#XoXaan's was there also;
arkhavens · 2 years
ok but i CANNOT fucking get over the fact that there was literally an active sith academy on thule before+during the clone wars.
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blackkatmagic · 7 months
Just gotta tell you that it is breaking my heart to know that A'Sharad has been a captive for who knows how long, with his captors choosing a name that will hurt him (did they do it on purpose? Choose a name that will not only inspire fear but also hurt their captive, when they already have so much leverage to hurt him. When they further trampe the name of the Tuskens, when A'Sharad has never been anything but a Tusken).
There are very few characters I project more soft than hurtful headcanons on. A'Sharad is one of them. Him having to fight for his life against Anakin, the way the handled the bigotry that's been thrown at him all his life, how he still chose to believe in the good of Anakin (believing he would feel guilty and tell the truth to the council) even after Anakin gloated to him about murdering babies. How after all that he came to the conclusion that it was him that needed to change, that he had to take off his mask (his face for the world really) to be treated humanly. It just broke something in me.
And now he is there, chained up like an animal in a cellar that he couldn't escape even if he had the opportunity (because how when the real shackles are the two small children, when he has no healthy legs to carry them out with him), starved and bruised and finally feeling hope again. Allowing himself to grasp onto it, because now it is real, because Agen is there.
Agen who is unfaltering and steady and loyal. Who has found him in this unlikely place. Who has promised to save them. Who will not do the practical thing and leave A'Sharad behind. Even if A'Sharad is so thin that he can see the bones in his arms, even if A'Sharad has no idea if his legs will carry him at all. Even if Mandalorians are coming.
Because for all that they both despised the saying, there was a reason that Agen was viewed as the councils attack dog. Because once Agen had set his mind to something, he was like a dog with a bone. Who followed the orders he was given without ever faltering, without ever needing an explanation (in front of others) for what he was to do. Who was sensitive to the slightest changes around him, even if he couldn't always discern why there was change. Who tried his best to help in any way he could, no matter who needed it. Who was protective of anyone under his responsibility. Who was a council member, acutely aware of his responsibility. To the world around them and to the order.
There is a Jedi on Taris.
And he has come to save A'Shard.
...can you tell that I love both Agen and A'Sharad so so much? Eastward is breaking my heart and I love it. I am so emotionally invested in this fic. And the thought that another Jedi inspired the hope in A'Sharad that used to bloom everywhere in the galaxy when the order was still open and thriving.
A'Sharad is one of the characters who gives me the most emotions, even with all of the many characters in SW who deserved better. I think it's especially jarring because canon never acknowledges that he deserves better, in a way that's deeply depressing. And he's always paid back for his faith in the very worst ways, from Ki-Adi-Mundi to Dark Woman to Anakin to even XoXaan when he meets her. And the fact that he falls to the Dark Side over guilt from what Anakin did, when Anakin turned around and vaguely sort of said sorry and became a peaceful Force ghost....idk man. It just hurts.
That said! I was very much going for that exact vibe with Agen and A'Sharad's meeting - Agen's been struggling, but A'Sharad has quite literally lost all hope because of what happened to put him in that cell. All he has left are the two kids who make it impossible to escape, and then Agen appears, exactly like a Jedi would in a story kids on Tatooine would tell.
Agen and A'Sharad here are both people who've struggled with their own identities and their places as Jedi, but Agen is just...generally steadier and less. Hm. Cerebral? I think that's the word. He trusts the Force and his place in it more easily than A'Sharad, at least partially because he had T'ra as a master instead of the world's worst tag-team by Ki-Adi-Mundi and Dark Woman. So there's backstory between the two of them, and lots of feelings about Being Jedi, and Agen is probably the absolute best possible person to rescue A'Sharad.
(I will say that A'Sharad has not been there for as long as you may think, at least. It's still bad, but not quite as bad as it could be.)
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master-conspirator · 5 years
I bought,,,, cartel coins to buy xoxaan armor
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for the SWTOR asks, 16. and 23.? :D
Thanks Elven!
16. Who was your original main? do you still play them?
Oh my first main was made back in 2013. I tried making what was at the time a self insert and came up with a half Korean looking guy I called Narmir Lee (I was on an Egyptian history kick and named him after the pharaoh that united upper and lower Egypt and started the first dynasty). Honestly I never even finished the Knight campaign with him as I didn’t know how the game worked. Ended up deleting him when the pandemic hit and I started playing again. I just couldn’t RP as a guy at the time. It just caused far too much dysphoria and playing him felt like being in the closet. So I made a new korean halfie self insert, my awesome girl Ryscha.
