#Willow wanting to talk abot the grimwalker thing while hunter thinks that she knows about his crush :)
windy-babe · 2 years
Willow asks Hunter about the grimwalker thing for a writing prompt
Eyes loving him...
Show: The Owl House
Ship: Hunter x Willow (Huntlow)
Words: 7353
First of all I KNOW THIS IS TOO LATE, I'M SORRY but i had tests and other university's shit, whatever, secobd of all: I know this wasn't... Like, what anon requested, anon said "Willow asks Hunter about the grimwalker thing" and I did... A lot of things that aren't that, yeah, that's why I never finish my fics, like Rina Sawayama said: "Yeah, I want more, more, more...", whatever, HUNTLOW FIC EVERYBODY
There was a noisy mess happening upstairs that woke Willow up. She looked around her and saw everyone sleeping in the living room of that old house.
When they arrived the demon realm they found out that the portal left them in the woods of the Boiling Isles, so, it was easy, they only had to walk until find other witches, right? Well, no. Hunter and Amity started an argument about which plan they should follow, if they were going to fly to bonesborough like Amity said, or hide in a tree till the sunrise, like Hunter said. Hunter also said that Amity's plan was the same as go to find Belos and stick his own claws in their chests themselves, while Amity said that Hunter's plan sucked just like him.
"I'm serious about this, Hunter!" she said, "I need to find my family! I don't even know what that sadistic monster did to them!" Amity tried to make a point about her cause being more important, and she looked very worried about it.
"Oh, Amity..." Willow put a hand in her shoulder trying to comfort her, "Don't worry, I'm sure The Collector didn't hurt them..."
"The Collector?" Amity asked confused, "I was talking about my mother!"
Camila was trying to make them get well while Luz was trying to talk about her own plan: go to the Owl House, rest, and then prepare themselves to kick some bad guys's butts.
And there were Willow and Gus, a little far away from them, talking about their friend. Talking about him being different. Talking about what he did to him. Talking about how much they love him. And talking about the ways to help him that they had to find.
"He is... A grimwalker..." she whispered, not sure if she had to say it, but she needed to talk about it, she needed to take the thought away from her chest, "Like... Like the myth?..."
Gus looked at her with guilt in his eyes, "Yes, I know... I had known for a while now..." he closed his eyes not wanting to confront her.
Willow's mouth opened in surprise, definitely she was hurt by it, she thought that they had something special between the three of them, but maybe she was wrong and Hunter and Gus's bond was stronger that whatever they had, 'It makes sense, actually' she tried to convince herself, "What? He told you?" her eyebrows frowned, don't think that she was mad at them or something like that, the feelings in his mind and heart were beyond that, confusion and pain were the closer words to describe them. "When?"
"Well, he didn't tell me... I..." Gus played with his hands, he was nervous and a little embarrassed, then he sighed and touched the little artefact in his ear, "I saw Belos memories back in the Day of Unity... And I saw everything..." he looked down.
Willow let go the air in her lungs that her heart didn't let them release, at least their best friends didn't let her out. "Do you mean...?" she looked at Hunter and Amity arguing. Then Hunter touched his shirt with an offended look and protective behaviour... Oh, Amity finally saw the wolves. Willow rolled her eyes, thinking that she didn't have to be mean and ruin this to him. At least she looked sorry for whatever she had said.
"Everything, Willow..." their gazes meet again when he rose his head, "I'd been trying to talk with him about it, but he found it recently, when he went to..."
"Belos's mind?" Willow gasped, it was easy for her to connect the dots.
"Exactly, and I guess that's why he didn't tell us... He didn't even have enough time to assimilate it..." they both looked at Hunter, "He looked so nervous whenever I mentioned it, and I think that he was hurt too..." his voice cracked.
Willow looked at Hunter, he was walking towards Luz, maybe looking for her 'sister' to be by his side. Willow watched the new scars in his arms, visible even in the dark, and felt shivers in her shoulders and back. She noticed his hair moving at the beat of his steps, the hair that he asked her to cut after a breakdown now was longer enough to move with him, and she didn't know why, but her blood started boiling.
