#Wondero Reposted
wondero28 · 2 years
Taking a Bath w/ 4*Town
Ok so like- nothing super spicy (spicy=nsfw) happens, but its a set of imagines where you’re getting in a tub with a young adult man-whos in a boyband- whos usually pretty pent up with stress - SOME THINGS ARE GOING TO BE A LITTLE SUGGESTIVE IM SORRY
Anyway this was a lot of fun to write ✨
Current Me Notes: posting this one earlier because it was one of my most well received posts. Bless the original person who requested this gem
- So I’m not going to lie, bathing or showering with Robaire PROBABLY isnt new if you both have been together for awhile. Baths are one of his favorite ways to relax with you & he will have no shame sitting with you in a tub for an hour just listening to you talk. You can talk about anything too- he’ll just listen and smile and hold your hand! He gives it little kisses every so often just to make you grin
- And unless you set up the bath- he’s going to make a nice hot water bath with one of his expensive ass bath bombs (and hey if you want to choose- you can! He definitely has ones w/ stuff like jewlery inside, you always get to keep whatever comes out). I imagine a lot of his bath bombs smell like mints or coffees, they’re strong so he’s not really offended if you dont want one. He will go out & get ones of smells you like though- just for you and him to use together
- But baths with Robaire are ✨relaxing✨ anytime. Depending on where he’s situated in the tub, he’ll be rubbing either your back & arms or your chest & shoulders. He’s very determined to get you to loosen up in the bath. If you refuse to then he’s going to bury you with kisses ok your jaw, neck, & shoulders while he grumbles about how you deserve rest (and the world. He’s a simp). He’s also definitely going to serenade you from time to time, him & T share this trait & it’s precious. He’ll make up a little tune anout the both of you in a bath
- He’s surprisingly not all that flirty or dirty minded in the bath, even if you get playful he’ll still have his goal of getting you to relax. Though- how you choose to ‘relax’ can completely be up to you as long as you ask him 👀
- And now while he’s very level headed & suave in the tub after a bit, when you both first took a bath together to ‘relax’??? He was a fucking mess. It doesn’t matter if he’s seen your body before, the mans face was heated and full of blush. And when the both of you were against each other in the tub?? He could not for the life of him look you in the eye. He was so fucking shy & blown away by how absolutely wonderful you looked. He’s too flustered to tell you that though- you’ll probably have to bring him back down to earth with kisses or a thump to the head
- Also im just going to say there’s no way the two of you actually like ‘relaxed’ the first time y’all bathed together. He is a very basic man who loves his absolutely stellar S/O & he will apologize profusely for anything that happens under the water (👀)
- No but really Robaire is a man of service. Relaxing baths with him are great, he probably wants to do them often with you to take off his own stress (hold him- please he needs it). After the bath he’ll always help you dry off & get dressed if you let him. You both probably smell like vanilla or lavender from the bath bomb
- He’s a very wholesome person for his lover in the bath, he does whatever he can & is really just a sweetheart overall
- ok so like- anytime you ask to bathe with Jesse he just gets a big cocky grin on his face. He probably makes some kind of teasing remark like “oh you want to ‘relax’ with me in the tub huh? Suuuurreee”. Just smack him- honestly. He has no problem bathing with you but do understand you’ll need to yank his mind out of the gutter
- It’s not even that he’s necessarily a perv or anything, he just sees bathing together as a VERY intimate activity. Just as intimate as other bedroom activities 👀. But if you’re really stressed & just need some time with him? He’ll do his best
- Jesse doesn’t mind setting the bath up, he likes the water to be really fucking hot though so unless you’re ready to step into steaming bubbly water you need to watch him & make sure he doesn’t boil you. And speaking of bubbles, jesse has some of the best & weirdest body wash? It works amazingly & smells like the freshness of nature but it bubbles up insanely (and he 100% lets you give him a bubble mohawk)
