#Who said it was alaia. So then I went to their site and found fuck all. So then I went to vogue. Had to make a vogue account.
aw-bean-s · 2 years
For anyone else who has been capital O obsessive over Wednesday's prom dress it's Alaia's 2020 fall ready-to-wear collection specifically look 8. If you were wondering.
#I have psychological problems#I have spent far too long trawling the Internet not only for this dress but what fucking fabric they use#Costume brain rot really came out to play#It's 2am and everything hurts I have been sitting in the same position for multiple hours#At first it was fine bc I was just screenshotting the show but then I googled it and found an interview w the designer#Who said it was alaia. So then I went to their site and found fuck all. So then I went to vogue. Had to make a vogue account.#Went through multiple collections (did not go in a logical order). Finally found The Dress. Set about finding fabric.#First I was like okay black sheer lightweight w a good shine to it. Found that. Let's find a brown underplayed or smthn bc it's kinda brown#Found that. Looked at the photos again and it's kind of two tone black and brown. Spend at least an hour looking for this through many etsy#Shops dodgy retailers and the most expensive fabric you will ever see. Only to look back and realise it has a slight pattern to it.#Give up and go to bed.#All this bc I wanted to make what is really quite a fuckin simple dress#I'm p sure now that I actually read things that it's an in house fabric and THAT makes me wanna murder#And SURE I could just make it in black but I'm a bit obsessed over the brown#And NOW I can't do the underlayer plan either bc then it's just too much yknow?#Idk idk it's my specific brand of mental illness coming out to play#So I thought I'd share my findings w the world you are welcome i am so tired goodnight.
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blazinbeautywrites · 8 years
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Note: Due to recent events and the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
I give full credit to the original owner of any gif or pic I use.
Length: 2,997 words
Genre: Angst
Trigger Warning: There is a racist undertone to this story and there will be a slight use of the N word.
Gray never imagined that his life would be this way. When he’d first met Amara everything was amazing. They’d gotten married and had a beautiful baby girl but somewhere along the line things fell apart. Now here he is on his way to court to fight for custody of his daughter Alaia. Gray found himself wondering how in the world things got so bad. He thought after he’d admitted his infidelities that as a man and wife Amara and he would be able to talk it out and move on but she took their kid and left. Twelve years and she just left and now he was fighting for his right to see his 8 year old. From afar he saw Amara and Alaia and as soon as he made eye contact with his baby girl he smiled the biggest smile.
“DADDY!!!!!” Alaia said as she took off running in his direction.
“Hey baby girl. Daddy missed his little princess,” Gray said holding his daughter tight.
“Alaia what did I tell you about running off like that?” Amara scolded.
“Hey Amara, you look good,” Gray said.
“Hey Gray and yeah you too. So where’s your little girlfriend? I thought she’d be here to support you,” Amara said.
“Please don’t start. I told her not to come. This has nothing to do with her,” Gray sighed.
“Hmm bummer. I wanted to finally meet the woman who was fucking my husband knowing he was married. Well another time I guess. See you in court sweetheart,” Amara said. She grabbed Alaia’s hand and walked up the remaining steps to courthouse.
10 minutes later in the courtroom everyone was getting settled as the judge took her seat.
“Now Ms. Jensen from what I understand, Mr. Lee was unfaithful in your marriage correct?” The judge asked.
“Yes your honor,” Amara answered.
“I see. Mr. Lee please tell me why your ex wife doesn’t want you to have custody of your daughter,” The judge said.
“Honestly your honor I have no idea. I was blindsided by the custody papers. I know I’m no saint and I did cheat on my wife but I don’t think that warrants a lawsuit to keep me from my daughter,” Gray said.
