#Wp-Admin Dashboard
macmanx · 7 months
While the Calypso interface is ideal for some folks, we’ve heard from a lot of developers that you’d prefer easy access to the classic WordPress dashboard experience. So, we’re doing just that by making it possible for wp-admin to be the default view when you log in.
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wordpress-tutorials · 2 years
WP Admin Color Schemes Admin color scheme Plugins for your WP dashboard.
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qalbitinfotech · 5 days
Building Dynamic Websites with WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide
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Thanks to its flexibility, user-friendliness, and powerful features, WordPress has become one of the most popular platforms for building dynamic websites. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, WordPress offers everything you need to create a fully functional, professional-looking website. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to building dynamic websites with WordPress, covering everything from installation to customization.
1. Understanding WordPress
Before getting into the technical aspects, let’s first understand WordPress and why it’s so widely used.
A. What is WordPress?
WordPress is a free, open-source Content Management System (CMS) that makes creating and managing websites simple. Originally designed as a platform for blogging, it has grown into a powerful tool that can be used to build all kinds of websites—from personal blogs to full-fledged e-commerce stores.
B. Why Choose WordPress?
WordPress is known for its ease of use and flexibility. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you can build and customize your site with ease. It’s supported by a vast community of developers, meaning you can access thousands of themes and plugins. These tools allow you to add features and design your site exactly the way you want, without needing to write any code.
2. Getting Started with WordPress
Setting up a WordPress site is simple, even if you’re new to web development. Here’s how to get started:
A. Choosing a Hosting Provider
The first step is to choose a hosting provider. Your hosting provider is where your website will live, so it’s important to pick one that offers easy WordPress installation, reliable uptime, and strong customer support. Some popular options include:
Bluehost: Known for its beginner-friendly features and seamless WordPress integration.
SiteGround: Offers excellent performance and top-notch customer service.
WP Engine: A premium option with a focus on speed and security for WordPress sites.
B. Installing WordPress
Once you’ve chosen your hosting provider, the next step is to install WordPress. Most hosts make this very easy with a one-click installation process. Here’s how it typically works:
Log in to Your Hosting Account: Access your hosting control panel or dashboard.
Find the WordPress Installation Option: Look for a section like “Website” or “Apps” where you’ll find the WordPress logo.
Follow the Prompts: Click on the WordPress icon, and the installation process will guide you through the setup. You may need to choose your website’s name, admin username, and password.
In just a few minutes, your WordPress site will be up and running, ready for you to start building and customizing.
3. Selecting and Customizing a WordPress Theme
Your website’s design is largely defined by the theme you choose. WordPress themes dictate how your site looks and feels, and with thousands of free and premium themes available, you can easily find one that suits your needs.
A. Choosing the Right Theme
When selecting a theme, think about the purpose of your website:
Business Websites: For a professional look, choose a theme with a clean, modern design. It should highlight important information like your services, contact details, and client testimonials.
Blogs: If you’re building a blog, opt for a theme that puts your content front and center. Look for layouts that emphasize readability and support multimedia content like images and videos.
B. Customizing Your Theme
After choosing your theme, you’ll want to tailor it to fit your brand. WordPress makes this easy with its built-in Customizer:
Change Colors and Fonts: Adjust the colors and fonts to align with your brand’s identity. For instance, use your brand’s color palette and select fonts that match the tone of your content.
Adjust Layouts: The layout controls how different elements are arranged on your site. You can modify the layout to make sure your content is displayed in a way that best serves your audience.
Advanced Customization: If you need more specific changes, many themes allow you to add custom CSS. This lets you fine-tune aspects of your site’s design beyond the basic options.
Example: Imagine you’ve chosen a theme for a travel blog. You can customize the colors to mirror the natural beauty of your destinations, perhaps using earthy tones or vibrant hues. Adjust the layout to prominently feature your latest blog posts, making them the first thing visitors see. Additionally, you can use widgets to display your social media links and a feed of your recent Instagram photos, helping to keep your readers engaged and connected across platforms.
4. Adding Content to Your WordPress Website
With your theme set up, the next step is to fill your website with content. WordPress makes it simple to create and organize your pages, blog posts, and menus.
A. Creating Pages and Posts
Pages and posts are the building blocks of your WordPress site, but they serve different purposes:
Pages are for static content that doesn’t change often, like your “About Us,” “Contact,” or “Services” pages.
Posts are for dynamic content that gets updated regularly, such as blog entries, news updates, or articles.
B. How to Create a Page or Post:
Go to Your Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Add New Content: To create a new page, click on “Pages” > “Add New.” For a post, click on “Posts” > “Add New.”
Use the Editor: WordPress’s built-in editor lets you easily add text, images, and other media. You can also format your content with headings, lists, and links to make it more readable.
Example: Imagine you’re building a website for a restaurant. You could create individual pages for the menu, location, and reservation details. For posts, you might regularly update your blog with news about new dishes, upcoming events, or interviews with the chef.
C . Organizing Your Content
To help visitors find what they’re looking for, WordPress allows you to organize your posts using categories and tags:
Categories: These are broad groups that organize your posts by topic. For example, a food blog might have categories like “Recipes,” “Restaurant Reviews,” and “Cooking Tips.”
Tags: These are more specific labels that describe the content of your posts. For instance, a post in the “Recipes” category could have tags like “vegetarian,” “quick meals,” or “desserts.”
D. Tips for Effective Organization:
Plan Your Categories: Choose clear, broad categories that align with your content strategy. This makes it easier for visitors to navigate your site.
Use Tags Wisely: Tags should be specific and relevant to the post’s content. Avoid using too many tags; focus on a few key descriptors.
5. Extending Functionality with Plugins
One of the standout features of WordPress is its extensive library of plugins, which allow you to easily add a wide range of functionalities to your website. With thousands of plugins available, you can customize your site to meet your specific needs without writing any code.
A. Installing Plugins
Installing a plugin in WordPress is a simple process. Here’s how to do it:
Access the Plugins Section: Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the “Plugins” section on the left sidebar.
Add a New Plugin: Click on “Add New” at the top of the page.
Search for a Plugin: Use the search bar to find the specific plugin you need.
B. Some popular plugins include:
Yoast SEO: Helps optimize your site for search engines.
WooCommerce: Turns your website into a fully functional online store.
Elementor: Provides drag-and-drop page building for easy design.
Example: If you’re setting up an online store, installing WooCommerce is a great choice. This powerful plugin allows you to manage products, handle payments, and set up shipping options—all with just a few clicks. Once activated, WooCommerce transforms your WordPress site into a complete e-commerce platform, making it easy to sell products online.
C. Managing Plugins
While plugins add valuable features, it’s important to manage them carefully:
Limit Your Plugins: Installing too many plugins can slow down your website’s performance. Only use plugins that you truly need for your site’s functionality.
Regular Updates: Keep your plugins updated to ensure they work smoothly with the latest version of WordPress. Regular updates also enhance your site’s security by patching any vulnerabilities.
6. Optimizing for SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for attracting visitors to your website. With the right SEO practices, you can improve your website’s visibility on search engines like Google, driving more organic traffic. Fortunately, WordPress offers a variety of tools to help you optimize your site effectively.
A. Using SEO Plugins
One of the best ways to optimize your content is by using SEO plugins. Yoast SEO is among the most popular choices for WordPress users. This powerful plugin simplifies the optimization process by providing features such as:
Meta Descriptions: Yoast allows you to easily add meta descriptions to your posts and pages, helping search engines understand the content of your site.
Focus Keywords: You can set focus keywords for each piece of content, guiding the plugin to analyze how well you’re using those keywords throughout your text.
Readability Analysis: Yoast evaluates the readability of your content, offering suggestions to improve sentence structure, paragraph length, and overall flow.
Using Yoast SEO, you can ensure that your content is both user-friendly and optimized for search engines.
B. Creating SEO-Friendly Content
Crafting content that is optimized for search engines involves several key practices:
Use Clear and Concise Headings: Headings (H1, H2, H3) help structure your content and make it easier for readers to navigate. They also signal to search engines what your content is about.
Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Identify relevant keywords related to your topic and include them naturally in your text. Avoid keyword stuffing; instead, focus on writing content that flows well and engages your readers.
Descriptive Alt Text for Images: Every image you upload should have descriptive alt text. This helps search engines understand what the image is about and improves accessibility for users with visual impairments.
Short and Relevant URLs: Create clean, concise URLs that accurately reflect the content of your page. A well-structured URL helps search engines and users understand the topic quickly.
Suppose you run a blog focused on fitness. Your content might revolve around keywords like “workout routines,” “healthy eating,” and “fitness tips.”
When using Yoast SEO, you can input these keywords as your focus terms. The plugin will then analyze your content, providing suggestions for optimizing your posts. For instance, it might recommend adding your focus keywords to your headings, ensuring they appear in the first paragraph, and including them in the alt text of images related to your blog post.
By following these practices, you can enhance your chances of ranking higher in search engine results, ultimately leading to increased traffic and engagement on your website.
