#William McFeeters
tina-aumont · 1 year
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🎂💖Happy Birthday María Montez💖🎂
Today we remember María Montez, The Queen of Technicolor.
Here you have great pictures including her marriage with Jean-Pierre Aumont and the last three pictures are courtesy of @74paris (muchas gracias!!)
The photo showing Maria Montez with Jean-Pierre Aumont, his dad Alexandre Salomons and his wife Anni (Jean-Pierre's step mum) was taken the day before she passed away, and the last two photos she is showing modelling a pic and were published in 1952 by Nea Service...
✨María Montez was a beautiful shooting star...✨
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dj-maicol · 6 years
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#Repost @imagenesdenuestrahistoria • • • • • MARIA MONTES Una Estrella Dominicana La Reina del Technicolor 6 de Junio de 1912, Barahona, República Dominicana. / 7 de Septiembre de 1951, París, Francia. " Quisiera tocar el firmamento para convertime en una estrella lejana, pero fulgurante y bella, así todos me recordarán por lo que una vez llegué a ser " María Montez Fuente : Gethy images -------- María África Gracia Vidal nació en la provincia Barahona, República Dominicana, siendo la segunda de diez hijos de la dominicana Teresa Vidal. Su padre se dedicaba a la exportación de madera y a la venta de tejidos. A temprana edad, Montez aprendió a hablar inglés y fue educada en un convento católico de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. A mediados de la década de 1930, su padre fue nombrado cónsul español en Belfast, Irlanda del Norte, donde la familia se mudó. Fue allí donde Montez conoció a su primer marido, William G. McFeeters, con quien se casó a los 17 años. A finales de la década de 1930 llegó a Nueva York donde su primer trabajo fue posar para la portada de una revista por la suma de US$50. Decidida a convertirse en una actriz de teatro, contrató a un agente y creó una hoja de vida que la hacía varios años más joven poniendo en su fecha de nacimiento "1917" en algunos casos y "1918" en otros. Eventualmente, ella aceptó una oferta de Universal Pictures, haciendo su debut cinematográfico en la película B Boss of Bullion City dirigida por Ray Taylor y protagonizada por Johnny Mack Brown. Su belleza pronto la convirtió en la pieza central de las películas de aventuras en Technicolor de la Universal, en particular las seis películas en las que actuó junto a Jon Hall como son, Arabian Nights, White Savage, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Cobra Woman, Gypsy Wildcat y Sudan. Montez además apareció en la película Western Pirates of Monterey junto a Rod Cameron y en The Exile, ésta última dirigida por Max Ophüls y protagonizada por Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. La identificación con esta imagen cinematográfica fue tal que Maria Montez era conocida como "The Queen of Technicolor" (La Reina del Technicolor). https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsp5_VHBICv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cfkxt00ylpm0
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tina-aumont · 23 days
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Marie McFeeters, 1933
María África sent this photo to their parents in 1933 when she was living in San Juan married to William McFeeters.
Photos from: “De María África a María Montez, un mito en Technicolor” documentary directed by Jesús Reyes Mota, 2014 and Santo Domingo Invita - María Montez, Su Vida.
Information from: “María: Montez Su Vida”, book written by Margarita Vicens de Morales, Dirección General de Cine de la República Dominicana, 2012.
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tina-aumont · 7 months
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Beautiful photos of Montez Sisters sent to their Spanish cousin Armando Gracia Sanfiel.
On the left we can see the four sisters: Adita, Consuelo, Teresita and Lucita's beautiful photos they sent to their Spanish cousin Armando Gracia Sanfiel. Adita, Consuelo and Lucita's photos where sent through María Montez in 1944 as she was the one from the family who wrote long and loving letters to him, as far as I know they never met in person but they kept a beautiful correspondence.
On the right we can see a photo of María taken in 1941 and sent to her cousin Armando. Maria went to Canary Islands in 1930 when her father didn't want she got married to William McFeeters, who was 20 years her senior, and the only thing she knew about Spain was Tenerife, that's why she always wrote long letters to her cousin Armando (who lived in Madrid) asking him about Teruel and Canary Islands as she wanted to know the origins of her ancestors and the diversity of landscapes and life Spain had.
Teresita's photo was taken in 1952 when she travelled to Madrid to make a film and the beautiful thing is that she met her cousin Armando and gave him this beautiful photo taken by Ibañez, a Spanish photographer who always took photos of the cinema stars back in the day.
These beautiful photos arrived to me by mail, and I thank @74paris for sending me these very special gems which are copies from the originals. These photos were given to Antonio Perez Arnay by Armando Gracia Sanfiel as they were friends and Armando knew Antonio wanted to write a book about María Montez, which eventually did in 1995, however in the first book edition, these photos were not included, but Antonio Perez Arnay kept them and wanted to publish them in a second edition of his book "María Montez, La Reina del Tecnicolor" to celebrate María's birth centennary. Sadly Antonio passed away the 1st January 2012 and could never fulfill his dream. Instead, these photos were displayed in María Montez exhibit in Canary Islands back in 2012 but that's not what Antonio wanted...
My friend @74paris went to this exhibit and saw these great and beautiful photos and after long letters, long calls and lots of adventures he could have a copy of them for him and another one for me!! I feel really lucky, happy and fortunate to have them. They are a treasure and I will keep them such as that.
Mil gracias @74paris por este precioso presente que me has enviado, me siento muy afortunada y feliz por tenerlas, gracias por las mil y una gestiones que has hecho para obtenerlas. Te lo agradezco de todo corazón!! Son un gran tesoro!!
Eleni xoxoxo
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