mompreneuse-life · 9 months
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Équilibrer Passion, Parentalité et Entrepreneurship : Mon Voyage dans l'Entrepreunariat
Chers tous,
J'inaugure ce Tumblr comme un journal de bord de mes hauts et bas de ma vie d'entrepreneure, comment je gère ma vie perso de maman et d'aidante avec mes multiples projets de créatrice de business 😊
Je m'appelle Nhu Lan, et ma vie est une mosaïque colorée d'aventures, de défis et de réalisations. Permettez-moi de vous présenter la personne derrière les multiples chapeaux que je porte au quotidien.
👩‍👧‍👦 Une Maman de Cœur et d'Âme 🌼
Être maman de deux enfants (12 ans et 7 ans) est une aventure inestimable qui façonne chacune de mes journées. Etre maman signifie patience, compassion et l'art de jongler entre les rires et les larmes. Chaque moment partagé avec mes petits garçons est une source de joie et d'inspiration inépuisable et me rappelle que j'ai commencé cette nouvelle vie d'entrepreneure principalement pour eux. Leur prouver que malgré les épreuves de la vie, nous pouvons rebondir et réaliser nos rêves ✨
🤲 Une Aidante Familiale Dévouée 💚
Ma responsabilité en tant qu'aidante familiale auprès de mes parents et de mon conjoint est un rôle que j'ai accepté dans la douleur mais que j'assume désormais avec tout mon cœur. Être présente pour mes proches dans leurs moments de besoin est d'une logique implacable. Je ne me voyais pas leur tourner le dos face à l'adversité. Cela m'a enseigné l'empathie, la résilience et l'importance de la solidarité au sein de la famille. Et également une de mes raisons de m'être aventurée sur le chemin de l'entreprenariat. Je souhaite donner plus de visibilité aux personnes de situation de handicaps, aux dépendants, et surtout aux aidants familiaux. Que oui, derrière le drame, nous sommes forts et savons rebondir.
🏡 Entrepreneure Passionnée 🚀
Le monde de l'entrepreneuriat m'a toujours appelée avec une énergie exaltante. Depuis mes plus jeunes années, je me souviens avoir toujours eu des idées de création d'entreprises. Cette créativité, j'ai dû la laisser de côté pendant plusieurs années, le temps de retrouver un équilibre dans ma vie personnelle. Depuis, j'ai décidé de reprendre ma vie en main et de réaliser mes projets entrepreneuriaux. En tant que courtière immobilière et spécialiste des prêts professionnels, je m'efforce de concrétiser les rêves et projets de mes clients. Chaque transaction est une opportunité de créer des ponts et de réaliser des aspirations.
🎵 Présidente d'une École de Musique Traditionnelle Vietnamienne Phuong Ca 🎶
Mon amour pour la musique traditionnelle vietnamienne m'a été transmis par ma mère, artiste reconnue au Vietnam, fondatrice de l'école Phuong Ca. J'ai, depuis, hérité le poste de présidente. Depuis que je suis devenue maman, je connais l'importance de transmettre son héritage culturel. Je m'efforce de préserver et de partager cette riche culture musicale avec la nouvelle génération. La musique est un langage universel qui transcende les frontières.
📚 Créatrice de Boutique(s) en Ligne 🌐
Mon nouvel objectif entrepreneurial est de conquérir le web !
La soif d'apprendre et de grandir m'a poussée à la création de boutiques en ligne. Je souhaite qu'ils deviennent le refuge des créations de mon fils aîné, que je suis en train d'initier à la vie d'entrepreneur, étant lui passionné par tout ce qui touche au graphisme (son rêve plus tard est de devenir graphiste ou créateur de jeux vidéos). Je souhaite lui offrir un safe place où son art et sa créativité seront accueillis positivement.
Ma vie est une symphonie en constante évolution, où la mélodie de chaque rôle que j'endosse s'entremêle harmonieusement. Mon voyage a été marqué par des hauts et des bas, mais chaque défi a renforcé ma détermination à poursuivre mes passions et à offrir le meilleur de moi-même à ceux qui m'entourent.
Si vous partagez l'une de mes passions ou si vous êtes également un amateur de jonglage entre plusieurs casquettes, je serais ravie d'entendre votre histoire. N'hésitez pas à me rejoindre dans cette aventure passionnante qu'est la vie !
Avec amour et enthousiasme,
Nhu Lan 💖
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markbecera25 · 18 days
Striking the Balance: Thriving in Productivity, Not Just Busyness
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Efforts without purpose won’t yield success. Engaging in busy work doesn’t necessarily lead to productivity, and sacrificing your mental well-being won’t automatically result in greater wealth.
Many of us justify our busyness:
“I burned out from constant work.”