23. Which outfit did you spend the longest on? the most credits?
I think that would have to be a tie between two of Élise’s outfits. Both canablize three outfits though the first one also uses a pretty pricey black/black dye. Inquisitors be pricey (Also got her a personal sailbarge mount too where she eats grapes at her leisure) 
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Top - XoXaan’s Armor 
Hands - XoXaan’s Armor
Lower robes - Noble Councilor’s Armor
Wrists -  Noble Councilor’s Armor
Belt -  Noble Councilor’s Armor
Boots - Nathema Zealot’s Robes (I think)
And wrapped up with a black/black dye
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Top - Nathema Zealot’s Robe
Hands -  XoXaan’s Armor
Wrists -  Noble Councilor’s Armor
Lower robes’s - Thexan’s Armor
Belt -  Thexan’s Armor
Boots -  Thexan’s Armor
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barbarella3d · 5 years
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Selections from the closet of Cipher Nine
I like to have an outfit for every significant part of my characters’ stories and i feel like my agent is particularly spoiled. She’s got 4 more outfits (a casual Kelly, a flirty casual Kelly, a formal, and a military formal), but I don’t think they’re particularly noteworthy. Also I got bored editing these. Outfit descriptions and pieces listed under cut. 
1. Red Blade
Red Blade’s Helmet
Red Blade’s Chestguard
Primeval Stalker’s Gloves (matched)
Scout Trooper Belt
Thana Vesh’s Leggings
Red Blade’s Boots
Zakuulan Exile’s Blaster Rifle + Red Crystal
Updated the Red Blade’s outfit. Would it make more sense to just use the whole Red Blade set? yes. But the texture and resolution on that set is awful (just Look at that red panty like thing on the front) and also I bought the Primeval Stalker’s set years ago only to realize I didn’t really like it, so it’s high time it got some use.
2. Cipher Agent
Black Efficiency Scanner 
Intelligence Officer Jacket (Black / Medium Gray)
Clandestine Officer Bracers (matched)
Clandestine Officer Gloves  (matched)
Dramassian Aegis Sash (matched)
Formal Militant’s Pants (matched)
Intelligence Officers Boots (matched)
DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle + Imperial Red Crystal + Strap Tuning 
Regular day to day agent look. 
3. Field Ops
Remnant Resurrected Agent’s Headgear
Republic Protector’s Armor (Black / Medium Gray)
Outlander Maverick’s Gloves (matched)
Remnant Underworld Trooper’s Belt 
Covert Cipher’s Greaves  (matched)
Intelligence Officer Boots
DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle + Imperial Red Crystal + Strap Tuning 
Pretty basic field look. I also have a dressed down version I call Urban Ops. This one is a bit chunkier and has more utility. 
4. “Resistance” “Fighter” 
Martial Pilgrim Circlet 
Resistance Fighter’s Jacket 
Imperial Battle Ace Pilot Bracers (matched)
Resistance Fighter’s Gauntlets 
Remnant Yavin Agent Belt (matched)
Secret Agent’s Pants
Remnant Arkanian Smuggler’s Boots (Primary Medium Gray)
Ordtech F7 Blaster Rifle + Desert Green Crystal + Strap Tuning 
Another field outfit so its gotta have them pockets for Utility or what have you. Also in the picture the bracers are unmatched w h o o p s. They’re green and gray not red and gray. Fits a lot better. I could find a better blaster rifle, but I won’t. 
5. Tatooine Threads
Outlander Scavanger’s Headgear
Enigmatic Hero’s Robes
Xoxaan’s Wristwraps (matched, but BARELY visible underneath the gloves)
Martial Pilgrim Gloves (matched)
Reclusive Master’s Clasp (matched)
Jarael’s Pants
Drifter Boots
Ordtech F7 Blaster Rifle + Desert Green Crystal + Strap Tuning 
REALLY happy with this outfit, actually. Again, there’s probably a better rifle to fit with this look but I simply Cannot justify spending anymore money on this toon. 