Then Willow looked at her hands, Hunter almost dies in them. The memories of Hunter's still body in her arms were so fresh that they stunk and were sticky like rotten paint in a moldy wall. It was normal, that happened some minutes before, she was gonna be okay, they were gonna go away someday, maybe with hope and new paint, after all, Hunter was alive... Thanks to him... She tried to stop feeling bad about what happened to that little bird, he should have stayed alive but if it wasn't for his sacrifice... What they were gonna do? Wait for his death? No, that was not gonna happened, never on her or Camila's watch. Then what? Take him to a human "hospital"? What they were gonna tell to the humans "doctors" about his pointy ears? About his scars? About his... About him being...?
Luz's single two words came to her mind, and they hit her heart again, "Luz was the one who told us, not him..." Willow's eyes started to burn, "T-that's not... Fair."
"It's not..." Gus said right after he had taken a deep breath, "He is... The clon? Of Caleb, the dead brother of Belos."
"Caleb?" she asked at the air, that name sounded familiar, she felt like it did when she first listened it from Masha earlier. Gus nodded, and Willow sighed, "D-do you think... He knows we know?"
"I don't know, I think we have to wait him..." Gus shut up when the others came over to where they were. Camila finally made them agree with one plan, that was a mix of each plan.
So at the end they walked till find a place to stay at least until they could save enough energy. They took some breaks here and there, specially for Hunter (but they didn't say it because pretend that he was fine is his favorite sport, even if he's bad at it). Finally, they found a village at the sunrise, they had never been there, Hunter found it familiar but that was it, maybe he went there in one of his missions, but the Titan was big after all.
The place was empty, an actual ghost town that gave them a bad feeling, something happened around there but nothing said that it was a recent event, in fact, the town seemed to be abandoned since years ago, and they were too tired to look around for answers, so after another discussion they decided to stay in one house that wasn't falling apart.
And now we are here again, with Willow waking up at some weird noises. Maybe it wasn't something bad... Maybe it was a wild animal or an inoffensive little demon that get in through a broken window or something, she should go, making sure that it wasn't something dangerous for the others, that by the way didn't notice the noise and were sleeping deeply, she thought that it was better that way, until she realized: Hunter wasn't there.
Okay, so he heard the sounds before her and was already looking for the source. Or maybe he was the little wild animal making a mess. Or he might has another meltdown and was ruining his beautiful hair again. But... What if Belos found him again and...?
She ran upstairs as fast as she could, with a sleepy Clover in her hands, she felt sorry for the little (big?) bee, but this was important. When she finally found the room where the mess was, she took a deep breath and opened the door bravely.
"Hunter!" she yelled fearing the worst, but only found him lying in a bath with an arm over his eyes, while a lot of old broken things were in the floor, "Oh, Hunter..."
So he was in the bathroom, 'Not again' she thought.
"Did I woke you up?" he asked, sounding more tired than ever, "Of course I did! I am such an idiot." he let out a sour laugh.
"No, you are not." she entered the room and walked by his side, pushing all the things out of the way with her feet. There were some broken tiles from the floor and the walls, two moldy toothbrushes and little pieces of broken glass from dusty potion bottles that he must had broken.
"Yes, I am." he took his arm away from his face and looked at her. She still hasn't gotten used to his maroon eyes, they took away her breath for a lot of reasons, "I-I... It was an accident..."
"I know..." she reached his hand, trying to comfort him and giving him space at the same time.
"I just wanted to see how they looked..." Hunter touched the biggest scar in his face, while a tear slipped down the other cheek, "Why didn't you tell me that I have his eyes?" he raised his shaky voice a little, it was the pain talking.
"I'm sorry... I just didn't think that you needed it..." her other hand went to his cheek so she could wipe the tear.
"No, no, no..." he took away her hand from his face, and didn't realised it, but squeezed it tenderly, "Please don't be, it's not your fault," Hunter said before realizing what he was doing with her arm and stop it, and then he hugged his legs instead, "It was an accident, I promise, I just move my hand and it push that bottle and it fell."
