#Who a beast now?
toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Unlimited Clutter Works!
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(It split into three parts, got too wordy)
It took me this long to realise that Fangydengue is standing behind Zenos. The scene was totally asking for an Unlimited Blade Works.
Its just interesting that the weapons featured are for Gladiator /Paladin, Samurai, Lancer / Dragoon, Marauder / Warrior and the one suspicious looking Bluespirit Gunblade. Unless that is Bluespirit Blade.
(edit - The blue crystal weapons is Bluespirit series not Exarchic. My bad)
I mean sure you can beat someone to death with a scepter or a rod or globe, or a heavy enough Grimoire, but the magic based skills that come with. He can't access them. He can't tap the WoL's full skill range, only the physical side, unless maybe Samurai and Reaper but he's new to reaping at the moment. No rabid Carbuncle, no attack Fairy. Jobstones? Can he even use jobstones?
I see he can use his reaper skills but he has not touch on her Bard or Gunbreaker skills. Does he not have the ability/access to use them in such short time?
I'm reminded of the one comic(might be from Surfacage or Cor) where he poked his nose into WoL mental space only to have Ardbert or Fray slam shut the door on him. Oh wait its on Saku's twitter
My POV on that was he poked his head into a window into WoL's head space. Maybe touch enough of her aether. But Ardbert and Fray carrying Tiny Midgardsomr were inching away out of sight behind said window as Zenos looks around. They are the ones preventing easy access to her core skills. He only gets what comes with the body
*edit - More to do with his inability to effectively use aether?
Bonus points if he can't touch her Bard skills(the songs and anything needing the right emotions) for he does not understand emotions and Gunbreaker's theme to protect is a foreign heathen Hrothgar concept to him. That there be jobs that totally not suit him. Conjurer / White Mage, Dancer. Dark Knight(?).
Great Swords. Dark Knight too emotionally challenged for him? Is this why he prefer Samurai? Blade be the extension of oneself. Axes(hah ha admit it, you is a beast too) and probably lances(he's his own dragon).
No Affinity, no bows, chakrams, wands, rods, books, Globes and cards (never got into Ishgard), Nouliths(or Sharlayan) . Does it boils down to compatibly, even for him. What about Monk then? No challenging the Sabin, Prince of Punch. Afraid he'll suplex you?
On this point, he's strong and fast enough to cause a lot damage, some skills are magitek enhanced damage.
So... no dancing Zenos...
Dammed you Zenos. Don't you dare steal this song. This is not your song. This is not related to you both. Don't you dare touch my 80s music!
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Notes - Hunter and Prey
Leaving this here because Zenos has a few short pieces and I had to rewrite the bodyjack one because he did not possess her before dinner and was spending dinner time eating and looking coy while Fangle-Dango chatters on. I am disappointed In you both for not giving me an extra 30 mins. Dammit man, what is this sudden coyness in front of your long awaited friend. Your Great-Grand father was more engaging.
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Yeah. Was in Stormblood when I heard Zenos refer to WoL as a beast and himself a hunter. I was like: “Dude My WoL is a Mioq’te and a hunter for basic lore reason.” I was laughing at myself thinking what have I done to my poor WoL in choosing this background for her. And pretty much played off this parallel since then. The irony of Hunter and Prey being turn around. Zenos do you not know what you have done in shaping this game for me.
Zenos is more like that trophy hunter guy in the Tailfeathers side quest and Fate. My Mioq’te is somewhere between Hunter-Provider for her village and Ranger in incidences when certain rabid beast needed to be culled. For small to mid-size prey she would have no problem working alone. Mid to large or dangerous creatures would require her to work as a team with others in her village or nearby village (Huntsmate or hunters she usually hunt with)  
By the time we get to Endwalker. Zenos was already turning himself into a rabid beast (Shinryu being a start) and my WoL is pretty much entering her Ranger state in response. Oh and thanks Hauchefant (he gives a lot of behind the scene/post humous works) for further cementing the whole “Green Huntress” theme for the lady.
So long as nothing changes drastically by the final fight, I don't have to rewrite much.
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