6. Merc
Remnant Underworld Knight’s Headgear (matched)
Mandalore The Preserver’s Chets Plate
Silent Ghost’s Gloves (matched)
Remnant Yavin Consular’s Belt  (matched)
Exar Kun’s Greaves  (matched)
Exar Kun’s Boots (matched)
Ordtech F7 Blaster Rifle + Farmhand Blue Crystal + Strap Tuning 
Surprisingly difficult to find stampable merc armor that doesn’t immediately read as Mandalorian. The rifle + crystal combo is Fine on this outfit. 
7. Codename: Legate 
Remnant Underworld Knight’s Headgear 
Rugged Infantry Breastplate (Coldweather Dye)
Carth Onasi’s Bracers (matched)
Rugged Infantry Gauntlets (matched)
Charismatic Mandalorian’s Belt (matched)
Rugged Infantry Pants (White / Light Gray)
Remnant Arkanian Smuggler’s Boots (matched)
Ordtech F7 Blaster Rifle + Farmhand Blue Crystal + Strap Tuning 
I DO like the blaster and crystal use on this outfit. Its basically a reskin of an outfit I use on my scoundrel, but I don’t care at this point. 
8. Subzero
Intelligence Agent’s Helmet (matched)
Tempest Warden’s Breastplate (White / Light Gray)
Hoth Defender’s Gloves
Hoth Defender’s Belt
Hoth Defender’s Snow Pants
Hoth Defender’s Treads
DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle + Imperial Red Crystal + Strap Tuning 
Cold weather gear. I’m wearing too many Hoth Defender pieces for my liking, but I cannot for the life of me find a belt I like better so it stays for now. 
9. Timeskip 
Red Efficiency Scanner 
Intelligence Agent’s Breastplate (White / Black) 
Clandestine Officer Bracers 
Clandestine Officer Gloves 
Remnant Resurrected Warrior’s Belt  (matched)
Covert Cipher’s Greaves (matched)
Intelligent Agent’s Boots (matched)
DLA-13 Heavy Blaster Rifle + Imperial Red Crystal + Strap Tuning 
New Empress, new look. Played around with robot legs but couldn’t find any I like. 
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paradife-loft · 7 years
I am perpetually salty about the amount of art/cosplay/whatever existing for Darth Talon compared to Darth Maladi. fuck off with your sexy bullshit, I want love for the mad scientist interrogation specialists, chop chop >:|
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motheatenscarf · 6 years
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The Closet of Eschatallia Soranus
The Wrath: Adorn yourself in many spikes to keep the other Sith from finding out what a soft and squishy sap you are deep down.
Apprentice: Hasn’t quite earned her spikes yet.
Lord Soranus: Finally earned her title.
Enforcer: Baras’ top assassin. 
Throne Breaker: No more emperors!
Executioner: Hey, what was it the Soranus family was known for again? Oh right, murder.
Streetgear: A Sith’s idea of “casual.”
Terminator: Slightly less imposing and with some sweet shades.
Sparring: For non-lethal ass kickings.
Starfighter Pilot: Do I play Starfighter? No. Will that stop me from making an outfit for it? Also no.
Wampa Skin: At least it’s not a tauntaun!
Commander: Oh right the Alliance is like... a military... thing... you can’t just walk into the war room covered in animal bones.
Regalia: For when you gotta destroy an enemy’s morale by looking better than them more than you gotta just straight up kill ‘em.
Head of Family: Fancy robes with a special trophy. 
Fancypants: An actual evening gown without bones and only the normal amount of pointy! Good job, Tallia!
Weapons: Descendant’s Heirloom Saber (Derelict Purple Hawkeye Crystal/Volatile Weapon Tuning)
Taking up your father’s lightsaber is a proud tradition in Star Wars. It’s probably not supposed to be a trophy from when you stabbed him to death, but it’s a tradition all the same.
Outfit Pieces/breakdowns beneath the cut.
