mxldito · 9 months
@xnecromantia cont. from here due to editor bullshit :')
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"They pry too much." Coyote couldn't help but mock his tone, but they were always up for some sketchy shit anyways. Hostility evoked their incessant need to be the most annoying person in the room. His squirming only fueled that obnoxious itch of theirs. "It's cool, man. It's fiiine. Won't catch me judgin' or anything. It's all just. . .a little weird, ain't it?".
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Scrunching their nose at him. "I'm scared of hospitals too." Smiling wide, they stared into his face as they started the car; briefly savoring the purr of the motor before finally looking away, driving gloves squeaked as their hands wrapped around thin steering wheel. Blowing a stream of odorless air from their lips, they clicked the stereo on and the growling voice of Rob Zombie came on to spew nonsensical lyrics. Moving slow and deliberate before their put the old Jaguar in drive and allowing it to kick off onto the two-lane blacktop.
Noticing him take pause and look into rear-view, they caught a glimpse of the bitter spirit as well. This was one they'd see sometimes too and they'd watch him with no sympathy until he got sick of staring. He would've been just fine, had he pursued a career that didn't disrupt Coyote's. Another hunter whose name they couldn't be bothered to pick up. Seemingly not a good one as the poor fool didn't know a trap when he saw one. He was dead the second he'd crawled into their backseat.
"You know, I'm something of a sensitive creature, Mylo. The soft, foam, bleeding heart meets the concrete of the world with no more than a small wet crush. That's me!" They explained in the form of jumbled rambling, "Nothing comes from nothing. Get what you give or something or other. The funniest saying I've heard is: 'Even a worm will turn'. I won't turn unless you do first."
"I'm nice, Mylo. I behave just fine. Except where traffic laws are concerned. Is that something you can do? Behave? You don't have motion sickness problems, right? I'd hate to make you sick or frighten you. You'd tell me if you did, right?" They continued with their boot pressing further down on the gas, the world passing by a little faster. "And to answer your question, yes and no. we're an immigrant, I guess. But we've lived in the area for the past — mmmm — eighteen years or so. "
Coyote remained cryptic. It seemed Mylo had seen something he didn't need to which left them feeling a bit miffed. If he had happened to manage to pinpoint them as a member of the undead, the kindness they'd given him would sour like milk; the liquids drained away and the bottle thrown out into a ravine. "We're just going somewhere nice and level where you can get on your feet. Is that okay with you, Mylo? They pry too much."
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saidthecaterpillar · 1 year
@xnecromantia ( continued )
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[ maybe Mylo's right- maybe he should be running. after what he's just seen, it should be easy. but it isn't. he's rooted to the spot, hands still up from the flinch when Mylo turned, shouting at him to leave before recognizing him. he's lucky the Wytch didn't blindly react- he'd be dead, same as the one still hanging, strangled by the branches at Mylo's command. ]
" --- why would i run from you, Mylo?" [ he stops just short of it- calling Mylo his friend. but he is, isn't he? that's why Hatter followed, when he saw the others tailing him. their intent was obvious. now he knows what Mylo is capable of, he's seen it firsthand. but he's not afraid. not of Mylo. ]
" --- i'm not leavin' you with them. you were only defendin' y'self. that's not enough t'scare me away." [ nor are the darkened hands, the charcoal colored veins in his face, the gold eyes. it's reminiscent of his family magick, the power possessed of his brother and father- but not Hatter himself. they've never talked about it. as it is, this is different, unique to Mylo. yet in some way it's nothing new to the tea-seller. it was just self defense, same principle as a gun, or a knife, whatever. the rain begins to fall hard, purposeful, soaking through his leather jacket. he takes a step forward, slow, hands still raised to placate. ]
" --- Mylo, c'mon. believe it or not, i've seen worse. we should go- come back to my place. you'll be safe there, we can sort out how they found you. ok? please?" [ there's several things running through his mind now- he wants to call Gabriel, tell him what's just happened and to keep the crew on alert, should more men come looking for Mylo. he wants to put a few bullets in these guys just to make himself feel better- no one hurts his friends and lives to speak of it. but as far as he can tell, Mylo isn't hurt. still, the thought of it roils rage in his belly. he's beginning to shiver, adrenaline, anger, cold. despite it all, despite Mylo pleading with him to run, he refuses, reaching out with upturned palms. ]
" --- listen to me, Mylo. i'm not runnin' away. if i'd known wha' they wanted with you i'd 'ave taken care of 'em myself. please, Mylo. come with me."