“I’m putting in a lot of effort, but it goes unnoticed.”
“Work overload has strained my relationships.”
However, constant busyness often lacks meaningful results. It’s crucial to prioritize purposeful work, take necessary breaks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. True productivity lies in working smart, not just working hard, while ensuring overall well-being and long-term success.
Remember: Focus on productivity, not mere busyness. ☝️
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jeraldvillanueva84 · 18 days
Striking the Balance: Thriving in Productivity, Not Just Busyness
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Efforts without purpose won’t yield success. Engaging in busy work doesn’t necessarily lead to productivity, and sacrificing your mental well-being won’t automatically result in greater wealth.
Many of us justify our busyness:
“I burned out from constant work.”
“I’m putting in a lot of effort, but it goes unnoticed.”
“Work overload has strained my relationships.”
However, constant busyness often lacks meaningful results. It’s crucial to prioritize purposeful work, take necessary breaks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. True productivity lies in working smart, not just working hard, while ensuring overall well-being and long-term success.
Remember: Focus on productivity, not mere busyness. ☝️
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francislegazpi · 18 days
Striking the Balance: Thriving in Productivity, Not Just Busyness
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Efforts without purpose won’t yield success. Engaging in busy work doesn’t necessarily lead to productivity, and sacrificing your mental well-being won’t automatically result in greater wealth.
Many of us justify our busyness:
“I burned out from constant work.”
“I’m putting in a lot of effort, but it goes unnoticed.”
“Work overload has strained my relationships.”
However, constant busyness often lacks meaningful results. It’s crucial to prioritize purposeful work, take necessary breaks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. True productivity lies in working smart, not just working hard, while ensuring overall well-being and long-term success.
Remember: Focus on productivity, not mere busyness. ☝️
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chantriavillareal · 18 days
Striking the Balance: Thriving in Productivity, Not Just Busyness
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Efforts without purpose won’t yield success. Engaging in busy work doesn’t necessarily lead to productivity, and sacrificing your mental well-being won’t automatically result in greater wealth.
Many of us justify our busyness:
“I burned out from constant work.”
“I’m putting in a lot of effort, but it goes unnoticed.”
“Work overload has strained my relationships.”
However, constant busyness often lacks meaningful results. It’s crucial to prioritize purposeful work, take necessary breaks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. True productivity lies in working smart, not just working hard, while ensuring overall well-being and long-term success.
Remember: Focus on productivity, not mere busyness. ☝️
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amorgan120290 · 18 days
Striking the Balance: Thriving in Productivity, Not Just Busyness
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Efforts without purpose won’t yield success. Engaging in busy work doesn’t necessarily lead to productivity, and sacrificing your mental well-being won’t automatically result in greater wealth.
Many of us justify our busyness:
“I burned out from constant work.”
“I’m putting in a lot of effort, but it goes unnoticed.”
“Work overload has strained my relationships.”
However, constant busyness often lacks meaningful results. It’s crucial to prioritize purposeful work, take necessary breaks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. True productivity lies in working smart, not just working hard, while ensuring overall well-being and long-term success.
Remember: Focus on productivity, not mere busyness. ☝️
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darwin-bloger · 27 days
Embracing the Digital Wave: Thriving in the Online Business and Remote Work Era
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In the vast ocean of the internet, a new wave of professionals is riding the crest of digital transformation. The world of online business and remote work isn’t just a fleeting trend; it’s the new reality of our global economy. As we navigate through this digital era, let’s dive into the depths of what makes online businesses flourish and how remote work is reshaping our professional landscapes.
The Virtual Marketplace: A Realm of Endless Opportunities
The digital marketplace has demolished traditional barriers, opening doors to global audiences and niche markets previously unreachable. Online businesses are leveraging cutting-edge technology to create immersive shopping experiences, from virtual try-ons to one-click checkouts. The agility and adaptability of e-commerce platforms allow entrepreneurs to respond swiftly to consumer trends and demands.
Remote Work: The New Frontier of Professional Freedom
Gone are the days when ‘office’ meant a physical space. Today’s workforce cherishes the flexibility and autonomy that remote work offers. From digital nomads to home-based freelancers, professionals are crafting work environments that suit their lifestyles, not the other way around. This shift is not just about comfort; it’s about efficiency and creating a work-life harmony that fosters creativity and productivity.
Navigating Challenges: The Resilience of Digital Entrepreneurs
The journey of an online entrepreneur is not without its storms. Cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and the need for constant innovation are just a few of the challenges faced. Yet, with every challenge comes an opportunity for growth. Digital entrepreneurs are becoming more resilient, learning to harness the power of social media, SEO, and content marketing to build robust online empires.
The Future is Here: Are You Ready to Join the Revolution?