- Baths with Jesse are… playful to say the least. Even if you’re in need of relaxing he’ll be trying to find ways to get you riled up & giggly unless you tell him no. He ALWAYS insists on sitting behind you too, even if you’re bigger. He wants you to lean back on him so he can rub your chest & stomach (also he probably playfully pinches you to keep your attention, im sorry but i cannot view him as anything other then a little teasing shit). And if course he isn’t opposed to giving you a massage- he’s good with his hands afterall! The only issue is that Jesse is VERY strong, and he can be a bit rough on accident so you need to tell him if he’s being too much
- Otherwise baths with Jesse are flirty & sweet. He makes bad puns & every time you groan or whine at how bad it is he’ll just kiss your shoulder (honestly he’s also probably bitten you before just to get a reaction). But really he’s going to be flooding you with mildly inappropriate compliments about how good you look or how nice it feels having you wrapped up in his arms. And if you’re genuinely still upset he will talk it out with you & drop the flirty persona
- So Jesse is confident in his body, he thinks hes pretty afterall✨ but you?? You he thinks is better then the entire fucking world. So when you asked him to bathe with you the first time he just- he stopped working. Jesse straight up froze & just looked at you for a long time. When he finally processed what you said, his face & ears went pink with blush and a smile crept onto his face. Even if he’s seen your body before- like i said he sees bathing together as very intimate. So he’s IMMEDIATELY excited. You’ll have to explain its JUST for laying around and relaxing, he’ll be a little deflated but it wont take long for him to get back on his bullshit & make you as flustered as possible. Seeing you in the bath w: bubbles just makes Jesse go feral (im sorry) so a lot of the first bath with Jesse was him lowkey trying to feel you up with loving back & shoulder rubs (accompanied by kisses ofc)
- After baths he makes sure you don’t slip & die or anything- don’t let him dry you though. That always turns into something else (im so sorry again)
- Overall- hes sweet. Loving- a little TOO loving for certain things, but he’s good & well behaved when you tell him to be
- Also i want to point out- i dont think jesse is OFTEN such a feral horndog- i think baths are just a thing for him
Tae Young
- His face & ears are red. Doesn’t matter if you guys do it every day or once a year. The guy is red. He cannot help it. You are simply too perfect & amazing looking in the tub. Tae isn’t even always embarrassed or surprised, his face just heats up at the idea of a bath with you
- Similarly to Jesse- Tae views bathing together a very intimate task! And he’s like, super honored that you EVER want to do that with him. He’ll be sure to be extra careful and loving! But truthfully until you guys have tried it a few times- Tae isn’t really going to know what to do
- He’s willing to run the bath but he’s going to ask you a lot of specifics about how you want it. He’s a bit indecisive & honestly probably prefers showers over baths (he wont say that though- he doesn’t want to discourage you). If you tell him you don’t care or want him to surprise you though?? He’s gonna run a small warm bath, toss a bath bomb in that smells like flowers, and probably light a candle to accompany it
- In the bath with you he’s a bit bashful at first, he’s never sure if he should sit in front of you or behind you but once he’s situated & starts to unwind with you his more playful nature will come out. Tae Young is by no means perverted in the bath but- he’s not exactly innocent. He’ll be covering your face or shoulders in gentle kisses, telling you how much he’s enjoying the bath- but every so often he’ll just randomly mumble something about wanting to do ‘more’ after the bath. It always throws you for a fucking loop too, there will be absolutely no fucking warning for it. One second he babbles about how beautiful your eyes are & the next he mumbles about how good you sound when- [redacted]
- Aside from these little comments though, Tae is sweet in the tub. He’ll offer to try & give you a massage or he’ll listen & talk you through your stress while the both of you lay around together. He doesn’t mind helping you clean up or even letting you wash him up. He just is happy to share this time with you (and you’ve found that if you give Tae enough little kisses in the bath his face starts to cool down & remove the blush because you help him unwind)