Willow helped him to sit up, "It's fine, those things could happen," she sat at the border of the bath, not thinking of how gross it was, taking his hand in hers, "besides, they were empty and old anyway..."
"But the others... I knew what I was doing when I broke them..." he looked her in the eyes and she noticed the fear in them, fear of her reaction, fear of disapointing her, fear of losing her, "I was so mad and I just... Sorry, that was stupid, sorry..." he covered his face with hands.
Willow felt bad about it, sorry for what? He didn't hurt her or anything, she even wasn't in the room. After all these months with love and care in his life, he still had his old habits, and fearing for his life for whatever mistake he had made was one of those. She opened the cabinet under the lavatory and then she found them. It was fate? Maybe, it was a good thing that she was the one who find them and not Hunter, though. Willow put those scissors in the sink and then took the thing that she was originally looking for: another bottle.
Hunter got up in surprise when she threw it at the floor, "What the heck, Willow?!"
"Ups!" she shrugged, "Oh no! I guess we have to share the guilt now." she pouted dramatically.
Hunter chuckled but he still had that sour look in his eyes, "So sad, now we both are bad guys, Luz it's gonna come to kick our butts" Willow laughed and he felt something warm in his mind and chest, at least there were still some good things in his life. "But this is not about the bottles," he got up outside the bathtub, sitting at the border, he grabbed and squeezed his right arm with the other hand, and he bit his lip not knowing if he should say what was in his mind, but after one look at her eyes he did it unwittingly, "I... I miss him" Hunter whispered.
Willow didn't say anything not knowing what words could make it better, maybe they didn't exist. Instead, she walked in front of him and after looking him in the eyes she extended her arms and involved him in her embrace. Hunter didn't return the hug, but he rested his head in her shoulder accepting it.
"I think... That he's still with me... In some way," he said, his voice starting cracking from now on, "Is that weird?"
She tighted the hug and rubbed a hand up and down his back, "It's not, actually, I think it's cute..." she replied with a soft tone.
He chuckled sourly, "It would be cuter if he was actually here." he pressed his forehead more into her shoulder.
"I know," she said trying to erase all the sadness in his tone, "But at least you are here with us," she pulled away from him and put her hands in his shoulders, "I want to think about that..."
"Well, maybe..." he pressed his lips, not looking her in the eyes "Maybe I shouldn't..." he looked away.
"What?" the confusion in her face turned into panic once she understood, "D-don't say that! Hunter...!"
"I wasn't serious!" he stopped her before things get out of hands, "I just... I just don't know, okay?!" he yelled crossing his arms, still not looking her, "I-it... It was... I shouldn't let him did that to him!" he got up making her step back, "He used my body and I did not stop him, I could have fought back, I should have fought back once he took him in his... In my hand" he looked down to that hand, it had a sigil that almost killed him one time and it was full of scars that almost killed him another.
"That wasn't your fault..." she reached his shoulders with her hands again, "Belos shouldn't posses you in the first place, in fact, there's a lot of things that he shouldn't have done."
Hunter rubbed the sigil and finally looked at her, "Maybe you are right," he sighed, "That's what I told Luz after all, he is the problem, not her."
"And you either," she rubbed her hands up and down his shoulders and arms, "When you..." she stopped herself, not wanting to say it, not wanting to trigger her own tears, but she knew she had to at some point and this was a good moment, "When you jumped in the lagoon," Hunter's body became tense and he wide opened his eyes, "I-I thought... You were in my arms! You almost died in my arms!" arms that now were starting to shake.
"I'm sorry..." Hunter rushed to say.
Willow froze in her place for a moment, until she realized what he said, "N-no... No! You don't have to be sorry for dying!"
"But it was my fault..." he started to play with his hands, feeling the guilt in his heart.
"What? No! You didn't have control of your body! Belos was the one who possessed you, he jumped in that lagoon, why that would be your fault?" she asked confused, but he didn't answer, instead, he got away from her, turned around and looked himself in the mirror, ignoring her, "Hunter?" her confusion raised, "Why... Why that would be your fault?..." Hunter put his hands on the lavatory and looked down, the realization hit Willow followed by panic, "Hunter, don't tell me that you..." she heard him starting to sob and that was her confirmation, "Oh my Titan..." escaped from her lips before she could cover them with her hand and then the tears started falling.
