#Wilshire 5000
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Kaip investuosime 2024 metais? Niekas nežino, kokie bus kiti metai, nors visada tikimasi geresnių nei praėjusieji. Bet mes žinome, kaip mes investuosime. Mes investuosime atsargiai, sumaniai ir išmaniai. O spekuliuosime dar agresyviau. Investavime mums analizėje ir įvertinime jau padės Dirbtinis intelektas. Spekuliavime – jau mūsų pačių uždirbto pelno svertas leis rinkose būti…
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silverskull · 2 years
Chenford + UC school + Noah
&Chenford + noah is just a friend
&Chenford + Tim gets jealous of Noah
&Chenford + Chris finds out Lucy is with Tim 💕
This fic is for the most wonderful anon/anons on Tumblr who persistently pepper my ask box with fic suggestions. Whether you are one person or many, you make me so happy. To think that there's someone out there who is actively enticing me to write is the strangest sort of good feeling, and I love you, nonnie.
I actually wasn't very enthusiastic about the whole Noah and Chris and Tim thing, but when I started to combine the suggestions with one another, it came out as something I wasn't expecting. I hope you don't feel cheated, and more importantly, I hope you enjoy. 💖 (5000 word fic in full below, but a kudos or comment on AO3 is always much appreciated, as are rebloggios!)
Lucy spun quickly on her heel, the handcuffs on her duty belt clanking in protest as she turned and smashed directly into the solid wall of Sergeant Grey’s chest. 
Grey sighed, pushing her back gently and dusting himself off with a wearily raised eyebrow.
“Forget something, Officer Chen?”
“Uh, no, Sir,” Lucy stammered, looking for the quickest route around the Watch Commander, “I, uh, just need to, uh… check if-”
The station’s automatic doors breezed open behind her, wafting the smell of exhaust into the air of the lobby around them.
Too late.
“Tim is just…” Lucy twirled her shot glass on the slick surface of the bar table, absently glad she’d worn short sleeves, because she’d already left her elbow in the puddle of spilled liquor at least three times since they’d sat down. The flame of a small centrepiece candle wavered and blurred before her as her thoughts drifted and her eyes unfocused.
“Just… ‘a friend’?” Noah finished for her, grinning and bumping her with his elbow as he downed his own shot. He winced at the burn, then waggled his eyebrows at her.
Lucy rolled her eyes and threw back her tequila. “I don’t even think you could call us that any more.” She’d succumbed to gloominess, only agreeing to go out with the UC gang because being alone in her hotel room would mean no-one was keeping track of her drinking. They’d had a long day of lectures and written tests, and when she finally got to check her phone, there wasn’t even a meme from Aaron. It was as if she’d been completely forgotten by everyone she cared about.
“Psshh.” Noah blew a messy raspberry, slapping the puddle of liquor and sending a small tsunami of droplets across both of their laps. “It took you nearly two weeks to tell me you had a different boyfriend. I thought for sure you and Bradford were married.”
“Wh- Noah!” Lucy slapped his shoulder, half amused, half embarrassed. He leaned away from her, smirking, but only long enough to pull them two new bottles of beer from the shared ice bucket. “Chris Sanford. Tim Bradford. It’s not that hard.”
“Don’t they have any other varieties of surname down in Mid-Wilshire? How am I supposed to tell them apart?”
“You’d know them if you saw them,” she murmured, uncapping her beer and taking a deep swig.
“Oh really?” Noah asked, intrigued. His eyes glimmered with quick humour and he sat up straighter. “I can picture it now: Chris Sandyford, ace attorney. Tall, blonde, preppy. Probably played lacrosse in high-school.” 
Despite herself, Lucy burst into a fit of laughter. Noah continued, painting the air with his fingers.
“Timothée Bradburn. Dark, skinny, moody. Hair a little too long for a cop, but suits his ‘aesthetic’. Loves to read, but only paperbacks. Trademarks the word ‘asshole’.”
Lucy had bent double, gasping for breath, balancing herself with one now-soaked arm on the wet table.
“I don’t care if he was your TO,” Noah continued, “I’m rooting for Bradburn. Team Tim, all the way.” He raised his bottle in salute to Tim, commencing a ripple of cheers from the rest of their group.
“Oh my god.” It took her a solid minute of wheezing and coughing to recover, and Noah smiled innocently at her the whole time, calmly sipping from his beer and clapping her enthusiastically on the back.
“You are never invited to Mid-Wilshire. Just so you know.” She poked him in the shoulder when she could breathe again, to emphasise her point.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked, bending low to the table and hiding his face behind his beer bottle and a small stack of coasters. “Well, I’ll just have to be discreet. You’ll never see me coming.”
She swiped a splash of the spill at him and he dodged, toppling his bottle into the coasters. He lurched forward to save it at the same moment as Lucy, and between them the candle went spinning around the table, tipping onto Lucy’s lap and splashing wax all over her jeans.
“Ow! Ow ow ow! Hot!”
She leapt off her stool, desperately trying to knock the melted wax away, but it had soaked through the material and was already stinging painfully against her skin.
At a loss, Noah looked helplessly at their friends, all shouting and pointing at once, unintelligible and useless. Reflexively, he grabbed his beer bottle and sloshed it at Lucy.
Bubbles and foam.
Bubbles and foam and a merciful - if slightly sour - coolness spread across her legs.
There was silence for a moment.
Lucy ran her hands across her soaked jeans, shaking off the residue and shoving her hair out of her eyes.
Someone snorted. Another coughed. Then a giggle. Soon the entire table was convulsing in laughter, passing napkins and coasters across to Lucy, helping her dab off her jeans and her stool and her arms. Noah grimaced apologetically, cleaning the table in front of her and handing the quenched candle to an exasperated waitress.
“If it helps, this has given me a great idea…” he said, arranging their stools back beside the table and gesturing for two more beers from the bucket.
“I don’t think I want to know any more of your ideas tonight,” Lucy said, sitting gingerly on the slightly sticky seat and eyeing him suspiciously.
“No no, you’ll like this one, I swear!” He uncapped their drinks, clinking the bottles together carefully. “I’ve finally thought of your UC nickname… ‘Hotpants’.”
Lucy choked, spraying beer back onto the table and saturating the sleeve of Noah’s sweater.
The gang erupted in laughter again, pelting Noah with napkins and coasters.
Lucy was glad she’d gone out with them.
Who needed memes from Aaron anyway?
“Detective Foster. Good to see you again.” Grey reached beyond Lucy to shake hands with Noah. “Lopez has a desk ready for your report.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Noah grinned cheekily at Lucy as Grey took a step back. “How you doin’, Hotpants?” He pulled her into a quick hug, pecking her on the cheek before she had time to react.
Lucy swallowed a slightly hysterical giggle, shoving him back with a tight grip on his arms.
“Good, all good. I didn’t expect to see you here today,” she answered, frowning. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, of course!” He slipped his arm around her back, leaning in close to whisper conspiratorially, “Lopez wanted someone actually good at UC to draft the Army of Freedom report for the DA.”
She jabbed him lightly with her elbow, knowing full well that her amusement was showing on her face. Grey shook his head at her, rolling his eyes and folding his arms.
She’d almost forgotten her urgent need to get out of there.
The doors swished open again.
“Tim is just…” Lucy rolled her sushi over once more in the bowl of soy sauce. It was far too saturated to eat now, but she’d lost her train of thought, and with it, apparently, her appetite.
“Just… jealous?” Chris finished with a snort, tossing back another California roll.
“What? No!” Lucy tamped down on the wave of protective indignation that surged within her, sighing and dropping her chopsticks onto her plate. Wine it was, then. She settled back into the couch. “No. He’s just… just…”
“A walking billboard for ‘defund the police’?”
“Chris!” She dropped her wine glass onto the table so fast, it nearly sloshed over the edges.
“No, no, babe. You know I don’t mean you when I say that.” Chris patted her on the arm, still fully focused on the platter of sushi in front of him. “But the movement has a point. And moody hardasses like Bradford are exactly the kind of cop people are scared of running into. I’ll never understand why you’re so patient with him.”
Lucy scoffed, the burn of wine and soy sauce tasting bitter in her throat.
“Our job isn’t to be everybody’s friend.”
