overwatchworks · 5 years
Falling With Style (Winged AU):
I got permission from the lovely @rondoel to write something over their winged au (aka the best concept ever), so here it is at last! I hope you all enjoy, and definitely go check out all their wonderful art!
Jesse had never seen anyone quite like Genji Shimada. There was anger in him that was beyond unsettling. It was terrifying, and Jesse never used that word lightly. There was also the wing situation with Genji. He was the first person Jesse had ever seen that had a cybernetic wing built for him, modified to be a weapon. 
The old one had been cut off along with much of Genji’s body, mauled by his brother, leaving him for dead. 
Jesse could understand Genji’s anger. Maybe that’s why he tried to help.
The first time Jesse had talked to Genji about his wings, he had been out stretching his own. Gliding smoothly with the help of a thermal current, a light breeze keeping him from needing to spend much energy on keeping himself in the air. 
He loved flying—the sense of freedom, the break from everything Blackwatch required of his body and mind, the time it gave him to think alone. Only this time, he could sense he wasn’t alone. Not quite. Jesse glanced down at the compound, noticing someone sitting on the roof, looking up at him. 
With a sigh, Jesse tipped his body and folded his wings, diving down. It was probably Reyes, coming out to tell him to ‘get his ass back inside’. No one ever denied him his little escapades, but the base was also supposed to be kept a secret. Having someone flying above it wasn’t always a good idea. 
Jesse spread his wings to slow his descent, feet hitting the roof a little too hard, but the fun that came with diving like that was worth it. The gunslinger frowned upon seeing not Reyes, but Genji. 
His eyes were dark, and he looked away quickly.
“Hey. Didn’t expect to find you here. Thought you were the commander.”
Genji didn’t say anything, just curled his knees closer to his chest and set his chin on them. His wings shifted, almost as if they were trying to hide his body. 
Jesse examined the mechanical one, head tilting at all the wires and notches he knew were hiding some deadly weapons. It was definitely a masterpiece of engineering, the type even matching Genji’s organic wing. 
Dragon wings, was what Jesse likened them to.
“Got somethin’ on your mind? We can go for a quick flight if you—”
Genji shot him a venomous glare, Jesse’s brow furrowing.
“You don’t want to?”
“I can’t.”
The words filled with muted rage, grit out harshly. Jesse backtracked a bit. The wing was still new, perhaps he just didn’t know what all he could do with it.
“Oh...Well, have you tried flyin’ with it yet?”
It was, apparently, the worst thing he could have said. 
Genji’s eyes flashed dangerously as he stood, stance on the defensive, muscles coiled and taut like he was ready to strike. Jesse took a step back.
“Of course I’ve fucking tried! I’ve tried and I’ve landed on my face every time!”
Jesse pursed his lips, not sure if he should say anymore, but the tense silence was overwhelming. And Genji seemed to be waiting for something more. The gunslinger took a little breath.
“Well, maybe don’t fly, but try...You know, falling with style.”
Again, the wrong thing to say. Genji bristled even more, Jesse regretting bringing anything up.
“It doesn’t fucking work, none of it does! He ruined everything!” Genji screamed, hands balling into fists. They shook slightly. 
Jesse tried to remain as impassive as he could, raising a hand placidly.
“Okay. Okay, I’m sorry...”
“I don’t care! Leave me the fuck alone!!”
Jesse nodded, knowing there was no getting through to Genji when he was like this. Best to just leave him to cool off and come back when he was stable. He backed up slowly, keeping a concerned eye on Genji before stepping of the edge of the roof, flying to a different perch. 
Jesse would have felt sorry for the ninja, but he knew the pity would be abhorred. It did nothing to help him anyways. 
The gunslinger pulled out a cigarillo, chewing on the end of it as he thought. Maybe, if Genji would give him the time of day, he could help teach him to fly again. 
He had done it before; Fareeha with her delicate, weakened wings, struggling to keep up a speed that could lift her from the ground. It took time and plenty of effort from both parties, but Jesse had let go of her hands one day, and she had stayed in the air. This situation was different, but the end result could potentially be the same. 
The sun began to set, and Jesse finally went back inside.
Jesse closed one eye, shot six times in quick succession, making a steaming hole in the target’s forehead area. He spun Peacekeeper as he reloaded, eyeing the training area Genji had silently taken up earlier. 
The gunslinger chewed on his lip for a moment, then decided to go over and watch. He had wanted to from the beginning, but he knew Genji would have likely left as soon as he noticed he was being observed. Now, however, he was probably distracted enough to either not know or not care. Hopefully. 
Jesse leaned in the doorway to one of the training rooms that ran simulations with training bots, Genji working hard inside of it. The ninja spun and kicked so fast, Jesse could hardly keep up with it. 
Shruiken were thrown with deadly accuracy, Genji pulling out his katana after taking down a few more bots and hacking away at them viciously. It was all very impressive, though, all the bots were stationed on the ground. Jesse narrowed his eyes, lips pursing. 
Genji may have been deadly on the ground, but hardly any of his opponents would be fighting him there. He could only battle them on his terms, and if they were on the enemy’s...It was a sure loss if he refused to use his wings. 
And Jesse knew for a fact that the one opponent Genji truly wanted to kill was not going to battle on his terms. He already hadn’t. 
The ninja cut down the last bot, breathing heavily, hands curled around his sword tightly. He looked up at Jesse with a glare, sheathing his katana and stepping over the carnage he had made.
“What do you want.”
Jesse grinned and tipped his hat, knowing very well he was blocking Genji’s exit as the ninja came up to him.
“Those bots didn’t stand a chance.”
“They’re just bots. Predictable. It’s not that difficult.” Genji murmured, eyes narrowing as Jesse shifted, shrugging lightly.
“Still. You’re good.”
“Thanks, but I don’t need your approval.”
Genji tried to move past him, form tensing when Jesse put out a hand to stop him. The ninja slowly turned his glare up to Jesse.
“Let me pass.”
“Can I apologize for the other day, first? I didn’t mean to say anythin’ that was offensive. I just...I want to help, is all.”
“I don’t need your help.” Genji growled, shoving past the cowboy and sauntering down the hall. Jesse stared after him, letting out a disappointed sigh after a moment. 
So that approach wasn’t going to work. 
He glanced back at the messy training room, then went inside it. Looked at the control panel, the settings. An idea started to form in Jesse’s mind as he scrolled through the stats. 
If Genji didn’t want to be nice to him, maybe he would want to spar with him. A chance to allow Genji to let off some steam and gain his trust at the same time. Jesse hummed, then left the training room.
The two were breathing heavily, Jesse falling back into a defensive stance as Genji ran at him again. He spun, wings still tucked to his back, still ignoring his most vital weapon. 
Jesse ducked under Genji’s kick, jabbing an elbow into his side, digging into the metal. It was probably more painful for Jesse than it was for Genji. With a grunt, he shifted his weight and slapped the shoulder of his wing against Genji’s face. The ninja spluttered and stumbled back, Jesse taking his chance and advancing. 
He ran and lifted off the ground slightly, gaining just a bit of air and speed before he whipped himself around and snapped his legs out, catching Genji in the chest. He went flying, tumbling a bit as he hit the ground with a muted shout. 
Jesse landed back on his feet, walking over to Genji.
“You cheated!” He hissed, sitting up and slapping the hand Jesse was offering away.
“Last I checked, we both got wings. And there weren’t any rules against using them.”
“I can’t use mine!”
“Says who?”
Genji stood and spread his wings with a glare, pointing venomously at the mechanical one.
“Says the wiring and weight on this fucking thing!”
Jesse tilted his head, then shook it.
“You really believe this is hindering you, don’t you?”
“Because it fucking is!! How do I kill anyone like this? How will I kill him if I can’t reach him?!” Genji yelled, frustration and anger bleeding through his words, giving them even more of a bite. 
Jesse regarded him for a long moment, then stepped closer.
“You know, my old boss used to say: if the enemy is too high,” He held up his hand, two fingers pointing up like a gun, eye slipping shut for just a moment.
“Get him down to your level. And fight on your own terms.”
Genji shifted, gaze falling as his eyes narrowed, brows furrowing. The gunslinger took his mechanical wing, Genji looking back up sharply as he pointed at all the meticulously placed notches and cleverly hidden shruiken and knives.
“It’s not only a wing, it’s your weapon. You just have to learn how to use it.”
Genji’s eyes flickered slightly as he stared at his wing, then back to Jesse.
“I know you don’t want my help, but if you gave me a chance, I got a lil’ somethin’ set up in a training room.” Jesse offered. 
Genji folded his wings again, silent and still otherwise. Thoughts running so fast behind his eyes Jesse could see them. The way little emotions played out in the fine lines around them. 
Finally, Genji looked up once more.
Jesse grinned, then motioned for Genji to follow him. He went back to the training room the ninja had been in before, moving to the control panel and setting it up. 
Genji watched him curiously as a single bot put itself together about ten feet above the ground, little thrusters keeping it afloat. Jesse stood back, then pointed at it.
“Take it down.”
Genji stared at the bot. Stepped forward, shoulders rolling. He had none of his usual weapons, nothing but his wits and the wing on his left side. It still made him one of the most dangerous people Jesse knew. 
Genji flexed his wings, then turned sharply, his mechanical one extending. A knife impaled itself in the wall a foot below the bot. Genji did it again, and again, still missing, but getting closer. 
He growled, glancing at the wall before crouching and sprinting towards it. The ninja jumped up and climbed the wall as high as he could, then pushed off of it and spun. His legs whipped out, slamming into the bot, making it spark and drop. 
The same move Jesse had just done on him. 
Genji dropped on top of the bot, then stabbed the tip of his wing into its head. He stood and blinked, Jesse gaining a lopsided grin.
“Just like that.”
Genji turned to him, a new kind of fire blazing in his eyes. There was definitely a smile underneath that mask.
“Let’s go again.”
Genji crouched, wings spreading as he lept up, using his momentum and height to spin. His wing sliced through a bot, the other tucked to his side to continue the movement back to the ground. 
The ninja whipped himself around again, wing stretching out as three shruiken went flying from it, hitting three bots in quick succession. He deflected Jesse’s shots from above him, running up to a bot an pushing off its head to launch himself up.
 The gunslinger’s eyes widened as Genji grabbed his leg and swung him towards the ground. He couldn’t get any air underneath him in time, Jesse grunting as he slammed into a bot, wings curling around himself protectively. 
Genji’s wing cut through the floor where Jesse’s head had just been, the cowboy rolling to the side and getting back to his feet. Genji came at him in a blink, throwing his wings out along with his punches and kicks, the sharp points on the ends whizzing just past Jesse’s face as he was forced backwards. 
He hit the wall, Genji spinning and pulling out his wakizashi. It was pressed to his throat before Jesse could react, Genji’s eyes narrowed, wings flourished on either side of him. The ninja tilted his chin up, Jesse raising his hands in defeat. 
Those red eyes crinkled just slightly as the knife was removed, and he stepped back.
“That was a damn good display, Shimada. Damn good.” Reyes called, Jesse grinning as he took the hand Genji offered. He pulled himself off the wall, patting the ninja’s shoulder lightly.
“I’d say you’re mission ready.” The commander continued, arms crossing over his chest. 
Genji nodded once, then turned and bowed to Jesse.
“Thank you.” He murmured, soft but sincere. The gunslinger tilted his head, smile gaining a proud edge to it.
“You’ve done real good, Gen.”
The ninja straightened, then turned to Reyes as he spoke again.
“I got something lined up that should be pretty good for a first mission. Come with me, and I’ll give you the details. McCree, good work. You got the rest of the night off.”
“Aye aye, Jefe.” Jesse called with a little salute, turning into a little wave as Genji glanced back at him for a moment. 
The gunslinger grinned as he watched the two walk away, something warm bubbling in his chest. He had done it again. He was able to help someone with their wings not once, but twice now. It felt good. Ana would have been proud.
Jesse stretched leisurely as he left the training grounds, thinking about going for a nice long flight.
Missions with Shimada on the team hardly ever failed, now that he was not holding back. Now that he knew what he was capable of, and used it to his every advantage. 
Jesse would sometimes just sit back and watch him work; the way he would slice his way through the enemy with his wings and blades alike, the strength and confidence he held now that he had embraced a new part of himself and used it as it was made to be used. He was deadly, in every sense of the word. 
Nothing got in his way and lived to see him pass, and Jesse was happy to let him have his way at last. Genji could take on anyone and anything, and so he did. 
Missions hardly ever failed, but that didn’t mean they were all easy. 
Jesse shot at the security guards blocking his way to Blackwatch’s latest intel provider. Not that the woman was going to give up the information willingly, no, that only ever happened for the Overwatch crew. The gunslinger cursed as he had to duck back behind cover, reloading with a flick of his wrist.
“Gen, I could use a lil’ back up here.” He griped, wincing as a bullet whizzed dangerously close to his hiding spot. 
There was a static sound in his ear, quickly followed by an equally put-out sounding Genji.
“You say that as if I am not busy enough as it is...”
There was the sound of gunfire over the comm, Jesse hearing it just below his position, on another floor of the building. He muttered a curse, whipping out from his cover and shooting as he ran to another safe spot. Jesse had caught sight of the woman they were after, though. 
They were close. Too close to let her get away. 
Taking a deep breath to calm his adrenaline rush, Jesse reloaded again. It was his last set of bullets, so they needed to be used just right if he wasn’t going to be getting any back up. 
The gunslinger peeked out from the wall he was behind, counting the remaining guards. Eight. 
Six bullets in his chamber. He could make it work. 
Jesse grit his teeth and slung himself out from his cover, letting off two shots. They hit the nearest guards, and he took down the next with a punch to the jaw. He flew just above the ground to gain some speed, barreling into the next guard as he pulled the trigger again and again. 
Only two left. Another shot. One. The final shot was not his. 
Jesse tumbled to the ground with a shout as white hot pain flared through his wing. He rolled, skidding to a stop in front of the woman, feeling a heel dig into his side as blood dripped in the floor. His blood. 
She smirked down at him, golden eyes narrowed as her hair slid over her shoulder. Jesse eyed the sniper rifle in her hand warily; he hadn’t seen it, slipped up in the heat of the moment.
“You are a good shot, but not good enough, I’m afraid.” She hummed, leaning down and grabbing Jesse’s throat. 
He grunted as he was hauled up, feet dangling, hands scrabbling at the woman’s tattooed wrist. Wings spread behind the her, feathers fading from pure white to a sickly purple-black at the ends. She launched forwards, Jesse feeling the glass of the window shattering against his back, cutting into his already damaged wings. 
He flailed as they rose higher and higher into the air, spluttering for breath that wouldn’t come, struggling to no avail. Jesse’s vision started to fade, and just as his writhing began to weaken, he felt their ascent stop.
His eyes snapped open as the woman let go of him, air rushing into his lungs and around him as he plummeted. The cowboy tried to flip himself over, only able to flap his wings twice before the pain made him stop. Panic shot through his core, more powerful than any bullet. 
For the first time, his wings were failing him. He was falling with no way to catch himself. 
Jesse cursed and spun through the air, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, waiting for the ground to hit him. Something certainly hit him, but it wasn’t the ground. 
The gunslinger cracked an eye open, then gasped as he saw the buildings below them zip past. A set of mismatched arms were secured around his waist, Jesse laughing as Genji looked down at him with bright eyes.
“Genji, you’re flyin’!!”
“It’s not flying. It’s falling with style.”
Jesse grinned like a mad man, the ninja tipping his body slightly, catching the wind. They drifted back down to a rooftop after some maneuvering, Genji setting Jesse down before landing on his feet, stumbling a bit. 
He then threw his head back and laughed, jumping up and flapping his wings.
“I did it! I flew! I can fly again!!” He exclaimed, Jesse running over to him and wrapping him in a hug.
“You saved me, Gen! I knew you could do it!”
The ninja had a smile in his eyes when he looked up at Jesse.
“I couldn’t have done it without you, you know.”
“I was just helpin’ you see what was already there in front of you. You did all the work.”
“Still. I wouldn’t have known where to start, much less how to do it if you had not shown me. What I’m trying to say is; thank you, Jesse. Thank you for everything.”
Jesse gave him a lopsided grin, patting the ninja’s shoulder lightly.
“No problem, partner. I’m proud of you.”
Genji dipped his head, then motioned to Jesse’s bleeding wings.
“Might want to call in an evac ship. I’ll take care of the rest of things here.”
“You sure?”
Genji spread his wings, backing up to the edge of the roof.
Jesse grinned as the ninja tipped backwards, disappearing over the side for a moment before he shot back up in a streak of black and red, a slight breeze catching the him in the face. The gunslinger watched him fly back to where the commotion was, a quiet huff of laughter leaving him. He then tilted his head and pressed his comm. 
Mission complete.
180 notes · View notes
overwatchworks · 5 years
“Jesus, Gen. What in the hell are you doin’ coming in here like that?” Jesse groaned, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand. 
Genji didn’t respond—Jesse hadn’t expected him to—but something felt different. The gunslinger looked up at him now that he was more awake, eyes widening slightly at the sight he was met with.
Genji had been missing from their shared barrack ever since Jesse had come back from his last mission. That was almost four days ago. And Jesse knew for a fact that the cyborg hadn’t been assigned to any missions either, which left a rather bleak option. He must have been getting modifications. 
Genji never said anything about them—Jesse had learned to never ask—but the results were always the same. Anger. Deeper self-loathing. Silent and potent, destructive when Genji let it out during training. It always left him more of a mess than when he went in, even if it looked the opposite from the outside. 
Jesse worried about him, though, there wasn’t anything he could do about it. Genji delt with it alone, didn’t ask for help or pity, lashed out when it was given. Pain and agony, is how he once described it. Jesse didn’t doubt the truth of that statement. 
The gunslinger was looking over the details for his upcoming mission, not an easy one either, and he was far from excited about the early start required for the next day. Reyes had run them pretty ragged in training earlier; Jesse’s muscles were aching and sore already. Tomorrow was going to be rough. 
Jesse sighed, setting his tablet down and flicking out the lights. He needed some sleep if he was going to get through the next day with everything still intact.
The sound of the door sliding open and shut had Jesse startling awake. His hand was on his gun and leveled in the direction of the noise before he had even fully sat up. Jesse squinted at the figure standing in the doorway, recognizing the red glowing on Genji’s eyes and chest. He lowered his gun, turning on a light.
“Jesus, Gen. What in the hell are you doin’ coming in here like that?” Jesse groaned, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand. 
Genji didn’t respond—Jesse hadn’t expected him to—but something felt different. The gunslinger looked up at him now that he was more awake, eyes widening slightly at the sight he was met with. 
Genji’s form was hunched, dark veins noticeable even in the low light, stark against the pallor of his skin. His faceplate was missing, and he looked sick. Very sick. The veins ran up the side of his pale face and under his eyes, dark and sunk in as they were. 
Something was wrong with his eyes, too; they were completely black, save for his glowing red irises. There was a redish-black liquid oozing from the sides of his mouth, more sliding down his cheeks from his eyes. Tears. 
Jesse stood, walking over to him cautiously.
“Shit. Genji, what the hell happened?” He breathed, not daring to touch yet without permission. Not when Genji was like this. 
It took a moment for the words to even register, the ninja taking a shivery inhale before responding.
“It. It’s not working.” His voice was barely above a whisper, halting, more robotic sounding than human even without the mask.
“What? What’s not working?”
Genji’s eyelids fluttered, more of that dark liquid dripping down his face as he looked up at Jesse. Everything was slow, uneven. The ninja’s fingers were twitching, clenching and unclenching. His eyes looked haunted, unfocused.
“It hurts...So...Much. They don’t—Work anymore.”
“Genji, what doesn’t work?” Jesse demanded, trying his best to keep his voice gentle and devoid of the panic rising in his chest.
“The medications...Everything. It just—It doesn’t work. This isn’t working...It’s just making every-rything worse.” Speech jarring, Genji’s words hitching on suppressed sobs. 
Jesse took a breath, then tentatively reached out, hand gently cupping Genji’s jaw. The ninja flinched at the touch. Then, his face crumpled on a silent wail, body tipping forward to press against Jesse, head buried in his chest. 
The cowboy adjusted, then moved to pick Genji up and carry him to the bed, murmuring soft nothings into his hair unconsciously. Genji coughed, choked on a cry and more of the blackness dribbling from his bottom lip. Jesse held him and wiped it away with his shirt, arm braced around Genji’s shoulders to keep him upright and pressed to his chest. 
The ninja was leaning into it, for once. Desperate and vulnerable, hands clutching at Jesse hard enough to bruise. He didn’t mind, didn’t even think about it.
“You’ll be okay, I’ve got you. Just breathe, you’ll make it through tonight, I’m right here with you.” Jesse murmured, swiping Genji’s hair back from his face. His forehead was damp with sweat, whole body trembling. Grip tightening with every shallow, wet-sounding inhale.
“It hurts, J-Jesse, it—!”
“You’ll make it, just breathe with me, alright? Breathe, Genji, can you do that for me?”
Jesse didn’t wait for a response, simply started to count slowly, whispered with each breath in and out. Minutes or hours could have passed, for all Jesse could tell, but Genji eventually started to breathe with him. Stuttering and quick at first, but evening out just a little more with every inhale. 
The cowboy stopped counting, the whirr of Genji’s internal machinery vibrating his chest, louder than usual. Time continued to pass, Genji staring blankly at the wall, head still tucked against Jesse, hands loosening their grip. 
The black ooze had stopped flowing so much, though, the ninja’s lips and cheeks were stained with it. Jesse’s shirt, too. Jesse didn’t move his hands much, just holding, Genji wincing at every little movement indication enough that he was more than painfully sensitive right now. 
Genji’s eyes slipped shut slowly, Jesse leaning back slightly when they had been that way for a good while. Maneuvering the ninja as gently as he could, Jesse laid him back on the pillows, pulling a blanket over the both of them, tucking it over Genji’s shoulders. Jesse felt stiff, but he propped himself up on his elbow anyways as he watched the rise and fall of Genji’s body as he breathed. There was a slight wheeze to it, but it was better than before. 
He didn’t go to sleep for another couple of hours, keeping a watchful eye on the ninja to make sure he was safe.
Jesse had only just started to fall asleep when Genji shifted with a soft grunt. The cowboy’s arm had been laid over his waist for space management on the single bed, and Jesse had been too tired to think much of it. He kept his eyes closed, even as Genji moved again and mumbled something, lost in his half-asleep stupor.
“McCree, get off.”
Jesse heard that pretty clearly though, the little shove that accompanied it waking him just a bit more.
“Get off of me!” Genji rasped as he forcefully untangled himself. A few harsh jabs from the ninja’s thrashing made Jesse roll over, hands raised placidly.
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” He mumbled with a certain bite, throwing a glare towards Genji, who slipped off the bed quickly.
“It’s not like I stayed up all night to make sure you didn’t choke or anythin’.”
“I didn’t ask you to do it, so don’t expect any thanks for it.” Genji hissed, eyes still darkened but looking more or less normal. 
Jesse let out a bitter laugh, rubbing a hand over his face.
“Oh, of course not. Why would I ever expect Genji Shimada to be grateful for anythin’ I try and do for him? My bad, partner. Sorry for being such a goddamn bother to you, I’ll make sure to just ignore you next time. Make it easier on the both of us.”
Genji was silent, a strange mix of emotions flitting across his face. Oddly enough, they were harder for Jesse to identify with the mask off. He finally looked down, features settling on something akin to guilt and hurt. Jesse didn’t have it in him to try and remedy the situation, although, he almost didn’t want to. 
He had simply tried to do the right thing and help Genji, but he was getting his arm twisted for it in return. Jesse didn’t know how many reactions like this it would take for him to catch on that Genji didn’t want help—at least not his help. It was a waste of his time and effort at this point. 
Before his anger could boil over into something outside of his own thoughts, Jesse’s comm beeped.
“Fuck...” He muttered, turning it off and tossing it on the bed, head in his hands.
“I can’t believe I still do this for you when I know I’ll just get this in return.” Jesse sighed as he stood, picking up the gear he had set out the previous night and going into the bathroom. 
The door slid shut, Genji’s eyes never leaving the ground.
When Jesse was finished getting ready for the mission, Genji was nowhere to be seen. The gunslinger sighed, took his comm, put on his hat, and left.
The mission, as predicted, had been rough. More so due to the severe lack of sleep Jesse had gotten. He came back to the base with more bruises and bleeding gashes than he should have, exhaustion making him slower and more susceptible to making mistakes. And Jesse had made plenty of those during the fight that had broken out. 
Still, they made it out alive and had secured the information they needed about some of Talon’s main endorsers. Jesse, however, couldn’t care less at the moment; the only thing he was looking forward to was a shower and a nice long nap. 
He didn’t bother with going to the med bay—nothing was life threatening, which meant it could wait—heading straight for his barrack. The cowboy left his armour and clothes on the floor, showering as quick as he could under lukewarm water. Washing the grime, sweat, and blood off just well enough to not feel too disgusting to sleep. 
Jesse barely dried his hair, threw on some clean pants, then stumbled towards his bed. Genji looked up at him from where he was curled on his own, knees tucked to his chest. He had his faceplate back on, everything seemingly back to healthy and normal on him. 
Genji’s brow creased as his eyes flicked over Jesse.
“You’re hurt.”
“It’s not bad.” The gunslinger mumbled half-heartedly, pulling a blanket over himself and laying down. God, it felt so good to be in a bed.
“Why haven’t you seen Dr. Ziegler?” Genji asked softly, Jesse grunting in response.
Jesse didn’t hear anything else, asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
It was dark when Jesse opened his eyes again, groggily shifting to see what time it was. Almost three, Jesse assuming in the morning. Pinpoints of red cut through the dark room, staring at the gunslinger. Genji was laying parallel to him on his own bed, Jesse’s eyes adjusting to the darkness. 
He didn’t say anything, and neither did Genji. Their last conversation was still heavy in the back of Jesse’s mind; he knew they both could have handled it a lot better than they did. And yet, they hadn’t. The gunslinger looked at the bedside table with a sigh, breaking eye contact with the ninja. He didn’t feel like holding the gaze, or feeding the tension. 
There was an empty biotic field sitting next to his tablet, Jesse realizing he wasn’t as sore or pained as he normally would be after a mission. He looked back to Genji, propping his head up on his hand.
“You put that there for me?” Jesse asked, knowing no one else could have, but it was at least a conversation starter. 
Genji’s eyes flicked to the biotic field, then back to Jesse. He nodded. It was an obvious apology, the cowboy smiling at the effort.
“Thanks, partner. Appreciate it.”
Genji looked away this time, body curling inwards ever so slightly. He took a little breath.
“I...Got in trouble with Dr. Ziegler. Because of the other night. I was supposed to stay in the med bay, but I couldn’t—I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t know where else to go that felt...Safe.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Gen.”
“I am just trying to say that...I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Jesse shrugged, Genji staring at him with a crease in his brow. The gunslinger sat up with a grunt, moving over to sit on the edge of Genji’s bed, hands clasped over his lap.
“I wish there was a way I could show you that I just want to help. And I get it if you don’t want me to, but what you just told me says otherwise. Now, maybe I’m just readin’ it wrong—”
Jesse tipped his head in Genji’s direction, the ninja sitting up next to him but not meeting his eye.
“You...Do help. More than you realize,” Genji whispered, shoulders curling inwards, fingers digging into the bed.