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itokunii-a · 1 year
@xnecromantia asked: ( the great outdoors ) - Erik / 👻୧‿︵‿︵ just fucking around !
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It is truly fascinating that someone like him who always pays such keen attention to the noises of the forest ( the rustling of the leaves, the whispers of the dead ) could even be capable of averting his attention and tune out even the most violent breeze pulling at a shirt he has long since discarded. The way the sun gently cascades down and warms the earth with its rays, the way the soil reaches upwards to embrace it; nothing matters on its own, except for how it looks, sounds, feels around Mortis.
He has him pinned to the tree, his smaller body lifted up by the branches so that Erik can comfortably fit himself between his legs and touch every inch of skin his fingertips come across. Which is how this has started: a curiosity and a playfulness had taken a hold of him, quietly manifesting from the bark of the oak tree his darling lover had waited in front of ( waiting for him, sweetly, innocently, with his back turned ). Long fingers had reached out to slip beneath the fabric of his shirt and press him flush against his front, the cool kiss of his lips traveling from his ear to his neck and the way Mortis moaned both in surprise and delight was all it took for him to turn a teasing touch into loving want.
Black eyes peer at him, taking in his expression, the way his hair falls into his face and the way he instantly reaches out to tuck it back. He can sense his heart beating against the trunk and then, when he finally relents and exchanges the fingers he has been pushing in and out with himself, can feel it beating within himself. His breath shudders, no noise escaping him as he enters him bit by bit, gaze mesmorized by the pleasure overtaking the other. His hands, cold against the flushed flesh, tenderly grip his hips, picking up the pace as he nuzzles into his neck. [ You're beautiful. ], a pant, pulling out before he fills him entirely again. [ And you feel so good, my love. ]
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uncxntrxllable · 10 months
@xnecromantia sent:
"How are you feeling?" ( Maisie/Fox )
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❝ Fine, ❞ She says in an unusually hollow tone, unusual for her. She shook her head and the smile she wore then seemed a little forced, ❝ I'm great! Everything's great, ❞ Her voice picked up an octave, her attempt to sound a little more cheery. ❝ Why? Do you care — Why do you care? ❞
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helllords · 11 months
@xnecromantia / continued.
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The hostility he is met with only coaxes a laugh out of him, oddly charming in its light cadence and yet unable to shake the lingering grotesqueness ( his laugh is like smoke, curling in the wind, indicating fire ). " My, are you flirting with me, my dove? " But that threat has him hooked, curiosity flaring up in bright green eyes as they roam across the other's expression and he himself leans in further, his own tall frame towering over him. A little magician capable and willing of such blatant violence? How intriguing. He wonders what it would take for him to break and grasp at the temptation clinging to his tongue. " Oh, I'm certain you do. ", a coo, head slowly tilting to the side. " Wouldn't you like a little company? It can get awfully lonely in between human... can it not, little wytch? No foul play, unless I offer you something you like, I promise. "
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longdeadblonde · 1 year
send  ⚠️  for  an  urgent  starter .
starter call ,     feel  free  to  combine  multiple  prompts !
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  There was always something about this alleyway that invoked an unease in those not quite attuned to the supernatural. Curse or blessing, call it what you prefer, but Felix Kozlowski was aware of the something that laid claim to the quickest way to and from school. Most things didn’t frighten the boy anymore, be it a corpse or something more spiritual, but something held dominion over this tiny pocket tucked deep within the city. Something he couldn’t bargain or reason with.
  Head down, hood up, he sped through as best as he could. Doc Martens rapidly tapping along the grimy blacktop, the way through seemed to stretch on forever. Then came the scuttling from behind the dumpster, freezing with fear temporarily as he watched a skin-pink figure emerge in his peripheral, human in proportion and canid in posture. A throaty rattling, followed by the scrape of bone on asphalt as it stalked towards him. 