7. Ensuring Website Security
Website security is a top priority for every website owner. With the increasing number of cyber threats, it’s essential to protect your WordPress site from potential attacks. Fortunately, WordPress provides various tools and strategies to enhance your site’s security.
A. Implementing Security Plugins
Using security plugins is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your WordPress site. Two of the most popular options are Wordfence and Sucuri. Here’s how they can help:
Wordfence: This plugin offers comprehensive security features, including malware scanning, real-time traffic monitoring, and a firewall to block malicious activity. It notifies you of any suspicious activity and helps you take action to protect your site.
Sucuri: Sucuri provides similar features, focusing on website integrity monitoring and malware removal. It also offers a web application firewall to block harmful traffic before it reaches your site.
By installing and configuring these plugins, you can significantly reduce the risk of attacks and keep your site secure.
B. Regular Backups
Regular backups are crucial for ensuring that your website can be restored quickly in case of a security breach or other issues. If something goes wrong, you want to be able to revert to a previous version of your site without losing valuable data.
Using Backup Plugins: Consider using plugins like UpdraftPlus to manage your backups. UpdraftPlus allows you to schedule automatic backups, ensuring that your site is backed up regularly without manual effort.
Safe Storage: Make sure to store your backups in a secure location, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or another cloud storage service. This way, even if your website is compromised, you’ll have a safe copy of your data.
By implementing robust security measures and maintaining regular backups, you can protect your WordPress site from threats and ensure that it remains safe and operational.
8. Monitoring and Analyzing Website Performance
Once your website is live, it’s crucial to monitor its performance continuously and make necessary improvements. This ensures that your visitors have a smooth experience and that your site meets its goals.
A. Using Analytics Tools
Google Analytics is an essential tool for tracking various aspects of your website, including traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into how visitors interact with your site.
Setting Up Google Analytics To start, install the Google Analytics plugin on your WordPress site. This will allow you to easily connect your site to Google Analytics and begin collecting valuable data.
Example of Insights Suppose you notice from your analytics data that many visitors leave your site after viewing just one page. This could indicate that your site’s navigation needs improvement or that your content isn’t engaging enough. By identifying these issues, you can take action to enhance user experience and encourage visitors to explore more of your site.
Improving Site Speed
A slow website can drive visitors away and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Therefore, optimizing your site’s speed is essential.
Analyzing Site Speed Use tools like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights to test your website’s speed. These tools provide detailed reports and suggestions for improving performance.
Recommendations for Improvement Common suggestions may include:
Optimizing Images: Compress images to reduce their file size without sacrificing quality.
Enabling Caching: Implement caching to store static versions of your pages, allowing them to load faster for repeat visitors.
Minifying CSS and JavaScript: Remove unnecessary characters and spaces in your code to reduce file sizes and improve loading times.
Building a dynamic website with WordPress is an achievable goal for anyone, regardless of technical expertise. By following the steps outlined in this guide—from setting up your site and customizing it with themes and plugins to optimizing it for SEO and securing it against threats—you can create a professional, user-friendly website that meets your needs.
WordPress’s versatility and extensive community support make it an excellent choice for building websites of all types. Whether you’re creating a personal blog, a business site, or an online store, WordPress offers the tools and flexibility to bring your vision to life.
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skylooperweb · 1 month
How to Develop a Custom WordPress Plugin for Tracking User Visit Counts
Tracking user visits on your website can provide valuable insights into how your audience interacts with your content. While many analytics tools can do this, sometimes a custom solution tailored to your specific needs is the best approach. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of developing a custom WordPress plugin to track user visit counts.
Why Track User Visit Counts?
Understanding your site’s traffic patterns helps you:
Identify popular content and optimize it further.
Understand user behavior to enhance their experience.
Make data-driven decisions for your marketing strategies.
Step-by-Step Guide to Developing the Plugin
1. Set Up Your Plugin Structure
First, create a new folder in your "wp-content/plugins" directory and name it something like user-visit-count. Inside this folder, create a PHP file with the same name, e.g., user-visit-count.php. This will be the main file for your plugin. <?php /** * Plugin Name: User Visit Count * Description: A custom plugin to track and display user visit counts. * Version: 1.0 * Author: Your Name */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } // Add your plugin code here
2. Create a Database Table to Store Visit Counts
Next, you’ll need to create a database table to store the visit counts. You can do this by hooking into the register_activation_hook function.
function uvc_create_table() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'visit_count'; $charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate(); $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name ( id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL, visit_count bigint(20) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) $charset_collate;"; require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' ); dbDelta( $sql );
register_activation_hook( FILE, 'uvc_create_table' );
3. Track Visits
Now, let’s write a function to track the visits each time a post is viewed. Hook this function into wp_head so it runs whenever a post is loaded.
function uvc_track_post_visits() { if ( is_single() ) { global $post, $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'visit_count'; $post_id = $post->ID; $visit_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT visit_count FROM $table_name WHERE post_id = %d", $post_id )); if ( $visit_count === null ) { $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array( 'post_id' => $post_id, 'visit_count' => 1, ) ); } else { $wpdb->update( $table_name, array( 'visit_count' => $visit_count + 1 ), array( 'post_id' => $post_id ) ); } }
add_action( 'wp_head', 'uvc_track_post_visits' );
4. Display Visit Counts
Finally, let’s display the visit counts on your posts. You can do this by using a shortcode.
function uvc_display_visit_count( $atts ) { global $post, $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'visit_count'; $post_id = $post->ID; $visit_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT visit_count FROM $table_name WHERE post_id = %d", $post_id )); return $visit_count ? $visit_count : 0;
add_shortcode( 'visit_count', 'uvc_display_visit_count' );
Now, you can add [visit_count] in your post content or template files to display the visit count.
Creating a custom plugin for tracking user visit counts gives you full control over how the data is collected and displayed. This basic plugin can be expanded with additional features, such as tracking visits by logged-in users, displaying visit data in the WordPress dashboard, or even integrating with external analytics tools.
Need help building custom WordPress plugins for your site? Contact Skylooper today, and let’s discuss how we can bring your ideas to life!
Feel free to tweak the content to match your website's style!
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themesfores · 1 month
Sumo Affiliates Pro WordPress Affiliate Plugin v10.3.0
https://themesfores.com/product/sumo-affiliates-pro-wordpress-affiliate-plugin/ Sumo Affiliates Pro WordPress Affiliate Plugin v10.3.0 SUMO Affiliates Pro is a Comprehensive WordPress Affiliates Plugin using which you can run an affiliate system on your existing WordPress Site. You can award affiliate commissions for actions such as Affiliate signup, Form Submission, Product Purchases, etc. Features Comprehensive WordPress Affiliate Plugin Advanced integration with WooCommerce Affiliate commission for form submission through Contact Form7 Formidable Forms WP Forms Affiliate commission for email subscription through MailChimp ActiveCampaign Affiliate commission for accessing individual pages/posts which has landing commission shortcodes Affiliate registration form for users Users can attach documents while submitting the affiliate registration form Option for the user to directly become an affiliate while creating an account through WooCommerce Users with an existing account on the site can also become as an affiliate When a logged in user tries to become an affiliate, site admin has the option to Manage the affiliate account within the existing account Create a separate account for affiliate promotion Let the user decide Option for the site admin to notify and get notified about the affiliate activities via SMS and Email Separate table for the site admin to manage the affiliates Option for the site admin to automatically approve all the affiliate applications/approve after review Separate dashboard for the affiliate to manage the affiliate promotion Option for the site admin to create unlimited additional tabs in the affiliate dashboard Affiliates can generate unlimited affiliate links QR code can be generated for affiliate links and can be downloaded as an image Affiliate link validity can be restricted to the product for which the link was generated Refer a friend form for affiliates Option for the site admin to create unique landing pages for affiliates The validity of affiliate links can be customized by the site admin Option for the site admin to identify the affiliate based on Affiliate ID Affiliate Name Option for the site admin to allow their affiliates to customize their affiliate slug Option for the site admin to allow affiliates to generate readable affiliate links(Pretty affiliate links) Your Affiliates can promote the products on your site without using an affiliate link MLM system for Affiliates The number of direct referrals, number of levels to award MLM commission and commission rate for each level can be customized Account Signup Affiliate Commission Affiliate Signup Commission WooCommerce Product Purchase Commission Option for the site admin to set commission rate for individual products at the affiliate level Affiliates can receive referral commission when their referrals use the WooCommerce coupons which are linked to them Option for the site admin to award lifetime commission to the affiliates for the purchases made by their referrals Separate table to capture the URLs that were accessed using an affiliate link The Conversion status of the affiliate links will be captured Separate table to capture the referral actions which got converted Option for the site admin to approve the referrals automatically/approve the referrals after review Referral commissions can be restricted for specific products/categories Option for the site admin to stop awarding the commission to the affiliate if The referred user has exceeded the number of orders specified The referred user has exceeded the amount to be spent on the site The referred user has exceeded the amount to be spent on one order Option for the site admin to allow their users to select an affiliate during checkout, so that the affiliate commission for that purchase will be awarded to that affiliate Option for the site admin to allow their affiliates to view the order details of their referrals Option for the site admin to earn commissions for the purchases made using their own affiliate links When a user uses multiple affiliate links to complete a referral action, site admin has the option to Award commission for the first affiliate Award commission for the most recent affiliate Option for the site admin to set a maximum commission amount which can be allowed for any referral action Site admin can process referral payment for their affiliates using any one of the payment methods listed below PayPal Payouts Bank Transfer Affiliate Wallet Reward Points(Requires SUMO Reward Points) Option for the site admin to attach files in the emails sent to the affiliates Option for the site admin to automatically generate and send payout statements as a PDF file in the payout emails Option for the site admin and affiliate to be notified via pushover notification for referral actions Option for the site admin to display a leaderboard of the affiliates Option for the site admin and the affiliate to view detailed reports about affiliate promotion on the site Option for the site admin to send periodic reports via email to their affiliates Option for the site admin to export the following data as CSV Affiliates Visits Referrals Payouts Option for the site admin to create promotional banners which can be used by affiliates for promoting the site Compatible with SUMO Reward Points Affiliate commissions can be awarded as Reward Points(Requires SUMO Reward Points Plugin) Compatible with SUMO Subscriptions Option for the site admin to award affiliate commission for Only initial payments Both initial and renewal payments Compatible with SUMO Payment Plans Payment plan product s affiliate commission will be awarded once the final payment for the product has been received Compatible with SUMO Pre-Orders Option for the site admin to award commission for Pay Upfront products Pay on Release products Highly customizable Extensive list of shortcodes Translation ready and more SUMO Affiliates Pro – WordPress Affiliate Plugin Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/sumo-affiliates-pro-wordpress-affiliate-plugin/ #AffiliatePlugin #WordpressPlugins
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jennifermurphseo · 2 months
Building Your First WordPress Plugin: A Step-by-Step Guide
Want to extend WordPress's functionality? Creating a plugin is your answer. Let's break down the process into simple steps.
