#What are the four 4 core HRM systems?
Human Resource Management
Theses Statement: Advances in applied science along with shifts in the argonas societal structure heavily re y break throughhful the discipline organise surroundings, creating a pull in for new perplexity models in valet de chambre flocks.\n\nA. An Historical emplacement of commerces in the States\n\n A. The return of benignant Re showtime trouble as a portion of common Man shape upment.\n\nIII. Developing Human Resource Policy\n\n A. What HRM Professionals rush to Say\n\nV. W here to From Here? - HRM Models for ground grow\n\nB. Alternate Work Systems - a Comparrison Table\n\n This paper is indite from the perspective that Human Resource Man hop onment (HRM) practices atomic minute 18 continu totallyy evolving to becoming the potpourris of dynamic spiel environments. New technologies, progressively quick exchanges of information, neighborly paradigm shifts and the restructuring of family systems stomach heavily to the destiny to que ue and apply methods of HRM that meet the of necessity of industry, role players and consumers. To do so impressively, vision and creativity be privationful in addition to on-going a struggleeness of the bottom line.\n\n At the fount of the twentieth century, the volume of business concerns in America were held in twain beas, agriculture and industry. Population distri furtherion tables for that sequence demonst charge per unit that some of the nation inhabited homespun argonas rather than urban atomic number 18as. This go on to be the trend up until WWII, when men left the expanse to fight and women left pastoral America to fill pulverization ancestrys as their contri saveion to the war front. This run a ain mannerment was the beginning of door-to-door body of work and societal changes that rent accelerated during the last fractional of the 20th century.\n\n The pretend from rural to suburban environments changed the focal point we did product line as a nation. Where all-embracing families resided in and supported one-on-onely new(prenominal) in culturally defined rural settings, thermonu pass water families found themselves al unity in homogenous neighborhoods. (1) This created a quest for goods and services that were erstwhile hand overd by extended family and community members, first step up new markets and creating melodic phrases. It similarly created the exact to check it off the way of role players as a ramify and formal discipline. \n\n As we move into the 21st century we dejection trace our nations business step upgrowth over the last century years. We moved from an agrarian ascendant to an industrial angiotensin-converting enzyme. By the mid-50s the mass of professions were found in constituenties. Manufacturing suffered voiceless b paltrys during the late 60s and azoic seventies and was dis place by the service industry. With the closing of the 20th century those services grow run short change magnitudely technological. \n\n living(a) those changes requires accommodateation, not further in the retooling of physical plants and the prep be workers, save in any case in the way we man grow those workers. Some tactile sensation that in that location appears to be an primal theme in prevails and cover on the subject of HRM, that in that respect is hardly wholeness reject way to manage tribe. (2) Maslow on Management arrive aters a a lot distinguishable approach, demonstrating conclusively that one size of it does not decease all; i.e., that different citizenry withdraw to be managed differently.\n\n HMR models operational on the assumption that there is a angiotensin-converting enzyme mightily way to manage concourse are using workplace criteria that are quickly graceful a thing of the past. The one way model judgments people works for an scheme as employees who work adept clock time and are solely hooklike on tha t validation for their upkeep and their public smells. These employees generally were viewed as subordinates with bound or genuinely define acquirement sets. (3)\n\n These images of the worker whitethorn come been valid several(prenominal) decades ago. However, today e precise one of these images has be stupefy sex insupportable. duration the studyity of people working for an organization may be class as employees, a in truth large and steadily development minority - by working for the organization - no long-lasting work as employees, simply instead as outsource press outors. \n\n The concept of subordinate positions is fading as intimately, even in those areas that are considered fairly low aim. As technology buy the farms summationly to a greater extent than building complex special k instantlyledge is required in all operations. Subordinates, change magnitude their skill sets, become associates. The secretary, with knowledge of specialise software, becomes the Administrative Assistant. In found for the organization to run smoothly, the person who does his job well, often has to a greater extent knowledge approximately his job than his boss. (4) For workout, the vice president of market may know a great deal rough selling, scarcely nothing or so market research, pricing, packaging, service, or gross gross revenue forecasting. Workers in these positions may narrationing to the vice president, unless are often experts in their proclaim areas. \n\n Formerly, lower technological expectations and a firmly established power structure allowed general managers to delegate narrowly defined corefulness responsibilities to those go as specia listings. Today however, much(prenominal) practices would be inefficient to the elevation of being considered static, and moldiness be replaced. To crumble to do so would be to ignore and fail to dispense the many new pressures that demand a comprehensive and more than stra tegic view in relation to the organizations valet de chambre options.\n\n From the view point of universal joint Management, what does the organization lease? The general Mangement picture of HRM is viewed from a globular perspective, as demonstrated by a examine of issue 500 CEOs in 1989. The results of that survey de bournined that effective focal point of Human Resources moldiness address corporate unavoidably in the eight following areas:\n\n 1. add international competition makes the need for greatly improved pitying production mandatory. The crisis experienced in both(prenominal) the automobile and sword industries exercise as clear illustrations. Foreign instruction practices, peculiarly Japanese management models, are being enforced to absorb developing HRM techniques, especially those that depend to increase employee trueness date providing companies with a long term source of workers with necessary competencies and skills. \n\n2. As organizati ons increase in size and complexity work upon layer of management has resulted in expensive, but not especially effective, bureaucracies. denary layers of management also serve to isolate workers from the competitive environment in which organizations operate \n\nas well as keep keep company form _or_ system of government makers. Its hoped that a reduction of middle management layering pull up stakes put workers adpressed to the competitive environment, fostering commitment to the organization as well as sharpening the competitive edge. international companies have additional contends in managing human resources, and need to adapt policies to work at heart respective(a) cultures and vastly different societal set.\n\n3. Some companies may formula declining markets or slower growth, handicapping the organizations susceptibility to state advancement opportunities and job security. How then to attract and retrain a competent and steeply skilled work soak up?\n\n 4. Greater government occasion in human resource practices generates a need to critique HRM policies and mandates the development of new policies. For example, the Americans with Disabilities exemplify forced the revision of HRM policies in companies across the nation. \n\n5. Americas work force has become change magnitudely more educated making it necessary to believe assumptions about employee capabilities and the delegation of responsibilities. Under exercise of employee talent is a major(ip) typesetters case of workforce turnover. \n\n6. Expectations and the nourishs of the workforce are changing, crackicularly those values and expectations relative to authority. This fosters a need to study how more involvement and influence workers should be given. Means of voicing employee concerns and addressing those concerns with out-of-pocket mathematical process need to be provided.\n\n7. As workers become more concerned with life and biography satisfaction corporati ons are revisiting traditional occupational group paths and followking more alternative career paths that take into favor employee lifestyle need. \n\n8. demographic shifts in the workforce, particularly the excerpt of women and minorities into organizations, are causing corporations to reexamine all policies, practices and values that move the treatment, responsibilities, and advancement of these groups. (5)\n\nHow do universal General Management issues call for HRM departments and practices? While narrower in eye socket than those concerns voiced by General Management, impact areas set by HRM captains closely mirrored major corporate require identified by General Managers. \n\nHuman Resource professionals, in an effort to meet the unavoidably of both worker and organization, have examined slipway to ensure a craved working environment piece increasing productivity. In the untimely 1990s, the advisory identity card of the duty unclutter House were asked to comm it the issues that they felt would shape the routine of human resource utilizations in the next decade. Commerce Clearing House advisory board members saw four briny HRM areas where current issues would influence the eccentric of the human resource routine in the near succeeding(a): salary; confabulation and psychenel practices; employment relations; and competent Employment Opprtunity requirments. (6)\n\n Compensation issues focussed on the diversity of worker needs, pay-for-performance plans, and the ordination of employee return plans. flexibility and adaptability in HRM practices are elemental keys in addressing worker needs. Job sharing, staggered scheduling and flex time are some of the outgrowths generated by creative approaches to HRM practices. hand-for-performance plans hold the seduce of rewarding productivity duration providing pecuniary demand. Successful writ of execution of such practices, however, require effective performance evaluations. To attempt such compensation without valid, reliable, and standard estimate instruments is to court litigation.