“I wish I was better at showing you that.”
Jesse slid his hand towards Genji’s, curling his pinky around a cybernetic one. The ninja turned to him, hesitation and guilt dancing behind his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Jesse.”
Jesse gave him a lopsided grin, squeezing his pinky lightly.
“It’s okay. I’m still here for you if you ever need me. That ain’t gonna change.”
Genji glanced down at their hands, eyes closing briefly before he nodded. He leaned against Jesse, squeezing back.
“Thank you.”
Jesse smiled, tipping his head towards Genji’s.
“You’re welcome, darlin’.”
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overwatchworks · 5 years
Rejoining Overwatch had been the easy part; making the decision, finding the location, convincing Zenyatta to join him, making the long trek by foot to Gibraltar--that was simple. 
What was difficult was seeing the old faces, old friends.
Specifically Jesse McCree.
Rejoining Overwatch had been the easy part; making the decision, finding the location, convincing Zenyatta to join him, making the long trek by foot to Gibraltar--that was simple. What was difficult was seeing the old faces, old friends. 
New ones were fine, Genji was happy to meet them and encourage their hopes for making a positive impact with Overwatch. It was what he wanted to do as well, something good for the world now that he was able to in mind, body, and spirit. 
Noticing how many people were gone was distressing in a way, same with those that were back but changed. Like him, Genji supposed, so not all bad. It was difficult to describe, the sense of disconnect even though these were people he had known for years. It was like it was in another life, though.
And seeing Jesse McCree again had been really, really difficult. More difficult than meeting with Hanzo. More difficult than leaving in the night, without so much as a word. 
Genji regretted the way he had left, thought about it over and over in the weeks following the recall message. He knew he had left many strings untied, and one in particular that happened to lace around his heart. 
Jesse had been all smiles and easy-going banter when they had met up again, more mellow and calculating than when he was younger. Tanner, broader, a little more rough around the edges, but his eyes were softer, more understanding. He seemed happy. Content, even.
Genji had been expecting at least some awkwardness between them, but instead, he had been given a pat on the back, the cowboy telling him how happy he was that he’d found himself. For some reason, it left Genji feeling a bit empty. 
The first few weeks in Gibraltar went by smoothly, everyone getting to know one another through training and shared stories in the cafeteria. Genji liked a lot of the new recruits, but he always ended up standing next to Jesse by the end of things. Old habits and all. That’s what Genji told himself. 
They had been teammates in Blackwatch, old friends reunited, the slide back into familiarity comforting. They still knew the ins and outs of one another, still fought and trained together like a well-oiled machine, the cogs fitting right into place and working seamlessly. 
It worked like that until Genji started getting sick. 
Everyone was gathered in the training facility, waiting for Winston to divide them into teams and start the simulation. Genji stood at ease, arms crossed over his chest and weight leaned into one leg. He’d had a bit of a scratchy throat for a while--nothing to go see a healer about, it would clear up on its own--and either way, team training was too important to miss for something so trite.
“Alright, gang. Hana, Brigette, Baptiste, Genji, and Mei will be on the red team. Angela, Lena, McCree, Lucio, and Reinhardt will be on the blue team. I will observe from above, and Athena will be recording the session and stats of each member. Good luck, everyone!” Winston told them, adjusting his glasses before turning and heading up to the observation deck. 
Genji waved to his teammates, the group of them moving to the left side of the training grounds.
“Now, Reinhardt will probably come charging in, knowing him, so we should focus him.” Brigette started, Genji chuckling to himself. Not much had changed with the old warrior.
“Well, in the case that he listens to his team or has Angela with him the whole time, we will need to go after her and Lucio. They will be most vital in taking out everyone else. I can flank them if Hana and Brigette distract them from the front. Baptiste, if you could help me with distance healing, it would be appreciated.”
Baptiste nodded with a little two fingered salute.
“I have your back.”
“But what about McCree? You should be careful of him, he knows how to deal with a flank attack, right?” Mei piped up, fiddling with her training gun. They would only provide a small shock and a marking as to where someone had been hit.
“Don’t worry, I can take him.” Genji grinned behind the mask.
“Attack begins in thirty seconds.” Athena announced, the training room shifting and creating a holographic setting they could practice in. It seemed that they would be in a warehouse today. 
Hana suddenly stuck her hand out, face a mix of excited and determined.
“Everyone put a hand in!” She demanded, Baptiste and Brigette hardly needing any encouragement. Mei laughed and stuck her hand on top, Genji huffing in amusement before adding his hand as well.
“Alright, go blue team!! We got this!” Hana cheered, throwing her hand up and leading everyone else to copy the chant. It felt good, uplifting even. Genji was reminded why he was glad to be part of a team once again. 
They got into position, Genji looking behind him to make sure everyone was ready. His shruiken slipped into his fingers, ready and waiting.
“Five, four, three, two, one. Attack commencing. Stop the red team.”
Genji hopped out from behind his cover, hearing Brigette and Hana right behind him. He climbed up to higher ground, looking for the enemy team before whipping back behind cover as a stun bullet whizzed past his head. 
Only Jesse was that good of a shot, and only Jesse would know the ninja liked to scout things out first. Genji grinned, speaking into his comms.
“Lucio, Reinhardt, and Angela are coming in fast through the choke! Mei, can you wall off Rein from the healers?”
There was the sound of Lena’s pulse pistols going off, then Baptiste’s immortality field.
“Get in here!”
“It may take me a minute, but I’ll try my best.” Mei replied, the soft ‘fwish’ of her freeze gun making it a bit difficult to hear her.
“Alright. Hana, Brigette, you keep Rein busy, then. I will go in from behind.”
Genji jumped to the opposite ledge, then dove into the back line of the blue team. Angela moved closer to Reinhardt, Lucio immediately skating over to boop him away. Genji felt a stun shot on his leg as he was pushed back, and he turned to deflect the shots that were suddenly coming from Jesse. 
The ninja ran towards him, throwing his shruiken in an arc to follow where Jesse would likely roll back into. He was right, the stars connecting and lighting up the training armour they were wearing.
“Shit...” Jesse muttered, looking down at the glowing blue spots on his chest.
“You always do that move, even when we spar!” Genji called, doing a double jump as the cowboy continued to try and shoot him back.
“Yeah, well, Talon ain’t gonna know that. I think you’ve got an unfair advantage here, pumpkin.”
Genji grinned, then felt the itch in his throat grow suddenly, like he’d swallowed water the wrong way. He coughed, slowing a bit and getting hit by one of Jesse’s shots. Stumbling, still trying to keep up with Jesse. He couldn’t. 
Genji got hit two more times, enough to bring his health for the round to zero. Still, he was coughing. It felt like something was lodged in his windpipe.
“You okay, partner?”
Genji shook his head, holding up a hand as he cleared his throat to no avail. Jesse came over and put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m fine. I...I’ll be right back.”
Jesse watched him as he walked off the training grounds, concern in his eyes. 
Genji took off his faceplate as soon as he made it to the bathrooms, frowning as another bought of coughs overtook him. Something landed on his hand, wet and sticking to the synth fibers of his palm. He stared at it for a moment, plucking it up between the fingers of his other hand. 
A petal. Genji tilted his head, lips pursing. It was bright red, the texture registering as soft and smooth to the delicate sensors on his hand. 
He didn’t know what the flower was, but he knew what it meant. 
Genji leaned over the sink, setting the petal aside and running a hand over his face. Jesse...It was Jesse. It was always Jesse. Genji grit his teeth, chest constricting with pain that wasn’t from his coughs. Of course it had to be now, and here, of all places. 
Genji took a deep breath before straightening and washing the petal down the drain. He went back to the training room, pretending like nothing had happened.
The petals were from the Hatiora Gaertneri, or Easter Cactus, Genji found out later that week after coughing up more petals and examining them. The flowers looked pretty in the pictures, but the petals that came up always looked somewhat withered to Genji. Not as vibrant, little bruises present on the tips and sides. 
Genji kept the trash can next to his bed, had to keep his mask off while he slept so when he coughed more petals up, he could just spit them out. It interfered with everything he did, and only got worse whenever he was around Jesse. 
The ninja began to avoid him, just to keep his coughs hidden, his feelings shut tight beneath the surface. He hadn’t felt this way in years, not since before he’d met Zenyatta. 
When Hanzo arrived, it was a good distraction, a good excuse to be away from everyone to help his brother settle in and get used to things. Hanzo wasn’t exactly ready to be apart of a team after being solo for years. Genji helped him as much as he could, tried to make sure everyone was welcoming. 
Not everyone felt the same, especially Jesse. Genji had been dreading introducing Hanzo to him, but it inevitably happened. 
Evening in Gibraltar, too late for dinner, and yet, Hanzo had insisted on having a quiet one by himself in the commons room. Genji hadn’t let him eat alone, the two sharing a simple dish of leftovers and some rice Hanzo had made.
“Anija, you’ve been talking to Hana and Mei a lot recently, right?”
Hanzo huffed softly, eyes cast aside to look out the window.
“They are better company than some.” He murmured, Genji taking a bite and humming thoughtfully. 
Angela had not been very keen on Hanzo when they had first met, nor had Lena. They warmed up to him quickly enough, but the initial impression had been made, and Hanzo was looking for reasons to keep himself closed off behind his protective walls. 
He was trying, though, and tonight seemed to be a good night, the older Shimada more open and talkative. Relatively.
“Just give it more time, Hanzo. You’re part of a team now, and whether you like it or not, they have your back. Oh, Zenyatta also said he’d like to speak with you again tomorrow.” Genji told him airily, waving his chopsticks a bit as he spoke. 
A small cough slipped up, the ninja hastily covering it with the back of his hand. Hanzo frowned.
“I will meet with him, but you’ve had that cough for a while now. Maybe you should have Dr. Ziegler look at it?”
“No, it’ll clear out--”
And of course, Jesse walked in. Of course, of course, of course. 
He seemed surprised to see the two brothers there, brows lifting slightly before his eyes darkened upon landing on Hanzo. Genji coughed for a different reason, waving a bit to the cowboy.
“Ah, Jesse. Have you met Hanzo yet?” Genji tried for casual, though, the look in Jesse’s eye was sinister enough to negate the attempt’s effect.
Bitten out and cold. 
Genji could sense Hanzo bristle at the tone, but he stayed quiet. The ninja stood, Hanzo doing the same, food forgotten on the table.
“Then come here, say hello! Hanzo, this is Jesse. We worked together a lot before I met Zenyatta. Jesse--”
“I damn well know who he is, Gen. You don’t have to sugar coat things for me, because I sure as hell ain’t going to for him.”
Genji put a hand to Jesse’s chest when he stepped forward, Hanzo taking a slight defensive stance and glaring right back at the cowboy.
“Jesse, don’t...” Genji warned, even just the small bit of contact making his throat burn with the need to cough. What a damn inconvenience.
“I’ve been waiting a long time to see this Hanzo you talked about. The bastard that tried to kill his own brother. You’re lucky I don’t have my gun on me, Hanzo. I swore I’d put a bullet in you for hurting Genji the moment I saw you.”
Genji closed his eyes, suppressing a cough. Those words were sincere enough, Genji remembered him promising it a long, long time ago. Back when the ninja would have been happy to see it happen. Back when things were different, especially between him and Jesse.
“Jesse, stop.”
“You know nothing of what happened!” Hanzo hissed, Jesse laughing dryly and stepping back.
“I know enough, buddy. More than enough to make my impression of you. So, let me promise you something; if you ever even think of hurting him again, I will blow a fucking hole between your eyes. You got it?”
“Jesse, that’s enough!” Genji growled, pushing him back. Jesse glanced down at him, the fire in his eyes calming down just a bit. 
He shot another look at Hanzo, then turned and left the room without another word. 
Genji immediately coughed into his hand, eyes watering from having to keep it down for so long, breaking the oppressive silence in the room. He doubled over, coughs bringing up half of a flower bud. Genji cursed and crushed it quickly in his fist, sitting down heavily. 
Jesse clearly still cared for him, just not enough. He wasn’t loved back. Considering everything that had happened between them, the years spent apart, it wasn’t surprising. But it still hurt to have it confirmed time and time again. 
Hanzo knelt next to him, face wiped of emotion besides the deep furrow of his brows. Trying to keep it together.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, voice somewhat dull. Genji sighed, then nodded.
“Yeah. That actually went slightly better than I was expecting.” He muttered, wiping his mouth. A light sheen of red smeared over the chrome on the back of his hand. 
Genji frowned, wiping that away quickly. But not quickly enough. Hanzo’s eyes had followed the motion, darting back up to meet Genji’s when he’d seen.
“What’s in your hand.”
Genji shook his head, fist tightening as he pursed his lips. Hanzo took his arm cautiously--he was always cautious now--tugging gently at the fingers closed to his palm, leaving slight indentations.
“Let me see.”
The tone was one he always used to take when Genji was little, getting into trouble or getting hurt. A slight reprimand washed in concern. Hanzo had always tried his best to take care of him when they were boys, and it seemed now he was remembering once again that he was the older brother. 
That effort was enough to make Genji slowly open his hand, eyes downcast as Hanzo stared at the revealed flower. It was quiet for a moment, too quiet.
“I’m fine.” Genji hissed, throwing the flower in his mostly empty bowl and standing abruptly.
“Genji, do not walk away from this.”
Genji tossed the remains of his bowl out, leaving it in the sink.
“Please.” Belated and soft, stopping Genji in his tracks. Hanzo came up to him, placing a tentative hand on his shoulder.
“Go see Dr. Ziegler.”
“Why not? You must get this treated before...” Hanzo trailed off, Genji gritting his teeth.
“Hanzo, I don’t want to get it treated. I already lost him once, by my own choice. I can’t do that again. It hurt enough the first time.”
“Genji, this can kill you if it goes untreated...!”
“I’m not giving up another chance with him! I just can’t do that.”
Hanzo pursed his lips, looking at Genji for a long moment. He then took a short breath and nodded.
“Okay. I...Understand. Just promise me you won’t let it go too far?”
“I don’t want these feelings to just...Disappear. I have to at least try.” Genji murmured, coughing lightly. 
He wanted to talk to Jesse, tell him how he felt. But if he didn’t reciprocate it now, why would he suddenly change his mind? Pity wouldn’t do the trick, and guilt would only make them both feel worse. Genji needed to earn his love.
“You can’t tell anyone.” The ninja whispered, fists clenching as he stared at the floor.
“I will not. However, if this continues to get worse, I am going to have to let Dr. Ziegler and Zenyatta know. I cannot lose you again either, Genji.” Hanzo told him, hand slipping off his shoulder as he stepped back. 
The younger Shimada bobbed his head, opting to stay silent.
“Alright. I will let you rest. Think on my suggestion.”
Genji nodded again, slipping out of the room silently with his arms crossed, form hunched slightly. His breath rattled in his chest.
Another two weeks passed, and Genji’s illness was being noticed by the team. It was hard to miss when Genji was skipping practices and meals to keep away from Jesse. The coughs were getting difficult to manage and keep down, even when he was alone. Blood started speckling the full flowers that came up. Genji was emptying the trash can every day, the bottom of it covered in petals. 
He went to go see Angela when she requested a check up for him, no longer denying that he needed help. The ninja was losing sleep, not eating, and isolating himself in ways that were far too similar to his Blackwatch days for his liking. 
He walked into the medical ward, body heavy with exhaustion. Angela gave him a worried look before motioning to the examination table.
“Thank you for coming, Genji. Please sit.”
Genji sat. His fingers curled on the edge of the table, crinkling the paper that was laid on top of it for sanitation purposes. He coughed.
“How long have you had this cough? I noticed it a while back, but it should have cleared up by now.” Angela asked, hooking Genji up to a machine as she spoke.
“It’s been a little over a month.”
“A month? Why did you not come to me sooner?”
“I know what it is.” Genji sighed. The doctor paused, glancing up at him, understanding dawning in her eyes.
“Is it...”
“Hanahaki.” He nodded, Angela placing a delicate hand over her mouth. The other went to Genji’s shoulder, but it did little to comfort him. Genji despised the pity in her gaze.
“Who--No, you don’t have to tell me, forgive me. I’m sorry, Genji.”
“Do not be.”
“Alright...Well, based on the time scale you gave me, I would give you two more weeks before it starts to become fatal. Would you like to have it treated now, or wait a little longer?” Angela inquired more matter of factly, face slipping into a more professional façade after hearing Genji’s tone. 
It was quiet, Genji staring at the floor as he thought about it.
“It is your choice, Genji. You do not have to have it treated at all, but I would highly suggest it if things do not work out. I do not want to rush you, either. If you need more time to decide, just tell me.” Softer this time, understanding. Genji shook his head.
“I need more time.”
“Then please, take it. But as your friend, Genji, I ask that you do not let this go too far. You have many other people who love you and only wish the best for you. Please remember them too.” She murmured, squeezing his shoulder before letting it go. 
Genji let her proceed with her testing, staying quiet and pensive the whole time.
“Master, what do you think I should do?”
Zenyatta hummed, plucking a petal from the small pile Genji had coughed up during their meditation session. Of course Zenyatta had known from the beginning, no surprise indicated from the monk when Genji had shown him the petals. Only concern, and an offer to talk about it, if Genji felt inclined.
“I think you should speak with Jesse. Tell him how you feel, and let him know what is going on.” Zenyatta told him, head tipping in Genji’s direction slightly.
“But...I do not wish to make him feel guilty, or the need to love me back out of pity or urgency.”
“Distancing yourself from your problems will only make the walk towards to fixing them even further.”
“I know...”
There was a pause, the sound of waves crashing against the cliffs a pleasant lull. Then, Zenyatta spoke up once again.
“Tell me, Genji. If someone was suffering in silence for you, would you like to know, or remain ignorant of it?”
“Of course I would like to know.” Genji muttered, tearing at a petal.
“Then you have your answer.”
“It cannot be that simple, though. It isn’t that simple!”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But, you will never find out if you do not try. However, my suggestion is to speak with him.”
Genji sighed softly.
“I am sure you are right, as always.”
“That would be my guess as well.” Zenyatta chimed. Genji chuckled a bit at the cheeky tone, staring out at the water before tossing his petal aside. 
He stood, then bowed towards the monk.
“Thank you, Master.”
“Of course, Genji. Good luck.”
Genji sat down on the jut of the cliff, legs crossing into the lotus position. It had been enough time, had made his decision. He had his mask off, Jesse standing behind him with his arms crossed over his chest. The cowboy’s hair was moving with the wind, the setting sun casting a golden hue over everything. 
He looked handsome, as always. Genji tried his best not to stare too much. 
Angela had given him some medicine to help suppress the cough, and it was doing its job, to some extent. Genji still felt the itch in his throat, the catch in his breath, petals getting stuck in his airway. With Jesse right there, lowering himself down to sit next to Genji, it was hard not to cough. It was always hard.
“You been kinda quiet lately. I thought I’d done something wrong, with the way you’ve been avoiding me.” Jesse started, his tone light and teasing. 
Genji smiled ruefully at the waves below them, fingers fidgeting in his lap.
“I did not mean to make that impression. You have done nothing wrong, I assure you.”
The cowboy gave him a side glance, gaze resting on his face for a long moment.
“What’s wrong, then?”
“Technically, nothing. I am just...Unwell.”
“Gen, you’re lyin’ to me. I can still see it in your eyes. That much hasn’t changed since the old days.”
“I said technically.” Genji repeated, holding up a finger defensively. Jesse chuckled, tilting his body to face the ninja more.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, partner. I’m always here for you if you need me.”
Genji grimaced as a cough shuddered through him, eyes watering as he gripped the flower tight in his palm.
The ninja sighed, opening his hand and setting the full flower between them. Jesse’s eyes dropped to it, brows furrowing. Genji pressed his lips into a thin line when Jesse looked back up at him.
A nod.
“...It’s...It’s me?”
Another, more slight nod.
“Gen, I--”
Genji held up a hand, lips curling into a bittersweet smile.
“I just wanted to let you know what was happening. You don’t have to do anything, change anything, or say you love me back. That’s not what this is about. I just. It didn’t feel right hiding it anymore. You deserve to know.” He murmured, gaze downcast as he waited for Jesse’s response. 
It took a minute. The cowboy finally took a breath, shaky and uneven.
“I’m sorry, Genji. It’s...I care about you, and when you left it was definitely more than I--I did love you in Blackwatch, but you left, and I was able to forget, for a while. It’s really what I think saved me from getting hanahaki myse--”
“Jesse, I’ve always loved you.” Genji interrupted, taking Jesse’s hand and running a thumb over his knuckles. The gunslinger’s eyes widened slightly, surprise clear in the honey-brown irises.
“You...You have?”
“Yes. I only wish I had been better at showing you, that I had been better to you. I was hoping...If you are willing, I was hoping you would give me another chance to be better.”
Genji waited patiently as Jesse seemed to gather his thoughts, eyes never leaving the ninja’s face.
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.” He finally whispered, a small, soft smile upturning his lips. Genji let out a quiet sigh of relief, grinning.
“Now, I can’t guarantee immediate wellness, but I have always had feelings for you. I still do. Can you just give me a little more time? It shouldn’t take much.” Jesse followed up, more of a playful lilt to his voice once again. 
The ninja laughed at that, taking Jesse’s hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
“Of course I can.” 
“Thank you. And thank you for telling me, I...You mean so much to me, Genji. You always have.”
“Oh, Jesse. You mean the world to me.” Genji murmured, reaching up to hold the cowboy’s face in his hands gently, pressing their foreheads together. 
Jesse smiled, and the weight that had been pressing on Genji’s chest lifted.
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overwatchworks · 5 years
A Night in Town:
“You’ve been staring.” Genji muttered, hands in his pockets, eyes trained on some unknown object straight ahead.
Jesse blinked and looked away, a sheepish smile growing on his lips.
“Sorry. You look good, can’t help it.” He shrugged, sending a wink Genji’s way.
Jesse hadn’t expected the city to be so...Elegant. Lots of big buildings with sleek glass and neon lights lining their slopes and angles. There was a good mix of omnics and humans, all getting along. That was a nice change. He and Genji fit in pretty well with the city slickers as per their mission, however, Jesse was feeling a bit warm under the collar. 
Genji, at Jesse’s peril, had been dressed to the nines. He had a black turtleneck sweater covered with a sleek, steel grey trench coat, skinny jeans, and worn combat boots. A beanie and a black surgical mask covered his face and hair, the wires and metal missing so he could pass, and Jesse had never stared at him so much. 
Genji looked so ridiculously good, it was criminal. 
That, and Jesse had never actually seen this much of Genji’s face before. Always hiding behind the mask, eyes dark and tired, keeping everyone at a distance. Now, however, Jesse was walking right next to him, elbows nearly touching every time he had to shift out of someone’s way.
“You’ve been staring.” Genji muttered, hands in his pockets, eyes trained on some unknown object straight ahead. 
Jesse blinked and looked away, a sheepish smile growing on his lips.
“Sorry. You look good, can’t help it.” He shrugged, sending a wink Genji’s way. The ninja’s sharp eyes slid to Jesse, his gaze cynical.
“You are! Not my fault it’s true.” Jesse insisted, raising his hands placidly. Genji looked away, unfazed, as usual. Jesse would get him to believe it, eventually. His charm hadn’t failed him yet, and Jesse wasn’t about to stop trying. 
He grinned as they continued walking, hands slipping into his jean pockets, thumbs hooking in the belt loops. They had no place in particular to go, the mission itself was done. It hadn’t been strenuous, just checking out a site that was suspected of blackmarket trade. 
Now, there was nothing to do but wait for the dropship that had, of course, been delayed. Genji had been silent and pensive since Reyes told them it would be late, Jesse taking the subtle narrowing of his eyes and slump of his shoulders to be annoyance. Especially when Jesse insisted they go looking around while they waited. But, he had conceded, so he couldn’t have been that fed up. 
The cowboy didn’t have a specific place in mind as to where he was going, but it had been a long time since he had been in such a nice city. He wanted to enjoy it while he could. Genji stayed in step with him, though, he kept his eyes either trained on the ground or straight ahead of them. 
Jesse wondered what he was thinking about with his brows drawn like that—perhaps his old lifestyle? What it would be like to be fully human again? Maybe he was anxious at not fitting in with either the humans or omnics around him? Jesse never knew quite what went on in that head of his, and Genji certainly wasn’t keen on letting anyone in to try. 
The cowboy nudged his side when he saw a building that had patterns of lights going down its windows like a waterfall, complete with little holograms of fish splashing around. 
“I’ve never seen anythin’ like that. It’s pretty cool, huh?” Jesse told him with a smile. 
Genji glanced at the building, shrugged, but gave no other answer. He went back to staring but not really seeing, Jesse not taking it personally. 
Something must have been messing with the ninja’s head, so Jesse looked around for a place they could go where he could focus on other things. A cafe, maybe? Could Genji even eat there? He was certainly dressed like he would, and the chill in the air was starting to get to Jesse.
“Hey, you hungry? I was gonna stop in a cafe if they’ve got one ‘round here, warm up a bit.”
“Can you help me look for one? Maybe they got a Kofi Aromo or somethin’.” Jesse murmured, Genji finally looking around as if he was in the present again. 
They had to walk for another block or so, but they eventually came across a little coffee shop. Jesse held the door for Genji, waving him in with an exaggerated motion and a smirk. The ninja scoffed, though, the edges of his eyes scrunched just slightly. 
From the back, Jesse could see the bits of metal on his jawline, and surprisingly, little studs in Genji’s ears. He frowned. Genji’s ears were showing. How hadn’t he noticed before? He was just so used to not seeing anything but his eyes. That must have been part of what was throwing him off this whole time. Jesse shook his head and followed Genji in, standing next to him in line.
“You want anythin’? Drinks are on me.” Jesse teased, Genji rolling his eyes good-naturedly.
“I don’t know if I can have any of this.” He hummed softly as he read over the screens advertising various coffees and lattes.
“Well, you won’t know unless you try.”
“It could potentially cause my systems to fail and my body to shut down, but yes, I suppose you are right.”
“Alright, so no coffee, then. Got it.” Jesse sighed, making a slight face as he spoke, brows raised in exasperation. 
Always with the biting remarks. It wasn’t really Genji’s fault, but Jesse did get tired of them after a while. He didn’t hold it against him, though, never had, just tried to make light of the situation instead or simply ignore them instead. 
Genji glanced at the gunslinger, hands coming out of his pockets only to lace his fingers together and fiddle with them unconsciously. He had gloves on to hide how they didn’t match.
“I would like to try the vanilla mocha, though.” Genji uttered softly, shoulders raising slightly. Little things like that were what told Jesse he was trying, and damn, if he wasn’t the cutest guy alive while doing it.
“Vanilla mocha, huh? So you like it sweet?”
“I used to. I don’t know about now.”
“Well, if you wanna try some of mine, you’re welcome to it. It’ll be bitter though, I like a good dark roast.”
“You seem like you would.” Genji mumbled to himself, Jesse raising a brow and grinning. 
They ordered and got a two-seater table towards the back of the cafe, just out of sight. 
Jesse didn’t try for small talk, had learned pretty quickly that Genji would only make and carry on conversation if he wanted to. Today seemed like a day he didn’t want to. Most days were like that, but that was fine. Their drinks came quick anyways, the omnic waiter setting them down and leaving without a word. Just programmed to do a job, nothing more. 