- The first time you ask him to do something like this you swear he started squealing like a boiling tea kettle. He’ll deny it but it’s exactly what happened. He’d probably flood you with questions about it like: bathe together? Us??? Like you and me? Why? Do you need help? Is something wrong? Are you having a hard time?? Do we need to schedule a doctors appo- you’re going to have to cut him off. He doesn’t mean to pry its just such a surprising request for him! He wasn’t expecting it, even if the two of you had been together for awhile. If the questions discourage you- he’ll quickly back himself up & just drag you to the bathroom with a red face & ears. The first bath was a littke awkward at first & involved a lot of tae overcoming bashfulness, but by the end of it he was definitely giving you shy & hopeful kisses in the tub ✨
- And if course Tae Young is a gentleman so he always offers to help you dry off & get your clothes for you if you need (or just help you get dressed if you ask) after you’re both out & dry Tae is the cuddliest & most loving thing ever. Baths always help him feed connected to you & he loves it
- Overall baths with Tae Young are wholesome, hes a bit shy at first but it gets easier as it happens more often
Aaron T
- When you ask to bathe with T there are 2 ways this might go- Option 1: He’s super fucking excited & bolts off to go start the bath (which you need to watch him & make sure he doesn’t use too many fucking bubbles) or Option 2: He’s going to be like ‘oh thank fuck you asked’ because he’s ALSO in need of some relaxing & is too worried about bringing it up
- T sees bathing together as a super casual thing, no one is sure why or when he developed this idea- but the both of you definitely do this often. He’s probably a bigger fan of showers but he says he loves the bath cause he gets to be your ‘bubble bestie’ (he definitely gives you a bubble mohawk or bubble horns- you cannot stop him)
- T always wants to run the bath, he likes getting to do stuff for you. So even if he’s tired he’ll get up & go wander to the bathroom to start everything up if given the chance. When he’s excited he uses a bubbly body wash that smells like sweets & bubblegum- but when he’s more tired he prefers using a bath bomb that smells like honey or flowers & makes the water shimmery (he loves running his hands through water & watching its shimmers swoosh around)
- Surprisingly T isn’t actually too dirty minded in the bath. He’s playful sometimes sure- but if you said you wanted to relax then your man is gonna help you relax. He insists you sit in front of him in the tub so he can rub & scrub your back & shoulders (hot take but T is a big fan of skin care & will rub skin washes on you that make you extra soft & smell nice). He’s also probably a big fan of scrubbing your scalp & washing up hair (if you’ve not really got hair- he’s still massaging your scalp uvu) But honestly- if its a bath time when T is upset & stressed?? You can probably fight him & get him to sit in front of you. He needs it & really enjoys it. If you scrub his scalp & hair then he will be eternally grateful & will make it up to you with kisses & lovings later
- Bonus: T loves singing in the bathroom, he will serenade you! Unlike Robaire though, T actually just straight up sings songs (not random tunes). His voice is deep & its pleasant. He doesn’t mind if you doze off for a few minutes, he’ll wake you up
- T is generally pretty good in baths though, like i said he views it very casually & thinks its just fun to do. If he’s ever in a ✨spicy✨ mood then it becomes abundantly clear when he’s with you in the bath (the only dumbass to challenge Jesse in flirting skills is T & i stand by that). So if he’s in one of these moods you’re going to be in for a very teasing filled time with pinches & gropes and your side (respectfully ofc- he’ll stop if you tell him to)
- T offers to help dry off too- he wont try to force it or anything, not unless you’re hurting. (And if you are then he’s super sweet & loving) But be warned, if T helps you dry off & get dressed while he’s in a good mood & all is fine?? Then you’re taking a risk. Because no matter how strong the both of your loves may be for one another- T is by no means above popping you in the ass with a towel. The other bandmates have spoken of such horrifying events between T & themselves- and AARON T IS FUCKING MERCILESS. But if you can pop him back✨ it gets him so excited & riled up- his smiles & laughs for when you fight back are absolutely to die for