  So long as he didn’t look it in the eyes, he’d be fine. So long as he made it down the alley before it could catch up. . .
  Taking off running, the creature followed suit, snarling and rattling as it went. His hands gripping his hood tight over his eyes, dashing as quickly as his less than powerful legs could carry him. Unable to see the distance between him and the creature, he continued frantically until he reached the end where he collided with the stranger.
  Just beyond the reach of the alley he collided with a stranger, Felix tumbled down to the cement, his bookbag falling some feet away. Now he heard the bustling of the traffic in the street, hesitantly he opened his eyes. Blinking hard as the sunlight overwhelmed his vision, “I’m. . .I’m sorry about that, man. There was, um, just some weird guy down that way and he freaked me out.” Lying instinctively as he never expected to be believed.
  Sitting up to catch his breath, his body trembled uncontrollably. “You’re not hurt are you? I’m real sorry.” What a relief to open his eyes to a humanoid face at least. “I was already in such -- such a rush I didn’t see you there.” He stammered.
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bcneheaded · 1 year
"Oops...wrong place. Sorry, I hope I didn't startle you." - unprompted ( Mylo teleporting to Artemis' shop by mistake? )
𝐔𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 (with @xnecromantia !)
  He was in the midst of moving an item for purchase from one room to another (tidying the shop, keeping things fresh you know? ... fresh as a shop such as this could be anyway). Large jar sits hoisted– arm wrapped 'round the front to hold it from beneath, pressing it flush against his side.  The contents float and bounce delicately against the inside of their container, specks slowly flittering in opposite directions as it bumps against the glass. 
  There's a rustle, and quite suddenly in his peripherals he spots a man. A Living, so far as he's aware at first glance. It causes him to take pause, not necessarily startled… but certainly surprised. He stops in his path, back straightening, and he simply peers over at the fellow as if at first trying to figure out if he’d been a mundane or not -- as though he were trying to decide whether to be concerned or not. But of course he hadn’t needed to be. The thought is brushed off almost as soon as it had come. The likelihood of a non-magical, non-supernatural aspect Living making their way through the charm that hides the shop from them was… more than unlikely. 
  The being lets out a bit of a noise at the man’s apologies then, one of only semi-stifled amusement.  That he thought he would frighten a demon… he couldn’t help but laugh just a little.  He was polite, at least; that he could appreciate.  “Not to worry,” he begins, deep voice murmuring good-naturedly. “You wouldn’t be the first to make a misstep in where you wished to be.” he says, as though this sort of thing happens more frequently than one would expect. He continues in his path then, moving languidly; movements almost graceful as he sets the jar down on the counter-top a few steps away.
Yellow lights ‘neath empty sockets find the man once more once the item is safely tucked to the side, and arms fold behind his back in a most professional manner. A Whisper or two, small 'casper' looking entities, float both aimlessly and curiously a few feet above the man –no doubt sensing the magic he held-- but they fade somewhat a few moments later, only once they’d had a ‘look’ at him.
“Well,” Artemis tips his head politely. “Since you are here: my name is Artemis– I am the humble keeper of this shop– it is a pleasure to meet you. Is there perhaps anything I can do for you today? Ah... in fact, as I recall, I do have telefocus-crystals in stock if you are in need."
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shiningstages · 2 years
"Did you find what you were looking for?" (Lillian)
A shriveled up, shaking little kitten. Soaked to the bone in the summer rain, even with her oversized trench coat and hat trying their best to shield her from the elements she forced herself into. Mud splashed on every bit of her, long, golden hair disheveled and matted to her skin, sweating stinging her eyes even as the downpour washed it all away. Gulping in air against the humidity, fatigue so evident that no one would be surprised if she just collapsed then and there.
But she couldn’t. Rather, she wouldn’t, at least not yet.