Jesse took the lid off his coffee—dark roast with no cream and a little ice—blowing on the still steaming liquid. It smelled wonderful. The coffee in the Blackwatch common room was good enough to do the job, just instant grounds poured into hot water, so having real coffee was nice. Tasted nice too. 
Jesse’s eyes slipped to Genji once more, the ninja’s fingers curled around the cup as he stared out at the city. His eyes flicked around as he looked, the only movement Jesse could see from him. The gunslinger took a sip of his coffee, letting his eyes roam over his partner while he wasn’t being noticed. Yet. 
Genji just looked so good, human and gentle in a way Jesse had never seen before. Like he was just another normal person, doing normal things in a normal city. 
Jesse eventually looked away, down to his coffee as he tapped his fingers against the cardboard cup. It created tiny ripples on the surface of his drink. 
Genji finally moved, hand going up to his mask. Jesse’s brows raised slightly, interest piqued.  
“You can’t stare.” The ninja told him sharply. Frankly, Jesse was surprised he was being trusted with this at all, much less with a simple threat and nothing more.
“I won’t.” Jesse promised. It would be hard, considering this would be the first time he had ever seen Genji’s face, but he would try his best. 
Jesse realized why he was sitting with his back to the door as he pulled the mask down and tucked it under his chin. His skin was pale and face gaunt, scars slicing across his cheeks and lips, though, the worst ones were around where his synthetic jaw meshed with his real skin, red and raw looking. 
And yet Genji still managed to make that look beautiful. 
Jesse didn’t realize he was smiling until he averted his gaze and took a sip of his coffee. Genji had been avoiding looking at anything but his own drink. He blew on it a bit, the design on the top getting messed up a bit. Took a drink, some of the foam sticking to his upper lip. Jesse couldn’t help but look back up at him. 
Genji was staring at the drink, head tilted slightly. Goddamn, it was getting difficult not to blush.
“I can taste it.” He murmured, Jesse raising a brow. 
“I...Normally cannot taste things. Not like this. It is different, but I can tell it is sweet.” He explained, huffing a little laugh at the end. His lips turned up just ever so slightly, Jesse squeezing his cup tighter.
“Well, that’s good. I’m glad.” 
The gunslinger was relieved he managed to get a decent response out, licking his lips as he forced himself to look out the window. 
They finished their coffees in relative silence, Genji pulling up his mask again as soon as he was through with his drink. It had disappeared rather fast. He glanced at Jesse, then took a little breath, exhaling softly. Not quite a sigh—almost as if he was going to say something, then reevaluated. 
The gunslinger tapped the table as he stood, glad to stretch his legs out and have an excuse to look at anything else but Genji.
“We’ve probably spent enough time here. Wanna walk around some more until we get word of our ride? I’m gettin’ antsy.”
“You sure it isn’t just the caffeine kicking in?” Genji asked, raising a brow as he walked past Jesse without waiting for a response. 
Was that...A joke? Did Genji Shimada truly just make a joke? Jesse grinned, adjusting his baseball cap and chasing after the ninja. Maybe he was making progress after all. 
Genji was waiting just out front, hands back in his pockets, the cold breeze tousling his bangs. Jesse didn’t much like the cold, and it was getting dark on top of that, so it was only going to get colder. However, he was enjoying the time he was able to spend with Genji, just pretending they were normal for a while. That made the biting chill more than worth braving. 
Jesse fell into step beside the ninja when he started walking, looking much better than he had before they got coffee. He seemed a little happier, shoulders squared more and less of a shuffle to his step, eyes bright as he looked around. Jesse watched him a moment, smile softening.
“Yanno, I liked seeing you. Without the mask.”
Genji’s head tilted towards him, pace slowing. He was quiet, emotion Jesse couldn’t quite name flickering behind his eyes.
“Oh. I—Okay.” Stuttered out, tone unsure but sincere. Jesse gave him a lopsided grin, then went back to a comfortable silence. Not dwelling on it for too long, Genji normally liking to move on pretty quickly if they ever happened to talk about him, especially his appearance. 
The lights on the buildings and along the roads had more prominence as it got darker, Jesse admiring the creativity of the city. Genji slowed, then suddenly took a sharp turn, heading towards a park Jesse hadn’t noticed. He felt a hand on his arm, pulling him. 
Genji was pulling him along. 
Jesse wiped the surprise from his face and followed, and while Genji let go pretty quickly, he could still feel the phantom of his touch. The ninja had never voluntarily touched anyone before. 
The park around them was beautiful, the plants alight with luminescent colours, twinkling lights between the leaves, and the path lighting up wherever they stepped. Jesse tipped his head back, the canopy above casting a blue and purple light over everything. He could hear the sound of a stream somewhere, and a few birds still chirping in the bushes.
“Woah. I’ve never seen anythin’ like this before!” Jesse gasped, stepping closer to the edge of the walkway to examine a cluster of flowers with transparent petals glowing soft pinks and yellows. 
Genji ran his hand over the trunk of a tree, the light over the bark brightening where he touched.
“It’s...Synthetic. But some of it is real, with holograms. It’s all mixed, though, I can’t quite tell.”
Jesse went to join him, glancing at the awed look in the ninja’s eyes.
“It’s beautiful.” He murmured, Genji tilting his head up to meet his gaze. It was held for a moment before the cyborg looked back to the trees.
“Yeah. It is.”
He then leaned in, tapping his shoulder to Jesse’s briefly before walking down the path. The gunslinger stared, then smiled, mimicking the little light imprints made from Genji’s steps with his own stride. 
Jesse didn’t know when their ride would get to them, but he truly wished the night didn’t have to end.
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overwatchworks · 5 years
Starry Nights:
Genji figured going to America was going to be a disaster. His father, sending him out to do some solo deals, not at all worried about sending any supervision other than a few of Genji’s personal guards.
“It will help you become accustomed to the nature of our business and deals. Without your brother or I to put the work off on.” Shojiro had told him after calling the brothers into his office.
Hanzo had given him the side eye as Genji blanched at the idea. It got worse when Shojiro told him where he would be going.
Genji figured going to America was going to be a disaster. His father, sending him out to do some solo deals, not at all worried about sending any supervision other than a few of Genji’s personal guards.
“It will help you become accustomed to the nature of our business and deals. Without your brother or I to put the work off on.” Shojiro had told him after calling the brothers into his office. 
Hanzo had given him the side eye as Genji blanched at the idea. It got worse when Shojiro told him where he would be going.
“New Mexico?! Seriously? There’s nothing here but sand and more fucking sand! He could have at least let me stay in California or New York, right? That seems like the places underhanded deals would be happening.” Genji complained, hand propping his chin up as he glared out the window at—go figure—more fucking desert. 
His guard stuck with him for the trip, Kazuo, sighed yet again.
“There is a gang here that supplies good weaponry at a good price. That, and substances we have yet to find anywhere outside of America.”
“Yeah, I know, I read the report, okay? I’m not some dumbass kid like you all seem to think I am.”
“Then perhaps the young master should begin acting like it.” Kazuo offered, eyes never leaving the road. Genji laughed, shaking his head. 
Just because he wasn’t perfect and obedient like Hanzo didn’t mean he was bad at what he did. Genji often thought he could do better than his brother, if he really felt like it. He just never really felt like it, left the dirty work to Hanzo and went out to have a good time instead. That was certainly something his Anija was terrible at. 
But this time around, he was taking it seriously. As much as he hated it, a small, ingrained part of Genji did crave some sort of approval from the clan, from his brother. He liked to impress people, especially those that acted like it was impossible. 
His father had been lenient, as always, and at least gotten Genji a nice place of his own to stay. There was nothing he could do about the town, however. If it could even be called a town. 
It sat precariously on the edge of “Deadlock Gorge”—Genji had rolled his eyes upon hearing the name—little more than a few shacks that could hardly pass for buildings, a crappy old diner, and a gas station that looked like it had been empty since the early 2000’s. There were a few more buildings further down the road that looked slightly better kept, but that was about it. 
Genji, thankfully, was staying further out from podunkville, closer to the city by ten minutes. Which got the drive down to thirty minutes just to get to the suburbs instead of forty. Ridiculous, but it was the best he could get. 
When they arrived at the place Shojiro had bought, Genji hopped out of the car and immediately winced at the heat. He had been hoping for a tan, but this just felt like sunburn to him.
“Damn, the one thing I was hoping would be halfway decent...” Genji muttered, adjusting his sunglasses and putting his hands in his pockets. 
He went to the cozy looking house—nothing too spectacular, but it would have to do. The lawn actually had some grass and shrubs, but it looked out of place when everything else around it was tan, red, and brown. Genji sighed, placing his hand on the scan-lock beside the door. He was already starting to sweat, which was a huge no. 
The inside of the house was quaint; lavish furniture, spacious for a cottage, and blessed air conditioning. The pool out back was a nice touch, and the view of the mountains was alright. Genji went to hook his phone up to the wifi after getting bored of looking around. 
Kazuo brought Genji’s suitcase in, checking the area out.
“Alright, you got this house to yourself. I’m in the next one over. Don’t do anything stupid, I’ll check in again once I’m settled.” He shrugged.
“I highly, highly doubt anyone is going to cause us trouble here. I’ll just text you if I need anything.” Genji called, waving a dismissive hand as he looked on his phone for places to go clubbing. 
Kazuo bowed slightly, Genji going to the couch, not looking up from the device in his hands as he flopped down on it.
“God, this is going to be such a bore...” He muttered after only finding one club that truly wasn’t good enough for his standards. And Genji really didn’t have high ones at this point.
“Oh, and don’t forget, you start school tomorrow.” Kazuo reminded him as he left. 
Genji groaned, arms dropping to his side as he threw his head back dramatically. He’d forgotten about that part. School was just a way to keep Genji in check, making sure he would be focused on his task rather than the city night life. 
The Shimada stared at the ceiling for a long time, pouting, before he finally sat up and went to go put his things away and maybe swim. May as well use his one day of relaxation to the fullest.
Genji wasn’t used to making his own breakfast. Sure, cereal didn’t really count—and honestly, what a shit breakfast too—but Genji was still pouring it into a bowl. Kazuo had forced him to go to the grocery store with him the previous day, and there hadn’t been much of a selection at the local super market. Genji was already missing the food he would normally get at home. 
It had been a struggle to get up, jet lag never being something Genji could conquer without at least sleeping an entire day. He looked cute, at least. Genji wasn’t about to let first impressions be anything but the best. All his clothes were designer, fitted just for him, since he didn’t actually own anything that wasn’t. 
He went for subtle but sexy with ripped black skinny jeans, a cropped tank top, and high-topped sneakers. His hair was perfectly styled and freshly dyed for his trip, just a bit of red eyeliner and gloss to tie everything together. Genji knew he looked good, but he almost fell asleep on the counter as he was eating his cereal. There wasn’t even a coffee shop around to give him a slap of caffeine to help.
“Genji, let’s go.” Kazuo called, voice holding a hint of irritation. 
Genji sat up quickly, startled by the sudden noise. He must have dozed off a bit.
“I’m coming!”
Genji wolfed down the last of his cereal and threw the bowl in the sink, grabbing his newly acquired backpack. It just had a few notebooks and pencils, enough to get by for the time he’d be staying. 
School was a must, but getting good grades? Not so much, especially since he would only be there for a month or two, tops. Shojiro had only paid the school to let him in, keep an eye out, and not ask any questions. 
Genji ran outside, meeting Kazuo in the car.
“Damn, it’s already hot out! How do people live here?” He huffed, sitting back in his seat and checking his phone. 
It was prime partying hours back in Japan, his social media alight with pictures of his friends and messages asking where he was. He replied to as many as he could on the ride, though, everything was kept vague. A family trip was the excuse, since the task itself was a secret.
“Wait out back when you get let out, I’ll be there.” Kazuo told him when they arrived at the school. 
Genji nodded, taking a look at the building. It was bigger than he expected, a mix of kids walking in the front doors. Genji qualified as a senior, though, he was turning nineteen in a couple of months. Definitely a little older than some of the kids he saw. They looked really tiny to him.
“Jeez, I still can’t believe I have to go here.” Genji grumbled as he left the car, shouldering his bag and walking in with everyone else. 
And everyone stared. Everyone. 
Genji smirked, looking over everyone’s faces, enjoying the attention. He liked when they quickly averted their gazes to the floor with blushes and whispered conversation to their friends. Going to the principal’s office came first; checking in and getting his schedule. All the mandated crap. 
Genji winked at a group of girls as he passed them, and they blushed and fussed with their hair. Maybe school wouldn’t be all bad.
Classes were boring as all hell, as usual. Genji was surprised at how relaxed America’s schooling system was. Then again, he had been home-schooled his whole life, so he didn’t have much to base levels of relaxation on. Schooling at home had been intense, and there was no way to hide a bad grade or ask for extra credit when it came to Sensei. 
Genji was thrown into the middle of what everyone called “spring semester”, but he caught on pretty quickly. He had also gotten more than enough numbers to start making friends. Everyone in the school was talking about him, and at lunch, his table was filled almost immediately. Genji liked the people so far, and it wasn’t as bad as he had expected. The teachers didn’t give him much work upon hearing his name, at least, up until his English class.
“Practice essays for your upcoming test on Friday! Everyone get out a pencil and some paper.” The teacher instructed. 
Her name was Ms. García, according to Genji’s schedule. He raised his hand as everyone around him shuffled around their bags.
“Yes, Genji, I know who you are, and yes, I still want you to get a paper and pencil out like the rest of us.” She told him matter-of-factly, arms crossing over his chest. 
Genji lowered his hand, lips pressing into a thin line as he followed her instructions reluctantly. The door suddenly opened, everyone’s heads turning to look, including Genji’s. And look he did. 
The guy that walked in had choppy brown hair pulled back from his face, freckles, a nice tan, and some really well fitting jeans and flannel. Really well fitting. Genji stared at him as he walked in quickly, sitting in the empty desk next to him. 
What an absolutely mouthwatering specimen.
“Jesse, it’s every time—”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry. Got held up with Mr. Diaz, he sent you an email.”
Ms. García shook her head, waving her hand with a small smile.
“I really should get you in trouble more often.” She huffed, Jesse grinning and leaning back.
“Nah, l do enough of that on my own.”
“That you do. Paper and pencil, we’re writing an essay.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Genji narrowed his eyes and glanced at Jesse out of the corner of his eye. Jesse glanced back, then winked. The ninja bit his lip to try and hide his smile, though, he failed rather miserably. 
Maybe school wasn’t all bad, and maybe Genji had just gotten really lucky he had someone so hot in his English class.
Two weeks went by like a blur. Genji really had been missing out on the public school experience, and honestly, it was pretty much just like in the movies. All the gossip, the cliques, the sitting through class while staring at the minute hand on the clock moved agonizingly slow toward the next hour. 
Lunch hour was best, though. Genji got to sit with his new friends and chatter about everything and nothing, and it seemed like anything he had to say was exciting to these kids. It probably was, considering the size of the town they lived in. 
He had, of course, gotten Jesse’s number. Feigned needing help on essays because of his English every now and then to score an after school “tutoring” session. Not much tutoring ever went on, mostly just excitable banter and getting to know one another. And not only was Jesse hot, he had a personality that matched it. Genji was really, really liking him. 
The only thing Genji was not liking was how he seemed to get dust and sand in every crevice of his body and clothes. He had to shower every night, which certainly wasn’t good for his hair. But, life had not been completely centered around school. 
Genji had yakuza work to do as well, and about three nights a week, he was dressed in a suit making deals with faces tucked behind bandanas. Deadlock. They were a fierce group, motley as they were. Genji could see why his father liked doing business with them. 
Still under the radar in terms of status, loyal to their buyers because of this, and they had some really interesting supplies. Sometimes it was prototype weapons, others drugs and various enhancement substances that Genji had to wonder how they got their hands on. They had gotten him SEP enhancers. Top of the line, and should have been top secret. Genji had a crate of them hidden in the back shed behind the cottage. 
Tonight was not a night that Genji was working, however—and he certainly couldn’t wait until his father and Hanzo heard how good he was doing, the look on his brother’s face would be gold—instead he was scrolling on his phone, holoscreen TV playing idly in the background. 
A text popped up from Jesse. Genji grinned and immediately tapped on it.
‘Hey, sunshine. What say you and I have dinner and do a little stargazing sometime this week? ;)’
Genji tapped his foot as his fingers flew over the screen, biting his lip with a smirk. It was about time Jesse asked him out.
‘Oh, I’m not sure how busy I’ll be this week. (¬◡¬)✧ What day were you thinking??’
Genji waited as the little text bubble popped up, foot tapping quicker.
‘How’s the day after tomorrow sound? I got a little bit of work tomorrow, but after that, I’m all yours, darlin’.’
A giggle bubbled up at the pet name, how he even accented it through the text. Jesse was such a dork, and Genji didn’t realize just how much he would love it.
‘What a coincidence, me too. That sounds good then! See you Wednesday, cowboy <3’
‘Looking forward to it.’
Genji set his phone down and launched himself off the couch with a continual sound of excitement, padding quickly over the tile floors to get to his bedroom to pick out an outfit. 
All he had to do was get through tomorrow, then his date day—and that cowboy ass—was all his.
Genji’s arms were crossed, fingers tapping on his forearm impatiently. He checked his watch, then sighed. He was hot, the dress shirt was stuffy, and Deadlock was seven minutes late. Genji understood being fashionably late, but he was getting pissed off. They had chosen an old warehouse quite a ways from even the small town to do their trade in, accomplices of the Shimada clan having flown in for extra protection to Genji seeming to share his irritation. 
There was no air conditioning, the sun was filtering through holes in the ceiling in sweltering patches, and Deadlock was late. 
The clicking of heels came two minutes later, Genji not moving from where he was leaned against the wall. His eyes narrowed like a cat that had just caught sight of its prey, contrasting to the silky smile that wove its way up his lips.
“Ah, Elizabeth! Good of you to finally show up! I was thinking you had forgotten about our little deal here.” Genji called pleasantly as a group of Deadlock members stepped into view, guns held passively. 
Most of them had bandanas covering their faces and obnoxious hats. Lots of torn leather jackets, chains, oil stains, and old jeans. There was a rather large omnic just behind the gang leader, and man at her side with only one arm of his jacket ripped to show off the tattoo on his forearm. He seemed kind of stiff, anxious. A bad sign. 
Nevertheless, Genji pushed himself off the wall and walked over to Ashe.
“Now now, no need to get antsy. Some of this stuff just takes a little longer to get here.” She told him, a deep drawl accenting her voice. 
Genji didn’t like it. It made her sound like she was teasing, cocky, used to getting her way. Maybe she was. But, so was he.
“And for the record, it’s Ashe.”
Genji accepted the gloved hand outstretched to him, a slight crease in Ashe’s brow giving away her annoyance at his barb. Genji simply smiled coldly at her. They shook, then Ashe motioned to her gang, Genji watching as a crate placed on a hovercraft came to rest just behind her.
“I got your goods, now show me mine.” She demanded, head tilting to the side, eyes narrowing. 
Genji glanced over the group of gang members once again, then held up his hand, two fingers moving in a quick motion. Kazuo slid a credit reader into his hand, the little device shining a ridiculously large number at him. He flipped it over and held it up for Ashe, raising a brow as she sneered.
“That’s all you’re givin’ me? A silly little credit chip for all the shit I got you?”
“The deal was twenty million credits, and this is how you’ll get them.” Genji shrugged. 
Ashe set her jaw, the man behind her shifting slightly. Genji’s eyes darted to him, assessing, daring him to move again. He stared back at Genji for a moment, then looked down. That guy was the only one acting suspicious, as far as Genji could tell, so he went back to focusing on the deal at hand.
“Do you know how long it took me to get this here? There’s new types of ammo in there, specialized, never before seen on the market!”
“I know, which is why I am paying so much for such a small shipment of it. You have my word it’s all here.” Genji told her, just a slight tease to his voice. 
He knew he held all the strings in this deal, knew all he had to do was tug a few to make his puppets dance. Ashe would take the deal, or she would be left with no better buyer.
“Oh, and I can just trust your word, huh, yakuza?” Ashe hissed, raising to the bait. 
Genji smiled and shrugged again.
“Take it or leave it. I’m tired of waiting around in this place.”
There was silence for a prolonged moment, Ashe’s eyes narrowing and fingers tightening over the barrel of her rifle. Genji slipped his hand into his pocket, gripping the throwing knife he had hidden there as he waited.
“Get that lyin’ brat, boys.” Ashe ordered, Genji smirking as he ducked under the first shots fired his way. 
At least she was making this fun. That, and Genji had been provoking her. He guessed this was probably deserved. 
Genji threw his knife—heard it connect satisfyingly with the weapon he had been aiming for as it clattered to the ground—and immediately ducked behind an old pile of crates for cover. His guards swarmed around him, giving sharp commands in quick, clipped Japanese. 
Genji glanced out from behind the crate, looking for Ashe. She was spontaneous and rash, sure, but he was confident once she put the rifle down, they could still make a deal. If she ever put the damn rifle down. 
A shot went past his ear—dangerously close—and Genji threw another knife. He heard a shout, then took his chance. His wakazashi was out of its sheath in a blink, and he was behind the enemy’s cover in another. A kick was thrown at Ashe’s head as she turned to look at him, eyes widening.
“I’m still willing to make a deal, you know!” Genji told her as she growled and spat blood. 
Ashe slammed the butt of her rifle against Genji’s shoulder, at too much of a positional disadvantage to do any more damage than that.
“Fuck off! B.O.B, do somethin’!”
“You won’t get a better price, I guarantee it!”
Genji ducked beneath a punch, then felt a rather large hand grab his shirt and pull him off of the gang leader. Was Bob really the giant omnic’s name? He was thrown into the dwindling group of the Deadlock thugs, hitting someone else and taking them both to the ground with a grunt. 
Genji smacked a hand against the man’s face, then looked down at him with a snarl. It was the nervous man from behind Ashe. He tried to push Genji off him, grappled with him a bit, Genji not letting him get away. If he was going to lose this deal, he wasn’t going to lose it alone.
“Stay down and I won’t slit your throat!” He hissed, not even realizing he had lost his wakizashi when he had been thrown until now. 
The man stilled, a crease in his brow as he glanced down at Genji’s empty hands pressed against his throat, then back up, noticing the same thing.
“Shut up, I’m still in a position to strangle you if I wanted.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
Genji frowned. He recognized that voice, those eyes darting back and forth between the retreating gang and the yakuza guards running towards the Shimada. 
Genji impulsively ripped the bandana down, eyes widening when Jesse stared back up at him, panic dancing over his features. Their gaze didn’t break, even as Genji stood slowly, Jesse scrambling up.
“McCree, come on!” Ashe shouted. 
Jesse hesitated, looking between Genji and Ashe. His chest rose and fell quickly as he backed up, running after his gang. Genji held up a hand when his guards tried to chase him, eyes narrowing.
“Leave him.”
“I said. Leave him.” Genji growled, turning on his heel and snatching up his wakazashi. He sheathed it forcefully, brow low and eyes dark as he stalked out of the warehouse.
They didn’t talk for weeks. Genji avoided Jesse as much as he could, though, school made it difficult. He skipped English class and ate lunch in the bathrooms. It wasn’t even that he was angry with Jesse or that he didn’t want to see him. It was just...Awkward. 
Jesse being apart of Deadlock didn’t surprise him, not really. Everyone had secrets. And Jesse had seen the secret side of Genji that he wasn’t exactly proud of having. He had threatened to kill him, had been poised and ready to strike him dead. Had been willing to. Genji wasn’t proud of that, never would be. Facing Jesse now seemed impossible. 
Genji walked to the back of the school to be picked up by Kazuo as usual, head down and hands on his backpack straps. No one ever really went out the back, so when he heard footsteps behind him, Genji frowned.
“Gen, wait!”
The Shimada turned, eyes widening as he saw Jesse making his way over. He broke out into a run, scrambling around a corner and trying to make it to the back courtyard where Kazuo would be.
“Hey! Genji, wait a sec!!”
Louder footsteps, running after him, a hand wrapping around his arm.
Said man stepped in front of Genji, effectively blocking his path.“
Please, just hear me out! And after that, you don’t ever have to talk to me again, okay? Just...Please.” Jesse urged, both hands gripping Genji’s biceps gently. 
His eyes were wide, brows furrowed; he looked like a sad puppy. Genji pursed his lips, gaze drifting to the side, but he stilled his struggles.
“Listen, I...What happened, I get it if you hate me for it. I know being apart of, you know, a gang like that is...I-I don’t know. But, what happened then doesn’t change how I feel about you now. Different parts of us just had a bad run in, that’s all.”
“This probably doesn’t even make any sense, but what I’m tryin’ to say is that I still like you. And if you don’t like me, that’s fine too. I get it. I’m sorry for everythin’ that happened, though. I at least want you to know that.”
Genji stared at Jesse, watched him struggle for more words before he simply sighed and let him go. He took his hands as they slipped back down to his sides.
“Jesse, I don’t think badly of you for this. I just thought you’d...I don’t know. Not like me? Since we fought and...I just assumed that you wouldn’t want to see me again because of who...Who you saw.” Genji murmured, biting his lip as he looked away.
“Aw, hon. I know that wasn’t you.”
“But it was. I need you to understand that. That’s what I do for a living. I have to be that person, it’s my duty!”
Jesse squeezed his hands, dipping his head slightly to meet Genji’s eyes better. His gaze reluctantly slipped to the cowboy’s, surprised to find only warmth there.
“I’ve been around you long enough to know who you really are, Gen. I know what it’s like to live a double life like this, and I know that who you are with them isn’t always you. I get it. And I know who you really are, and what you do. I accept it.”
Genji blinked quickly, brows furrowed. Jesse took a breath, a small smile quirking his lips up.
“So...If you still want to, I hear Saturday is going to have clear skies. It’d be a good night to go stargazing.”
A laugh left Genji as he nodded, pulling Jesse into a hug.
“Yeah. Yeah, Saturday sounds good.” He whispered against Jesse’s shoulder, the cowboy squeezing him tightly.
“And for the record, I accept you too, Jess.”
Jesse grinned, eyes dipping to Genji’s lips a split second before he was kissed. Short and sweet, but it still left him breathless.
“See you Saturday, darlin’.” Jesse murmured, their noses brushing before he pulled away and went down the hall. 
Genji stared after him, his own smile hardly contained.
“See you Saturday.”
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overwatchworks · 5 years
Think on It  (Talon AU pt. 2)
Things were tense. McCree had been quiet lately, ever since some Talon agent with no importance to Genji had left.
Genji picked up his throwing knife again, spinning it over his thumb before flinging it into the dirt. There were marks left from how long he had been sitting there, just waiting and toying with the knife. Things were tense. McCree had been quiet lately, ever since some Talon agent with no importance to Genji had left. 
He had been a friend to McCree, though, the only reason the gunslinger was thinking about it so much. Genji couldn’t care less who stayed or who left Talon; they were cowards if they did, but it wasn’t his problem. 
They were on their own, scouting out potential sites to put another Talon base. This place was just as dismal as the last. The point of the knife buried in the dirt again, Genji slowly dragging his gaze up as he pulled it out. McCree was watching him, back leaned against an old, abandoned building wall, arms crossed over his chest. His lips were pursed, eyes clouded. 
Genji found it strange that someone like McCree was taking an agent leaving so poorly. And not even an important one, at that. It was just some soldier, a dime a dozen.
