#Which in this universe he would absolutely lovingly get from Andrew
jtl-fics · 1 year
For Want of a Nail
New Kings If Neil hadn't gone to Hernandez's house? (@stabbyfoxandrew)
New Kings AU | Unusual Fic Asks - Closed
Andrew felt like he was going to crawl out of his skin. It'd been a month and a half since anyone had heard anything from Neil Josten. Neil Josten may not even exist anymore but everyone was telling him to be calm, telling him to wait.
He snapped at the upperclassmen who did not matter and drew his knives more than once just to make them shut the fuck up. He wants to leave, wants to head out and start tracking down clues to find Neil and bring him back.
If he has to go to jail then he'll go to jail. It's never scared him before and it's not about to scare him now. He is more than happy to be Neil's trophy husband this time around when he gets out.
He makes plans to leave in the dead of night. He writes letters to Aaron, Kevin, Nicky, Wymack, and Betsy to explain himself but in the end that's the only kindness he can give them.
Neil had long been the highest thing on his totem poll. He has no idea what it would take to have someone come above Neil or to have Neil's importance to him wane.
He has plans to lock himself in a storage unit he's rented that is temperature controlled and remote so no one will hear him screaming for his medication. He can't be going through withdrawal on the meds.
He leaves the Tower in the dead of night and makes his way over to his GS having already started to come off of his medication slightly so that he'd be sober enough to drive out of town.
"Where are you going? It's not safe for you to drive." comes a voice and oh great he's hallucinating Neil. It was something he'd often done back at East Haven, his perfect pipedream always just out of reach.
"I'm going to go get you. I'm sober for the next hour before the effects start to hit." he returns with a roll of his eyes.
"Get me?" his hallucination asks. Andrew doesn't want to turn and look into Neil's young face. He's not sure he can handle seeing it.
"You ran off before Wymack, Kevin, and I could get you." Andrew scrubs a hand through his hair wondering why he's talking to this figment of his withdrawal. Except he knows why and that reason why is that he misses Neil desperately.
"Andrew...are you..." he hears the figment of his imagination trail off and then footsteps and then-
His hallucinations have never been able to actually touch him.
He whips around and there standing in the parking lot at 3 AM is a young and exhausted looking Neil Josten. Andrew's hands shoot up to cup Neil's face and he is alive and warm under his fingertips.
"Drew, it's you." Neil says with a watery smile and that was all he managed to get out before he pitched forward and utterly collapsed into Andrew's arms.
"Neil?" Andrew questions before realizing that Neil had truly lost consciousness, he can feel Neil's forehead burning against his shoulder where it lay"Neil!" he exclaims and gets a proper arm around Neil before he falls to the ground. He manages to get the passenger door to the GS open and puts Neil inside before rushing around to the other side.
Abby's old address in mind he twisted the key and started her up. Stomach churning as he broke speed limits and ran lights.
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      Three Summer Taquilla Behemoths in Cinemas!       WOKE! Film Reviews...Halfway Through Summer                                        by Lucas A Cavazos
It goes without saying that Disney is undoubtedly the strongest hand in all of cinema. They have proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt over many decades but definitely most recently, what with the takeover of Pixar and LucasFilms and Marvel Studios and and and… As I hinted at last time, growing up, whether in Texas or Brooklyn, my dorky bum always had that weekly subscription of Entertainment Weekly waiting for me come week’s end. And that meant I had all the box office data, top album sales, Nielsen TV ratings, book sales and such all there to satiate my stats-obsessed appetite. Now, I bring to you a summer run-down of what fare has been most successful throughout this first half of the summer. Believe it or not, we are only halfway through the summer cinema season and these last six or seven weeks mark the last summer fare that either got delayed from the early summer due to concern of being pulverised by these upcoming blockbusters, or they are merely getting rid of fodder too long on the shelf or in need of distribution.
I’d dare say in fact that it was a rather smart move on behalf of Guy Ritchie and the entire marketing team behind the live-action remake of Aladdin, to release it just before the summer season truly hit. It is now fast closing in on 25€M in Spain alone, and has surpassed 1.1€B globally…quite an accomplished feat and second in box office stealth only behind Endgame for 2019 so far.