Hunter covered his face, he was ashamed, and scared, and disapointed, and... And... So mad at Belos. And so mad at himself for making that girl cry. He wanted to do something, he wanted to say something, but his body didn't answer, and the only thing that it wanted to do was cry, so he cried, cried out loud, pressing his teeth, pulling his hair, and being hugged by Willow. He looked down, her arms were involved tightly around his waist and her head rested in his chest. It felt... Warm, nice and comfortable, it felt like that was the place where he belonged, between her arms, but she was crying and he was too, and that was wrong. She was comforting him, so he did the same with a hand in her head.
"Please never do that again..." she said, squeaking and sobbing, "Were you really gonna leave me?" she looked up to him. When Hunter saw her face, red, swollen, and full of tears, and he felt a crack in the stone that he had instead of a heart. He thought that he was right when she entered the room, he was such an idiot. The tears fell from his eyes harder before he denied with his head, he was lying, he didn't really know the answer to her question but he did know that he didn't want to leave her, and maybe that was enough.
Willow felt how his arms involved her head, and only could hear how his cries were getting louder. After some minutes, they both calmed a little and she said: "When you were in my arms I thought that I needed you..." that surprised him, so he pulled away from her to look her in the eyes, those hurt eyes of her... "The only thing that was in my mind was that I needed you to survive, we needed you in our lives," she smiled and cupped his face in her shaky hands "I need you in my life, Gus needs you in his life, Luz, Camila, and even Amity and Vee needs you in their lives, and I don't know what the heck we would do if you didn't..." she stopped herself, wiped her tears and took a deep breath, "That's why, in fact, you should have survived, that's why I will be in debt with Flapjack all my life, he let me keep you with me."
Hunter needed some seconds to react, first his face turned red, and second he started to giggling while wiping his tears, when he finished Willow was smiling at him. He finally felt like he could talk again. "Well, I'm also in debt with him, for a lot of things but..." he looked at her face, that still was red and swollen like her eyes, and damn, that face still was a masterpiece in his eyes after all, he became kind of nervous, "b-but yes... Yes, that is one thing, stay... Stay with you... With you all!" Hunter said doing his best, she giggled so he thought that he had succese, and then he took the freedom of grab her arms tenderly, making sure that her hands wouldn't leave his face, he needed that comfort. Also, she was smiling and looked so pretty like that.
Her smile faded one second to another, and before he could ask one of her hands slid slowly from his cheek to the back of his neck, touching his skin all the time which gave him a weird mix of shivers and tickles, making him blush and laugh stepping back from her roughly.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she giggled, "Sorry! I just was trying to... To..." she touched her own hair and he understood her signs.
"O-oh! Yes, I saw it." Hunter touched his mullet, playing with some locks, "I-I don't know why it grew so fast..." he looked himself in the mirror, and then, looked at her reflection, "Umh... Do you like it?" his tone became a little shy.
Willow looked at him in the mirror, getting closer, "Do you?" she asked, seeing how the doubt grew in his face. He denied with his head, thinking in how much he loved the short haircut, in how much he looked like himself with it but now, he was just what Belos did. Willow smiled and took the scissors from the lavatory, "Then, would you like a new and old look?"
The scissors were old, but they didn't look like if the former owner had used them a lot, like Hunter's haircut, they were old and new, so they should work. Hunter smiled, bright and with a little blush in his cheeks, "I think I do."
This time was different. Now Hunter was quieter, he still was nervous but now he wasn't at the edge of a heart attack, and his hair wasn't ruined by his shaky hands, so it was easier for Willow to not mess up or lose time trying to fix his mistakes.
His hair was soft like the last time though, and the blush in his face was the same if it wasn't even bigger, and he still was sitting in the toilet seat and giving her nervous looks here and then, like if he wanted to talk, to ask her something, to listen her voice. But she also had questions for him.