“Why are you troubling yourself with that soldier who fled? I know it’s what you’re thinking about.” Genji murmured, flipping his knife through his fingers deftly. 
McCree blinked, looking up as though he just remembered where he was.
“The soldier that left. Why do you care so much?” Genji repeated slowly. Patience covering the demand poorly.
“What, Baptiste?”
“If that was his name.”
McCree tipped his head back against the wall, sighing as his gaze drifted to the side. Genji watched the motion sharply.
“I dunno. Just got me thinkin’, is all. He...” The gunslinger trailed off, glancing at Genji warily.
“He what.”
“I don’t think you’d understand, if I’m bein’ honest.” McCree muttered. He tugged at the brim of his hat—a nervous gesture.
“Then enlighten me.” Genji shrugged, hiding his knife once more and sitting in the lotus pose. 
His scarf slipped over his shoulder, still stained with his brother’s blood. Patches that were dark and stiff, rusted brown against dirty gold. McCree eyed it, then stared at Genji a moment more.
“He said some things to me before he left that I can’t quite ignore.” He finally murmured, Genji raising a sharp brow.
“Oh? So a coward’s words are going to make you turn tail and run off too, are they?” Genji sneered, McCree rolling his eyes and grumbling something under his breath darkly. Genji smirked, showing a hint of teeth.
“I thought you were better than that, McCree.” 
“You’re the last person I would take moral advice from.” McCree growled. 
Genji laughed, a bitter, cold thing.
“What? Murdering family was my brother’s idea first, I was simply following in my precious Anija’s footsteps!”
“You’re sick, you know that? Fuckin’ sick.”
Genji’s smile dropped, lip curling.
“At least I had a reason behind my killing.” He hissed, fingers curling, fist tightening. McCree pushed off the wall, shooting a dark glare Genji’s way.
“You’re really makin’ me think Baptiste was right in leavin’.”
“If you even question where your loyalties lie, you do not belong here. We don’t need you, just like we did not need him.”
“‘We’? Gen, when did Talon become ‘we’ to you? When you joined, you said you worked alone, didn’t even want to associate yourself with Talon! He’s right, they’re just using us and you’re blindly following because you don’t know how to stop! Because they can get you what you and your messed up mind want, hiding their intentions under some form of justification for what the clan you already destroyed did to you! You got your revenge, and now, you’re just mindlessly killing for them! It’s no better than how you were being used before you came!” 
Genji lunged at McCree, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him back against the wall, teeth bared. The gunslinger grabbed his wrist, chin raising slightly, defiant even when pinned.
“You know it’s true. I think I know you better than you know yourself.” McCree grit out, Genji growling low in his throat.
“If that is what you think about me, then you do not know me at all.” He murmured, voice dangerously low as he let go of McCree, stepping back. The gunslinger, to his credit, merely straightened and fixed his hat.
“Maybe you should think on it. For yourself, Gen, not for Talon.” 
Genji narrowed his eyes, emotions he had not felt in a long time flickering and conflicting in his chest. McCree turned and walked out of the back alley, lighting a cigarillo as he went. The ninja watched the smoke rise from his silhouette, then sat back down and began to throw his knife again as he thought.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Valentine’s Day Mcgenji ^3^~<3
Genji didn’t know why he had impulsively bought the teddy bear. He had gone into the convenience store to clean the blood off his hands and walked out with a bag hanging off his arm carrying a teddy bear. It was cute, sure, but Genji just didn’t do things like that, never had. Also, teddy bears in Blackwatch? He didn’t think so. 
But, it had been wearing a cowboy hat, holding a little heart that said “You’re the yee to my haw”. It was the cheesiest, most awful thing Genji had ever seen. 
He couldn’t not buy it. 
He went back to the rendezvous point with the bag shoved into his overlarge hoodie, careful to make sure absolutely no one saw what he had bought. The flight back to base was long and boring as ever. Genji cleaned Ryū ichimonji as best he could without the proper supplies, feeling the little bulge of the teddy bear move against his stomach. 
He glanced up every now and then to make sure no one had somehow caught on. Debated just throwing the bag away in the drop-ship. The thought of Jesse maybe liking it, the smile it could--and probably would--bring to his face kept Genji from doing that. But it was a close thing. 
He felt dumb walking off the ship with his hands in his pockets to keep the bear from falling out of his hoodie, holding it in place through the pocket. The ninja went straight to his quarters and shut the door quietly, setting his weapons down carefully on their stands. 
He then took the bear from his hoodie and threw it on the bed. Stared at it, with it’s little cowboy hat and heart. Genji shook his head and hid it under his pillow.
“Baka...” He muttered under his breath, glaring at the pillow. 
Genji then felt a little bad that he was glaring at a teddy bear. No one could glare at a teddy bear for no reason, not even him. Even if it was stupid of him to buy it, and even more stupid of him to think he could give it to someone else. 
Jesse would love it, though. 
The ninja sighed, then went to wash the sweat and grime from the mission off himself.
Two days later, the teddy bear was sitting in Genji’s bedside table drawer. Still hidden in his room. He had tried to gather up enough courage to tell Jesse he had something for him, but it just felt wrong. The cowboy wouldn’t want a teddy bear, right? It was silly. Genji shouldn’t have gotten it. Jesse was a grown man, a black ops agent. A teddy bear just didn’t match. 
Genji was walking back to his quarters after working out with said cowboy, Jesse yammering about a mission he had just been on. The ninja had been lost in thought for most of the story, though.
“And it’s not like I was spotted or nothin’, I know I wasn’t. But they still knew I was comin’, which has me wonderin’ if they were warned before hand.” Jesse sighed, running a hand through his freshly washed hair. He had taken a shower after they had finished weights.
“Or you are just not as stealthy as you think you are.” Genji told him with a shrug.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that, and go with my original thought.”
“Whatever makes you feel better about it.”
Jesse grinned, elbowing Genji in the shoulder lightly.
“Thanks, partner. You wanna watch a movie tonight? I’m not scheduled for another mission until Friday, so I got time to kill.”
“I am not busy either. Sounds good.”
They went back to Genji’s room, Jesse flopping down on the bed without hesitation. He took off his boots, then stretched out, hands behind his head and legs crossed at the ankle. Genji stared at him with a raised brow.
“What? You do the same thing in my room!”
“But you are taking up the whole bed, I make sure and leave room.”
“Looks like we’ll just have to get snuggled up real close, then.” Jesse told him with a wink, Genji rolling his eyes.
“I’ll sit on the floor, thanks.”
“Darlin’, you’re woundin’ me!” Jesse gasped in mock hurt, Genji smiling in bemusement.
The ninja chose a movie--something old that he didn’t even look at the cover picture for before picking it--then sat on the edge of the bed. He thought about the teddy bear in the drawer. Licked his lips. Now was as good of a time as ever. 
Genji took his mask off and set it on the bedside table as an excuse to be near it. His hand hesitated over the handle to the drawer. Drew back. Maybe another time. 
The ninja curled up against Jesse’s side despite his earlier banter, hood pulled up over his head to hide his face a bit. Having the mask off was still difficult. Genji still hated what was beneath it. But it was better when Jesse was around. 
The cowboy’s arm draped over Genji’s shoulder, tugging him closer. Genji went with it. They got halfway through the movie before the ninja lost interest in it. Jesse didn’t seem too invested either, if the way he seemed to be on the verge of dozing off was any indication. Genji sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“This movie sucks.” He muttered.
“It ain’t the worst I’ve seen, but it’s borin’ as all hell. Wanna pick a different one or just take a nap?” Jesse asked him through a yawn, Genji finding the latter rather enticing at the moment. 
He stretched, eyes falling back to the bedside table after a moment. Another hesitation.
“I...Actually have something for you.”
The words tumbled out before Genji could stop them, back facing Jesse as he reached for the drawer.
“You do?”
“You...I just...It reminded me of you. You don’t have to keep it or anything, it’s kind of dumb.” Genji mumbled, taking the teddy bear from it’s hiding place. He put it against his chest quickly, out of Jesse’s view. His thumbs smoothed over the soft fur absently.
“Well, what is it...?”
Genji twisted back around to face the cowboy, shoving the teddy bear into his lap. He crossed his arms over his chest, head lowered to hide the blush dusting over his cheeks. Jesse looked surprised, picking up the bear with raised brows. Then, he laughed. 
“Oh my god, I love it! It’s so perfect! Yee to my haw, that’s genius!” Jesse exclaimed, his grin wide, cheeks rosy. Genji couldn’t help a small smile of his own.
“I love it, Gen, thank you! Did you get it for Valentine’s Day?”
Genji’s smile turned into confusion.
“Valentine’s Day. Yanno, the cheesy holiday where everything’s got hearts and love written all over it.”
“Is that what it was at the store...? I thought it was just some weird theme it had.”
“Awww, so you just got it ‘cause you thought of me?” Jesse cooed, pushing himself into Genji’s space and getting a playful shove.
“Don’t make me regret it.” The ninja muttered. 
Jesse grinned, wrapping his arms around Genji and tugging him close, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Thank you, sweetheart. His name is Teddy Eastwood, and I’ll sleep with him every night.”
“Teddy Eastwood?”
“You have to address him like that.” Jesse told him, all seriousness. Genji giggled behind his hand, then patted the teddy bear’s head.
The cowboy leaned in and pressed their foreheads together, giving Genji a quick kiss. The ninja pushed up into it gently, his smile softening. Genji then laid down on his side, Jesse snuggling up behind him and placing Teddy Eastwood on his shoulder.
“He’s perfect.”
“I am glad you like him.”
“I love him. And I love you, darlin’.”
Genji closed his eyes and laced his fingers through Jesse’s, hugging his arm. Felt lips brush against the back of his neck, along the wires.
“Love you too.” ~~
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Some Blackwatch Mcgenji
It felt strange, opening up to someone, especially since that someone was Jesse. Flamboyant, kindhearted Jesse. Everyone liked him, and those that didn’t generally just didn’t get along with anyone.
But Genji had gotten lucky. Jesse was the one who liked him.
Genji sauntered off the dropship first, fingers on his prosthetic hand flexing as he examined it. There was nothing wrong, he just had to make it look like he was doing something. He didn’t like staring straight ahead when he didn’t have any specific plans, because he’d inevitably end up at the med bay. And the med bay was something that could wait until later.
He was sick of it, went at least twice a week without missions on top of that. Ziegler was always nice, amiable, did her best to make the check ups short and sweet. O’Deorian was always the one that made him uncomfortable, but she did her job well and in relative silence.
That was one thing Genji liked about her more than Ziegler. Ziegler wanted to make small talk, get to know him, be friendly. Genji didn’t have friends anymore, and he meant to keep it that way.
Well, no more friends besides Jesse McCree. Something about the cowboy–be it his wit, charm, or just him treating the ninja like a normal person–got to Genji. He had woven his way into Genji’s schedule, then into his mind, and finally, into his heart. It felt strange, opening up to someone, especially since that someone was Jesse. Flamboyant, kindhearted Jesse. Everyone liked him, and those that didn’t generally just didn’t get along with anyone.
But Genji had gotten lucky. Jesse was the one who liked him.
It had been annoying at first, the cowboy’s constant banter and flirty smiles, but Genji had eventually started to look forward to it. Started to cherish each grin and pat on the shoulder, each sweet thing Jesse would say to him. They became more than friends after that.
Genji went to the gunslinger when he felt like he needed to let off some steam, when he needed affirmation that he was alive and could still feel things. It wasn’t quite the same as when he was human, but Jesse could make it feel close. And close was good enough.
Sex had been casual–sometimes a necessity–something the both of them could enjoy in their own ways. There wasn’t quite love to it, though. Genji could tell that much, and it wasn’t like he was trying to make it something real special anyways. That was an unspoken agreement between them. The thing they had going on, especially the sex part, was generally just seen as a friend-with-benefits kind of deal.
Sometimes, it made Genji sad, thinking about that. Jesse was someone he felt he could truly trust, and he wanted him in a way he knew he shouldn’t have. With their job on top of Genji’s condition, and the fact that they were supposed to be professionals in a military op, things like love weren’t really welcome.
Genji would catch himself wishing it were, though. That was dangerous, but he couldn’t help it. Thinking someone like Jesse–sweet Jesse who always treated him with respect and kindness–to possibly love him back? It was a dream Genji couldn’t help but have. Because he did love Jesse.
The problem was, he couldn’t. Not here, in this place, nor with the body and mind he had now. He wasn’t ready to love someone, but he did.
He simply couldn’t help falling in love with Jesse McCree.
Genji sighed, making his way back to the barracks in silence. He’d clean his weapons, sharpen them, finish his post-mission report, then maybe think about going to the med bay. The ninja went into his room and set down his things. Took off the protective armour he could, showered, then put the mask back on. Dressed in some sweatpants and a jacket.
He sat on the floor, legs tucked beneath him as he began to diligently clean his katana and wakazashi with practiced, precise strokes. His mind started to wander. Eyes unfocused. A buzzing in his ears started up. Footsteps behind him after what felt like mere seconds startled him back to reality, the ninja whipping around and holding his wakazashi to the intruder’s throat.
Jesse’s hands raised placidly. He had an almost bored look on his face.
“I thought bein’ a bit louder with my steps would’ve warned you.”
Genji lowered the wakazashi, stance relaxing.
“I was not paying attention. Forgive me.”
“Nah, you’re fine. I shoulda seen it comin’.” Jesse shrugged, hands slipping into his hoodie pocket.
“You should not even have to worry about getting a knife to your neck with a teammate, a friend…” Genji murmured, setting his wakazashi back on its stand. He was unsure what to do with his hands now that they were empty, eyes cast downwards.
“It comes with this line of work, Gen. I used to do it too. Hell, I still sleep with my hand on my gun, even here.”
“But at least you know how to tell friend from foe.”
“So do you. It’s not a big deal, Gen. I just wanted to check up on you after I heard you got back from the mission. How’d it go?” Jesse asked, sitting on the bed crosslegged, hands resting behind him to support the lean of his body.
Genji took the unspoken invitation to sit next to him, appreciating the easy change of subject. He curled his knees to his chest, chin resting on top of the hard metal. Couldn’t feel it through the mask. It bothered him, but he was used to ignoring it.
“It was boring. Nothing happened. We were in and out. I suppose it went well.”
“You suppose?”
“I mean, yeah. It did.” Genji muttered, eyes flicking to his pillow.
“Did somethin’ bad happen?”
“No. Just boring.”
Jesse hummed, then reached out and cupped the back of Genji’s head. His fingers slipped into the still damp spikes of the ninja’s hair.
“Well, I’m glad you’re back safely. I missed you.”
Genji allowed himself to be pulled forward into an embrace, closing his eyes when he was wrapped in Jesse’s arms.
“Missed you too.” He whispered, barely audible. The cowboy’s hands squeezed him lightly, so Genji guessed he caught it.
“I can’t get you outta my head, you know that? I was worried about you the whole time you were gone. It’s too quiet without you.”
“I hardly say anything.” Genji scoffed, though he felt warmth in his chest. Warmth that needed to be snuffed out before it was too late.
“No. You say a lot. You say it with your eyes, the little things you do with me, the way you hold yourself when we’re…Yanno. Together.” Jesse mumbled against the ninja’s temple.
Genji frowned and pulled back, blinking a few times.
“What are you trying to say…?”
“I dunno, I just—I got feelings for you that I haven’t really got a good grasp on yet, but I know that they’re real, and they’re important to me. You’re important to me. Gen, you—We…” Jesse trailed off. Genji was surprised. It wasn’t often that the cowboy was at a loss for words.
He tilted his head, taking Jesse’s hand in his human one. Looked into Jesse’s honey-brown eyes.
“I think…I think I understand what you are trying to say.”
Jesse’s brows furrowed as Genji took off the mask, setting it aside and putting both his hands over the one in his hold.
“You are important to me as well, Jesse. Important in a way I…It’s not something I am used to anymore. Not something I expected would be returned, certainly—”
Genji cut off abruptly as Jesse raised his free hand to cup his chin, encouraging him to look up. He did. Jesse was smiling in that way that made Genji feel special. Warm. Human.
“You’re beautiful.”
Genji’s eyes flicked to Jesse’s lips, then slipped shut again as those lips met his own. He slowly dropped back onto the bed, Jesse leaning over him, pressing his body down, following him. The kiss didn’t break until they needed air, their shared breaths hot.
Genji stared up at Jesse a moment, then wrapped his arms around his head and shoulders, bringing him down again. The warmth in his chest turned into a simmering burn, a fire stoked to life again from dying embers. The cowboy’s body was pressed to his in a firm line, warm and heavy and alive. Burning just like Genji’s was.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Unwelcome Meetings:
The gunslinger’s eyes locked on an old picture, worn at the edges, tape barely holding it to the wall. 
Winston’s agent completion ceremony with the old gang. Him, Genji, Reinhardt and Ana on one side. Angela, Lena, Torbjörn, and Jack on the other. Gabe facing away from the camera in the far corner. So much had changed.
There was a haze in the air, silence so quiet it was loud. Too loud. Jesse didn’t like it. He glanced at Genji, eyes partially hidden by his hat. The ninja’s lights were dimmed slightly by the dust around them, green casting a visible line through the air. Even through the mask, Jesse felt Genji’s gaze meet his own. 
It was all too familiar, this sense of unease, foreboding. Waiting in the shadows. 
Overwatch had sent Genji and Jesse to investigate an old Blackwatch hideout. The reasoning was obvious; they were the only two operatives that had specific knowledge on the place, Jesse especially. He had been there many times, the little building tucked into an unassuming corner of California, just inside Death Valley. Was one of the few Reyes trusted enough to take with him to check on things. 
Lots of dirty secrets were hidden in files there underground, stored in places Jesse had snuck in to back when he snooped around just a little to much. A file concerning the events in Rialto was what they were after. Sure, Overwatch had a copy, but they didn’t have the Blackwatch commander’s version of it. 
The one with the full truth. The version Jesse had heard only once from the commander himself, and never repeated to anyone. He wasn’t sure if he ever would.
“Come on, it’s this way.” Jesse murmured, tugging on the brim of his hat and continuing forward. Genji followed without a word. 
The ninja had been quieter than usual, contemplative. Jesse could say the same about himself. Blackwatch was a touchy subject for everyone. This mission they had been sent on rubbed Jesse the wrong way. Everything felt out of place. 
After a few more minutes of pensive silence, the two paused, sliding down to the lowest dip of a large dune. It went further into a canyon, evening sunlight filtering through the holes above them.
“You search left, I will go right.” Genji offered, cybernetic hands sliding over the sandstone carefully as he moved. The cowboy nodded, following the rock wall and stepping lightly. 
A flicker of light caught Jesse’s eye. Something had moved further in the canyon. Jesse set his hand on Peacekeeper in her holster, thumb circling the textured grip.
Genji made a soft grunt as he twisted something on the ground, a handle popping up. He pulled on it, revealing a staircase that lit up as soon as he stepped down on it carefully.
“Welcome back, Agent Shimada.” A gentle voice greeted, Jesse joining Genji after sweeping the area once more.
“It can still read my biosignature...?” Genji murmured almost to himself, the gunslinger patting his shoulder as he passed and began walking down the staircase.
“Darlin’, our biosignature is in their databases forever. They ain’t forgetting who belongs to them.”
“Agent McCree, welcome.”
“Good to hear from you again, Eris.”
“Likewise.” The voice hummed. It was an AI model made before Athena, but it had almost the same capabilities. Programmed for Blackwatch instead of Overwatch. 
Holoscreens lit up the room the staircase led down to once Jesse stepped into it, head tilting at all the displays.
“Not much has changed.”
“I have kept everything in perfect condition as per request of Commander Reyes since the last transmission I received seven and a half years ago.” Eris informed them, Jesse’s jaw tightening.
“Is there anything I can help you find?” Eris continued when the cowboy said nothing else, Genji moving closer behind him.
“We need a physical file. Could you unlock the access panel to the vault for us?” Genji asked. Jesse went to a desk in the corner, sliding a hand through the dust.
“Of course. Give me just a moment.”
“Thank you, Eris.”
The gunslinger’s eyes locked on an old picture, worn at the edges, tape barely holding it to the wall. 
Winston’s agent completion ceremony with the old gang. Him, Genji, Reinhardt and Ana on one side. Angela, Lena, Torbjörn, and Jack on the other. Gabe facing away from the camera in the far corner. So much had changed.
Genji set his hands on the desk, leaning his weight into them.
“That was a good day. One of the fonder memories I have of that time.” Genji murmured, Jesse sighing.
“Yeah. It was nice.”
“I know. It’s just hard to look at it without thinkin’ of all the people we lost. And the ones we got back...They ain’t quite the same. Hell, we aren’t even the same.”
“Perhaps that is a good thing. Perhaps we needed a change.”
“Maybe.” Jesse shrugged noncommittally. Genji set his hand on the gunslinger’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
“I have unlocked the vault.” Eris called. 
Jesse shook himself out of memories, focusing on the task at hand. He and Genji went to the far side of the room, a door opening for them. File cabinets lined the newly revealed area, smelling somewhat musty.
“Do you know where it could be?” Genji asked, clearly disgruntled at the many lines of cabinets.
“I know they’re sorted by dates, so...Guess we just start checkin’?”
“Ugh...I hate old school files...”
“Some of this stuff can’t be trusted on anythin’ but paper, yanno? It’s the only thing that can’t be hacked.”
“I know, but it makes our lives in this specific scenario we happen to be in a whole lot more difficult.”
“Where’s all that patience you learned up in Nepal?” Jesse teased with a laugh, Genji pulling open a drawer and sifting through it.
“I have plenty, when the work is not boring.” The ninja muttered, Jesse smiling and shaking his head. 
His fingers slid over manila tabs with scratchy writing of dates and names, none of which he needed. Another drawer was opened, another set of files giving him nothing. Genji sighed after about ten minutes, the sound of paper shifting accompanying it.
“These are mostly agent files and insignificant mission reports.”
“Then move on to the next ones.”
“I’m trying to find ours!” Genji huffed, tossing the files on top of the cabinet and bending at the waist to scan more.
“There ain’t nothin’ on those we don’t already know about each other.”
“I want to see my unedited medical reports.”
Jesse raised a brow, turning to Genji as the ninja tapped a drawer closed and opened another.
“You’ve never seen those?”
“Have you?”
“Well, no. There’s lots of black lines on all the medical reports, no matter what.”
“On Ziegler’s, yes. She is bound by Overwatch protocol, and I am not about to break into one of their vaults. I want to see if O’Deorain made any files.”
“O’Deorain ain’t one I’d trust.” Jesse grumbled, wrinkling his nose a bit. He’d always thought hiring her was a mistake.
“Maybe not, but I do not doubt her intellect. And, this is the only vault I’ll be seeing for a long time. Who knows what I could find.” Genji shrugged, flipping through some papers. Jesse pressed his lips into a line, going to a new cabinet.
“It’d be nice if we could actually find what we’re here for. All these damn files are startin’ to blend together on me.”
A hum from Genji was the only answer he got, the gunslinger blinking hard to keep his eyes from tiring too much. These jobs weren’t quite his specialty. Jesse scrunched up his lips, teeth absently gritting against one another instead of the cigar he usually had to chew on. 
His metal hand brushed over some labels, nearly missing one that was filed incorrectly, hidden by the one in front of it. The cowboy pulled it up, brows furrowing. It didn’t have a date, only a label.
Venice Incident.
Jesse opened the folder, eyes scanning over the documents. Media coverage, pictures, mission reports, the recorded interrogation of Reyes afterwards. A hand-written report was on the back of that one.
Log report 707,
Venice was a failure. Antonio eliminated. 
I should have thought through things first, but he was right. There was no point in taking him in, I knew that from the beginning. Killing Antonio was the only way to unequivocally remove him from the equation. I know Overwatch is only going to hear what it wants to, so I let them do just that. Didn’t bother defending myself, it wouldn’t have mattered. Things will inevitably get fixed, covered up, go back to normal. 
But what happens when they can’t do that anymore? What will they do then? Another massive cover up? Another ploy to lead things back to normal, to lull the world back into a false sense of peace? Jack can’t answer those questions yet, but I can. 
It’s going to have to end soon. We’re only making it worse by trying to clean up the world. It doesn’t need us anymore. The Omnic Crisis is over. But Talon will eventually rise, I can see it happening already. 
I have my doubts about the way things are going, the things I’m having to do for Blackwatch now. But what more can we do? What more can I do? The world is changing, and it’s going to leave Overwatch and the people involved in it behind. I only hope they can see it too, before it’s too late.
Jesse swallowed thickly, the paper shaking slightly in his hands. Reyes’ voice in his head, a distant memory; when he sat Jesse down in his office, telling him these same things, to leave while he could, before the whole thing fell apart. 
Echoes of the past.
“Genji, I found it.” Jesse managed to say, the ninja looking up sharply.
“You did?”
The gunslinger held up the folder, Genji setting his own aside and walking over.
“This is his account of the—”
“Agents, I am detecting a disturbance in the stairwell.” Eris suddenly interrupted. Jesse immediately drew his gun, Genji sinking into a lower stance.
“We were followed?! How?” The ninja hissed, hand on his wakazashi. 
Jesse cursed under his breath, taking whatever papers he could from the folder and tucking them into a spare ammunition pack on his belt.
“I had a feelin’ we weren’t alone...Just figured no one would know what the hell we were doin’. Hardly anyone knew about this place.” He muttered darkly, thumbing back the hammer of his revolver as he walked forward cautiously. 
Genji followed close behind him, silent save for the sleek sound of metal sliding into his fingers as his shruiken slipped into place. Something clattered in the main room, Jesse’s finger tightening minutely on the trigger.
“We know you’re there. Just come quietly, and we won’t shoot on sight.” He called.
“Agent McCree, I am not quite detecting any signs of life.” Eris alerted him, voice quieter, almost unsure.
“What do you mean, ‘not quite’?”
“It is...Not a biosignature I have been programmed to recognize. It is not even a true biosignature.”
“So what is it?” Genji growled, Jesse’s blood chilling at the twisted laugh that echoed around the room. 
A shadow-like fog drifted through the doorway, swirling behind Jesse and Genji both before solidifying into a shape. A mask. Bone-white and carved like a barn owl. The thing was draped in black, clawed hands forming and gripping two massive shotguns.
“I’ve been asking that same question for a long time.”
It had a scratchy, echoing voice, deeper and more guttural than any Jesse had heard before. He held Peacekeeper up, arm unwavering, eyes narrowing. He knew this creature.
“So, this is the Reaper.”
“Always so blunt, aren’t you, McCree.” It rumbled, Jesse’s lip curling.
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a whole lot more than you think. Now, I need a certain little file hidden in here, so get out, or I’ll kill you both.”
“We are not going anywhere! You are the one trespassing.” Genji snapped, wakizashi catching the light as he unsheathed it slightly.
“I said, leave.” Reaper repeated, shotguns raising to point right at their heads.
“We ain’t movin’. These files can’t get into Talon’s hands.”
There was a deep sigh like a rumbling growl, before the ear-shattering blast of the shotguns went off. Jesse dove to the side as Genji deflected, already moving around Reaper. The gunslinger went opposite of Genji, Reaper turning to follow his movements. 