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1. The Wrath
Chest: Primeval Stalker’s Jacket (Black/Light Gray)
Hands: Xoxaan’s Handguards (match)
Waist: Armored Diplomat’s Belt (match)
Legs: B-300 Cybernetic Greaves (match)
Feet: Primeval Stalker’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Feral Visionary’s Wristguards (match)
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2. Apprentice
Chest: Thana Vesh’s Chestguard (Black/Light Gray)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Lana Beniko’s Belt (match)
Legs: Thana Vesh’s Leggings (match)
Feet: Nible Brawler’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Enforcer’s Eyeguard (match)
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3. Lord Soranus
Chest: Tulak Hord’s Chestguard
Hands: Frenzied Zealot’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Visas Marr’s Sash (match)
Legs: Freedon Nadd’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Shadow Disciple’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Resilient Warden’s Rebreather (match)
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4. Enforcer
Chest: Frenzied Warrior’s Breastplate (Black/Black)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Frenzied Warrior’s Belt (match)
Legs: Frenzied Warrior’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Revered Master’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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5. Throne Breaker
Chest: Resilient Warden’s Breastplate (Black/Black)
Hands: Resilient Warden’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Resilient Warden’s Belt (match)
Legs: Resilient Warden’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Resilient Warden’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Resilient Warden’s Rebreather (match)
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6. Executioner
Chest: Ardent Oracle’s Body Armor (Black/Black)
Hands: Revered Master’s Gloves (match)
Waist: Darth Sion’s Sash (match)
Legs: Ardent Oracle’s Legplates (match)
Feet: Revered Master’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Trophy Hunter’s Mask
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7. Streetgear
Chest: Battle Hardened Apprentice’s Tunic (Primary Black)
Hands: Bold Hellion’s Gauntlets (match)
Waist: Martial Pilgrim’s Belt (match)
Legs: Bold Hellion’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Dune Stalker’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Silent Warden’s Bracers (match)
Head: Disabled
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8. Terminator
Chest: Expert Outlaw’s Breastplate
Hands: Expert Outlaw’s Gauntlets
Waist: Distinguished Warden’s Belt (match)
Legs: Expert Outlaw’s Greaves
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Stylish Defender’s Goggles (match)
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9. Sparring
Chest: Darth Sion’s Pauldron (Black/Light Brown)
Hands: Darth Sion’s Vambrace (match)
Waist: Darth Sion’s Sash (match)
Legs: Sith Recluse Greaves (match)
Feet: Mandalore the Indomitable Boots (match)
Wrists: Jori Daragon’s Bracers (match)
Head: Disabled
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10. Starfighter Pilot
Chest: Alliance Reconnaissance Breastplate
Hands: Expert Outlaw Gauntlets
Waist: Dust Storm Survivor’s Belt (match)
Legs: Zakuulan Specialist’s Greaves (match)
Feet: Intelligence Officer Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Enigmatic Operative’s Rebreather
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11. Wampa Skin
Chest: Hailstorm Brotherhood Jacket (Primary Black)
Hands: Hailstorm Brotherhood Gloves (match)
Waist: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Belt (match) 
Legs: Contraband Runner’s Pants (match)
Feet: Mandalore the Indomitable’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Bracers (match)
Head: Hailstorm Brotherhood Helmet (match)
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12. Commander
Chest: Formal Militant’s Jacket (Black/Black)
Hands: Saul Karath’s Gloves (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Formal Militant’s Belt (match)
Legs: Formal Militant’s Pants (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (match)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Disabled
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13. Regalia
Chest: Jori Daragon’s Tunic (Secondary Black)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Jori Daragon’s Belt
Legs: Basic Women’s Trunks (Black/Light Brown)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Zakuulan Security’s Headband (match)
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14. Head of Family
Chest: Wicked Huntress’ Robes (Black/Dark Purple)
Hands: Marka Ragnos’ Gauntlets (Black/Light Brown)
Waist: Thexan’s Belt (match)
Legs: Wicked Huntress’ Pants (match)
Feet: Satele Shan’s Boots (Black/Light Brown)
Wrists: Non-Visible
Head: Temple Guardian’s Helmet (match)
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15. Fancypants
Chest: Sensuous Dress Top (Black/Black)
Hands: Squadron Leader’s Gloves (match)
Waist: Covert Waist Energy Armor
Legs: Visas Mar’s Lower Robes (match)
Feet: Genteel Dress Shoes (match)
Wrists: Luxury Dress Cuffs (match)
Head: Sorcerer’s Headgear (match)
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far-away-stars · 6 years
NPC ask - All of them you feel like answering for Mantiika?
Lord Mantiika at your service! :D
1. Would they be recruitable?
Yes, though it would need for the recruiter to choose the right conversation path, and it would probably way harder for a non Force sensitive character.
2. Would they be a class specific character? (ie. Imperial Agent only. Republic character only)
Not precisely, but they would probably have more conversational choices with a Force Sensitive and more choices to uncover her background. The Jedi and Sith classes are probably also the only classes that could end the recruitment mission killing or attempting to kill Mantiika.
