#While Pinky and Inky wear makeup
I found your blog and I really like your Au with PAMATGA it’s really cool. What are the ghost gangs personalities like now and how do they deviate from the show?
Also does Clyde still have his derpy eyes? •3•
Thanks! And yeah still not too sure, a lot of details are subject to change, but here’s what I got.
On the whole, the princes are definitely more… unhinged than their counterparts (given their upbringing), incredibly chaotic and a little bit feral. When they work well together, they’re unstoppable, and when they don’t… at least they aren’t trying to seriously kill each other… anymore (there is a fierce battle for dominance.) Though they do have the sort of relationship where it’s like “Hey, only WE get to be jerks to each other.”
Now for the individuals
Let’s start with Clyde since you brought him up. Most feral of the bunch. Although he also condones the mistreatment of animals, and could be caring if he wants to, Clyde is a bit less opposed to violence and rage. Not only that, but I can also imagine him laughing a few times when his siblings fight, though most of the time he just simply doesn’t care enough to do real harm (not exactly pacifistic.) Also he speaks monster more fluently than Paclish. On that note, as tempted as I am to say he still has derpy eyes, they’re probably more… laser-focus, like a predator.
Blinky is the oldest, so he thinks he’s most-likely to be the heir. While he does certainly try to be a good leader, there’s a few moments where he does abuse the oldest sibling card. Blinky cares deeply about his sibs, and is quite protective (perhaps part of why he made a deal with Pac???) he is still a bit salty towards the others- when he was younger a bit worried he was being “replaced”. Also “Dad learned how to parent by trial-and-error, so as the oldest, GUESS WHO GOT DEALT MOST OF THE ERRORS.” Otherwise, I’d almost compare him to Leonardo- he does still enjoy having fun with his siblings, but he knows he has to be the responsible one.
Inky’s emo got amplified. Still anxious and sarcastic, but he’s in no way quick to go against his siblings, and he’s potentially the least likely to start a fight. He’s the sort-second-oldest, so he realizes he does have a bit of power, but he doesn’t necessarily try to use it. On that note, his relationship with Blinky is more or less the same- very close but also rivals- but I’m not sure if he actually has any interest in taking the throne. He hates being in water and being grabbed.
And now for Pinky. Little girl Betrayus. She sees Blinky as her main competition (rather than tormenting Inky). Betrayus was a bit more prepared parent-hood-wise when she came along, which her brothers resent her for ever-so-slightly, and although Betty doesn’t play favorites she still got pampered a bit more as the youngest and his only daughter. Definitely more sly and wicked than canon, but still as ferocious and bossy. Also she’s not as love-struck as canon; in fact, in the AU it was actually PAC who got a crush, and Pinky was just sort of weirded out/liked to tease him a bit (she was somewhat like Karai during season 1 of tmnt 2012). Even so, she did slowly develops feelings for the weird lemon ball.
the four DO still have similarities to canon, but here’s some of the differences.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
mgg fluff!!! like maybe a super cute romantic date where you both dress up or something like that 🥺
I’ve been writing so much smut the idea of writing a scenario without sex is actually feeling foreign rn WOW lmao ok this was fun to write. here’s some fancy-date pure fluff for you, babe!
summary: Matthew takes reader out for a fancy dinner, and the two make the most of their evening together. 
word count: 2.1k
content warnings: none! short but sweet. 
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I swipe the glossy red shade over my lower lip, touching up my makeup before we head out tonight. despite the fact that we’ve been dating for a few months now, the idea of Matthew taking me out to eat-- really taking me out-- is making me positively giddy.
capping the tube and doing a quick once-over in the mirror, I admire the dress I’m wearing. it’s new, something I may or may not have splurged on after work today. it’s a creamy, inky shade, the color of pitch with an open back that I would normally never deign to wear. but something about it, the way the fabric sits against my shoulder blades, makes me confident.
after fluffing up my hair a little, I move into the living room to join my boyfriend. he’s fixing one of his monogrammed cuff links, and he looks up at the sound of my footsteps.
his eyes run over me, the bloom of my mouth and the dress, and he smiles dreamily, not saying anything. my stomach is overflowing with butterflies as I look at him in his suit, so well-dressed. we stare at each other for a moment.
“so?” I grin, walking over to him and running my hands up his chest. “how do I look?”