“Hold on, hold on…” Chris chewed and swallowed another roll, raising his hand for her to wait. “You want me to give teenage thieves a second or third chance; but Bradford can just roll up on someone, slap on some cuffs, throw them in the system, and that’s all part and parcel of the job? Lucy! Come on!”
“You don’t see the same city we do.” She reached for her wine again, closing her eyes. This type of conversation was never worth the energy. “We see people on their worst days. For some of them, they’ve embraced it and decided to make it everybody else’s worst day too. For others, it’s just a hole they’ve fallen into. Throw them a ladder and they’ll find their own way out.” She sipped her wine thoughtfully. “We’re responsible for making that judgement. Every day takes a toll on you. Tim is just…”
Her mouth wouldn’t form the words.
Upset? Lonely? Broken-hearted?
How would someone feel after being broken up with by 2022’s answer to Pamela Anderson?
“Tired,” she finished, lamely, taking a larger gulp of wine than she’d intended.
“Sure, but can you imagine having him over for dinner?” Chris had moved onto the sashimi, delicately considering both the tuna and the salmon. “You, me, and Tired Tim?” He decided on the salmon, dropping even more wasabi into his soy sauce. “I mean, our first date was awkward enough, what with him and Ashley. What would we do with him here?”
“Well I thought we were going out for Mediterranean,” Lucy began, her tongue nearly wrinkling in horror at the amount of wasabi now coating Chris’ salmon, “But, hey - what do you mean ‘awkward’?”
She waited while Chris chewed thoughtfully, her mind’s eye providing her with a technicolour highlight reel of enoki pancakes, cyborg bodies and Tim’s cynical smile; salty sea air and tiny grains of sand peppering through the recollection of his fingertips brushing her arm, his cologne wafting across the breeze, his eyes deep and dark beside her in the subtle light of the beach torches.
“Well, they were obviously entirely mismatched,” Chris said, throwing her a look of forbearance. “Ashley is sweet and kind and outgoing - I mean, she’s not that different from you.”
It was Lucy’s turn to snort, feeling her forehead crease sceptically. 
“No, no - let me finish!” Chris laughed, finally looking away from his food and reaching for her hand. “She’s all those nice bits of you, sure. But she’s not tough. And she’s obviously got no tolerance for asshole behaviour. He spent that whole night talking to you. Turned to you. Looking at you.”
Suddenly, the images in her head were taking on a different tone.
The warm orange glow of the flickering flames on their skin. 
The soft velvet brush of Tim’s dinner jacket against her arm. 
His knees bumping hers below the table time and again, and again.
She shook her head vigorously, trying to dispel the sudden rush of heat along her neck, the goosebumps tingling over her arms.
“He must be exhausted trying to keep up his ‘nice guy’ image for her. Maybe one of these days she’ll realise he’s just not-”
“Tim-” Lucy closed her eyes, changing her mind and reaching out a stalling hand towards her boyfriend. “Chris, let’s just drop the Tim stuff for now. Please?”
Chris smiled agreeably, chuckling and topping up her wine glass.
Cheap wine, good sushi and the companionship of a charming man.
What more could she want?
“Mr Sanford. Detective Harper is all set up for you in the conference room.” Grey turned slightly, gesturing to the corridor behind him.
Noah laughed, the sound at odds with the seriousness of Chris Sanford’s face.
“They make Sergeants work as greeters in Mid-Wilshire too? Sheesh, this place is tough!”
The only thing saving Noah from a severe Sergeant-Grey-Disapproving-Frown was his cheeky grin, and Lucy averted her eyes as he murmured a goodbye in her ear, squeezing her arm and wisely removing himself from the situation, promising to meet up with her later for lunch.
Grey, usually so composed and unruffled, seemed to Lucy to have a glint of mischief in his eyes as he looked between her, the departing detective and the arriving attorney.
“You’re up to date on the entire Elijah escapade, I take it?” Grey asked Chris, his arms still folded and his posture relaxed and at ease. There was no way he wasn’t enjoying her obvious agitation at the sudden influx of attentive men.
“Of course,” Chris replied, loosely shaking his briefcase. “Can’t wait to put him away for a couple of centuries, at the very least.”
Grey smirked, nodding approvingly. “You and me both.”
He didn’t leave, but Grey moved away, looking out through the glass doors as if waiting for someone. Lucy half wished he’d stayed beside her.
An awkward silence descended in his absence.
“So…” Chris was addressing her, scuffing one foot anxiously on the floor, his eyes darting between hers and anywhere else in the lobby. “It’s been a while.”
She coughed out a laugh. Given their jobs, it was unlikely they’d never run into one another again. If he’d just stayed for five more minutes at her apartment that night, this would have been dealt with already. 
Well. She might as well get it over with.
“Yeah.” She knew she was picking at her own nails, and she made a conscious effort to stop, grabbing her duty belt tightly instead. “Um, how are you?”
Chris paused, staring at her incredulously.
She bit her lip, feeling the mild sting of guilt roll up along her shoulders.
“I’m… I’m shit, Lucy.” He glared at her, his mouth falling open on his last words. “I feel like shit. I thought we were tight. I thought things were good, thought we were ready for the next step. And then you dump me? Ask me for my ‘playbook’? What the hell sort of bitchy, high school, mean girl move was that?”
Lucy was feeling at least three different shades of guilty - the mildest one being that of dumping a guy she wasn’t fully invested in. Another was certainly more of the high school variety - her? Lucy Chen? A bitch?! Never! Everybody adored her!
The third was one she’d grown accustomed to: the guilt of being in a relationship with one person, whilst clearly head-over-heels for another. This was a feeling so familiar to Lucy, she’d only noticed its absence once she and Tim had finally made their status openly official. Every time she grabbed his arm in the station now felt natural and right; every time she held his hand in front of their friends felt like she’d landed safely where she belonged; every time she cuddled in to him, kissed the edge of his jaw while they watched old movies on the couch with Tamara and Kojo, she felt like she was home. Home and safe and loved. Exactly where she was supposed to be.
Not that it was any surprise, but Chris obviously didn’t share the same internal ideation as Lucy.
“And now - what? You’re hooking up with the first out-of-town, greasy-ass detective that shows an interest in you? I thought you had higher standards than that.”
Suddenly, Lucy found she didn’t care how ‘high-school’ Chris found her moves to be.
“Excuse me?!” The disbelief in her voice raised the end of the question to a higher pitch than she’d have liked.
“Oh come on.” Chris waved his hand towards the corridor where Noah had disappeared just moments ago. “As if I couldn’t see that guy fawning all over you. What? Just because he wears a hoodie with a leather jacket, it makes him catnip?”
Lucy was caught somewhere between confusion and hilarity.
“Are you seriously gatekeeping who I talk to right now?”
“Well maybe if I had paid better attention when we were together this wouldn’t be happening!”
“Ugh, Chris…”
“No. Lucy, seriously.” Chris stepped closer to her. “What is this? What’s happening right now?”
“Chris-” She took a step back, raising her hands to keep the distance between them. “It’s not whatever you think it is.”
“Then what?” The pleading look on his face was genuine; puppy-dog eyes, beseeching eyebrows and all. “What? You needed danger? A serial killer tried to murder me! You need a do-gooder hero? I’m all ears! Tell me who to save, when to let them off the hook - I’ll listen. You want to put the bad guys away for life? That’s literally my job!”
“Chris, come on. Stop being ridiculous.” He was unnerving her now, too close and too needy, and nothing like the genuinely nice man she used to date. Her mouth took control of the situation before she had a chance to process the thought. “I never felt the way about you that you wanted me to. I wasn’t in love with you.”
The silence fell heavily between them, Chris’ face drooping in disappointment. Lucy was suddenly very aware that her boss was still standing well within earshot, Grey shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other as the doors slid smoothly open in front of him for a third time. 
There was no fucking way this day was happening to her.
“Tim is just…what?”
Sleep was still clinging to the edge of his words, a yawn overtaking the end of the question as he rolled away from her and stretched his arms over his head.
“Tim is just about to wake up, obviously,” she answered, shuffling onto her side and sliding her hand across his chest as he uncurled from the foetal position. 
