#What Is ISO Toolkits
4cconsulting · 2 years
Buy Now 4C ISO 21001 Documentation Toolkit | 4C Consulting
ISO 21001 Toolkit Overview
The 4C ISO 21001 Documentation Toolkit is the best way to put Educational organization Management System in place quickly and achieve certification of the ISO 210011 standard.
This toolkit will provide smartest, clear and most efficient way to assist you to implement ISO 21001 standard. The set of ISO 21001 Documentation kit is designed based on good Educational organization management practices including Academic calendar, scoring & evaluation, code of conduct and code of ethics, courses catalogue etc.
which will accelerate and simplify your journey to ISO 21001 compliance. This Documentation kit being deployed at large Colleges and university will also help to move forward at a much faster pace.
BUY NOW : ISO 21001 Documentation Toolkit
WHAT'S INCLUDED In Our ISO 21001 Toolkit
Eoms Manual
Eoms Procedures
Eoms Procedures
Process Flow Charts
Eoms Policy And Objectives
Core Feature Of ISO 21001 Toolkit
50+ Editable documents in Simple language
Toolkits have been deployed at more than 10 Organizations
Created by 20+ years experienced Lead Auditors
Delivery- Documents Delivered to you immediately on Payment/ Available as an instant download after purchase
Free 4 Hours training on how to use toolkit
4c Virtual Interactive Consulting
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Due to the increasing complexity of logistics, taking out time of team from busy schedules, costs and constraints of the existing onsite consulting methodologies, Virtual interactive Consulting to Document & implement Management System is the answer for fulfilling an organization’s desire to map their management system in line with Standard requirements and get certified.
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radioradio · 4 days
Full Moon
So as @sirfrogsworth pointed out yesterday, My D600 had a case of SENSOR DUST.
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You can see the spots here. Shooting at a very high aperture, like f/22 seen here, will make them stand out like a sore thumb. The D600 had a reputation for being particularly bad at this, throwing oil on the sensor to the point where Nikon offered a free shutter replacement, and eventually scrapping the 600 all together in favor of the D610, which was essentially just the D600 with an upgraded shutter.
Learning the history of the D600 after I'd already placed the order, I quickly added a full-frame sensor cleaning kit to my toolkit. It's a pack of single use swabs and a bottle of cleaning solution you can dole out by the drop. Why the main cleaning kit came with just a spray bottle, I cannot explain.
Anyway, two drops of solution, one pass in the same direction with each side of the swab later, and...
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Much better! Both shot with the 50mm f/1.8D @ f/22, btw.
Fast forward to evening. I work nights, so it's just after breakfast, and I have the night off. It's about a 40 minute drive into the city and the West End Overlook. I go there a lot, because it's a good place to put any new knowledge into practice and compare it to previous visits. Plus, I spent good money on that Manfrotto tripod, and want to get use out of it.
Tonight was a full moon, which was both good and bad. You'll see in a moment.
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For the most part, I'm shooting f/5.6 at ISO 200 aperture priority. Why? Because that's the combines result of assorted googling and photography book reading on night photography.
Once more with the moon in the shot.
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Thanks to the full moon, Lightroom is a little bit confused. The sky is way brighter than it actually is...
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Never mind the shaking, that was just a phone pic to tell friends what I was doing at the time. But it shows what it looked like in real life.
I started looking through my presets, but nothing really came close to rendering an accurate version of the scene.
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I think that second one comes close maybe? I usually just stick with Auto, but Auto isn't doing it tonight.
I moved on to the Duquesne Incline Overlook. Not seen here, but I'm starting to run into a little bit of gear trouble.
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And one in 16:9.
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I moved on to Station Square, and here's where I ran into a problem. The 28-70mm lens did NOT want to autofocus on the buildings across the river. I fiddled with settings, turned the camera on and off, and even removed and reseated the lens. Could not get it to play nice.
So in order to salvage that stop, I broke out the 50mm f/1.8D that has mainly just been along for the ride when I go out. Tonight was it's chance to shine.
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Oh, and that autofocus issue? Just out of shot here is a tall iron fence. Tall enough that I had to raise the center pole of the tripod a good foot to clear it. The camera STILL kept wanting to latch onto it for focusing. So it goes.
A few years ago I took a short course in Photoshop sponsored by WVU as part of Continuing Education. I should see if any of the local unis have anything similar for Lightroom.
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carboledger · 2 months
What is carbon accounting?
In an era where sustainability has transitioned from a buzzword to a business imperative, carbon accounting stands out as a critical tool in the environmental management toolkit. This systematic approach to measuring, managing, and reporting the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with organizational activities is pivotal for any entity aiming to understand and mitigate its environmental impact. For sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) professionals, especially those in the chemical industry with its significant carbon footprint, mastering carbon accounting is essential for navigating the complexities of modern environmental stewardship.
The Basics of Carbon Accounting
At its core, carbon accounting involves the calculation and reporting of GHG emissions from a variety of sources within an organization or a specific product lifecycle. The goal is to create a comprehensive emissions inventory that serves as a baseline for managing and reducing those emissions over time. Carbon accounting is not just about compliance or reporting; it’s a strategic tool that enables organizations to identify high-impact areas for improvement, engage in effective carbon management practices, and communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders.