Jesse reached for a flashbang, but the shotgun went off again, blowing it from his metal hand. It exploded, the flash making Jesse stumble, blinking rapidly as his ears rang. He vaguely heard another three shots go off, then a shout of pain. The cowboy shook his head as his vision came back, the outline of everything still just a little too bright. 
He raised his gun, then froze as he saw where Genji was. Hands gripping Reaper’s wrist, those claws tightening around his neck, holding him off the ground. Reaper’s free hand was holding a shotgun towards Jesse.
“Let him go!” Jesse seethed, that laugh echoing softer, more sinister.
“You have the same tricks you always had, Shimada. Too predictable. You both are.” Reaper murmured, grip tightening on Genji. It forced a choked sound from him, fingers scrabbling at Reaper’s arm.
“Let him go, or I swear to god I’ll put a bullet through that fucking mask.”
“Oh? And risk me shooting him?” Reaper cackled, turning the shotgun to press against Genji’s stomach. Jesse lowered his arm slightly.
“Jesse, just—Go!” Genji grit out, the gunslinger’s glare never leaving Reaper’s mask.
“I ain’t leavin’ you, ever. What do you want, Reaper? I’ll let you have it if you let him go.”
“I just needed access to this vault, it doesn’t work for me anymore. Funnily enough, I also heard about two special ex-Blackwatch operatives that had been sent to do just that.” Reaper sneered. Jesse’s eyes flicked to Genji, his struggles weakening.
“‘Anymore’? The hell are you talkin’ about?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I thought I taught you better than this, ingrate.”
Jesse’s brow slackened, cotton filling his ears as laughter filled the room, his arm falling back to his side. It should have been obvious. The mannerisms, the fighting style, the way of speech. Jesse knew them all too well, just didn’t want to believe it.
“Gabe...?” He whispered, eyes wide, feeling vulnerable in a way he hadn’t since he was seventeen, tied up by Blackwatch in Deadlock Gorge.
“Not anymore.” Reaper growled, finger tightening on his shotgun. The blast was louder than all the others to Jesse’s ears, a spray of red mixed with black splattering on the ground, Genji joining it as he was dropped. 
The gunslinger could only watch, time not moving the way it was supposed to. Reaper walked towards him, Jesse unable to see anything but how he had the same stride as Gabe. How he held his shotgun the same as it leveled with the cowboy’s face again.
“Last chance. Take Shimada and leave. Don’t try anything sneaky, or he’ll bleed out before you can get him back to your base in time.”
Jesse stared up at him, the blank mask, the barrel of the shotgun. He nodded numbly. Following orders, just like he used to. Body moving on autopilot while his mind was still stuck in the past. 
Jesse went to Genji, picking him up with an arm around his waist, the other keeping Genji’s arm over his shoulder. He could hear the ninja’s voice, but the words escaped him. Only the slightly robotic hum as he left the bunker.
“We need evac, now.”
His own voice this time, calm and quiet. Jesse didn’t recognize it.
“Copy that, drop ship is inbound. ETA five minutes.”
He blinked slowly, staring straight ahead as he trudged up the sand dune.
“Jesse, wait.”
So much like Deadlock Gorge. 
Jesse stopped, breathing unevenly. Genji placed a hand on his chest, visor tilted up at him.
“Are you okay...?” The ninja asked softly. Far to concerned about him considering his own state. 
Jesse’s eyes dropped to the sand at his feet, the way the grains shifted over his boots with the faint breeze. His vision swam.
“I...Don’t know.”
Just a graze. That’s what Dr. Ziegler had said, just a graze. The healing should have gone faster, but the wounds lingered. No one knew why. Genji was confined to bed, though, he was able to at least stay in his own. Jesse hardly left his side. 
Neither spoke of what had happened at the end of their meeting with Reaper, not yet. Jesse wasn’t ready, and Genji stayed quiet for his sake. It had been two days. Jesse had closed himself off, keeping his thoughts and feelings hidden, clutched to his chest. Fragile. 
The ninja was laying in bed, a bored look on his face as he stared at the ceiling. All his armour was off, just the smooth synth skin and bits of metal that couldn’t be removed left. Jesse’s fingers traced over the scars on his right arm absently, eyes not really focused on anything in particular.
“Jesse, we should talk about this.” Genji suddenly spoke up. His voice was gentle, but firm at the same time. Jesse knew the tone, the one that meant he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He sighed quietly.
“I know...”
“You’ve hardly said a word to me since we got back.”
“I know.”
“So talk to me. It doesn’t have to be everything, but you need to let those thoughts out. I want to help.”
“I know!” Jesse snapped, closing his eyes and taking a little breath before softening.
“I-I know, darlin’.”
Genji sat up with a slight wince, turning to face Jesse, legs crossing. He took the cowboy’s hands in his own, thumbs rubbing little circles over the backs of them.
“You are not alone anymore, Jesse. I am here for you.”
That simple promise cracked the foundations of the wall Jesse had put up, making it all too easy to topple. Tears slid down his cheeks, unbidden, his hands shaking in Genji’s grasp. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts, his sharp inhale too loud in the otherwise silent room.
“Gen...It was him. I-It was Gabe. He’s alive, he’s still out there—!” Jesse’s voice cut off with a choked sound, Genji squeezing his hands. Waiting patiently. Jesse was thankful for it.
“I thought...We all thought he’d died. They—We lost so many...But him, of all people. Reaper. He’s Reaper. Has been this whole time, Gen, he’s with fucking Talon! I never thought—He would never. Gabe was...”
“He was the best man I ever knew, why has he turned into this...Wraith? A murderer. A traitor, of all things! I don’t understand what happened to him! There’s so much I regret not doing for him, and now, seeing that he’s alive, that he’s workin’ against us...” Jesse trailed off, wiping his eyes quickly. 
The swirl of emotion inside him was too thick to make much sense of. He truly didn’t know how to feel. Sorrow, maybe? Betrayal, yes, there was some of that. Hurt. An odd sense of relief. Fear, even.
“I was not as close to him as you were, but I know that is not the man we knew. Whatever happened to him, it changed him. He is Reaper now, and we must treat him like that. An enemy. He wants to kill us.”
“He didn’t, though. He had us both in point blank range, but he didn’t shoot.”
“I’m pretty sure he shot me, Jess.” Genji frowned, gesturing to his stomach, still wrapped in bandages.
“No, I mean, he didn’t shoot to kill. If he wanted us dead, we would have been dead. He took us both out like that,” Jesse snapped his fingers to illustrate, brows furrowing.
“But he didn’t kill us.”
“It’s not him, Jesse.”
“He let us go! He recognized us—”
Genji’s hands went to Jesse’s shoulders, dark eyes steeped in gold boring into his own.
“That is not Reyes. Reyes died in that explosion, and Reaper is what crawled from the remains.”
Jesse looked away, lips pressing together tightly. He knew Genji was right, but there was a part of him that wanted to believe Reyes was still there. A part of him that still dared to hope. 
Genji’s brows furrowed, reading the gunslinger’s eyes.
“Not believing it will only hurt you more in the end. And I am tired of seeing you hurting. You deserve to heal, to be content.” Genji told him, pressing a kiss to Jesse’s fingers, stubble scratching them lightly. 
The cowboy cupped Genji’s cheek, leaning in to press their foreheads together.
“I just wish things had been different...”
“As do I. But lamenting about the past will not help the future.”
“Yeah...Where’d you get all this wisdom?”
Genji smiled softly, humming.
“Mm, Zenyatta truly works wonders.”
Jesse chuckled quietly, pressing a kiss to Genji’s lips. The cowboy then let his head sink to Genji’s shoulder, resting in the crook of his neck. Genji toyed with his hair with one hand, the other still holding Jesse’s in his lap, fingers laced.
It was quiet for a few minutes, Jesse’s thoughts not a complete jumble for the first time since Reaper revealed himself. There was still a pressing matter, though.
“We need to tell the team.” He mumbled, Genji’s hand halting its movement.
“Yes, we do. But I want you to just rest tonight, Jesse. We can figure that out tomorrow.”
Jesse nodded. Genji leaned back, taking them both down to the mattress, Jesse careful of his wounds. He was tired, and the next day was sure to be another difficult one. 
But for tonight, Jesse felt he could rest a little easier.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Only So Much:
Jack Daniel’s brought back some memories Genji generally tried to repress. Jesse was the first thing that came to mind, but then there was the...Incident. He could only half remember what happened. It had been nice, something he had entertained in his head before, but he blew it off, for the most part. 
Thought of it as just another person to add to the list.
Because thinking of it that way was easier than messing things up more between him and Jesse, at least. Easier than putting names on the emotions that followed the memories.
Jesse sighed as Genji leaned into him heavily, his full body weight making Jesse lose his grip on the key and go stumbling to the side a bit.
“Woooooah! Sorry, Jess! I thought you were standing a lil’ more to the...Uh...The...That way.” Genji slurred with a smile, pointing a finger and wiggling it slightly as Jesse straightened.
“Ya-huh. Scoot over and lemme get the door open, will you?” Jesse griped, shoving Genji away gently and going back to the door. 
Drunk Genji was no fun, and he’d been stuck with him more often than not. They only really ever saw each other anymore on nights like these, when Jesse was free from work and school for just a bit and Genji wanted to go clubbing because someone was pissing him off. That someone tonight was Hanzo, as Genji had so drunkenly lamented about for thirty minutes. 
He had started turning down some of Genji’s offers to go out during the day--on top of his job and school and homework--and eventually Genji just stopped asking because Jesse was never free. So he would show up during the ungodly hours of the morning during the weekend, and now weekdays, make some racket, then go to sleep next to Jesse, who was always off to school before Genji woke up. 
Jesse missed his friend, but he also didn’t really have any time to sit and think about missing him. 
Now, Genji was just being an annoyance, trying to get Jesse’s attention as he finally got the door open and stumbling a bit since he had been leaning against it.
“Hey! Ru~de, I was using that door!” Genji whined, Jesse rolling his eyes as he grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.
“Come on, you need a cold shower. Ad’ I don’t want you throwin’ up on my stuff.”
“Tch, what’s there to throw up? I haven’t eaten aaaaaaall day! M’ stomach’s been hurting...” Genji grumbled, and Jesse glanced at him.
“When did you last eat?”
“Dunno? I can’t even remember what happened an hour ago.”
“Okay, well, you shower and I’ll make you some rice or somethin’, alright?” Jesse told him in a gentler tone, worry getting the better of him. 
Genji chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, turning it bright, cherry red, then he bobbed his head.
“Alright. Go on, now. I’ll have somethin’ whipped up by the time you’re through.” Jesse said with a little wink, making Genji giggle softly. 
He watched his friend sway slightly on his way to the bathroom, then shook his head fondly. He didn’t care if Genji was annoying when he was drunk, because he was also kind of cute, so long as he wasn’t shitfaced. And he wasn’t currently shitfaced. 
Jesse sighed and leaned against the counter for a moment, rubbing his eyes. He was exhausted, but he wasn’t about to let Genji go to sleep without some food in his belly. He made something light, since Genji said his stomach was hurting and he probably wouldn’t be able to handle anything else with how drunk he was. 
Jesse didn’t hear when the shower turned off, so he checked the bathroom when he was through cooking some rice in some chicken stock. It was empty, so Jesse checked the bedroom. Genji was curled up in a little ball under the covers, back facing the door. The cowboy walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and shaking him a bit.
“Hey...Gen, I want you to come eat somethin’ real quick, mkay? Then you can rest.” He whispered, Genji’s face scrunching up before he tucked his chin under the covers.
“Please, hon? You’ve got me worried.”
“Gen, Come on. If you don’t get up, I’ll haul you out of bed and make you eat.”
“I don’t wanna. M’ stomach hurts. Just lemme sleep, I’ll eat in th’ morning...” Genji mumbled, Jesse pursing his lips.
“You promise you will?”
“Okay...I’ll set out some medicine too. Sleep well.”
Genji grunted in response, and Jesse tucked him in before going to wrap up the food for later. He came back to the bedroom when he was through cleaning up and getting ready for bed, checking on Genji before lying down behind him and passing out.
Jesse woke to a loud noise from the bathroom--something falling off the counter?--and a long string of curses. He frowned, yawning and rubbing his eyes before sitting up reluctantly. It couldn’t be that early since he could see the sun through the curtain over his window, but it still made Jesse grimace. 
Genji must have been up to something, and Jesse slid out of bed to check on him. He wandered over to the bathroom door, knocking on it lightly and calling through it.
“Gen...? You alright in there, bud?”
“Fuck—Yeah! Yeah just gimme a fucking minute and I’ll be outta here!” Came the nippy response, Jesse raising his brows with a sigh as the pieces fell together in his head.
“Okay, I’ll have some medicine for you. Need some for headache and cramps?”
Jesse nodded to himself, then wandered into the kitchen to get what he had offered and some water. Genji should have had plenty of supplies in the bathroom for his period too. Jesse made sure it was stocked to his liking for such occasions, because it wasn’t the first time this had happened. 
Genji came stalking out of the bathroom with a scowl on his face, arms crossed over his chest and hunched over slightly, obviously in pain. But he was wearing Jesse’s flannel, and that made his heart throb. Genji looked really nice in his flannel. 
Jesse glanced at the medicine wordlessly, Genji immediately snatching up the pills and gulping them down with vehemence.
“Can you eat a lil’ something with that? I made some rice for you last night, I’ll heat it up if you want.” Jesse offered, Genji sighing and shaking his head.
“Cramps are too bad...I’ll eat something later.” He grumbled, leaning heavily on the counter. Jesse grimaced slightly, then leaned next to Genji to look him in the eye.
“Will you stay until the medicine kicks in, and I’ll make something when you’re feeling better?”
“Why the hell are you so obssessed with me eating?” Genji hissed, Jesse blinking and pursing his lips.
“Because you haven’t had any food lately and I don’t want you to make yourself sick.”
“Why don’t you mind your own business and let me do what I want, huh? I don’t need your help.” Genji spat. Jesse backed off with a quiet sigh, brushing off the harsh tone and words, knowing his friend was just a hormonal mess at the moment.
“So, what’d you hit?” Jesse asked after a long moment of tense silence, wondering what he’d need to wash, if anything at all. And he wanted a reason to get away from Genji’s seething. 
Genji gave him a glare, that all too familiar haughty air coming about him as he straightened and opened his mouth.
“Oh, I’m so sorry my shitty body’s functions are such a problem! You can throw away my fucking clothes in the shower and I’ll pay for the goddamn sheets, so please, don’t worry about it.” He sneered, Jesse raising his hands placidly and giving a glare back.
“Okay, I’m sorry if that somehow came off wrong, but I was just trying to see what I needed to wash, alright? I wasn’t attacking you or nothin’, I don’t mind, okay? It’s not a big deal.” Jesse told Genji slowly, voice clipped slightly in anger. 
He was getting sick of Genji’s attitude with him lately, sick of putting up with his shit, even if this time it wasn’t quite his fault. But that wasn’t the case for all the other times. Genji just rolled his eyes and scoffed, turning on his heel and going back into the bedroom with a palpable amount of irritation. 
Why he was annoyed was completely beyond Jesse, but he let him go with a huff of his own. Genji could be pissy if he wanted, Jesse wasn’t about to care anymore. He already cared too much when Genji was tolerable, why should he waste his time if he wasn’t? And Jesse was angry now, so that was another layer to the cake. 
He would let himself cool off, and Genji could do the same if he wanted, or he could leave. Which it looked like he was about to do, Genji storming out of the bedroom again with his phone in hand and a dark look on his face. 
He shot Jesse one last glare, not bothering with saying anything else as he went to the door and made sure to slam it shut behind him. Jesse tugged his fingers through his hair with a muffled shout of anger. 
What was going on between him and Genji anymore, he didn’t know. And he was so tired of dealing with it. The only problem was, he still had more than just a soft spot for Genji, and he could not for the life of him convince himself he needed to toughen up.
Genji sniffled and rubbed his nose, blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall. He was angry and in pain and hungry and upset. He didn’t like the way he had handled Jesse’s offers for help, he hated waking up in a pool of blood and cramps chewing at his already aching stomach, and he was still pissed at Hanzo, so he wasn’t going back home. 
He felt horrible and disgusting; no makeup, clothes from last night, and to top it all off, Jesse had been right about making himself sick. It was going to be a bad day. 
Genji kept a scowl on his face as he made his way to the arcade, already texting his friends and telling them he’d be there and wanted some company that wouldn’t get irritated with him at the smallest things. He was so moody and he hated everything at the moment, so he let himself simmer in it, remembering Hanzo’s words from the night before and Jesse’s tone not five minutes ago to fuel it. 
It was working better than Genji expected, and by the time he walked into the arcade, he was pretty furious. He wanted to hit something, but his body was feeling weak, hands getting shaky from lack of food. It had been at least two days since he’d had anything but alcohol, and he was about to make it a third. 
Genji didn’t expect to see some of his friends already at the arcade so early, but it was a welcome improvement to his mood. Chizaru was there with Hanako and her boyfriend, Jin. Genji didn’t bother trying for a smile as Chizaru hopped over and snuggled into his side. 
He had made a mistake fucking her and making her think she was special when it was more of a spite and jealousy move he had tried for Jesse. Jesse with his stupid smile and unwanted kindness, starting to ignore him when he’d done nothing wrong. 
Genji didn’t know what he’d done to make Jesse so distant lately, but now that he’d lost that attention, he realized just how much of it Jesse had given him before. It was just a mess that he didn’t want to try and figure out at the moment, so he kissed Chizaru and wandered over to a game he’d been working on a higher score for. 
He just wanted to feel loved for a little bit. 
Genji sat down in front of the game, pulling out some coins to feed the machine and started playing. Chizaru sat behind him and kept a hand on his lower back, and Genji saw Hanako and Jin come over from the corner of his eye.
“We’re going to the club later. Tell your friends, I’ll pay.” Genji gruffed to them, easily working his way past the first few levels he had memorized.
“Woah, really? This early?” Jin asked, Chizaru already pulling out her phone with a giggle.
“You know I love you so much, Genji? You’re like, the best ever.”
“Yeah, I know. We go as soon as the place opens.” Genji told them, finally putting all his focus on the game as his friends cheered. 
The longer he played, the more people showed up, and Genji had his full gaggle and then some by the time mid-afternoon rolled around. They were mulling around and playing games, though most watched Genji. He wasn’t on his A-game though, his hands shaking too much to get the scores he usually did. 
And his friends all made sure to point it out. It was pissing him off, making him angrier than it should have, so he stood and brushed himself off.
“Okay, I’m ready for some drinks. Who’s coming with?” He called, all his friends suddenly snapping to attention and gathering around. 
Genji found himself unintentionally searching for a certain cowboy, but he shook his head and left the arcade when he reminded himself he wasn’t there. Jesse wasn’t around for him anymore, Jesse didn’t care, Jesse didn’t like him. 
The ninja wrapped his arms around his middle and glared at the ground as he walked towards the club. Chizaru quickly caught up to him and threw an arm around his waist, Genji blinking and sighing.
“Gen, what’s up? You’ve been a bitch today.” She told him, her glossy lips scrunched up into a pout as Genji scowled at her.
“Well, you would know, wouldn’t you? Can’t you people just leave me alone? So I’m not feeling great today, that doesn’t mean everyone has to fucking point it out all the time.” Genji gritted out. 
He hated that everyone he was hanging around was pointing out his flaws all the time. It was bad enough that they were all he saw when he looked in the mirror, but when everyone else could see what he desperately tried to hide under the makeup and confident demeanor? It sucked. It really sucked, and it made him feel even shittier than he already did.
“Wow, okay Mr. Pissy. If you want people to leave you alone, then why the hell did you invite us all to drinks?” Chizaru shot back, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing.
“You can still be around me and not pry, genius. I want company, not a fucking interrogation.” Genji snapped, Chizaru laughing at his tone and shaking her head. It really didn’t help Genji’s mood.
“Okay, okay. Since you’re paying, I’ll do what you say.”
Genji ignored Chizaru after that, trudging up to the door of the club and walking right in. The bouncers all knew him well enough to know not to stop him or his friends. Genji sat down at his usual table, breathing a bit heavier than normal and clenching his shaking hands. He felt really weak and exhausted, but it couldn’t have been more than three in the afternoon. 
A waiter immediately came over, and Genji waved his hand when his friends looked to him, expecting his order to come first.
“You guys get whatever. Just gimme...Gimme some Jack Daniel’s.” Genji muttered after a moment of thought, and he looked down at his hands as his friends ordered their drinks. 
Jack Daniel’s brought back some memories Genji generally tried to repress. Jesse was the first thing that came to mind, but then there was the...Incident. He could only half remember what happened. It had been nice, something he had entertained in his head before, but he blew it off, for the most part.
Thought of it as just another person to add to the list.
Because thinking of it that way was easier than messing things up more between him and Jesse, at least. Easier than putting names on the emotions that followed the memories. Genji sighed and rested his head on his arms, closing his eyes and trying to repress the oncoming throb of a headache.
“So, Genji.”
Genji internally groaned and glanced up, seeing Jin sitting next to him, leaning his chin on his hand.
“You wanna come to my place after some drinks here?” Jin asked, raising a brow and licking his lips, not so subtle in his roaming gaze.
“Don’t you already have a girlfriend?” Genji sighed, rubbing his forehead. His stomach was really starting to bother him now that the medicine was wearing off. He felt horrible, sick. 
Their drinks came over before Jin could answer, and Genji downed a shot of his as quick as he could. The burn was nice, the taste reminding him of Jesse. Genji’s attention snapped back to Jin when he felt a hand go up his thigh, fingertips brushing too high for his comfort.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t care. Besides, it’s not like you haven’t fucked her before anyways.”
Genji glared at Jin, scooting away and shoving his hand off.
“Okay, fucking rude. Sorry, but I’m not interested in helping you cheat on your girlfriend.” He growled, pouring himself another shot of whiskey and downing it. His hands were really shaky now, and it was hard to keep a grip on the glass.
“Aww, come on. A little slut like you probably gets people to cheat all the time, even without all your pretty makeup. What’s one more?” Jin sneered, Genji balking and laughing, a short and bitter sound, uncomfortable.
“How about you take a fucking hint, dumbass. No means no, now back the fuck down.”
“Hey, I’m just offering some free cock. I hear whores love it. Hanako sure does.” Jin laughed. Genji didn’t think he could get angrier, but this guy sure was testing his limits.
“No. Now get out of my fucking seat, asshole.” Genji hissed, shoving weakly at Jin’s shoulder. That made Jin’s face twist in anger, and he shoved a finger into Genji’s chest with a growl.
“You know what, you’re just a fucking slut, you know that? You’re a stupid rich fuckboy that can’t get enough attention at home, so you have to waste your time getting fucked and wasted because no one actually cares about you. Hope you had fun wasting my time, because I’m out. Come on, Hanako, he’s just being a dick today.”  
Genji’s shot glass shattered in his hand, glass shards drawing blood from his palm as he clenched it even tighter, but he didn’t feel it. A strange burning sensation was going up his spine and tears prickled on the edge of his vision, from anger or hurt he couldn’t tell.
He wanted to throw up, wanted to scream, wanted to kill the son of a bitch glaring at him with a sick gleam in his eye.
“Jin, back off man, you’re making him angry. You don’t wanna deal with him when he’s angry.” Naoki slurred, already drunk with a dumb smile plastered over his face. 
Genji looked around disbelievingly at all his friends, none of them trying to stand up for him. They were laughing, actually. Grinning and not even paying attention to the conversation, and those that were had been egging it on. 
He stood abruptly, shoving Jin back and not even watching him fall off the seat as he ran out of the club as fast as he could. As soon as the doors shut behind him, Genji burst into tears, wiping at his cheeks and cradling his now throbbing hand to his chest. 
Nobody really cared about him or his feelings, he was just a night of fun or free drinks to them, and they all saw right through him. 
Genji felt like he was going to pass out, choking on sobs as he went to the only place he could think of for help and comfort. He stood at Jesse’s doorstep, sniffling and whimpering, raising his good hand and knocking. Leaning against the door frame helped the wobbling in his knees, and he knocked again when no one answered. 
Tears were dripping off his nose and splattering onto the cobblestones under his feet, Genji’s mind feeling hazy with hurt. Everything hurt so, so much. 
He heard the lock click after another moment, and Jesse opened the door, face not changing as he looked at Genji.
“Yeah, come on in...” He sighed, Genji sniffing and leaning forward a bit, hoping for a hug, a touch, anything. 
He almost stumbled as Jesse turned and went back inside, Genji’s insides feeling like they were shattering. He shuffled in after Jesse unsteadily, hand shooting out to the wall when he swayed.
“What happened this time? Someone else get on your nerves?” Jesse asked, a biting note to his voice. A fresh wave of tears spilled down Genji’s cheeks as he watched Jesse’s back. 
He was still mad, and rightly so, but it only cut the fresh wounds in his heart even wider.
“N-no...Just—Just...” Genji didn’t even try to form the rest of the sentence, knowing Jesse probably didn’t care anyways.
“You drunk?”
“Why’s your hand bleedin’?”
Genji stared down at his hand, a red stain now on what he realized was Jesse’s flannel from where it was soaking his blood up.
“I smashed a g-glass.” Genji stuttered out, sitting down on the couch when he realized his legs were about to give out. The room was starting to spin. That couldn’t have been good. 
Jesse came over with some medicine and a glass of water, set them down in front of Genji, then immediately went to the bathroom. Genji watched him until he was out of sight, then made a grab for the water. He missed the first time, but got it the second. 
Jesse came back with a med kit, towel, and a bowl of water by the time Genji had swallowed the pills, and he crouched down in front of him. Genji was handed a tissue, and he took it gratefully, wiping down his face and blowing his nose. He was probably beyond ugly at this point. 
Genji flinched when Jesse took his hurt hand in a gentle grip, dabbing at it with the towel after he’d dampened it. He then put some gauze over the wounds and held onto his hand to keep them there for a moment, though the touch felt more tender than it should have.
“This is gonna hurt a bit. Next time, don’t go breakin’ glasses, leastwise not while you’re still holding them, yeah?” Jesse told him, his tone a little more lighthearted and caring now. 
Genji nodded absently, staring at Jesse’s face as he cleaned his hand and grabbed some tweezers from the med kit. His brows were knitted slightly as he focused, head tilted just a bit, a stray strand of hair falling from the little ponytail it was pulled back in. 
Genji blinked and hissed quietly when Jesse pulled the first piece of glass from his palm, dropping it into the bowl of water with a soft clinking sound. He did that over and over again, Genji not feeling it by the third clink and going back to staring at Jesse. 
He felt really odd, lightheaded, and his vision was starting to go black around the edges. Warm, honey-brown eyes met his, Jesse’s brows furrowing a bit before Genji felt a hand on his cheek.
“You alright there, bud?”
Genji blinked again, shaking his head slightly as he tried to focus on Jesse. It was hard.
Jesse’s hand moved to his forehead, his frown deepening as he did so.
“You’ve got a fever...Here, I fixed up your hand, now lay down a mo—Woah...” Jesse trailed off as Genji swayed forward, eyes unfocusing.
“Gen...? Hey, I’m going to call Hanzo, okay? Have him get you to a doctor. Lay down until he gets here, okay? I’ll get a blanket.”
Genji nodded half heartedly, letting Jesse’s hands guide him back onto the couch. Everything went black and stayed black the moment he closed his eyes.