There were many revelations that came with having Tim Bradford in one’s bed, but one of the most surprising to her was how small he made himself in sleep; feet tucked up under her legs, head snuggled into her shoulder, one or both hands wrapped tightly around her chest or arms. He didn’t seem to notice, and she had no intention of bringing it up, but it still made her heart flutter fiercely when she woke before him and found him knit tightly and securely into her side.
“Who are you talking to?” he asked, still yawning widely, his hand finding hers and lacing their fingers together on his stomach.
“Only the best boy in the whole world.”
From his bed on the floor beside her, Kojo snuffed out a low ‘woof’, clearly recognising the words that applied to him, and him only.
Tim snorted, nuzzling his nose into her forehead.
It was one of their rare weekends off together, and with no alarms or deadlines, they’d (eventually) fallen into deep sleep, waking only once the sun rose high and bright above the buildings opposite, flooding their bedroom with warm, golden light.
As much as she loved their vibrant city, Lucy couldn’t think of any more perfect way to start the day.
“Are you happy?”
At first she thought he’d fallen asleep again, murmuring nonsense into her temple. She pulled back to look up at him properly only to see his eyes, still languid, but very much awake and focused on her.
She blinked and shook her head, almost laughing.
“Why are you asking me that?”
It had the sound of a Tim Test, but not the feeling, and she wanted to decipher him a bit more before she inadvertently agreed to a weekend of jogging, or something equally as unappetising.
With his answer, he took her by surprise again.
“Because I’m happy.”
She and Tim had been thrust together in Mid-Wilshire, and she’d never been fully sure of Grey’s reasoning. Pairing Tim with Jackson would, on paper, have made far more sense, and probably would have been exactly what Percy West would have wanted. Grey wasn’t a rule breaker; never went out of his way to upset anyone’s applecart; so he must have had his reasons.
Whatever they were, it had either worked out - or backfired - spectacularly, and they remained the only Rookie/TO pairing that had ever completed their entire probation together since she’d arrived at Mid-Wilshire. Grey (probably) hadn’t expected their partnership to develop in quite the way that it had, but beyond a raised eyebrow or a knowing smirk, he never commented.
As far as she was concerned, she’d never seen Tim as a ‘project’. He’d started as a necessary pain-in-the-ass, developing, slowly, into someone she could rely on, could learn from; someone she could repay with the same opportunities he provided for her. Eventually, he became part of the furniture of her day; safe and comfortable and inviting, in his own way. Jackson and Nolan had never quite understood her, but she hadn’t needed to explain herself to them. Tim was just Tim. 
She never admitted to anyone that she’d been half-terrified going out into the world without him on her first proper day as P2. She’d bumped his number up on her speed-dial list, ensuring the phone’s voice-command would recognise her words and call him if she had to yell. It had all worked out fine, and, in retrospect, she was glad she’d had that extra time with Jackson. But it hadn’t stopped her secretly missing Tim’s gruff commands, the snarky roll of his eyes, or the days he’d quietly buy her lunch and walk away and leave her if she insulted him with payment.
In all that time he’d been rude, or tolerant; biting, or thoughtful; angry and miserable, or accepting and good-humoured. It had taken him time to show her all the facets of his personality, and she was still one of the rare few who ever got to see that much.
But to see him happy?
To see him happy, and to know he was happy?
To have him admit that he was happy?
This man was still full of surprises.
She surged up into him, kissing him hard and firm and fierce. She’d let go of his hand and her fingers combed through his hair, trying to pull his head as close to her as she could, stroking through the short hairs and along the warm skin of his neck.
He didn’t seem to mind her sudden attack, looping his arms tightly around her waist and drawing her in to him, one leg wrapping around the back of her knees, his fingers slipping cool and certain under her t-shirt and along her ribs.
She’d have been happy to keep going, but his stomach rumbled and he eventually pulled back, eyes closed and lips smiling, his nose and forehead pressed softly against her own.
“I’m very happy.” The words were nearly more a feeling, flowing from her mouth into his across the short space between them. “Very.”
He opened his eyes then, his pupils blurring before her, until he moved back and, still smiling, dropped a kiss onto her nose.
Kojo grumbled again, assuming he was still being spoken to, and Tim snorted, rolling away from her and throwing back the covers. Lucy groaned.
“Where are you going?” She couldn’t help that it sounded petulant, and she buried herself further under the blankets to add weight to her protest.
Tim’s voice was muffled as he pulled yesterday’s white t-shirt over his head.
“I’m hungry.”
“Ugh.” Lucy kicked her legs indignantly under the covers. “Kojo? Do you want to come up into this warm, cosy, comfortable bed with me instead?”
She heard the dog hop upright, his nails ticking along the floor as he scrambled out of his bed and around the room to the foot of hers.
“Kojo. Sit.” Tim’s voice was no-nonsense, and Kojo immediately complied, his tail thumping happily against the bedpost as he obligingly switched allegiances. “Only good boys who stay off the furniture get bacon and eggs.”
“You are literally - No. Fun.” Lucy complained, shuffling herself up against the headboard.
Tim threw her look as he opened the door, eyebrows raised, sly and suggestive. “I’m going to feed the dog. And the teenager.”
“The teenager is already fed!” Tamara’s voice sailed through the open door, tinged with long-suffering tolerance. Kojo abandoned Lucy’s bed, happily scampering out through the door to Tamara, closely followed by Tim.
Lucy pounded her fists into the comforter, watching the three of them gather outside around the kitchen island.
“Is everybody just gonna leave me this morning?”
“YES!” Tim and Tamara yelled together, Kojo adding a sharp bark to the cacophony.
Lucy grinned, throwing back the covers and clambering out of the bed.
There was nothing else she needed.
There was nowhere and no-one she’d rather be with.
She was exactly where she was supposed to be.
“Sergeant Bradford, I’ve been waiting over thirty minutes for you.” Grey admonished, pointedly checking his watch.
Tim threw his hands up, gesturing behind him to the departing armoured SWAT van. 
“Do you know how hard it is to manoeuvre a tank through rush-hour traffic?” He checked his own watch, making a face when he saw the time. “The last guy would never have made it to you this fast.”
“There was no ‘last guy’,” Grey replied, his eyes darting almost imperceptibly to Lucy. “Lieutenant Pine seems to have invented this post just for you.”
Tim cocked his head, refusing to take the bait, his eyes narrowing as he realised that Lucy had company. “You okay?”
Lucy didn’t have time to reply, interrupted by Noah’s enthusiastic greeting as he saluted Tim, followed closely by Lopez, her eyes sharp and curious. Tim nodded politely at Noah, taking a step closer to Lucy.
“Foster. What brings you down from Victorville?”
“That would be me,” Angela said, crossing her arms and looking at Lucy. “Noah can’t remember the licence plate of your truck.”
“I don’t have a truck,” Lucy answered, shaking her head, utterly disconcerted by the change of conversation.
“That’s what I told him.”
Noah rolled his eyes at Angela, holding out his palms to Lucy.
“The truck you came in to the club the other night.”
The pieces clicked into place, but Tim spoke before she could say anything.
“That was my truck.”
“Ah,” Noah grinned mischievously at her. “I should have realised that.”
“Wait, wait…” Chris’ voice startled Lucy, having almost forgotten that he was still standing beside her. He was blinking furiously, shaking his head in confusion. “What is going on here?”
“That’s what I’d like to know.” Nyla arrived on the scene, her words laced with irritation. “I’ve been waiting fifteen minutes in the conference room for you, attorney.” She fixed Chris with a glare that would have withered mould, coming to a stop beside Angela and unconsciously mirroring the same disgruntled stance.
“That’s my cue to leave,” Noah made a wry face at Lucy, tapping her elbow once. “Hey, Bradford! You joining us for lunch?”
Tim raised his eyebrows, which Noah seemed to take for answer, tossing another grin over his shoulder as Angela shunted him back down the corridor before her. 
“I thought we were taking Tamara for lunch at that college welcome afternoon thing?” Tim sidled up to Lucy, slipping his hand into the crook of her elbow. She frowned at him, shaking her head.
“That’s next week, you know that!”
“Oh,” he said, shrugging lightly. “Must have got my days confused.”
“Bradford! My office. Ten minutes!” Grey shot them an exasperated look, throwing his hands in the air and stalking off through the lobby.
