#Weapons Rajputs Nepalese Warriors
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Military and Tools:
Around 1500 BC, the Indus River Valley civilization crumbled following the rise of agriculture. The Aryans (originating from southern Russia and central Asia) invaded the land, while food production as well as civilizations would spread across India. Most warfare present at this time was between Indian kingdoms. The Himalayas separated India from the rest of Asia greatly, leaving the remaining kingdoms at war. The purpose of the war was the battle for dominance. As the military advanced, their modes of transportation and weapons changed as well. Elephants became an important factor in military development, and long bows were used when fighting. The Rajputs who ruled the desert land in the northwest, were known as “skilled mountain warriors.” The mountains in the north were ruled by the Nepalese. They were one of the tougher kingdoms.  It was here that Buddha was born. The photo above presents the ancient shirtless military, with their bows as weapons, and horses and elephants. This signifies the growth of military and the birth of new weapons that will soon be used in coming wars.
"Aryans." In India, Aryan Civilization, Aryan People. India History, n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
"The Military of Ancient India." Ancient India Military. AncientIndia.com, 2012. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
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