When she mentioned the lagoon incident, she didn't want to talk only about Belos. She didn't know if it was right, after all they just had a really heavy conversation, a conversation with two hugs and tears, that's how heavy it was. And the grimwalker talk could wait, could wait a lot of time actually, they just had to look for something to eat and then keep walking till find civilization in some hours, and also they had to fight Belos and who-knows-what thing that comes along with him, and also there's the Collector, and also they still had to find their families. And she had to find her parents, parents that after all this mess will ground her for 30 years because she had escaped to another realm for months and no answer their calls once all that time.
"So... I think that there's another thing that we should talk about," she noticed how he tensed, she needed to calm him down, "Don't worry, it's just something that you didn't tell me yet, and I think it's time." that didn't work, in fact, he became more rigid even.
"W-what?! No, there is nothing... I'm not keeping secrets!" he yelled, like someone who actually do keep secrets from her. She chuckled, combing his hair with his fingers so he could relax a little.
"You aren't?" she said in a flirty tone and raising an eyebrow, then she leaned to be closer to his face, "Are you sure?" she played a little with him, but when he denied frantically she stopped, he was sweating by now, "Don't be scared, I'm not mad, you have the right to have your secrets, I also have mine," Willow winked saying the last words, and he squeaked, "but we are friends, and I want you to know that you can tell me about that," she smiled and he realized that it was all the same, he still was at the edge of a heart attack.
"No, I don't have secrets!" his voice was higher than ever, "Even if you have your secrets, that I don't care about! Of course, they are yours, only yours, I don't want to know and..." her laugh interrupted him.
"Hunter! It's okay!" she crouched down in front of him, letting the scissors in the lavatory again, the haircut wasn't finished but it could wait, "I... Talked with Gus about this..." she said being serious this time.
"That little..." he murmured, "... Traitor".
"And he told me that this wasn't a topic easy for you, but you don't have to be afraid, not of me, I swear." she took one of his hands and squeezed it.
"Not of you?" his ears were burning.
"Of course not! I won't judge you for this, i never will, specially with you, you are too important to me for that." she not only smiled, but also gave him one of those looks with the heart eyes that she only have for him, he was going to explode.
"W-well, that makes sense..." he pulled from the collar of his own shirt, now his neck was burning too, "Oh m-my... Why it's so hot in here? Aren't you hot? Ha, of course you ar...! Wait! No! I mean you are but I wasn't..." he covered his mouth with his hand before he could embarras himself even more.
Willow was stunned, but just giggled a little and let him be, after all, he wasn't wrong, "Oh, look at you, you are so nervous!" she got up and cupped his face in her hands, "And red, and... Sweaty..." she said while her hands were leaving his face, she cleaned them in his shirt, "I guess you won't talk, right? You don't have to but... I think it's for the best..." she sighed and waited for his answer.
He didn't know what to do, because a lot of feelings were fighting to death in his belly and he wasn't sure of which one should win. He definitely didn't want to talk about it yet, he wasn't ready even after months of knowing why he felt all this funny things when Willow was doing simple things like existing, for example. But also, just like her he knew that maybe this was the last time that they could just talk with calm about this kind of things, they didn't know what the future had for them.
He nodded with enthusiasm, closing his eyes, "I-I do want to talk about it, but... I'm scared of what this will mean for us..." his hands were starting to shake, Willow noticed that.
"Oh, Hunter..." she took his hands, "Don't worry, this won't change anything between us, we are still gonna be friends, I just want you to tell me about this." she smiled softly at him.
Hunter frizzed in his place, even his hands stopped shaking, he was tense and Willow noticed, it was something that she said? She thought that that would make him feel safe? What did she do? "Friends?" he asked, with a shaky smile, that kind of smile that he force in his face when he is suffering a lot but have to pretend that everything was just fine, that worried her. Hunter looked down, not able to look at her, and put his hands in his hair, "O-of course! Friends! I-I wasn't... Wasn't expecting anything else, why the fuck I would expect anything else after all the sh..." he stopped once he realized the words that he used, he looked at her mouth and eyes opened in disbelief and got ashamed, "Language! I know! I'm sorry! It's just..." Willow's laugh interrupted him.