“You, with me. Now!” Nyla was just as frustrated, shoving Chris on the shoulder and giving Tim a knowing glare. Chris stumbled once, his eyes flicking between Lucy, Tim, and Tim’s hand, now moving from Lucy’s elbow to the small of her back, turning her gently away from the others and towards himself. She heard Nyla repeat her order, and the shuffle of shoes on vinyl as she herded her charge off to the conference room.
“You ass.” Lucy pulled her hands out of Tim’s grip, slapping him gently in the chest. “You did that on purpose.”
His smile turned into a grin, and he bent down to her, dropping a quick kiss on the side of her lips.
“Did what?” His face radiated innocence, but the bright twinkle in his eye gave him away.
She glared at him, but there was no heat in it.
“Okay fine,” he admitted. “It’s been a long morning, I couldn’t help it.”
She squared her shoulders primly. “Thank you for your honesty.”
He chuckled once, stepping closer to her and wrapping his fingers into her hands. His face became serious.
“Since I’m being honest, I might as well tell you… I also lied to you.”
She felt her heart drop, the blood draining rapidly from her face.
“You…” She paused to swallow, tightening her grip on his fingers. “Okay. About what?”
Tim smiled sheepishly, tilting his head to one side.
“I am jealous. A little. Of Foster.”
Her heart thumped once, painfully, and she felt relief flood through her with a rush, coming out in a breathless laugh.
“He got to spend all that time with you in Sacramento, and I didn’t. All that time without seeing you, without talking to you? Do you realise that’s the longest I’ve ever gone without hearing your voice since the day I first met you?” The question was gruff, but she knew him well enough to read the emotion behind it.
“I thought you’d have enjoyed the peace and quiet,” she quipped, giving him an out.
Tim shook his head, his eyes focused on her. He wasn’t taking it.
“It’s my own fault that I missed out.” There was an unfamiliar, wistful smile on his face, and she tugged on his hands, pulling him down to her level.
“There’s nothing to be jealous of. You and I - we were inevitable. We’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.”
And without thinking, workplace be damned, she kissed him.
Grey’s voice ricocheted around the glass walls of the lobby, and Tim pulled back from her with a grin.
“See you at lunchtime?”
She nodded happily, her forehead still pressed against his.
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readingsquotes · 28 days
Something you have written in the past is that America's in a "monopoly crisis." What do you mean?
So, what you have in a lot of areas — and in most, I think — is monopoly or oligopoly, which is just a small number of companies controlling a market, and [this] is now a systemic feature of the American economy. And it didn't used to be.
There are different ways to measure it. About 75 % of industries in the last 20, 25 years have gotten more consolidated. And we don't have enough public companies for the Wilshire 5000. There are only about 3,400 public companies now. There used to be around 9,000 in the 90s. 
Just the number of big companies is smaller because companies have merged and gotten much, much bigger, and this has a lot of consequences. What you see is wages are much lower than they otherwise would be. You see things like the cost of healthcare, which is largely driven by market power consolidation in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and insurers. The price of an insured family of four has gone from about $10,000 to $15,000 a year in 2008 to about $30,000 a year today
If you just take those two facts of just how much harder it is to move to a new job because of consolidation, that $15,000 to $20,000 increase that we're paying in healthcare, that's a lot of money. That's that every single year. It's basically almost a new car every single year that's just extracted from every family by this increased amount of concentration.
You mean that there's so many monopolies? Yeah, I mean, the crisis is that as people get used to being bossed around, they lose their respect for democracy itself, you see a ton of cynicism. And I think the reason that there's all this cynicism about the rule of law, about the idea of living in a society, is because most people experience living in an authoritarian part of their lives.
I don't want to overstate it. We're not living in a dictatorship or anything. This is still a democracy. The amount of fear in commerce is overwhelming at this point. When you talk to people in lots of different areas, they're afraid to talk about what's going on in their industry because the monopolist can retaliate against them. And so, if you're living in fear, then you're not living. You're not free.
In the 1970s, there were two different political and intellectual movements that won the debate, one within the Republican Party, and one within the Democratic Party. The [winner of the] Republican debate — the one on the right — was the Chicago School. These were the libertarians. And their argument was power doesn't matter. Concentrations of power don’t matter. Conflicts of interest don't matter. Traditional things like usury caps, all that stuff, is very silly. The only thing that matters is efficiency. 
We need to just think about what is most efficient, and to understand efficiency, let's ask economists. They're the scientists, right? We're going to move this political question out of the realm of the public and the citizen and move it to the expert — the scientist, the economist. That's why these political things become the economy. That's why we start using terms like human capital instead of people, or infrastructure instead of bridges.
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paypant · 10 months
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Underwood Law Firm, P.C.
Underwood Law Firm, P.C. is a boutique partition, eminent domain, and civil litigation firm with offices throughout California. Our clients trust the firm with their problems because our practice is limited only to those things that we do well. As a result, clients throughout California seek out the Firm for its one-of-a-kind experience. When talking is not working, we are here to give you a plan of action, and see it to the end no matter the obstacles.
Address: 11755 Wilshire Blvd, #1250, Los Angeles, CA 90025, USA Phone: 213-550-5000 Website: https://www.underwood.law
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invertiryespecular · 2 years
¿Qué supersector si y cual no ha dado entrada comprada en RV EEUU?
¿Qué supersector si y cual no ha dado entrada comprada en RV EEUU?
Los supersectores  son panales que contienen centenares  de empresas cotizantes en EEUU y la suma de todas ellas varios miles está en Russell con 2000 firmas o el Wilshire con 5000 . FINVIZ.COM los agrupa en onvr y esta es una buena información financiera sobre todo para inversores ya que estos pueden entrar en ellos vía Fondos (los típicos de inversión)  de Gestión Activa como de Gestión Pasiva…
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programsbanana · 2 years
Star watch case company dead reckoning
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Banks and huge corporations – kept afloat for years by easy money and the “convoy system” – are in danger of sinking. The economy shrank at an annual rate of more than 3% in the 2nd quarter of this year. Now, things look worse than ever for the Japanese. Our current problems, on the other hand, are shared by much of the world – not the least by Japan itself.”Īs long as Americans were willing to buy more than they could afford, the Japanese economy managed to keep growing…though barely. That was, you might say, quite an achievement. For the past decade, Japan has been an island of depression in a sea of prosperity, its economy stagnating even as other major economies, ours in particular, boomed. “In one way…,” explains Paul Krugman in his NY Times article, “our situation is actually worse than Japan’s. was getting better and better – far better than anyone expected – Japan was going in the opposite direction…with an economy that has proved more intractable than anyone could imagine. Adjusted for inflation, investors who bought at the ’29 peak waited more than a quarter of a century to get back to where they began.)Īnd yet, there, half a world away, the world’s second largest economy has enacted “a morality play designed for our edification.” Does anyone bother to watch? Apparently not. Buying stocks at the top is almost guaranteed to be a losing proposition…unless you are as a long-lived as Methuselah. (He seems unaware that a good navigator needs to recognize the point of departure as well as the destination. Watkins, and millions of others, still believe that a steady hand on the tiller and a close eye on the star of “long-term buy & hold” investing – even through a bear market – will lead to investment success. Stocks have gone down, but there has not been a single day of panic. Watkins, mentioned above, have stood their ground…even in the midst of war, recession, and a bear market. And Wall Street strategists now advise holding 70% of your assets in common stock. “According to the latest survey of fund managers by Merrill Lynch,” writes Marc Faber in his latest letter, “84% of managers expected higher equity prices within the next year, compared to just 10% who saw lower prices.” Abby Cohen, the permanent bull, has become even more bullish. And the Nasdaq has suffered even worse damage.īut the “New Era” stars still shine in the autumn sky – brightly enough to lead perhaps an entire nation to destruction. The Wilshire 5000, as noted above, has lost 40% of its value – a sum estimated at $5 trillion. Since January 2000, the Dow has fallen as low as 8,235. In the 4 years from 1996 to the market’s peak in January 2000, he had turned his face to the heavens and become a believer. Thanks to the twinkle of so many New Era stars, the Fed chief was able to see stocks in a new light. Greenspan alarmed by this even-more-irrational exuberance? Quite the contrary. And within days, the stock market rocketed skyward…and didn’t stop until January of 2000, when the Dow hit 11,722 – more than 5,000 points higher Within days, the astronomers of Wall Street began to discover the distant stars…”the productivity miracle”…”the Peace Dividend”…”the information technology revolution”… “the new economy”…”long-term buy & hold”…and so on. A galaxy of “New Era” rationales launched into space. But soon after, imaginations caught up…inventing a whole cluster of explanations and justifications. Stock market valuations had reached such a high level, that they had out ran imaginations. It was a case of “irrational exuberance”, said Mr. In December of 1996, stocks in America reached an unheard of level…nearly 6500 on the Dow. Does he see himself “turning Japanese” a little more each day…as rate cut after rate cut fails to boost the economy…and consumers, investors, and businessmen turn cautious? Does the world’s most powerful central banker look tired, he must ask himself? Saving the earth can be hard work, he must observe…with a sparkle in his eye…īut perhaps the Fed chief notices a change. Greenspan must look at himself in the mirror each day.
