in his as he led me out of the lounge and over to this parked Range Rover. I was surprised when he took a key out of his back pocket and unlocked the truck. Oh, niggaz driving in Rovers now? Copy.
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“First, are you lit?” I wanted to make sure that the Paris I was talking to was in the right state of mind. Paris sober was already dangerous. But Paris off liqs or drugs? Yeah, that was a whole different person. She ignored my question as she admired my new truck. I was working my ass off to afford this truck and I dead ass loved it.
“This shit fire, Dre. I need me one of these.” I rolled my eyes before chuckling. “Shawty all you gotta do is say the word and you know ya pops gonn get you one.” She was the one to laugh this time. “Nah, that nigga got me working working. Gotta get shit on my own now.”
I nodded. I respected that, you can’t be babied forever. Eventually her spoiled ass was gonn have to get to a bag. “On the real though... I got some shit I wanna talk to you about.”
“What happen, Dre? Cut the lifetime shit and just say it.” She finally made eye contact with me. She leaned back and rested her head against the window. I admired her body in that revealing ass lace dress for only a moment before clearing my throat. “I don’t know if I’ve always been attracted to you and just buried that shit cause I truly cared about you or what... but I’ve been thinking about you heavy these last couple of days. And its not on no lil sis type shit. I be thinking bout grabbin’ you up and fucking the shit out you.”
The car was silent for maybe ten seconds before she finally spoke. “Why you was acting like you aint wanna fuck me a couple weeks ago, though? When I was throwing myself at you?”
“That’s because you was lit, Paris and you aint know what you wanted. You was going through shit with ya family and was coked out. How I’m gonn take advantage of you when you in that state? That shit not cool.”
She rolled her eyes but chose to remain silent. “I know you got ya nigga and all but I wanted to address shit, cause I’m looking at you different now and I ain’t about to front like I only see you as my sis. You gonn be my sis for life, but I’m looking at you as a different woman now.”
“So do you want to fuck or not? Cause I been wanting you inside of me for a minute now, and my nigga inside. So we could either do it here real quick or set up--”
My hand found its way around her neck and I squeezed a lil roughly as I pulled her towards me. “Suck me off.”
The truck was dark inside and my windows were tinted so I knew no one could see this princess swallowing my dick whole. My head rested against my seat as I pushed her head deeper down my dick. “Fuck...” shawty was a head monster, and I was loving every second of it. It didn’t take long for me to bust in her mouth and I was surprised when she told me that she swallowed my kids.
“Put ya chair back so I could ride ya face.” I couldn’t see her face due to the darkness in the car but her tone was serious as shit. That turned me on even more. Doing as she said, I made the stomach of my seat lay flat and I laid back. She easily climbed over from the passenger seat and hovered over my lips for a second before lowing her body onto my face. Her moans were sexy as fuck and I felt my once soft dick getting hard again.
“Mmmm, just like that baby. Oh my god!” I wasn’t new to eating chick’s out but I also didn’t think I was the best either. The way Paris was moaning and moving her hips, you would think this was the best head she ever got. As I ate her out I used my hands to grip her plump ass. In one swift motion I parted her ass cheeks and slipped my thumb in her butt. “FUCKK! You gonn make me cum all in ya mouth.” Her hands never left the top of my head as I continued to tongue fuck her and twirl my thumb in her ass. That combination made all the shawty’s go wild.
“Nah, cum on my dick. Get in the back.” She quickly moved her body to the back of the truck and laid out against the leather. “I don’t have a condom... shit.”
“So fuck me without one. I’ll take a Plan B.”
Shit, she ain’t have to say no more.
0 notes
TW: constant death mention (no one actually dies), probably some bad writing, feeling like sHiT, And walls of text that I do not apologize for-
I think that's it
I spent an entire day on this even tho it was a re-write of a crappily written out idea, but this is just before something better so :)
Please don't take any of this personally or take it to heart, it is only loosely based an a unrelated but real event. None of this is real -_-
Really hope I didn't miss anything in this like spelling or I'm gonna die inside :'3
Having online friends is both a curse and a blessing. It has pros and cons just like anything else
Pros. you make friends who you can interact with whenever.
Cons. they can never speak to you again and there’s nothing you can do about it
There’s more than this, those are just the obvious ones
Those might at least explain what happened
I stared at my phone, the screen showing an online friend of mine’s profile, saying they were online. I checked our chat to see the last thing said was by me a few hours ago. I raised a brow. Their timezone was close to mine and it was only 8:01 pm here, and they normally stay up late. I’m sure their busy or something-
That thought got interrupted by a very loud “They’re dead!” that was right by my ear. I flinched and immediately scooted away “The f-” i started but got cut off by another yell “They’re all dead! We’ll never talk to them again and it’s probably our fault and we can’t go to the funerals!” she went on and I rolled my eyes. It’s only been a few hours come on
I looked at the girl i didn’t know and shook my head “No, they’re not dead. I’m pretty sure their just busy, they disappear randomly a lot so it’s nothing new. They have other chats, other stuff, a life, they have one of those. Ya know, a life?” i say, looking at her and noticing how she kept looking over her shoulder like someone was just gonna appear there. The girl in front of my shook her head “no no no they’re always here at this time! They stay with us at this time always and something happened to them!” she yells, looking over her shoulder again.
