#Wiatt Nicholas
thedreamworldlibrary · 10 months
Nothing Bad Happens Chap. 1-Alright
Hi everyone! Here is a new WTDW Fanfic!!!!
So, for being in fandoms for a LONG time I’ve seen my fair share of “Nothing Bad Happens” AU’s. I figured Welcome to Dreamworld should deserve that treatment. However, I never came up with a good name for the AU, so we’re calling it Nothing Bad Happens for now.
I’ve had this AU since WTDW episode 5 or 6 so it’s been in my head for a while, but I recently started writing it because I had a bunch of other stories being worked on plus life stuff.
Big thanks as always to my beta readers, @gigilefache and @mun-auroralore! 
The Dreamworld Entertainment Facility, an entertainment center where kids don’t have to feel alone.
This is the facility where a young man named Wiatt Nicholson stood. He heard about this place for a while now; his boyfriend, Lewis Bright was one of the founders of this facility. The two made a promise when Lewis left to build it with his two best friends. 
If you stop calling me, you know I’m coming back to find you.
Wiatt hadn’t heard from Lewis in over a week, and now was more than ever ready to run to the facility and check to see if his boyfriend was alive and well. 
However, he was scared. Scared that when he opened the door he would be welcomed by everyone saying Lewis is gone.
“I can’t do this,” Wiatt said to himself. 
He was about to walk away from the facility and drive back home-but stopped, realizing that he had driven a couple of hours from his grandfather’s mansion. Plus, he kept his promise of coming to find Lewis and he was gonna do just that.
Wiatt sighed and pushed open the door, hearing the sound of arcade games and kids laughing and having fun. Slowly stepping in, he looked around-and froze, seeing a familiar sight in front of him.
It was Lewis.
Lewis was talking with some workers and sharing a laugh. He had slicked-back, light brown hair with a few fringes hanging over his face, green eyes, and oval glasses. He wore a light blue vest over a white dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes.
Wiatt smiled, seeing Lewis was safe and happy. However, he soon frowned, not understanding why Lewis hadn’t called him in a week.
Taking a deep breath, he entered and walked up behind Lewis. 
“Uh, hi I’m looking for a Lewis Bright,” Wiatt spoke up.
Lewis froze, recognizing the voice. He slowly turned around, eyes widened after seeing Wiatt. 
After a few years of not seeing each other in person, he was here. 
“W-Wiatt?” Lewis asked, surprised.
Wiatt nodded. “Told ya, I’d come find you if you stopped texting.”
The workers stepped back and decided to give the founder some alone time with his boyfriend. 
The two stood there awkwardly not sure what to say to each other.
“So…” Lewis started.
“So…” Wiatt repeated.
“You're probably wondering why I haven’t texted you for a while,” Lewis said.
Wiatt nodded. He took a look at Lewis and saw he was fine, no wounds, just tired. “Did Sara stop you from talking to me?” he asked.
“No, darling!” Lewis yelled, reassuring his boyfriend. He sighed and looked around to make sure no one could hear, “If I tell you, you promise you won’t tell?” 
“Lewis, what’s going on?” Wiatt asked again, now worried.
Lewis took Wiatt’s hand and dragged him to the elevator. Wiatt stuttered and complained to Lewis about dragging him, and not telling him the reason why Lewis stopped answering his texts. Once inside, Lewis pressed the button to the Staract. 
As the elevator went down, Wiatt was able to talk. 
“Lewis, what the fuck is going on?! You're not telling me anything!” he shouted.
Lewis sighed. “It’s best I show you, darling,” he replied.
The bell on the elevator rang, and the doors opened.
“Follow me,” Lewis said. 
Wiatt sighed and followed him to a theater. 
Once there, Lewis turned on the spotlights for the stage, and soon, a star animatronic came down.
“L-Lewis, what is this?!” Wiatt asked, frightened.
Soon, the star animatronic opened his eyes and smiled at Wiatt. “Why, hello, darling. I’m Starlight.”
Wiatt’s mouth dropped, and his glasses fell on the bridge of his nose. He stammered out words to Lewis- who stood there chuckling nervously.
“W-What’s so funny about this, Lewis?!” Wiatt yelled. “Why does this animatronic talk like you?! A-Am I talking to an imposter?”
“Wiatt! Wiatt, calm down!” Lewis reassured his boyfriend. 
Wiatt was breathing heavily, trying to calm down. After taking one slow, deep breath, he was officially calm.
“Is he okay, Lewis?” Starlight asked.
“He’ll be fine,” Lewis replied. He cleared his throat and put his arm around Wiatt. “This Starlight. Starlight, this is Wiatt Nicholas, my boyfriend.”
Starlight moved closer. 
Wiatt saw Starlight move via a support beam on his back as the animatronic stopped just a few inches near him. 
Starlight smiled and held his hand out. “Pleasure to meet you, Wiatt.”
Wiatt looked at Starlight’s hand and back at the animatronic. before shaking his hand.
“Lewis, are you gonna tell me what’s going on, now?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis nodded. “Well for starters, Sara did have something to do with this,” he started.
Wiatt groaned. He knew Sara had given him a weird vibe since he first met her. “What did she do?” he asked.
“This might sound crazy, but during the early days of building Dreamworld Entertainment. Sara acted… weird,” Lewis started.
“Like always,” Wiatt grumbled.
“Huh?” Lewis asked.
“Nothing!” Wiatt lied.
Lewis rolled his eyes. “Anyways, Sara was trying to create immortality-”
“Create what now?!” Wiatt shouted.
“Let me finish, Wiatt,” Lewis groaned, “but yes, I thought what she was thinking was crazy too, until…”
His voice trailed off, not wanting to tell Wiatt what Sara did to him. “... she found a way to take a part of my soul and put it into Starlight.”
Wiatt put his hands together and took a deep breath, before letting it out. “May I ask how she did that?” she asked.
Lewis and Starlight looked at each other, and both chuckled at the same time. 
“It’s complicated, darling,” Starlight answered.
Wiatt opened his mouth, but he stopped and decided not to ask. Seeing Lewis okay was enough to know what Sara did didn’t kill him.
“It doesn’t matter,” Wiatt said. He walked up to Lewis and hugged him. “I’m just glad you're alright, Lewis.”
Lewis blushed and smiled, hugging Wiatt back. “Y-Yeah.”
Starlight sniffled as his scarlet mask went on. “Aww, you two are so cute together!” he cried. He then grabbed the two and hugged them tight. 
Wiatt and Lewis giggled, still blushing.
“Yep! He’s definitely you, Lewis!” Wiatt commented.
Lewis chuckled. “Me, but more of a theater kid!”
The three shared a laugh- before Wiatt got an idea. 
“I’ve been thinking, are you hiring right now?” He asked.
“Of course, we’re always hiring,” Lewis replied. Soon his eyes widened, knowing Wiatt was planning something. “Why?”
“Because I wanna work here,” Wiatt answered.
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