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The Pros and Cons of Index Funds | Stuart, Fl
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Pros and Cons of Index Funds Swept along by the popularity of mutual funds, index funds have become, after almost four decades, more popular. Introduced in the mid-1970s, index mutual funds initially appealed to corporate pension funds because of a growing acceptance of the “efficient-market” theory and compelling evidence showing that well over half of active portfolio managers underperformed the popular averages. The theory behind indexing is that, even if you could not outperform the market, you could at least perform in line with an appropriate index. While active managers use a variety of techniques, including analytical research, qualitative analysis, and judgment to select stocks, an index manager simply selects the stocks held in a particular stock index in the same proportion as they are represented in the index. The top index fund managers have enhanced returns by the timely investment of cash and the use of specific trading strategies. Critics of indexing say the performance advantage of index funds is based on their low cost structure and that absent lower costs, actively managed mutual funds would show more attractive returns. Index Funds: Cost Effective, Tax Efficient. . . There has always been popular debate about the cost structure of the mutual fund industry with load fees, redemption fees, and 12b-1 (marketing) fees adding to the cost of owning funds and subtracting from the total return enjoyed by an investor. Index funds are one of the most cost-effective ways of investing. Each fund, of course, should be analyzed separately to determine the effect expenses have on overall return. Because index funds only change the portfolio when the index changes, their turnover can be as low as 5% vs. up to 100% for some actively managed funds. As their assets under management have swelled, several index funds have steadily reduced their operating costs. Index funds are also tax efficient. Because they reposition the portfolio infrequently—only when a stock is added to or removed from the index—capital gains distributions are generally minimal. Some index funds strive to be even more tax efficient by offsetting realized gains with losses on other holdings. (Many funds now publish tax efficiency numbers along with their performance.) Index Funds: Consider the Options However, not all index funds are created equal. Both costs and returns may vary. Differences are caused by the speedy investment of cash as it comes in the door and having a well-run trading operation, as well as a bit of luck in timing the purchase of stocks. In addition, index managers can vary returns by using futures contracts and exploiting the difference between cash and the futures market. If you are considering adding an index fund to your portfolio, you should take into account the various indices that drive these funds. In addition to the well-known S&P 500 Index, there are funds using the S&P 400 Mid-Cap Index, the Wilshire 5000 Index, the Russell 2000 (small-cap), and even a Total Stock Market Fund. There are funds indexed to foreign exchanges in Europe and Asia, as well as an assortment of emerging stock markets. With over 1,000 different index funds (listed in the Morningstar database) to choose from, investors considering the use of index funds can construct their own diversified portfolios. These might include: a large-cap fund, like the S&P 500; a small-cap fund, like the Russell 2000; and a mid-cap fund, like the S&P 400. Since small- and mid-cap stocks make up about 30% of the total stock market, it might be important to have them represented in a portfolio. While many investment professionals believe there is a strong correlation between the U.S. and foreign markets, some investors may wish to consider a global fund to further enhance diversification. ✅ BOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY: https://calendly.com/tdwealth =========================================================== 🔴 SEE ALL OUR LATEST BLOG POSTS: https://tdwealth.net/articles If you like the content, smash that like button! It tells YouTube you were here, and the Youtube algorithm will show the video to others who may be interested in content like this. So, please hit that LIKE button!💥 🎯🎯🎯Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChmBYECKIzlEBFDDDBu-UIg ✅ Contact me: [email protected] 🔥🔥🔥 ====== ===Get Our FREE GUIDES  ========== 🔥🔥🔥 🎯Retirement Income: The Transition into Retirement: https://davieswealth.tdwealth.net/retirement-income-transition-into-retirement 🎯Beginner's Guide to Investing Basics: https://davieswealth.tdwealth.net/investing-basics ✅ LET’S GET SOCIAL Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaviesWealthManagement Twitter: https://twitter.com/TDWealthNet Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviesrthomas Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TdwealthNetWealthManagement Lat and Long 27.17404889406371, -80.24410438798957 Davies Wealth Management 684 SE Monterey Road Stuart, FL 34994 772-210-4031 https://TDWealth.Net           Read the full article
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equityflows · 6 years
Warren Buffet Valuation Indicator: US Stocks Overvalued - Q2 2018
Warren Buffet Valuation Indicator: US Stocks Overvalued – Q2 2018
Warren Buffett Valuation Indicator
The value of all the equities in the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Full Cap Index currently stands at $30.23 trillion dollars. This represents approximately 130% of the country’s GNP. For comparison the long-term average is 74.3% and therefore suggests US stocks are currently on the high side.
The chart above measures price against value. This is calculated by…
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gagosiangallery · 3 years
Albert Oehlen at the Marciano Art Foundation, Los Angeles
June 4, 2021
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ALBERT OEHLEN Tramonto Spaventoso
June 10–August 7, 2021 Gagosian at the Marciano Art Foundation, 4357 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles __________ Gagosian is pleased to present Albert Oehlen’s Tramonto Spaventoso (2019–20). This is the first time that Oehlen’s provocative and personal response to the Rothko Chapel in Houston is being exhibited in its entirety; the first part was shown at the Serpentine Galleries, London, in 2019–20, the second at Gagosian Beverly Hills earlier this year. The paintings are installed in a custom-built octagonal structure in the Grand Theater Gallery of the Marciano Art Foundation, reflecting the layout of the original chapel. Oehlen uses abstract, figurative, and collaged elements—often applying self-imposed strategic constraints—to disrupt the histories and conventions of modern painting. While championing self-consciously “bad” painting characterized by crude drawing and jarring coloration, he infuses expressive gesture with Surrealist attitude, openly disparaging the quest for reliable form and stable meaning. In the eight large-scale paintings that constitute the Tramonto Spaventoso project, Oehlen variously interprets and dramatically transforms John Graham’s Tramonto Spaventoso (Terrifying Sunset, 1940–49), a painting by the Russian-born American modernist that Oehlen discovered in the 1990s and has been fascinated with ever since.
In a startling act of creative homage, Oehlen interprets Graham’s puzzle-like image in myriad ways across multiple compositions. Using acrylic, spray paint, charcoal, and patterned fabric on canvas, he reworks various motifs from the original, including a mermaid and a man sporting a monocle and a Daliesque moustache. Combining graphic brushstrokes, deliberate “painterly” drips, and textural obfuscations, he tests the limits of coherence and legibility, challenging the viewer with unexpected aesthetic and thematic shifts. The work is illustrated in the catalogue recently published on the occasion of the Beverly Hills exhibition. Albert Oehlen was born in 1954 in Krefeld, Germany, and currently lives and works in Switzerland. Collections include the Broad, Los Angeles; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Art Institute of Chicago; Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami, FL; Cleveland Museum of Art; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museo Jumex, Mexico City; Tate, London; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany; and Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Exhibitions include Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy (2009); Réalité Abstraite, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris (2009); Terpentin, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany (2012); Malerei, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna (2013); 55th Biennale di Venezia (2013); Die 5000 Finger von Dr. Ö, Museum Wiesbaden, Germany (2014); Home and Garden, New Museum, New York (2015); An Old Painting in Spirit, Kunsthalle Zürich (2015); Behind the Image, Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain (2017); Woods near Oehle, Cleveland Museum of Art (2018); TRANCE, Aïshti Foundation, Beirut (2018); Cows by the Water, Palazzo Grassi, Venice (2018–19); Unfertig, Lokremise Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Switzerland (2019); and Serpentine Galleries, London (2019–20). _____ Albert Oehlen, never sleep again / at the steering wheel a man is a man / starter – turn me on, 2019, charcoal and acrylic on canvas, in 3 parts, overall: 145 7/8 × 245 7/8 inches (370.4 × 624.3 cm) © Albert Oehlen. Photo: Jeff McLane
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ennovance · 3 years
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Is the bottom 99.9% feeling good hearing about inequality?