- Now the first time the both of you do actually bathe together- you can watch T’s face light up & hear in his voice how excited he was to do it. His cheeks are dusted with a bit of pink from it but overall he’s absolutely hyped to bathe with you! And if you’re tired and worn down from a bad day- he’ll try to tone it down. He’ll cup your face in his hands & cover you with kisses. And when the both of you are actually in the bath together for the first time- he’s an absolute snuggle bug. He’s giving you kisses and telling you how wonderful you are all while making little remarks about how you’re just too good for the world
- Overall?? T is good for baths. He’s loving & pretty chilled out in comparison to some of the other boys. He could probably be a little less silly but yknow- jokes are a part of the Aaron T package deal
Aaron Z
- We all know Z is a protective simp & absolutely adores you. Taking a bath with him carries on those same vibes. And im not going to lie- it’s probably VERY VERY unlikely he actually takes a bath with you. I can’t really see you getting him to sit in a tub with you & relax, he just infinitely prefers showers. SO THATS WHAT WE GET FOR HIS
- But yknow- just in case you absolutely NEED a bath with him- you can run your hand up the side of his arm slowly & just ask real nice & sweet. He’ll fucking melt & have to agree. Its awkward but- he’ll grumble and do a bath with you. He’s a bit too big (in his mind) to sit in a tub so he’s uncomfortable but he’ll try his best for you & just focus on smothering you with love
- ONTO THE SHOWER STUFF THOUGH! He has no problem taking showers with you. He’ll start everything up & get into the shower first to make sure its the right temperature for you- he refuses to let you ‘risk burning’ yourself because his water gets fucking HOT. (Also he always wants to use his own shower smh) It always makes him blush seeing you step in with him though- no matter how many times hes seen your body he’s absolutely blown away by how perfect you look to him
- Also you’re always in front of him. Doesn’t matter how big you are, he wants you to have the hot water hitting you so you dont get cold (he’s too fucking kind). That being said though- he gets cold so he’s going to be keeping close to you. The shower could be giant but he’s going to be pressed against you no matter what. Its hardly ever in a perverted sense, he’s just very loving when he’s touching you. He’ll be running his hands up & down your hips to try & soothe you! He’ll leave kisses on your shoulder and just give the sweetest hugs at random in the shower. He’s not always sure what to do to help you unwind but he’s willing to try whatever
- On the rare occasion he gets frisky in the shower, he’ll tease you with pinches on your thighs & hips. Nothing too hard- just something to annoy you & rile you up a bit. He also offers massages WHICH ISNT SOMETHING HE TENDS TO DO IF YOU DONT ASK- OTHERWISE HE WANTS SOMETHING. Its a dead give away to a frisky Z & you can do whatever you want with that info (and if you ever want to knock him off his game- just start doing the same shit back. Put your hands on his hips & gently rub his sides & watch him fucking crumble). This is all of course- all only done if he sees you aren’t too upset or distressed.
- Also— the first time you ask him to shower with you, you could swear you heard a record scratch. He immediately freezes & a blush slowly creeps its way onto his cheeks. He’s going to forget how to speak- so he’ll be kind of staring at you slack jawed & surprised. You’ll need to snap him out of it. But your loving simp wastes no time in agreeing & offering to go start everything up. And let me tell you- Z FUCKING BROKE WHEN YOU STEPPED INTO THE SHOWER WITH HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME. Deadass he had to turn and look away & collect himself. Even if it wasn’t his first time seeing you in all your glory the man absolutely melts into a bashful mess upon seeing you in the shower under the water & steam. You’ll need to help him warm up to the concept of the both of you in the shower (the loving Z for most of this is definitely only the way he is after a few showers together). He’s your sweet loving & protective boyfriend! But he thinks you’re perfect- too perfect sometimes- and it overwhelms his little simp heart & he just doesn’t know what to do
- And as you’d expect Z does like to help you dry off & get dressed. He will waddle out of the shower early even- just to go toss your clothes in the dryer for a few minutes to heat them up & bring them back for you. He’ll have goosebumps by the time he’s back so please also help him dry off & get snuggled up in warm clothes
- overall- Z is a horrible guy for baths but GREAT for showers. You really wont be seeing him sit in a tub often, you can try though
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