Key Components of Carbon Accounting
Understanding carbon accounting requires familiarity with several fundamental concepts:
Carbon Footprints: The total set of GHG emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent.
Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions: These categories help organizations identify sources of emissions. Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned sources, Scope 2 includes indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, and Scope 3 encompasses all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain.
Carbon Accounting Methodologies
A robust framework is essential for accurate carbon accounting, and several methodologies have been developed to standardize this process. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) offers the most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions. It provides standards, guidance, tools, and training for businesses and governments to manage their emissions. The ISO 14064 series further complements these efforts by providing international standards for quantifying, reporting, and verifying GHG emissions and removals. These methodologies emphasize the importance of consistency, transparency, and accuracy in the reporting process, ensuring that carbon accounting efforts are both credible and comparable across different entities and sectors.
Strategic Implementation of Carbon Accounting in Businesses
For businesses, especially in the chemical industry, the strategic implementation of carbon accounting involves several key steps:
Commitment from Leadership: Successful carbon accounting initiatives require strong commitment and leadership from the top, ensuring that sustainability is integrated into the core business strategy.
Cross-Functional Team Engagement: Involving teams across the organization, from procurement to product development, ensures a holistic approach to carbon management.
Continuous Improvement: Carbon accounting is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustment of strategies in response to new data, technologies, and regulatory requirements.
Importance of carbon accounting
Global Trends and Regulatory Pressures
Globally, regulatory pressures surrounding carbon emissions reporting and reduction are intensifying. Jurisdictions around the world are implementing more stringent regulations, carbon pricing mechanisms, and reporting standards. These trends underscore the growing importance of carbon accounting as a tool not only for compliance but also for maintaining competitive advantage in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.
Technology in carbon accounting
The role of technology, particularly carbon accounting software, has been transformative. Advanced software solutions now offer capabilities beyond simple emissions tracking, incorporating predictive analytics to forecast future emissions trends and model the impact of potential reduction strategies. Integration with supply chain management tools also allows for greater visibility into Scope 3 emissions, facilitating more effective collaboration with suppliers and partners.
Carbon accounting software
In today’s digital age, carbon accounting software has become an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to manage their carbon footprint efficiently. This software automates the data collection and emission calculation processes, making it easier to track and report emissions across all three scopes. Features such as real-time data analysis, integration with existing operational systems, and customizable reporting capabilities enhance the ability of businesses to make informed decisions about their carbon management strategies. For sustainability professionals, particularly those in industries with complex supply chains like the chemical sector, carbon accounting software provides a level of precision and ease that manual calculations cannot match.
Carbon accounting services
For organizations that require additional expertise or resources to implement effective carbon accounting, consulting firms and specialized service providers offer a solution. These carbon accounting services assist businesses in accurately measuring their carbon footprint, identifying opportunities for emission reduction, and navigating the complexities of carbon management and strategy implementation. Services range from conducting initial carbon assessments and setting science-based targets to developing comprehensive carbon management plans and sustainability reporting. For the chemical industry, where the production processes and supply chain operations can be particularly carbon-intensive, these services are invaluable in achieving sustainability goals.
Click here to read the full blog -  Carbon Accounting
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contentone3 · 9 months
The title is "ISO 9001: A Badge of Excellence for Rockstar Businesses"
Hey fellow hustlers and go-getters! Today, we're diving into the world of ISO 9001 certification in Bangalore – a fancy-sounding certificate that might just be the secret sauce your business needs to shine brighter than a supernova.
Now, before you start picturing a bunch of suited-up executives in a boardroom throwing around words like "quality management system," let's break it down in a language that even your grandma would understand.
So, what's the deal with ISO 9001? Think of it as the VIP pass for businesses that are serious about delivering top-notch goods and services. It's like having the golden ticket in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but for the business world.
I am aware of your thoughts at this point: "Why should I care about some certificate?" Well, my friend, grab your favorite snack, sit back, and let me spill the tea on why ISO 9001 is the real deal.
1. Customer Love:
   ISO 9001 is like the cupid of business relationships. It's all about making your customers swoon over your products or services. Think of it as a guarantee that you're not just playing around – you're committed to delivering quality, and your customers will feel the love.
2.Smooth Operations:
   Imagine your business as a well-oiled machine. ISO 9001 helps you fine-tune every gear and ensure that everything runs like clockwork. It's not just about the end result; it's about the journey. Smooth operations mean happy employees, and happy employees mean a happy business.
3. Fixing Glitches:
   Every business hits a bump in the road now and then. With ISO 9001, you become the superhero ready to tackle any challenge. The certificate isn't just for show – it's a toolkit that equips you to identify and fix issues before they become full-blown disasters.
4. Cost-Efficiency Magic:
   Money talks, right? ISO 9001 helps you save those precious dollars by streamlining processes and cutting down on waste. It's like having a financial wizard on your team, ensuring that your business stays profitable and doesn't bleed money unnecessarily.
5. Team Spirit:
   ISO 9001 isn't just for the big shots in the corner office. It's for everyone on your team, from the intern who just made their first coffee run to the seasoned pro who's been there since the dawn of time. It fosters a culture of teamwork, where everyone plays a crucial role in delivering excellence.
