#Had to vent
lark-of-mirkwood · 11 months
So upset about the fact that there are artists who whitewash Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3, like ... That man has bronze skin (human form) not LIGHT PINK 💀 And then when I point it out and that it's not okay, leaving a tip on how to avoid that mistake next time, they don't know what I'm talking about and are offended!
"I color-picked from a screenshot" DID YOU EVEN LOOK AT HIM ONCE
"Why do you come to my post und comment something like this???" AS IF I CALLED YOU NAMES OR SOMETHING, omgg
It can happen that you pick the wrong skin color, that's okay, especially as an artist without much experience, but listen to other artists who point out to you that that character looks whitewashed, be open to LISTEN and AVOID picking the absolutely wrong skin color next time. Simple.
Glad blocking exists 🫶🏽
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lutawolf · 2 years
How dare she call him mute!!! I had to stop the show and scream. My co-worker came running. She actually uses sign language in her part of the job. We both started screaming. "There is no excuse! None!" Ahhhh
Side note: I got a huge thrill having the parents seeing that Li Ming learned sign language for their kid. And then proceeded to get bullied by Heart into telling his mom off for him. That moment was absolutely where it was at.
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yunessa · 22 days
22 days to two years. It doesn't feel real.
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neuromedical · 10 months
our surgeons pissed me off so much yesterday that I deleted my entire LinkedIn account where I had them added lmao
idk why I even had an account there
but god what a bunch of assholes
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mortifying-macaroni · 3 months
Idk about other parts of the world, but it's missing CQM hours over here
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quickreaver · 2 years
Why is being an asshole the trend in fandom??
Like, okay, enjoy a character. Don’t enjoy a character. But why the fuck are popular Destiel shippers suddenly being such incredible assholes about Sam? Like, yeah, y’all sideline him for your ship. Understandable. But now you’re actively being shitters about him in your fanworks? AND YOU WONDER WHY SAM FANS ARE GETTING AGGRESSIVE? Is every goddamned D/C shipper a Heller now?? Dang, has SPN fandom gone to the dogs. Destiel isn’t my OTP, but do you see me going out of my way to be a jerk about it? Or to Cas? No, you don’t. Because I’m not the asshole here. 
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yeah--maybe · 10 months
Really trying to not let my job get to me. But it's just one bullshit customer after another.
I woke up to panicked emails and messages and I'm just always available for this job and it's stressing me tf out.
And I'm working so much that my wife and I feel like we don't see each other anymore. And I work from home full time. And she's always home.
I hate that the pay and benefits are so good. I hate that health insurance is tied to employment l.
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dan-n-torias-den · 1 year
Tumblr media
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sessakag · 2 years
Sims 4 Update Rant
Welp, looking over the patch notes for this update, I'm very happy with what I'm seeing, unfortunately its overshadowed by the undeniable fact that this shit should have been in the goddamn game at launch! The launch was awful so I shouldn't be surprised! No pools, no basements, no cars, no open world (going to your fuckin neighbors house is fucking loading screen!!), no option to customize clothing or furniture the way you could in Sims 3, teenagers looked like fuckin adults (had to get a freaking mod to change that!), babies are a fuckin object attached to their crib (can't take them anywhere) no infant stage!!
How the fuck do you not have an infant life stage in a fucking life simulation game??? Fuck, like how tf are they that incompetent???! They did the same dumbass shit with toddlers! Toddlers were not apart of the game at launch. In a fucking LIFE SIMULATION GAME! This is not your first fuckin rodeo, Sims 1, 2, and 3 (and the others) came before this empty shell of a game, no excuses! How tf are previous version more complete than the 4th iteration? I'll tell you how, greedy bitches being greedy bitches, trying to sell us fundamental parts of the game in 'game packs' and 'expansions' and stuff packs and all the other nickle and dimeing bullshit. I'm not saying expansions and game packs are bad. I LOVED the Sims 3 expansions and game pack, but in those days, that extra stuff was just that. EXTRA. Not pieces of the base game chopped up and sold back to you! Like that shit is not okay and we shouldn't settle for it either. Tired of this gaming trend of releasing broken, empty, shity quality games and expecting to be paid top price for it! It really has to stop!
So no.
I will NOT pat EA on the back for adding what should have been in the game on launch September 2, 20fuckin14!! It is 2023, this game been out since 2014 and you're just now putting infants in. Sims 5 is already in the works and now you wanna add infants.
Fuck EA
Sims 4 was a pathetic shell! Thank goodness for modders!
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sapphirepolexia · 1 year
quick life update:
🌇 broke my lease and moved out of that awful disgusting apartment with that filthy pig roommate and am now living in my own tiny polly pocket sized studio in the most beautiful lil neighborhood and i love it
🩺 i have officially “failed treatment” for my autoimmune condition so we’re now back to the drawing board and my symptoms just continue to make my life a living hell…oh and just to mix things up and really get funky i ended up in the ER last week with kidney stones so i missed a bunch of work and now my boss is very unhappy with me
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syninplays · 2 years
Idk if anybody cares but I'm finally releasing my latest decor conversions tomorrow and I'm so excited because I spent SO long avoiding objects thinking it was hard but it was pretty easy so yeah this is me saying I'm proud of myself 👉🏻👈🏻
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the-hawkseye · 2 years
Girl I’m trying to get over because she has a boyfriend: *holding my hands in hers* “Yeah I want to watch all of Sailor Moon with you. Also that Live Action version you like!”
Me: “Great.”
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doom-dreaming · 5 months
"when i was your age, i was working three jobs to help support my family" and "when i was in college i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and living off of soup"
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virtua1angel · 16 days
being disabled and chronically ill and watching all the people you used to know move on with their lives and having the best time ever is one of the most loneliest and devastating experiences
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aether-link · 5 months
I made a comment on atla’s yt account about Grey, Azulas va shipping zutara. And the anti/haters are sooooooo fucking butt hurt over it, they are so dumb that they immediately blame poor Dante 💔 that man has so much fucking shit that it’s not funny or cool. I feel for that guy so much, he’s just vibing.
But it’s hilarious for me genuinely, Grey out here making tooty sounds about mai/zuko and showing support for zutara makes me so darn happy. Bless her so much, She’s such a cool actor to me. Grey’s vibes are immaculate in my house, I inspire to be like her.
Plus, lately I’ve been seeing an uproar on attacks on Dante. It breaks my heart so fucking much!! Guy is in his own lane having a good time and that he literally had to state the hate recently. It’s beyond ridiculous. LET MY HOMIE VIBE, LET HIM CHILL. FUUUUUUUCK.
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xokaus · 6 months
currently sick and my nose is running like no fucking other so every time i wipe my nose the ball of my septum gets loose and falls off. i’ve already lost one. the other one that i replaced it w has fallen off 3 times already today (not exaggerating; i’ve counted).
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