As we look to the horizon, the potential for online business and remote work is boundless. The question is no longer about whether to adapt but how quickly one can. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a newcomer to the digital scene, the time to embrace this wave is now.
Embrace the digital revolution and make your mark in the world of online business and remote work. Share your thoughts and experiences using the hashtags below, and let’s connect in this ever-evolving digital community!
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hrspot · 2 months
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sharmaashi123 · 2 months
The Art of Balance: Navigating Work and Renewal in a Busy World
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Discover essential strategies for cultivating work-life harmony and prioritizing self-care in our latest blog. Whether you're a busy professional seeking balance or preparing for PMP renewal, our actionable tips and insights will empower you to thrive in both your personal and professional life. Explore mindfulness practices, productivity tips, and wellness strategies to enhance your well-being while fulfilling your career goals. Join us on the journey to achieving greater balance and renewal in every aspect of your life.
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spiritualsoull1969 · 2 months
Breaking the Chains of Overwork: Embracing Spiritual Balance
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In today's fast-paced world, many of us find ourselves caught in the relentless cycle of overwork, sacrificing our well-being on the altar of productivity. The incessant demands of work, family, and personal responsibilities can often leave us feeling drained, depleted, and disconnected from our spiritual selves. However, it doesn't have to be this way. By embracing spiritual balance, we can break free from the chains of overwork and reclaim our inner harmony and peace.
Understanding the Cycle of Overwork:
Before we delve into the solution, let's take a moment to understand the root causes of overwork. In our society, there is often a pervasive belief that our worth is tied to our productivity. We equate busyness with importance and sacrifice our personal well-being in pursuit of external validation. This mentality leads to a vicious cycle of overwork, where we push ourselves beyond our limits, ignoring the warning signs of burnout.
The Impact of Overwork on Mind, Body, and Spirit:
Overwork takes a toll on every aspect of our being – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Mentally, it can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression as we struggle to keep up with our endless to-do lists. Physically, it can manifest as fatigue, insomnia, and even chronic health conditions. Spiritually, it can leave us feeling disconnected from our inner selves, our values, and our purpose.
Embracing Spiritual Balance:
So, how do we break free from this destructive cycle? The answer lies in embracing spiritual balance. At its core, spiritual balance is about aligning our actions with our values and priorities, nurturing our inner selves, and cultivating a sense of peace and harmony in our lives. It's about recognizing that our worth is not determined by our productivity, but by our inherent value as human beings.
Practical Steps to Cultivate Spiritual Balance:
Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to activities and commitments that drain your energy and take time away from what truly matters to you. Setting boundaries is not selfish – it's an act of self-love and self-preservation.
Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Whether it's taking time for a daily meditation practice, going for a walk in nature, or simply indulging in activities that bring you joy, prioritize self-care as a sacred act of nourishment for your mind, body, and soul.
Connect with Your Higher Self: Cultivate a daily spiritual practice that allows you to connect with your higher self, whether through prayer, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Tuning into your inner wisdom will help you gain clarity, perspective, and guidance in navigating life's challenges.
Cultivate Gratitude: Practice gratitude as a way of shifting your focus from what you lack to what you already have. Take time each day to reflect on the blessings in your life, no matter how small, and cultivate an attitude of appreciation and abundance.
Seek Support: Don't be afraid to reach out for support when you need it. Whether it's seeking guidance from a trusted friend, therapist, or spiritual mentor, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
In conclusion, breaking the chains of overwork and embracing spiritual balance is not only possible but essential for our overall well-being and fulfillment. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, connecting with our higher selves, cultivating gratitude, and seeking support when needed, we can reclaim our inner harmony and live a life aligned with our deepest values and purpose. Remember, you are worthy of love, rest, and joy, just as you are.
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gsmentalhealthwellnes · 3 months
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Unveiling the Culprits: Understanding Common Workplace Stressors
Dive into the intricate world of common workplace stressors as we explore the factors that contribute to tension and anxiety in professional settings. Gain valuable insights into identifying, addressing, and mitigating these stressors to foster a healthier and more productive work environment. Discover practical strategies to enhance well-being and resilience in the face of everyday challenges at the workplace.
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firoz857 · 4 months
Harmony Over Balance: Redefining Life's Juggle
Join Keith and guest Dai in this insightful episode of 'Live in the Lab' as they delve into the elusive concept of balance in life and career. Dai, an expert in lifestyle optimization, challenges the traditional notion of balance, advocating instead for creating harmony in life's various aspects. This episode offers a fresh perspective on managing personal and professional commitments, making it a must-listen for anyone striving to achieve a more fulfilling and well-rounded life.
- 00:00 - Keith introduces the topic of balance in life and career.
- 01:00 - Dai discusses the struggle with balance and the pursuit of a sustainable approach.
