#Whitewashing is such a serious problem and those people still don't take it seriously
lark-of-mirkwood · 8 months
So upset about the fact that there are artists who whitewash Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3, like ... That man has bronze skin (human form) not LIGHT PINK 💀 And then when I point it out and that it's not okay, leaving a tip on how to avoid that mistake next time, they don't know what I'm talking about and are offended!
"I color-picked from a screenshot" DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT HIM ONCE
"Why do you come to my post und comment something like this???" AS IF I CALLED YOU NAMES OR SOMETHING, omgg
It can happen that you pick the wrong skin color, that's okay, especially as an artist without much experience, but listen to other artists who point out to you that that character looks whitewashed, be open to LISTEN and AVOID picking the absolutely wrong skin color next time. Simple.
Glad blocking exists 🫶🏽
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sayaratyriea · 7 years
the more of this drama i see the more i wonder, like, literally why does anyone send death threats and/or “go kill yourself” messages to anyone? ever? why do people even make those “people who do [x] are terrible/should die” posts in a public forum in the first place? 
i don’t get the psychology of it... maybe it’s just because i’m 19 and therefore older than most people who start these stupid circular debates, but it literally makes no sense at all to me! the only thing you achieve with that is turning people (gasp) against YOU. even if your cause is the most righteous thing in the damn world, even if it makes you feel better about yourself in whatever fucked up way, nobody is going to side with the people sending aggressive/rude/suicide-baiting messages. period. and if people you consider your allies are doing that shit then you need! to tell them to cut it the fuck out!! i don’t see how this isn’t obvious, oh my god, the whole ‘hate breeds hate’ thing is tired and stupid and wrong for lots of reasons but internet vitriol definitely breeds defensiveness at least and further offensive aggressive bullshit at worst. the alt right gained a foothold by taking people’s less-than-civil arguments against their bullshit and using those as “evidence” that they were victims, you cannot approach people in a way that makes them feel victimized, because people who see themselves as victims will just dig themselves deeper into their error and it does! not! help! anyone! this isn’t respectability politics or whatever, this is just common sense! if you make people feel like targets then they will seek people who are also on their “side” against you and shore themselves up to fend off more “attacks.” that’s how human psychology /works/.
if your side of a debate is being discredited because some members are edging too far to the wings and saying or doing things that make you look bad, you can’t just no true scotsman that shit, you need to do something about it because otherwise no one in the irl adult world is ever gonna take you seriously. and if you don’t wanna do that, and you don’t wanna take responsibility for the problems with your chosen group, or if you don’t have the patience to educate at least a little bit, then maybe you should rethink what you’re trying to achieve here.
#taz shut up#discourse //#i'm so sick of the ''well those people are just a Small Minority of us and that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen!!'' arguments#because frankly? yes i know rationally that not everyone is like that#but the onus should not be on me to sit there and go ''yes let me consider your point'' when the only ''point'' i've seen is empty vitriol#also it's really hard to take people seriously when the quality of their arguments is surpassed by most 4th graders' 5 paragraph essays#you cannot open an argument by insulting the people you are trying to convince#that is not how it works#you cannot start a conversation about serious social issues by calling everyone who doesn't know better worthless trash#again: that's not how it fuckin works#some people are! genuinely ignorant!#and some people aren't but just don't understand why your cause is important!#this is why social justice advocates need to be educators as well as warriors#''the idiots sending death threats don't mean you can ignore the problem that inspired them to send death threats!!!''#sooooooo... talk about the problem outside of the context of death threats!#i literally only see the discourse over shit like genderbends and accidental whitewashing after someone's been urged into suicide for it#i still have no fucking clue what the actual problem is with drawing genderbend art unless it's blatantly fetishy?#because nobody talks about it until they're trying to divert attention away from the immature maniacs sending people hate#if you want it to stop happening then tell people why they shouldn't fucking do it#and be proactive instead of only showing up when it's too late to actually make a difference#i am REALLY FUCKING TIRED OF TUMBLR'S SHIT in case you haven't noticed#this will hopefully be the last post on this subject because i don't like to spam about Current Issues...#this isn't even about any discourse in particular tbh#this is a general post about at least 3 flavors of discourse i have seen on my dash lately#it's goddamn relentless i just wanna enjoy my fanart in peace#if i unfollowed everyone who put bullshit on my dash then i wouldn't follow anyone at all so i'm forced to just deal with it :/
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