But let’s please talk newer reviews first as Disney’s The Lion King ###-1/2 burst into Spanish cinemas with a loud roar two weeks ago, and the same can be said of its success worldwide. Now soon to pass 19€M in Spain in a matter of mere days and more than 1.0€B globally, we at Bitter Life are pleased to say that the film, much like the formerly mentioned live-action remake, is a thing of wonder. What director Jon Favreau, who so lovingly concocted the impeccable remake of The Jungle Book a few years ago, does so well is adapt a timeless, and much beloved, cartoon classic into a breathtaking adventure story of the animal kingdom. One thing is for certain, if you are a true lover of the cartoon, this film will merely be palatable. For those few of us who were none too keen on the cartoon and its cheese-tactic musical numbers nor its cornball last-attempts at Top 40 numbers by Elton John, this film is quite the spectacle to behold. Telling the story of a proud lineage of lions who preside over what could best be described more as a savannah than a jungle, this rendering gives us a lifelike portrayal of fathers and sons, duty and honour, and is easily a testament to whatever family means to any individual. Apart from the brilliant, yet almost frightening, way in which the creators have anthropomorphised the creatures into almost too-real perfection, there isn’t too much to tell that the viewer is not going to know already, and thereby lies a part of the challenge that I find intriguing. While Disney continues to take risks in revamping their classics into live-action newer ones, do they then run the risk of petering out of new ideas? I mean, now that they have Pixar and so many more studios to pick up the slack, will we slowly see the demise of the annual big, Disney cartoon classic? We already have Frozen 2 appearing soon enough in cinemas, but even that is not building anything new and original into the cartoon oeuvre…it’s a damn sequel. I say it’s fair enough that most all investments in Disney live-action prequels are bound to be successful in terms of box office. Still, few of them will boast the talent power of Beyonce and Donald Glover, along with original Mufasa James Earl Jones, plus John Oliver, Seth Rogen, Keegan-Michael Key, Alfre Woodard. Amy Sedaris and so many more. These artists breathe life into a fun, if tired, film that we’ve all seen before, just never in this way. Here’s to hoping the tots of today don’t scare too much from the frolicking if fierce, fun found in this film.
The next big movie that has blown up the taquillas here in Spain is also the best one of the lot…Toy Story 4 ####.  If we have to wait nearly a decade between film sequels to have this type of wonderment thrown lovingly at our eyes, I’ll gladly take it and wait. So far, the film has taken in a nearly whopping 19€M in Spain alone, and it is also nearing 950€M worldwide, so far be it from me to deny that absolute scores of millions agree that this film marks itself in our hearts yet again. It is rather surreal that over the span of well over a generation, the creators have moved through the mid-90s to damn near 2020 with the same revolving door of a family, while carefully detailing the intricacies of our own nostalgia…and playing on that also forces us to love it.  Again, I dare say that they have achieved that tremendously throughout the entirety of the series’ lifespan. The premise this time revolves around Andy, now all grown up and, I’d suppose well past grad school, has donated his toys to little sister Bonnie, who has her own taste on what she prefers to play with versus her older brother, and dear ol’ cowpoke Woody, sensing certain neglect under the ownership of Bonnie, sneaks himself into her rucksack one day y voila!…the new adventure commences. The others set off to search for Woody, outdone by no one less than Buzz Lightyear, who is allowing himself to be led by his inner voice, which fits wonderfully into the guffaws of this type of silly and campy humour. What I began to notice while the screening went on is that the film continues to come up with a specific theme that ties itself into the plot, the denouement and frankly, throughout the film. Simply put, that would be the fear of rejection or not being wanted/accepted. Herein is where story developers like John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Rashida Jones, Stephany Folsom, amongst others, and all under the directing tutelage of Josh Cooley, spring to life and steer the film into witty and on-fleek, au courant elements that should make excellent fodder for post-parental conversations! What more can be said? Steal away and grab a 10’er and retreat to the coolness of your local cineplex!
Lastly, the other big box office behemoth so far this summer in Spain’s movie houses is Spider Man: Far From Home ###-1/2, with just under 12€M reaped into the Spanish taquilla coffers. This time around finds us back in live-action mode and with our recurring Marvel characters picking up after the what can only be described as intense ending of Avengers:Endgame. Okay then, while I was not a fan of the new Peter Parker with Homecoming from a couple of years back, I can now see how Tom Holland has taken a stab at ye olde generic if endearing dork-that-could appeal, and he feels much more fluid now a few Marvel flicks in. Director Jon Watts and go-to writers McKenna and Sommers seem to strike a chord with their flow, though we really do have to wait until the last half of the film to see the ebb actually catch up with that flow. Here’s why…our Marvel superheroes have gone bye bye, you dig? Flashbacks of the fallen Marvel superheroes actually made me a tad sad to be honest, so when the injection of the last part kicks in with all its CGI glory, what I take the director and writers to be doing, this time around, is actually showing us how Parker is growing into his own belief within himself and his powers. Zendaya as his love interest, and I’ve monitored her from afar for quite some time, is fun as hell to watch, and she should seriously star in a film version of Sade’s life story, but it really does come down to the charm and vivid need for suspension of disbelief that envelops the characters towards the end of the film. This has a lot to do with the enter-stage-right presence of Quentin Beck, a.k.a. Mysterio, played with an enigmatic if smug awareness by Jake Gyllenhaal, and frankly, all of the myriad cast of characters do their thang to breathe a sense of renewal just when you think the film is getting a tad too slow and eager. From Sam Jackson to Marisa Tomei, though perhaps not Jon Favreau as Stark caretaker Happy Hogan…he’s best suited as a director of Disney re-boots these days, me thinks (see The Lion King review above). Apart from all that, I’d say the Marvel universe has quite rightly fixed another pathway into the continuance of the Spiderverse journey.