Before Mylo could move, Lillian grabs his sleeve. She balls the fabric in her hand, yanking him ever so softly to just be a tiny inch closer. Her eyes on his own, that slight hint of the power in him glowing there, and forcing herself to remember the detail. A well kept secret only for so long, until his pleading for her to not hunt wytches “for her own safety” mixes with the memory of seeing him kill a man for wanting to harm them. The group Thomas and the rest of the local hunters had been monitoring vanished without a trace, with Mylo disappearing from the bar soon afterwards, and then Lillian can’t help but spill her memories to her uncle. He was mad, of course, but there was the anguish mixed in. The feeling of betrayal, knowing a person they cared for hid such a secret, yet knowing friends in the past have done similarly for perhaps the same reason - Fear. But wytches, in the mind of the older hunter, were a much trickier subject than vampires or werewolves. There was a documented trail of blood, and the complexity of their whole society, that made Thomas hesitate wanting to reach out to the boy. Thinking maybe it was best if they did forget about each other; that it would keep everyone involved safer from their sides of the world, because modern society could accept a werewolf bite over a curse.
But Lillian couldn’t. Too set up in her ways and too attached to the people she deemed friends, she told Thomas her desire to chase after him. Words were thrown around about all her planning and researching in her journal, about knowing how dangerous this could be if he didn’t consider her so friendly anymore. Yet she could remember that look of horror in Mylo’s eyes when she saw him use his powers; that fear of exposing the young girl to the terrible parts of his existence, and she can only trust in that being because he cared for her. For her opinion, for her company, and for a bar that the hunter duo claimed anyone could call “home”. She bet on that, like they both had time and time again, instead running by herself out into the unknown outcome of seeing him again.
And so she stared at him. Sigil freshly carved into a tree, hands free of makeup to reveal his marks. Ignoring them all to look up at him with pleading, teary eyes. “...Only if you want to continue being it.” she states with what breath she had in her, hoping he understands from just that alone.
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𝔇𝔞𝔰𝔥 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏᴜꜱ ɢᴇᴍ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?
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ꜱᴛᴏʟᴇɴ ꜰʀᴏᴍ: @therelentless
ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @heartxshaped-bruises @scarredfeathers @dxsole @demonstigma @blumhouses @brokenblondeprincess @riddl3r @smalltownbcy @itmeanspeace @xnecromantia @delabor @himbosquad @writtenrotten
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cainiine-a · 1 year
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Sashka.
PRONOUNS:  She/her.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1 -   I love art! Painting (both traditionally and digitally), sketching, sculpting! I hope I can get into wood carving at some point, rip to my fingers.
2 -  I have trouble finishing games. I’ve had Blo.odborne for over a year and still am only half-way through. Bought Path.ologic 2 recently, played it once. Help.
3 -  The only plants that do not die on me are cacti lol.
PLATFORMS USED: Tumblr and discord!
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I think memes have to be my favorite! Simply because my mind goes blank if someone is like “Hey, wanna plot?”. Winging it can also work but memes usually give me some sort of context for the story or possible dynamics, which is great!
GENDER: Male mostly!
MULTI OR SINGLE: I get weak and add more and more muses so multi!
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S):  Uuuuh I guess Youtuber faceclaims?? Or problematic people?? But I’m usually not too picky with them.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Love it! Give me the softest feels.
ANGST: Also love it! As a good friend of mine once said “Struggles before cuddles” asdfghjkl.
SMUT: Now listen. I like smut but I’m not too great at it. And it also depends on the muse: smut with Abaddon, for example, can get quite exhausting because he is so intense. So it depends on the mood!
tagged by: @sortilegum​, thank you!
tagging : @zealctry, @id1eyouth, @xnecromantia, @lilxmcrtes​ and you!
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alxnetxgether-moved · 2 years
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Where should you be kissed
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over-worrying and overthinking everything, your mind is always a whirling storm. no matter how you try, the fears overwhelm all else. you need someone trusted to press a kiss to your forehead, helping to quiet the thoughts that just refuse to settle.
Tagged by: @demonstigma
Tagging: @heartxshaped-bruises @dxsole @impulsepost @punkunlimited @hauntsallmywhatifs @xnecromantia @x-brokencrowns @eddiethebcnished @mcsaiccfmuses
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mxldito · 1 year
“When’s the last time you ate?”