"You can swear in front of me! I'm not Camila or Darius," she laughed, "I'm just not used to it."
"No, I shouldn't swear, I shouldn't... Freak out, it's fine, I'm fine," he gave her this sad smile.
Willow sighed, confused by his reaction, but she had an idea of why it happened. She took the scissors again and continued with her job, "What you expected of me?" she said making him sigh, "You thought that I would hate you for it or something?" her fingers touched his hair in such a tender way that he almost forgot about his heavy heart sinking in his stomach.
"Well, that was an option, sure," his eyes were burning, and he hated it, he shouldn't cry for this, she wanted to be his friends and that was more than what he could wish some months ago, and also, it's not like he would know what to do if she wanted him too, actually, the only thing that he could think to do was everything. He let some tears go, wishing that she couldn't see them.
"I will never hate you, Hunter," she said, wiping one of his tears with her free hand, he made sure to remember how her touch felt, it was magic, just like her.
"Thank you, Willow," he whispered wiping the rest of the tears, and smiling, thinking of how much he loved her and always will, no matter what.
"Because you are amazing! You are one of my best friends, and you had done a lot for me and for us!" Willow yelled involving his shoulders in her arms, making him look at her with a lovely smile, wanting to tell her with his eyes that he thought the same of her, she broke the hug and continued with the haircut, "So what if you are a grimwalker? That doesn't matter, if that's what gave you the life then it's great, you shouldn't be scared of us knowing it!" she was almost finishing with his hair, when he got up abruptly, he was lucky enough that she was able of get away the scissors before they could hurt him, "Hunter!"
"I am a what?" Hunter asked, voice shaking almost as if he just saw a ghost, "I am a what, Willow?" he got away from her.
"A... Grimwalker? That's what I was talking about... I-I thought you knew..." she said with caution, realizing slowly that she messed it up.
"What the..." he was outraged, thinking that this was a nightmare, first she rejected him and now she knows that he is a grimwalker? "How?! Belos told you?! Of course he told you, he always has to ruin my life in one way or another!"
"Hunter! Hunter!" Willow walked in front of him and took him by the shoulders, "This won't ruin anything! I just told you that I will never hate you for this! You are..."
"No! You don't understand, Willow," he shouted, getting away from her again, "I'm not just a grimwalker, I'm his grimwalker!"
"Do you mean...?" he interrupted her.
"Belos's brother! I'm a copy of his fucking brother, a witch-hunter, Willow! He said that he did it so we could finish his work, he-"
"I know, Gus told me" she interrupted him, putting her hands in his shoulders again, trying to make him sit.
"What?!" he yelled, "Gus knows?!" he waited for her response but he only needed that unsure expression in her face to realize, "Everyone knows?" asked again with pain in his own face, and she nodded.
"I thought it was obvious..." she finally made him sit, and took the scissors to finally, finally finish her work.
"I don't get it... I'm a monster..."
"You are not."
"I was created to kill all of you, did you knew that?"
"It's not a surprise, Belos it's crazy..."
"Why are you so calm?! Why you all are?! Neither of you said anything."
"It's not of our business, neither mine, I know, but you also know me, I want the best for you."
"N-no... You all should hate me..."
"Hunter, after all the things you have done and we forgive you for, you really think that this is the thing that finally it's gonna make us hate you?" she asked, brushing the cut hair off of his shoulders, she only needed to comb the hair and it would be ready, "You kidnapped us! And Gus let you stay in his house for some days when you needed it, because we knew that wasn't entirely your fault and you made up for it," she combed the hair with her fingers, it wasn't great but it looked good and she was sure that the haircut would look perfect if it was made in normal conditions, but for now it looked better than last time.
"I'm still sor..." he tried to apologize but she didn't let him.
"Shh, it's ready," she encouraged him to got up and look himself in the mirror, "What do you think?" she expected him to like it so much like the last time, when he got so excited that he hugged her for some seconds, maybe ten, maybe less, and after he realized his actions and ran away with red in his ears, she looked at the door hearing her own heart beating so fast that she couldn't deny anymore how lost she was for him, but this time was different, he looked kind of sad, kind of nostalgic, kind of disapoiting.
