techiehalt · 5 years
This Wind turbine produces electricity ⚡ from moving Vehicles 🚌. 👉Follow @techiehalt for more💻👈 . . Tag your friends 🙋 . . Follow ➡@techiehalt Follow ➡@techiehalt . . Like❤️share📤 comment 🙌 #windturbine #windturbines #windmills #windturbinetech #turbines #renewableenergy #parisagreement #geothermalenergy #windturbines #power #energy #renewableenergysources #sustainableenergy #windfarm #windfarms #solarenergy #windenergy #cleanenergy #energysource #uniprimetech #gogreen #greenenergy #cleanpower #hydropower #powerstation #windpower #electricity #globalwarming #naturalenergy #pollutionfree #Gadgets https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxt-djDAsFF/?igshid=bac8thc4oa4r
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ramblinmandan · 7 years
Spare Key
So most of us Wind Turbine Techs drive these big fancy pick up trucks, and they come with a key fob (The Ram trucks do anyway). Inside of that key fob, there’s a spare key that’s designed to allow you to unlock the door. May I suggest that you remove that spare key, place it in a magnetic hide-a-key box, and hide that somewhere on your truck?
Do be sure to hide it somewhere out of sight, and somewhere that if it were to fall (since we spend so much time on bumpy roads) it would be caught by another part, like in the rear bumper, or under the bed rail.
You’re welcome. :)
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ramblinmandan · 7 years
Safety, safety, safety. We hear about it all the time. We talk about it every morning. Then we go into the field, and I see some folks just forget about it. 
If you’re doing something that’s un-safe for you, i’m going to talk to you directly, and see if you understand, and if you care to know.
If you’re doing something that’s un-safe to other technicians, I will personally see to it you get removed from site immediately, and I will not make any exceptions to that; other technicians lives are on the line, and i’ll be damned if i’m going to stand idly by while you place others in harms way.
That being said, let me encourage you to have a mindset of safety, all day, every day, in every thing you do. Think about what you’re about to do, think about what could go wrong, and think about how you can prevent issues before they become problems. That’s what safety is all about.
Also know this: Every tower, every technician, every day: If we go up together, we come down together, and i’ll bet my life on it. 
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ramblinmandan · 7 years
Winners get shit done, losers talk about getting shit done. Be a winner.
Your attitude is a result of the way people treat you, and how you choose to respond. So many times I see people respond with anger, justification, fear, greed, or some sense of superiority; stop that, stop all of that.
You have a choice, every minute of every day, to present yourself any way you choose. Are you presenting someone who others want to follow, or are you presenting someone who others want to avoid? Worse, are you presenting someone that others want to get rid of?
While I don’t waste my time worrying about the opinions of others, I do make a point to maintain focus on what my attitude should be:
I’m here to do a job, and i need to focus on that job.
I’m here to help my fellow techs in any way I can, without stepping outside the bounds of my job.
I’m here to see that we’re all working safely and with a mindset of quality.
If you work with me, you’ll probably hear me say, “I’m here to commission turbines and chew bubblegum, and I ain’t got no bubblegum”. Pro tip: I don’t chew gum. ;)
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ramblinmandan · 7 years
One of the common problems I see among people in the field is how much value they place in their perception of another. 
I’m a, “Say what you mean and mean what you say” kind of guys, and I find myself having to say that a few times at each site I go to. I take the words of others the same way, I treat them as if they simply mean what they said, and they say what they mean, which is a much simpler way to get things done.
Oh so often I find that some people just don’t have that clear communication thing down quite right, and they end up frustrated because they’re not getting the response they expected, even though they didn’t speak their intentions clearly. Then things get worse when they make assumptions about the meaning behind what other people say, or their actions, and they take it to another level. In the vane of, “Bitching about something without offering a solution is just bitching”, let me suggest this:
Take people at face value. Don’t add your own perception onto it, and don’t judge people, just take it as it comes, and expect people to say what they mean, and mean what they say, just as we all should be doing.
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