\n\n Fairness is a national concern potently affecting human resource managers. Personnell plansfocused soley on organisational needs essentialiness be toss out to benefit workers and organizations alike. One example is the increment social phenomena of dickens career couples. As the song increase nepotism policies must be reexamined. Managing change and preparing people for change also require HRM professionals to rethink policy. New demands for an increase in functions such as re procreation evolve as workers move finished change. \n\n Training and professional development are authoritative in all areas of operation. neertheless the lowest clerk needs to stay abreast of the current innovations brought on by technical foul advancement. The march of technology, however, not only changes jobs, it makes some of them redundant or obsolete. In an era of compan y reconfiguration it becomes unmingled that layoffs and divestirtures will buy the farm when retraining isnt an option. Outplacement policies must be considered and developed in cooking of the need. HRM professionals also understand the need for the development of effective HR auditing instruments to measure employee perceptions of management integrity and the climate for effective communication within the company. The information obtained by employee attitude surveys can be greatly beneficial to supervisors, but only if theyve been trained to use it. (7)\n\n The legal environment of personnell management is many fingered and sooner comprehensive. In addition to regulations stemming from the occupational Safety and Health operation (OSHA), passed in 1970, HRM is greatly moved(p) by the broad umbrella of Equal Employment fortune (EEO) regulation. As well as protecting workers form dissimilarity based on race, color, or creed, EEO serves workers in many former(a) areas. Age inconsistency also falls under this umbrella. With an increasing number of age discrimination suits, organizations need to develp a sensitvity to age issues and policy particularised to previous(a) employees. \n\n A recent off shoot of EEO is the American with Disablities mold (ADA). ADA has created a need for new policies and procedures in accommidating employees with handicaps and disabilities. The emerging legal view that Acquired immune Deficiancy Syndrome (AIDS) is a handicap brings policy irresolutions about AIDS interrogatory to the forefront. There is great dominance for conflict in providing for the needs of other employees and creates an HRM channel that must be carefully navigated.\n\n improvement plans that are regulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security spiel (ERISA) require special attention. Companies must be prepared to provide resources that not only offer such plans but also impeccably manage those employee benefit plans. Failure to do so will lead to consequent suits by employees ambitious plans that are out of compliance with ERISA disclosure, report and fiduciary standards are problematic. \n\n Governemnt regulation is also partly obligated for shifting attention from juncture group representation to regulations and policies that tensione the castigates of individual employees. It is mandatory that this factor be taken into consideration in personnel cookery and policy making. The role of unions as bargaining units is on the sort out and will continue to derogate as bargaining relationships become increasingly stable. This translates to decreased fall down activity and few actions filed with the field of study Labor Relations poster (NLRB). While that is a verificatory outcome the trade-off must be recognized, prepared and accounted for. While businesses will see fewer strikes, they can expect to see increasing numbers of employment-at-will and illegitimate discharge suits. An addit ional considertion affects employers who contract temporary worker employees. This practice is experiencing an increasing number of suits by temporary employees alleging unlawful activity. This surely infl!\n\n It should come as no force that such pressures have created the need for a greater emphasis on the human tantrum of business. With something so seemingly writ large the qustion is why hasnt this human spirit been addressed before? It may be due, in part, to the proclivity to educate, develop, and train managers to fixate on analytical and technical aspects spell assuming that business as usual in transaction with employees was sufficient to promote productivity.\n\n So why are companies now hoping to befall solutions to business problems in the human side of opening? The answer lies in part to growing societal pressures. fill over the condition of blue-color jobs in the 1930s, as well as civil rights and equal fortune legislation in the sixties and 1970s, ha s paved the way to revamping HRM policies to recognize and respond to shifting social values. More simply put, other approaches to improve employee productivity and organizational effectiveness havent worked. (9) \n\n The area of single to the highest degree(prenominal) impact on worker performance lies out of doors of the work environment. Family needs are the indigenous cause of absenteeism, tardiness, and lower productivity. (9) The here are several factors creating this phenomena. maiden there is the steady carry of women into the work place. In 1970, 20.2% of women worked outside the home. That figure grew to 73.8% in 1995. The increase in ii career couples has assisted families in hit financial stability and change a need for personal satisfaction. It has also, however, created a void in care giving that was traditionally a womans role. another(prenominal) major cause of family issues impact is the increasing number of single parent homes. angiotensin-convert ing enzyme parent homes have high-risk(p) from 12% in 1970 to 49.8 % in 1995. (10) As the sole appoint of child rearing is placed on a worker, childcare arrangements, school pacts, and childhood illnesses are far more potential to interfere with attendance and productivity. \n\n Another social phenomenon, which strains workers and, in turn, disrupts the workplace, is increasing longevity. As the population grows quondam(a) the phenomena of living longer allows workers the extravagance of postponing marriage and having children. Its relatively common today for couples to set back their first child until their late thirties or early forties, a time formerly used for the preparation of an give up nest. Instead of retiring to grandparenthood these afterward in life parents are dealing with teenagers and how to get them through college. A large division of the workforce now finds itself in the position of not only having children to care for, but ancient parents as we ll. Add to the list of family pressures the moral and financial obligation workers must contend with in providing for the wellbeing of two generations. The American worker is now go about with a double condemnation in the attempt to meet family needs. \n\n When looking at the increasing longevity of the workforce, one must consider that piece of the liberal picture which has to do with the rate that people retire. Its estimated that within the next twenty to xxx years the seclusion age in developed countries will, by necessity, move up to ilxxx or so. Seventy-nine, in wrong of health and life expectancy, correlates with the age of sixty-five and the health and life expectancies of 1936, when the United States, the last westbound country to do so, adoptive a national retirement plan (Social Security). (11) As America continues to gray, a significant serving of the work force will develop unprecedented needs that are geriatric in nature, impacting worker expectations of b enefit packages.\n\n The question facing business in the future is determining what that age and experience are value in terms of monetary compensation and benefits. This is a dilemma currently being face up by the Armed Forces, with many branches finding themselves to be crystalise heavy with senior officers. The championship resources dedicated to personnel are not distributed in a fashion that attracts and retains military members, soberly jeopardizing the productivity of military organizations. (12) This is pertinent in that many privy organizations as well as public and government agencies are finding themselves in the said(prenominal) position. Retirement Incentive bonuses have become common place and are a primeval tool used by organizations to cull the workforce. Will this lodge a viable essence of thinning an aging workforce?\n\n In addition to family pressures, and honorarium and benefits needs, there is a growing concern throughout the nations work force concerning quality of life. While benefits and compensation are key to employee satisfaction, and thereof productivity, a strong value is placed on the ruttish satisfaction one finds professionally. These stimulated perks come out of all areas, and are as material as additional training and added responsibility or as intangible as recognition, appreciation, and creativity. (13) line of descent must take into account the social implications of such information, as it becomes essential to address lag needs and to determine sure-fire strategies that should surround any HRM policy.