#Writing diferent point of views and seeing how everyone reacts is a fun and engaging!
shroudkeeper · 1 year
Thank you. He's so disgusting towards Kikyo so I imagine my WoL beating his ass regardless of what happens
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This is her she's half Primal and immortal (long story), she's 5'2 but she can dribble him like a basketball using just her pinky and crush mountains with the same pinky too, skip him like a rock on water, skip him like rope etc etc etc all for free
He is a terrible person but is written this way purposely to show different facets of love in this tale. Hancock is romantic love. Hayate is dutiful love for a student as a master. Fusanosuke is fatherly love. Shigure is the example of love to the point obsession, wanting possession of the person: unhealthy fixation.
For folks who read this and are wondering what I am talking about. I'll try to explain this part of Shigure and Kikyo's story.
This is possibly due to a few factors at play that I wove in his narrative before. He believes they are similar in a sense and that he would be the only one that would fully understand due to being a monster, like her. That he should protect her, stand at her side, love her as she is meant to..
but she is the antithesis of him.
They are not the same. However, they are both associated monsters. For her, actual otherworldly creatures, for him..mortals, because they can be monstrous in their own right.
He is a man who kills for their organization, though Kikyo doesn't involve herself with this, she in the other side of this as my interpretation of death. Where he is brutal and cruel in leading someone to their demise, Kikyo is gentle in handling their deaths because she helps to shepherd souls.
Yet he is drawn to her like a moth to a flame ( there is some foreshadowing here but we will touch on this later in the story, I got plans! )
He hasn't acted upon anything because her dad would smite him on sight, regardless of him being a member of their clan. And alas noone but his brother, Hayate, has suspicions about his fervent desires, he doesn't know how far his brother's warped perception goes in regarding to his relationship with her.
So alot of this inner monologue of his desires but he acts them out on people whom he shares an evening or two with that he doesn't care for. Which is what I wanted to touch upon before.
But anywho ha! Yess! Short ladies unite! And I'm sure he would get wrecked honestly. He has no supernatural or magical ability to aid him, noone in the clan does. But her. He would be folded like origami.
Hell Kikyo's hounds would devour him if he tried anything but lol for now we can hold off dribbling him like a basketball, I still do need him for the story! 😭
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