So, there you have it – ISO 9001 certification in Bangalore, the unsung hero of successful businesses. It's not just a certificate; it's your secret weapon to conquer the business world. Get ready to rock the stage, because with ISO 9001, your business is not just good – it's legendary.
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creativecourse · 9 months
30 Day Photography Fundamentals Accelerator Information 30 Day Photography Fundamentals Accelerator is a online course designed to teach the fundamentals of photography over a 30-day period. Learn the fundamentals right in just 30 days and set yourself up for photography success. When it comes to learning any skill, leveraging a mentor is one of the fastest and most effective ways to level-up. Mentors have experience.They’ve have successes and they know what works, they’ve pushed past failures and know what to avoid; they’ve already navigated the road you’re looking at going down yourself and this experience is invaluable. After almost 2 decades of being a creative across many different disciplines, every time I learn a new creative skillset, I always try to look for mentors because I know how effective it can be. However when I first started photography, I didn’t have one, and I wish I did; especially considering just how deep and wide this fantastic visual art can be. And that’s the perspective to which I built this course. I had the question: “if I had a photography mentor when I was first starting, what would I learn? And how would I learn it?” This course is the answer to that. It’s me, mentoring you. It’s me teaching you the skillset that has landed me sponsorships and opportunities with almost every fortune 500 brand I've ever wanted to work with. It’s the skillset that is the foundation of how I was able to go pro in photography. But most importantly, it’s the skillset that’s unique to my perspective and my background; one that’s deeply rooted in not just photography, but in many creative disciplines and a comprehensive understanding of visual art and its methods, history, and perspectives, learned over decades. In this course you’ll not only be able to learn how to use the camera, but you’ll also learn how to see the world as a photographer; how to gain a creative vision; a unique perspective. You’ll learn a holistic view of photography rather than a singular perspective, and I’ll also set you up for success in many of the auxiliary sub-skills you’ll need to learn along the way too. This is the most comprehensive toolkit of skills I could ever give a single person, and I can’t wait to teach it to you. Once a day, every day, consistently, for 30 days Over 10 hours of lessons split over 30 days. Every day features a 15 to 5-minute theory lesson, followed up by a mini-assignment so that we can put what we learned into practice. Specifically designed to accelerate your learning Meticulously sequenced to ensure the most efficient and effective path to learning the real photography skills that actually matter in the real world and set you apart from everyone else. Master the technical skills We’ll go deep into all of the technical skills you need to know, as well as get you started on some advanced, genre-specific techniques. Learn the art of photography Understand how to think and how to creatively “see” as a photographer. We’ll cover things like visual hierarchy, finding your true style, finding a purpose, and so much more. Specialise in a specific genre of photography We’ll talk about 15 different genres of photography and do a deep dive into the 3 most common ones so you can find the most interesting genres of photography to learn. What You’ll Learn In This Course? Day 1 — What is photography, anyway? Day 2 — Sensor sizes and cameras Day 3 — Lenses Day 4 — Exposure, Overview Day 5 — Exposure, Shutter speed Day 6 — Exposure, Aperture Day 7 — Exposure, ISO Day 8 — All about focus Day 9 — All about focus, part 2 Day 10 — Shooting modes and more Day 11 — It's all about light Day 12 — Low light Day 13 — What is GOOD photography, anyway? Day 14 — Foundational Visual Patterns Day 15 — Subject, subject, subject Day 16 — Layout basics Day 17 — Finding your style Day 18 — Finding a purpose for your art Day 19 — Genres of photography Day 20 — Landscape: Genre overview Day 21 — Street Photography: Genre overview
Day 22 — Portraiture: Genre overview Day 23 — Editing basics Day 24 — Adobe Lightroom: Editing workflow Day 25 — Auxiliary gear and nice-to-haves Day 26 — Location scouting and planning Day 27 — Backup and storage Day 28 — Sharing your work and Social Media Day 29 — Making a career out of photography Day 30 — The next step About Author I’m an award-winning freelance travel photographer and multi-disciplinary artist based in Sydney, Australia. With a passion for travel and adventure, I specialise in exploring the contrast between nature and urban, through landscape, cityscape, aerial, lifestyle and street photography. I’ve been fortunate to work with many of the world’s top brands such as Sony, Adobe, Microsoft, Samsung, Nike, Adidas, Ford, Toyota, Lexus, DJI, Razer, Instagram and more. Come and engage with a 200,000+ strong community on Instagram, a 145,000+ community on YouTube, check out my books or other products, or read about Travel & Photography on my blog. More courses from the same author: Pat Kay
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kadoodles-on-ao3 · 1 year
I have been. SO BUSY! But in a good way!!!
Fic-wise I am nearly done with the prologue! Sorry it's taken me so long to do, I ended up not being happy with how it was going pacing/length-wise but still liking much of the guts of what I wrote so I took a full day to redraft it. And now I'm *much* happier with it. All that's left is to get my bf to beta read it after work and it will be posted!! Very exciting!!!! :) Part of why it took so long for me to finish it is...
Over the past week I've made a new friend who has been unpacking a ton of stuff from the Xenoblade Chronicles ISO: I now have access to all of the audio in the game, not just the battle lines! I've ripped and uploaded the missing boss lines to Sounds Resource myself! (They may still be pending approval but they're on their way!)