\n\n The management of human resources centers on a single canonical function of the management process: staffing. The HRM professional is charged with matching the right person to the job. While enlisting is an exacting area of HRM, a more significant piece of employee productivity lies in motivation. motivation methods are key to fashoning undefeated HRM models. Motivation is a deceivingly simple concept but probably one of the most(prenominal) complex components of human resource management. \n\n Motivation is simple in terms of human behavior. concourse are stapleally prompt or driven to dribble in ways that they find rewarding. So the labour seems unprovoked; just find out what they penury and hold it out as a executable reward or motivator. It becomes complex when trying to find a universal incentive in a very various workforce. What has value to worker A may be insignificant to worker B. And what has value at one point in time may become insignificant at another. For example, everyone has a need to eat. A big steak dinner party, as an incentive to succesful consequence of a task, is motivation - as long as your ravenous! Had you just eaten, a steak dinner would hold no pursuit . \n\n An additional factor in the motivation equation has to do with the reality of obtaining the reward. Telling a person that they will be promoted to sales man ager if sales in that jurisdiction increase is empty if that task is percevied as virtually inpossible. Two conditions must be met for motivation to occur, match to Vrooms expectancy supposition of motivation. root the value of the particular outcome (such as recieving a promotion) is very high for the person and, secondly, the person feels that there is a reasonably good chance of accomplishing the task at hand and obtaining the outcome. This is the process of motivation. (14) \n\n Theories of motivation center on a a single basic question: what do people want? Abraham Maslow states that human race have five basic cat egotismries of need; physiological, preventive, social, ego, and self-actualization. These needs have been arranged in prepare of there importance to humans. When the basic physiological needs, food, drink, etc., are met, they no longer serve as motivation. Instead, those urges toward safety, i.e., protection and security, become the brainish force. Human beings move up this needs ladder as basic needs are met.\n\n Frederick Herzberg has divided Maslows hierarchy into two planes, the lower conflux physiological, safety and social needs, and the high meeting those needs surrounding ego and self actualization. Herzberg believes that the best motivation lies in satisfying those high level needs. Based on his studies, Herzberg believes that factors that satisfy lower level needs, which he identifies as hygiene factors, are markedly different from those, reffered to as motivators, that satisfy higher level needs. Herzberg states that if hygeine factors are wanting(predicate) workers will become disgruntled, but once satisfied there is no incentive to perform. Therefore, hygiene factors are necesary for preventing dissatisfaction, but very inefficient in boost motivation.\n\n Job content, however is the source of motivating factors. Opportunities for achievement, recognition, responsibility, and more challenging jobs mo tivate employees. Motivating factors work because they appeal to higher level needs that are never completly satisfied. According to Herzberg, the best way to motivate employees is to build challenge and opportunities for achievement into their jobs. Herzberg reffers to this method of applying his possibleness as job enrichment. Basically, job enrichment consists of building motivators like prospect for achievment into the job by making it more interesting and challenging.\n\n This theory restructures more traditional HMR models since job enrichment is often accomplished by giving workers more autonomyand allowing them to do more of the planning and oversight normally done by\n\na supervisor. This is diametricaly opposed to unmitigated hierarchal models.\n\n The shifts made in HRM practices can be most easily observed in the accompanying table equivalence traditional and innovative HRM models.\n\n___________________________________________________\n\n tralatitious Model High-Committement Model\n\n___________________________________________________\n\nnarrowly defined jobs Broadly defined jobs\n\nSpecialization of workers Rotation through jobs \n\nPay by peculiar(prenominal) job content Pay by skills mastered\n\n nigh supervised work self or peer lapse\n\nAssignment or transfers by Team assigns members to \n\nthe rule book cover demands in fictile fashion\n\nNo career development Promotion of encyclopedism and growth\n\nEmployees as individual parts Employees in a team\n\nEmployee kept carnal about Team runs as a business: \n\n military position symbols used to Status differences \n\nNo employee feedback Broad employee participation\n\n_______________________________________________________________\n\n It seems apparent that HMR practices have evolved to more worker friendly models out of necessity. Studies have found that use of specific practices, or what are more commonly reff ered to as high performance work practices enhances overall organizational practices. It was determined in a 1995 study that extensive recruitment and training procedures, incentive compensation and increased employe involvment are assosciated with lower levels of turnover, higher productivity, and recrudesce financial performance.\n\n With regard to identifying the pattern HR systemfor innovation, it may be that such a classic HR model would be to rigid for the innovative organization and its constantly changing needs. A flexible combination of traditional and high-commitment practices, and others found to be contingent upon(p) on a outline of innovation, may be what organizations need to remain successfully competative.\n\nIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! 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a-zhomework · 7 years
Human Resource Management-3
Online Assignment - A
1. Differentiate HRM and HRD. 2. Define human resource audit. 3. Why human resource planning is important? 4. What is Induction Programme? 5. Write a short note on simulated training. 6. Define Knowledge management. 7. Define compensation management. 8. 'What are the stages in career development?
Case Study for amity distance learning
Mr. Kumar Nidhi has been working as a manager (Credit Appraisal) in State Bank of Mysore since, 1990. He got first rank in his M.A. from Karnataka University in 1989. He rose from Officer-Grade IV to Officer-Grade I in a short span of 10 years. Personnel records of the bank shows that he is an efficient manager in Agricultural Credit, Industrial Credit and Credit to small business etc. The bank is planning to computerise the project appraisal department. In this connection, Mr. Kumar Nidhi was asked to take training in computer operations. But he was quite reluctant to undergo training. Q1. Why was Mr. Kumar Nidhi reluctant to undergo training? Discuss. Q2. What is job rotation? Q3. What are the determinants of learning from this case? ? Assignment C Q1. ________ are the resources that provide utility value to all other resources. a. Men b. Material c. Money d. Machinery Q2. The term procurement stands for a. recruitment and selection b. training and development c. pay and benefits d. health and safety Q3. The characteristics of human resources are ________ in nature a. homogeneous b. heterogeneous c. ductility d. None of the above Q4. Identify the managerial function out of the following functions of HR managers. a. procurement b. development c. organizing d. performance appraisal Q5. Which of the following is an example of operative function of HR managers? a. planning b. organizing c. procurement d. controlling Q6. The scope of human resource management includes a. procurement b. development c. compensation d. All of the above Q7. Human resource management is normally ________ in nature. a. proactive b. reactive c. combative d. None of the above Q8. The human resource management functions aim at a. ensuring that the human resources possess adequate capital, tool, equipment and material to perform the job successfully b. helping the organization deal with its employees in different stages of employment c. improving an organization's creditworthiness among financial institutions d. None of the above Q9. Which of the following aptly describes the role of line managers and staff advisors, namely HR professionals? a. Staff advisors focus more on developing HR programmes while line managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes. b. Line managers are concerned more about developing HR programmes whereas staff advisors are more involved in implementing such programmes. c. Staff advisors are solely responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the HR programmes while line managers are not all involved in any matters concerning HR. d. Line managers alone are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the HR programmes while staff advisors are not all involved in any matters concerning HR. Q10. In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with a. business strategy b. marketing strategies c. finance strategy d. economic strategy Q11. Which of the following is closely associated with strategic human resource management? a. efficient utilization of human resources b. attracting the best human resources c. providing the best possible training d. All of the above Q12. Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the _______ approach. a. hard HRM b. soft HRM c. medium HRM d. None of the above Q13. Strategic human resource management aims to achieve competitive advantage in the market through a. price b. product c. people d. process Q14. Wright and Snell made important contribution to the growth of a. Strategic fit model b. Strategic labour allocation process model c. Business-oriented model d. None of the above Q15. Strategic management process usually consists of _______ steps. a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven Q16. One of the components of corporate level strategy is a. growth strategy b. portfolio strategy c. parenting strategy d. All of the above Q17. Creating an environment that facilitates a continuous and two-way exchange of information between the superiors and the subordinates is the core of a. High involvement management model b. High commitment management model c. High performance management model d. None of the above Q18. Which one of the following is not a part of the external environment of an organization? a. social factors b. political factors c. legal factors d. organizational culture Q19. Identify the odd one out of the following factors a. organizational structure b. HR systems c. business strategy d. technology Q20. The first recorded human resource management initiative was made during a. the pre-industrial revolution era b. the First World War era c. the Second World War era d. None of the above Q21. What is the most important contribution of the Hawthorne studies? a. the discovery of the informal relationship and social groups among employees b. the significance of lighting and ventilation for performance c. the difference in the performance of male and female employees d. the relationship between the behaviour and performance Q22. The term environmental scanning stands for a. gathering data about the organization and its surroundings b. collecting information about the shareholders c. gathering information relating to the employees d. none of the above Q23. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y was introduced during a. the First World War` b. the Industrial revolution c. the Second World War d. the human relations movement Q24. One of the important assumptions of the ----perspective is that uncertainty in environment is more of an internal problem and less of an external problem a. objective environment perspective b. perceived environment perspective c. enacted environment perspective d. none of the above Q25. When an organization creates its own environment out of its knowledge of the environment, it has created a/an a. enacted environment b. perceived environment c. objective environment d. none of the above Q26. Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the a. job holder b. job c. management d. organization Q27. The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements, namely, a. job observation and job description b. job specification and job observation c. job description and job specification d. None of the above Q28. Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis? a. task b. duty c. position d. competitor Q29. The process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called a. job evaluation b. job design c. job classification d. job description Q30. The process of grouping of similar types of works together is known as a. job classification b. job design c. job evaluation d. job description Q31. The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of the relevant characteristics, duties, and responsibilities is known as a. job evaluation b. job design c. job specification d. job description Q32. The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called a. job design b. job classification c. job description d. job evaluation Q33. A structured questionnaire method for collecting data about the personal qualities of employees is called a. functional job analysis b. management position description questionnaire c. work profiling system d. none of the above Q34. The model that aims at measuring the degree of each essential ability required for performing the job effectively is known as a. Fleishman Job Analysis System b. common metric questionnaire c. management position description questionnaire d. functional job analysis Q35. The method that depends mainly on the ability and experience of the supervisors for gathering relevant information about the job is called the a. task inventory analysis method b. technical conference method c. diary maintenance method d. critical incident method Q36. Designing a job according to the worker's physical strength and ability is known as a. ergonomics b. task assortment c. job autonomy d. none of the above Q37. Which of the following is not a component of job design? a. job enrichment b. job rotation c. job reengineering d. job outsourcing Q38. Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called a. job rotation b. job reengineering c. work mapping d. job enrichment Q39. The basic purpose of human resource planning is to a. identify the human resource requirements b. identify the human resource availability c. match the HR requirements with the HR availability d. All of the above Q40. The primary responsibility for human resource planning lies with a. HR Manager b. general manager c. trade union leader d. line manager Click to Post
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Another Amazing Kickstarter (The First Smartwatch for Gamers by FMTwo Game Inc. —Kickstarter) has been published on http://crowdmonsters.com/new-kickstarters/the-first-smartwatch-for-gamers-by-fmtwo-game-inc-kickstarter/
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  Built specifically for people who love to game, Gameband is a powerful Smartwatch. It runs on one of the fastest processors for wearables in the world, has a stunning AMOLED display, WiFi, Bluetooth 4.2, and our own Android OS with a broad suite of productivity apps. 
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Gameband also has upgradable MicroSD capability, turning it into a high-speed portable gaming drive, that also hosts your photos, music, files and more. Our software & unique IC switch mean that when plugged into a computer the MicroSD runs our PixelFurnace game management and launch platform at USB3.0 speeds, and when connected via Bluetooth data can be accessed via mobile or audio devices.
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Special editions and mini-games: we’ve partnered for launch with two iconic brands to bring top name brands to your wrist. 
Atari, who brought gaming into the living room, are working with us to bring it to your wrist. Rewriting classic titles like Pong, Centipede and more for our 1:1 1.63″ display, with flush glass format for easy swiping, Gameband Atari Edition comes in Atari Red, with a variety of straps that let you show your love for this timeless gaming legend. We’ll be adding mini-games as stretch goals and looking for your help & input to decide which titles to chose.
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Terraria, one of the most amazing indie game titles on the planet, is another launch partner we are fortunate to have onboard. Incorporating some of the well known images and design elements of the game, we are also working with Terraria on an exclusive mini-game version that will incorporate both the technology and the context of Gameband: i.e. a product you will take into the real-world and your daily life. 
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  Gameband was designed in San Francisco by Matter Global; a design studio with a portfolio that includes Samsung, Google, Sonos, and Logitech. Their Chief designer, Max Burton, has been involved in almost 100 wearable projects, from Smartwatches to luxury watches.
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We had specific requirements for our design. It needed to be robust, as durable as a watch, while incorporating gaming influences and giving us the flexibility to create special editions, without overly complicating the manufacturing process. Drawing inspiration from rugged weaponry, vehicles and tools seen in games, the goal was to bring about a real-world device that you could just as easily imagine inside a game.
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The result was a two-piece frame, held in place with 4 bolt screws, delivering both a design objective, and a functionality objective all in one.
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Learn more about our design process by viewing full interviews with the team here: 
Interview with Max Burton, Founder and Chief Designer, Matter Global 
Interview with Toby Stopper, Industrial Designer, Matter Global 
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We’ve built Gameband and its design around the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 processor, arguably one of the fastest and most capable wearable processors in the market today.
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Rather than over stack Gameband with every conceivable component available to us, we focused on picking the core components essential to what we want Gameband to be: an amazing Smartwatch for people who love to game. 
That approach has several other benefits from a technical point of view: 
Less components = more space = larger battery & MicroSD slot
Less components = more affordable product
Less components = less manufacturing & quality risk
Less components = more budget for better processor & display
Another benefit of the Snapdragon processor is that it has already been designed for MicroSD support, which will further de-risk our development efforts.
Other key hardware areas for us are the inclusion of a square, 1:1 AMOLED 1.63″ display, WiFi 802.11 and Bluetooth 4.2 (way better for audio).
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Learn more about Qualcomm and Gameband by viewing the full interview with Jim Merrick, Director of Marketing, Qualcomm. 
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Technically there are four key areas that make Gameband work:
Hardware (processor and connectivity)
Software: (Android Operating System & companion Apps)
MicroSD solution (accessible by PC)
PixelFurnace (game launch software)
Our team has already shipped a product, to over 20 countries and 35 retailers, that required experience in all of the above areas.
With Qualcomm support we have been introduced and are working with a leading ODM with over a decade of experience in Android development and deployment, with multiple products already in market. Together we are making sure every feature we want to integrate in Gameband will be delivered as promised.
The core functionalities we have been testing and prototyping are as follows:
Basic Android Operation
General productivity app use
Companion App capability
Bluetooth Audio
Voice control (Alexa)
Mini-game operation
PixelFurnace launch via MicroSD
Backup and other backend services
In the video below you’ll get a sense of life at the Gameband office, and a down and dirty run through on the basic functions we have up and running.
You’ll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content.
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  We’re running Android Marshmallow 6.0.1.
Every Gameband will ship with a long list of pre-loaded apps, and have access to iOS and Android Phone based Companion Apps to help manage your Gameband. 
Apps shipping with Gameband include:
Phone Dialer
Alexa (voice AI)
Music player
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We’ll be  releasing more Watchfaces throughout the Kickstarter campaign. Expect gaming themes and requests for feedback!
Once Gameband launches we will be curating a ton of Watchfaces for people to download, and our companion app and PC app will both facilitate you creating and sharing your own Watchfaces.