“Okay I’ve heard enough. I saw the deposition tapes. I know you two had a messy, highly publicised divorce but this back and forth you’ve two been doing in my courtroom the past few weeks is ending today. Ms. Jensen I can understand that you’re hurt by your ex husband’s actions but you have no right to deny him his parental rights. If he poses no physical or mental harm to your daughter then I see no reason not to award him joint custody and Mr. Lee, it is in incredibly poor taste to parade the woman you cheated on your wife with and dangle that betrayal in her face. Now if we’re done here I am awarding joint custody to you Mr. Lee. Alaia Lee will spend weekends with her father. Ms. Jensen if you interfere or violate any of these terms, I will hold you in full contempt of court, do i make myself clear?” The judge asked.
“Yes, your honor. Don’t worry I won’t interfere with your orders,” Amara said. She struggled to hold back tears as she glanced at Gray grinning from ear to ear. As the judge dismissed the court Gray walked out of the courtroom with his lawyer trailing right behind him. Amara walked out of court and saw Gray holding Alaia and almost broke down.
“Mommy!” Alaia ran to her mother, nearly locking her down.
“Hey sweetie,” Amara said hugging her tight. As she let go she saw Gray approach them.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this. Look may-”
“You won. You don’t have to make small talk with me. You can pick her up from school Friday and I’ll drop off her bags on my way home from work,” Amara said.
“Okay. Fair enough,” he said. He waved goodbye to Alaia and watched Amara drive off.
Back at Gray’s place his girlfriend, Hyejin was laying on the sofa watching tv when Gray walked in the door. She quickly shut the tv off and walked over to him.
“So? How did it go? Did you win?” Hyejin asked. Gray smiles and she jumps into his arms.
“Okay slow your roll. It’s only for the weekend for now,” Gray said.
“What? Why? That’s your kid too! God I knew that bitter bitch would pull some shit,” Hyejin said.
“First of all, don’t call her a bitch. I won’t tolerate you talking shit about the mother of my child in my house. Regardless of how she feels towards me she gave me the best gift in the world and you will respect that,” Gray said.
“Wow, so you rather defend her than me, your girlfriend? Okay I see how it is. Fuck you!” Hyejin said. She stormed off and slammed the door to their bedroom, leaving Gray in the living room by himself.
The rest of the week came and went and after Gray had picked Alaia up from school he took her out for some ice cream. He knew he wasn’t supposed to but he wanted to talk to her before taking her to his house.
“So, how was school?” Gray asked.
“Fine I guess. This boy in my glass asked me to be his girlfriend but I turned him down,” Alaia said, eating a spoon of her ice cream.
“Good. You’re too young for a boyfriend anyway,” Gray said. Alaia laughed at him and begin eating more of her ice cream.
“Daddy why did you and mommy break up?” Alaia asked. Gray choked on his ice cream. His daughter had never really asked him something so serious before. He didn’t know how to answer so he gave it his best shot.
“Ummmm I guess we just grew apart. I will always love her though. Especially since she gave me you,” Gray said. He pulled Alaia closer and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m glad you still love her. She’s having a tough time right now,” Alaia said.
“Why? Is she okay? What’s going on?” Gray asked.
“She just cries a lot. She’s always sad. I think she’s lonely,” Alaia said. It amazed Gray that at 8 years old Alaia could comprehend so much. A few more minutes later and they were done with their ice cream. Gray walked them out to the car and strapped her up in her seatbelt and drove to his house. Once he got inside he saw Hyejin in the kitchen cleaning up some dishes.
“Hey, Hyejin I’m so-”
“It’s fine. I should be the one apologizing. I overreacted and you were right. I should respect Amara, I mean I did steal her husband it’s the least I can do,” Gray cringed at her “apology” but chose to accept it. He didn’t want any drama while Alaia was there.
“Okay. Well this is Alaia,” Gray said. He stepped aside, allowing Alaia to get in front of him.
“Hi Alaia! It’s nice to finally meet you,” Hyejin said, sticking out her hand to shake. Alaia eyed her extended hand and looked at her face.
“Are you the woman that stole my daddy from my mom and me?” Alaia asked. Hyejin pulled her hand back in and shifted awkwardly on her feet. She immediately smiled and bent down to the point she was eye level with Alaia.