As such I'm making a catalogue of the background music and the cutscene audio as well! They will be fully organized and available to download on my Drive on the 10th! :) (Still gotta finish up the cutscene audio though, there's sooooo much) Sounds Resource doesn't allow music or cutscene audio to be uploaded there so this is the only place you can get them aside from ripping them yourself. Which brings me to...
I've also wrote an extensive tutorial on how to rip all of the assets I have so anyone can do it, as well as explain which files lead to which data! A huge part of the process for me was not knowing how to use the toolkit nor knowing where to look for what I wanted, but now that can all be cleared up for good for everyone! I'll also be posting this on the 10th!
Of course I also need to finalize my organization sheet for the battle lines: move my notes to text docs instead, put links to explanations for terms when they show up, figure out Face Nemesis' unused lines now that I know they exist... lots to do!
#aside#it's so weird: in terms of word count my final draft for the prologue is actually *longer* than my initial draft#but it *feels* so much shorter/quicker to read somehow! pacing is so important#dunban was right: timing really is everything.#also there's some WEIRD stuff going on with a few of the cutscene lines#sometimes they're slightly out of order which is no big deal#but other times stuff from like alcamoth cutscenes is stored among the files for the colony 9 cutscenes#ALSO a couple of the alcamoth cutscenes had me losing my mind for a bit#some of them have shulk sighing/grunting and there are sigh/grunts among his files for that cutscene#BUT the clip he uses in game is DIFFERENT from the one stored near his other lines for the cutscene#they're either REUSED from somewhere else or straight-up STORED with a DIFFERENT CUTSCENE'S LINES#as in there's a sigh within the early game bionis interior cutscene that is NOT used in that one but IS INSTEAD used when#shulk talks to sorean#AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THAT BIONIS INTERIOR CUTSCENE BECAUSE THERE'S *ALSO* A LINE FOR DUNBAN#WHERE HE SAYS “HUH.” IN THE FILES BUT IN GAME HE SAYS “HMM?” INSTEAD AND NEVER SAYS “HUH.”#SO NOW I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHERE THE HECK THAT “HMM?” IS COPIED FROM AND WHETHER HE EVER USES THAT “HUH.” AT ALL WHAT IS GOING ON#THEY'RE JUST LITTLE GRUNTS AND “HMMS” WHY ARE YOU CHANGING THEM WHO WOULD EVEN NOTICE IF YOU CHANGED THEM JUST USE THE ONES ALREADY THERE#i really wonder what happened there#this is so wild and so much fun i'm having a blast hahaha#like AAAAAH HOW EXCITING TO HAVE THE ACCESS TO ALL OF THE FILES IN THE GAME#I HAVE ALL THE AUDIO STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE! IT WAS ME I RIPPED THAT!! :))))
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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gomaainfo · 2 years
ويندوز 10 المعدل 2021 | Windows 10 LiteOS 10 20H2X
ويندوز 10 المعدل 2021 | Windows 10 LiteOS 10 20H2X في هذا الموضوع اقدم لكم أحدث إصدار من إصدارات ويندوز Windows 10 المعدلة بشكل احترافي ومناسبة للعمل على كافة الأجهزة بسرعة وثبات. تحميل ويندوز 10 المعدل 2021 | Windows 10 LiteOS 10 20H2X ويندوز 10 المعدل 2021 Windows 10 LiteOS 10 20H2X نظرة عامة علي Windows 10: الادوات التي تم ازالتها: لقد تم إزالة العديد من الأدوات غير الضرورية من النسخة والتي تؤثر على أداء الكمبيوتر باستخدام موارده دون جدوى. تم حذف برامج Metro المثبتة مع الويندوز تلقائيًا باستثناء Windows Defender نظرًا لأهميته ، مع العلم أنه يمكن إرجاع كل أو بعض الأدوات التي تم تعطيلها باستخدام اداة ToolKit. تم إعداد هذا الإصدار للعمل بكفاءة على أجهزة الألعاب الضعيفة ليكون مناسبًا لممارسة الألعاب. الويندوز باللغة الإنجليزية ، وهو للنواة 64 بت ومفعل تلقائيًا بعد التثبيت. يتميز هذا الويندوز بمظهر مميز وفريد يعطي انطباع خاص للويندوز. Many unnecessary tools have been removed from the version that affects PC performance by using its resources to no avail. The Metro programs installed with Windows are deleted automatically with the exception of Windows Defender due to its importance, knowing that all or some tools that have been disabled can be reverted with ToolKit. Optimized for low-end gaming devices, this version is suitable for playing games. Windows in English is for the 64-bit kernel and is enabled automatically after installation. This window has a distinctive and unique look that gives a special impression of Windows. Windows 10 LiteOS 10 20H2X x64 version 19042.844, March 2021 general information: Official ISO used for tweaking pressure ► .ESD ISO size: 2.8 GB Arch: x64 English Release: 2004 what's new:\ This release is based on a modified version of Windows 10, especially to improve gaming performance in lower-end PCs. This release is based on the latest 20H2 (19042.844) ISO used for tweaking: - Idle RAM Usage: - 450-500MB Pressure: -. ESD ISO size: - 2.8 GB Remove/disable features: Entire Metro apps (except for Windows Defender) Print spooler (disabled) Action Center (disabled) \ Hibernate (disabled) Prefetch Persons Help (HTML) Note: - All features can be enabled (disabled) using ToolKit And many more ... شاهد أيضا : اسطوانة كل إصدارات ويندوز 7 و 10 | يناير 2021 ويندوز 10 برو 20H1 x64 | سبتمبر 2020 ويندوز 10 | Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC v1809 x64 | أكتوبر 2020 كل إصدارات ويندوز 10 20H1 | سبتمبر 2020 | x86 ويندوز 10 برو 20H2 مع أوفيس 2019 | مارس 2021 مساحة النسخة 3 جيجا تقريبا حمل العديد من النسخ من قسم ويندوز                روابط  التحميل                  هنااااااااااا    هناااااااااا    هنااااااااااا via Blogger https://ift.tt/PHvp1JE October 16, 2022 at 07:00AM
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soslomo · 2 years
Opencl benchmark ucsd
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Opencl benchmark ucsd how to#
Opencl benchmark ucsd full#
Opencl benchmark ucsd portable#
Opencl benchmark ucsd software#
This allows the science applications to manage the network as a first-class schedulable resource in a manner similar to instruments, compute, and storage.