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Remember these kind of devices?
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The one at the top was ‘Shark Attack’ and we played it ’til our fingertips were raw. Wearables aren’t as new as we pretend….the possibilities have just gotten bigger.
You can play games anywhere. A couple of rocks, a stick and some imagination, and you can game. Since the early arcade days, and later TV consoles, platforms, mobiles…..every time a new technology comes along people discover new ways to adapt it for gaming.  So when people see a Smartwatch and say that ‘the screen is too small’ to game on….we just see lack of imagination.
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Play Atari Retro games like Asteroids directly on your wrist.
It’s not just about the screen (even if we made the Gameband screen the best it can be)…..it’s about movement, gestures, voice, steps, location and lots more.  We believe that by building the right product, with the right technology and OS, partnered with great gaming studios…..you are going to see some amazing gaming experiences come to Gameband, and we can’t wait to share them with you.
We’ll be launching with these mini-games, with more to come in our stretch goals. 
Crystal Castles
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  Gameband’s MicroSD extends what users can do with the device, allowing them to play full PC version of games directly from Gameband on any computer using Gameband’s ‘PixelFurnace’ game management & launch platform, wirelessly play music on audio devices, and to store and access photos and files as alternative to clogged phone storage. 
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Plug and Play from your MicroSD using PixelFurnance
PixelFurnance is basically like an iTunes for Games, that you can take with you and plug in anywhere. For anyone that pledges for a MicroSD card coming from us, we will preload PixelFurnace on the MicroSD and we will include one years free backup on our secure servers.
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PixelFurnace, Gameband’s proprietary management and launch platform
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            Shipping: We’ve done our best to be accurate on shipping fees, however please be aware that you may be on the hook personally for customers fees and import taxes.
International backers: We will be shipping to most countries in the world barring the following countries due to logistical issues: Argentina, Belarus, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar/Burma, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
Straps: There is almost no substance in nature or created by man that will not cause an allergic reaction to somebody, somewhere. Our straps are all made from basic and common materials (silicon, leather, canvas nylon) however it is up to you to ensure Gameband is safe to wear. If you have sensitive skin than contact your doctor before wearing!
Battery life: People use devices like Gameband in so many different ways that it is almost impossible to say that the battery will last ‘x’ days. If all you do is play mini-games and while doing so you also keep wifi/bluetooth on, then don’t expect to get through the day. If all you do is use basic apps but then plug in and use the MicroSD (which automatically charges Gameband while in use) then you’ll get a few days of use.  What we can say is that the 400mAh battery we’ve included is the upper end of what you normally see in Smartwatches, and together with Qualcomm and our ODM we will continually look for ways to extend battery life.
Water resistance: Don’t go diving or taking a shower with Gameband. We will have at least IPX4 water resistance and during development we will try to improve this, and we will openly tell you how that works out and what the trade offs are.
HRM and GPS: In case you missed it in the specs: we do not have a heart rate monitor or GPS built in. This is so we had more room, and more money, for the things we did put in.  We are looking at partners who can help us build optional straps that do these things, for customers who really want this functionality.
Trademarks and IP: We’ve tried to respect everything we need to legally herein, both in terms of technology and marketing materials. If we missed anything it was not deliberate, please drop us a line and let us know. For clarity: this Gameband is not affiliated to Mojang SA in anyway (the makers of Minecraft), although our team has worked with them on a wearable band in the past. If you have a Minecraft license then it should work on the new and improved PixelFurnace that will ship with this Gameband. We’ll test and post an update on that in the future.
              Risks and challenges
We’ve taken lots of steps to ensure we deliver Gameband as promised.
Experience: Our team has worked at companies such as Apple, Epson, Nike, Disney, Lenovo and more. Our partners like Matter design and Qualcomm, and their respective partners….have together worked on literally 100’s of wearables; and from day one we’ve been hyper focused on not just producing a great product for customers, but one that can be manufactured effectively.
Durability: Wearables have to be incredibly durable as they are in constant contact with human skin. We’ll be putting Gameband through 40+ reliability tests for a wide range of environments to ensure it stands the test of time.
MicroSD: Our MicroSD solution allows access via PC with USB-C, and via tablets, phones and audio devices via bluetooth. That’s a lot of cross-platform activity! We have been testing and working with some of the worlds top storage and connectivity experts to ensure we do it right.
Production: We’ve planned electrical, design, and production testing into our schedule and we will share that progress every step of the way with our backers.
Focus: We also focused on doing a core number of things really well; a great (and proven) processor from Qualcomm, a high quality screen, wifi/bluetooth and a stable Android OS. We have foregone heart rate monitors, GPS and some other functionality in this version, why? to reduce risk and to ensure we do the best possible job we can on delivering the key features we believe matter to our customers. Less complexity = less risk.
Summary: So from design, to the team, to the partners we’re focused on delivering. We don’t just want to be remembered as a cool or a highly funded campaign (great as that would be!). We want to be remembered as the company that delivered as promised, and that over communicated our progress every step of the way.
Learn about accountability on Kickstarter
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HRM 430 Entire Class Compensation and Benefits Latest
HRM 430 Course Project Week 2 and Week 7 HRM 430 Course Project Week 2 Write a one-page (250–300 words) overview about the company and detail the compensation and/or benefit issue(s) you selected for your Course Project. This refers to items 2 and 3 items listed under Course Project Overview above. This short paper is worth 50 points. Preview: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or popularly known as Wal-Mart is presently the biggest and the leading retailer across the globe. Its sales as of 2015 reached $485.6 billion, which is generated by its more than 11,500 stores worldwide (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2015). Delivering the company’s performance are its more than 2.2 million… HRM 430 Course Project Week 7 The Course Project is due. The project should be 1,200–1,800 words, excluding title and reference page. It should include items 1–7 as listed under Course Project Overview above. The Course Project is worth 200 points. The course project relates to the compensation and benefit strategy of an organization. Students will select an organization that is experiencing challenges with its compensation and/or benefit program. Some examples where challenges exist within the organization’s compensation and benefit plan could include a high rate of employee turnover, an inability to recruit talented employees due to lack of proper compensation, an inability to fund an adequate benefit program, an incentive program where few employees reach their objectives, an inadequately funded retirement system, or a retirement plan that does not offer proper investment choices. Your paper will be graded according to how well you meet the tasks below. 1. Follow proper APA style/citations, grammar and punctuation, and so on. An APA tutorial is located on the HUB for assistance. 2. Identify an organization with compensation or benefits challenges. It could be an organization with which you are familiar personally or through the media. 3. Provide a detailed review of the compensation and/or benefit challenge (problem) at the organization. It is recommended that you concentrate on the principle compensation and/or benefit challenge(s) within a single organization, rather than a number of less important issues. Be careful to avoid selecting a topic that is too broad. At the same time, the challenge facing the organization should be broad enough to provide multiple strategies to help resolve the problem. 4. Discuss the compensation and/or benefits strategies other organizations have utilized related to your challenge, along with a review of their success and failure. As an example, if you are interested in an employee assistance program and why usage is less than expected, detail the strategies other organizations have followed to improve participation and see a return on their investment. Information regarding other organizations should be gathered through a research process and consist with academic-quality materials rather than word-of-mouth information. 5. Recommend the strategy you propose the organization should follow to address its compensation and/or benefit challenge. Explain why you have selected this strategy. Include research (theory) to substantiate your selection. 6. Discuss impediments to this strategy, including any contingency plans that should be considered. 