“you...” his gaze flickers to my pout, then my form. “you’re an angel.”
I reach up and am about to kiss his cheek when I remember that I’ve got lipstick on. “I’ll kiss you later.”
“that’s fine,” he sighs, then takes my hand and spins me around in front of him. “I’m still in shock from how beautiful you are!” he says the last few words in his stupid monster voice, reaching out and tickling my sides while he pulls me into him.
“Matthew!” I squeal, trying to breathe through the laughter. he knows I’m especially ticklish. once he finally relents, I look up at him with a huge smile on my face. sometimes I feel like I’m dreaming with him.
“we’re gonna be late, baby.” he tugs on my earlobe playfully before taking my hand again and leading me into the entryway so we can put our coats on. winter is just starting, dusting the sidewalks with fluffy snow and blowing wind in our faces as we start walking to the car. he holds the door open, as usual, and before long, we’re off to the restaurant.
even though Matthew is a bit of a reckless driver, I trust him. I’ve never told him this, but I love the way he places his hand on the back of my seat and turns around to assess the road behind him before he pulls out. something about it makes my blood warm up. he catches me looking, smiles and asks if I’m okay.
I’m fucking fabulous.
the restaurant is way fancier than I even imagined: cavernous ceilings that drip with chandeliers and walls covered in expensive-looking art. velvet curtains cover the windows, creating a wine-red ambiance of jazz and gentle conversation.
I must look dumb just staring at everything, but Matthew goes to the maitre d’ and gets our reservation ready. we never go on dates this fancy; most of the time, we stay in and binge watch old movies or play board games or just talk. he said he wanted to treat me, though, so I’m more than happy to go along with it.
part of me feels slightly out-of-place as the host leads us to a secluded table, walking past rich-looking couples or groups of people who appear to be socialites. as much as I wish I could blend in with this crowd, I keep worrying that I’m going to trip or somehow break something. elegant situations tend to make me especially clumsy.
once we’re seated and handed our menus, the host leaves us to talk.
“wow.” my eyebrows raise as I check out the options. Matthew looks up.
“this place is fancy.” the corners of my mouth tug upwards. some of the items are in French, which makes the process even harder to untangle.
“too much?” he’s a bit wary as he asks, like he’s afraid I don’t like it.
“no, no.” I laugh. “I’m just impressed.”
“you wanna get a bottle of wine?” he asks softly, grabbing the wine menu. I nod.
“sounds good.” I think for a second. “do you happen to speak French?”
“dónde está el baño?” he jokes. before I can stop myself, I reach over the table and hit his arm, both of us laughing. it must be a bit too loud, because a couple people around us turn their heads. I settle back in my seat.
“that wasn’t funny.” I’m giggling.
“I wish I knew French.” he muses, still perusing the wine selection. I sigh.
“honestly, me, too. very sophisticated.”
“are we supposed to pair our wine with our food?” he whispers over the table.
“you think I know the protocol for this kind of place?” I hiss back.
“you know, what? who cares?” he sets down the menu and gives me a resigned smile. Matthew has always been uninhibited, and him deciding to just go with the flow gives me a warm feeling in my tummy. it’s one of the most attractive things about him, in my opinion.  
when the waiter comes to take our orders, Matthew and I just get a merlot and filet mignon, both of us starving. in the meantime, we talk about his day and my day and he tells a funny story about his friend. somehow, he and I always have the best conversations, even if they’re about nothing at all.
literally you could ask us to discuss paint drying and we’d find a way to laugh about it.
“I was thinking... I’m gonna have a vacation soon,” he trails off, the antique ring on his pinky finger clinking against his wine glass. “maybe we could go somewhere?”
“somewhere like...?” I gesture for him to keep talking. he grins.
“you can decide. as long as it’s fun.”
“what? no, you can’t put that pressure on me, Matthew.” I laugh. there are so many places I want to see, and places that I know he wants to see, that I don’t wanna pick the wrong place.
“why not?”
“well, let’s do this,” I sit up more, resting my elbows on the table. the candle in the middle of the table flickers, casting his features in a pretty glow. “you list some places you’d like to visit, and if there’s some overlap, we’ll do that.”