Opencl benchmark ucsd software#
Intelligent orchestrator and software defined systems allow for more » custom tailoring of scalability and realtime responsiveness based on individual application and infrastructure operator requirements. An intent based interface allows applications to express their high-level service requirements. The SENSE system includes a model-based architecture, implementation, and deployment which enables end-to-end network service instantiation across administrative domains. The SENSE system allows National Labs and Universities to request and provision end-to-end intelligent network services for their application workflows leveraging Software Defined Network (SDN) capabilities. The Software-defined network for End-to-end Networked Science at Exascale (SENSE) research developed intelligent network services to accelerate scientific discovery in the era of big data driven by Exascale, cloud computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence. ROSE’s predefined DSL Building Blocks (for example the Fortran base language) are represented as abstract language plugins and DSL developers can use Rosebud to construct additional building blocks in the same way. These plugins implement a form of generalized DSL which includes both concrete languages used to write application source code and abstract languages used within the compilation process. The Rosebud framework is a cohesive interface allowing modular DSL plugins to be developed independently and then distributed and combined in HPC applications. The research explored in this project provided the more » expression of the Fortran grammar in SDF form for integration with the Rosebud DSL framework developed by Rice University. In the final year of the project, the Fortran parser was updated to comply with the complete 2018 standard, as specified in the ISO/IEC document, JTC 1/SC 22/WG 5/N2146.
Opencl benchmark ucsd full#
The developed Fortran parser incorporates the full Fortran 2008 standard with extensions from the more recent document, TS 29113, “Further Interoperability of Fortran with C,” (to be included in the Fortran 2018 standard). Primary partners in this effort were Rice University and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The University of Oregon has produced a Fortran parser based on an SDF (Syntax Definition Formalism) grammar. This report provides a summary of the research and development work on the D-TEC project at Rice University.
Opencl benchmark ucsd how to#
D-TEC research and more » development work at Rice University focused on on three principal topics: understanding how to automate the tuning of code for complex architectures, research and development of the Rosebud DSL engine, and compiler technology to support complex execution platforms. Different aspects of the D-TEC research portfolio were the focus of work at each of the partner institutions in the multi-institutional project. As a result, developing a general toolkit for building domain-specific languages was a key goal for the D-TEC project. If leveraging domain specificity is the key to keep exascale software tractable, a corollary is that many different DSLs will be needed to encompass the full range of exascale computing applications moreover, a single application may well need to use several different DSLs in conjunction. Domain specificity is what makes these properties possible in a programming language. Two chief properties contribute: DSLs permit expression at a high level of abstraction so that a programmer’s intent is clear to a compiler and DSL implementations encapsulate human domain-specific optimization knowledge so that a compiler can be smart enough to achieve good results on specific hardware.
Opencl benchmark ucsd portable#
DSLs employ automated code transformation to shift the burden of delivering portable performance from application programmers to compilers. A multi-institutional project known as D-TEC (short for “Domain- specific Technology for Exascale Computing”) set out to explore technologies to support the construction of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to map application programs to exascale architectures.
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dolphintonki · 2 years
Best dvd creator
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#Best dvd creator how to
#Best dvd creator for mac
#Best dvd creator movie
Allows setting aspect ratio before burning to fit the size of the screen.Thus it also works as a decent DVD menu creator. Wondershare DVD creator crack allows customizing buttons, thumbnails, frames, and also the text of the DVD menu.Comes with 40 free static and dynamic menu templates.Allows adding image and text watermarks to the videos.Supports 4 output formats: DVD disc, DVD folder, Blu-ray disc, and ISO files.Wondershare DVD creator key and Wondershare DVD creator registration code can be obtained online. The program also allows adjusting the volume of the video and background music to have a good effect. All your DVD and BD projects can be previewed before burning them. For enhanced visual experience, video brightness, special effects, and saturation can also be adjusted. The built-in editor of the software allows personalizing your DVDs with options like rotating, cropping, trimming, removing letterboxing, and others. The tool supports an array of SD and HD video formats along with image and audio files so that you can come up with creative slideshows and home movies. The program allows burning your images, audios, and videos to DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
#Best dvd creator for mac
The Wondershare DVD Creator for Mac version is also available. Wondershare DVD CreatorĪnother powerful software to create DVD Windows 10 is Wondershare DVD Creator.