7. Finally, detail how the strategy you propose would address the organization’s challenge (as detailed in step 2 above) and its impact on both the organization and the employee. Include specific items that should be included in the action plan. Preview: Recognizing the global scale of Wal-Mart’s operation, a sudden jump of 50% on its employees’ wages can take a big chunk of its operational cost and could even lead to detrimental losses for the first time in its history. To address this adverse impact, Wal-Mart may opt to implement this strategy in phases and/or prioritize execution in strategic location or business unit, where it generates, or expect to have significant sale volume. It may also choose to go slow to minimize adverse impact. According to Wal-Mart’s 2015 Annual report, of its $482 billion sales in the year, $288B or about 60% came from Wal-Mart U.S., followed by $136B or 28% from Wal-Mart International and… HRM 430 Assignment Week 3 Your assignment is to write a short paper (500–750 words) defining compensation, compensation philosophy, and critical components of a compensation strategy. Provide one solid example of an effective compensation practice/policy. Your paper will be graded on the following: • definition of compensation; • overview of compensation philosophy; • critical components of a compensation strategy; and • example of an effective compensation practice/policy. Your paper must be prepared utilizing the APA format and should include external, academic-quality references. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Preview: Compensation and benefits are critical from both the employers and employees point of views. For employees, although this is not the only consideration for accepting a job, it is a major determinant, and often, the higher is the salary offer, the better. On the other hand, for the employers, while offering a low compensation package might turn… HRM 430 Midterm Exam DeVry 100% Correct (TCO 1) Compensation represents both _____ rewards. Intrinsic and extrinsic Introverted and extroverted Income and outcome Enter and exit (TCO 1) Which theory states that employees’ knowledge and skills generate productive capital? Job characteristics theory Expectancy theory Equity theory Human capital theory (TCO 1) Which constituency group turns to compensation professionals for advice about setting appropriate pay rates for jobs? Employees Line managers Unions Executives (TCO 1) What is a planned effort to facilitate employees’ learning of job-related knowledge, skills, or behaviors? Training Labor-management relations Career development Performance appraisal (TCO 5) According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which of the following is projected through the year 2012? The percentage of women in the workforce will decrease. The percentage of Asian people in the workforce will decrease. Total employment will decrease about 15%. Total employment will increase about 15%. (TCO 5) Which one of these issues is not addressed by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938? Overtime pay Child labor provisions Executive compensation Minimum wage (TCO 7) Which performance appraisal error reflects the tendency to rate every employee at the low end of the rating scale, regardless of actual performance? Negative halo error Error of central tendency Contrast errors Errors of strictness (TCO 7) Gunther Rohn was rewarded for making a suggestion that saved Ewe and Eye Electronics thousands of dollars. Which type of incentive compensation approach might have worked best? Gain-sharing plan Group incentive programs Employee stock ownership plan Management incentive plans (TCO 7) According to the job characteristics theory, this core characteristic refers to the amount of freedom, independence, and discretion the employee enjoys in determining how to do the job. Feedback Autonomy Task identity Skill variety (TCO 5) Age discrimination of employees of federal contractors is prohibited by which executive order? 11414 11411 11141 11114 (TCO 5) What are the revised guidelines introduced in 2004 for determining whether jobs are exempt from FLSA overtime pay provisions? Overtime Nonexempt Rules Glass Ceiling Act Fair Pay Rules Bennett Amendment (TCO 5) Which legislation removed barriers to free commerce and restored equality of bargaining power? Civil Rights Act of 1964 Equal Pay Act of 1963 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (TCO 4) The federal government’s General Schedule is an example of what kind of pay system? Merit pay Seniority-based pay Knowledge-based pay Longevity pay (TCO 4) This occurs when a rater generalizes good performance behavior in one aspect of the job to all aspects of the job. Similar-to-me effect First-impression effect Positive halo effect Negative halo effect (TCO 4) Management by objectives is one method of which type of performance appraisal? 360-degree performance appraisal Goal-focused system Goal-oriented system Behaviorally anchored system (TCO 4) Which performance appraisal system is based on writing performance behaviors as expectations, not as observed incidents? NBO BOS BARS CIT (TCO 4) These are the four core characteristics of the job characteristics theory. Feedback, task variety, skill variety, autonomy Knowledge, skill identity, autonomy, feedback Skill variety, task identity, autonomy, feedback Skill identity, autonomy, task variety, feedback (TCO 4) These are four pay-for-knowledge programs. Cross-departmental training systems, skill blocks model, job-point accrual model, breadth-of-skills model Stair-step model, skill blocks model, job-point accrual model, cross-departmental training systems Job-point accrual model, cross-sectional training system, stair-step model, skill blocks model Cross-skills training system, stair-step model, job-point accrual model, skill blocks model (TCO 4) Which of the following are the main reasons for the increased costs associated with pay-for-knowledge programs? Increased compensation benefits, higher training costs, increased overhead costs Higher payroll costs, increased overhead costs, higher training costs Increased overhead costs, increased compensation benefits, higher payroll costs Increased compensation benefits, higher training costs, and higher payroll costs (TCO 4) Which person-focused model links pay levels to increased knowledge and skills within the same general job category? Stair-step model Skill blocks model Job-point accrual model Cross-departmental model (TCO 8) Which gain-sharing program is based on a labor hour ratio and has a buy-back provision? Rucker Improshare Scanlon plan Management incentive plan (TCO 8) Which gain-sharing plan focuses on lowering the percentage of labor costs using a value-added formula? Rucker plan Scanlon plan Behavior encouragement plan Improshare (TCO 8) This formula for determining the amount available for profit sharing uses a specific percentage of annual profits contingent upon the successful attainment of a specified profit goal. Fluctuating first dollar of profits Differed first dollar of profits Graduated first dollar of profits Fixed first dollar of profits (TCO 2) These two are job evaluation techniques. Market based and job context Market context and job based Market based and job content Market context and job content (TCO 2) Which unit in the job analysis process is the smallest? Task Element Job Family (TCO 3) This BLS survey provides the quarterly measure of changes in labor and compensation costs, and is used as the principle economic indicator for the Federal Reserve. National Compensation Survey Employment Cost Index Employer Costs for Employee Compensation National Benefit Index (TCO 3) When examining competitors’ compensation offerings, this term is used to describe the percentage of employer compensation costs that are applied to compensation and benefits. Mix Quartile Standard percentile Nominal dollars (TCO 6) Which pay structure reflects the increasing organizational trend toward flatter, less hierarchical corporate structures? Two-tier pay structure Broadbanding Market-competitive pay structure Internally consistent pay structure (TCO 6) These represent the horizontal dimension of pay structures. Pay ranges Pay grades Job evaluation points Pay spreads (TCO 8) Which of the following is a characteristic of the Scanlon plan? Gain-sharing formulas are based on the ratio between labor costs and productivity levels. Gain-sharing formulas are based on the ratio between labor costs and production costs. Gain-sharing formulas are based on the ratio between production costs and sales value of production. Gain-sharing formulas are based on the ratio between labor costs and sales value of production. HRM 430 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 576 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Compensation System and Unions and Compensation Discussions Week 1 All Posts 82 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Compensation System Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 40 Pages DeVry Discuss the general goals of an organization’s compensation system, including how a compensation strategy works to support the organization’s business strategy. Which, in your opinion, provides the biggest bang for the buck vis-a-vis employee engagement, productivity and morale? As you look at your organization, how could you address a shortfall in the compensation strategy? What would you change? What happens if the organization can’t afford to be “equal” in the market when it comes to pay? What other alternatives are there?… HRM 430 Unions and Compensation Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 42 Pages DeVry Explain how you would partner with a union in creating a compensation strategy (you do not have to have worked in a union or been a union member to respond to this question). Describe how the FLSA, union, and employer work together in support of employee wages. I’ve learned that “relationship building” is the key to forging win-win outcomes not only on collective bargaining agreements, but also day to day union/employee issues. As a follow-up question, what actions can employers take to forge such relationships? Look at UPS, which is 100% unionized…100%. The company thrives and employees are happy so obviously management has tapped the secret recipe toward effective union/management relations. Thoughts? Opposing points of view? In your own opinion, can you please cite 3 PROS and 3 CONS to union membership?