The wealthy 0.1% largely have central banks to thank for their good fortune last year. By slashing interest rates and amassing assets, central banks helped the price of shares, property and bonds rebound. Their economic-rescue effort was, in many ways, a triumph. Yet central banks are not entirely at ease with the role they have played in comforting the comfortable
Wilshire 5000 Total Market Full Cap Index 🤔do you think the market capitalization would be this high NOW without covid19?
#stock #stockmarket #stimuluscheck #stimulus #ennovance #investing #stock #
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gigslist · 4 years
10 Orgs With Grants for Individual Artists
Sources for Individual Artists
This is a list of foundations that provide funding to individual artists. Please contact them directly for more specific information about their programs.
Roy W. Dean Grants
Offers grants annually to films that are unique and benefit society. Three grants (Spring, Summer, Fall) offer services, discounts, a cash award, and other benefits to film and video makers. The foundation also sells the book, The Art of Film Funding. 
From the Heart Productions 1455 Mandalay Beach Road Oxnard, CA 93035-2845 Phone: (805) 984-0098 Email: [email protected] Website: www.fromtheheartproductions.com 
Artist Trust
Grants, fellowships, and other opportunities for Washington State artists in all disciplines.
Artist Trust 1835 12th Avenue Seattle, WA  98122-2437 Phone: (206) 467-8734 Toll free: 1 (866) 21-TRUST Fax: (206) 467-9633 Email: [email protected]  Website: www.artisttrust.org 
Creative Capital
Offers grants to individuals in the Performing & Visual Arts, Film/Video, Literature, and Emerging Fields. Creative Capital provides each funded project with up to $50,000 in direct funding and career development services valued at $40,000, for a total commitment of up to $90,000 per project.
Creative Capital 65 Bleecker Street,7th Floor New York, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 598-9900 Fax: (212) 598-4934 Email: [email protected] Website: www.creative-capital.org/
Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Inc.
Grants to poets, fiction and nonfiction writers, visual artists, and for a mixed-genre category (illustration and text) to feminist women in the arts; amount ranges from $500 to $1,500. Two application deadlines each year: December 31 (Visual Art, Mixed Genre, and Fiction) and June 30 (Nonfiction and Poetry). Application materials are online in PDF form or by mail (send them a SASE.) Application fee is $25.
Money for Women Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Inc. P.O. Box 309 Wilton, NH 03086 Email: [email protected] Website: http://demingfund.org
The Puffin Foundation
Grants up to $2,500; average grant is approximately $1,250. Applications will be available September 1, 2013, for the 2014 grant cycle for artists in music, photography, theater, and public interest.  Application deadline is December 27, 2013.
The Puffin Foundation 20 Puffin Way Teaneck, NJ 07666 Phone: (201) 836-3400 Executive Director: Gladys Miller-Rosenstein No email — contact forms are available here. Website: www.puffinfoundation.org
Kentucky Foundation for Women, Inc.
Giving to feminist visual artists in Kentucky working in painting, sculpture, puppetry, crafts, photography exhibits, multi-media, with the goal of bringing about social change through the arts. Each year the KFW awards $200,000 through two grant programs. Other opportunities include retreats, residencies, workshops, and an informative e-newsletter, the “KFW Hot Flash”. 
Kentucky Foundation for Women, Inc 1215 Heyburn Bldg. 332 W. Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: (502) 562-0045 Toll-free: (866) 654-7564 Fax: (502) 561-0420 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kfw.org
Independent Television Service (ITVS)
ITVS seeks proposals for public TV programs that take creative risks, serve underrepresented audiences and express points of view seldom seen on commercial or public TV. Applicants must be independent producers with previous film or TV production experience in a principal role. Students are not eligible.
Open Call provides finishing funds for single non-fiction public television programs on any subject, from any viewpoint. Projects must have begun production as evidenced by a work-in-progress video.
International Initiative provides production funds for single documentaries that bring international perspectives, ideas, stories and people to television and other media platforms. Please read our new submissions guidelines carefully. We no longer have a submission deadline but consider projects on a rolling basis. You may submit a project inquiry at any time.
The Diversity Development Fund provides up to $15,000 in research and development funding to producers of color to develop single documentary programs for public television. Producers must be U.S. citizens or legal residents.
LOCAL INDEPENDENTS COLLABORATING WITH STATIONS (LINCS) provides matching funds (up to $100,000) to partnerships between public television stations and independent producers. LINCS funds single non-fiction public television programs and demonstration projects that include both broadcast and transmedia elements on any subject and from any viewpoint. LINCS proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis. Producers must be U.S. citizens or legal residents.
Series and Special Projects — ITVS accept proposals on an ongoing basis for commissioned documentary projects that fall outside of the parameters of the standing initiatives (DDF, LINCS, OPEN CALL).
Independent Television Service 651 Brannan Street, Suite 410 San Francisco, CA  94107 Phone: (415) 356-8383 Fax: (415) 356-8391 Email: [email protected]  Website:www.itvs.org/funding/
Lambda Literary Foundation
Awards in a variety of categories for published work and for three categories of writers.
Lambda Literary Foundation 5482 Wilshire Blvd., #1595 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Phone/Fax: (323) 366-2104 Complete contact info is available here. Website: http://www.lambdaliterary.org/
San Francisco Film Society
Grants to encourage new and diverse works by film and video artists who have little likelihood of being supported through traditional funding sources. Has recently taken stewardship of all former Film Arts Foundation programs.
San Francisco Film Society
39 Mesa St., Suite 110
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129-1025 Phone: (415) 561-5000 Fax: (415) 440-1760 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.sffs.org
Leeway Foundation
Grants to support women and transgender artists in the Delaware Valley Region who create art for social change. Art and Change Grant provides up to $2,500 for project-based work and the Leeway Transformation Award gives $15,000 in unrestricted funds to artists who demonstrate a long-term commitment to social change work by having done work in this area for the past five years or more,.
The Leeway Foundation The Philadelphia Building 1315 Walnut St. Suite 832 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: (215) 545-4078 Fax: (215) 545-4021 Contact form available here. Website: www.leeway.org
NOTE:  Many state arts agencies also fund individual artists.
Source: https://www.womenarts.org/funding-resources/sourcesforindividualartists/
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aitanjavad · 4 years
Opções Binárias é seguro?
Mas, afinal, o que são opções binárias?
Opções binárias são instrumentos financeiros que permitem aos negociantes realizar previsões sobre o preço de um determinado ativo, não sendo necessário possuir nenhum ativo. Ou seja, você apenas diz se uma ação vai subir ou cair e investe nesse “resultado”. O nome “binário” vem do fato de que há somente duas opções de resultado (acerto ou erro).
Nas opções binárias, você vende ou compra a opção de um ativo, não o próprio ativo em si. É bem mais simples do que a bolsa de valores (onde você precisa comprar o ativo e acompanhar seu preço, decidindo a hora de sair). Nas opções binárias você apenas investe no resultado (vai subir ou vai cair) dentro de um prazo estabelecido.
Essa modalidade teve seu surgimento em 2008 e seu início de regulação foi em 2012.
Por que escolher este método?
Porque se trata de um sistema muito simples onde você investe determinado montante de dinheiro (aguardando um período de tempo específico) e tenta prever se seu valor irá subir ou descer.