“okay.” he rubs his hands together, then starts to think about it. I wait patiently, sip my wine and start to imagine how many possibilities there are for us. hiking along mountain trails, zip-lining through rainforests. if I’m being honest, I kind of just want to relax.
he breaks my train of thought as soon as he begins to tack off places.
“we could go to Costa Rica, or Croatia, or Mauritius... the Azores...”
“oooh, you know, I’ve heard the Azores are absolutely gorgeous.” my eyes sparkle as I think about the little islands. “and they’ve got these super nice hot springs, too.”
“private hot springs?” he asks me over the rim of his glass. my spine tingles with the implication.
“you wanna fuck in a hot spring?” I almost laugh. he reaches across the table and twines his fingers with mine, thumb rubbing over the back of my hand softly.
“I wanna do it on every continent.” he winks, then pulls away as our food arrives. I try to suppress the heat rushing to my cheeks and regain my composure even though my entire nervous system feels like it’s short-circuiting at the thought.
I try to put those images out of my mind before we thank the waiter, and then we’re staring down at the plates in front of us with surprise. the portions are ridiculously small-- mignon usually isn’t that big, but it’s such a fancy-restaurant-move.
Matthew and I start to giggle to ourselves, picking up our forks and eating. I’m not upset or anything; it’s sort of funny. instead, we share asparagus and dig into the meal.
“do you think they’ll be mad at us for laughing at the nickel-sized food?” I question. it’s really tasty, to be fair, but I have to take small bites so as not to mess up my lipstick.
“for the amount they’re charging, they’re probably the ones laughing.” he replies. I snort, reach up, and he high-fives me.
“that was good.” I concede.
“thanks,” he smiles, wipes his mouth with a napkin before focusing back on me. “so, back to the topic at hand-- are we going to the Azores?”
“only if you want to.” I smile.
“I’m the one that suggested it.”
“okay, then. I guess it’s settled.” I shrug. we set our forks down, done with our food already after about twenty minutes. we start to talk logistics and things we want to do there, excitement building in my stomach the whole time. I love spending time with Matthew-- having him all to myself for a couple weeks sounds like literal paradise.
he looks so pretty right now, too, with his glasses and fluffy hair and the ever-present smile. everything about him exudes positive energy, and I’ll never get over that sensation. I just can’t believe how lucky I am.
“I have an urgent question.” he tells me suddenly, completely serious. I straighten up and frown at him.
“do you think we can get ice cream? somewhere else?” he asks. I make a face at the way he set me up for suspense, but the relief is overwhelming and my stomach still isn’t full from the small filet. I nod quickly.
he gets the waiter’s attention, pays, and before I know it, we’re walking back to the car.
“thank you.” I nudge his shoulder with my own, both of us bundled up in our coats. he leans down to kiss the top of my head before wrapping his arm around me.
“of course, darling.”
I like his little pet names, how he says them with the kind of sweetness that nearly rots my teeth. even if Matthew didn’t tell me he loved me every day, I would be able to tell just from the way he speaks. like I’m the only girl in the world.
we end up driving to a small ice cream shop by our home, a place that we always visit during the summer if it gets hot and we want sugar. there’s almost nobody inside and we look sort of absurd in our fancy attire, but when I get to the counter to order, I let loose.
salted caramel with oreo crumbles in a waffle cone, piled high. he gets chocolate fudge and we lick at our confections while he pays. it’s so yummy, hitting the spot in a way that a small slice of steak just couldn’t. even though it’s winter, ice cream is always good.
“is my lipstick all gone?” I grin, looking up from my cone to ask. we go to sit in the back room of the shop, which is completely empty.
“mostly, but there’s a little bit...” he grabs my face across the table and guides me to him, sliding his tongue over my lower lip and pulling away to smirk. “got it.”
“uh huh.” I chuckle.
“you taste sweet.”
“you wanna lick?” I offer my cone and he nods, trying it before offering me his own.
“literally how is ice cream so good?” I ask as we go back to our treats. music from the 50′s is playing over the speakers, delightfully saccharine as we just enjoy each other’s presence.
“no idea. but I love the person who invented it.” he says dreamily. “also, sorry about tonight. I know it was kind of a bust.”
“what?” I stop eating for a second. “Matthew, that wan’t a bust!”
“the portions were so small.” he can’t get over this. I snicker to myself.
“sure, but I had a great time.”