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a2zinvestigations · 7 years
A2Z Investigations Woman Becomes Private Eye to Help Solve Murder of Best Friend Killed in 1984
The best friend of a woman whose murder went unsolved for more than two decades has helped catch her killer after refusing to give up in a quest for justice.
Sheila Wysocki and Angela Samota were inseparable.
The young women had been randomly paired as roommates in their freshman year at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, in 1982, and to hear Wysocki describe it, it was kismet.
“We were very different in some ways, but our family dynamics were pretty much the same. I didn’t have a father and she didn’t have a father and so that brought us together,” Wysocki, 55, told Barcroft.
Their friendship grew for two years, until tragedy struck.
Samota, lovingly known as Angie, was found raped and stabbed 18 times in her own home on Oct. 12, 1984.
The attack was so brutal that police initially thought Samota’s heart had been removed from her body.
She was 20.
Wysocki learned of her best friend’s killing by a phone call.
"The murder happened and my entire life and security crumbled," Wysocki said.
She immediately made it a priority to help police find who was responsible, even agreeing to talk with a suspect to see if his alibi was consistent.
“I drove over there and I’m thinking, 'Is this guy is a murderer?'" she said.
But the man’s alibi checked out, and just six weeks into the investigation of Samota’s murder, the case went cold.
"I became fearful," Wysocki said. “I was fearful because you know at the very beginning you didn’t know who killed her. You didn’t know if it was her boyfriend. You didn’t know if it was an acquaintance that we all ran around with. So going out was off the table. I dropped out of college; I moved back home and I was done."
Wysocki went on to marry. She moved to Nashville, Tenn. and started a family. She went on with life as best she could, but she couldn't forget Samota or the questions that remained unanswered.
Then in 1995, an unlikely source gave Wysocki the inspiration she needed.
"I was pregnant with my second child and I remember sitting in bed and watching the [OJ Simpson] trial thinking, 'Oh, so there’s this thing called DNA' — which I had heard about at college," she said. "They said they could actually take that DNA and put it to a person then I thought, 'Well, we got a little hope here.'"
Equipped with the knowledge that semen, blood and fingernails were found at the crime scene, Wysocki reached out to a New York-based organization that deals with cold cases, but because she wasn't in law enforcement, she was turned away.
She focused on raising her two children, but in 2004 decided to revisit the case.
Wysocki said she made hundreds of calls to local police in an attempt to get them to reopen the case to no avail.
"I’m a little obsessive when people don’t return a phone call,” she said. "I’m the type where if you don’t return a call, I’m going to start calling even more. I started calling more and more and more. And I kept getting blown off each time."
In 2005, she took matters into her own hands.
“At that point I thought, 'OK, now I’m going to become a private investigator. Then you’ll take me seriously,'"
Her persistence paid off in 2006, when Dallas police tasked detective Linda Crumb with reopening the case. She sent off the DNA found at the scene for analysis.
More than two years passed before any match was found, but finally, an unsuspecting hit gave Wysocki and law enforcement the answer they needed.
The DNA found at the scene came back a match with Donald Andrew Bess, a convicted rapist serving a life sentence at Huntsville Prison in Texas.
He was convicted in 2010 of Samota’s murder and sentenced to death.
Hers was the only cold case solved in Dallas that year.
"When Donald Bess was convicted, there was absolutely no closure," Wysocki said. "She’s still dead. The people that talk about closure, they’ve really never been through something like that, so, the fact that people are like, 'Don’t you feel better? Don’t you feel some accomplishment?' No, she’s still dead.
In 2016, Bess unsuccessfully appealed against the death penalty. He remains on death row.
Wysocki founded her own private investigation agency in 2011 with the hopes of helping others looking for justice for their loved ones.
She focuses on cold cases.
“She has the ability to stick with something and go into great details,” fellow private investigator Paul Fantuzzi said. “Without her staying on top of it, [Samota’s case] would have just been another cold case never solved."