Mas, antes de começar a investir seu dinheiro, recomenda-se que você crie uma conta de demonstração em uma corretora. Existem muitas corretoras binárias que disponibilizam esse tipo de conta (Demo) para seus usuários. A maioria delas disponibiliza também tutoriais e materiais educacionais, como apresentações, vídeos, e-books, entre outros, a fim de ajudar você a aprender e ganhar experiência, vindo a se tornar um negociante de sucesso. Aproveite este material!
Recomendamos que você crie uma conta na Binary.com, que é a melhor corretora para brasileiros operarem opções binárias.
Ok, mas como funciona exatamente?
Como já dito anteriormente, neste investimento você tem um determinado ativo e um tempo pré-determinado de operação. Então você tem duas possibilidades de operação:
Se você acredita que o preço do ativo irá subir neste intervalo de tempo, você opta pela operação de CALL (compra).
Se você acredita que o preço do ativo irá cair neste intervalo de tempo, você opta pela operação de PULL (venda).
A diferença em relação a outros tipos de investimentos é que o investidor é remunerado com um valor fixo caso ele esteja certo, podendo ganhar em torno de 70 e 90% do investimento. Porém, caso esteja errado, a perda será o valor total do investimento.
A negociação deste instrumento financeiro é feita através de brokers que disponibilizam as suas plataformas online para a realização das negociações. É possível negociar manualmente com sistemas de sinais ou então utilizar sistemas automáticos de negociação – os robots.
Para começar a negociar com uma corretora binária (logo após seu depósito de investimento), você terá de escolher quais os ativos que deseja transacionar e assim definir os tempos de expiração. Estes se dividem em três grupos principais: curtos (15 segundos, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 2 minutos, 5 minutos, 15 minutos, 30 minutos), médios (1 hora, 10 horas, 24 horas, final do dia) e longos (final de semana, final do mês, 30 dias, 150 dias, final do ano).
Existem muitos tipos de opções de comércio que podem ser usadas para transacionar, e essa decisão é um dos passos mais importantes no comércio de opções binárias.
Para os novos negociantes, o mais fácil é usar as opções Dinheiro-ou-nada, que, como já mencionado acima, consiste em apostar no aumento ou na descida do valor do ativo, não importando o valor final, mas apenas se está acima ou abaixo do valor à altura da colocação da aposta.
Ao contrário da opção anterior, no Ativos-ou-nada o pagamento é determinado pelo preço do ativo em si. Este requer um maior conhecimento do mercado financeiro, estando por dentro dos preços dos ativos e suas últimas flutuações.
Já para os negociantes mais experientes, outro tipo de opção binária é One Touch, que requer que se faça uma previsão do valor específico do ativo – essa opção termina quando o ativo atinge um valor determinado. A dificuldade está em que o preço chegue ao valor escolhido dentro do período de tempo que dura a operação.
A opção No Touch apresenta a mesma filosofia do One Touch, porém neste caso o ativo selecionado não deverá atingir o valor específico no tempo de expiração selecionado.
Por último, mas não menos importante, existe a modalidade 60 seconds, que, como o nome já sugere, são operações muito rápidas. É muito popular entre os que já tem alguma experiência. Esta opção permite fechar rapidamente a operação antes que haja uma inversão de preços, desde que exista uma tendência muito definida de um preço.
Cabe ressaltar que cada broker tenta oferecer algo diferente, então é comum encontrar variações a estes formatos.
Que tipos de ativos podem ser transacionados?
Ações, bens, índices ou pares cambiais. No entanto, cada corretora disponibiliza diferentes tipos de ativos.
Para transacionar ações é importante saber o máximo de informação possível sobre as empresas. Se uma empresa apresenta dados financeiros positivos e um bom plano de investimento, então existem probabilidades excelentes do valor das ações desta empresa aumentarem. Exemplos de ações populares: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Audi.
Negociar em pares cambiais significa investir seus fundos na taxa de câmbio de um determinado par cambial, como, por exemplo, USD/EUR, EUR/GBP, GBP/USD.
Uma das formas mais fáceis entre os ativos da negociação binária são os bens, por serem conhecidos como os ativos mais previsíveis entre todos, devido à sua estabilidade habitual (demografia, quota de produção, tempo, fluxos comerciais). Os mais populares são: petróleo, café, gás, ouro, prata, açúcar e milho.
Na maioria das corretoras binárias, entre os índices transacionais mais populares e disponíveis, estão Dow Jones, S&P500, Wilshire 5000, Nasdaq e Russel 2000. Escolher este tipo de ativo requer saber que sua previsão é sempre algo difícil de antecipar, pois o valor dos índices não está sujeito a alterações extremas, ou seja, existem sempre pequenas flutuações entre eles.
Mas não sei bem como ser um Trader (investidor do mercado financeiro)… o que posso fazer?
Existem no mercado alguns robots de auto trading. O auto trading é útil para negociantes que não possuem experiência nas opções binárias, pois se trata de uma negociação automática. Com ele é possível realizar vários negócios usando várias técnicas sem ter que acompanhar o mercado constantemente. Ou seja, ele faz praticamente tudo por você!
E a pergunta que não quer calar: é seguro?
No mercado de opções binárias você tem duas possibilidades: ter um alto lucro sobre o seu capital ou perder tudo o que tem. Isso já seria um enorme ponto de alerta para quem cogita este tipo de investimento. É um mercado extremamente volátil, onde muitas vezes você não tem todas as informações necessárias para uma análise.
Existem milhares de corretoras para negociar no mercado e esse número não para de crescer. Contudo, existem muitas corretoras fraudulentas, portanto sugere-se ter muito cuidado na escolha. Normalmente, corretoras regulamentadas apresentam altos padrões de segurança e o dinheiro dos negociantes é segregado para contas especiais onde fica totalmente seguro.
Um diferencial das opções binárias é o fato de os negociantes não se encontrarem limitados a transacionar apenas com ativos que estão situados em sua localização, podendo assim negociar em qualquer ativo de qualquer parte do mundo, devendo somente estar ciente de estar transacionando de acordo com o fuso horário do mercado escolhido.
O órgão regulador do Brasil é denominado de Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN), e regulamenta a indústria binária. Qualquer corretora que deseje operar no Brasil terá de conseguir uma licença a fim de poder operar legalmente. Apesar de ainda ser um mercado pouco explorado no país, a negociação com as opções binárias estão firmes no mercado internacional, sendo bem aceitas e difundidas entre os negociantes.
Para responder à pergunta sobre a legalidade das opções binárias como uma entidade comercial, vai depender de qual parte do mundo você está: negociação com os corretores que estão localizados em países que classificam opções binárias como uma operação legal no mercado financeiro.
O perigo não é em saber se as opções binárias são consideradas legais ou não, mas se há proteção para o cliente em caso de calamidades financeiras. Corretoras grandes e confiáveis não apresentam esse tipo de problema.
Qual a melhor corretora para operar?
É muito importante escolher uma corretora de confiança, segura, para evitar dores de cabeça. Como esse mercado é relativamente novo, muitas corretoras estrangeiras não aceitam brasileiros. Felizmente, a Binary.com, uma das melhores corretoras para operar opções binárias do mundo, aceita. Sem dúvida, essa é a corretora mais recomendada.
Onde posso aprender a operar com opções binárias?
Se você quer aprender a fundo como operar e ganhar dinheiro com opções binárias, recomendo o Trader Milionário que vai lhe dar acesso ao maior Grupo de Sinais de Opções Binárias do mercado.
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vveracityy-blog · 4 years
Opções Binárias é seguro?
Mas, afinal, o que são opções binárias?
Opções binárias são instrumentos financeiros que permitem aos negociantes realizar previsões sobre o preço de um determinado ativo, não sendo necessário possuir nenhum ativo. Ou seja, você apenas diz se uma ação vai subir ou cair e investe nesse “resultado”. O nome “binário” vem do fato de que há somente duas opções de resultado (acerto ou erro).
Nas opções binárias, você vende ou compra a opção de um ativo, não o próprio ativo em si. É bem mais simples do que a bolsa de valores (onde você precisa comprar o ativo e acompanhar seu preço, decidindo a hora de sair). Nas opções binárias você apenas investe no resultado (vai subir ou vai cair) dentro de um prazo estabelecido.
Essa modalidade teve seu surgimento em 2008 e seu início de regulação foi em 2012.
Por que escolher este método?