“are you sure? I can plan something else special for us.” he gives me puppy dog eyes, afraid that I’m disappointed. I could never be disappointed by a date with him.
“don’t worry about that. let me do the work next time.” I shrug.
“like I’ll make an itinerary for our trip. that way you don’t have to stress about activities.”
“you and your itineraries.” he shakes his head slowly, but he’s laughing.
“have they ever failed?” I ask, then tap my finger to my ear as if daring him to reply. when he just smirks in response, I get smug. “that’s what I thought.”
“I love you.” the words come out of nowhere, a heavy sentiment for a light-hearted conversation. every time he says it, I feel it. that deep, burning adoration in my bones. I admire him for a moment.
“I love you, too.”
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roxysbeachlife · 7 years
100% PURE Fruit Pigmented Makeup
Why We Use Fruit Pigments
As a renowned chemist, one of Susie Wang’s proudest accomplishments is her discovery and utilization of fruit pigments in cosmetics: an innovation that has revolutionized the natural cosmetics industry and challenged the conventional method of dyeing cosmetics. Susie discovered fruit pigments one day while picking berries in her garden: noticing how easily the vibrant colors stained her skin, Susie knew she’d discovered something special.
These natural stains from fruit pigments were patented for use in natural cosmetics by Wang and co-founder Ric Kostick, and since then 100% PURE has used only fruit, vegetables, tea, coffee, and cocoa to color our extensive collection of natural cosmetics. Not only are our fruit pigments as natural as it gets, they’re also chock-full of vitamins and antioxidants to offer naturally occurring, nutritional benefits to support healthy skin
Don’t get the wrong idea: we’re all for bold and pretty hues, electric eyeliners, lips that pop, and mega-watt highlighters for glowing cheekbones. What we’re not so okay with are the toxic dyes and synthetic chemicals being absorbed into our pores while we wear those conventional cosmetics — they can affect anything from our skin moisture levels to our hormone balance, and it just ain’t worth it!
By cultivating ingredient lists that pretty much mirror your farmer’s market shopping lists, we’re able to create our own Fruit Pigmented® color wheel. Our range of hues – illustrated in nude makeup palettes to high drama matte lips – are all created from fruit dyes and pigments. And we’re not just talking about berries. We formulate our colors with cherries, tomatoes, beets, peaches, papayas, tea, cocoa, edible flowers, pomegranates… just to name a few!
So what can fruit pigments do for you, other than get you a perfectly shaded pout? Using all natural beauty products formulated with fruit dyes and pigments allows you to avoid common colorants used in mainstream beauty products: synthetic dyes and iron oxides, both of which can act as irritants associated with inflammation, allergic reactions, and breakouts. Check out our breakdown on what gives makeup its color for a mini lesson on cosmetic colorants (and why you should be suspicious of synthetic ones).
Fruit Pigments + Natural Cosmetics = A Match Made In Nature
We’ve rounded up some of our fave fruit pigmented® products, and highlighted which fruits we’ve used in each formula to get them juuuust right. Let’s take a peek!
Poppy Lipstick
Pomegranate is one of our favorite fruits to work with, thanks to its superior staining power (ever stained a shirt with pomegranate juice?), high levels of vitamin C, and stellar knack for treating skin roughness and flakiness. We’re able to achieve deep, high drama shades with the natural blood red tones in pomegranate, so it’s a go-to ingredient for dramatically red shades that look fabulous on a wide variety of skin tones. Pomegranate is featured front and center in our Fruit Pigmented Pomegranate Oil Anti Aging Lipstick: Poppy: a silky, seductive red that also works as an anti-aging lip treatment – thanks to a formula that includes pomegranate oil! Yeah, we’re into multi-tasking.
Bamboo Blur Tinted Moisturizer
Avocado + Peach
OK, so avocado one isn’t really a pigment — but we had to take a minute to highlight one of our all-time favorite fruit (yes, fruit: a berry, to be exact) ingredients! Paired with naturally skin-similar pigments from peach, avocado oil makes for a deeply nourishing, natural tinted moisturizer that performs like a lightweight foundation. When formulating foundations, we’re all about multi-dimensional color that draws from a number of different base colorants — this helps us create shades that have depth (pro tip: stay away from one-dimensional foundation hues, as they’ll flatten out your natural contours). To create the deep tan shade of Golden Peach, we’ve combined a number of fruit pigments (peach, apricot, carrot, and tomato), then added avocado as a rich and mellow base tone and moisturizer. Avocado is a fantastic shade to build depth for skin tone hues, plus it’s an ingredient that’s rich in healthy fatty acids to keep your skin plump and elastic.