1. Plan Your Plugin
Define the purpose: What problem does your plugin solve?
Identify core features: What functionalities will it offer?
Choose a name: Pick a descriptive and unique name.
2. Set Up the Structure
Create a new folder: In your wp-content/plugins directory, create a folder with your plugin's name.
Create the main file: Inside this folder, create a PHP file with the same name as the folder.
3. Add Plugin Header
Essential information: At the top of your PHP file, add a header comment with details like plugin name, description, author, and version. This is crucial for WordPress to recognize your plugin.
4. Write Your Code
Basic functionality: Start with simple functions. For example, you could create a custom shortcode or add a new menu item to the admin panel.
Leverage WordPress actions and filters: To integrate seamlessly with WordPress, use hooks like add_action and add_filter.
Test thoroughly: Use a staging site to test your plugin before activating it on a live site.
5. Activate and Test
Activate: Go to the "Plugins" section in your WordPress admin dashboard and activate your plugin.
Test features: Ensure everything works as expected.
Debug and refine: If you encounter issues, use debugging tools to identify and fix problems.
Additional Tips
Use clear and concise code: Write clean code for better maintainability.
Document your code: Add comments to explain your code's logic.
Consider security: Protect your plugin from vulnerabilities.
Leverage WordPress APIs: Explore the vast array of functions and classes available.
Remember: Building a plugin takes time and practice. Start small, iterate, and learn from your experiences. With dedication, you can create valuable tools for the WordPress community. Embarking on WordPress plugin development is a rewarding journey that allows you to contribute to the world's most popular CMS.
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zamanahmed · 2 months
Wp Reset Pro Plan Review Appsumo Lifetime Deal$49
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Wp Reset Pro Plan Review Appsumo Lifetime Deal$49
Do you want to make changes to your WordPress site and break everything? Or are you tired of manually resetting your site to its default settings? If so, the WP Reset Pro Plan might be your perfect solution. In this article, we'll review the WP Reset Pro Plan available on AppSumo for a lifetime deal of just $49.
What is WP Reset?
WP Reset is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to help you reset, recover, and repair your WordPress site quickly and efficiently. Here are some key features:
Reset your site to default values without reinstalling WordPress.
Collectively install themes and plugins.
Take snapshots of your website to easily revert to a previous version.
Delete select portions of your site to debug or streamline.
Completely rebrand the plugin without touching a line of code.
Why Use WP Reset?
There are many reasons why you might need to use WP Reset:
You want to clean up your site by removing old content and unused widgets.
You need to debug your site by resetting specific parts.
You want to rebrand your site quickly.
You need a development environment with a set of plugins and themes.
Your site has been hacked or you encounter the dreaded white screen of death.
Key Features of WP Reset Pro Plan
Let's dive into some of the standout features of the WP Reset Pro Plan:
Reset Your Site
WP Reset allows you to restore everything to default values without the need to reinstall WordPress. This feature is particularly useful when you want to start fresh without going through the hassle of a full reinstallation.
Snapshot Feature
With WP Reset, you can take snapshots of your site. These snapshots can be stored in WP Reset Cloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, or pCloud. This means you will always have a copy of your site that you can revert to if something goes wrong.
Emergency Recovery Script
Even if you can't access your site admin, you can use WP Reset’s Emergency Recovery Script to reclaim your website. This powerful feature comes with over 12 tools, including support for Snapshots to get your site out of any sticky situation.
WP Reset allows you to completely rebrand the plugin. You can change the logo, colors, name, and more without touching a single line of code. This is great for impressing clients and making your site look professional.
Set up a development environment with Collections. This feature lets you create a set of plugins and themes to bulk-install and activate from the cloud. It's a huge time-saver for developers who need to get the design right every time.
How to Use WP Reset
Using WP Reset is straightforward. Here are the steps to get started:
Install the WP Reset plugin from the WordPress repository.
Activate the plugin on your WordPress site.
Navigate to the WP Reset settings in your WordPress dashboard.
Choose the action you want to perform, such as taking a snapshot or resetting your site.
Pros and Cons of WP Reset Pro Plan
Like any tool, WP Reset has its pros and cons. Here are some of them:
Easy to use with a user-friendly interface.
Powerful features like snapshots and emergency recovery.
Ability to rebrand the plugin.
Lifetime deal on AppSumo for just $49.
Great for developers and site owners alike.
Some advanced features might be overwhelming for beginners.
Limited to WordPress sites only.
Who Should Use WP Reset?
WP Reset is ideal for a variety of users:
Developers who need to set up development environments quickly.
Site owners who want to clean up and rebrand their sites.
Agencies managing multiple client sites.
Bloggers who want to keep their site in top shape.
Plan & Pricing
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Wp Reset Pro?
WP Reset Pro is a WordPress plugin that resets, recovers, and repairs your site quickly.
How Does Wp Reset Pro Work?
It restores default values, installs themes/plugins, and takes snapshots of your site.
Can Wp Reset Pro Restore Deleted Content?
Yes, it can restore your site from previously taken snapshots.
Is Wp Reset Pro Suitable For Developers?
Yes, developers can easily set up environments and bulk-install plugins and themes.
In conclusion, the WP Reset Pro Plan offers a comprehensive set of tools to reset, recover, and repair your WordPress site. With its lifetime deal on AppSumo for just $49, it's a valuable investment for anyone managing WordPress sites. Whether you're a developer, site owner, or agency, WP Reset can help you maintain and streamline your site with ease.
Don't miss out on this fantastic deal! Get your WP Reset Pro Plan today and take control of your WordPress site like never before. Click here to purchase the lifetime deal for just $49.
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digitalaagency · 4 months
How to Create a WordPress Website from Scratch
Building a website from scratch can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're new to web development. Fortunately, WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), makes the process straightforward and accessible, even for beginners. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create a professional WordPress website from scratch. Whether you're setting up a blog, an online store, or a portfolio site, this step-by-step guide will help you launch your WordPress websites efficiently.
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Step 1: Define Your Website’s Purpose
Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s crucial to define the purpose of your website. Are you creating a blog, an online store, a business site, or a portfolio? Understanding your website’s goals will help you make informed decisions throughout the setup process, from choosing the right themes and plugins to organizing your content effectively.
Step 2: Choose a Domain Name and Hosting
Domain Name
Your domain name is your website's address on the internet (e.g., www.yourwebsite.com). It should be unique, easy to remember, and relevant to your site's content. Tools like Namecheap or GoDaddy can help you check the availability of your desired domain name and purchase it.
Hosting Provider
A hosting provider is where your website files are stored and accessed by visitors. Reliable hosting is crucial for your website's performance and security. Popular hosting providers include:
Bluehost: Great for beginners, offering easy WordPress integration.
SiteGround: Known for excellent customer service and performance.
WP Engine: Specializes in WordPress hosting with robust features.
Sign up for a hosting plan that suits your needs. Many hosts offer one-click WordPress installation, simplifying the setup process.
Step 3: Install WordPress
Most hosting providers offer easy, one-click WordPress installations. If your provider doesn’t, follow these steps:
Download WordPress from the official website (wordpress.org).