Porque se trata de um sistema muito simples onde você investe determinado montante de dinheiro (aguardando um período de tempo específico) e tenta prever se seu valor irá subir ou descer.
Mas, antes de começar a investir seu dinheiro, recomenda-se que você crie uma conta de demonstração em uma corretora. Existem muitas corretoras binárias que disponibilizam esse tipo de conta (Demo) para seus usuários. A maioria delas disponibiliza também tutoriais e materiais educacionais, como apresentações, vídeos, e-books, entre outros, a fim de ajudar você a aprender e ganhar experiência, vindo a se tornar um negociante de sucesso. Aproveite este material!
Recomendamos que você crie uma conta na Binary.com, que é a melhor corretora para brasileiros operarem opções binárias.
Ok, mas como funciona exatamente?
Como já dito anteriormente, neste investimento você tem um determinado ativo e um tempo pré-determinado de operação. Então você tem duas possibilidades de operação:
Se você acredita que o preço do ativo irá subir neste intervalo de tempo, você opta pela operação de CALL (compra).
Se você acredita que o preço do ativo irá cair neste intervalo de tempo, você opta pela operação de PULL (venda).
A diferença em relação a outros tipos de investimentos é que o investidor é remunerado com um valor fixo caso ele esteja certo, podendo ganhar em torno de 70 e 90% do investimento. Porém, caso esteja errado, a perda será o valor total do investimento.
A negociação deste instrumento financeiro é feita através de brokers que disponibilizam as suas plataformas online para a realização das negociações. É possível negociar manualmente com sistemas de sinais ou então utilizar sistemas automáticos de negociação – os robots.
Para começar a negociar com uma corretora binária (logo após seu depósito de investimento), você terá de escolher quais os ativos que deseja transacionar e assim definir os tempos de expiração. Estes se dividem em três grupos principais: curtos (15 segundos, 30 segundos, 60 segundos, 2 minutos, 5 minutos, 15 minutos, 30 minutos), médios (1 hora, 10 horas, 24 horas, final do dia) e longos (final de semana, final do mês, 30 dias, 150 dias, final do ano).
Existem muitos tipos de opções de comércio que podem ser usadas para transacionar, e essa decisão é um dos passos mais importantes no comércio de opções binárias.
Para os novos negociantes, o mais fácil é usar as opções Dinheiro-ou-nada, que, como já mencionado acima, consiste em apostar no aumento ou na descida do valor do ativo, não importando o valor final, mas apenas se está acima ou abaixo do valor à altura da colocação da aposta.
Ao contrário da opção anterior, no Ativos-ou-nada o pagamento é determinado pelo preço do ativo em si. Este requer um maior conhecimento do mercado financeiro, estando por dentro dos preços dos ativos e suas últimas flutuações.
Já para os negociantes mais experientes, outro tipo de opção binária é One Touch, que requer que se faça uma previsão do valor específico do ativo – essa opção termina quando o ativo atinge um valor determinado. A dificuldade está em que o preço chegue ao valor escolhido dentro do período de tempo que dura a operação.
A opção No Touch apresenta a mesma filosofia do One Touch, porém neste caso o ativo selecionado não deverá atingir o valor específico no tempo de expiração selecionado.
Por último, mas não menos importante, existe a modalidade 60 seconds, que, como o nome já sugere, são operações muito rápidas. É muito popular entre os que já tem alguma experiência. Esta opção permite fechar rapidamente a operação antes que haja uma inversão de preços, desde que exista uma tendência muito definida de um preço.
Cabe ressaltar que cada broker tenta oferecer algo diferente, então é comum encontrar variações a estes formatos.
Que tipos de ativos podem ser transacionados?
Ações, bens, índices ou pares cambiais. No entanto, cada corretora disponibiliza diferentes tipos de ativos.
Para transacionar ações é importante saber o máximo de informação possível sobre as empresas. Se uma empresa apresenta dados financeiros positivos e um bom plano de investimento, então existem probabilidades excelentes do valor das ações desta empresa aumentarem. Exemplos de ações populares: Microsoft, Google, Apple, Audi.
Negociar em pares cambiais significa investir seus fundos na taxa de câmbio de um determinado par cambial, como, por exemplo, USD/EUR, EUR/GBP, GBP/USD.
Uma das formas mais fáceis entre os ativos da negociação binária são os bens, por serem conhecidos como os ativos mais previsíveis entre todos, devido à sua estabilidade habitual (demografia, quota de produção, tempo, fluxos comerciais). Os mais populares são: petróleo, café, gás, ouro, prata, açúcar e milho.
Na maioria das corretoras binárias, entre os índices transacionais mais populares e disponíveis, estão Dow Jones, S&P500, Wilshire 5000, Nasdaq e Russel 2000. Escolher este tipo de ativo requer saber que sua previsão é sempre algo difícil de antecipar, pois o valor dos índices não está sujeito a alterações extremas, ou seja, existem sempre pequenas flutuações entre eles.
Mas não sei bem como ser um Trader (investidor do mercado financeiro)… o que posso fazer?
Existem no mercado alguns robots de auto trading. O auto trading é útil para negociantes que não possuem experiência nas opções binárias, pois se trata de uma negociação automática. Com ele é possível realizar vários negócios usando várias técnicas sem ter que acompanhar o mercado constantemente. Ou seja, ele faz praticamente tudo por você!
E a pergunta que não quer calar: é seguro?
No mercado de opções binárias você tem duas possibilidades: ter um alto lucro sobre o seu capital ou perder tudo o que tem. Isso já seria um enorme ponto de alerta para quem cogita este tipo de investimento. É um mercado extremamente volátil, onde muitas vezes você não tem todas as informações necessárias para uma análise.
Existem milhares de corretoras para negociar no mercado e esse número não para de crescer. Contudo, existem muitas corretoras fraudulentas, portanto sugere-se ter muito cuidado na escolha. Normalmente, corretoras regulamentadas apresentam altos padrões de segurança e o dinheiro dos negociantes é segregado para contas especiais onde fica totalmente seguro.
Um diferencial das opções binárias é o fato de os negociantes não se encontrarem limitados a transacionar apenas com ativos que estão situados em sua localização, podendo assim negociar em qualquer ativo de qualquer parte do mundo, devendo somente estar ciente de estar transacionando de acordo com o fuso horário do mercado escolhido.
O órgão regulador do Brasil é denominado de Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN), e regulamenta a indústria binária. Qualquer corretora que deseje operar no Brasil terá de conseguir uma licença a fim de poder operar legalmente. Apesar de ainda ser um mercado pouco explorado no país, a negociação com as opções binárias estão firmes no mercado internacional, sendo bem aceitas e difundidas entre os negociantes.
Para responder à pergunta sobre a legalidade das opções binárias como uma entidade comercial, vai depender de qual parte do mundo você está: negociação com os corretores que estão localizados em países que classificam opções binárias como uma operação legal no mercado financeiro.
O perigo não é em saber se as opções binárias são consideradas legais ou não, mas se há proteção para o cliente em caso de calamidades financeiras. Corretoras grandes e confiáveis não apresentam esse tipo de problema.
Qual a melhor corretora para operar?
É muito importante escolher uma corretora de confiança, segura, para evitar dores de cabeça. Como esse mercado é relativamente novo, muitas corretoras estrangeiras não aceitam brasileiros. Felizmente, a Binary.com, uma das melhores corretoras para operar opções binárias do mundo, aceita. Sem dúvida, essa é a corretora mais recomendada.
Onde posso aprender a operar com opções binárias?
Se você quer aprender a fundo como operar e ganhar dinheiro com opções binárias, recomendo o Trader Milionário que vai lhe dar acesso ao maior Grupo de Sinais de Opções Binárias do mercado.
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kimblecharting · 6 years
Stock Market Bulls Hope Wilshire 5000 Isn’t Topping Here!
Stock Market Bulls Hope Wilshire 5000 Isn’t Topping Here!
The Wilshire 5000 Index has spent the past 30 years trading within a bullish price channel up-trend – see (1) in today’s chart above.  The price action of late has NOT broken the long-term bull trend.
Though the latest move off the 2009 lows has been bullish, and quite strong, it has taken the broad stock market index to the top of this bullish channel.  
That alone is a reason for concern as…
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