Jesse hesitantly left Genji’s side after laying him down on the couch. He must have passed out, and that really worried him. Seeing Genji waiting at his door with tears dripping down his cheeks had pained Jesse more than he let on, and he couldn’t turn him away, not like that. 
Grabbing his phone and going to the bedroom for a blanket, Jesse called Hanzo and hoped he wasn’t in a meeting or something. It was answered on the second ring, Hanzo’s voice sounding surprised when he spoke.
“Jesse. Is everything alright?”
“Heya, Han. I’m sorry to bother you, but uh...I think Gen’s real sick. He’s at my place, came back crying and his hand was bleeding. I dunno what happened, but he’s hurt. I don’t think he’s eaten anything for a while, and he passed out.” Jesse told him quickly as he went back into the living room, covering Genji with the blanket.
Hanzo was quiet for a moment, though Jesse heard rustling from across the line, movement, probably.
“I’ll be there in a few minutes. Thank you for calling me, Jesse.” Hanzo finally told him curtly, hanging up before Jesse could reply. Typical Hanzo, but Jesse knew how worried he must have been. 
He sighed and set his phone on the coffee table, going to clean up the mess on it while he waited for Hanzo to show up. When he was through, Jesse came back and pressed his hand to Genji’s forehead once again, then he let it slide down to his friend’s cheek. 
Jesse’s thoughts turned into words, bubbling out of his mouth before he could stop them.
“You know, I should tell you this when you’re awake but...What can I say? I’m sick of rejection. But I really do love you. It hurts, feeling this way, but I do. I hope you get better soon, ‘cause I miss having you here. You need to take better care of yourself.” Jesse murmured, letting out a soft sigh through his nose and pressing a kiss to Genji’s forehead. 
He stood slowly, stretching as he did so, then waited for Hanzo’s knock. It came quicker than Jesse expected, and he opened his door to the older Shimada’s concerned face.
“Where is he?”
“Still out on the couch. Need me to help you get him home?” Jesse asked, but Hanzo shook his head.
“No, but thank you for offering. And thank you for helping him.” Hanzo told him briskly, walking inside and going to Genji. He shook his brother’s shoulder gently, kneeling down next to the couch.
“Hey...Gen, come on. I’ll get you home, have the physician check you, okay? Come on.” Hanzo called softly, Genji’s eyes fluttering open at his touch.
“Mhm. Come on. Can you stand?”
“I don’t think so...”
Jesse pursed his lips and watched as Hanzo wrapped an arm behind Genji’s shoulders and hauled him up slowly, carefully.
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up...” Genji mumbled, his head hanging and lolling a bit.
“Not on me please. I’ll text you when we get home, Jess. Thanks again.” Hanzo directed the last of his sentence to Jesse, and he nodded a bit.
“Mkay. See ya.” Jesse murmured in response, closing the door after them as they left. 
He sighed and went back to the couch, sitting down on it heavily. Jesse was still angry with Genji, but it was fading. He was more worried now. He didn’t really know how to feel about his friend anymore.
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Let Him Go:
Genji saw Jesse and waved with that same, sweet smile, then went past him and to his favourite six-bit game. Ignored again. Jesse debated leaving right then and there until Genji sat down and turned a bit in his seat, glancing at him.
“Well, are you gonna come watch or what?”
And that was all it took for Jesse to be grinning and wandering over, leaning against the machine to look over Genji’s shoulder.
Jesse had agreed to go with Genji to the arcade that night because of course he had. When did he ever turn Genji down? Sure, he had homework and an essay due that night, but they were mostly done. 
Jesse hummed as he pulled on his hoodie, going for his usual rugged casual but charming vibe with ripped skinny jeans and some boots. He ran a hand through his hair, then checked his phone. He’d be a little early, and Genji would surely be fashionably late, but at least he’d be showing up. 
Genji had been getting a little distant lately, spending more time with a separate group of friends that Jesse didn’t really like the feel of. They were always talking him into one more drink, another line of cocaine, just one more round with whoever he had seduced that night. 
It got under Jesse’s skin, especially when Genji used his place to crash, obviously drunk and fucked out. It wasn’t that Jesse wasn’t happy to help Genji or give him a place to stay when he needed it, it was just the fact that Jesse was always second or third. The afterthought. Like they hadn’t been each other’s best friends for almost ten years. 
Jesse thought that might have been selfish of him, but it wasn’t a good feeling, knowing Genji didn’t hold him in the same esteem Jesse held him. Knowing he would be ignored again until someone found better use for him. It was always the same, and Jesse couldn’t help but feel sick of it. He wanted to be more, and he wanted to stop feeling this way. 
But Genji would always be himself, never Jesse’s. So why couldn’t he accept the simple truth? 
Jesse sighed and shoved his phone and wallet in his pocket, shaking his head. He’d been asking himself that question for a long time, and the answer was just as obvious as the reasons he had to ask. He loved Genji, and every time he was graced with a smile, a touch, a glance, that was all it took for his mind to forget and heart to swell just enough to be broken again. 
It was frustrating and, above all, crushing. 
Jesse chewed on his lip as he left his apartment and walked towards downtown Hanamura, the chill of early winter setting in as evening bloomed over the bustling town. Teenagers and young adults were mulling around, ready to party and swarming like moths to the bright neon signs of bars and clubs. Jesse moved past them all, staring at the ground as he walked. 
He could tell when he made it to the arcade by the enticing sounds and music spilling from behind the colourful glass doors. Jesse went inside, no stranger to the place, and he grinned upon seeing a few people he knew. 
The first thing he did was grab his favourite soda, getting the can from the vending machine and cracking it open. He watched it fizz up a little absently. Lemon-lime flavoured. Bright, neon green.
Jesse groaned and leaned against the wall next to the vending machine, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He needed to stop obsessing over Genji. It was weird, annoying, and there was no point to it. He would gain nothing from it, and it was only making his life kinda miserable. Jesse was sick of loving Genji so much that he would bend to his every whim. 
A hand slapping to his shoulder shook him from his daze, and Jesse flinched a bit before realizing who it was.
“Oh, heya, Yuki. How’s it goin’?” He asked, voice bright and a smile growing on his face.
“Not bad, but you look like you’re not having the best time. Where’s your boyfriend?” Yuki replied with his own grin, Jesse sighing.
“For the last time, Gen ain’t my boyfriend. I wish he was, but he ain’t.”
“And I still don’t believe you. He follows you around everywhere, and it’s always ‘Jesse this’ and ‘oh Jesse that’ with him. I think you’re in cahoots with him to trick everyone into thinking you’re both single and ready to mingle.”
Jesse’s hopes rose at hearing that, but he squashed them down quickly with a shake of his head and an easy smile.
“Nah, I’d tell you if that were the case. Trust me partner, I’m just single and crushin’ hard on the person everyone wants.” Jesse muttered, taking a swig of his soda. Yuki shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, glancing at Jesse nonchalantly.
“Well, you know...If Genji doesn’t work out, give me a call, alright?” Yuki told him casually, and Jesse smiled a bit.
“Yeah, I will.”
“That’s all I can ask.”
Yuki grinned at him, still perfectly at ease, and Jesse hoped he wasn’t hurting his friend like he was hurting over Genji. He just couldn’t give himself to someone else with how distracted he was by Genji, it wasn’t fair if he couldn’t give them his all.
“I’ll be on the third floor, got some friends up there. If you get bored or something, you’re welcome to come up with us.” Yuki said as he turned to walk away.
“Okay, thanks Yuki!” Jesse called, giving his friend a little wave. He felt bad, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do about it. 
Genji chose that exact moment to come striding through the door, already arm-in-arm with two other people. He had his usual gaggle of friends, and Jesse pursed his lips as he inspected their already drunken sway. Of course they had gone clubbing before hand. 
Genji saw Jesse and waved with that same, sweet smile, then went past him and to his favourite six-bit game. Ignored again. Jesse debated leaving right then and there until Genji sat down and turned a bit in his seat, glancing at him.
“Well, are you gonna come watch or what?”
And that was all it took for Jesse to be grinning and wandering over, leaning against the machine to look over Genji’s shoulder. He had to stop letting Genji manipulate him like this. But the problem was, he didn’t mind it as long as he got to be by Genji’s side. 
He ignored the not so subtle muttering of Genji’s other friends and their more than audible laments of him joining them, instead focusing on Genji’s movements as he played the game. Small little movements, tiny, precise clicks and jerks of his hand, a pretty flush over his face, a gentle moan of Jesse’s name—
Jesse shifted uncomfortably, blinking the reoccurring thought away while he desperately tried to forget how wonderful and pliant those soft lips were. Those lips that were moving, talking, talking to Jesse.
“—Afterwards if you wanted.”
Genji giggled, his eyes not leaving the screen, but his friends’ eyes all boring into Jesse now.
“I said, we can go grab some drinks afterwards, if you wanted.”
“Oh, uh, sure. Sounds good.”
“God, he’s just like a little puppy! It’d be cute if it weren’t so sad.” One girl whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear, and Jesse glared at her.
“Hey uh, Chizaru? Yeah, that might have been funny if I didn’t see you doing the exact same thing. So stop talking shit about my best friend and straighten the fuck up, or you can go, thanks.” Genji chimed in a falsely cheery tone, Chizaru huffing and crossing her arms, cheeks warming in embarrassment at the reprimand. 
Jesse was still stuck on the ‘would have been funny’ and ‘best friend’ part. Yup, everything still hurt like a bitch. 
He sighed and straightened, running a hand through his hair.
“Yanno, Yuki’s upstairs and he invited me to come up with him. I best not be rude.”
“Yeah, but I invited you over too.” Genji told him, still not looking away from the screen. 
His voice was sincere, though, there was a slight edge to it that gave Jesse the impression that it was more of a command to stay than a statement.
“I’ll come back later.” Jesse told him firmly, pushing away from the game and finally getting Genji to look up.
“What, you’re just going to ignore me?”
“Hon, if I wanted to ignore you, I could do a much better job of it than this. Now I”m be honest, since all your lovely friends are too. I don’t really enjoy watchin’ and swoonin’ over you as much as they do. I’d rather play a game myself, and I don’t exactly like the company you keep. They don’t exactly like me either, so I’m going upstairs where I’m wanted.” Jesse griped, Genji blinking and raising his brows haughtily, mouth dropping open slightly with an indignant noise. 
It was...Different. Not really the Genji Jesse loved.
“Fine. Okay, I see who you prefer now. Go have fun with your other friends then Jesse, it’s not like I’m that important anyways.”
“I’m glad I at least have your permission to do that, Lord Shimada. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Jesse growled with a mock bow, Genji glaring at the sarcasm dripping from Jesse’s words.
“Oooooooh lover’s quarrel!” One of Genji’s friends egged on, the others joining in on the ‘oooh’ and giggling.
“I don’t love him!” Genji spat venomously, glaring at his friends as Jesse felt what little, insignificant hope he held in his heart shatter.
“Glad we’ve established that.” Jesse hissed, moving away from the group of them and storming up the stairs. Some best friend Genji was. 
He heard cruel laughter from Genji’s friends as he went, Jesse’s chest constricting painfully as he stopped at the second floor to gather his emotions and calm down. 
‘I don’t love him I don’t love him I don’t love him’ yeah no shit. What have you been telling yourself for the past couple of months. You didn’t believe it, so when the obvious truth slaps you in the face, don’t get all upset and angry. No one ever loves you, why are you so surprised. 
Jesse sighed in defeat at his inner thoughts, rubbing a hand over his face and wishing he had just stayed home. He took a shuddering breath, then shook his head. He wasn’t going to let Genji ruin a perfectly good night for him anymore. He was still going to enjoy his night out, and nothing could stop him from doing that.
Not even fucking Genji Shimada and his stupid-ass friends. 
Jesse hiked up to the third floor, Yuki glancing over at his entrance and grinning, waving him over like a real friend. Jesse smiled and went over to him, and they started up a pleasant game of air hockey, Jesse’s favourite. 
The night progressed, and Jesse didn’t forget for a moment what had happened, but the sting of it all was soothed by the laughter of him and his friends, playful challenges to some shooter games, and winning a pachimari from the claw machine by the time they all decided to go home. 
Jesse went down the arcade steps with Yuki, chatting amiably as they went. His eyes were still drawn to Genji as they reached the first floor, Genji as he kissed Chizaru, Genji as he glanced up with a haughty glare, making sure Jesse could see just how much fervor was going into that make-out session. 
Jesse shrugged with a sad little smile and looked away, going back to talking with Yuki. He was sick of loving Genji so much. 
Jesse made it home before eleven, so he finished his school work and took a shower, finally letting himself cry just to let it out. He was exhausted by the time he finished getting ready for bed, no less upset, but it didn’t hurt quite so much. Jesse fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
A noise from the bathroom woke him up at around one-thirty, Jesse blinking awake slowly and rolling over. He didn’t want to get up, didn’t want to see who he knew it was. 
Of course after all that, Genji would come sneaking back to his place, just like he always did. Jesse bitterly hoped him and Chizaru had a good fuck, knowing that was probably exactly what happened out of spite when Jesse left the arcade.
He heard the door to his room open quietly, soft footsteps he could place anywhere approaching the bed. A familiar weight dipped it, then a warm arm wrapped around his waist, Genji pressing himself against Jesse’s back. He traced little patterns along Jesse’s spine before leaning his forehead against the nape of Jesse’s neck with a soft sigh. 
Jesse remained stock still, trying to keep the tears at bay. 
Why, Genji?
“I know I was wrong today. I normally am, and you’re normally right. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to everyone, I’m sorry I hurt you...I’m sorry I’m not the friend you deserve...I’m so sorry...” Genji whispered, voice breaking a bit at the end as he sniffled and snuggled closer to Jesse. 
And Jesse didn’t move, didn’t say a word. He had to stop this. -
Genji was gone by the time Jesse woke up the next morning. ~~
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overwatchworks · 6 years
It happened a month ago, and still, Jesse was thinking about it, still feeling guilt raw in his gut. They hadn’t talked about it, pretended it never happened. Everything had been normal. Like it meant nothing to Genji. Maybe it didn’t.
Jesse sighed. He needed to stop.
It had been about a two weeks since Jesse had seen Genji last, and he missed him. It wasn’t like Jesse had no other friends, but Genji was just...Genji. And he couldn’t help but miss his bright presence. He was in the hospital though, healing and recovering from his top surgery, which Jesse couldn’t be happier for him about. 
Thoughts of the night Genji had announced his appointment to him flashed through Jesse’s mind; drinking, laughing, Genji writhing above him, that pretty flush and blissed out look on his face as he grinded down--Jesse screamed quietly into his empty apartment, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, trying to will away the unwanted heat already pooling in his stomach.
He hadn’t remembered too well what had happened the next morning--Genji was already gone when he woke up--but the clothes resting on top of the washing machine had been enough to give him a good idea and more than a few flashbacks.
It happened a month ago, and still, Jesse was thinking about it, still feeling guilt raw in his gut. They hadn’t talked about it, pretended it never happened. Everything had been normal. Like it meant nothing to Genji. Maybe it didn’t.
Jesse sighed. He needed to stop. 
Genji wasn’t ever going to like him back, they had both been drunk, and Jesse needed to be there for him as his best friend, not some lovesick puppy desperate for attention. Jesse groaned and smushed his face into a pillow on the couch, whimpering into it. It hurt more and more every time Jesse saw him, chest clenching with the knowledge of unrequited love but unable to say or do anything about it. 
Jesse sat up slowly when he heard his phone buzz with a text, and he grabbed it with a soft sigh. Of course it was from Genji. - Genji: ‘Hey!!!!!! I’m free and I’m coming over!!!! I can’t wait to show you aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!’ - Jesse chewed on his lip for a moment, considering making up an excuse to deter Genji from coming over, but he quickly dismissed the idea. That would be suspicious and mean, especially with how excited Genji was and Jesse’s own enthusiasm for him. He typed out a response, resting his chin on the pillow hugged to his chest. - Jess: ‘I’ll be waiting! :)’ Genji: ‘Gotta surprise too! ;3c’ Jess: ‘Then hurry up!’ - Jesse sighed and tossed his phone aside, going back to the lab report he had previously been working on and not having much luck with. He was too distracted. He wrote a few things down while he waited for Genji to arrive, not really sure if they were correct but trying to fluff it up so it looked sciency. 
When the knock finally came, Jesse licked his lips and stacked the papers neatly, taking a little breath before standing. He plastered on a smile and opened the door, Genji squealing and hopping inside quickly with a brilliant grin. Jesse’s heart still beat faster at the sight, and he laughed when Genji tackled him in a hug.
“Heya, Gen! Long time no see, huh?” Jesse greeted, returning the hug. Genji was warm.
“I know!! It feels like forever! I really come here and bother you too often, don’t I?” Genji told him in a tone that indicated he had no intentions of stopping.
“Nah, you’re never a bother. I like having company.”
Genji grinned at that, then took off his shoes and jacket, leaving them by the door and taking Jesse’s hands. He led them into the living room, then turned around.
“Alright, I don’t know if you’re ready for this.” Genji teased, tugging at the hem of his shirt and glancing at Jesse over his shoulder. 
Jesse was about to agree with him, because he wasn’t sure if he was ready to see Genji shirtless again either, but he raised his brows with an expectant smile instead.
“You’ve already kept me waitin’. Let’s see it!”
“Okay...Tadaaaah!” Genji exclaimed, pulling off his shirt in one fluid motion and spinning around with a flourish. 
The doctors had certainly done one hell of a job, but Jesse’s eyes caught on the metal barbells sitting proudly on Genji’s now flat and sculpted chest, and he tried not to let out a wheeze.
“Oh my god. Of course you got nipple piercings.” Jesse laughed, mostly to hide the tremor beneath his words, Genji pretending to brush hair over his shoulder and jutting his hips out.
“Mhmm~ Surprise!”
“Tch, ain’t a surprise. But goddamn, you’re lookin’ great!”
“I know!! I’m so happy with it! But I suppose that comes with being rich enough to get the best doctors in Japan to do it for you. They were able to speed some of the healing up too, which is cool.” Genji told him through a grin, sticking his nose up playfully before falling back onto the couch with a contented sigh.
“I’m so happy...I finally feel, like, pretty normal. I feel right, you know?” Genji whispered, closing his eyes and smiling as he spoke. 
Jesse nodded to himself, trying not to stare too much even when Genji stretched a bit, arching his back and pushing his chest up. Jesse looked away, rubbing his forearm slightly.
“You want to go to the Rikimaru for lunch? To celebrate?” Jesse offered, just spewing the first thing that came to his mind that didn’t involve alcohol and being alone with Genji.
“Aw, hell yeah! I haven’t eaten yet today, I’m starved!” Genji said as he sat up, the movement accentuating his already cut and prominent abs.
“Then put your goddamn shirt back on, an’ let’s go.” Jesse teased not for the first time, Genji huffing and laughing to himself as he snatched his crop top back up.
“God, not having to mess with a binder anymore feels so great...” Genji mumbled happily as he put his shirt back on and went to grab his shoes and jacket.
“I’m glad you’re so happy with it. Took a long time, but you deserve it.”
Genji smiled softly, then looped his arm through Jesse’s when they were ready to go. Jesse allowed it, grinning like crazy internally at the action, even though he knew Genji did that with everyone. It was nice to pretend he was special for a bit. 
They walked down the streets of Hanamura, Jesse grinning and nodding to the passerby, Genji leaning into his side as they went. He wondered how many thought they were a couple, then wondered why he was even thinking about that. 
Because it would be really nice if it were true, his mind helpfully supplied. Jesse sighed at that, Genji glancing up at him.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” Jesse grumbled.
“You don’t sound fine.” Genji huffed, unhooking their arms and instead wrapping his around Jesse’s waist. 
Why did he have to do that? Why did he always have to be so cuddly and touchy-feely when Jesse felt this way? Genji had to know, it wasn’t like Jesse was particularly subtle in his feelings, no matter how hard he tried to be. Surely he saw the little blush or the overlong stares every now and then, right? So why was he doing this?
“I’m just hungry. I ain’t eaten much today either, and it’s makin’ me grumpy.” Jesse lied easily, Genji giggling and squeezing his side fondly.
“Aw, my poor grumpy cowboy.”
Why? Why why why?
“Guess we better hurry, then.”
Jesse just grunted in response, twining his arm over Genji’s shoulder and hoping he couldn’t hear how loud his heart was thumping. They made it to the Rikimaru and sat down in their usual spot in the corner, the waitress they normally had recognizing Genji and immediately coming over to take their order.
“Well if it isn’t Genji Shimada! You haven’t come in for a while, I was beginning to worry.” She greeted fondly, Genji grinning with all his usual charm.
“Aw, I’m sorry to worry you Fumi. But I’m back now and will be taking my usual, please.” Genji replied with a little wink, Fumi giggling softly and turning to Jesse.
“And for you, Jesse?”
“I”ll try the pork an’ green onion ramen today. Looks new.”
“Mm, good choice! It’s really good.” Fumi promised, writing down their order and smiling once more at them.
“I will have that right out for you!”
“Thank you kindly, Fumi.”
Genji laced his fingers together and set his chin on his hands, grinning at Jesse.
“I think she likes you.”
“An’ I think you’re forgettin’ I’m gay as fuck.”
“I’m just saying! I can’t help but notice those little things.” Genji laughed, putting his hands up placidly.
“Of course not.” Jesse muttered a bit more sarcastically than he meant to. Genji huffed and crossed his arms defiantly at that.
“Okay, you’ve been acting all weird. What’s wrong?”
“Why don’t you tell me, since you’re so good at reading people, huh?” Jesse shot back defensively, instantly regretting it as he watched Genji’s face turn from concerned to haughty.
“What is your problem today? I thought we were supposed to be celebrating me, not getting all pissy for no reason.”
“Oh of course, ‘cause you can’t stand the attention being off of you for one second, huh?”
“Well, at least I get attention!”
They stared at one another for a moment, Jesse blinking and looking down after a moment, Genji doing the same. They had both crossed some very tentative lines. The conversations and noises around them mulled on undeterred, and yet their silence seemed louder than anything else.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that...” Genji murmured after things had gone long past uncomfortable.
“‘S alright. I’m sorry too.” Jesse muttered quickly, ignoring how much that had hurt and instead smiling a bit. 
Genji gave him a half-hearted grin in response, and they both avoided one another’s gaze until their food came. Genji thanked Fumi like nothing was wrong, Jesse nodding to her as she left. He swirled the noodles around the broth, then scooped some up with his chopsticks and took a bite.
“Woah! That’s a tad spicier than I expected!” Jesse coughed out after he had swallowed, trying to break the tension between them as he gestured to the bowl with his utensils.
“Try it, it seems up your alley.”
Genji raised his brows, then took a spoon and scooped out some broth. He smacked his pretty lips when he tried it, grinning a bit.
“That’s pretty good! Though, I like mine a bit spicier.”
“Ya-huh. Show off.”
Genji actually grinned at that, and just like that, everything went back to normal. Jesse sighed quietly in relief. Better to at least pretend it was okay, and he was above holding a grudge. They both were.
Genji’s phone suddenly buzzed on the table, drawing both their attentions to it. Jesse watched Genji smile a bit as he read the text, then type out a quick response. He was about to set the device down again before it buzzed again, and Genji’s eyes widened slightly at it. He glanced up at Jesse, then wrote a response, Jesse raising a brow at the odd action.
“Everything alright?” Jesse asked, Genji shaking his head and waving a hand.
“Yeah, it’s just Hanzo. He worries too much about me.”
Jesse could sense a lie, or at least a half truth, but he didn’t press it. Genji didn’t have to tell him anything he didn’t want to. Their meal was finished with some banter between them, and when the silences came, they were thankfully comfortable ones. 
Jesse paid for their food even at Genji’s protest, saying Genji could pay next time. They walked out of the restaurant--not arm in arm this time--and Jesse glanced at Genji as he straightened his jacket and slowed a bit.
“You comin’ or what?” Jesse asked playfully. Genji looked towards the arcade, then turned to Jesse.
“I actually have a date tonight, so...”
“Oh. Well, have fun. Stay safe an’ whatnot.” Jesse said through a shrug, keeping his voice nonchalant, hoping he didn’t look as crestfallen as he felt.
“Thanks. See you later, Jess!” Genji told him with a wave, heading off to the arcade without a glance over his shoulder. 
Jesse wished watching him walk away didn’t hurt as much as it did. ~~
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overwatchworks · 6 years
This Side of Too Much:
Jesse was sure Genji had no idea just how beautiful he was, and he definitely didn’t realize how much it affected him. Which was good.
He didn’t want to screw something up and lose Genji just because he wanted more than he already had. He was happy being there for Genji, helping him when he needed it most, didn’t mind that he was second or third on the list as long as he was on it.
Which Jesse knew was sad, but he couldn’t help it.
Jesse sighed heavily as he placed the pan of brownies into the oven, wiping his hands off on a dishtowel and grinning to himself. He hadn’t made brownies in way too long, and now he would have a whole pan all to himself. He hummed an old Johnny Cash tune to himself as he cleaned up the dishes and wiped down the counter, wondering how in the world he had gotten so much flour everywhere. 
He startled at a loud thump coming from the hallway, hearing the door slam shut and a set of keys jingling before a familiar flash of green hair showed itself from the hallway.
“Yanno, you could always knock when you come in.” Jesse called, putting the flour and sugar back into the pantry as Genji set his stuff down on the counter. 
Jesse’s place was like a home away from home for Genji, somewhere safe to go when his family was getting to him, when he needed somewhere to crash after a night out drinking and partying, or when he needed someone understanding and willing to listen to him.
“What, and ruin the surprise of seeing me?” He shot back cheekily, Jesse turning and finding that gorgeous grin flashed his way. 
Jesse was sure Genji had no idea just how beautiful he was, and he definitely didn’t realize how much it affected him. Which was good. It would be a disaster if Genji found out his best friend for a solid eight years was head over heels in love with him. They’d known each other since Genji was ten, Jesse twelve, it would be ridiculous to be anything more than friends. Terrifying actually. 
Jesse didn’t want to screw something up and lose Genji just because he wanted more than he already had. He was happy being there for Genji, helping him when he needed it most, didn’t mind that he was second or third on the list as long as he was on it. 
Which Jesse knew was sad, but he couldn’t help it.
“Guess what I just came back from?” Genji’s voice snapped him out of his musings, Jesse realizing he had been staring past Genji’s shoulder before blinking and raising his brows with a smile.
“Appointment with my doctor. She said surgery is in three weeks!” Genji practically squealed, slamming his hands on the counter and bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. 
He was so goddamn adorable. 
Jesse grinned with a laugh and went over to him, wrapping Genji in a hug and rocking them side to side a bit.
“That’s awesome! It’s about time, yeah? Been lookin’ forward to that for a while now, huh?”
“Hell yeah! I’m so fucking pumped, it’s gonna feel like years but hey! It’s happening at last!”
Jesse laughed, then broke off the hug before it got a little awkward, going to his liquor cabinet. He pulled out some of his favourite whiskey and held it up for Genji to see, getting some shot glasses out as well.
“Guess this calls for a celebration. You mind whiskey, or do you want somethin’ else?” Jesse asked, Genji scoffing and crossing his arms over his chest.
“As long as it’ll give us a buzz, I could care less what it is.”
Jesse gave him a look, then quickly went back to setting out the whiskey. He knew Genji had some problems with his alcohol and drug consumption, mostly because he didn’t like thinking about the consequences of his actions and liked the feeling such things provided, a way to forget. 