Upload the WordPress files to your hosting account using an FTP client like FileZilla.
Create a MySQL database via your hosting control panel.
Run the WordPress installation script by navigating to your domain name.
During installation, you'll need to enter your database details and create an admin account. Keep this information secure, as it grants full access to your website.
Step 4: Choose and Install a Theme
WordPress themes dictate your website's appearance and layout. The WordPress repository offers thousands of free themes, and there are premium themes available from marketplaces like ThemeForest.
Installing a Theme
Navigate to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress dashboard.
Click Add New to browse free themes from the WordPress repository.
Search for a theme that fits your website’s purpose, preview it, and click Install.
Activate the theme to apply it to your website.
Premium themes usually require downloading a zip file from the marketplace and uploading it via the Upload Theme button in the Themes section.
Step 5: Customize Your Theme
Once your theme is activated, you can customize it to match your branding and style. Navigate to Appearance > Customize to access the theme customizer. Here, you can:
Upload your logo
Modify colors and fonts
Set up your homepage and other pages
Adjust header and footer settings
Themes often come with their own set of customization options, so explore the settings to make your website unique.
Step 6: Install Essential Plugins
Plugins extend the functionality of your WordPress website. Here are some essential plugins to consider:
Yoast SEO: Helps optimize your website for search engines.
Contact Form 7: Allows you to create and manage contact forms.
WooCommerce: Turns your site into an online store.
Jetpack: Offers security, performance, and site management features.
Wordfence Security: Protects your site from malware and threats.
To install a plugin:
Navigate to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
Search for the plugin you need.
Click Install Now, then Activate once the installation is complete.
Step 7: Create Key Pages and Content
Start creating the essential pages for your website. Common pages include:
Home Page: The main landing page that welcomes visitors.
About Page: Provides information about you or your business.
Contact Page: Allows visitors to get in touch with you.
Blog Page: Displays your blog posts if you’re running a blog.
Shop Page: Showcases your products if you’re running an e-commerce site.
To create a page:
Navigate to Pages > Add New in your dashboard.
Enter a title and content for the page.
Click Publish to make the page live.
Use the built-in WordPress editor (Gutenberg) to add text, images, and other media to your pages.
Step 8: Configure Your Site Settings
Customize your WordPress settings to enhance your site’s performance and user experience. Key settings include:
General Settings: Set your site title, tagline, and timezone.
Reading Settings: Choose what your homepage displays (static page or latest posts).
Permalinks: Configure how your URLs are structured for SEO. Navigate to Settings > Permalinks and select the Post name option for a cleaner URL structure.
Step 9: Optimize for SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to your website. Here are some basic SEO practices:
Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to guide you through on-page optimization.
Use keywords relevant to your content in titles, headers, and body text.
Optimize images by using descriptive filenames and alt text.
Create an XML sitemap to help search engines index your site (Yoast SEO can generate this for you).
Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to monitor your site’s presence in Google search results.
Step 10: Secure Your Website
Website security is essential to protect your site from hackers and malware. Follow these steps to secure your WordPress site:
Use strong passwords for all user accounts.
Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins updated to the latest versions.
Install a security plugin like Wordfence or Sucuri.
Enable SSL to encrypt data between your site and visitors. Most hosting providers offer free SSL certificates.
Backup your site regularly using plugins like UpdraftPlus to prevent data loss.
Step 11: Launch Your Website
After you've set up and customized your WordPress website, it's time to launch. Before going live, perform a thorough review:
Test all links and forms to ensure they work correctly.
Preview your site on different devices to check for responsiveness.
Check for any errors or inconsistencies in design and content.
Once everything is in order, you can officially launch your website. Share it with your audience through social media, email newsletters, and other marketing channels.
Creating a WordPress websites from scratch is a manageable task, even for beginners, thanks to the platform's user-friendly interface and extensive resources. By following this step-by-step guide from VAW Agency, you can launch a professional and functional website that meets your needs and engages your audience. Remember, the key to a successful website is continuous improvement, so keep updating your content, optimizing for SEO, and enhancing your site's features as your needs evolve. Happy website building!
0 notes
Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessing the WordPress Dashboard
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Are you ready to dive into the world of WordPress and take control of your website? You've made a wise choice! WordPress is one of the most popular and powerful content management systems out there, and mastering its dashboard is the first step towards unleashing its full potential.
But how do you access the WordPress dashboard?
In this guide, we'll walk you through the process step by step, so you can easily navigate your way to the dashboard and start managing your site like a pro.
Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of accessing the dashboard, let's take a moment to understand what exactly the WordPress dashboard is and why it's so important.
The dashboard is the central hub of your WordPress site. It's where you'll spend the majority of your time managing your content, customizing your site, and keeping everything running smoothly. From here, you can create new posts and pages, upload media, install plugins and themes, and much more.
Accessing the WordPress Dashboard
Now that you know why the dashboard is essential let's talk about how to access it. Fortunately, it's a straightforward process.
Log in to Your WordPress Site: The first step is to log in to your WordPress site. Simply navigate to your site's login page (typically located at yourdomain.com/wp-login.php) and enter your username and password.
Navigate to the Dashboard: Once you're logged in, you'll be taken to the WordPress admin area. This is where all the magic happens! From here, you can access the dashboard by clicking on the "Dashboard" link in the top left corner of the screen.
Explore and Customize: Congratulations, you've made it to the WordPress dashboard! Take some time to explore its various sections and familiarize yourself with its layout. You'll find everything you need to manage your site efficiently right at your fingertips.
Wrapping Up
And there you have it – a simple guide to accessing the WordPress dashboard. With just a few clicks, you'll be well on your way to harnessing the power of WordPress and taking your website to new heights.
So what are you waiting for? Log in to your WordPress site, access the dashboard, and start building something amazing today!
0 notes
aakashweb · 5 months
WP Socializer v7.7 Release
WP Socializer v7.7 is now available. This is a maintenance release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes. It is now available for both free and PRO versions.
Please find the changelog below. You can also follow us on Twitter for latest updates @aakashweb
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✨ Changelog
New: Button to share using OS’s native share menu.
New: Line icon now supports different desktop and mobile share links.
New: Reset WP query for before printing text sharebar.
Fix: Added permission check for AJAX calls.
Fix: Minor admin UI enhancements.
Getting the update
You can update the plugin directly from your WordPress administration page by navigating to Dashboard > Updates. This applies to both free and PRO versions of the plugin.
You can also download the free version of the plugin from WordPress.org and upload it manually. For the PRO version you can follow the documentation. If you haven’t got the PRO version yet, you can get it here.
This article was originally posted on Aakash Web
0 notes
essinstitute123 · 7 months
How To Create A Website In Wordpress | Web Development Tutorial
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Are you considering creating a website? Especially if you’re not tech-savvy, starting a website could seem a daunting idea. Just be calm; you are not alone.
A good website is essential whether you’re establishing a small business from scratch or you already have one and want to increase your internet exposure. While there are many platforms to create a website, WordPress is one of the most popular website hosts due to its flexibility and customization options.
To help those who are not familiar with coding, Our web design institute trainer have made the most step-by-step tutorial on building a WordPress website.It can benefit users of all ages and ability levels.
This is a comprehensive rundown of every step we’ll cover in this guide, from beginning to end.
Understanding a Domain & Web Hosting
Buying a Web Hosting with Free Domain
Installing WordPress
Installing a Free WordPress Theme
Installing Few Necessary Plugins
Configuring or Customizing Settings of website
Creating & Designing Pages
Set up your Website
Setting up the website requires two steps to be done thoughtfully. First is to get a good hosting plan and then an apt domain name for the website.If you’re still unclear about what a domain name is, web hosting is, and how these things relate to websites, see our article How do a website, a domain, and hosting relate to one another?
Getting Web Hosting
Getting web hosting is the first step in creating a WordPress website.WordPress requires web hosting for your site to be accessible online.While there are several platforms offering basic to premium hosting services, some of the most popular ones include GoDaddy, Hostinger, and Bluehost.
Getting a Domain Name
Now buy a domain name from one of the top domain name registrars, such as GoDaddy or Google Domains, and manually link it to your web hosting provider.
The following factors should be considered while selecting a domain name:
The shorter, the better.
Eliminate dashes and numerals.
Though there are other excellent choices as well, try to stay with.com.
Steer clear of copyrighted content and names that are trademarked.
Verify if the domain is still accessible.
Avoid using terms that are hard to spell or pronounce.
Install WordPress
Once you are done with hosting and domain purchase, it’s now the time to install WordPress. Just link your web hosting account to WordPress.
Installing WordPress in Hosting has a process that directly depends on the hosting you are using. Check help page of your hosting and then install it. Once it is installed, login into the wp-panel. Just type “ /wp-admin” just after your domain name in the search bar , it will ask you for the username and password. It will then prompt you to the dashboard of the wordpress where you will be able to customize the website.
Install WordPress Theme
A theme is essentially a website template in the WordPress world. Your website’s appearance, features, and initial capabilities are all controlled by the templates. Every WordPress website has a default theme installed. If you go to your website, it will appear like this:
But don’t fret. You can install dozens of premium and free WordPress themes on your website.