… HRM 430 Merit Pay and Incentive Plans Discussions Week 2 All Posts 75 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Merit Pay Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 38 Pages DeVry Define the concept of merit pay and the advantages and limitations of a merit pay system. Are your incentive compensation plans designed with a “pay for performance” objective? Do they create a meritocracy? What is a performance-based organization? How does it relate to compensation? Is this the same as achieving a meritocracy? Do you believe that pay is a motivator? If so, why? How can merit pay motivate employees and increase their performance? Thoughts and/or experiences?… HRM 430 Incentive Plans Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 37 Pages DeVry Discuss how incentive pay plans, both individual and group, motivate employees to achieve high levels of performance. Offer one individual and group incentive pay strategy that would work best in your organization. I would like you to discuss (a) whether your organization’s pay plans actually motivate workers; and (b) whether you agree or disagree that pay is a human motivator. Feel free to disagree as there has been much written about this subject. If you have time, Google “comparable pay” and see what you find. There has been considerable research from Ed Lawler and other theorists that portend that pay is indeed a motivator especially for CEOs. How does merit pay create a more productive workforce? What are your thoughts about the current movement to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour? Do you think this will adequately motivate and increase productivity for employees who occupy positions that earn less than $10.00/hour today?… HRM 430 Market Competitive System and Job Evaluation Discussions Week 3 All Posts 82 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Market Competitive System Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 42 Pages DeVry Discuss the basic building blocks of a market competitive pay system, including the relationship between internal and external equity. In your readings and lecture this week you will learn about market competitive pay, which should be the driver of any compensation system. You will be exposed to the notion of internal and external equity. I encourage you to Google “competitive worth” as it gets to the root of compensation being a satisfier or disatisfier. When an employee is working side by side with another who is earning more, what happens? How would that make you feel? So what’s the fix? Thoughts? What is meant by the 50% vs. 75th market percentile? Why would one be used vs. the other?… HRM 430 Job Evaluation Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 40 ages DeVry Provide a brief overview of the job evaluation process, including the importance of compensable factors. Detail the compensable factors of a position you are familiar with and their impact on that position’s salary. I’m looking forward to reading your posts regarding job evaluation processes, which are the primary drivers begin many HR tools for hiring and professional development. To start, cite the compensable factors of any position you know, your own or otherwise, and discuss the impact on that position’s salary or hourly wage. What is the role of the HR generalist in the job evaluation process? Is his/her role any different from that of the hiring manager? Who in the HR Department has ultimate responsibility for creating, revising and maintaining accurate, current job descriptions?… HRM 430 Legally Required Benefits and Role of Benefits Discussions Week 4 All Posts 83 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Legally Required Benefits Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 44 Pages DeVry Provide a general overview of legally required benefits, including their purpose in society. This week’s discussion thread is a rather interesting as you’re being prompted to research and share the health and wellness benefits that are “legally required” by law. The fact that these laws are required should correlate to a useful purpose for their existence. Please share both and let’s have a healthy dialogue. What is the purpose of the Social Security Act and how does it affect the compensation of today’s employee? Do employers match the percentage SSI assessed against employees? Since the SSA no longer mails statements, how can citizens access their annual social security statements?… HRM 430 Role of Benefits Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 39 Pages DeVry Discuss the role of benefits in compensation. Review the primary reasons an organization provides benefits to its employees; predict future trends in relation to employee benefits. The term “Total Rewards” is commonly used in business today to represent the sum of cash compensation (salaries and wages), health benefits and retirement plans. Discuss the role of these benefits in regard to an employee’s total compensation package. Review the primary reasons an organization provides these benefits to its employees but most important, think about the changing times we live in with rising costs of benefits…and how so many companies are changing philosophies on what their obligations should be. What is the difference between defined contribution vs. defined benefit programs? Which have become more cost-effective for employers? What is the range of match percentages across good and poor plans? What are the primary reasons for this unfortunate trend?… HRM 430 Employee Benefits and Retirement Programs Discussions Week 5 All Posts 86 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Employee Benefits Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 47 Pages DeVry Employers offer a large variety of benefits. In recent years, we have seen some of those benefit offerings reduced. What benefit trends are you seeing with employers? What impact do you feel these changes will have long term? In order to adequately participate in this week’s discussion thread on employee benefits, I want you to research the impact of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act of 2010. The A.C.A. has dramatically changed an employer’s obligation with regard to offering “affordable” health care coverage for its employees due to the obligatory “employer mandate.” In addition, it has dramatically increased the overall cost of health care premiums for every American causing many carriers to drop out of the program and others like United Healthcare to consider same. I suggest you Google any of the following and report your findings to this discussion thread: 1. Obamacare 2. Patient Protection Act 3. Affordable Care Act In 2018, the Cadillac Tax will be imposed on those businesses on some companies as a result of ACA. What is this tax and why will it be assessed?… HRM 430 Retirement Programs Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 39 Pages DeVry In the United States, we have seen a trend towards defined compensation programs from defined benefit programs. Many employers have moved in this direction to help them be more competitive. What are some reasons that these benefit programs are offered? How are they designed? What are some trends that you see with the design of the programs? What is the difference between defined contribution vs. defined benefit programs? Which have become more cost-effective for employers? As you know from your readings and research, fewer employees today are receiving company-paid retirement benefits than 10 years ago. What are the primary reasons for this unfortunate circumstance?… HRM 430 Executive Pay and Contingent Workers Discussions Week 6 All Posts 79 Pages DeVry HRM 430 Executive Pay Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 42 Pages DeVry Contrast executive pay with nonexecutive pay, including a discussion on executive core and deferred compensation packages. This discussion thread attempts to delineate between executive and non-executive compensation. As a former senior executive and leader of my company’s executive compensation function, I can share that the Board of Directors Compensation Committee governs compensation for senior leaders. The committee met twice annually (February and October) to review and set total compensation. Senior executive pay generally consists of a base salary, short-term cash bonus and long-term stock bonus which can take the form of stock options, performance shares or restricted stock. These shares usually have a vesting period of 3, 4 or 5 years. Vesting can be graduated (% over each year) or cliff (all at the end of the vesting period). Depending upon one’s level, short and long term incentives should exceed base salary by 2 or more times. Share what you have learned in the readings this week that supports my assessment. What is the function of a company’s compensation committee? Are all companies (privately-held, not-for-profit and publically-traded) required to have one? Who generally chairs the Board of Directors compensation committee? How is the committee structured?… HRM 430 Contingent Workers Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 37 Pages DeVry Contingent workers are assuming a greater role in today’s organization. With that as a background, discuss compensation and benefit issues associated with the following workers: part time, temporary, independent, and flexible/telecommuting. One generally sees a high volume of contingent workers in the retail/wholesale/distribution industry as they gear up for holiday seasons and such. In my company, the Auto Parts retail stores business, our season begins in April with the warmer weather and generally slows down in November and December when families stop driving on vacations. Our sales pick up during that period so we staff our stores with what we call “Variable Service Part-Timers” which is nothing more than a contingent worker. Please share your experiences with contingent workers and how they are compensated. How does the fee process work for contingent workers (a) when they are hired; and (b) when they are converted to a permanent position? Fewer employees today have full-time jobs than ever before. The last statistic showed a 10% decrease in full-time jobs in the last 5 years. What can be done to reverse this trend and still compete internationally?… HRM 430 Compensating Expatriates and Benefits in Other Countries Discussions Week 7 All Posts 89 Pages DeVry