But, he also knew Genji was a bit sensitive around the subject, getting defensive and guilty whenever Jesse tried to approach it. So he didn’t, knowing Genji knew his limits and how to take care of himself. For the most part.
“What’re you making? It smells amazing.” Genji asked after a moment of comfortable silence, toeing off his shoes and throwing his jacket on top of them under the bar of the counter.
“Oh! Homemade brownies! You’re gonna love ‘em, sugar.” Jesse told him with a wink, not even realizing he had added an endearment to the end of his statement until he was checking on said brownies. 
He internally cursed himself, then gathered the whiskey and set it on the coffee table in the living space.
“Here uh, wanna pick a movie? Your choice since it’s a special day.” Jesse said, tossing Genji the remote and clearing his throat. Genji raised a brow, then shrugged and sat down cross-legged on the couch.
“I mean, if you insist. You do realize we’re going to watch Twilight, right?”
“Lord, anythin’ but that.”
“Fine, Breaking Dawn because it’s got the sex.”
“Can we, like, watch somethin’ normal? Maybe an animated one or somethin’?”
“Hey, you said I get to pick!” Genji giggled, already searching for the movie he wanted. Jesse rolled his eyes fondly, checking on the brownies once more before leaning over the counter.
“Wait, what about a Ghibli? Spirited Away or something we both like.” He suggested, Genji huffing and giving him a playful side-eye.
“Are you possibly suggesting that you don’t want to watch Twilight?”
“Oh I ain’t suggestin’. I absolutely do not want to watch Twilight.”
“Fair enough. I like a man that’s straightforward. I can appreciate that.” Genji snickered, Jesse raising a brow. 
He shook off the strange comment, then jolted at the sound of the oven’s timer going off. Jesse scrambled a bit to check to see if the brownies were done, then hummed in satisfaction as he pulled the heavenly smelling tray from the oven to cool.
“Holy shit! They smell so good!” Genji exclaimed, hopping up from the couch and running over to Jesse’s side. 
He peeked over the cowboy’s shoulder to look at the treats, reaching out to perhaps snag a piece before getting whacked lightly with an oven mitt.
“Oi! Them’s hot brownies, no touchin’!”
“‘Them’s’?” Genji snorted, brows raised as Jesse shook him off his back.
“Yeah, them’s. My gran used to say that when I got handsy with the food, and it stuck. Get over it.”
“Oh my god, Jesse, I didn’t take you for that kinda guy. But we all have our kinks, I guess, I won’t judge.”
“Shut the hell up, or you get no brownies, you lil’ shit.” Jesse teased, Genji pouting at him, though the effect was lessened significantly by the shit-eating grin that followed the look.
“Go start the movie, I’ll be over in just a sec.” Jesse told him, Genji shrugging and going back to the couch. 
Jesse let the brownies cool for a bit, then cut them nicely, placing a few chocolatey squares onto a plate and going to join Genji. He set them down next to the whiskey, Genji immediately grabbing one and eating half of it in one bite.
“Jesus, Gen...Enjoy ‘em, don’t inhale ‘em!”
“Ya-huh. You sure are.” Jesse deadpanned, Genji covering his mouth and laughing. Jesse grinned, then poured some whiskey into their shot glasses. He handed one to Genji, raising it a bit for a toast.
“To perseverance, ‘cause it’s finally paying off.” Jesse announced, Genji clinking his glass to Jesse’s with a grin.
“Fuckin’ cheers to that.”
They downed their shots in unison, Jesse humming happily at the familiar burn and pouring them both another shot. He then turned his attention to the movie, grabbing a brownie and wondering if his night could possibly get much better than this. 
Genji stretched his feet out and rested them on Jesse’s thighs, staring at the screen and grabbing another brownie after the first disappeared in record time. Twenty minutes into the movie, nearly half the bottle of Jack Daniel’s was gone, and Jesse was feeling nice and buzzed, warm. 
Genji’s cheeks had a blush on them from their shared drink, and he held out his shot glass once more for Jesse to refill. His hands were just a bit unsteady as he brought the glass back to his lips and downed the amber liquid, not even batting an eye at the burn anymore.
“You know, Jess? I was thinking ‘bout getting another tattoo.” Genji suddenly spoke up, Jesse raising a brow and turning to him in a slightly drunken haze. 
Maybe a bit more than slightly.
“Oh yeah? What of?”
“‘M thinking ‘bout getting a cherry blossom branch and a sparrow. On my calf. The side.” Genji explained, his voice slurring. Jesse tilted his head in interest, then pointed at Genji’s stomach.
“Why not there?”
“Why not there? On your stomach, or curve of your hipbone.” Jesse suggested, downing the rest of his drink and suddenly finding it very hard not to think about Genji’s hips.
“You’re a fuckin’ genius, Jess...Why aren’t you a tattoo artist?”
“‘Cause I’m already payin’...Fuckin’ too much to go to school here. Whoop dee doo.”
“Eh, fuck school. School’s bo~ring.”
“Nah, I’m gonna make the most of it. Or at least try to...I might actually make myself proud, for once...” Jesse muttered as he poured another shot. He always got sentimental when he was drunk.
“Yanno what I think?” Genji slurred, raising a brow and holding his glass with his pinky outstretched to point at Jesse.
“I think you need more whiskey. An’ I want more while you’re at it.” He finished, holding out his shot glass and making Jesse chuckle.
“Damn straight.”
It took an hour for the whiskey bottle to be almost completely empty, and by then, both Genji and Jesse had lost interest in the movie. Genji was sprawled over Jesse’s chest, the cowboy stretched out over the entirety of the couch as they sang a jumbled mess of songs as loud as they could together. 
Genji hiccuped in the middle of it, and they both burst out laughing, Jesse snorting and making their giggles worse. When they quieted down, Genji stared down at Jesse, arms crossed over his chest and leaning in close. Jesse grinned, reaching up and caressing Genji’s cheek gently.
“Yanno, you’re so gorgeous when you laugh like that. You’re so fuckin’ beautiful...” He murmured, Genji smiling and wrinkling up his nose a bit in that adorable habit of his.
“Everyone always says that to get to me, but they never really mean it. You don’t have to Jesse, I already like you.” Genji whispered, their noses brushing with how close their faces were.
“Tell me that again when we ain’t drunk as skunks, an’ maybe I’ll believe you.”
Genji didn’t reply, instead he leaned in and pressed their lips together softly, too in control with how drunk they were but also a little sloppy in a good way. Jesse let his eyes drift shut, heat coursing through him as he slowly dragged his hands up Genji’s back and up to rest on the nape of his neck. 
He moaned quietly into the kiss, Genji huffing a laugh through his nose, the breath washing over Jesse’s face with startling clarity as he tilted his head to deepen it. 
And Jesse was enjoying it way too much. 
Genji’s lips were even softer and sweeter than he ever could have imagined, insistent yet passive as they moved against Jesse’s. The cowboy’s hand moved up to curl in Genji’s hair as he opened his mouth a bit more to tease his tongue along the seam of Genji’s lips. Genji groaned in response, pressing in with more fever and letting Jesse lick into his mouth to explore. 
Something very small and easily drowned out in the back of Jesse’s drunken mind was telling him to stop, that this wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, he’s my best friend, we’re drunk--but then Genji rolled his hips and all his thoughts scattered completely. Jesse gasped against Genji’s lips, the other man staring down at him with hazy, lust-filled eyes, hips grinding down again in a deliberate message. 
If Jesse thought his interest had been peaked by their kissing, he was sorely mistaken and harder than ever. He spread his legs so Genji could fit between them better, his hands shooting down to grasp Genji’s hips and slot them against his own. Genji moaned and gripped Jesse’s shirt in his hands before crushing their lips together in a much more heated and less coordinated kiss than before. 
He rolled his hips incessantly, Jesse’s fingers digging into his thighs and ass as he groaned and bucked up into the sensation. Genji broke off the kiss to pant into the crook of Jesse’s neck and grind down harder on him, searching for more friction with increasing need.
“Fuck, Jesse, oh Jess, fuck fuck...” Genji hissed, pressing wet kisses over Jesse’s neck and jaw. 
Jesse gasped and grit his teeth, one hand sliding up under Genji’s shirt to paw at the soft skin of his lower back, breath coming too quick, body feeling too hot. Genji whimpered, then leaned back to grip at the hem of his shirt, yanking it off in one desperate movement. 
Jesse gazed at the newly revealed skin in awe, Genji already fiddling with his binder and cursing lowly under his breath when it didn’t immediately come off. His body was gorgeous, toned muscles of his abdomen flexing with each stuttering breath, his thick arms tight and tense as he tugged at his binder.
“Here, lemme help...” Jesse murmured, Genji huffing and dropping his arms, eyes boring into Jesse’s, his pupils blown. 
Jesse tugged up the front of the binder carefully, Genji finally looking away as he pulled the back of it up and over Genji’s head. He slipped his arms free, then set his hands back on Jesse’s chest, fingers curled slightly. 
Jesse couldn’t help but be reminded of the first time Genji had put on a binder, showing it to Jesse timidly and asking if he would help him. He looked about the same now, a bit apprehensive but eager at the same time.
“Gorgeous, so gorgeous, darlin’, goddamn...” Jesse heard himself whisper in awe. He didn’t know he had been saying it out loud and not just in his head.
Genji leaned in again, a smile in the press of his lips, hands sliding up the cowboy’s chest. He let Jesse touch and explore, gently grinding against him and making stars dance across Jesse’s vision. The haze over his mind was thick and warm, Genji giving and taking too much, not enough, perfect, he was so perfect. 
“I love you, I love you so much, Gen. God, I love you...” Jesse breathed, not really paying attention to what he was saying as he closed his eyes in absolute bliss. Panting by his ear, hot and wet and shuddering. Nothing said in return. 
Genji, laughing softly, his weight solid in Jesse’s arms as he picked him up and carried him, stumbling, still drunk, still high on the afterglow. Something heavy and cold was settling in his stomach, but Jesse ignored it for the time being.
Genji, sprawled over the sheets, eyes closed and a hand resting by his head, the other sitting on his stomach with one knee bent up. Jesse joined him in bed, hugging him to his chest. They fit together perfectly. So perfect. 
“I’m really, really happy.” Genji mumbled after a long moment, Jesse huffing a soft, dry laugh.
“Tell me that again when we ain’t drunk, an’ maybe I’ll believe you.” He whispered, closing his eyes, not looking forward to the morning or the problems it would bring. 
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Figuring It Out:
The door unlocked after a few minutes, Genji stepping into the hall and staring at Jesse. Jesse glared back.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Genji asked, putting his hands on his hips and walking into the living room.
Jesse had enough decency to stop the show and stand to face him, but he kept his hard look in place.
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”
It had been a week since Hanzo dragged Genji out of Jesse’s apartment, and he had been keeping Jesse updated on his friend’s condition. Apparently, Genji had contracted the stomach flu on top of not eating and his period, so the whole thing had made him bedridden and miserable for a week. 
He was finally better, however, and of course his first text to Jesse had been to say he was coming over. Jesse had smiled and huffed a laugh after reading the excited and emoji filled text, happy that his friend was feeling back to himself again. 
He was making some cookies at the moment, craving something sweet and having some free time at last. The balcony doors were open to let in some fresh air and cool the apartment down without Jesse having to turn on the air conditioner, and the occasional breeze felt nice. 
He pulled a pan out of the oven after checking on the cookies, startling when he felt arms wrap around his stomach.
“Woah! Hot pan here!” Jesse exclaimed, hearing Genji’s soft giggle from just under his chin.
“Heya, cowboy. Long time no see, huh?” Genji chimed, mimicking Jesse’s accent adorably. 
Jesse laughed quietly, then stiffened a bit when he felt a little kiss get pressed to the back of his neck. Genji let go after another moment and hopped onto the counter instead, inspecting the cookies. Jesse cleared his throat and resisted the urge to rub his neck, setting the cookie tray on the stove and trying to will away the blush he could feel creeping up his cheeks. 
He didn’t want this, not anymore, and yet he craved it more than ever.
“Didn’t hear you come in. You got here just in time, though.” Jesse started casually, Genji scrunching up his shoulders and grinning up at him.
“Got some dough left, by any chance?”
“There might be a piece or two in the bowl there for you.”
Genji immediately grabbed said bowl with a soft sound of triumph, taking a fingertip of it and sucking it between his lips. He pulled it away with a pop, Jesse swallowing thickly and looking for any sort of distraction.
The warm pan of cookies were the first thing his eyes landed on when he managed to pull them off of Genji. 
“You want one?”
“Oh, nah, I’m good. Still recovering from puking my guts up for a week, I just wanted a bite of dough.” Genji told him with a shrug, Jesse glancing at him.
“You sure? I hear having cookies makes anything feel a hundred times better.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
Jesse stared at Genji for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip and debating if he really wanted to risk starting an argument so soon. He decided on taking a risk.
“Gen, you need to eat something, especially since you had the stomach flu. Your body’s probably pretty deprived of nutrients and all, and it needs help gettin’ better. Now, cookies may not do it, but if you want me to make you--”
“No.” Genji interrupted, not taking his gaze off the cookie pan, fingers clenching on the edge of the counter-top.
“Listen, Jesse, I know you’re just trying to help. But I need you to understand that this is my body, and I’m doing what makes me feel best. I’m pleasing myself, not anyone else, okay? You don’t have to like it.” Genji told him in a clipped tone, Jesse turning his gaze away from his friend’s face with a sigh.
“Just pleasing yourself, huh?” He mumbled, mostly to himself, but it grabbed Genji’s attention anyways.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just sayin’...” 
You’re already beautiful and perfect, so you don’t have to keep hurting yourself to try and get other people to like you when they already do.
“I’m just sayin’, you got me worried is all. You’re gettin’ too thin for my liking.” Jesse sighed, raising his hand and putting it back on the counter in a defeated little movement.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not trying to impress you, then.” Genji spat, sneering the ‘you’ and hopping off the counter.
“No, Gen, don’t do this again...”
“What do you mean ‘again’?! You’re the one who brought this up!”
“Okay, yeah, yeah, I’m sorry. It came out wrong, but I really am just concerned, alright? No harm meant in it, I swear...” Jesse tried, simply giving up at this point. 
Genji visibly relaxed, but only a bit.
“Yeah...Let’s just drop it, okay?”
“Okay...” Jesse muttered, taking a spatula from the drawer next to the stove and scooping the cookies onto a plate. 
He didn’t really feel like eating them anymore, the whole atmosphere ruined by yet more unneeded bickering. Jesse just stared at the plate after all the cookies were on it, fingers tapping absently on the counter while Genji shifted uncomfortably behind him.
“Um...Wanna go out for drinks or something...?” Genji finally asked tentatively, breaking the silence that was looming over them. 
Jesse was about to respond with a no, but he sighed, not wanting to give up an opportunity to hang out with Genji after a week of not seeing him. God, he was hopeless.
“Yeah, sure, why not.”
“We don’t have to...It was just a suggestion.”
“I just...I don’t think it’s the best idea to get drunk is all. Maybe we go to the arcade instead?” Jesse offered, and Genji nodded quickly.
“Yeah, that’s good too.”
Jesse pushed away from the counter and went to his bedroom to get some money and his phone, then came back out to find Genji rocking on his heels and staring at the floor. It was uncomfortable at best between them anymore, tension always finding a way to wind them up tight and snap at all the worst moments. 
Jesse closed the balcony door quietly, then took a last, longing look at his cookies before caving and snatching a few up to go. Genji gave him a half smile as they left the apartment, though it didn’t reach his eyes. Jesse didn’t even try to give him one back. He wasn’t really in the mood for smiling lately, just tired of it all. 
They walked to the arcade without saying a word, Genji keeping his hands shoved in his pockets and eyes staring straight ahead while Jesse munched on his cookies. They weren’t even that good, the argument leaving a bitter taste in his mouth and ruining it. 
Jesse reluctantly stepped into the arcade when Genji held the door open for him, and his hesitation was obviously not missed by his friend. Genji made a little face that disappeared almost as soon as it had showed up, and Jesse ignored it for his own sake. 
He went straight to the vending machine, Genji walking by him and going over to a small group of people he must have known and liked better than his previous company. Jesse bought a strawberry-flavoured soda and watched Genji laugh at something. 
His smile showed off perfect white teeth, rosy cheeks, and crinkled his eyes in the prettiest way, making those ember irises practically sparkle with joy. Jesse’s hand clenched on his drink as he forced his eyes away, instead occupying himself at a game he was working a high score from lately. 
He was alone, same as always. Jesse found he didn’t mind it so much now that he’d simply accepted that this was his lot in life. To be left behind or tossed aside when someone better was found. That didn’t mean it couldn’t hurt when he saw Genji smiling for real, talking and having a good time with his other friends. His better friends. 
Jesse placed his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on the game in front of him after a few unsuccessful tries at it and rubbed his eyes. He wanted to go home. He then realized that nothing was stopping him from doing just that. Jesse didn’t have anyone to please, didn’t want to be around Genji anymore, and he certainly didn’t want to sit through the whole evening here alone and miserable. 
So Jesse stood up and left, not bothering with a wave or goodbye to Genji.
Genji called him about forty five minutes after Jesse had left the arcade, when he was back at home snuggled on the couch in a blanket, rewatching his favourite show. Jesse didn’t pick up the first time, but the second insistent ring drew a long sigh from him as he snatched up the phone.
“Yeah?” Jesse answered in an irritated tone, not hearing the muffled sounds of the arcade like he usually would.
“Hey! Where’d you go? I’ve been looking for you for the past ten minutes.” Genji told him, voice still bright.
“Try home.”
“I went home, Gen. Didn’t fancy sittin’ all by my lonesome until you decided to come looking for me.”
“Jesse...I took you with me because I wanted you here.”
“Well, maybe if you acted like it, I would believe you.” Jesse grumbled, wrapping himself tighter in his blanket. Genji didn’t say anything for a prolonged moment, then there was a sharp little breath.
“Okay, I’m gonna come back to your place. I don’t want to do this over the phone.”
“Great.” Jesse grunted sarcastically, hanging up and tossing his phone onto the couch beside him. 
He huffed, then flopped onto his side and continued to watch the show. Jesse was sick of being nice to someone who had turned into a jerk on him. 
The door unlocked after a few minutes, Genji stepping into the hall and staring at Jesse. Jesse glared back.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Genji asked, putting his hands on his hips and walking into the living room. 
Jesse had enough decency to stop the show and stand to face him, but he kept his hard look in place.
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”
“Jesse, you’re acting like a kid. You don’t have to leave just because I’m saying hi to my friends.”
“Oh, really? ‘Just saying hi’, huh? Maybe I’m sick of you ‘just saying hi’ all night long and leaving me behind. If you just wanna drag me along ‘cause you’d feel bad for not going with me at all, then I don’t wanna go!” Jesse fumed, Genji raising his brows and moving his arms to cross over his chest.
“Oh, so I’m the one ignoring you, is that what you’re saying? I’m the one who’s been saying, ‘oh, sorry, Gen, I’ve got other plans tonight’, or ‘you know, I’m just not feeling like it today, maybe next time’? I’m the one making up excuses to not see you then, is that it?” Genji asked accusingly, voice raising along with the tension in the room.
“You wanna know why I’ve been sayin’ no to you? You wanna know why someone could possibly say ‘no’ to you? ‘Cause you ain’t been a friend to me, you’ve been a jerk, Gen!”
“You blow me off whenever you’re not feelin’ like dealin’ with me, then you come back to my place when it’s convenient for you, yell at me every time you come to my place, then leave and act like you did absolutely nothin’ wrong, like it’s all my fault you got mad over somethin’ stupid and got bitchy over it!” Jesse shouted, Genji bristling and glaring.
“What?! How dare you--”
“No! I’ve been nothin’ but good to you! I’m sick and tired of gettin’ nothin’ but your back in return! I’m sick of being treated like a tool, and I’m sick of being used by you!”
“So you’re just assuming that I think that way about you?! You’re just assuming that I want to leave you behind and use you?! How about you look past yourself for once and try to understand how I feel!!” Genji spat back, hands balling into fists at his sides.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?! Oh, Gen, please tell me you’re jokin’. Did you seriously just ask me to try and understand how you feel?! Are you kidding me?! That’s all I ever fuckin’ do! All I ever do is try and help you, you know that?!” Jesse yelled.
“I am not using you!! I’m the one who’s actually been making an effort to see you, so don’t you try and make yourself the victim here!” Genji growled back, Jesse raising his hands in exasperation.
“Oh, of course not. I wouldn’t dream of takin’ the attention off of you. How could I possibly even try to make my point, when your opinion is obviously the only one that matters here.”
“That’s not what I’m saying and you fucking know it!! All I’m saying is that I’m the one making the effort and getting ignored for it, and now you’re blaming me for it all!”
“And some effort that is! All you do is invite me out to drinks where you get drunk off your ass and then expect me to take you back to my place and clean up the messes you didn’t wanna deal with!! I’m sick of this, Gen, and I’m sick of you!” Jesse bellowed, Genji shoving his shoulders angrily.
“You know what?! Fuck you, man! I’ve been here for you for ten fucking years, and this is what you’re gonna tear us up with?! Over some stupid attention thing?! Are you serious?! I thought you, of all people, would have had more respect than that!”
“Wow. Wow, okay. You wanna talk about respect, do you? Respect is talkin’ to a friend when they need you, not ignoring them because you can’t get over something small they said. Respect is listening to your friend, not walking away or shuttin’ him down before he even gets the chance to say nothin’. Respect is letting a friend help you when there’s obviously something wrong, not yellin’ at him for being worried about your health.”
“Respect is fuckin’ giving a lil’ bit of it in return to the guy who’s always had your back, taken your side, and helped you through your worst moments. I’ve fuckin’ earned my respect, Gen! And what have you done?!” Jesse growled, moving up close to Genji and gesturing as he spoke.
“I’ve done exactly the same for you, Jesse McCree, don’t you fucking dare say otherwise! I’m allowed to have more than you as my friend, and I’ve earned every goddamn bit of respect as you have!”
“So what if I don’t want to spend every waking moment with you, so what if I want to go out with others, at least I’m still making a fucking effort! You’ve just given up on me!!” Genji shouted, glaring up at Jesse intensely and getting up in his face as well.
“You haven’t given me anythin’ more to hold on to!! You keep reelin’ your rope up higher and higher, and I ain’t gonna hang on to it anymore if this is how you’re gonna treat me from now on! Why do you even hang around me anymore if you so obviously don’t care about me anymore?!”
“Because I fucking love you and I can’t lose the only person who’s ever seen me for who I really am!!” Genji practically screamed, eyes widening a bit as Jesse stiffened, both just staring at one another through the sudden, oppressive silence. 
And just like that, the wall that had been building between them shattered, Genji surging up right as Jesse pressed in, lips meeting in a crushing kiss. Genji’s hands immediately curled into Jesse’s hair as he backed them against the wall, Jesse moving his leg in between Genji’s. 
Genji moaned softly, a decadent sound to Jesse’s ears as he tilted his head more to get better access to those pliant lips he had so desperately wanted. Genji opened his mouth willingly, dragging Jesse closer and pressing into his body as Jesse tugged his hips closer with the arm he had wrapped around them. 
They stayed locked together for what felt like a blessed age to Jesse, only breaking apart for a few short and sharp inhales before Genji was pulling him back in and licking indulgently into his mouth. Jesse felt Genji slowly start to roll his hips against the thigh between his legs, so he scooped him up, hands cupping and squeezing his perfect ass as he went into the bedroom. 
Genji jumped at the touch, his body pressing more fully into Jesse’s chest at the movement, breaking off the kiss to giggle into the crook of Jesse’s neck. His breath was warm as it washed over Jesse’s collar, lips even warmer as they started an open-mouthed trail along Jesse’s jaw. 
Genji locked his ankles around Jesse’s waist, Jesse kicking the door shut and dropping Genji to the bed gently before hovering over him. He pressed in for another suffocating kiss, fingers carding through Genji’s hair and sliding down to caress his cheeks. 
When they broke off, both heaving, Genji stared up at Jesse before the most gorgeous smile spread across his face, his hand going up to cup Jesse’s cheek.
“You’re amazing, Jesse.” He murmured, pulling Jesse back down into a hug. Jesse clutched him back, pressing his face against Genji’s neck and peppering little kisses over the skin there.
“And you’re just perfect, yanno that?” Jesse whispered, feeling Genji sit up a bit underneath him. 
He scooted back, Genji grinning up at him devilishly before flipping them over and straddling Jesse’s thighs as he pulled his shirt off. He then slid his hands underneath the hem of Jesse’s tank top, slowly sliding the material up as his fingers mapped over the muscles of his abdomen.
“You sure you’re okay with this...?” Jesse asked hesitantly, Genji gazing down at him for a long moment before answering softly.
“Do I look okay with it?”
“Then stop fretting, cowboy. I wanna ride you.”
Jesse flushed a bit at that, quickly turning back around and undressing completely, Genji giggling when he sat back down next to him. Genji slid right back into Jesse’s lap, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and kissing him deeply again. 
Jesse let his hands drag their way up Genji’s back slowly, savoring each moment as it came, finally having the one person he’d always wanted in his arms. 
Their mingled breaths were heavy in the otherwise quiet room, slowly going back to normal from their shared euphoria.
Jesse peppered Genji’s heaving chest with adoring kisses, the barely noticeable scars beneath his pecs lavished with love before Jesse moved to his neck and then his lips. Genji’s knees squeezed his sides as he leaned his head down to kiss Jesse more fully, lips and tongue ravishing him.
“I love you Jesse.” Genji murmured between kisses, Jesse sighing softly and nuzzling against Genji’s cheek.
“Say it again...”
“I love you Jesse. I love you, I love you...”
Jesse closed his eyes in pure bliss and leaned back, taking Genji with him and hugging him tightly.
“Thank you. I love you too.”
“No, thank you. I’m sorry for yelling and saying those things earlier...” Genji whispered, Jesse chuckling quietly as he pressed another kiss to Genji’s forehead.
“I’m sorry too. But I think we’ve both more than made up for it.”
Genji giggled and snuggled into Jesse’s chest.
“Yeah, I think we did.”
They stayed like that for a little bit, then Genji sighed and sat up again, pulling himself off of Jesse. Jesse groaned when he lost the warmth of Genji’s body over him, but Genji just smiled over his shoulder at him as he stood.
“Come on, I need your help in the shower.” Genji told him softly, a gleam in his eye that told Jesse it was far from an innocent suggestion.
“I mean, if you say so.” Jesse said through a grin, cleaning everything up as best he could and following after Genji into the bathroom. 
Genji turned on the shower and then went to the sink and pulled some makeup remover wipes from the cabinet before scrubbing them over his face, like it was the most normal thing in the world. Perhaps it was, or at least would be from now on.
Jesse just stood in the doorway and watched him, wondering if this was all just a dream, something to trick his mind into giving him more hope. Genji’s eyes flicked up to meet his in the mirror, one of them still smeared a bit with the black of his eyeliner. They crinkled slightly with his smile, and god, he was just the prettiest damn thing Jesse had ever seen.
“You don’t have to be a stranger in your own bathroom. Come on, quit acting so weird.” Genji told him playfully, Jesse walking into the room further.
“Can you really blame me?” He muttered, and Genji raised a brow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I dunno, I just...It doesn’t quite feel real, yanno?”