Wysocki still thinks of Samota often and hopes that solving her murder has helped in some way.
“I hope she’s resting in peace now,” Wysocki said, tearing up. “Because her life, the last few minutes were so violent."
source: http://www.insideedition.com/woman-becomes-private-eye-help-solve-murder-best-friend-killed-1984-40956
for more information or to hire a private investigator, visit our website
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a2zinvestigations · 7 years
A2Z Investigations Woman Becomes Private Eye to Help Solve Murder of Best Friend Killed in 1984
The best friend of a woman whose murder went unsolved for more than two decades has helped catch her killer after refusing to give up in a quest for justice.
Sheila Wysocki and Angela Samota were inseparable.
The young women had been randomly paired as roommates in their freshman year at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, in 1982, and to hear Wysocki describe it, it was kismet.
“We were very different in some ways, but our family dynamics were pretty much the same. I didn’t have a father and she didn’t have a father and so that brought us together,” Wysocki, 55, told Barcroft.
Their friendship grew for two years, until tragedy struck.
Samota, lovingly known as Angie, was found raped and stabbed 18 times in her own home on Oct. 12, 1984.
The attack was so brutal that police initially thought Samota’s heart had been removed from her body.
She was 20.
Wysocki learned of her best friend’s killing by a phone call.
"The murder happened and my entire life and security crumbled," Wysocki said.
She immediately made it a priority to help police find who was responsible, even agreeing to talk with a suspect to see if his alibi was consistent.
“I drove over there and I’m thinking, 'Is this guy is a murderer?'" she said.
But the man’s alibi checked out, and just six weeks into the investigation of Samota’s murder, the case went cold.
"I became fearful," Wysocki said. “I was fearful because you know at the very beginning you didn’t know who killed her. You didn’t know if it was her boyfriend. You didn’t know if it was an acquaintance that we all ran around with. So going out was off the table. I dropped out of college; I moved back home and I was done."
Wysocki went on to marry. She moved to Nashville, Tenn. and started a family. She went on with life as best she could, but she couldn't forget Samota or the questions that remained unanswered.
Then in 1995, an unlikely source gave Wysocki the inspiration she needed.
"I was pregnant with my second child and I remember sitting in bed and watching the [OJ Simpson] trial thinking, 'Oh, so there’s this thing called DNA' — which I had heard about at college," she said. "They said they could actually take that DNA and put it to a person then I thought, 'Well, we got a little hope here.'"
Equipped with the knowledge that semen, blood and fingernails were found at the crime scene, Wysocki reached out to a New York-based organization that deals with cold cases, but because she wasn't in law enforcement, she was turned away.
She focused on raising her two children, but in 2004 decided to revisit the case.
Wysocki said she made hundreds of calls to local police in an attempt to get them to reopen the case to no avail.
"I’m a little obsessive when people don’t return a phone call,” she said. "I’m the type where if you don’t return a call, I’m going to start calling even more. I started calling more and more and more. And I kept getting blown off each time."
In 2005, she took matters into her own hands.
“At that point I thought, 'OK, now I’m going to become a private investigator. Then you’ll take me seriously,'"
Her persistence paid off in 2006, when Dallas police tasked detective Linda Crumb with reopening the case. She sent off the DNA found at the scene for analysis.
More than two years passed before any match was found, but finally, an unsuspecting hit gave Wysocki and law enforcement the answer they needed.
The DNA found at the scene came back a match with Donald Andrew Bess, a convicted rapist serving a life sentence at Huntsville Prison in Texas.
He was convicted in 2010 of Samota’s murder and sentenced to death.
Hers was the only cold case solved in Dallas that year.
"When Donald Bess was convicted, there was absolutely no closure," Wysocki said. "She’s still dead. The people that talk about closure, they’ve really never been through something like that, so, the fact that people are like, 'Don’t you feel better? Don’t you feel some accomplishment?' No, she’s still dead.
In 2016, Bess unsuccessfully appealed against the death penalty. He remains on death row.
Wysocki founded her own private investigation agency in 2011 with the hopes of helping others looking for justice for their loved ones.
She focuses on cold cases.
“She has the ability to stick with something and go into great details,” fellow private investigator Paul Fantuzzi said. “Without her staying on top of it, [Samota’s case] would have just been another cold case never solved."
Wysocki still thinks of Samota often and hopes that solving her murder has helped in some way.
“I hope she’s resting in peace now,” Wysocki said, tearing up. “Because her life, the last few minutes were so violent."
source: http://www.insideedition.com/woman-becomes-private-eye-help-solve-murder-best-friend-killed-1984-40956
for more information or to contact a private investigator, visit our website:
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