#Wujing just looks up to Tang so much and tries to copy him it's cute love that
relmint · 2 years
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Headcanon: one time Tang and Pigsy got totally sloshed bc reasons and started bemoaning their own romantic woes at eachother. And in that drunken 'everythings a good idea' haze, both tried to 'help' the other.
Pigsy actually tried to text sandy some of the bullet points from the 'Why Tang is Boyfriend Material' list, but it came out borderline incoherent, Sandy just thinks Pigsy hit that 'i love my friends so much' state of intoxication. And is all "Tang IS a very good and smart person youre right!"
Meanwhile Tang AKA "known bastard" convinces his friend he's gotta REALLY up his flirt game so Wukong KNOWS hes into him! Here, hes got this poster copy of this or that Monkey King media thing, use this to practice. Tang wakes up the next morning thouroughly hungover but with some shaky phone footage of Pigsy drunkenly hitting on a poster. Haha blackmail.
WHEEZES The mental image I get from this is too great so I had to write it down!
TW: Alcohol
Tang took a swig of the bottle, his head slumped against the couch. “It’s like he doesn’t even see me,” Tang said, his words slurring together. “I’m right here! I get I’m not the great monk but I’m just as good.” He sighed and sipped his drink. “Why won’t he see me?”
“I’m sure he sees you fine, Tang. Y’know with his eyes,” Pigsy responded as he placed his palm on the floor and leaned back.
The scholar rolled his eyes. “Not what I meant, Pigsy. He’s probably just not interested… we’ve all known each for years if he was interested then he would have said something back then.” Tears prick his eyes. “It’s like you said with the Monkey King, Sandy has probably seen so many things that there’s no way he would look at me. It hurts every time he’s near me then Tripitaka gets brought up and ugh! It’s like I’m not there, only Tripitaka.” There was venom in his voice as he stated the name of the monk.
“At least Sandy goes near you! Wukong won’t even come close! Everytime I try to get to close to him, he flinches! I don’t know what I did! Did I do somethin’ wrong? Maybe it’s cause I yelled at him the first time we met. I ruined my chance… and he likes Zhu Bajie anyway, not some lowly pig demon.” He cracked open another bottle and gulped it down, the cold liquid pouring down his throat.
“You’re not some lowly pig demon, Pigsy! And the monkey king tries to protect you so that counts for something.”
“He probably thinks I’m too weak to fight any demons,” he grumbled. “That’s the only reason he does it.”
“At least he does something. All I’m asking is for Sandy to pay attention to me but nooooo, he’s too busy paying attention to his brother or something else. I’m not invisible! Ever since we learned he was Sha Wujing, it’s like I know nothing and everything about him. I’ve read the Journey a thousand times and I know what he was like but it’s like he has too many secrets, like I don’t know who he is. I just want to be part of that.”
“That’s the same with Wukong! I know a lot too but when it comes down to it, he’s so secretive! I want him to open up to me.”
“Same! Sandy could let me help him with stuff and I could get to know him better. He’s so changed from that rage-filled warrior he was a couple years back and no matter what, I still love him. If only he could like me instead of Tripitaka. How could he not like Sandy? Sandy is great!” He took a small sip. “The monk only tolerated him, I love him!” He stood up on the cushions, bottle in one hand. “I would be a great partner!” He took out the list from his back pocket, the corners slightly crinkled. “Every bit of this list shows why I should be his boyfriend.”
A lightbulb hovered over Pigsy’s head, his eyes widen. “I got a great idea!”
“What would that be?”
“Why don’t we help each other out? I help you with Sandy, you help me with Wukong!”
A bright appeared on the human’s face. “Okay! Sounds like a deal!”
“Give me that list and I’ll text Sandy.” He made a hand motion and the human leaned over to pass the list to him. “He’ll see why your boyfriend material.”