From the admin panel, you can modify the WordPress theme for the site. Go to the “Appearance » Themes” tab and select “Add New.”
The official WordPress.org themes directory offers over 11,000 free WordPress themes for search on the following screen.We’ll be utilizing Astra for the purpose of this guide. It is a widely-used  free WordPress theme that can be used for many different types of websites and has versatile design choices.
You can look for the free theme you wish to install by entering its name in the search area.The theme will appear in search results on WordPress. To install the theme, move your cursor over to it and click the Install option. After installing your theme, select the Customize option from the Appearance menu to begin customizing it. This will take you to the theme customizer, where you can modify the theme settings while seeing a real-time preview of your website.
Install Plugins
Plugins for WordPress work similarly to applications on your website. They let you customize and add new features to your WordPress website like contact forms, picture galleries, AI Chat etc. Following the installation of your theme, you must install and activate all essential plugins to let you increase the functionality of WordPress. However, you should strive to restrict the amount of plugins you use, since too many might slow down your site or cause other plugins to malfunction.
To install plugins, navigate to the Plugins page from your WordPress dashboard. For WordPress, there are presently around 59,000 free plugins available. Additionally, third-party websites and developers sell premium plugins.
All corporate websites should have the following plugins installed:
Turn your page editor into a more user-friendly drag-and-drop editor by using a page builder plugin, for example Elementor.
Defend your website against comment spam.
Google Analytics
Monitor the traffic and activity on your website. This is a must if you’re a blogger since without it, most businesses won’t collaborate with you.
Offers upkeep, security, and performance improvements for your website.
Enhance your WordPress website with complimentary live chat to offer customer service, email marketing for newsletters, and CRM. Combines well with OptinMonster.
Yoast SEO
Aids in search engine optimization of your postings.
LiteSpeed Cache
An all-in-one, comprehensive plugin for site acceleration that comes with a variety of optimization tools and a dedicated server-level cache.
Disable Gutenberg
It will deactivate the basic WordPress webpage builder that has lots of limitations and will make it easy to use plugins and theme functions that extend the Classic Editor.
Tweaking the Settings
You must set up the settings, such as naming your homepage and blog posts page and modifying your site’s name, tagline, and icon, before you start customizing your web pages or laying out the content of your website.
Here’s how to set up the most popular settings:
Logo: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > “change logo” > upload your logo.
Site title: Go to “appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > input site title (a.k.a. your business name).
Site tagline: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > input site tagline (or simply delete the default WordPress tagline).
Site icon: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > under “site icon” click “change image” > upload the image you want to display as your site icon (a.k.a. favicon).
Homepage: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “homepage settings” and select the webpage you want to set as your homepage.
Blog: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “homepage settings” and under “posts page” select the page you want to set as your blog.
Permalink settings: Go to “settings” > “permalinks” then choose your preferred structure (typically “post name”) and save changes.
Create Pages
It’s time to start creating your web pages that form the foundation of a website. A company website, for example, usually consists of many pages, including the homepage, prices, services, about, and contact. Posts and pages are the two default content kinds that come with WordPress. Blogging features include posts, which are arranged chronologically backwards (newest entries are seen first). Pages, on the other hand, including your privacy policy, custom landing page, about page, and contact page, are supposed to be static, “one-off” types of material.
To display your most current postings, you can make a distinct page for your news or blog area. As an alternative, you can set up a website with no blog area at all. Here’s how to use WordPress to build and/or modify pages:
Navigate to “pages” using the vertical menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
Click “add new” to start a new page.
Go to “all pages,” find the page in the list of pages, and click “edit” to make changes to an already-existing page.
Choose the option to edit with the page builder (i.e.”edit with Elementor”) at the top as we have installed a page builder plugin.
Compose the copy for your website and add personal touches to each page.
Press publish once you’re finished.
For any additional pages you wish to build, follow these instructions again.
Set Up Navigation Menu
After setting up your pages, design and build your menu. This is how people browse your website; the number of menus you have, such as those at the top and footer of the page, will depend on your theme.
This is how to set up the menu on your website:
Navigate to “menus” under “appearance” from your dashboard.
Choose the page from the list on the left to add it.
To rearrange your menu or to arrange pages as sub-pages beneath other pages, click and hold the pages.
Select “Save Changes.”
Following menu setup, locate the “menu settings” section by scrolling down the same page. In the “display location” column, select “primary” by checking the box. This will configure the menu to appear in your header as the primary menu for your website.
Add Content & Media
Now you need to add blog posts or other needed content to the pages.Many organizations prefer to include blog postings  to boost their chances of being seen in search engines like Google. Here’s how to use WordPress to write a blog post:
On your dashboard, choose “posts” from the left side, then click “add new.”
Enter the title of your post.
Decide which category to place it in.
Compose the material for your blog.
When you’re finished, click “Publish.”
The primary difference is that, unlike a page, you can compose a blog post and then set it up to publish at a future date.
You can even add media and other images to enhance your content. You can, for example, include a gallery of your products or work images to make the homepage more appealing.
Market Your Site
It’s important to consider how you’ll market your website. Companies who have engaged in various internet marketing tactics to increase their online exposure and attract more visitors to their website are those that are easily found online.
The following are some of the best strategies for website marketing:
To help your website rank right away, submit the URL to Google Search Console.
When creating any kind of marketing material, such as business cards or email signatures, don’t forget to include your URL.
Make social media profiles for your website (such as a Facebook business page, an Instagram account, or a Pinterest business account) and link to them from your postings.
Establish a Google My Business profile to appear in local search results.
Submit your website to Yellow Pages, Tripadvisor, Yelp, and other pertinent internet directories.
We’ve now already covered how to create a WordPress website, install necessary plugins, add new web pages, and add new themes. If you’d want to go even farther, you can develop strong specialty websites that are able to perform much more. For example, you can add an e-commerce store,start your own podcast, create a web directory etc..
WordPress can be helpful for non-technical people to build simple websites but when it comes to customizable feature rich websites, you need expertise. ESS institute is one of the top Web development institute in Delhi and have recently launched a new online web design course to help you make websiyes. You can enrol in both online and offline batches now for detailed knowledge.
0 notes
aubabiwilson · 8 months
web workshops 1 + 2 notes
session 1 -
Step 1
Show them Front End vs Back End of test site...
Step 2
Get them to their own URLs
Step 3
Get them logged into Back End - /wp-admin
Step 4
Get them to open Front End in a new private browser / incognito window
Step 5
Settings > General
Site Title - Their Name
Tagline - Something relevant or blank (SEO)
Do not change Wordpres or Site Address… Explain why.
Also do not change admin email… Explain why
Save Changes
Step 6
Add New
Upload Theme
Choose File > Lay.zip
Install Now
Step 7
Dashboard > Updates
Update Wordpress if you need to
Update All Plugins
Update Lay Theme
Step 8
Menu Name
Tick Primary Menu
Create Menu
Step 9
Trash - Hello World
Add New
Edit the title
Explain Gridder
Add Images
Alt Text
Arrange images
Add Title to Text
Add Text
Add Feature Image
Step 10 
View post
Look at how the image and site title bar interact
Adjust set frame top = 60px
Step 11
All Projects
Duplicate Post
Edit Copy
Step 12
Edit the title
Edit the permalink
Edit the images and Upload new ones
Edit layout & text
Remove Featured Image
Add new featured image
Step 13
Projects > Categories
Edit Work
Add Project Thumbnails
Adjust frame if you want
Step 14
Appearnce > Menus
Add Work
Save Menu
Step 15
Trash Sample Page
Add New
Add Text
Set Frame to match others or mayber give it more?
Step 16
Appearnce > Menus
Add About
Adjust Order
Save Menu
Step 17
Text Formats
Changing default will change all we have done
Alternatively we can set up new Headlines or Characters
Step 18
Lay Options
Add Fonts - You can use google fonts but check licences use regular and adjust weights in Text Formats
Step 19
Add New
Name it Footer
Set Background to black
Add white text - copyright name 2023
Centre it
Step 20
Lay Options
Add Footer for all…
Step 21
Look at the size of the Footer…
Footer > Edit
Set Frame 0 all round
Ctrl click on text
Spaces & Offsets
2% in above and below
Step 22
Alternatively you can adjust the gridder defaults
Lay Options > Gridder Defaults
Frame Top in can be changed from px to %
Save Changes
Step 23
Customise - Over 250 settings to change within the Theme here
Site Title
Text, Image, HTML > Image
Select File
Upload Media
Choose testLogo.SVG
Adjust Width > 100px
Look at position
Space Top > 0px
session 2 -
Step 1
Look at how the logo scales and positions when on mobile / responsive
Spacing is added for the mobile
In Chrome
View > Developer > Developer Tools
Use the Select element tool to see where the spacing is being added
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.mobile-title {
top: 12px;
Adjust the value it developer tools to find what works best. Probably 6px in this instance.