She seems paranoid. I sit up straight and look her in the eye, which she does not meet “What’s your name kid?” i asked her and she looks back at me, then looks to the side “Hanna” she mumbles. I smile at her “Alright Hanna, everything is going to be fine. They’re just busy like i said” i told her but she only got all worked up again. “No! You don’t know that! They could have just stopped talking to you and you would never know why!” she yells again as she starts to pace around, fiddling with her fingers and pulling on them.
I finally took notice of the feeling, the one that feels like someone wrapped their arms around my chest and is squeezing as hard as they can. I feel like i can’t breathe yet i am perfectly fine.
Hanna keeps going on, her voice getting deeper and echo-y and lowkey demon-y as they talk and pace “They could die and we’d never know why and we’d just think they hated us and never wanted to talk to us again and we would never get the answer to our questions and it would haunt us forever and we wouldn’t be able to live with our selves and we’d blame ourselves! They could be getting hurt or hurting someone and we would NEVER know!” Hanna shouts, now pacing around the coffee table, she’s also waving her arms around a lot, and when she’s not she’s fiddling and pulling her fingers. i can see a mark starting to make itself in the carpet since she’s walking in the same spots over and over. It kinda looks like there’s something black in her footsteps on the carpet, does she have something on her feet?
Hanna pays no attention to this, however. “Anything could happen! To them- or us! We could die and they would never know. We could lose our phone forever and they would never know. Even if just our wifi goes out we can't talk to them, and they could think we’re ignoring them and they would hate us and wish they never met us and i don’t wanna be the next amelia!”
Oh, she went there.
I could feel the headache form and I groaned, not liking the feeling, i felt like a million different hands were touching me even tho i was home alone and i hated it. Hanna’s voice seemed to get louder even tho i knew she didn’t change her volume, I put my hands over my eyes then leaned to the side against the couch, everything was too bright now and i’m tired. I don’t like feeling like this and the tightness seemed to get even tighter somehow but again, no one was touching me. I could hear something other than Hanna, but what was it? I don’t know but for the moment i don’t care because now i actually feel like i can’t breathe.
I could hear Hanna keep going with her...what am i supposed to call it? Her ranting? Her, uh...concerns? I don’t know what to call it but she went on paying zero attention to me. “If they never knew what happened to us we'd be sad, and if we get too sad more constantly we'd be depressed and if nothing got better like how nothing ever gets better for us we'd eventually-"
And you know what? I was starting to believe her.
Before i could suffer any longer a hand found it’s way under the back of my shirt, fingertips lightly ran up and down my back, the nails of the person were long but not weirdly long and they felt painted. A sweet voice came with a soft tone and it seemed to be directed at Hanna. “Hunny, please leave poor Luni alone with this, you gonna give them a heart attack and they don’t deserve that.” her voice was calm, and honestly it calmed me down too, just a small bit.
. . .
This girl clearly knew what she was doing because within a minute or two I was laying on my side with my head in her lap, my eyes closed as i just focused on my breathing. The girl started to hum quietly and i could hear Hanna pacing a few feet away, or maybe i was wrong and she was further or closer. I don’t know, i’m tired, let me live. The girl speaks up again, keeping the calm and gentle tone in her voice. Taking note of how close she was to my head she was a little quieter when speaking. “I know this is just what you do and how you are and how you work but you can't get so worked up Hun or your gonna kill Luni in the process.” she gestures to the me in her lap as she keeps her hand under the back of my shirt, still dragging her fingertips up and down my back, sometimes going over my spine. I liked it. I felt a lightweight come onto me and i cracked open my eyes, immediately regretting it and shutting them again, too bright-
[C]Instead, i carefully felt what was put on me with my hand. It felt like a cardigan, probably the tan one i believe i saw her wearing. I heard Hanna speak up again, and she seems to be sitting on the couch next to us “Well- I, uh- yeah, but what if! They could happen Kelly!” she says a little too loudly and i make a face, too loud-
[C]Who i believe is Kelly puts a finger on her lip and makes a small “shh” noise, then she smiled “There are a lot of possibilities that could happen always. We just have to wait and see what happens, M’kay? 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙪𝙨, let present us breathe and take a break from the stress, alright? We can handle this later.” Kelly says and Hanna sighs then gave a nod as she yawns “i guess...i’m gonna go, I’ll see you after dinner kelly” Hanna says much more quietly, then she just disappears
I let out a small sigh, if it was out of relief or something else i didn’t know. I gently tap kelly on the leg “Do you know each other?” i ask her and she runs a hand through my purple hair “i do. That’s Hanna and she gets a bit worked up sometimes but she means well” Kelly explains and i just nod. I yawn and Kelly quietly chuckled “I think it’s nap time for you sweetpea, you deserve it.” she says and i slowly nod, a nap sounds nice. I finally notice the tightness in my chest was gone and it very much satisfied me. I close my eyes for a second and when i open them Kelly is gone.
I sit up and rub my eyes then grab a blanket off the couch, laying back down on the floor. I take a nap right there, not a care in the world, even tho I can hear my phone buzzing with notifications nearby.
Wrote this for @ask-the-xzuan-family :)
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