#Best dvd creator how to
You're allowed to burn videos in 1000+ formats to DVD with Wondershare UniConverter, just download and install it on your PC/Mac, then follow the guide details about How to Burn Videos to DVD Easily on Windows/Mac > to learn more. The software burns DVD, CD, and Blu-ray discs at super fast speed in high quality. Free DVD menu templates with different themes can also be set up. DVD titles can be adjusted by changing their font, size, color, and other parameters. Files can be burned to DVD folder or ISO files on the local disk further burning and backup. Thus it is not only the best DVD creator for videos but also an excellent audio DVD creator. Supporting over 1000 formats, it allows converting almost any type of format to DVD compatible files. The software works as a power-packed DVD toolkit for your Windows as well as Mac system. Wondershare UniConverter is one of the best DVD creator software available that is loaded with an array of features to make your DVD creating experience simple and quick. Read this article to learn the top DVD creators for Mac and Windows system. There are a myriad of paid as well as free DVD creators available and depending on what your requirements are you can go with one of them. In order to move your content to a DVD in a professional and managed manner and to create a bootable DVD, you need a good DVD creator.
#Best dvd creator movie
Moreover, you can enjoy your favorite TV series or a movie anywhere, anytime by playing it through a DVD player. Having your movies, images and other content on a DVD makes you easy to share with your friends and family. Though cloud storage is the latest technology, DVD is still preferred by a large number of people as it gives complete control over your backup. Storing your important documents, favorite movies, images and other content on external storage not only keeps your data safe but also creates some free space on your PC. Top 8 DVD Creators: How to Create A DVD on Windows 10/Mac Easily
5.10 Burn Windows Movie Maker Files to DVD.
4.13 Alternative to ConvertXtoDVD Mac/Windows.
4.6 10 WinX DVD Video Software Alternatives.
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adwiserec · 1 month
Streamlining IT Service Management with the ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit
In today’s digital age, effective IT service management is crucial for organizations to ensure the delivery of high-quality services. The ISO/IEC 20000:2018 standard sets the benchmark for IT Service Management Systems (ITSMS), providing a structured approach to managing and improving IT services. However, achieving compliance with ISO 20000 can be challenging without the right resources. This is where an ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit becomes invaluable.
What is ISO 20000:2018?
ISO/IEC 20000:2018 is an international standard that outlines the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an IT Service Management System (ITSMS). It provides a framework for organizations to align their IT services with business needs, ensuring consistent service quality, customer satisfaction, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
The standard covers various aspects of IT service management, including service delivery, planning, control, reporting, and service continuity. By adhering to ISO 20000:2018, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to delivering reliable and efficient IT services.
The Role of Documentation in ISO 20000 Compliance
Documentation is a critical component of the ISO 20000 standard. It serves as the foundation for implementing and maintaining an effective ITSMS. Proper documentation ensures that all processes, procedures, and policies are clearly defined, communicated, and understood across the organization.
Key documentation requirements under ISO 20000:2018 include:
Service Management Policy: A formal declaration of the organization’s commitment to IT service management.
Process Documentation: Detailed descriptions of IT service management processes, including roles, responsibilities, inputs, and outputs.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Agreements between the service provider and customers outlining the expected level of service.
Operational Procedures: Step-by-step instructions for executing IT service management activities.
Records: Evidence that demonstrates compliance with the standard, such as incident reports, service reviews, and audit records.
Introducing the ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit
The ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit is designed to simplify the process of achieving and maintaining compliance with the standard. This comprehensive toolkit includes a wide range of templates, guides, and checklists that cover all aspects of IT service management documentation.
Key Features of the Toolkit:
Customizable Templates: The toolkit provides pre-written templates for policies, procedures, process documentation, SLAs, and more. These templates are fully editable, allowing organizations to tailor them to their specific needs and requirements.
Guidance Documents: Step-by-step guides and instructions are included to help organizations understand and implement each component of the ITSMS.
Checklists and Forms: Ready-to-use checklists and forms facilitate the monitoring, measurement, and reporting of IT service management activities.
Gap Analysis Tool: A tool for assessing the organization’s current IT service management practices against the requirements of ISO 20000:2018.
Benefits of Using the ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit
Time-Saving: The toolkit reduces the time and effort required to develop ITSMS documentation from scratch, enabling faster compliance with ISO 20000:2018.
Consistency: It ensures that all documentation is consistent, standardized, and aligned with the requirements of the standard.
Improved IT Service Management: By providing clear guidelines and templates, the toolkit helps organizations implement best practices in IT service management, leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction.
Certification Readiness: Organizations using the toolkit will be better prepared for ISO 20000 certification audits, with all necessary documentation in place.
Achieving ISO 20000:2018 compliance is a significant milestone for any organization striving to improve its IT service management. The ISO 20000:2018 Documentation Toolkit is an essential resource for simplifying this process, providing the tools and templates needed to develop a robust ITSMS. By leveraging this toolkit, organizations can ensure that their IT services are managed efficiently, effectively, and in line with international standards, ultimately leading to greater business success.