Now we know that we can customise the CSS
Customise > CSS > Mobile CSS
As we are adding the CSS here we dont need to worry about the @media query
.mobile-title {
Step 2
Adding a contact Form
Plugins > Add New
Search for Ninja Forms
Install Ninja Contact Forms
Edit Contact Me
Emails & Actions
Edit the settings on “Email Notification”
To change to your email address.
Copy Shortcode
Step 3
Add this to the footer
Edit Footer
Add section above
Ctrl Click on section - Set Background Colour for section
Remover Gutter between
+ More
Add Shortcode
Paste Shortcode
Scale Content
Ctrl Click on the Shortcake Element - Set HTML Class and ID
Give the ID the name “contactMe"
Step 4
Check Pages - Contact Form should be on the bottom of the site, just above the footer
Step 5
Lay Options > Custom CSS & HTML
Here you can see all the custom CSS and HTML aspects - you can also add more complex things here.
Custom <head> content
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); 
window.laytheme.on("newpageshown", function(){
Step 6
Check Pages again - If you have done this correct - the contact me form should be hidden
Appearance > Menus
Add Menu Items > Custom Links
URL = #mailForm
Link Text = Contact
Add To Menu
Save Menu
Step 7
Lay Options > Custom CSS & HTML
Custom <head> content
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
window.laytheme.on("newpageshown", function(){
$j(".mailForm").click(function() {
Step 8
Check Pages - Now when you click on Contact the contact form should toggle in appearance.
Step 9
Knowing the above allows you to create a very flexible site / customised site.
Useful Links
0 notes
nat-sav · 7 months
How to Host a WordPress website on Cyber Panel
Step 1: Install Cyber Panel.
If you haven't already, you'll need to install Cyber Panel on wordpress on your server. You can follow the installation instructions provided by Cyber Panel for your specific operating system.
Step 2: Access Cyber Panel.
Once Cyber Panel is installed, access the Cyber Panel control panel by navigating to the IP address or domain name of your server in a web browser, followed by :8090 (e.g., http://your-server-ip:8090). Log in using the username and password you created during the installation process.
Step 3: Create a Website.
In the Cyber Panel dashboard, click on the "Websites" tab and then click on "Create Website." Enter your domain name, select the package (or create a new one if needed), and click "Create Website."
Step 4: Install WordPress.
After creating the website, click on the domain name in the "Websites" list to open the website management page. Scroll down to the "WordPress" section and click "Install."
Tumblr media
Step 5: Configure WordPress.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the WordPress installation. You'll need to enter the site title, admin username, password, and email address. Click "Install" to finish the installation.
Step 6: Access WordPress Admin.
Once WordPress is installed, you can access the WordPress admin dashboard by adding /wp-admin to your domain name (e.g., http://your-domain.com/wp-admin). Log in using the admin username and password you set during the installation.
Step 7: Customize Your Website.
Customize your website by choosing a theme, installing plugins, and adding content to your site.
Step 8: Configure Cyber Panel Settings (Optional).
You can further configure your website and server settings in Cyber Panel to optimize performance and security. Explore the various options available in the Cyber Panel dashboard.
Step 9: Launch Your Website.
Once you're satisfied with your website's setup, you can launch it for public access. Share your domain name with others to visit your WordPress site.
Please note that Cyber Panel offers advanced features and settings, so it's recommended to refer to the official Cyber Panel documentation for detailed instructions and best practices.
0 notes
speed-seo · 8 months
Mastering the WordPress Admin: The Definitive Guide
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The WordPress admin panel, often referred to as the "WP admin" or "wp-admin", is the backbone of any WordPress website. It's where you can access all the settings, tools, and features to build, manage, and customize your site. But for many users, especially beginners, the WordPress admin area can seem overwhelming and confusing to navigate. That's why in this definitive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to master the WordPress admin dashboard like a pro. You'll learn: - What the WP admin is and how to access it - How to log in to your WordPress admin panel - Key features and functionalities within the wp-admin dashboard - Tips for customizing and optimizing the WP admin experience - Troubleshooting common access issues with wp-admin So, if you're looking to level up your WordPress admin skills, you're in the right place. Let's dive in! What is the WordPress Admin Panel? The WordPress admin panel, also known as the “wp-admin” or “WP dashboard”, is the backend interface where you can access all the site management tools to build, customize, and run your WordPress site. It’s different from the front-end of your site that your visitors see. The wp-admin is only accessible to you (the admin) and any other users you give backend access to. Within the WordPress admin dashboard, you can: - Create and manage all your website content like posts, pages, media etc. - Install plugins and themes to add functionality and design your site - Update WordPress core files and plugins - Configure site settings - Manage user accounts and roles - Access analytics - and much more! The wp-admin comes built-in with every WordPress installation. So whenever you setup a new WordPress site, the powerful WordPress admin area is ready for you to use. How to Access the WordPress Admin Panel To access your WordPress admin dashboard: - Go to yoursite.com/wp-admin - Enter your WordPress username and password - Click the "Log In" button And that's it! You'll then be directed to your WordPress admin dashboard. The default login URL is www.yoursite.com/**wp-admin**. This wp-admin login page is different from your website frontend. It's a special backend login area just for accessing the WordPress admin panel. What's the Default WordPress Login URL? The default login URL for the WordPress admin is: yoursite.com/wp-admin So, for example, if your site is www.example.com, your WordPress login URL would be: www.example.com/wp-admin This standard wp-admin URL comes built-in with WordPress. Some key things to know: - The /wp-admin part of the URL is what's important. This tells WordPress you want to access the admin side. - You don't need to include the http:// or https:// part in the login URL. Just the domain name followed by /wp-admin. - You can also use the IP address instead of a domain if needed (e.g., 123.456.789.123/wp-admin). So, in summary, the universal format for the WordPress admin login URL is: yoursite.com/wp-admin 👉 Where yoursite.com is replaced by your actual domain name or IP address. This grants you access to your dashboard. Granting Access to the WordPress Admin Area As the admin, you can grant other users access to log in to your WordPress admin panel. To give another user wp-admin access: - Go to Users > All Users - Edit the user account you want to grant access to - Change their role to Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or any other role - Click Update Profile Here's a quick overview of the main WordPress user roles and their admin access: - Administrator - Full access to the WordPress dashboard and all features. - Editor - Editing access to all content but limited access to admin settings. - Author - Can write and manage their own posts but not publish others' posts. Minimal admin access. - Contributor - Can write and edit their own posts but cannot publish them. Very limited admin access. So, choose the appropriate role based on the level of wp-admin access you want to grant. You can create as many user accounts as needed this way to allow others to log in to your site's backend. Managing your WordPress Admin Login URL By default, the WordPress login URL is wp-admin. But in some cases, you may want to customize or change your admin URL for security or branding purposes. Here are three tips for managing your wp-admin login URL: 1. Change the default admin URL Using a plugin like iThemes Security or Rename wp-login you can change your default /wp-admin URL to something more secure like yoursite.com/secure-login. 2. Remove wp-admin from URL Plugins like WPS Hide Login allow you to completely remove /wp-admin from your login URL and replace it with your own slug. 3. Disable directory browsing Disabling directory browsing prevents users from accessing wp-admin by guessing common admin URLs. This adds an extra layer of login security. Changing your standard wp-admin URL can prevent hackers from exploiting this common pathway. But make sure any new URL you create isn't easy to guess either. Logging in to the WordPress Dashboard Once you know the URL, logging in to your WordPress admin dashboard takes just a few simple steps: - Go to your admin login URL Navigate to yoursite.com/wp-admin or whatever your customized login URL is. - Enter your credentials Type in the username and password for your admin account. - Click Log In This will log you in and direct you to your main WordPress dashboard. That's all there is to it! Enter the right login details at the wp-admin URL, hit log in, and you'll have full access to manage your site. Troubleshooting WordPress Admin Login Issues In a recent survey, 62% of WordPress users reported experiencing downtime or performance issues due to WordPress errors. Outages can seriously impact revenue and site traffic. Source: MelaPress Sometimes you may encounter issues accessing your WordPress admin panel. Here are some common wp-admin login errors and how to fix them: - You're redirected to homepage - This is often caused by an incorrect login URL or plugin conflicts. Try hard refreshing the browser cache or disabling plugins. - 404 Page Not Found - Verify you have the right admin URL and there are no typos. The standard URL is yoursite.com/wp-admin. - Incorrect username/password - Double check you're using the right admin username and password. If needed, reset your password via email. - Can't access /wp-admin after migration - Update the site URL in Settings > General to match your new domain. - Login URL blocked by .htaccess file - Some security plugins add rules to block the standard admin URL. You may need to modify .htaccess to allow access again. - WP admin says "Forbidden" - Make sure directory browsing hasn't been disabled on your server. Check with your hosting provider. Fixing admin login issues usually involves using the correct URL, verifying your credentials, and troubleshooting potential server restrictions or plugin conflicts. Key Features and Functionalities in the WordPress Dashboard Once you're logged in, let's explore some of the key features and functionalities within the WordPress admin dashboard: Dashboard This is the main screen that you see when you first log in to wp-admin. It displays an overview of your site activity, post stats, comments, traffic, and other analytics. Posts This menu is for creating and managing all your blog posts and other article content. You can create new posts, edit drafts, categorize, add metadata, and manage post revisions here. Media The media library