3. When would you recruit them? Vanilla story? an Expac? Post KOTET?
Probably a expac, simply because her lore is “old” and would require an expac to go back to something relevant to the very beginning of the Great Galactic War and further back.
4.Where would you recruit them from?
Illum, following clues from cave to cave.
5. What would their recruitment mission be?
Find a special kyber crystal for her collection. Not an easy task.
6. What would be their original recruitment outfit?
Probably a darker and less heavy-looking version of the Tribal Hermit armor. More decorations and less layers, probably a sort of mix up with the Xoxaan armor.
7. Would there be a character they don’t like? Would that cause you to choose sides?
They will generally push for Force-sensitivity leadership. Probably then more Imperial side (if we are accounting Acina v Jace Malcom, but also Emperor v Senate, probably.), though she would approve of the Jedi Council taking power over the republic somehow as well.
8. Are they romancable? Why/why not?
Essentially yes. Only towards Force Sensitive women though. It would take a bit to have her grow soft to the character, but she feels things deeply and is very categorical in her choices.
9. What would they say if you clicked on them?
“Don’t waste my time.” “Simple words lack power.” “Did you hear it?” “I’m at your side.”
10. Do they know any other in game characters? (ie. trained under Satele Shan during the civil war. Knew Talos before he went to Hoth)
She would see Satele Shan at the Temple, at the time when they were both padawan, so she is somehow familiar of her. But in general she is bad with names and faces and hardly cares about people, so no.
11. What weapon(s) would they have?
Her lightsaber. It’s a reviewed version of the one she had as a jedi, rebuilt in time with many pieces from powerful weapons and forges. It wields a purple crystal.
12. Are they better as a tank, healer or DPS?
Healer, it’s truly her only use in combat, she never trained herself to fight. She can guide the Force to turn back to unmarred skin or simply will a body to function despite its wound like she would a puppet.
13. What gifts do they Love? Like? What would they say when you gave them a gift?
Cultural Artifacts. Weapons and trophies to a certain degree, mostly for the stories they tell. - “I will learn from this.” “I’m thankful.” “I have dreamt of this. It is more than I could hope.”
14. What would they say if you sent them away/changed them out?
“You will need me again.” “It’s time for me to leave.” “It won’t be long before the circle turns again.”
15. What do they say when they heal you? What do they say when they are attacking?
“It’s not your time yet.” “This can’t hurt you.’ “You are made anew.” - “Perish.” “You won’t make a sound.”
16. What’s their idle chatter like? Do they talk a lot (when you arrive on each planet) or do they suddenly say something in some strange places?
“Stop. it is coming.” “There are tears in the wind. The war is far from over.” “It’s too late. It wasn’t meant to be fought.” - Definitely more likely to suddenly say something in some strange places.
17. What letter’s would they send post vanillia class story/SOR/KOTFE
You burn bright, and I can see you. It’s fire and torment and strain and you will be consumed and you will collapse. Do not fear. It’s how galaxies are born. You burn bright and the world burns with you. Your heat, your love can#t reach me now, but I will never stray away. I know you live. I will find you. My star.
Eternally yours.
18. If they are recruitable in vanilla story, where are they during KOTFE/TET? What are/were they doing?
Looking for artifacts. Travelling far from the Zakuul forces, she hates them with determination.
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
Quick question, but I was wondering in the latest chapter of rwtf, padme seems to be getting visions of her as empress. Is that xoxaan just manipulating her (makes sense) or something prophetic? Also, when the mandos wake up, will they swear loyalty to her permanently or shift toward sinker with time? I ask since their kotr era, the darksaber means nothing to them. If its the former, would naboo wind up home to an expat Mando population?
It was manipulation, yes. And the frozen Mandalorians followed Revan because they considered him the true Mand'alor, since he beat Mand'alor the Ultimate. Darksaber aside, Sinker beat the person who was considered the Mand'alor, so he inherited the title. They'll follow him, not Padme.
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blackkatmagic · 3 years
OMGG kat i JUST got to read the rwlf update and !!!????!?!? fucking XoXaan!?!!!!???? u are such a legend for this. also kycina’s reaction to feral and wolffe has me SOBBINGG. also just kycina in general. 11/10 loved it thank u so much for existing.
Feral and Kycina gives me so many feelings, and I cannot wait for the Maul and Kycina meeting, too. It's going to be epic.
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