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idealgreys · 2 years
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Uses Windows-Defrag-API, no data corruption possible. (v3.9alpha) (PE1 only) Defragger for all reachable FAT/NTFS-partitions (all ClusterSizes)under Windows NT(SP4)/2K/XP. (v8.5 and v9.5)Adds Paragon Hard Disk Manager 8.5 or 9.5 Special Edition to the build (v1.4) HDHacker is a stand-alone micro-utility that saves, visualizes, and restores the MBR (from a physical drive), the BootSector (from a logical drive) or any specified sector from any disk (even removable disks). It brings together disk management functions, partition recovery tools.īackup files, create images from HDD's, partition resizing, etc. (v10) (PE1x86 only) Acronis Disk Director is a partition manager and hard disk toolkit. (x86/圆4) Add an item to the context menu of all file system objects, for unlocking them or just seeing what locks there are. Search files, folders and other data efficiently and easily. (v1.6.2.1) Powerful replacement for Windows XP™ built-in search. (v. Adds FindOnClick to the build, an exceedingly fast file-searching program. Instead it makes a note of the file(s) that couldn't be copied and moves on to the next one. The difference being that when it encounters a file that it can't copy (for whatever reason) it doesn't just give up. (v1.0d) Copy the files from one drive to another just like a regular copy. Max_Real Qnx, NightMan, Jon Fleming, Lancelot (v1.6) Universal Extractor is a program to extract files from any type of archive, whether it's a simple zip file, an installation program, or even a Windows Installer (.msi) package.
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(v.3.81) Adds IZArc compression software to the build Formats: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR (packing/unpacking) and ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, DMG, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MSI, NSIS, RAR, RPM, UDF, WIM, XAR and Z (unpacking only) (x86/圆4 v4.65) A file archiver with a high compression ratio. WinMerge can compare both folders and files, presenting differences in a visual text format that is easy to understand and handle (v2.12.4) WinMerge is an Open Source differencing and merging tool for Windows. (v2.4.0.134) TreeSize Free can be started from the context menu of a folder or drive and shows you the size of this folder, including its subfolders. (v. HxD is a fast free hex editor that can open files of any size (up to 8EB), gives raw read/write access to disks and main memory (RAM) Far Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions (x86/圆4 v20b1420 20100225) Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. (x86/圆4 v0.4.5.1) Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
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the source code is available) program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings. (v2.10.0) Ant Renamer is a free (really free, i.e. (v3.20) A43 is a freeware file management utility for Windows. UltraISO Copyright (C) 2002-2009 EZB Systems, Inc. (v9.) CD/DVD image creation mounting of images. (v. Adds InfraRecorder, freeware CD/DVD recording software, to the build. (v2.5.1.0) ImgBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!
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It can also be used to create and burn ISO images from files and folders on CD and DVD's.Īll tools related to CD and DVD's - either burning, ISO handling, etc. (v1.12 DigiWiz English edition) Small CD writer is a very small freeware program designed to burn CD and DVD's. The GUI includes it's own CDIMAGE, so you do not need to download it. CDIMAGE GUI is just a frontend for the original CDIMAGE commandline tool. You can browse each category and select which programs should be added.
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This project is based on PE environment and will use a Windows ™ XP sp2/2003 Install CD.Īdd programs to your projects - most scripts already include all needed files inside. The Most Flexible PE 1x on Earth, using explorer as shell, supporting SATA/IDE drives, USB devices, and many other features and tweaks.
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Como hemos visto, Wirecast es un programa de entorno de transmisin avanzado pero fcil y muy fcil de usar, que le permite crear. it is available in English and French language, and provides you beautifully animated titles in your live videos and never let your viewers miss any moment. Wirecast Pro Crack: es una herramienta profesional de produccin de transmisin de video en vivo de Telestream, diseada para todas las necesidades y todos los niveles de habilidad. It can easily run on window 8, 7, and 8.1. You can crop your videos and add slides and transitions. Wirecast Pro 15.0.1 Torrent Key Features: You can play more than one live video and blend them as in a TV mixing studio. This software is of a simple user interface and of cheap value. It contains 3d diagrams and other many layers. It can publish multiple performances simultaneously, scene transition as a desktop presenter. Wirecast Pro is a video shunting engine between many live video cameras, with moveable forces bending in other media sources, including quick time films, songs, and audio and slides to make effective broadcast creations for a live division on the web. It helps the users to produce live or required publishment for the web.
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cowjust · 2 years
Adobe illustrator file extension
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File formats supported for saving for web GIF (gif)įile formats supported for saving for screensĪll in all, if you’re into graphic design, then Adobe Illustrator is a must-have in your toolkit, as it is an industry-standard with pretty much everybody using it. File formats supported for saving Adobe Illustrator (ai)Ĥ. File formats supported for placing Adobe Illustrator (ai, ait)ģ. File formats supported for opening Adobe Idea file (idea)Ģ. What are the supported file formats for Adobe Illustrator?ĭepending on what exactly you want to do with Adobe illustrator, the list of supported file formats varies. For the use of vector base, graphics content never loses their quality if enlarged. Features include: file editing and preparation color. RealPro Toolkit is compatible with any existing workflows, bringing all the functionality of high end workstations within Adobe Illustrator. Instead of using bitmap image data, this format is composed of paths connected by points. Convert Adobe Illustrator into a fully featured, pre-press packaging workstation with RealPro Toolkit - a suite of Adobe Illustrator plug-ins.