stores all your images, videos, documents, and other media files uploaded to your site. You can manage, edit, organize, and insert these files from the media menu. Pages Similar to posts, you can build and manage all your site's pages like About Us, Contact, etc from the Pages menu. Pages are for more static content. Comments You can view, edit, approve, reply to, mark as spam or trash any comments from this section. Comment management is key for any blog. Appearance This menu lets you customize the visual design of your site by installing themes, managing widgets, menus, and other key elements of your site's appearance. Plugins Extend your site's functionality by installing plugins here. There are thousands of free and paid plugins available from the WordPress repository. Users The user's menu allows you to add, delete, and edit user accounts and roles. You can manage permissions for all users here. Settings Configure your general site settings like title, URL, default time zone, date format, and more from the Settings menu. There are also settings for writing, reading, media, permalinks, privacy, and additional site-wide configurations. Tools Import or export your site content, manage databases, and clear caches all from the Tools menu. There are also handy built-in tools for search engine optimization, generating sitemaps, and importing data. Customizing Your WordPress Admin Experience The WordPress admin panel is highly customizable to suit your preferences and improve your workflow. Here are some tips for customizing and optimizing wp-admin: - Install an admin theme like reDesign for a visual overhaul of the backend - Use a plugin like CodePress Admin Columns for more control over post listings - Remove unnecessary dashboard widgets to simplify the main screen - Customize your user profile screen with custom fields and options - Add custom links, buttons, or shortcuts to the admin bar for quick access - Organize plugins into their own submenu pages to reduce clutter - Adjust the text size, color scheme, and other display settings in your user profile Taking the time to tailor wp-admin to your needs can greatly improve your admin experience. Start with small tweaks to remove WordPress clutter or optimize your views. Then explore plugins and themes to completely redesign the backend. Final Verdict: Master WordPress Admin Workflows In closing, learning to comfortably navigate in the WordPress admin area is a must for site owners, bloggers, and agency clients alike. As we've covered, the wp-admin dashboard is extremely powerful but can seem overwhelming at first glance. Focus on mastering key workflows like creating content, managing users, installing plugins and themes, and configuring settings. Learn where to access the tools you need on a regular basis and customize the backend to suit your needs. Keep our troubleshooting tips in mind in case you run into login or access issues. With a little practice over time, you'll know the ins and outs of the WordPress admin for smooth site management. So, roll up your sleeves and start mastering WordPress admin today! Key Takeaways - The WordPress admin panel (wp-admin) houses all the backend tools for managing your site. - Access it by going to yoursite.com/wp-admin and logging in. - Grant backend access to other users by assigning them roles. - Customize your login URL and admin experience for better security and workflows. - Key features include content management, plugins, themes, users, and site settings. - Fix common access issues by verifying login details and troubleshooting restrictions. - Master WordPress admin by practicing core workflows regularly. Read the full article
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ess-institute · 8 months
How To Create a Website in WordPress | Web Development Tutorial
Are you considering creating a website? Especially if you’re not tech-savvy, starting a website could seem a daunting idea. Just be calm; you are not alone.
A good website is essential whether you’re establishing a small business from scratch or you already have one and want to increase your internet exposure. While there are many platforms to create a website, WordPress is one of the most popular website hosts due to its flexibility and customization options.
To help those who are not familiar with coding, Our web design institute trainer have made the most step-by-step tutorial on building a WordPress website.It can benefit users of all ages and ability levels.
This is a comprehensive rundown of every step we’ll cover in this guide, from beginning to end.
Understanding a Domain & Web Hosting
Buying a Web Hosting with Free Domain
Installing WordPress
Installing a Free WordPress Theme
Installing Few Necessary Plugins
Configuring or Customizing Settings of website
Creating & Designing Pages
Set up your Website
Setting up the website requires two steps to be done thoughtfully. First is to get a good hosting plan and then an apt domain name for the website.If you’re still unclear about what a domain name is, web hosting is, and how these things relate to websites, see our article How do a website, a domain, and hosting relate to one another?
Getting Web Hosting
Getting web hosting is the first step in creating a WordPress website.WordPress requires web hosting for your site to be accessible online.While there are several platforms offering basic to premium hosting services, some of the most popular ones include GoDaddy, Hostinger, and Bluehost.
Getting a Domain Name
Now buy a domain name from one of the top domain name registrars, such as GoDaddy or Google Domains, and manually link it to your web hosting provider.
The following factors should be considered while selecting a domain name:
The shorter, the better.
Eliminate dashes and numerals.
Though there are other excellent choices as well, try to stay with.com.
Steer clear of copyrighted content and names that are trademarked.
Verify if the domain is still accessible.
Avoid using terms that are hard to spell or pronounce.
Install WordPress
Once you are done with hosting and domain purchase, it’s now the time to install WordPress. Just link your web hosting account to WordPress.
Installing WordPress in Hosting has a process that directly depends on the hosting you are using. Check help page of your hosting and then install it. Once it is installed, login into the wp-panel. Just type “ /wp-admin” just after your domain name in the search bar , it will ask you for the username and password. It will then prompt you to the dashboard of the wordpress where you will be able to customize the website.
Install WordPress Theme
Tumblr media
A theme is essentially a website template in the WordPress world. Your website’s appearance, features, and initial capabilities are all controlled by the templates. Every WordPress website has a default theme installed. If you go to your website, it will appear like this:
But don’t fret. You can install dozens of premium and free WordPress themes on your website.
From the admin panel, you can modify the WordPress theme for the site. Go to the “Appearance » Themes” tab and select “Add New.”
The official WordPress.org themes directory offers over 11,000 free WordPress themes for search on the following screen.We’ll be utilizing Astra for the purpose of this guide. It is a widely-used  free WordPress theme that can be used for many different types of websites and has versatile design choices.
You can look for the free theme you wish to install by entering its name in the search area.The theme will appear in search results on WordPress. To install the theme, move your cursor over to it and click the Install option. After installing your theme, select the Customize option from the Appearance menu to begin customizing it. This will take you to the theme customizer, where you can modify the theme settings while seeing a real-time preview of your website.
Install Plugins
Plugins for WordPress work similarly to applications on your website. They let you customize and add new features to your WordPress website like contact forms, picture galleries, AI Chat etc. Following the installation of your theme, you must install and activate all essential plugins to let you increase the functionality of WordPress. However, you should strive to restrict the amount of plugins you use, since too many might slow down your site or cause other plugins to malfunction.
To install plugins, navigate to the Plugins page from your WordPress dashboard. For WordPress, there are presently around 59,000 free plugins available. Additionally, third-party websites and developers sell premium plugins.
All corporate websites should have the following plugins installed:
Turn your page editor into a more user-friendly drag-and-drop editor by using a page builder plugin, for example Elementor.
Defend your website against comment spam.
Google Analytics
Monitor the traffic and activity on your website. This is a must if you’re a blogger since without it, most businesses won’t collaborate with you.
Offers upkeep, security, and performance improvements for your website.
Enhance your WordPress website with complimentary live chat to offer customer service, email marketing for newsletters, and CRM. Combines well with OptinMonster.
Yoast SEO
Aids in search engine optimization of your postings.
LiteSpeed Cache
An all-in-one, comprehensive plugin for site acceleration that comes with a variety of optimization tools and a dedicated server-level cache.
Disable Gutenberg
It will deactivate the basic WordPress webpage builder that has lots of limitations and will make it easy to use plugins and theme functions that extend the Classic Editor.
Tweaking the Settings
You must set up the settings, such as naming your homepage and blog posts page and modifying your site’s name, tagline, and icon, before you start customizing your web pages or laying out the content of your website.
Here’s how to set up the most popular settings:
Logo: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > “change logo” > upload your logo.
Site title: Go to “appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > input site title (a.k.a. your business name).
Site tagline: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > input site tagline (or simply delete the default WordPress tagline).
Site icon: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “site identity > under “site icon” click “change image” > upload the image you want to display as your site icon (a.k.a. favicon).
Homepage: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “homepage settings” and select the webpage you want to set as your homepage.
Blog: Go to “Appearance” > “customize” > “homepage settings” and under “posts page” select the page you want to set as your blog.
Permalink settings: Go to “settings” > “permalinks” then choose your preferred structure (typically “post name”) and save changes.
Create Pages
It’s time to start creating your web pages that form the foundation of a website. A company website, for example, usually consists of many pages, including the homepage, prices, services, about, and contact. Posts and pages are the two default content kinds that come with WordPress. Blogging features include posts, which are arranged chronologically backwards (newest entries are seen first). Pages, on the other hand, including your privacy policy, custom landing page, about page, and contact page, are supposed to be static, “one-off” types of material.