HRM 430 Compensating Expatriates Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 40 Pages DeVry Companies have a variety of factors to consider when looking at compensating expatriates. What goes into this discussion? What are some common methods of payment, and how are they used? What is the “average timeframe” associated with expatriate assignments? What are some items that companies look at when determining expatriate pay? What types of business circumstances would require the deployment of expatriate employees? How is housing in the host country handled? Who pays for expatriate housing…the employer or employee?… HRM 430 Benefits in Other Countries Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 49 Pages DeVry Compare the benefits provided within the United States to those offered in other countries. What is different in terms of benefit offerings and benefits funding? What strategies do other countries utilize in their benefit offerings that you would want to consider? What tools do you have at your disposal to incentivize employees to seriously evaluate and consider such assignments?… HRM 430 Final Exam DeVry (TCO 1) Which pay structures represent companies’ compensation policies that fit with their business objectives? (Points : 5) Market competitive Internally consistent Equitable Analytical (TCO 1) Which of the following is not a part of core compensation? (Points : 5) Incentive pay Skill-based pay Discretionary benefits Cost-of-living adjustments (TCO 2) Medicare Part A is based on what type of healthcare option? (Points : 5) Preferred provider plan Medical savings account Managed care option Fee for service (TCO 3) Helen believes that the company should share part of the risk for her sales position. Which sales compensation plan should she pursue? (Points : 5) Salary-plus-bonus plan Commission-only plan Commission-plus-draw plan Salary-plus-commission plan (TCO 3) What would Yolanda’s salary of $165,000 be considered if the mean salary for Acme Inc. is $30,000 and the median salary is $32,000? (Points : 5) Outlayer Outsider Outlier Outliner (TCO 4) Basing the share of profits on job performance is characteristic of which type of employee distribution system? (Points : 5) Proportional payments based on contribution to profit Equal payments Graduated first dollar of profit Proportional payments based on annual salary (TCO 4) This formula for determining the amount available for profit sharing uses a specific percentage of annual profits contingent upon the successful attainment of a specific profit goal. (Points : 5) Fluctuating first dollar of profits Differed first dollar of profits Graduated first dollar of profits Fixed first dollar of profits (TCO 5) This type of bargaining occurs when unions shift from bargaining more for job security than higher wages. (Points : 5) Conciliatory Concessionary Collective Compensatory (TCO 5) Which of the following laws set prevailing wage rates for companies that provide services to the U.S. government? (Points : 5) Civil Rights Act of 1991 Equal Pay Act of 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 (TCO 5) The collective bargaining system was established by the passage of which federal act? (Points : 5) Davis-Bacon Act National Labor Relations Act Wagner Act Union Labor Relations Act (TCO 6) You broke your leg at work. The company called to inform you that they had to switch your benefits from the short-term disability account to the long-term account. That means you have probably been off work around how long? (Points : 5) 1 month 6 month 18 month 12 month (TCO 6) This term describes a set of skills necessary to perform a specific job or a group of similar jobs. (Points : 5) Skill range Skill grade Skill block Skill structure (TCO 7) Which of the following is not a factor in determining whether an individual will find a just-meaningful difference from a merit increase? (Points : 5) The individual’s length of service with the company The individual’s cost of living The individual’s expectations of rewards from the job The individual’s attitude toward the job (TCO 7) Acme Company pays a portion of company profits to its employees. What kind of companywide incentive plan does Acme Co. offer? (Points : 5) Employee stock option plan Deferred profit-sharing plan Current profit-sharing plan Employee stock ownership plan (TCO 8) Which of the following is true of most general stock compensation plans? (Points : 5) The company stock shares represent equity segments of equal value. Employees own the stock upon purchase. Company stock represents partial equity in the company. Stock options refer to what an employee can do with the stock once he or she purchases it. (TCO 8) Which type of compensation program is based, in part, on the human capital theory? (Points : 5) Merit pay Seniority pay Incentive pay Skill-based pay (TCO 9) This term refers to the percentage of the health bill the insured employee is required to pay. (Points : 5) Copayment Copremiums Coinsurance Coadmission (TCO 9) This vesting requires employers to grant employees 100% vesting after no more than 3 years of service. (Points : 5) Graduate Participative Cliff Ridge (TCO 10) After the recent merger of ABC and XYZ Airlines, the former CFO of XYZ Airlines lost his employment in the newly merged airline. Which compensation agreement extends pay and benefits for him?(Points : 5) Phantom stock Discount stock option plans Incentive stock options Golden parachutes (TCO 10) The SEC requires compensation information on the CEO and how many of the most highly paid executives? (Points : 5) Six Five Four Three (TCO 9) If the CEO of a new company asked you how much per employee she would be taxed by FUTA, what would you tell her? (Points : 5) 3.5% of the first $7,000 6.2% of the first $7,000 6.2% of the first $10,000 3.5% of the first $10,000 (TCO 9) These represent a series of payments for the life of the participant and beneficiary. (Points : 5) Collateral payments Lump sum distributions Periodic payments Annuities (TCO 3) Which job evaluation method entails ordering jobs based on extremes? (Points : 5) Paired comparison Alternation ranking Classification Factor comparison (TCO 3) These two are job evaluation techniques. (Points : 5) Market based and job context Market content and job based Market based and job content Market context and job content (TCO 10) What key questions would you address in determining whether U. S. executives are paid too much? Please discuss in detail and provide examples. (Points : 30) There are a lot of good questions for trying to figure out whether or not U.S. Executives are being overpaid. O’Leary, a professor of industrial-organizational psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga asked the following question regarding executives:… (TCO 10) Discuss the three main types of bonuses common in executive compensation. Please discuss in detail and provide examples of each type of bonus. (Points : 30) Three types of bonuses common in executive compensation are long-term incentives; executive benefits ,and perquisites. Long-term incentives are rewards that are… (TCO 8) Compare and contrast the various multi-skill-based pay systems—the stair-step model, the skill blocks model, the job-point accrual method, and the cross-departmental model. Please discuss in detail and provide examples. (Points : 30) In the stair step model, members are allowed to sponsor any number of associates or frontline distributors. The pay scale is based on the volume being generated in the… (TCO 8) List and discuss four possible limitations of merit pay programs. Please discuss in detail and provide examples for each of the limitations. (Points : 30) One possible limitation is that there is no 100% objective way of differentiating various employees’ performance in order to determine who… (TCO 7) Merit pay is strengthened when you utilize the job analysis process. Discuss in detail how job analysis can be used to strengthen the legal standard of a company. Provide three examples. (Points : 30) Job analysis can be used to justify pay differences between men and women in the workplace in order to avoid… (TCO 6) Discuss the link between a company’s pay level policy and its strategic mandate. Provide at least three examples. (Points : 30) A firm can choose from three pay level policies: 1) market lead, 2) market lag, or 3)… (TCO 5) Compare and contrast the types of claims that can be made under workers’ compensation programs. (Points : 30) Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides wage replacement as well as medical benefits to… (TCOs 1, 2, 3, and 6) Explain how an incentive pay system, when properly applied, can contribute to companies meeting the goals of lowest cost and differentiation strategies. Provide an example. (Points : 30) An incentive pay system can contribute to companies in the following ways:… For firms pursuing a lowest cost strategy, a large concern is reducing output costs per…. (TCO 1) Distinguish between functional and dysfunctional turnover. Explain how compensation practices contribute to dysfunctional turnover. Provide an example of each. (Points : 30) Employee turnover is the rate at which employees are leaving a company on an annual basis. This can be expressed as a…
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