#Wee Mad Winterbreeze
letters-to-tension · 11 months
Dier Tenshun,
cant talk long. Pieright and Torn wer attckd bye Mimix. We almst dyd, but its fien. We also foght sum unded dier an ther king. Aftr, Torn saw a evl unikorn leaf. But we broght bac the idle we wer sent aftr, so the livin king will give us a ship. Yur frend, Wintrbries
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letters-to-tension · 11 months
Dier Tenshun,
we met de king of de dier, Ragnaw, he had lots of carpets on de wals wif histry on em
he tol us de rebls haf stoln an idl, sez dey stol it becuz presstish
he gav us a rum wile we prep for attck.
his gards don spek ponish gud, didn ken wat a toofbrush is, Torn had t sho
gave me rong ting, culdn wash mesel
after, we explor town
deir fudsords arnt balnced wel
Pieright and Sharite wen t libry, dier cntry was maed not lon befr Selesdia n Lunna foght
Stahswil was hier somtims, dey tiech each ofer, he also stopd dem tryn to raid Ekwestria
he lernd dat dier cant majic wifout headsticks
Torn may have blud majic, gotta be careful not t maek im mad
he lukd at me wierd wen I testd sords, may tryna atck
a view daes latr, we atk de rebls. Deir tmpl has nutin but de idl Sharite maed me smol to check, found nuffin
wen Torn tuk de idl, unicrns felt wierd fing, Pieright says a spel was cast but doesn ken wat
We explr templ, foun map, rebls planin to attack Ekwestria?
We wen doonstrs, lotsa cofns.
Pieright is yelin, somefin abot a ches wif teef.
Gota go.
Wee Mad Wintahbries
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letters-to-tension · 1 year
Dier Tenshun
we wer in a reel pikle ther. We culdn fite, we culdn rieson wif em, n den dey mussled Pieright.
De dier took us to sakrifise us in a fing dat Torn called "de gut".
Dey almst put a knif in Pieright wen othr dier attakd. Dese uns gaev us wepns n ssistans.
De dier wat capshurd us wrshippd th ol gods, dies uns wer moar sivi sevi les wild. Gav us fud an our stuf.
Fr helpin us, dey ask us t tak t der king in hortlnd. Got los in a tavrn on th way bud maed it der aftr.
Yer mate,
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letters-to-tension · 1 year
Dier Tenshun
we spnt sum tiem on th ship. Nowuns really talkn to itch ofer, bud thas becuz we dunno itch ofer yit.
Pieright kens sum fings abot Grifounya.
Th overs r helpin th croo, but th croo won lemme hlp, becuz m smol. Dinnae mattr tha I culd lift on of em ova me head, thy say m two smol.
We saled pasd Elenya, witch is wer dier r frum. Captn doesnae trusd dier becuz thy plundr ships.
I almust wun aginst on of th crew n hufwresslin, bu he wis jus a bit strongr thn me. Et nite, Torn saw a ship on th cost. Torn n Sharite hd a hart-ta-hart abt there paw porp rezon fer bein hier.
Sum dier borded our ship n capshurd us
Dey brot us ashor to there vllage.
Culdnae unnerstand a word, thy tlk wird.
I tryd t git us out th kaj thy pud us n bud thy kot me.
Wir jus waitin t c wha happns nex.
Yur frend,
Wie Mat Winterbries
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letters-to-tension · 1 year
Dier Tenshun,
Aftr ye snt yer scroll on tae me, I went an mat tha prncs o yers. Fr sme rezon, hr gards trd t stp me bt I wnt past em an she sed she ws gnna pey me f I hlp.
Pieright lad ye menshuned in our tawks ws thre two. Thot he wud b talr. n ye dint tel me he wuz a coppr.
Dint met Fetver or Sfetlana, but we got cmpny frm a pgsus cald Torndo Trblnce n a younicrn cald Sharight.
Selesdia wasne very impresd wif us, bud she sed she wans us t go t grifonya wish is wer grifns com frm.
She sed tha th grifn empror wans t fite sum ponys who liv nex t th grifns, an she wans us t stp tht.
She also sed tha th buk ye fund on yer kwest wif Pieright ws stolen an tkn t grifonya by sum cltists wh liv ther. Sed dey r de mane grup.
Prntl sum unded kilt al de grifn kngdoms dere wen Selesdia faught hr sista n dey mai hab bin sent by dat clt.
Ekwus Mlus mae b bak.
Da clt xsts cuz Tennybrigh dint liek dat Stahswurl da breaded ws bettr dan hm.
Stahswurl assembled da Pillahs f Ekwestrya n dey evntly fund Selesdia n hr sistah. Tennybrigh an Stahswurl bof wntd t tiech da sistahs, bud Stahswurl bekem th tiechr an rgnt. Tennybrigh wus a soar loosah.
We saw hm kll too gards bt Selesdia dint do a fing. I fink we saw sumfing liek a memry. Siems he wsnt skared f th pillahs He cld bekom smok. Stahswurl n th pillahs trighd t prtct th prnceses bt wsnt abl t stp hm.
Tennybrigh hd a fncy nklase he cld th alikorn amlet he sed he maed.
Stahswurl n th pillahs n Tennybrigh wear fitin in sum kinda sndy plaes.
Stahswurl n th pillahs shod Tennybrigh wif a ranebow n he ws blstd awae. Stijyan ws hrt an Stahswurl dint liek tht.
Tennybrigh bekam Ekwus Mlus.
n now hes bak n raisin an armee. Selesdia gaev us a pies f papr t git wht we wanned, and Torn an Pieright ran of sumwear befour comin bak. Pieright brogt us t th gard hous n dey gav us sum healin potion Thy tuk us to a crt plld by sum gards n they flew awae wif us. We arived at a town kald Tal tael, an intradu intractio we tol each ofer our naems n wo we r. Sharight hs t do sum fings cuz o her rligin. We wer sposed tae met sumun cald Ruff Sees
We askd th pones arond twn were t fnd em We fund th hippcmps n Ruff Sees. Th hippcmps is a ship. No onna thm wooly uns, onna thm big wood fings wht ponys use t travl the sees.
We wnt on th ship an we wnt of t se th wurld.
Yer mate,
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