#Wick Hellbent Games
luckytealover · 3 months
"Welcome to the family"
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I spent a lot of time and effort on this thing, although it may look rustic...
The idea came spontaneously, I just can’t let go of that Weaver family photo...
Here are the clean shots:
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I love these fools very much :"3
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the-paper-shredder · 1 year
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hi guys (is this anything)
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chronicalchaos · 1 year
Ok, this is completely random and I just want to say this...
I really love the drawing you did for your profile picture.
Oh, thanks! It's part of a drawing that I did, it's sort of an spin off from my Wick inspired RPG
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I actually finished the drawing part, but I didn't find a picture, just this incomplete version.
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camellia-salazar · 21 days
The August Bundle!
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Honestly, this month started to put promising until I stopped having ideas on what to draw really. Until I watched A New Wish, and it somewhat led me to want to draw up more ideas. So, I drew more, but I'll post it later on. Maybe tonight or maybe tomorrow, maybe the end of next month, idk.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my fanart. Until next time! Cya 🌟✨️
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paradise-frosh · 9 months
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Some Tom Weaver Doodles from Wick because I missed this game so much ;-; It’s sad that there’s barely any people interested in this game nowadays but can’t help it 😔 at least I can make some Fanart for this game as my love letter to that Game and it’s characters 🩷💕
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loombox · 14 days
Here’s my hc design for Sam!
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It’s very simple so it will probably change when I draw them in the future. This is more to get my vision of them on paper that way I have a point of reference. I was going to put them in the forest but then I remembered how much I hate drawing backgrounds.
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xshinii · 3 months
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Tom weaver!! 🙌🏾
(3 kids finished, 2 more to go!) benny & caleb 😱
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mossyscavern · 25 days
Random headcanon’s because I can
Wick/most au’s
Tom can’t communicate well with the living.
With the living all you hear are like… pained growls, distorted groans and such cause of his neck. But to the dead or if you’re truly gifted, than he can speak in perfect English.
However, it takes a few weeks or maybe months for a newly spirit to understand Tom, where as for the gifted, it takes like… 2 to 5 days or instantly depending how gifted a person is.
Recently though there is a ritual that if done correctly the dead can communicate with the living if said spirit trusts them. (Travis found it… don’t ask)
To be honest, I did not properly think this headcanon through.
And most of the time I’ve written fanfics about this fandom is mostly about Sam and the weavers’s after life haunting the area and such.
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blue-the-octoling · 28 days
So I have an idea for a new wick character like an oc
Her name is Genesis Lilly Copeland like the Old Testament. She has been decapitated and her severed head is used as a mechanic in the game.
Tim, Lillian, Caleb- Her head will appear in front of you or in your direct path making you trip it take 1.5 seconds to get up
Benny- when picked up she will make a lot of noise if Benny’s snoring is heard
She can blow out your candle, or bite your hand making you stop drop her head and assess the bite. Though you can throw her head at the others knocking them out stopping their chases or mechanics for that turn. If forgotten after being thrown she will induce a frenzy of sorts until her head is picked up again or her body finds you.
How to stop her: there are three ways one way is to take her head to the cemetery and place it in front of Tom’s gravestone also disabling him for a short amount of time or, you can throw her head into a tree twice throughout the night making her unable to attack for about a minute, or you find her body which more or less will find you you then have to throw her head at it.
If you do not do anything with her head and continue to hold it even after she has bitten you, and blown out your candle her body will find you and kill you.
Death “animations”- her head will spin around and bite your throat while her body knocks you down. Her body will take ahold of your head and snap your neck or will take your head off.
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natwitharat · 11 months
Wick Animation Dump, part 2: Tom
These are animations I ripped from Wick's game files. Enjoy!
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luckytealover · 10 days
At least I did something for this another anniversary of creating my Wick OC Clover..!
Love you, my sad bun in red :"3
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the-paper-shredder · 9 months
What the hell happened in 1926?
This is the first time I'm talking about theory stuff on Tumblr, despite making Wick theories since like 2020. So, for context, when I say “What the hell happened in 1926?” I mean this segment from Journal Page 34 (aka the one related to Tom)
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Detective Stan Fielding was mentioned briefly in the newspaper about the homestead fire but makes another brief return in Duncan & Tbub's journal.
So, what happened for the detective to make a report two years after the fire? I have some ideas, but no exact answer.
The ideas are as follows: 1.) Pastor McAlroy's disappearance, a.k.a. what happened in the Sunday Worship achievement. We don't have a date for his death, just that it was after the homestead burned. The reason why it's first on the list is that right under Duncan's mention of the 1926 report, he writes “Apparently Pastor McAlroy performed an honest-to-god EXORCISM!” with “What happened to him?” and “Did John Weaver know?” On the other hand, I want to address that Duncan mentioning John as well suggests that this exorcism took place before the fire. So it's a “maybe, maybe not” situation. 2.) The missing kids from Pine Creek Summer Camp. Okay, so this is kind of an overlooked piece of lore but several people such as Tbub, Duncan, and Old Man Edwards state that kids from the summer camp went missing at some point after 1924, to the point that people hunted bears because they believed they were the cause. Now, there's no confirmed date of when the disappearances started happening but considering Benny used to go to the camp and the camp is so close to the Weaver property, I wouldn't be surprised if either the Weaver kids or something much greater started targeting the young campers after a while.