To display your most current postings, you can make a distinct page for your news or blog area. As an alternative, you can set up a website with no blog area at all. Here’s how to use WordPress to build and/or modify pages:
Navigate to “pages” using the vertical menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard.
Click “add new” to start a new page.
Go to “all pages,” find the page in the list of pages, and click “edit” to make changes to an already-existing page.
Choose the option to edit with the page builder (i.e.”edit with Elementor”) at the top as we have installed a page builder plugin.
Compose the copy for your website and add personal touches to each page.
Press publish once you’re finished.
For any additional pages you wish to build, follow these instructions again.
Set Up Navigation Menu
After setting up your pages, design and build your menu. This is how people browse your website; the number of menus you have, such as those at the top and footer of the page, will depend on your theme.
This is how to set up the menu on your website:
Navigate to “menus” under “appearance” from your dashboard.
Choose the page from the list on the left to add it.
To rearrange your menu or to arrange pages as sub-pages beneath other pages, click and hold the pages.
Select “Save Changes.”
Following menu setup, locate the “menu settings” section by scrolling down the same page. In the “display location” column, select “primary” by checking the box. This will configure the menu to appear in your header as the primary menu for your website.
Add Content & Media
Now you need to add blog posts or other needed content to the pages.Many organizations prefer to include blog postings  to boost their chances of being seen in search engines like Google. Here’s how to use WordPress to write a blog post:
On your dashboard, choose “posts” from the left side, then click “add new.”
Enter the title of your post.
Decide which category to place it in.
Compose the material for your blog.
When you’re finished, click “Publish.”
The primary difference is that, unlike a page, you can compose a blog post and then set it up to publish at a future date.
You can even add media and other images to enhance your content. You can, for example, include a gallery of your products or work images to make the homepage more appealing.
Market Your Site
It’s important to consider how you’ll market your website. Companies who have engaged in various internet marketing tactics to increase their online exposure and attract more visitors to their website are those that are easily found online.
The following are some of the best strategies for website marketing:
To help your website rank right away, submit the URL to Google Search Console.
When creating any kind of marketing material, such as business cards or email signatures, don’t forget to include your URL.
Make social media profiles for your website (such as a Facebook business page, an Instagram account, or a Pinterest business account) and link to them from your postings.
Establish a Google My Business profile to appear in local search results.
Submit your website to Yellow Pages, Tripadvisor, Yelp, and other pertinent internet directories.
We’ve now already covered how to create a WordPress website, install necessary plugins, add new web pages, and add new themes. If you’d want to go even further, you can develop strong specialty websites that are able to perform much more. For example, you can add an e-commerce store,start your own podcast, create a web directory etc..WordPress can be helpful for non-technical people to build simple websites but when it comes to customizable feature rich websites, you need expertise. ESS institute is one of the top Web development institute in Delhi and have recently launched a new online web design course to help you make websites. You can enroll in both online and offline batches now for detailed knowledge.
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themesfores · 1 month
WP Residence– Real Estate WordPress Theme v4.22.2
https://themesfores.com/product/wp-residence-real-estate-wordpress-theme/ WP Residence– Real Estate WordPress Theme v4.22.2 WP Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme is a premium theme designed for independent agents and agencies or companies that want users, agents, agencies, or developers to register and submit their properties for free, for a fee, or based on a subscription. The theme has all the flexibility you need to provide the best user experience. Over 400 neatly organized theme options are included to help you create a unique and modern real estate website. 12 pre-made demos are available to get you started in seconds. All available demos are created with theme admin options which you can enable/disable quickly. WP Residence – Real Estate WordPress Theme Residence Theme Features Fully Responsive & Retina ready The theme is ready for all phones and tablets. Offer a smooth user experience on all platforms. Elementor Widgets ready The theme includes a separate plugin Wp Residence Elementor Add-ons which can be enabled and used with Elementor Plugin (which is installed from the WordPress repository). All theme real estate shortcodes can be used with Elementor Page Builder. WPBakery Page Builder, Revolution Slider & Ultimate Addons are included WPBakery Page Builder gives you the tools to create a page with drag and drop, without any advanced WordPress knowledge. Ultimate Addons adds to default WPBakery Page Builder a multitude of extra shortcodes for design variety options. Revolution Slider allows you to create stylish slideshows with diverse effects and a video background that you can set as header media. WooCommerce Support for Payments It’s easier now to make money with WpResidence, no matter what country you’re from! Enable WooCommerce payments and process theme payments for Membership Submission or Paid Submission through any merchant supported by WooCommerce. Multi-Language Ready Wp residence is ready to be used with multiple language plugins. The theme has been officially tested with the Weglot (3rd party multi-language plugin) or WPML (3rd party multi-language plugin). Powerful Theme Admin Easily manage theme options or content from the admin area. Over 400 neatly organized settings are available to build a powerful real estate website. WordPress 5.1 and Gutenberg Blocks Ready Create pages with the new WordPress 5.01 Gutenberg editor and Wp Residence Gutenberg Blocks. The theme is fully compatible with WordPress latest version STRIPE SCA Regulations for EU Market ready WpResidence STRIPE API integration follows the latest SCA – EU Market regulations that apply to European payments processors since September 2019. GDPR Ready The theme complies with GDPR requirements for Europe-based clients. You can enable a consent checkbox for every contact form in the theme users must check before sending email notifications to agents, agencies, developers, or site admin. Users can delete their profiles and details from the user dashboard at any time. Optimized for Google Maps API or Open Street Map The theme code for Google Maps has been optimized to register requests to the API only on pages with Google Maps. We have 13 demos with Google Maps API key, thousands of visitors daily, and we use the $200 monthly free credit without any extra charges. You can switch to Open Street Map if you want a free MAP integration. Different Membership Packages can be created for each user type. WpEstate CRM Manage the emails and contacts/leads received through theme’s forms (property, agent, agency, developer, and contact page) from the admin dashboard. All you need to make your real estate business easier to manage. Header & Menu Options You can choose between 4 different menu design styles, including vertical menu and Mega Menu. As a header, you can select Google Maps, Video Header, Properties Slider, Revolution Slider, Static image with parallax, or none. Maps and Price Pins Offer your clients the possibility to search for properties on Google Maps or OPEN STREET MAP, and they can easily find results near their location (with geolocation) or in other areas. Each property can have its custom image pin on the map or a price pin, so it’s easy for the users to spot the type of real estate listing they’re looking for. Advanced Search Options Create a powerful real estate search for your clients. Add unlimited search fields, including your custom fields. Choose between 9 design options, including the option to search with auto-complete for city, area, or state. Get results instantly, on the same page, with an ajax search. State- -> City -> Area dropdowns dependency is built-in, which means users see cities based on selected area and areas based on the selected city) Radius Search Radius search can be enabled/disabled for the Half Map style pages (search results, properties list half, or property categories half. You can choose the default radius value, and if you wish to show radius in miles or km. Live demo – http://wpresidence.net/half-map-radius-search/ Properties List Options Create lists of properties based on specific states, categories, types, cities, or areas, with the available real estate shortcodes or custom page templates. You can show properties as list or grid style by default, in a half map style page or official list page. There are 5 property card types built-in, or you can custom build your own. Property Subunits In each property, you can attach other properties as subunits. The subunits will show in advanced search results. PDF Print Elements Management Control which property elements to show in the print property option. Similar Properties At the end of each property, clients can find other similar listings from the same city, area, and type at the end of each property. Virtual Tour Show your real estate offer by enhancing virtual tours directly from the property page to attract more buyers. Now you can show the virtual tour in the header media or page content. Front End Property Submission If you wish, allow users to register, submit, and edit their properties from a white-labeled user dashboard. As the admin, you can manually approve each property, or allow the theme to publish them automatically. Each user can edit from his dashboard the profile info, his favorite real estate listings, and saved searches. Front End Property Submission Form Control Set which fields and which mandatory fields you wish to show in the front end submit property form. Contact Page & Contact Forms Create a dedicated contact page with your real estate company location details on the map, your contact information, and an integrated contact form that goes directly to your email. Additionally, you can replace the theme contact form with a Contact 7 form. Design Options Manage theme design from admin area, from header options and menu styles to site width, header height, content padding or widget padding, border radius or border size, and much more. Custom Colors You can change the theme colors wish, from header to footer elements, directly from theme options. Footer Options Choose between 9 different footer column layout options and change the footer colors from the admin area. Add any of the widgets available to the footer. Additionally, you can add a footer background image. Typography Options Get full control over theme typography with over 400 Google fonts, font size and font weight control, plus font subset management. Blog List Layouts Choose between grid or list style and make your blog list easy and functional. Unlimited Sidebars The theme comes with a few predefined sidebars, but you can also create your own sidebars and populate them with the theme real estate dedicated widgets or other widgets, from admin options. Optimized for Speed The theme comes with a built-in caching system, which you can delete manually, or it renews automatically every 4 hours). It also includes specific options to optimize map speed (as you can limit the number of pins to show on one page), and minify CSS and JS options for these files. Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/wp-residence-real-estate-wordpress-theme/ #RealEstateThemes #WordpressTheme
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