Blackberry Mascara & Aubergine Matte Lipstick
Blackberries are packed with antioxidants, so they work double duty in both mascara and lip formulas as both a natural pigment and vitamin-packed treatment. While eyelash extensions might be having a moment right now, they’re also pretty tough on both your schedule and your wallet. We’re focusing on natural lashes: nourishing and strengthening them so they can shine solo. One of the ways we do this is by staying away from the super drying pigments present in most mainstream mascaras (the ones that leave you with dreaded dry clumps and a thinner lash line over time); instead, we put blackberries to work in our Maracuja Mascara formula, for a deep and luscious purple hue that’s dramatic but not damaging.
We adore the sultry midnight tones found in the flesh and juice of the blackberry, which is why we utilized this tart little berry for deeper tones in our matte lipstick collection. Take Aubergine, for example: this deep, berry-eggplant hybrid is nothing short of a showstopper on any skin tone! Looking to summon your inner fall goddess? Pair Aubergine with Maracuja Mascara in Blackberry, then blend a little Sugar Plum Lip & Cheek Tint (also pigment by blackberries!) into your cheeks for a naturally wind-chilled flush.
Cabernet Lip Glaze & Plum Wine Lip Caramel
Cabernet Grape
Right now we’re geeking out over grapes and their incredible medicinal properties when it comes to skincare (and wine drinking). Grape skins contain powerful antioxidants that fight skin aging and cell deterioration, while protecting against damage from pollutants. Plus they’re loaded with phytonutrients and phytochemicals to help lighten discoloration and scarring, and tighten tired or sagging skin. We’ve worked cabernet grape into our Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze: Cabernet formula, to get a sheer wash of color that’s a deep red with blue and pink undertones. Super silky and emollient, this is a totally buildable lip color that – as usual – also doubles as a nourishing lip treatment.
Loving liquid lipsticks? We believe we’ve got the best of the best — our Lip Caramel collection is full of bold hues ranging from pinky nudes to inky wines, and totally colored by fruit and achiote seeds. Cabernet grapes infuse the vampy, black currant undertone of Plum Wine, our go-to for first dates and romantic rendezvous. With natural cosmetics superpowers like silky smooth coverage and intense pigment from natural dyes like grape, blueberry, and blackcurrant, it’s a wonder Lip Caramels haven’t taken over the world.
Strawberry Lip Butter
While the name and seeds suggest it, it may come as a shock that strawberries are quite considered an actual berry. Botanically classified as an ‘accessory fruit’, we couldn’t agree more: strawberries are the ideal accessory for adding truly delicious color to natural cosmetics! This fan-favorite fruit offers the perfect pure red for our nourishing little lip butters: a small but mighty collection of lip softening, lightly pigmented purse accessories. These compact tins pack antioxidant and vitamin-rich a like strawberry, cranberry, tomato, and carrot, living in a base of skin moisturizing shea butter, avocado, and rosehip oil. Another benefit found in these little tins? Each formula is laced with lip-soothing peppermint oil!
Pretty Naked Palette
Our Fruit Pigmented Pretty Naked Palette is a must-have makeup kit for building natural, luminous looks — think goddess vibes. We’ve curated a selection of creamy pinks, shimmery nudes, and flushed bronzes for you to play around with on your lids and cheeks. Even though the colors are understated, the pigmentation is rich and concentrated; we’ve utilized a laundry list of fruit and vegetable pigments to create these ultra subtle hues, ensuring maximum dimension in each shade. Among them is papaya pigment, an ingredient we love for it’s unique shade of rich, yellowy orange. Papaya is also packed with rejuvenating and cleansing enzymes, to naturally brighten skin for an amplified glow. Think soft, natural color derived from totally natural sources (whereas synthetic color can sometimes look like face paint – not a good look).
Ready to make the switch to powerful, stunning fruit pigments? Need help finding your perfect fruit pigmented® shades? Check out our lipstick guide for every skin tone, our natural foundation guide, or stop by in person at one of our 100% PURE locations for a free color consultation!
Check them out here!
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