What do you guys think? I'm indecisive and can't tell which one is more likely, so I would be so happy to see everyone's thoughts on this :D
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lorinstella · 1 month
a pergunta que não quer calar: onde fica monte todd?
bem, não é bem uma teoria, mas sim alguns pensamentos e suposições que eu queria compartilhar com todos vocês
nestes últimos dias, eu estava pensando e me questionando sobre a localização do monte todd, e uma coisa que eu questionei sobre isso foi se o monte todd era realmente o próprio monte todd ou se o monte todd era uma referência ao monte tod, eu tinha essa dúvida porque não há nenhuma montanha ou monte que tenha esse nome ou um nome similar e o monte tod é muito similar ao monte todd em termos de nome.
então eu comecei a pesquisar isso um pouco mais a fundo, há um pico na antártida e um tipo de projeto da austrália que tem o mesmo nome, mas esses dois lugares não têm muito a ver com o cenário geral do monte todd e de wick.
e nisso, eu assisti alguns jogos de pessoas jogando wick e analisei o cenário da floresta, ai percebi que tem bétulas de papel, indo um pouco mais a fundo nisso, a distribuição da bétula de papel tem uma presença um pouco forte no nordeste, centro-oeste e oeste do eua, como sendo minnesota, maine, michigan, new hampshire, montana etc., mas o que tem uma presença um pouco mais forte e está espalhado por todo o país é o canadá, e olhando para o clima do canadá, o inverno canadense pode ser bastante rigoroso em algumas partes do interior e pradarias, então se a família weaver vivesse em algum interior do canadá perto de uma floresta e tim e tom tivessem imunidade baixa e muito frágil, isso poderia dificultar a sobrevivência de tim e tom na floresta quando foram botados para fora de casa pela mary devido a esses fatores, e pode parecer nada, mas o canadá participou da primeira guerra mundial, e há algumas pesquisas sobre isso que indicam que os soldados canadenses eram grandes usuários de gás venenoso durante esse período, então há esse ponto que até faz sentido sobre o áudio da máscara de gás do john
eu sei que isso pode parecer muito sem sentido e até um pouco bobo tudo o que eu falei aqui, mas eu queria saber o que vocês pensam sobre isso e falarem um pouco sobre o que vocês pensa sobre qual poderia ser a localização do monte todd ou algo assim
de qualquer forma, espero que todos estejam tendo um ótimo dia/tarde/noite (o > ω・o)
well, It's not really a theory, but rather some thoughts and assumptions that I wanted to share with you all
in these last days, I was thinking and questioning myself about the location of mount todd, and one thing that I questioned about this was whether mount todd was actually mount tod itself or whether mount todd was a reference to mount tod, I had this question because there is no mountain or hill that has this name or a similar name to it and mount tod is very similar to mount todd in terms of name.
so I started researching this a little in depth, there is a peak of antarctica and a kind of project from australia that has the same name, but these two places don't have much to do with mount todd and wick's general scenery.
and in that, i watched some videos of people playing wick and I analyzed the forest scene, in that I realized that has paper birch trees, going a little deeper into this, the distribution of paper birch tree has a somewhat strong presence in the northeast, midwest and western of usa such as minnesota, maine, michigan, new hampshire, montana etc, but what has a slightly stronger presence and is spread throughout is canada, and looking at the climate of canada, the canadian winter can be quite harsh in some parts of the interior and prairies, so if the weaver family lived in some interior of canada near a forest and tim and tom had low and very fragile immunity, this could make it difficult for tim and tom to survive in the forest when they were thrown out of their home by mary due to these factors, and it may seem like nothing, but canada took part in the first world war, and there is some research on this that indicates that canadian soldiers were heavy users of poison gas during this period, so there is this point that even makes sense about the audio of john's gas mask
I know this may seem very nonsensical and even a bit silly that everything i said here, but I wanted to know what you think about this and talk a little about what you think about what the location of mount todd or something like that could be
anyway, I hope everyone is having a great day/afternoon/night (o > ω・o)
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icdrawings · 9 months
I've recently got back into the Wick fandom
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My favorite horror game twins
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paradise-frosh · 9 months
Tim Weaver Doodles
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Omfg I can't Thank you all Enough for all the Comments on Tom's Doodle like- I didn't Expect that many people to Like my Art Related to Wick! it makes me so Happy and Motivated! 💕🩷 I hope to make more Fanart for this game as well as Introduce my Wick Oc I had for over 7 years now
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loombox · 9 days
So I thought I would give a shot at designing Sam’s “friends”
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Duncan’s not in the lineup cuz I wanna give him a drawing like Sam’s since he’s more important to the story . I went back and forth on deciding whether there were two girls in the opening cutscene or just one. I’m pretty sure there’s two but I could be wrong. Also I was too lazy to color lol. These will also probably change.
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