“Why yes I am. It’s very nice to meet you,” She said smugly. Gray glared at her and took Alaia to the kitchen to get cleaned up a bit. Hyejin noticed the lack of luggage and became suspicious.
“Okay what do you want for dinner later on princess?” Gray asked his  daughter.
“Hmmmmm…..McDonald’s?” Alaia said. She gave her dad the puppy dog eyes expecting him to cave in.
“Nope, not this time. You aren’t gonna get me with them puppy dog eyes. You know your mom will kill me if she found out that I fed you junk food this whole weekend. How about tonight we have some chicken and tomorrow if you’re good I’ll get you whatever you want. Deal?” Gray negotiated.
“Deal!” Alaia said, giving her dad a pinky promise. After washing her up, Gray send Alaia to her room so he could talk to Hyejin.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why the hell would you tell my daughter that shit? God I swear Hyejin,” Gray pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to calm himself down.
“Oh chill out. I’m sure Amara has put enough negative thoughts about me in her head. What’s one more?” Hyejin said.
“You’re so fucking aggrivating!” Gray said.
“Oh whatever, so where are her bags?” Hyejin asked.
“Amara is bringing them later after she gets off from work,” Gray said.
“So she’s coming here? Ugh I can’t escape her,” Hyejin said.
“You do know that in this entire situation you and I are the bad guys right? So stop acting like she ruined your life or some shit. Now if you don’t mind I need to run to the store to get a few things. Keep an eye on Alaia for me okay?” Gray said. He pulled Hyejin to him and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
A while later Hyejin was back on the sofa. She heard a noise and immediately looked up to see Alaia walking towards her.
“You okay?” Hyejin asked.
“Yeah, can you put my hair in a ponytail for me?” Alaia asked. She handed Hyejin a comb, brush, and some olive oil hair cream that gray kept in her room for her. Hyejin was flattered and went to work right away. After trying to tame Alaia’s curls Hyejin was ready to give up.
“This shit is ridiculous. Things would be easier if you just got your hair straightened. I mean do you really wanna go your entire life with this nappy nigger hair? It’s very unattractive,” Hyejin said. She began chuckling to herself. Alaia moved away and gave her the coldest stare ever.
“That’s racist. Nothing is wrong with my hair. I don’t know what my daddy sees in you,” Alaia said. She gathered up her things and went back to her room. She pulled out her emergency cell phone and called her mom. She told her everything, which had Amara furious. After the call she packed up her backpack and waited for Amara to come get her.
Half way across town Amara angrily packed up to leave early. She explained to her staff that she had a family emergency and had to leave early. She got her assistant to fill in and she quickly left the building. She called Gray but he didn’t pick up the phone. After a few more tries he finally answered.
“Oh fucking finally! How dare you?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!? I can’t believe you left our daughter alone in a house with that bitch! Who by the way referred to our daughter’s hair as nigger hair! Damn you really picked a winner there. I’m going to pick up our daughter and I’m taking your ass back to court you fucking piece of shit.” Amara said.
“Wait what?! I was only gone for like 30 minutes. I’m on my way back now,” Gray said. He was utterly confused and didn’t know what the hell to do.
“Well you better hope you get there before I do because I swear I’m gonna beat her ass for making my baby feel like shit,” Amara said, hanging up on him. She prayed that he was a minute late. She’d been dying to get her hands on Hyejin.
About 15 minutes later Amara and Gray both pulled up to his house. Gray had called Jay for reinforcement and they both got out of their cars just in time to see Amara bust into the house. They heard screaming and ran for their lives to see Hyejin in Amara’s face yelling out profanities.
You stupid, bitter bitch! GET THE FUCK OUT!” Hyejin yelled.
“I’m not the one sleeping with married men and breaking up happy homes, fucking psycho,” Amara said.
“I can’t help it if he got tired of slumming it with a ghetto bitch like you. He’s with his own kind now so get over it. He should have taken your gorilla ass back to the zoo when he had the chance,” Hyejin said, extremely please with herself. Jay and Gray watched in horror as Amara tackled Hyejin to the ground and began beating her ass. Hyejin didn’t stand a chance and both men rushed to them to break them apart. Once they got them separated they saw Hyejin’s face covered in blood.
