#Wednesday -don’t be ridiculous I have an epipen- Addams
1001knightsalone · 1 year
i see your “body swap au where Enid dresses up in all her colourful clothes as Wednesday” and I respect it
but what if, hear me out, Enid experiences colour the way Wednesday does?
it hurts her eyes to look at her own side of the room. she gets migraines walking through all the bright shops in Jericho. and when her arm brushes against Wednesday’s, it feels as though he skin is being seared off.
Wednesday, for her part sees no need to change out of Enid’s colourful clothing, in fact, it’s kind of nice to be able to wear something of Enid’s without taking antihistamines.
when Enid mentions that it feels as though she has just pressed against silver, Wednesday opens a chest stocked full of Epipens and allergy tablets. Shoves a few of each into Enid’s hands and gets back to the task at hand.
Enid is left to realise that Wednesday was not kidding, even a little bit, about being allergic to colour.
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