"It's great, Captain," he said with no emotion, "but I don't know how to feel" he touched his new scars, "I don't feel right, like... Like myself, I don't know if I ever will again" he let his hand fell at his side.
"Then, what we can do about that?" she took him by the shoulders from his back, standing in her tiptoes so he could see her reflection behind his shoulder in the mirror.
"Turning back in time it's an option?" he joked with sourness.
"I don't think so..." Willow responded awkardly.
"So there's not too much," he sighed, moving his gaze at the side, away from that guy on the mirror and the cute girl in his shoulders, "Don't look at me like that..."
Her eyes expressed a lot, sorry, worry, and love, lots of love, of all kinds, shapes and sizes, and Hunter had seen a lot of eyes in his life, angry eyes in his uncle, looking at him from high above in his throne room, after one of his mistakes and before a thousand of punishments of all kind. Tired eyes in Lilith too, tired of him, tired of her job, tired of her life, tired of herself and what she had done to the ones she loved the most. He had seen annoyed eyes in Darius, and every other adult in his life, but his were unique, they had their own reasons to be annoyed, and he understood them. He had seen the disapointing in Luz's eyes that day, the day when she met him and he met her, the day when she saved his life and he almost stabbed her in the back, the day when she knew his name and everything changed, he was used to that feeling, to hear how disapointed everyone was of him, but her? That was something different, maybe because she actually expected something of him in the first place, maybe because she was the only one without reasons to do that.
But loving eyes? That was a new concept for him ever since he ran away from Belos, but the weird thing that he has learn is that there is not only one type of love in the eyes of the people surrounding him. In Gus it was a tickling kind, he realized it one of the nights that they spend together in the basement. Gus was talking about his old club in Hexside, something about human stuff, and this guy with a weird long name that ruined it for him, Hunter said that he will give him a lesson when they came back to the Boiling Isles making him laugh and say that everything was okay between them now but thanked him anyways, and then Gus stared at him and he knew, that was a funny kind of love, a young and bright kind. And Camila's love was older, he knew every time that her hand touched his hair or shoulder, she was tender and patient with him like no other adult, first he thought that something weird was going on with her, perhaps a human thing, but with the time he realized that all the things that she did was in the name of motherly love, something that he treasured with all the will and strength in his body. The thing was that the innocent love of a child and the pure love of a mother didn't compare with whatever Willow hid in her eyes.
Willow's eyes were big and green and scary, but in a weirdly good way. It was almost as if he was scared of them becoming like the other eyes that he looked in his life but at the same time they tell him everyday in different ways how wrong he was for even think of something like that happening. You see, Willow's eyes were unique, every emotion that they showed was tender, they were cute, either sad or happy they always made him longing for a hug of their owner, maybe they were magic, or maybe he loved them as much as them loved him. The only thing that he knew was that he never saw so much in a pair of eyes.
"Like what?" she moved in front of him, he couldn't escape from those eyes, didn't him?
"Like... That," he tried to gesticulate with his hands but quit it, "It's weird."
"I don't understand it, I'm not doing anything," she wore a confused expression in her face.
"Well, it doesn't matter..." he crossed his arms and turned around.
"It does," she took him by the shoulders "also, I think you look amazing" she made him smile, "And you look like yourself, Hunter," saying his name was a good way of making him feel comfortable.
"It's not that easy," he looked down, but when he felt her hands in his cheeks she practically forced him to look at her, like, it's not like he had another option.
"Hunter, I know it's hard for you," she tried to give him comfort with a smile, but failed, "all this story of Belos and his brother it's horrible and I understand why it's frightening you, even if I can't understand why you thought that we could hate you for this..."
Hunter interrupted her, "Because it's another thing on the long list of bad things that I've done, Willow!"
"Yeah, you did bad things, but this? You literally didn't have a say in this! It's not your fault that Belos decided to made you..."
"But Willow... I..." Hunter put his hand on one of hers, that still were in his face, "I don't know... It's just so fucked up that I..."