“You bitch! I’m pressing charges!” Hyejin yelled.
“Ohh bite me cunt! Amara said.
“Mommy?” Alaia said. Tears were running down her face as she ran into her mother’s arms.
“Baby I’m so sorry you had to see this. How about you go grab your things and we head home,” Amara said.
“I don’t wanna come back here,” Alaia said as more tears rolled down her cheek.
“I promise you sweetie you won’t have to,” Amara looked at Gray one last time then walked out the door with Alaia in her arms.
“Look man, I gotta go. This shit is too intense for me. Plus you got some shit you need to work out. Take as much time as you need and come to work when you’re ready,” Jay said. He left, leaving Gray and Hyejin alone in the house.
“I honestly don’t know what to say to you right now. How fucking dare you say that racist, ignorant shit to my daughter? And that shit you said to Amara? Hell no!” Grad yelled.
“Oh so you just gonna choose that black bitch over me?” Hyejin asked.
“I’ve never wanted to hit a woman as much as I do now. You’re racist, ignorant, and honestly, you’re annoying as fuck. If it wasn’t clear after that ass whooping, let me make it clear. We are done! I want you packed and gone by the time I get back. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go get my family back,” Gray said. He left Hyejin standing bloody and dumbfounded in the middle of his living room. She began packing immediately so she could get out of the house quicker.
Finally home, Amara unbuckled Alaia from her seat belt and carried her sleeping body up to their house. She quickly opened the door and headed straight for Alaia’s bedroom. After tucking her in her bed Amara left her daughter’s room. She sat on her sofa and began bawling her eyes out. She was in disbelief that this had become her life. Between running her own lifestyle magazine and dealing with Gray’s bullshit she was at her wit’s end. She was just about to go take a shower when she heard a knock at the door. She went over and peeped into the peephole to see Gray standing there. She became heated and opened the door so quick it gave him whiplash.
“You have some fucking nerve showing up here,” Amara said.
“Look, please just can we talk?” Gray asked. Without saying a word she opened the door wider, letting him in the house they once shared.
“What do you want?” She asked.
“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I brought that woman in our lives in the first place, I’m sorry she hurt you, and most importantly I’m sorry I allowed her to hurt our daughter. I never meant for any of this shit to happen. I was just trying to make a shitty situation work. Please, please don’t take my daughter away from me,” Gray pleaded. He was on his knees, arms wrapped around Amara’s les and he cried. She nearly lost it at the sight of him breaking down like this.
“I got rid of her! She’s packing as we speak. I told her I wanted her gone by the time I get back. I’m trying, please I just want my family back,” Gray cried.
“Seonghwa, I can’t do this right now. I am drained and I just need to be away from you right now,” Amara said.
“You called me Seonghwa! You still love me?!” Gray said.
“Of course I still love you. You’re the first guy I’ve ever truly loved and the father of my child. I’ll always have love for you,” Amara confessed.
“I love you too. I never stopped. All that shit I put you through wasn’t worth it. I never stopped loving you. I know I hurt you and I don’t deserve you at all, but please can I have one more chance?” Gray groveled. Amara thought long and hard and decided that she really didn’t want her daughter to miss out on being with her father. She decided to give him one last chance.
“Fine! I’ll give you one chance, and one chance only. If you fuck this up, I WILL NOT hesitate to do what’s best for Alaia and if that includes you not being in her life then so be it. As far as our relationship goes, we are co parents. We can work on building a friendship but that’s as far as it will ever go. We have a deal?” Amara laid everything out in front of him.
“Yes. I’d do anything to get you guys back,” Gray said.
“Okay, I’ll call the judge and request an emergency hearing to get the case thrown out. I better not regret this Seonghwa,” Amara said.
“I promise you won’t,” Gray said. He pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. They stood there for god knows how long just embracing each other. Unbeknownst to them, Alaia was watching them from the dark hallway, smiling her ass off.
They were finally a family again.
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