- 02:00 - The concept of creating harmony instead of balance is introduced.
- 03:00 - Reflections on personal challenges as a parent and seeking harmony in family life.
- 04:00 - Dai shares his experience as an empty nester and the transition with his wife.
- 00:00 - Introduction to Balance vs. Harmony
- 01:30 - Dai's Personal Struggles with Balance
- 02:45 - The Orchestra Analogy: Harmony in Life
- 03:50 - Parenting and Personal Reflections
- 04:30 - Life Transitions and Finding New Harmony
Why Watch
 - Watch 'Harmony Over Balance' to discover innovative ways to manage your personal and professional life harmoniously. Gain unique insights from Dai's life experiences and learn practical strategies to create a life that resonates with your goals and values. This episode is perfect for entrepreneurs, professionals, and anyone looking to navigate life's complexities with grace and effectiveness."
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annalaurabrown · 4 months
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dashrathsingh · 5 months
Embracing Zen in the Workspace: A Guide to Mindfulness at Work
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In the dynamic world of modern workplaces, where the demands are incessant and the pace relentless, the concept of mindfulness has emerged as a beacon of balance and well-being. Beyond a trendy buzzword, mindfulness at work is a transformative practice that holds the potential to enhance productivity and elevate the overall well-being of individuals in the professional sphere. Join us on a journey of understanding and integrating mindfulness into your workday.
The Essence of Mindfulness:
At its core, mindfulness is about being present — fully engaged in the current moment without distraction or judgment. In a work setting, this means directing one's attention intentionally to the task at hand, fostering a heightened awareness of thoughts and emotions, and cultivating a sense of clarity and purpose.
Benefits for Productivity:
Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Mindfulness encourages individuals to hone in on the task at hand, reducing the mental clutter that often accompanies multitasking. This results in heightened focus and an improved ability to complete tasks efficiently.
Stress Reduction: The practice of mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress levels. In a work environment where stress is pervasive, incorporating mindfulness techniques can create a more tranquil atmosphere, allowing employees to approach challenges with a composed mindset.
Improved Decision-Making: Mindfulness empowers individuals to make decisions more thoughtfully. By bringing awareness to the decision-making process, employees can make more deliberate choices, leading to improved outcomes and more effective problem-solving.
Benefits for Well-being:
Reduced Burnout: Mindfulness acts as a preventative measure against burnout. Regular practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, equip individuals with tools to recognize and address signs of burnout before they become overwhelming.
Enhanced Emotional Resilience: Mindfulness fosters emotional resilience, enabling individuals to navigate workplace challenges with greater ease. This resilience not only contributes to healthier work relationships but also creates a more positive work environment.
Increased Job Satisfaction: The ability to find joy and fulfillment in daily tasks is a natural outcome of mindfulness. When employees derive satisfaction from their work, they are more likely to stay engaged, motivated, and invested in the success of the organization.
Incorporating Mindfulness into the Workday:
Mindful Breathing Exercises: Introduce short mindful breathing exercises that employees can do discreetly at their desks. A few minutes of focused breathing can bring a sense of calm to the workday.
Scheduled Mindful Breaks: Designate short breaks during the day for mindfulness activities. This could include a brief walk, stretching exercises, or a guided meditation session to refresh and refocus.
Mindful Communication: Foster a culture of mindful communication by promoting active listening and thoughtful responses. This approach enhances understanding and collaboration among team members.
Conclusion: Bringing Zen to the Workplace
Mindfulness at work is not a fleeting trend but a paradigm shift in how we approach our professional lives. By prioritizing mindfulness, organizations can create workplaces that are not only more productive but also more compassionate, resilient, and conducive to the overall well-being of their employees. As we integrate mindfulness into the fabric of our workdays, we unlock the potential for a more balanced, fulfilling, and harmonious work experience for all. Embrace the power of mindfulness — your productivity and well-being will thank you. @dashrathsingh
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boytoycasual · 6 months
Achieving Harmony: Navigating the Challenges and Reveling in the Benefits of a Well-Balanced Life
In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding a balance between work, family, and personal well-being can feel like attempting to juggle a trio of delicate glass orbs. Yet, the pursuit of equilibrium in these areas is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this article, we’ll explore the challenges and benefits of cultivating a well-balanced life that encompasses the realms of…
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wingstothought · 10 months
Is It Possible to Find Balance? The Burden of Jobs and the Disturbance to Personal Life
In today’s fast-changing and demanding world, finding a balance between professional responsibilities and personal life is becoming increasingly difficult. Work stress spills over into your personal life, causing chaos and often affecting your overall well-being. This essay examines the complexities of his work-life balance, factors that contribute to workload, and possible strategies for…
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