“Thank you, thank you, Pigsy! Okay so.” He tapped a finger against his chin then smirked. “If you want the Monkey King to know you like him, you have to up your flirting! I have this poster from that Monkey King movie from a year ago! I’ll get it!” He scrambled off the couch and rushed towards his room, definitely not tripping on the way, definitely not.
The pig barked out a laugh. This might actually work. He read over Tang’s list then texted Sandy. He squinted at his phone, drunkenly pushing buttons to craft the perfect message.
What was supposed to be:
“Hey, Sandy! Here’s a bunch of reasons why ya should date Tang and why he’s 100% boyfriend material. Number one, he’s pretty smart. He knows everythin’ about your journey. He’s also amazin’ when he’s not freeloadin’ off of me. He knows a lot of topics and stuff. He can make tea and he’s always there to cheer you up when ya need him. So here’s why Tang is awesome.”
Turned into:
“HEy, Sa7dyn Here’s a b@9as of reskns whY ya sddd ddds Tang and whY h4’s bLsfaDfhd ma/“:: N@0she 1, hy”s smort. KnPw’s j5urney. Also amazin’ w3$n he’U not fr33l”adin’ off of me. Ksfs lOT’s of Topics. C0n make TEA aLD alYS tH3r3 to cheer u ^ when ya Nkkd hIM. So H9r@‘s wHY Tang is a53some.”
Sandy must have been up since he responded with: “Pigsy? Are you okay?”
“Yea, ‘m fine.”
Sandy wasn’t the type to judge or question others for their choices so he deduced quickly that Pigsy was drunk and in the ‘I love my friends’ stage. He typed back, “So your message is about Tang?”
“Oh well, I agree. Tang is extremely smart, it’s amazing how much he knows and he’s such a good person! You’re correct about the tea bit too, he makes the best tea!”
Pigsy was about to send something back when he heard “Alright! I got the poster! Woah!” A small thud sound was heard as he hit the ground. “Ow. I got it!” He stood up and brushed himself off. “Did Sandy respond?”
“Yea! He said he agreed with everythin’!”
They both giggled together, Tang beamed from ear to ear. “Wonderful! I’ll text him later! Now for you.” He skipped over to a wall and placed the poster against it, sticking it there with a small piece of tape.
“This is a fantastic idea, Tang!” The pig stood in front of the poster, Tang held up his phone, hitting record. The pig opened his mouth to speak and the human’s vision blurred.
The human’s head pounded, he slowly opened his eyes, taking in the light in the room. He sat up carefully and held his head, his phone was in his lap. He glanced around to see the pig laying on the floor in front of a Monkey King poster he had obtained last year. What the f-?
He checked his phone to find a new video on it with Pigsy’s arm against the wall near the poster. He turned up the volume and pressed play. The footage was shaky but tried to remain on the chef.
“Hey, Wukong,” Pigsy greeted with a wink. “You’re- you’re really cute. You’re like… really strong and handsome. Look at your muscles, really strong.”
Tang paused it when he heard a groan, he covered his mouth to muffle his laughter, only stopping when a stinging sensation ran through him. This was prime blackmail.
There was tapping on their door. He opened it to reveal Sandy with Mo on his shoulder. “Oh uh, hi, Sandy!”
“Hey, Tang! I figured I would check up on you two after Pigsy’s message.”
Message? “What message?”
“Oh, a drunken message saying something about you.”
He swallowed. “What did it say about me?”
“Just how cool you are! I think Pigsy wanted someone to see his rant about how cool his friends are.”
A sigh of relief. “Okay, good.” He stepped aside. “Come in.”
“Thanks! I brought tea!” His lips pursed as his eyes landed on a certain object. “Why is there a poster of my brother taped up?”
“Oh, ummmm… see, I received that last year and I finally decided to hang it up but I might move it,” he lied.
“Oh, okay! Want to help me make tea?”
He nodded with a grin. “Sure.” They walked into the kitchen together, the scholar’s heart thumped. He had no idea what Pigsy texted Sandy exactly but he remembered bits of that night, oh well, he could piece it together later.
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