Genji turned around after he finished cleaning his face, lips puckered up and eyes narrowed, appraising. He came over slowly, then raised up on his tip toes and wrapped his arms around Jesse’s shoulders, bringing him into the gentlest, sweetest kiss Jesse had ever felt. 
And he felt it, all the emotion and warmth and trust, he actually felt what Genji was trying to convey. Genji pulled back after a moment, keeping their foreheads pressed together, lips brushing as he spoke quietly.
“Did that feel real, Jesse? Because you deserve to feel as good as you’ve made me feel. Not just tonight, but every night we’ve ever spent together. And I want to spend as many nights like this as possible with you, because you know what? For the first time, it feels right and real. You make everything feel right.” Genji whispered, pressing back in for another kiss before Jesse could respond. 
Not like Jesse could have responded, the words being stolen from him along with a few shuddering breaths as he tried to keep the tears at bay. Genji was right, this felt good, it felt real, it was perfect. Maybe that’s what scared Jesse about it, because he knew perfect never lasted. 
But, then again, Genji made it feel like it could stay, could work. Jesse moved his lips against Genji’s, slow and soft, trying to give back some of that feeling from earlier. It seemed to work, Genji humming softly before pulling back and glancing towards the shower.
“We should probably wash off...”
“Yeah, probably. I just really love kissing you.” Jesse murmured, Genji scrunching up his nose and smiling.
“Well, I love being kissed by you, so I guess it all works out.” Genji giggled, taking Jesse’s hand and leading him to the shower. 
They both squeezed in, a tight fit they made work by staying close to one another. Genji turned to grab some shampoo, squirting more than enough into his hand and lathering them together. 
He smacked one hand onto Jesse’s head before he could ask why he used so much, then rubbed the other hand through his own hair. Jesse snorted and grabbed Genji’s hand, taking all the soap he could from it before washing his hair. 
Genji grinned, then made a face and started coughing and spluttering.
“Ackpphhhh—! Soap in my mouth!”
Jesse laughed, because it was so very...Genji.
“Here, come stand in the spray.” Jesse told him with an amused grin of his own, switching places with Genji. 
He looked at Genji’s back as he leaned his head up into the spray, eyes closed and mouth open. Jesse wrapped his arms around Genji’s small middle, the ninja leaning back into Jesse’s embrace, head lolling back to rest on Jesse’s shoulder. 
Genji then took one of Jesse’s hands and laced their fingers together as Jesse started pressing loving, open-mouthed kisses to Genji’s neck and shoulder. He turned around and hugged Jesse after a few moments, the two just standing together under the warm spray in the too small shower. 
They did get around to actually washing off, and by then, Jesse was feeling tuckered out. Genji seemed to feel the same, drying himself off quickly and motioning for Jesse to hurry up. 
He went into the bedroom, Jesse cleaning up their towels and following after him. Genji put on one of Jesse’s t-shirts and flopped down on the bed as Jesse picked out some underwear for himself. 
The cowboy settled down behind Genji, pulling him close and spooning against him. Genji wiggled closer until he was comfortable, then laced his fingers with Jesse’s and snuggled with his arm.
“I love you, Jess.” He whispered, Jesse pressing a kiss to the back of his neck and smiling.
“I believe you. I love you too, Genji.”
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overwatchworks · 6 years
How about some domestic mcgenji?
This was supposed to be a Christmas fic, I just never got around to finishing it until now. Happy really late Christmas! Hope you enjoy! ^^
For once, Genji didn’t plan on having sex that night. He wanted something romantic for Christmas Eve, and sure, sex was fun and all, but this time, he wanted it to just be romance with no expectations of more. Gentle intimacy without it needing to go further. He wanted to share a nice night with Jesse casually, to show his love in the little things. 
Genji had actually made dinner for once, and it turned out surprisingly well. The fact that he had kept Hanzo on a video call the entire time to help him cook probably had something to do with the good results, though. 
He had ended up making an old recipe of his mother’s—Karaage with a ginger salad—and a chocolate cake. Jesse liked just plain chocolate the best. Genji could get behind that. The cake was a little lopsided, but it smelled good. And tasted good, because Genji had definitely sneaked a bite or two while he cooked. 
All in all, everything looked very nice set up on the table, and Genji was excited for the coming evening. He cleaned himself up before Jesse came home, eyeing himself in the mirror critically. Genji brushed his hair back with his hand, then wrinkled his nose slightly, messing it up a little more. 
Casual sexy, that’s what he was going for. Genji knew he could pull it off damn well, but for some reason, something didn’t seem right. Maybe he needed a different shirt? Putting on a bit of eyeliner might be nice. Was he fretting too much? Genji never fretted, that was Hanzo’s–
Before he could do anything else, Genji heard the garage door. He jumped slightly, smoothed out his shirt, then made his way back into the kitchen with a little bounce to his step. Jesse came through the back door and glanced around, a smile growing on his lips when his eyes settled on Genji. He was home early for the holidays.
“Well, hey there, beautiful! How was your day today?” Jesse greeted, Genji meeting him halfway and stretching up into a kiss.
“Mm, good! I spent a long time cooking dinner for us, and it actually turned out pretty well!” Genji told him proudly. Jesse grinned, setting his wallet and keys on the counter before toeing off his boots.
“Smells delicious. Lemme just change real quick, then we can eat.”
Genji nodded, then went to the table as Jesse took a turn for the bedroom. He patted the tops of his thighs absently as he waited, staring at the food. Hanzo had told him to keep it in the oven until Jesse was almost back to make sure it didn’t get cold. 
Genji wondered if he had kept it in long enough. Or maybe it had been too long? What if it was overcooked? But the oven had been off, right? Did he even remember to turn the oven off at all?
“Woah, this looks real nice, darlin’! Thank you for makin’ all this.”
Genji blinked and looked up, glancing at the oven as he did so and noticing it was indeed off.
“Yeah, of course! It’s a special night, after all.”
“Every night is a special night with you.” Jesse hummed, winking at Genji as he sat down. 
The ninja blushed a bit–still, after all this time, Jesse could charm him–then cleared his throat.
“Well, I mean extra special, then.”
“Oh yeah! I seem to recall Christmas eve bein’ a special time of year for couples…Romantic, shall we say.” Jesse teased.
“Shush, you lived there for at least two years. You know the rules.”
Jesse chuckled, Genji grinning as he started to serve some of the food.
“Thank you, hon. This is really nice, and there’s nothin’ I’d want to do more than spent tonight with you.”
“Why are you so smooth…? This is supposed to be me wooing you, not the other way around!”
“What can I say? I’m talented.”
“Yes, that you are.” Genji giggled. 
They picked up their chopsticks and began to eat, trading stories about their day. Genji would smile and laugh at the little things Jesse would tell him, and Jesse would listen carefully to whatever Genji told him, even if it was just mundane little every day things. 
When dinner was through–with no small amount of cake eaten after–they did the dishes together. Jesse would tap his hip against Genji’s every time he passed the sink to put something away, and Genji retaliated with a little flick of water sent in his husband’s direction. There was a coy smile that quirked Jesse’s lips up ever so slightly throughout the evening, Genji watching his expressions carefully after he had caught on to it. 
He was hiding something. Genji decided to say something about it after they had sat down on the couch to snuggle.
“Did you like dinner?” He asked casually, glancing up at Jesse through his lashes. The cowboy grinned, pressing a kiss to his forehead before responding.
“It was delicious, I loved it. Thank you very much for makin’ it.”
“Well, I had Hanzo’s help for most of it…”
“Still. You did a wonderful job, hon.”
“Thank you! So, what took you so long to get home?” Genji questioned, raising a brow when Jesse faltered.
“I thought I got home early…?”
“You told me last week you were getting off at three. You came home at five tonight. Where did you go? What are you hiding?”
“Damn, you’re good.” Jesse cursed lowly, Genji grinning.
“Hanzo wasn’t the only one trained in this kind of thing. So? What is it?”
“I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about.”
“You just said I got it!”
“Hon, it’s Christmas, I ain’t going to tell you what I was doin’ until tomorrow! You’ll find out then.” Jesse huffed. Genji crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.
“I hate surprises.”
“I know, but I have a feeling you’ll like this one a lot. It’s worth the wait, trust me.”
“Can you give me a hint?”
“Uhh, let’s see…It’s a present, and I picked it up earlier.”
“That wasn’t a hint, I figured that much out on my own. Come on, give me a real one!” Genji complained, Jesse chuckling before biting his lower lip in thought.
“Alright. You’re gettin’ two things. They’re soft. That’s all I’m going to say about it.”
“They’re soft?! That could literally be anything but a rock!” Genji groaned.
“Well, hint numero dos, it ain’t a rock. You’ll see tomorrow!” Jesse retaliated with a little poke to Genji’s side playfully. 
The ninja giggled, scooting closer to Jesse and staring out the window. There was holiday music playing in the background, Jesse humming to it while toying with Genji’s hair. Genji smiled to himself and closed his eyes, enjoying the peace. At least, until Jesse gasped and made to stand up.
“Woah, Jess, what are you–”
“Look, it’s snowin’!”
Genji followed his husband to the window and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, little white flakes were floating down gently. Jesse always loved to see snow, and it never failed to get a reaction like that out of him. Genji figured it had to do with growing up in a desert area, the snow being somewhat of a wonder to the cowboy. 
The ninja smiled, wrapping an arm around Jesse’s waist. They watched the snow fall, together.-The next day, Genji woke up wrapped up in more blankets than he remembered falling asleep in, and there was something missing. Someone missing. Genji lifted his head from the pillow, glancing around blearily.
“Jesse…?” He called, rubbing his eyes. Genji slid his hand into his hair, pushing it back before standing.
“Jesse? Where are you…?”
Genji shuffled into the living room after putting on some fuzzy socks, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie down over his hands. The Christmas tree cast a warm glow over the still mostly dark area. A glance outside showed Genji that there was a thick layer of snow over everything, and it was quiet on the street. 
Genji looked around the room and into the kitchen, crossing his arms over his chest. No one was around.
Genji startled at a sound coming from the sunroom, whipping around to face it in a defensive stance. Sinking down lower, Genji snuck over to the door. Peeked through the window. He frowned, straightening.
Said cowboy looked up, a smile growing on his face
“Heya, darlin’! Just in time! Took me a little longer to get this ‘cause of the snow.” Jesse told him happily, motioning to the big box at his feet. 
Genji’s eyes dropped to the box. It was wrapped with a shimmering green wrapping paper with a red bow on top. And then it moved. Genji’s brows furrowed.
“It moved.” He announced, Jesse putting his hands on his hips and standing up taller.
“Okay, just making sure you knew.”
Genji stared down at the box.
“Well?” Jesse motioned again, raising his brows.
“Well, what?”
“It’s yours, that’s what! Open it!”
Genji was about to respond when the box made a suspicious sounding squeak. The ninja squatted down in front of the box. It had holes in it. The box moved again. The pieces fell together.
“No. No…No way.” Genji murmured. He lifted the lid of the box, gasping and dropping it when he saw what was inside.
“No way!! No way no way!!” He squealed, hands clapping over his mouth. 
Two puppies–an all black German Shepard and a husky–stared up at him with matching red bows on their collars, wiggling around the box.
“No way, Jesse!! I thought–I can’t believe–”
“Now, I know we just wanted one, but they were the last two from the litter at the shelter, and I couldn’t just leave one all alone there. So, there’s one for both of us!” Jesse announced, Genji picking up the husky with another squeak.
“Oh. My. God!!!”
He pulled out the other one and carefully set them down next to him, Jesse sitting across from him.
“I told you they’d be soft.”
“They’re so cute, oh my god!!”
The puppies wandered around, Genji reaching out to pet them any time they even came relatively close while Jesse made sure they didn’t get into anything they shouldn’t have.
“How did you get them here?” Genji asked, the german shepard sniffing his leg. The ninja picked it up and held it to his chest, cooing at it softly. 
“I picked them up this mornin’. The shelter let them stay the night so I could surprise you.”
“They’re so, so cute…” Genji whispered. He pressed a kiss to the puppy’s head, and Jesse smiled.
“Well, I’m certainly glad you like them. The one you’re holdin’ is a girl, and the husky here is a boy.” Jesse told him, wiggling his fingers in front of the husky. 
He laughed when the puppy yipped and chased after them clumsily, Genji giggling and letting his puppy down.
“Do they have names?”
“Yeah! The husky is Shay, and the Shepard is Lucy.”
“Awww, those names are really nice! Hello, Lucy and Shay! You’re our puppies now, so expect to be loved tons and spoiled!” Genji told them happily, watching their tails wag as they wandered around in delight.
“You wanna take them inside? I set up a little pen in the dining room.”
“Really?! I didn’t even notice!”
Genji scooped up the German Shepard again, holding her close as he followed Jesse inside. He smiled at the puppy in his husband’s arms, the little husky looking around with perked ears and a wagging tail. 
The dining room was sectioned off with a little gate and some towels, two crates filled with blankets and plenty of toys sitting in the corner. Jesse set Shay down, Genji letting Lucy join her brother. They dragged some toys over, Genji stepping over the gate and sitting down to watch them.
“I love them so much!” He squealed, Jesse leaning over and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Good! It’s about time we got some pups, we’ve been wantin’ a dog for ages.” 
“They’re perfect, Jess. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Merry Christmas, darlin’.” Jesse hummed. 
Genji turned his head to give the cowboy a proper kiss, smiling into the press of their lips.
“Merry Christmas.”~~
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overwatchworks · 6 years
Detroit: Become Human AU
Detroit: Become Human Overwatch crossover. 
His programming made sure he could make split second decisions that could save or end lives where he deemed necessary. He had perfect, logic-based machinery and algorithms that fired off to make sure he made the best decisions in any combat situation. This scenario led to the simplest conclusion. And yet...
Software instability detected.
Genji hated the thing they had assigned as his “helper”. He had been given a fucking android train with him, act as his bodyguard, and help him wherever he needed it. Genji knew it was just a way for the elders to keep tabs on him at all times. It was beyond annoying. 
Genji hardly had any free time as it was being the new master of the Shimada clan after his father had died, he didn’t need some robot following him around when he wanted what little privacy he had. He hated the fucking thing. 
They had designed it just for him apparently; a special model with combat training, extensive knowledge on the underground dealings they did, strategy, and business dealings with humans. It was perfect, made by some of the best android mechanics in the world, built with the highest quality parts. 
It was made just for Genji, and he hated it. 
Model HZ800. Everyone called it Hanzo. 
Genji had simply stared at it when it had arrived, face twisted in blatant shock and anger. It looked like a weird mix of his parents, which had to be some kind of a sick joke. His mother, the person this android had to have been partially modeled from, had been killed by the same thing standing in front of him. 
And then it had said the most ridiculous thing Genji had ever heard.
“Good evening, young master. I am Hanzo. I was designed to be your assistant and brother.”
Genji had almost hit it. He had wanted to send it to the junkyard for having the audacity to even think it could be a brother to him. He wanted to get his hands on whatever elder had thought this was a good idea, and make them regret everything. It was disgusting. 
Genji had turned and gone straight to his room, seething. That android was making a mockery of what Genji had loved. It had his mother’s eyes. Hell, it had his eyes. It truly looked like it could have been his brother. Genji had never hated an android more.
Genji hadn’t shared a word with the android for a week. He had gotten reprimanded by the elders for not using it as it was intended, that it was there to help and advise him, not to be ignored. Genji had only half listened to their speech. 
He had been forced to start using the android more, though, whenever he had to speak to it, it was mostly single word replies. He never initiated conversation, and never replied with more than he had to when the android tried talking with him. It asked questions, gave advice, helped with training, did everything it had been programmed to perfectly, except for getting along with Genji. 
He was in his office, reading over a debriefing for an upcoming meeting. The android was standing obediently in the corner. It had been with Genji for weeks now, and still, Genji refused to acknowledge it’s name or presence when he didn’t have to. 
It wasn’t human, it wasn’t right. If creatures like it had never existed, Genji would have still had his mother. He could never forgive androids for such a thing. His mother had been everything to him.
“Genji, I am sensing traces of anger and sorrow. Perhaps you would like my assistance with those documents while you take a break?”
Genji blinked, then turned a glare towards Hanzo.
“Do not scan me.”
“Forgive me. It is in my programming to make sure you are safe and stable.”
“Leave me alone.” Genji growled, looking back down at his work.
“Very well.” Hanzo murmured. 
Genji almost thought he could detect traces of resentment in the response. He ignored it. Robots didn’t feel anything, much less human emotions. It would do as it was told without question. And it did. Hanzo was quiet for the rest of the evening, until Genji finished up and went to his room. 
The android wasn’t allowed in his room. Genji had made that much clear the moment Hanzo had tried to follow him in for the first time. Genji sighed as he collapsed onto his futon, staring at the ceiling with his hands clasped behind his head. 
He needed some time off, a night to himself to go out to a club or something. He needed to go somewhere that the android wouldn’t be allowed to follow. Maybe then, he’d get a bit of peace.
Hanzo had been with him for a few months, and not much had changed besides the android getting pushier and the elders stricter about its usage. Genji was training with it, doing a bit of sparring to let off some steam. Except, he was only getting angrier. Each of his attacks were blocked with calculated precision. 
Inhuman precision. 
Hanzo could fight in a way Genji would never be able to, because the android never made a fucking mistake or slip up. It wasn’t human, and it wasn’t fair to practice against. 
Genji was sent to his ass again with a kick to his stomach. He hissed at the sharp pain it caused, sending a heated glare towards the android standing above him and offering a hand.
“Not all of us are made of fucking biocomponents that can be replaced on a whim. Be a little more careful next time.” He muttered darkly, Hanzo tilting its head.
“I will take that into consideration and lower my combat settings, if you wish.”
Genji slapped the hand away, standing and brushing himself off.
“This is useless. I’m not going to win against a robot that’s programmed for this.” Genji sighed, sneering the word ‘robot’.
“My programming is set to a level that is meant to enhance your own combat skills, Genji. Working against a more difficult opponent will make you a better fighter.”
“The only thing that enhances when I’m around you is my frustration. And shut up about your programming, I don’t give a shit about it. I don’t want you around, but does anyone care about what I want? No! They just want a perfect heir! I’m sick of having to put up with androids, all they do is cause issues for me...”
“If there is an issue I am creating, tell me so that I may work to resolve it—”
“Just shut up, okay?! You’re a piece of plastic that is programmed to be perfect, and yet you still manage to fuck that up! Do as you’re told, and leave me alone!”
“Taking out your anger and hatred for androids on me because of what happened to your mother is hardly the best solu—”
Genji whipped around and shoved Hanzo against the wall of the dojo, the LED on it’s temple turning yellow. He pressed his hand to where Hanzo’s core component was hidden beneath it’s shirt, digging his fingers in dangerously. The LED shifted to red.
“Say something like that again, and I will rip your core out and watch you shut down at my feet.” Genji murmured. Hanzo’s eyes were wide, flicking between his own, hands held out to it’s side placidly. 
Genji wondered if it was afraid. He hoped so.
“I...Yes, Genji. Forgive me.” Hanzo replied after a moment, Genji shoving it back and moving away. 
He picked up his training gear. Walked to the entrance of the dojo. Glanced back to see if Hanzo would follow him, or if he could make it to his room for some peace and quiet. Hanzo was glaring at him, the light on it’s temple yellow once again. The glare was replaced with indifference as quick as it had appeared. 
Genji frowned, then left the dojo with an uneasy feeling in his gut. Androids weren’t supposed to get angry. Maybe Hanzo hadn’t, maybe it was just simulating what a human might be feeling in such a situation. Genji nodded to himself. Yes, that was it. It had to be. 
Hanzo had never shown anything like that before. Not that he had seen, anyways. Genji worked his jaw. He’d have to keep a closer eye on Hanzo from now on.
Jesse scanned the area, running simulations of which route he needed to take. Too high of a jump that way. Too risky with that crumbling ledge. His LED turned yellow as his comm came to life, Commander Reyes’ voice coming through cleanly. Jesse listened, still running through simulations.
“Files successfully located. I’ll download them and send them to you in a minute. The code you’ll need to use will pop up, but you’ll have to get past the locks over it first. Some sort of firewall. Can you do it?”
Jesse calculated the best path, running to the ledge of the building and jumping. He rolled as he hit the next roof, then ran along a wall and pushed off of it when his momentum wouldn’t carry him further at that angle. His arm went up to catch a railing, and he swung himself to the balcony he needed to be on, crouching below the windows.
“That’s an affirmative, boss. I’ll hack the locks on it.”
“Alright, sending the files now.”
An orange box popped into Jesse’s peripheral, and he unlocked it, scanning through the files. The code file came up with a warning, Jesse bypassing it and closing his eyes to focus on getting past the protection around it. 
Jesse grinned, then moved to the control panel over the door. The skin on his hand retracted as he placed it on the panel, inputting the code. It blinked green.
“Bingo.” Jesse hummed in satisfaction, drawing his revolver as he slipped inside. 
He ran down a hall and went behind a wall, pressing himself flat against it as a guard patrol went by. They were androids, faces blank as they went past. Jesse watched them a moment, then went in the opposite direction. His footsteps were silent and sure as he made it to the control room.
“‘Kay, I’m in. Goin’ to the terminal now.”
“Copy that.”
Jesse went down the rows of computers, stopping when he reached the one blinking with an orange light instead of the blue all the others were. He paused, hand hovering over the components. Closed his eyes again.
“Just received the package. Good work, McCree.”
“Thanks, Jefe.”
“Get on out of there, we’ve got a rendezvous ship headed your way. Coordinates will be on your tracking screen.”
“Got it.” Jesse nodded, seeing the waypoint further out in his vision, coordinates blinking above it. 
He followed them, leaving the same way he had come in. The guard schedule was consistent; he still had two minutes and twenty-three seconds left. Jesse ran down a few flights of stairs, then paused, listening. He heard footsteps. Only a single pair of them. The android guards were always in sets of two, though. 
Jesse flattened himself to the wall, LED shifting to yellow. The coordinates still blinked at him, the timer he had set for himself still counting down. One minute, twelve seconds. Eleven. Ten.
A human walked past him, hand resting on her holster, posture relaxed. Jesse waited. She continued down the hall. The LED went back to blue. Jesse stepped out of hiding, then started running again. 
He made it to the courtyard, gun going back into it’s holster as he cleared a fence, keeping out of sight of the surveillance drones. Jesse rolled to his feet, turned a corner with a grin. A human was staring at him, wide eyed. Jesse’s grin slipped. 
He tackled the man and slapped a hand over his mouth, knee digging into his wrist. He had been reaching for the pistol on his thigh. Jesse pulled out his revolver, pressing it to the man’s head, and he immediately stopped struggling.
“Easy now. Best not fuck up my mission right as it was about to end successfully.” Jesse murmured, finger tightening on the trigger minutely. 
The man’s eyes widened, Jesse tilting his head slightly at the look he was being given. Pleading without words. Fear. 
Blackwatch didn’t take prisoners. 
His programming made sure he could make split second decisions that could save or end lives where he deemed necessary. He had perfect, logic-based machinery and algorithms that fired off to make sure he made the best decisions in any combat situation. This scenario led to the simplest conclusion. And yet...
Software instability detected.
-Kill the guard: 98% chance of mission success. (Scroll to kill ending, 1st one)
-Spare the guard: 40% chance of mission success. (Scroll down to spare ending, 2nd one)
Jesse’s eyes narrowed, his finger tightening completely. A silenced shot went off, the man beneath him going limp. He should have been more careful, shouldn’t have hesitated. Jesse found it odd that he had even considered not following through on his orders, on the mission. 
Hiding the body was an easy feat, and he made it to the rendezvous point without any further impairments. A ship was waiting for him, as promised. Jesse stepped aboard, hand going up to hold onto the stabilization bar as he reported back to the commander.
“On my way back, boss.”
“Good job, Jesse. This information will help us against Talon big time. We’ll have a debriefing when you arrive.”
“Copy that.”
Debriefing went smoothly, Jesse sending in a report in mere moments, and he made his way to the door.
“McCree, stay a minute.” Reyes called. Jesse paused, then turned and waited patiently. Programmed patience to follow orders. The thought made Jesse frown a moment, but it quickly disappeared as Reyes turned to him.
“I’m going to need some post-mission diagnostics from you, just so I can send it in to the med bay.”
“Oh, alright. You want me to just stop by there, or...?”
“No. Send them in, that’s all. You did a good job today.”
Jesse shifted, arms crossing over his chest.
“Thanks, Jefe. Just doin’ my job.”
“Still. You’re damn good at it. Keep up the good work.” Gabe told him with a good-natured pat to the shoulder.
Jesse felt the sudden urge to tell him about the casualty, then shook it off. He’d know after the diagnostics run anyways. The cowboy left without another word, brows furrowing a bit as he ran through what had happened that day.
Jesse stared at the man, gun unwavering. Worked his jaw, tightening it. The look on the man’s face didn’t change, but his hands went up placidly.
“Please just...I won’t say anything, I swear...! Don’t kill me!” He whispered.
60% chance of mission success.
Something in Jesse’s programming popped up, something like a red wall blinking with orders. 
Kill the man. 
He frowned, eyes narrowing and head tilting slightly in disconcertment. In his mind’s eye, he shot the wall. Cracks appeared. Shot it again, and again and again. The man’s face, his words lingering just behind the wall, Jesse getting angry before it shattered like glass. 
He blinked, then lowered his gun slowly. Watched as the man glanced around nervously before scrambling up and pointing.
“Go that way, just get out of here! I’ll stay quiet, I swear!”
The gunslinger didn’t say anything. He turned on his heel and continued to make his way to the rendezvous point. No alarms had been set off. Jesse got onto the evac ship wondering why the man hadn’t just lied and gone after him.
“On my way back, boss.”
“Good job, Jesse. This information will help us against Talon big time. We’ll have a debriefing when you arrive.”
“Copy that.”
Jesse spent the time it took to get back to base wondering about the bigger question: why did he not kill the guard in the first place?
Debriefing went by smoothly, though O’Deorain stared at him more than usual. He had shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, watching a small smirk appear on her lips. She did nothing, however, not until she was about to leave the room when Reyes signaled the debrief’s end. 
Jesse almost made it to the door when O’Deorain’s hand clasped his shoulder, nails digging in just enough to cause the receptors there to light up in his vision.
“What?” He muttered, meeting the doctor’s eyes with a little glare. 
They both knew he didn’t like her, but she was one of the few who knew how to fix and replace biocomponents at the base. Jesse had to put up with her.
“I need some diagnostics testing from you, if you don’t mind. Just run through them and send a report to me. I am very interested to see them.” O’Deorain told him quietly, her tone just loud enough to be shared between them. 
Jesse stared at her a long moment. There was no way she could have known, and yet that look in her mismatched eyes told him otherwise. A slight frown pulled on the gunslinger’s lips, but he nodded. Playing it safe and simply agreeing.
“Good. That will be all.”
Jesse pulled his arm free, shooting a glance to Gabe, who was further in the room still. The commander didn’t notice. O’Deorain raised her head and smiled coolly, Jesse turning on his heel and leaving. 
He didn’t quite know the consequences of being deviant, but he did know that they probably weren’t good, especially if a deviant was programmed to be good at wielding various weapons. 
The gunslinger’s brow furrowed as he went back to his quarters, debating actually sending a diagnostics check in.
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