And Willow saw the face of this guy, hurt and sad, and almost crying, again. So she knew that she needed to made him feel better, and new exactly what to do, "You know what, Hunter?" she waited an answer, he nodded a little so she knew that he was listening, it was enough for her. "Belos it's a crazy idiot and I hate him, but I have to admit that he did a really, really good job with you," she said with caution in case that he wasn't wanting that right now, but she didn't regret saying it once his cheeks turned red.
"W-what?..." he choked with the air apparently, because he started coughing just like that and also becoming reder, putting her hands off of his face so she couldn't feel the warm, "What do you mean?"
"Oh, come on Hunter!" she hit his shoulder without any force, jokingly, "He made you a really handsome grimwalker, and you can't deny it," she giggled. Hunter couldn't say anything, his throat just didn't let him talk, so Willow continued, with a confident smirk, "You are the only good thing that came from that bitch," she said, tone soft as feathers.
And Hunter exploded.
"Y-you... You just..." he was laughing so hard that he was squeaking while trying to breath, Willow looked at him enamored, "You just said...!"
"What? 'Bitch'?" she asked innocently, knowing damn well that he would laugh harder.
"It just sounds so funny in your voice!" he yelled.
After a while of loud laughs, he sighed and sit back in the toilet, a little bit tired. He looked up at her eyes, and something shook her heart, something in his eyes was so lovely that took her breath away, and she never thought that being breathless and dizzy could feel so good.
"So... It's true, I'm Caleb Wittebane's grimwalker," he said playing with his thumbs.
"I saw his statue, another handsome guy, yes," she nodded.
Hunter almost started laughing again, almost, he only blushed but what is new about that? "Stop."
"Right," she smirked.
Hunter sighed, "And everyone knows that, i-it's fine, but... I didn't want it, not yet, I'm not ready."
Willow got a little bit closer and rested her hands in his shoulders, "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said it yet..."
"No, it's fine, you only wanted to help me to feel better," Hunter hugged himself, "And you did it," his eyes looked at her in this lovely way again, making her feel the urgent need to hug him right away, so she did it, "O-oh, Willow!" and now his face was reder than ever, perfect.
"Please never feel like that again!" she yelled, "I don't want you to feel like we could hate you for something! We can't, I promise!" she said breaking the hug.
"H-hey... Don't worry, I'll try?" he was unsure, but still the goofy smile in his face didn't show it, "If you are the one promising it... I don't have another option but to believe, am I right?" he took her hands, making her flustered.
But right before Willow could say something, a voice interrupted, "Wow, how cute!" Luz said standing at the door, making them both turn around, surprised.
"What the heck, Luz!" Hunter yelled rolling his eyes.
Luz was sleepy, probably just woke up, or maybe she couldn't sleep at all, they never knew with her. She looked better at the scene and noticed all the hair at the floor, and Hunter's head, "Oh my God Hunter, can you keep the same haircut for five minutes?!" she joked.
"This will stay, don't worry, Luz," Hunter said, but he wasn't looking at Luz, instead, he was looking at Willow in the eyes, and that was the moment when she realized he never let go of her hands.
Luz yawned, "Did you guys could sleep something? I mean, a haircut take time."
"Yes we did..." Willow answer, but then remember that Hunter was awake long time before her, "I did! Did you sleep, Hunter?"
"I-I..." he wanted to lie, but those eyes... "Maybe a little...?" those green, worried eyes... "Not enough, I think..." those green, worried, and loving eyes... Loving him, "I'll go to sleep right now, don't worry!" he got up and got out of the bathroom, not without touching tenderly Luz's shoulder in his way to the hallway.
Luz smiled at him, "Sleep well..." she said to him.
"Please try to rest a little!" Willow yelled.
"I will! Thanks, you two!" said in the middle of the hallway.
Willow smiled tenderly and sighed, the looked at the mess on the floor, now there were a thousand of blonde hairs beside the pieces of glass and the dirt, definitely they will have to clean that mess. Maybe later.
"So..." Luz said smirking, catching her attention, "You just called Belos a 'bitch'?"
Willow gasped, and then giggled, "Maybe I did..."
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