Pulse Microsystems software list & details. Adobe Illustrator Artwork (AI) is a proprietary file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing single-page vector-based drawings in either the EPS. Embroidery i2 for Adobe Illustrator website. Go to: Embroidery i2 for Adobe Illustrator description. Platform, operating system: Multiplatform.
ai file is a PDF too (unless explicitly requested otherwise by unchecking the Create PDF-Compatible. Found 3 file extension associations related to Embroidery i2 for Adobe Illustrator. This graphics file format is a creation of Adobe systems for containing vector based graphics in a single page. ai extension is an Adobe Illustrator Artwork file that contains vector graphics in a single page. PDF is a native format for Adobe Illustrator (Ai), so an. Of course, you couldn’t be further away from the truth, since the list goes way beyond that. AI file extension represents Adobe Illustrator Artwork file. Normally you would probably think that it supports all standard image formats, such as JPG, BMP, etc, and some of Adobe’s proprietary formats, such as Photoshop’s PSD. However, no matter how popular Adobe Illustrator is, not a lot of people know just what kind of files it can open. These can be both artistic in nature or precise designs used in real-life applications, such as architecture. This also includes their line of programs aimed at graphics design, such as Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Photoshop.Īdobe Illustrator is Adobe’s de-facto vector graphics editor, and many people use it in order to create intricate drawings.
See our website at for more barcode solutions.Home › How to › File Opener › Adobe Illustrator file formatsĪdobe is well-known for the host of products that it provides to users worldwide. Softmatic has 30 years experience in all things barcodes. Illustrator documents with barcodes have no dependencies and can be freely shared. The barcode extension works stand alone, no online access, external components or barcode fonts required. The extension performs all required data formatting and check digit calculation in the background - no macros or programming required. Click ”Insert” to add the barcode to the current layerīarcodes can be widely customized with options for size, readable text and bar width reduction to compensate for dot gain during printing.
Set properties of the code like size or human readable textĤ. All barcodes are guaranteed to conform to the respective GS1 and ISO standards.īarcode creation works in four simple steps:ģ. The Softmatic Barcode Extension for Adobe Illustrator 2021 or higher supports all common retail, warehousing and 2D barcode symbologies. Preview the AI files and select those you want to recover, then click Recover button to restore, you will be able to restore AI files to local drive or to cloud. Easy barcode creation directly in your Illustrator document. Click Scan to start the scanning process, you can go to Type>Graphics>AI folder, check AI files in the folder.
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stepslascl · 2 years
Windows 10 usb mac boot
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Therefore, what tool can help us to create a portable Windows USB drive so that we can use it everywhere on various devices? It's EaseUS OS2Go, a reliable third-party USB bootable creator for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 that enables you to work and play in an identical OS environment without taking much effort to set it up again on a different device. The tool allows users to open, extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, and convert ISO Files. Well, PowerISO is not a dedicated, bootable USB creator, but it’s more like an image mounter tool. In this case, Boot Camp Assistant will be used only to create the USB installer and it is necessary to pay attention so as not to partition the internal hard drive, or SSD, inside the Mac.
Based on what we've come out, there are many more scenes that can facilitate us in managing two different operating systems and machines. It’s an open-source, free, and easy-to-use bootable USB tool for Windows 10. Boot Camp Assistant is normally used to partition the hard drive of a Mac in order that it can be booted into either Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows. Things can become much easier and convenient if you had a portable office working system on a tiny USB flash drive. Sometimes you have to take the office laptop home to deal with some pending jobs because the specific toolkit using in the company cannot install on your macOS computer. Try to imagine one scene: you have a Mac for personal use at home, and you work with a Windows laptop at the office. The advantages of keeping a Windows bootable USB drive at hand are obvious.
How to Install Windows 10 on Mac with USB How to Run Windows Apps on Mac Download Windows USB Bootable Creator for Free
You can follow our advice here, and learn how to create a bootable Windows 11 or Windows 10 USB for Mac with a step-by-step guide. To be brief, in case that you're used to coping with two computers in daily life and work, one is a Windows PC and the other a Macintosh, and you demand running Windows OS on Mac, there you are. iso file and keep it in a memorable location. Again, like the first method, you will need a USB drive (with a capacity of 16GB as a minimum recommendation) and you will also need to download the. However, there is another better alternative way that is able to save a great amount of disk space, at the same time, makes your customized Windows operating system everywhere. UNetbootin is free to use and allows you to make a bootable USB drive for Windows 10 using your Mac. Isn't exciting to run Windows OS on a Mac from an external USB drive, without preparing a costly capacious SSD to install two hybrid operating systems? Are you expected to play Windows games on Mac? When it comes to dual-boot different operating systems on a device, like a PC or Mac, many of us would take it for granted that we have to clean install both of the systems on the same hard drive, or a second drive. To Windows System To Go | How-to Articles
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