★; addressing the elephant in the room sentence starters.
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  It’d been a while since somebody asked them such a question without the connotation of vampirism lurking behind it. To be frank, it almost startled them; did they seem unfocused or shaky? Or had he just happen to notice their gauntness which was only worsened by the fact that most of their internal organs had withered away with time? 
  Faltering for a moment longer then they would’ve liked, "Before I left home, why? What’s up?” They lied. This was one of those questions they’d expected to pop up eventually, but finally being asked it caught them off guard. Suddenly, Coyote remembered a whole spiel they’d made up about a digestive disorder during their earliest days as a fledgling, and loaded it into the chamber in case they needed it. 
  “When was the last time you ate?” Mocking a maternal tone and jabbing his shoulder with a playful finger in an effort to deflect the question. Mylo sounded sincere, maybe even concerned, but this wasn’t something they could be honest about. Not for the time being. As silly as a ‘little white lie’ like this felt, they had become necessary for their survival.
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saidthecaterpillar · 2 years
"Why are you looking at me like that?" (for White Rabbit!)
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" --- what's that? oh- right... i apologize, Mylo. lost myself in thought for a moment there. thank you, actually, for bringing me back round- were you looking for Davey?"
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itokunii-a · 1 year
@xnecromantia​ / continued.
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He has screwed up entirely, a thought that echos in his head on repeat with an unrelenting viciousness, chastizing himself for the each mistake that he has managed to make today: first letting himself grow this hungry, this restless, this close to being absolutely monstrous. And one would assume that after centuries upon this earth, he would have learned no to go this long without blood when he knows that even the strongest willpower cannot withhold the instincts of a starving beast. After half a millennium he still tries and tries again to latch on to the delusion that there still is a fraction of humanity left in him worth saving.
His second mistake comes in the form of draining his prey dry. But there is no restraint left in him anymore when the beating of a heart coaxes him forward with such delcious rhythm, tempting him like the devil that it is and reducing him to nothing more than a pair of inhumanly swift feet and fangs which pierce through skin, flesh, arteries and a mouth that immediately, greedily gulps down anything it comes in contact with. So lost to his own appetite that anything that has happened before is lost in the damned, familiar mantra’s haze of feed, feed, FEED.
Which proves to be his third mistake that manifests in the shape of a young man catching him post-bite. He should have checked whether someone was around and he curses himself for not being bound to the caution he once had ( once, a word of ancient origin, a word describing what is no more ). But instead of being met with terror or shock as Radek imagines a maw full of blood to ellicit, the other regards him with interest. Sarcasm moves his own tongue, surprising himself. You’re staring like you’ve never seen a vampire before. And he has, apparently, which leaves him lucky for the first time in twenty-four hours.
Blond eyebrows furrow and he finally manages to rise from his feet, albeit slightly wobbly. “ I have two. “, his voice is rough, arms crossed over his chest; a clear sign that he would prefer not to talk about it. But he supposed curiosity is easier to deal with than screaming. “ There are different kinds of vampires. Some are more... ghastly in appearance than others. “
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uncxntrxllable · 10 months
@xnecromantia sent:
"Have you been following me?" ( Lakota. Also, hello! )
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She stopped only when called out, leaning into the trunk of a large tree. It took a moment before she’d finally respond, ❝ Yes. ❞ No point in lying, is there? She absolutely has been following him, but she meant no ill-will by it. Following strangers in the forest? Call it a bad habit. ❝ I have never seen anyone like you here before… ❞ Whatever he is, she wasn’t sure but she was curious about it.
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shymaidxn · 2 years
What does your Muse’s Name Mean?  
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Gender: Feminine.
Usage: Dutch (Rare), English (Rare).
From dianthus, the name of a type of flower (ultimately from Greek meaning "heavenly flower").
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( I put the picture just because; y’all don’t have to if you don’t wanna~ )
tagged by: stolen from @dekirukoto​ !
tagging: @toestalucia / @flovverworks / @solstoft ( do it for all...do it for none!! your move~ ) | @crxstallium | @xnecromantia​ / @feveredbcnes​ ( do both or none...your move too~ ) | and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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